  • 7/26/2019 0000000Universal Cosmic Law


    Universal Cosmic Law

    The Seven Principles




    Accessed: December 14, 2009



    Summary of Contents

    The Great Principle of:


    THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is MentalBy Correspondence: The Crown Chakra and the Pituitary Gland

    F ir st gland to appear in the Human Embryo.


    As above, so below; as below, so above.By Correspondence: The Brow Chakra and the Pineal Gland

    The Pineal gland produces " Melatonin " that controls the waking and sleeping cycles.


    Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.

    By Correspondence: The Throat Chakra and the Thyroid GlandThe Thyroid gland produces " Thyroxin" to convert oxygen and food in to usable



    Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of

    opposites like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature,

    but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all

    paradoxes may be reconciled.

    By Correspondence: The Heart Chakra and the Thymus GlandThe Thymus gland produces " T cel ls" for the immune system of the body.,%20or%20MIND,%20or%20MIND,%20or%20MIND
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    V. RHYTHM (The Cycles)

    Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and

    fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the

    swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm

    compensates.By Correspondence: The Naval Chakra and the Adrenal Gland

    The Adrenal gland produces " Hydrocortisone" that regulates the use of food and

    helps the body adjust to stress.


    Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything

    happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not

    recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the

    Law.By Correspondence: The Spleen Chakra and the Lyden or Spleen

    The Spleen produces " Macrophages" to cleanse the blood and is vital to the immune

    system of the body and a person' s health.


    Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine

    Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.By Correspondence: The Root Chakra and the Sacral or Reproductive Glands of

    Male and Female in all Species.

    The reproductive organs of " male and female" in all L if e forms that exist.



    We overcome the lower laws, by applying still higher ones --and in this way only.

    But we cannot escape Law or rise above it entirely. Nothing but THE ALL can

    escape Law --and that because THE ALL is LAW itself, from which all Laws


    The most advanced Masters may acquire the powers usually attributed to the gods

    of men; and there are countless ranks of being, in the great hierarchy of life, whose

    being and power transcends even that of the highest Masters among men to a

    degree unthinkable by mortals, but even the highest Master, and the highest Being,

    must bow to the Law, and be as Nothing in the eye of THE ALL. So that eventhese highest Beings, whose power exceed even those attributed by men to their
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    At the moment we are living in a time that will display the very best and

    the very worst in humans with a increasingly widening gap between the

    two aspects in all levels of society as humans become increasingly

    polarized in groups according to their conduct and choices in Life. It is

    similar to the gathering and separation of wheat from the tares. It is a

    process of separation between the considerate and kind person from the

    egocentric person, the loving from the hateful, the benevolent from

    malevolent etc., as each will be gathered according to their choices and

    work. The Mental Law of POLARITY and CAUSE AND EFFECT will

    bundle each of them together in a Polarizing process while CAUSE AND

    EFFECT will cause the just compensation according to the choices.

    Nothing can escape THE LAW. There is a gnashing of teeth by those

    who have become trapped in the lower parts of human nature and who

    are unable to climb out of their pit. One will be blessed with a long Life

    while the other is in danger of becoming terminated in physical death.

    You can rest assured that THE LAW will take a hand in bringing change

    in all things, slow as it maybe. It is slow only because humans are

    resistant to change and are reluctant to put their trust into a something

    that is not visible to their eyes or at least a something that resembles the

    human form. They will suffer while relying on their own intellect to

    navigate through Life. The SPIRIT of THE ALL cannot force its will

    upon humans because it is not possible for SPIRIT to violate its own

    LAW in that humans are free moral agents to choose as they wish

    without any interference from SPIRIT even if it brings destruction.Therefore are humans responsible in what they choose in Life and

    whatever path they may take with the resulting "Cause and Effect" in the

    consequences that follow (dharma/karma). Nevertheless, no human can

    stand in one place in the Rhythm of time as the "power" in the

    evolutionary process will drive them upward and onward and today's

    events will be swallowed up in the record of history.

    THE LAW of SPIRIT is perpetual, immutable, and self administering. It

    does not have government, policemen, courts and jails to enforce its LAWfor maintaining order. THE LAW of SPIRIT is no respecter of persons,

    religions, governments, institutions, race, or ethnic background. All are

    subject to The LAW of Omnipresent SPIRIT without regard for special

    treatment or favoritism.

    We must remember that all of us exist and live upon this seemingly

    insignificant infinitesimal little dot called planet earth that is suspended

    in the enormous vastness of surrounding universal space sprinkled with

    suns, worlds, and galaxies that move with enormous and frightening

    velocity through space including our own Milky way galaxy. What do wesuppose is the power that drives and move all these things? Imagine how

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    small, limited, and deceiving the perception of our ocular reality by

    thinking that what we see is all there is....

    Because of the various dividing aspects of organized religion, as many of

    them are divided, disagreeing, debating, and bickering amongst

    themselves, it is a necessity that religion and government remain separate

    lest one religion becomes dominant and assuring their own advancement

    while making sure that the other should not succeed by manipulating the

    law of the land in their favor and causing additional suffering to humans

    who may not share their fanatical religious views.


    The ancient Hermetists have never sought to be martyrs, and have, instead, sat

    silently aside with pitying smile on their closed lips, while the "heathen raged

    noisily about them" in their customary amusement of putting to death and torturethe honest but misguided enthusiasts who imagined that they could force upon a

    race of barbarians the truth capable of being understood only by the elect who had

    advanced along The Path.

    And the spirit of persecution has not yet died out in the land. There are certain

    Hermetic Teachings, which, if publicly promulgated, would bring down upon the

    teachers a great cry of scorn and revilement from the multitude, who would again

    raise the cry of "Crucify! Crucify!"

    Three Initiates


    "The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these,

    understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the

    Doors of the Temple (the human body)fly open."The Kybali on

    The allegory of, "The Seven spirits of GOD," "The Seven candle sticks of

    the menorah." The Book of Revelati on

    The Seven major CHAKRA system and associated endocrine glands

    manifested in the Human body and all lower life forms. The Arcanum

    The perpetual manifested cyclic " finger prin t" of SPIRIT: The "Seven"

    musical notes, The "Seven" days of the week, the "Seven" years of

    complete cellular renewal of the human body. The Arcanum

    The "seventh" letter "G" in the alphabet is the first letter in the name G-

    O-D. Seven denotes a number of completions such as in the "Seven"

    Principles of COSMIC LAW that holds the Universe together. The Seven

    Principles is an indication of the inseparable and immutable"Omnipresence" of SPIRIT in the Universe and within all of us without

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    exceptions or exclusions. We see the evidence of The SPIRIT'S power in

    the motion of all celestial bodies in the macrocosm such as the Exploding

    quasars, swirling galaxies and hurdling worlds, including our own Earth,

    while everything moves through space with unimaginable velocity and the

    constant motion and vibration of atomic particles in the microcosm. All

    of this is the work of INFINITE SPIRIT. Imagine certain arrogant

    megalomaniacal humans that equate to the size of an insignificant

    infinitesimal gnat in view of all these things when compared to the size

    and power of SPIRIT. When attending church, synagogue, temple,

    mosque, bear these things in Mind because you can help each other

    advance in the Knowledge of SPIRIT and help struggling humanity for a

    meaning in Life and create a pollution free planet that is peaceful and

    prosperous not only for ourselves but for the future generations who are

    dependent on what we do today. The key to this is the Unity of Mind that

    can only be accomplished through the Knowledge and understanding ofSPIRIT. It is the only key that will melt the territorial tendencies of

    country, religion, and individual arrogance towards one another.

    SPIRIT cannot be left out of the equation in our efforts because it is the

    only power that transcends human limitations and the superficiality of

    shaky written negotiations between countries. It is the only power that

    can establish trust between all of us. Why is SPIRIT not communicating

    with all of us? Because not all of us are listening to what SPIRIT has to

    say. We are too busy engaging in polluting our Minds with the

    egocentricity of religious noise and war. We have taken the helm of the

    INFINITE in our own lives and we live as if there is no God. Therefore,

    are we not good captains or stewards of our ship as we are making a mess

    out of ourselves and our planet. It is not without the horrifying

    consequences of CAUSE AND EFFECT. The default manifestation of

    SPIRIT is in the unconditional creation and preservation of Universal

    LIFE and prosperity for all humans without exception. We create

    poverty because of our ignorance of the abundance of SPIRIT and

    because of shortsighted greed that will prevent us from recognizing our

    own wealth and we are found in wanton and turn to the dark side in the

    futility of low passions and appetites for survival....


    Man if he chooses, may excel the beasts in bestiality --he may descend to depths of

    which the beast would never have thought. The beast is governed solely by

    instinct, and his actions, so prompted, are perfectly natural and proper, and the

    animal is not blamed for following the impulses of its nature. But man, in whom

    intellect has unfolded, knows that it is contrary to his highest nature to descend to

    the level of the beasts --yea, lower by far. He adds to the brute desires the cunning

    and intelligence which have come to him, and deliberately prostitutes his higher

    principle to the task of carrying out the magnified animal propensities. Very few

    animals abuse their desires --it is left for some men to do so. The higher the degree

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    of intellect unfolded in man, the greater the depths of low passions, appetites, and

    desires possible to him. He actually creates new brute desires, or rather builds

    edifices of his own upon the brute foundations....

    ....which will result in the soul having to spend many weary years in retracing its

    steps over the backward road it has trodden. Its progress has been retarded, andit will be compelled to re-travel the road to freedom, in common with the beast like

    natures of undeveloped creatures whose proper state of the journey it is, having an

    additional burden in the shape of the horror of consciousness of its surroundings,

    whereas its companions have no such consciousness and consequently suffer not.

    Yogi Ramacharaka

    Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy (1903)

    The "unwritten" Law of the Universe, known as the "Seven Hermetic

    Principles," master key of the Ageless Arcane Wisdom.... an illumined

    perception of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS beyond space, time, and the

    material world of form and force. The human Mind has its existence

    solely within the Universal Cosmic MIND of THE ALL and is compelled

    to abide along the lines of firmly established mental principles in order to

    function properly and efficiently. The LAW written on this web page

    deals with the powerful forces and cycles of Nature and the underlying

    causation of Principles that governs all of surrounding Nature, the

    human Mind and its behavior, and the inescapable consequences that

    follow. The Seven Principles are universal in nature and its effects can be

    observed by the mindful and careful observer in the Great Physical Plane

    by observing the behavior of electrical energy, light, gravity, the

    attraction and repulsion of atomic particles which can be mathematically

    defined with great precision when fully understood. In the Great Mental

    Plane the Seven Principles manifest, rule, and govern the seven major

    Chakra system of the human body in the manifestation of man and

    woman upon the physical plane and is responsible for the sustenance of

    the body in the efficient utilization of air, water, food and the properdistribution of energy throughout the body and the upward or Divine-

    ward evolutionary advancement of humans. Disease is the result of an

    interference of this subconscious process when an improper Mind is

    maintained and the organs starve and degenerate because they are

    unable to utilize energy properly. Stress, because of one thing or another

    is a good example of an "interference." The manifestation of male and

    female in all species, and their sexual behavior in its various colors and

    shades, is ruled by the Seventh Principle of GENDER and is accompanied

    by the consequential effects of the Sixth Principle of CAUSE AND


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    The Earth is suspended in the heavens and moves thru space, time, and

    the immutable perpetual change of evolution surrounded by infinite

    fathomless space permeated by the extremely tenuous ethereal web of

    SPIRIT. It is subject to the SPIRIT'S manifestation of Universal

    Principles and creative efforts of which nothing can escape its enormous

    presence. Our seemingly physical reality or material world of "solid

    objects" is in truth not as material or as solid as we think or believe that

    it is because our entire "material world," including ourselves, are

    composed of atomic particles that emerge from an invisible field of

    Universal Energy. Nuclear particles that momentarily appear, then

    disappear back into the field of energy from whence it came. This

    process is repeated with unimaginable rapidity and is the physical world

    we see and are familiar with in our daily lives without giving it further

    thought. This process is The GREAT CREATOR at work in the

    manifestation of our lives, our Earth, and the Universe as we are able tounderstand and perceive it. As we all can see, it takes power and energy

    to make these things happen and physical reality cannot be without it for

    even a miniscule moment. Knowing this, how is it that humanity can be

    so violent towards each other except for gross ignorance, being that we all

    appear from the same field of energy and we all return to it every

    moment of our lives?

    There are underlying causations to which most humans remain oblivious

    to its reality and consequently it is nonexistent to them. The

    Subconscious Mind edits and removes from the Mind the things that theindividual "believes" to be non-existent and tailors its perception of

    reality according to his or her beliefs. It is because of this difference in

    belief systems that the world suffers from violence, war and strife. Unity

    of Mind in humanity can only be accomplished when it is understood that

    the Universe operates by firmly established Principles of SPIRIT that are

    independent of an individual's beliefs or religion. These Principles affect

    the Human Mind in the choices that it makes and the resulting events

    that follow in its reality and is closely connected to the surrounding

    environment of Nature. When the Human Mind can recognize andunderstand these Principles of SPIRIT, it has acquired a "mental

    compass" which needle will always point in the same direction no matter

    which way a man or woman turns. Beliefs are replaced by

    KNOWLEDGE and no matter how many humans acquire this "mental

    compass," all their needles will always point in the same direction

    because The LAWS of SPIRIT are universal in application and is no

    respecter of persons, religion, beliefs, skin color, ethnic background,

    government, or nation. This LAW operates in the Human Mind no

    matter what its choices are or whether or not it is aware of the Principles

    because all of us humans and the "matter" of our physical world isholographically connected to the INFINITE CREATOR and nothing can

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    escape its INFINITE presence. All of reality that we are able to perceive

    or not perceive in our current conscious awareness depends upon this

    INFINITE SPIRIT and its Principles for the sustenance, maintenance,

    and existence of all Life and keeps the Universe in perfect and absolute

    order in the aspect of constant Creation and Manifestation. SPIRIT is

    the only "constant" that does not change along with the evolution of the

    Universe, in fact, SPIRIT is the CAUSE of the evolution of the Universe

    because IT does not allow anything to "stand still." This is the mark of

    SPIRIT, that GOD may be seen in all things.... All of humanity lives,

    moves, and have their being within the SPIRIT of GOD --an immutable

    and inescapable answer to the meaning of Life.

    It is believed that humans are increasingly becoming one with God as

    they progress Spiritually. The truth is, that we are not "increasingly"

    becoming one with THE ALL. The "becoming" is in the awakening ofour consciousness and awareness that we have always been one with the

    SPIRIT OF THE ALL. Even before physical manifestation are we all in

    SPIRIT because THE ALL is an inescapable reality that defies space,

    time, and perpetual change. In other words, we cannot think in terms of

    space and time when think of GOD because time as well as space is

    constantly changing thru the process of evolution. Time as we

    understand it is based on the rotation of the Earth around its own axes as

    well as its rotation around the Sun that we perceive as a day and a year

    respectively. This perception of time only applies to our own Earth. How

    shall we measure time when we travel to the Pleiades for example? Do wego by Earth time? By what other means do we measure time? Which

    perception of time should we utilize? Then, there is the problem of being

    a mortal Human that limits its accomplishments. You see, time is an

    illusion and is therefore a relative aspect of Space and its contents. When

    we think of THE ALL, we cannot think in terms of Space, Time, and

    Perpetual Change or Evolution as we understand it. We must rethink

    and learn to understand the true definition of "Eternal" --in the absence

    of time. This is a very difficult task for the conditioned Human

    Consciousness and its gravitational bound perception of reality. It is theperception of a mortal Human race....

    Science views the Universe in terms of Earth time because there are no

    other known ways of relative time measurements. Because of this, do

    they utilize " li ght years"when they measure distances between celestial

    bodies in the Universe. It the only way to make sense of measuring

    enormous vast distances. Our own galaxy which measures 100,000 light

    years across is so vast that we measure distances between the stars in

    terms of li ght years. A light year is based on "Earth time" and is the only

    way that we can make sensible measurements between celestial bodies inthe Universe. L ight yearsare utilized by science because it is not possible

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    to measure in miles or kilometers when we have numbers with twenty

    digits or more. Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second,

    that is almost eight times around the earth in one second. It would still

    take a 100,000 years of travel to traverse our own Milky way Galaxy at

    that velocity. This is not possible for mortal man to accomplish. These

    are unimaginable distances to the average person. If the Universe is

    unimaginably huge, imagine the size of THE ALL in whose INFINITE

    MIND the Universe is held; the God that people worship in their favorite

    church, temple, or mosque. They have no idea of The SPIRIT'S absolute

    presence. When a person comes to KNOW and UNDERSTAND the

    reality of THE ALL, their mundane religious beliefs becomes silenced in

    their own Minds as they awaken to the realization that they are always

    standing in the inescapable and absolute presence of THE MOST HIGH.

    Our ultimate task in Life then is to master the lower parts of our ownNature and utilizing The Seven Great Principles which rule the Chakra

    system within us and manifests the physical body and its associated

    organs. To become the Master of our own Life is what we are here in

    physical Life for. Hopefully, we can accomplish this before entropy and

    decay claims our bodies. Therefore, is time utilization in our lives critical

    in accomplishing this and depends on how much we spend of our time in

    the advancement of Spiritual Knowledge. It is based on our own personal

    choices in Life for which each of us are ultimately responsible for the

    consequential results. Humans have complete freedom to choose the

    things in Life whether or not it is good or evil. If it is evil, they will haveto deal with the law of the land and is an aspect of the lower parts of

    Human Nature. Should they successfully escape the law of the land, they

    will not escape the operations of The SEVEN PRINCIPLES of Cosmic

    Law to which the Chakra system of our bodies is infinitely connected.

    This is the meaning of GOD within all of us --"We live, move, and have

    our being within GOD." An inescapable reality....

    There are those who have walked the path before us and who have

    accomplish self-mastery and who are not members of the collectivemindset of our race consciousness. They have risen above the race

    consciousness and are the masters of their own mental habits. They are

    not bound by space and time or gravity because they have escaped for the

    most part the perpetual change of Evolution by rapidly ascending on the

    scale of Life. They have become as gods, the gods of their own being.

    Though, they are as gods and rule on their own plane, they can never be

    THE ALL in whom they live, move, and have their being. Mastery does

    not mean that one human will rule another human. It is not possible for

    humans to rule or exert power upon anything outside of their own

    consciousness when they cannot even rule and discipline the mentalhabits of their own Minds in the Mental art of Self-Mastery. How shall

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    this type of person extend his or her own influence beyond their own

    Minds upon other humans and the environment in which they live, when

    they have not even learned to accomplish the Mental art of Self-Mastery

    and they live undisciplined lives ruled by the swinging pendulum of

    RHYTHM? The concept of personal power in the Spiritually

    undeveloped Human Mind is for the most part superficial, non-enduring,

    subject to rapid change and mood-swings, is potentially hazardous to

    their health and well being and could terminate in disembodiment

    because they are unable to utilize "power" properly. Hitler and Stalin

    are examples of this. Where are they now? Both have turned to dust and

    there are others today who will follow in their footsteps. This is the path

    of ignorant mortal man.

    Only THE ALL will always remain, constantly manifesting and

    governing the Universe in ABSOLUTE POWER, even long after theEarth has vanished from the Milky Way Galaxy in the ebb and tides of

    perpetual change. Only those who know THE ALL and are immortal

    Masters of Life will always remain in the manifested Universe. What will

    their concept of reality be? What will they see and understand? All this

    will remain a secret behind the veil of our own Mentalism until we

    ourselves arrive as the "Masters of Life" and we can understand. We

    would be as gods --"Know ye not, that ye are gods?" (Jesus)

    The accomplishment of physical Immortality is in the ability of Self-

    Mastery through Spiritual Knowledge by rising above the death-grip ofthe mortal race consciousness and is a transcendence above space, time,

    and perpetual change. How is this possible one might ask? The answer

    is, because "THE ALL IS MIND, The Universe is Mental."

    Always keep an open Mind. One never knows what will come their way

    when the Mind is opened to the influx of SPIRIT.

    J. R. Seydel

    The Ancient Wisdom of Hermes and the manifestation of "humans" and


    13. For the Mind being God, [THE ALL], Male and Female [the Principle of

    Gender], Life and Light [SPIRIT], brought forth by his Word; another Mind [a

    Spirit; a ray of Light, a Life from the great Central Sun], the Workman [the Soul];

    which being God of the Fire, and the Spirit, fashioned and formed seven other

    Governors, which in their Circles [the Chakras] contain the Sensible World [the

    manifestation of human consciousness and the five bodily senses into the PhysicalPlane], whose Government or Disposition is called Fate or Destiny [the freedom,%20or%20MIND,%20or%20MIND
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    and responsibility of humanity's thinking and actions; the consequences that

    follow as governed by Mental LAW; "Cause and Effect" and the "Fate or

    Destiny" in the evolution of humans].

    .14. Straightway leaped out, or exalted itself [man's distinct physical manifestation

    from the lower Planes of Being and Elements] from the downward-born Elementsof God [the continuous downward manifestation of physical matter], the Word of

    God [active Universal Cosmic Law] into the clean and pure Workmanship of

    Nature, and was united to the Workman, Mind [humans and their surrounding

    environment of Nature], for it was Consubstantial; and so the downward born

    Elements of Nature were left without Reason [the lowering degrees of vibratory

    energy and the diminishing consciousness of atomic particles], that they might be

    the only Matter [The atomic composition of the Great Physical Plane as perceived

    and interpreted by the human Mind; the utilization of sensory perception of eyes,

    ears, nose, mouth, and skin, of the body (consciousness) to interact with the

    surrounding environment and other humans]. The loss of the body or

    disembodiment deprives a person, specifically, of "Conscious Life." It is not a lossof Life because LIFE is perpetual and without discontinuity; it can never be lost.

    It can only change the perception and experience of Conscious Life because it is

    subject to the Principle of RHYTHM.]

    Divine Pymander (1650) Page 34

    This should solve the question of which came first --"the chicken or the egg?"

    Recent Scientific Discovery Regarding

    The Universe and Dark MatterIs Physics and Astronomy Looking at "INFINITE SPIRIT" and ITS

    Creative Manifestation of the Physical Universe?


    EXPERIMENT(Cambridge University)

    An experiment was conducted by CambridgeUniversityutilizing a lead

    shielded and airtight Faraday chamber to conduct a particle experiment.

    In theory, if the internal chamber was pumped down to a vacuum

    environment such as in space and the temperature reduced to absolute

    zero (-460F), all particles should stop vibrating and there should be no

    energy present in the chamber. What was discovered with their

    instrumentation is that the chamber contained an enormous amount ofenergy according to their experiment, so much of it, that if it were
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    possible to fill the inside glass bulb of a 100 watt light, there would be

    sufficient energy to bring the Earth's oceans to a boiling point. Now,

    imagine that the Universe is full of this free flowing energy. How many

    100 watt light bulbs do we need? This experiment shows that there is an

    Omnipotent and Infinite presence in the Universe that is incalculable

    because our brain is too small and extremely limited in perceiving such

    an enormous presence. The most brilliant of humans only utilize 10% of

    brain capacity while the rest of us may only utilize three or four percent.

    Is it a wonder why most humans live in "unconsciousness," completely

    unaware of the reality they live in? Could this gross lack of conscious

    awareness (mentally dormant) cause the problems we experience in our

    world? How will we communicate with such a large non-local presence

    that does not display the physical features of the human body or any

    other body for that matter? Talking to "thin air" is a definite no-no in

    science because there is no particular body to speak to. Talking to thinair would be ridiculous to science; besides, there will be no response from

    the "thin air." There will be no thundering voice coming out of the sky to

    answer the questions of a scientist or any other person. That only exists

    in the imagination of the fundamentalists and their over-enthused

    testimonials. Where do we go to speak to this "Infinite God?"The secret

    lays in the human consciousness to communicate with THE ALL because

    its unconditional presence and power is infused throughout the human

    body and is therefore the closest contact point within all of us.

    We can mentally speak to SPIRIT and it knows our needs even before weask. When asking, it means that we are aware of SPIRIT'S presence and

    we have focused our Minds in the direction of its presence and SPIRIT

    will respond to our communication, that is, if we are listening. The

    response may come as an idea in our brains, a vision, a dream, or an

    unfolding event in our lives. This type of response is far more advanced

    than the slow written or verbal communications because language only

    describes a thought, an event or object, and attempts to emulate

    advanced real time communications which can only occur mentally. The

    SPIRIT'S response is in real time thoughts without the verbalcommunications of language that reach our ears to corrupt and muddle a

    Truth. Once this is established, rapid advancement occurs because we

    can "see" what needs to be accomplished. If we deny what we see, and

    we change it in our thoughts to something else, and we verbally

    communicate that lie, then have we lied against a Truth that will cause

    the Soul to freefall into the lower regions of human nature by its own

    choice and it eventually will fall below that of the animal plane and suffer

    greatly in its ignorance because it is unable to hold onto that Truth as its

    solid footing deteriorates and becomes lost. Lies cannot occur in real-

    time communications because it comes from our Mind and our Mind isat-one with SPIRIT which cannot lie. Verbal communications is an

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    aspect of conscious awareness or the human body, and can be altered into

    a series of un-truths or lies with consequential results that are highly

    undesirable and destructive to the perpetrator of that lie. The

    perpetrator can be a person, persons, community, government and


    All returns are awarded according to CAUSE AND EFFECT. Some

    examples of destructive consequences: greed, lying, cheating, stealing,

    murdering, lying against the Truth, the bestial and rash treatment of

    humans towards other humans, increased human suffering because of

    corrupt and greedy corporate agendas, and others not yet mentioned....

    All of these things occur in the watchful eye of SPIRIT and in time will

    bring increased instability to the world economies if a change in attitude

    does not occur. The forces in Nature are also affected by these negative

    destructive vibrations that disrupt its operation in peaceful harmony andunity to make Life possible for us on our planet. Our sun may be affected

    by the violence that occurs on this planet with increased solar activity and

    the increased appearance of large meteors moving with frightening

    velocity. COSMIC LAW operates in such a manner that it will edit and

    remove the cause of inharmonious forces including suffering created by

    humans or any other entity that will disrupt the unity and harmony that

    operates the Universe. COSMIC LAW always operates to restore

    balance in all things, even in human attitudes. When this re-balancing

    occurs, it may not be a pleasant experience for humans as some will lose

    their Conscious Life in the process. Remember that THE ALL is aspatial INFINITE LIVING MIND in whom we live, move, and have our

    being, that is not limited to the human consciousness or the finite brain

    capacity of humans. It is imperative for the world to know GOD, as

    SPIRIT really is, not as what it is believed to be, if peace and unity is to

    be accomplished. There are no alternatives.... As time goes by, more

    Knowledge will be available about the nature of INFINITE SPIRIT and

    an increased clarity of explanation is possible.

    Please read on....

    Rumors of a Strange Universe

    A Year of Dark Cosmology

    Finding Dark Matter
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    On June 30, 2001 a deep space probe named the Wilkinson Microwave

    Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) was launched from Cape Canaveral Air

    Force Base aboard a Delta II rocket. The purpose of the WMAP probe

    was to accomplish deep space research utilizing X-Ray Cameras to map

    the composition of The Universe. Two years later the results were

    examined and is accurate to within 4% according to WMAP scientists.

    Their findings are as follows:

    DARK ENERGY - 73%

    An extremely tenuous invisible energy that pervades all of universalspace and is the cause of space itself. It is an unexplainable baffling

    mystery to science.

    "THE ALL is M IND; The Universe is Mental"

    The Omnipresent; Omnipotent; Omniscient; SPIRIT of GOD

    Al l that we are, and all that we see around us, is made of SPIRI T i tsel f....The indivisible AT-ONE-MENT of all thi ngs

    DARK MATTER - 23%The invisible powerful grip that keeps galaxies from flying apart as they

    rotate and generates the gravitational force to keep them in a cluster

    formation as they travel through space.

    COSMIC LAW at work in keeping Universal order; The WILL of INF INI TE SPIRIT

    Do we not stand in stupefied awe when we poin t our eyes and observatori es skyward

    at night and observe the awesome power of black holes, quasars, galaxi es, countless

    suns and worl ds moving with un imaginable veloci ty through space? Yet, it appears

    as though nothing is moving?

    I s thi s not the work of the Great Archi tect and Designer of the Un iverse?

    " Be advised, for who is more visible than He who made all things?"

    PHYSICAL MATTER - 4%The familiar particle or material world that we see with our eyes, as we

    live, move, and have our being within it.The Great Physical Plane

    Our marvelous physical r eali ty without consideration of mortal man's bruti sh activity
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    What does all this mean? First, physical matter or the material world as

    we are able to perceive within our current state of consciousness consists

    of only four percentage points of the total reality of the Universe. We are

    not even a 100% aware of our Physical World let alone the other 96% of

    invisible reality. This is a scientific verification that our physical world

    (4%) comes from an invisible reality (96%), not apparent to human eyes.

    This discovery led some scientists to wonder, "Is it science, or is it

    philosophy?" "Are we looking at God?" If science is beginning to

    wonder about this, the religions of the world should take notice and pay

    attention to the WMAP discovery. It will help to know our Spiritual

    reality and bring unity to the diversity of religions when it is discovered

    that there is only ONE GOD. KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH brings

    UNITY, while the theoretical and hypothetical "beliefs" of GOD through

    varying religious belief systems will cause diversity and disagreements.

    While diversity of religions may be a good thing in the views of mostpeople, it must be understood that unity is not accomplished through

    diversity. Each unique race culture may be diverse and is a marvelous

    thing and we can respect and enjoy each other's culture, but this does not

    work in the area of Spiritual KNOWLEDGE because it is non-material in

    nature and is a unifying power that can only be observed in the Human

    Mind. Beliefs will always clash and cause hatred, war, violence, and

    bloodshed because it is intertwined with materialism. We see the

    evidence and result of diversity in our world today in the form of clashes

    between religious beliefs, clashes that cause bloodshed and suffering.

    Change will not occur overnight but can be quickened when the majority

    of humans make their own personal efforts to educate themselves in the

    reality of SPIRIT and how they are inescapably connected. Their efforts

    will help to unify our diverse world that is submerged in ignorance.

    Otherwise, change will be forced through the slowly and painful upward

    evolutionary process of trial and error. Nothing can stand still in the

    cyclic rhythms of time. The well spiritually informed person becomes a

    mover of the chessboard of LIFE instead of being a mere pawn that is

    moved about by forces stronger than themselves. The person who lives

    like the pawn on the chessboard suffers from anxiety, depression, andmay feel robbed of their essence when they are tossed to and fro. Instead

    of seeking Spiritual Knowledge to advance upward and onward, they,

    instead, take a pill that may numb their senses.

    Is the WMAP discovery not the GOD that we live, move, and have our

    being in, the Absolute presence that is known as "THE ALL" to the

    ancient philosophers? Only fragments of The Ancient Knowledge is

    available to us today and much of it has been muddled and corrupted by

    various religious beliefs that have appeared on the scene during the lapse

    of the ages. This important WMAP discovery is not only SpiritualKnowledge but also one of scientific treatment. This scientific discovery

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    should convince the human race that there is a powerful presence in the

    entire Universe that eyes cannot see but can only be perceived by the

    human Mind that can see beyond the range of normal human vision. Not

    only is it present in the entire Universe, but is also present within our

    earthly reality as well as within us and is responsible for the sustenance of

    all Life and living with entities occupying the entire scale of manifested

    LIFE, i.e. humans, animals, vegetation, minerals, etc. It is important to

    see the difference in a God that people believe to exist in their own idea of

    the Creator such as a religious belief system and the true reality that is

    revealing its secrets through scientific research that is now unfolding the

    larger invisible reality that has been presented by WMAP. In the past

    has scientific evidence forced religious conceptions and beliefs of God to

    change in the seventeenth century such as the Galileo incidence with the

    Catholic Church when the Italian astronomer Galileo, who, based on his

    own observation confirmed that the earth is not the center of the Universeor that it is flat. This infuriated the church, which, by declaration made

    the earth the center of the universe and Galileo was kept under house

    arrest for his heretic ideas until he died. Three hundred fifty years later

    Pope John Paul II exonerated Galileo as a heretic after an almost

    forgotten incident of the earlier Catholic Church. It shows that

    organized religion can not continue to clutch to their dogmas and pet

    theories of believes that is counterproductive to the Spiritual

    advancement of the human race when they resist the flow of "constant

    change" that occur on a daily basis. Constant change cannot be muted

    by the continuing ridged beliefs with the belief that evolution is not

    occurring or is non-existent. Evolution is evident in all of Life or else

    history would not be possible and all of matter would stop vibrating.

    Everything in the Universe would stop moving and time would stand

    still. Upward advancement would not be possible and all humans would

    be trapped without the possibility of advancement or growth. Some of

    the Christian denominations have sealed their membership in ignorance

    by saying that the bible is the only truth there is and thus the Creator in

    their concept is limited between the covers of their bible and they are

    unable to connect their bible to the greater reality we all live in. Sadly,many of them have closed their minds because of the fear their

    denomination has instilled in them by telling them that anything outside

    of the bible is of the Devil. This type of a denomination is in fact a cult

    and is self evident in their, mean, fanatical, self-righteous, and defensive

    behavior. Further evidence will show that their walk becomes a

    superficial walk and underhandedness exists between the members of the

    church. Their leaders fall by the wayside because of an unsustainable

    superficial walk that has taught them to take cognizance for the inherited

    tendencies of the early Christian doctrines and the middle age beliefs that

    stymies their onward and upward advancement. This condition canprevent a religious member from recognizing a great Truth because of a

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    theoretical belief for which they have taken premature cognizance rather

    than learning Spiritual Knowledge as it really is. This is easily remedied

    when it is learned that it is best to keep an open Mind free of superstition

    that will allow the Divine inflow of Spiritual Knowledge and a grander

    vista is realized regarding the INFINITE CREATOR. The Spiritually

    developed person knows that all of Life progresses upward as we can see

    in the advancement of technology in just a hundred years of history and

    denotes the rapidly advancing human Mind in its upward advancement

    through the cycles of evolution. Nothing is allowed to stand still; that is

    true evolution. Everything moves upward along the ascending scale of

    Life and its driving force is immutable. The WMAP is an invention of the

    advancing human Mind through time and makes for an interesting

    historical contrast when compared with the horse and buggy days.

    Imagine what an increasingly open Mind can do for the advancement of

    science and the Human race. The learning process is "Infinite" and wewill never stop learning, not even if we live to be a million years old and

    even then the Universe has still not run out of things for us to learn. Only

    THE ALL does not learn anything because it is ABSOLUTE and

    INFINITE in presence. Therefore is THE ALL not subject to the effects

    of evolution because THE ALL is the cause of evolution. Everything that

    we see moves and vibrates and nothing stands still in the Universe but

    back of all these things is the underlying reality of THE ALL who by

    reason of its Absolute and Infinite stature does not move because there

    are no forces outside of itself that can move THE ALL, for there is no

    such thing as anything being outside of THE ALL, in All.

    The WMAP discovery of the composition of the Universe should not

    surprise humans when encountering psychic phenomena, levitation,

    teleportation (traveling in the invisible), UFOs, aliens, ghosts, haunted

    houses, and other strange unexplained anomalies. It is strange only

    because of our superstitious conditioned thinking and our lack of

    knowledge and understanding why such strange phenomena occur.

    There is very little if any scientific research being done in these areas

    partially because science has no logical explanation for these things andthey may not even know where to begin, or, they view it as hogwash. In

    the hogwash state of Mind, much Knowledge will escape the grasp of the

    physicist but will be found again by another who will help the human

    race to advance further along. Denial does not make that reality go away,

    because it defies for the most part scientific treatment. It is easier to

    explain it away as a person's hysteria of mental delirium than it is to

    gather the facts and realistically do research. Stranger phenomenon will

    appear in the near future as humans are becoming more advanced

    thinkers and they maintain an expanded mindset that enables them to see

    the unseen.

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    Today's scientific discovery is more in line with the ancient Hermetic

    Philosophy than the modern day religious thoughts who believe in a

    Creator that exists between the covers of their bible or who only exists

    somewhere in the Universe and is not present within his creation. If this

    is a truth, then their idea or belief cannot be applied to an Infinite

    Creator that is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, because its

    presence is limited and conditional in the Universe. In this fashion has

    organized religious thought failed to comprehend the meaning of an

    "Infinite" and "Omnipotent" living Being whose existence is becoming

    increasingly evident and visible to the Human Mind and eyes. A time will

    come that no man or woman can deny the existence of THE ALL as its

    presence will be known to all nations and they will stand in stupefied awe

    that such an enormous presence is even possible. This Knowledge will be

    in the face of every human that walks on this planet. The religious belief

    regarding a conditional and limited Creator allows the concept of dualitythat God is in heaven above and Satan is in hell below. The concept of

    duality only works within the erring "beliefs" of a conditional and limited

    god that allows room for an entity such as the devil to exist in the same

    reality of the Universe. This idea is false idea and is one of the reasons

    why Christianity is a divided religion and is at odds with the other

    religions of the world as well as science. Science has difficulties with

    dualism because scientific observation of the Universe does not display a

    dualistic reality. If a dualistic view of God is maintained, this allows for

    the superstitious belief that the Devil is a separate entity apart from God.

    By definition of the "Infinite," this is not possible or else the meaning of

    "Infinite" must be redefined. That does not change the Absolute

    Presence of God. Moreover is our Earth the reference point that we use

    for determining where above is and where is below. Outside of our

    reference of the planet that we live on, there is no reference that will

    determine where above or below is, only surrounding fathomless infinite

    space. How then shall we determine where above is or below or where

    left or right is, without the Earth as our beginning reference point? The

    presence of dark energy and dark matter does not provide references for

    dualist thinking because it is non-local in presence, meaning, everywherepresent or "Omnipresent," not confined to any particular locality in

    Space and Time. It is the absolute presence of "THE ALL."

    Monotheism is more in line with the ancient Hermetic Philosophy that

    speaks of the one and only Infinite GOD with no edges or holes in space

    that leaves no room for a lower god such as the Devil as the dualists

    would like to believe. Dualism will eventually fall by the wayside, as it

    becomes another unworkable relic of a Dark Age concept that is of no

    assistance to the human race. This concept can only bring fear and

    superstition to the race consciousness and deepens the mystery of thereality of SPIRIT. Duality will increase the rift between religions, as each

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    religion will invent their own superstitious beliefs that make it impossible

    to silently observe the ONE GOD. It can be compared to the worshipping

    of the golden calf during the time of Moses when he brought the Ten

    Commandments that were received on the mountain. The people of his

    time did not know what to do while Moses was absent from them and

    they created the golden calf so that they have something to worship and

    look up to. That is about as ludicrous as it gets. Today's divided religions

    can be compared to the worshipping of that golden calf that is invented

    and created by mankind's beliefs and resulting superstitions that failed to

    unify the human race but to bring continuous discontent, hatred,

    bloodshed, and war. Unity cannot be accomplished through the varying

    beliefs that divide, but through the Knowledge of The TRUTH.

    Humanity is groping and struggling in their search for a meaning to Life

    in the midst of a crisis of hatred, war, bloodshed, and misinformation thatcaused humanity to be moved about like pawns on the chessboard of Life

    with nothing solid to anchor them to. Many adults and children

    throughout the world are freefalling because of this state of

    consciousness. They have no source of Spiritual Knowledge to draw

    from. Much of that is available to the human race are in the hands of

    egocentric humans who do not promote knowledge of THE ALL, but to

    cater to their own vanity and for profit. Because of this are they easily

    miss-informed and miss-led by leaders who impose their own beliefs and

    who are ignorant themselves. Blind leaders of the blind, they all fall into

    the same ditch of perdition. Today, unchanging and rigid religious beliefshave been inadequate to assist humans in a meaningful and lasting walk

    through Life in a constantly changing world, particularly when their

    religious leaders, the ones they look up to and trust, fall by the wayside

    because of a stray walk in the dark side of Human Nature and causing

    their membership to lose their footing and freefalling in betrayal. Every

    human can stray into the lower parts and pits of Human Nature, without

    exception, if a person chooses to do so, no matter how respectful and

    trusting their appearance. This is why well-respected people such as

    celebrities, politicians, religious leaders, can fall by the wayside by asimple erring choice in their behavior and is followed by the

    consequences of CAUSE AND EFFECT. These events occur billions of

    times each day with humans not recognizing the consequences of their

    action until it is too late. For some on one end of the scale it is easy to

    correct a minor error while the person who commits a foolish heinous act

    at the opposite end becomes endangered with disembodiment which will

    instantly end everything for that person, at least on this side of reality.

    The true reason for disembodiment will only be known to SPIRIT who is

    the creator of LIFE and maintains a watchful eye on every human. This

    SPIRIT of THE ALL will always be present even when the Earth andhumans have passed from the scene by the forces of change. It is advised

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    that all that is read on this website must become your own personal

    experience from within yourself, in your own quiet space, so that you can

    observe these things for yourself and not rely only on the external

    impressions of information that can be misleading. Always see the Truth

    for yourself and learn to understand and trust the reality of SPIRIT. It is

    your greatest source of immovable Knowledge that can provide you with

    a "solid rock" foundation that cannot change through the changes of time

    or the external turmoil of the world. The question of whether or not you

    believe in GOD is not an issue for you because you know that you

    KNOW. The reason why we must learn true forgiveness is because we

    are all, without exception, capable of straying into the dark side of

    Human Nature if we choose to do so. To think otherwise can cause

    hypocrisy to appear in your life by burdening yourself with trying to look

    good in public and forgetting that you are subject to all the enmities of

    Human Nature when not Spiritually developed. The public can beunforgiving in their hypocritical self-righteous condemnation of other

    humans as they themselves are subject to the sways of their dark side

    often forgetting the teachings of Jesus who said, "Judge not lest you

    become judged." Many of them live in a Pandora's box like situation

    with the relentless swaying forces of external world turmoil that causes

    anger, hatred, and anxiety and then suffer the effects of their own lack of

    thoughtful acts. They have not yet developed their silent space and

    learning to meditate and acquire the art of forgiveness except by the noise

    of their speech. The rigid unforgiving person who is unable to forgive

    another stands in danger of judgment by their own CAUSE AND

    EFFECT because SPIRIT knows that the rigid unforgiving person is also

    capable of straying into the dark side of Human Nature who will likewise

    be judged by the same measure they measured to others in their stray


    Research into the reality of ghosts, haunted houses, and other

    unexplainable anomalies may be eerie at first but as discoveries are

    made, a comfort zone of Knowledge and Wisdom will develop as we move

    out of superstition and we understand more of the "unseen" reality, the96% of reality. Most people are afraid of ghosts but need to be reminded

    that they themselves are Spirit in nature or "ghosts" --"embodied

    ghosts," to be exact. There are aspects of Human Nature that are not

    subject to entropy or decay and therefore not subject to the cyclic

    evolution of embodiment and disembodiment, the life, death, and

    rebirthing process. Therefore can the appearance of an apparition not be

    considered "dead" and we try to avoid experiencing it by burying our

    heads in sand? That does not make them go away. They are very much

    alive and real. Because of the Nature of the Universe, "death" as we

    humans believe is not possible but is in truth the "constant change" thatwe experience. In this constant change all things come and go in our lives

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    and there is no permanence. We are not even able to hold on to our

    bodies or keep our material possessions, or hold on to our physical

    relationships as husbands and wives, children, brothers and sisters, or

    friendships because there is no permanence to these things in Life. The

    more we should learn to appreciate each other that while we are in a

    momentary window of conscious Life that will eventually terminate and

    so we become the wandering ghosts until we go to sleep in the SPIRIT of

    GOD and awaken in another time. Do not be despaired because nothing

    is lost, at least, as long as there is a GOD. This is the reason why it is of

    utmost importance in a Human Life to know GOD. It is the only solid

    option in the reality of our lives; there is no alternative to the reality of

    THE ALL. If a person disembodies as a decent human, they are decent

    still. If a person dies as a murderer that person is a murderer still but

    who is unable to continue his or her evil ambitions that make for a

    miserable human who feels trapped while straddling two mental planes ofreality. Miserable disembodied humans who are tortured by their own

    ignorance but who are unable to die again to obtain relief from their

    virtual mental hell. These are the virtual burning fires of the mental hell

    that are written in the scriptures and are not the assumed hellfire and

    brimstone that organized religion taught us. It is of a very intense nature

    when there is no body present to help relief suffering through tears or

    other physical expression such as pain. All this occurs within their

    Mentalism but is very real to them while they are in a learning session in

    the presence of SPIRIT, the result of a stray choice in Life without

    realizing the consequences of CAUSE AND EFFECT. This person has no

    anchor and freefalls in the disembodied state by his or her own choice

    during physical Life. It is not a good disembodied experience to find one

    in. The person is still very much alive but lacks a body and vocal chords

    for verbal communications and is unable to communicate properly or

    express him or herself as they did in physical Life. At no time are they in

    a dead state of being, as this is not possible. When this is not understood,

    it can cause odd and scary situations between embodied and disembodied

    humans when physical humans are unable to understand for the lack of

    Knowledge and because it defies normal human vision and behavior.Crawling deeper under the blankets is of no avail and is only a temporary

    relief in the human psyche with the belief that the blanket will protect

    them. Therefore, can we not trust our eyesight with the belief that what

    we can see with our eyes is all there is to see in our physical world (4%)?

    There still is the unknown and mysterious reality of 96% that is SPIRIT

    in nature. Much more Knowledge needs to be obtained from The SPIRIT

    of THE ALL....

    The ancient Hermetic axiom echoes through the ages; "As above so

    below; as below so above."

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    The acquisition of knowledge regarding ghosts and haunted houses

    should not be left to Hollywood sensationalism that acts upon fear and

    who are venturing into the unknown reality with inadequate training in

    Spiritual Knowledge and thus scare the public deeper into ignorant and

    superstitious beliefs that organized religion will capitalize on with "I told

    you so." Religious ceremonies with the belief of casting out devils and

    demons are of no avail because it is based on superstition rather than on

    the Knowledge Truth. The "ghost," so called, is likely to become angry

    because of ignorance and the religious superstitions of physical humans.

    The spirit entity is still able to some degree remember what his or her

    religion has taught them during physical Life and then finding themselves

    in a reality that may be completely contrary to their religious training.

    This can cause confusion and anxiety in the ghost who may not

    understand the reality they find themselves in or what is happening to

    them. They may not be able to comprehend why humans react with fearwhen they attempt to communicate with them. What would happen

    when we react with fear to a loved one who has just disembodied a few

    days ago? Will this person not express anxiety and despair and feel

    abandoned while being in their disembodied state? The church has

    taught us that we will be with Jesus in heaven without stopping and

    thinking for a moment whether or not this is a Truth? Even, when they

    think it is in their bible that is full of allegories and its truths and un-

    truths are hidden from most people. "The letter kills, but the Spirit

    makes it alive." Only SPIRIT can tell us what is Truth and which is an

    untruth. There is a large amount of materialism connected to this belief

    like the pearly gates, streets and mansions made of solid gold that shines

    brightly in sunlight, sitting on silken couches with nothing to do? How

    long this last before boredom will takes places and they go back to

    grabbing each other by the throat because there is nothing to do or think

    about? Will the Catholics, Protestants, Episcopalians, Pentecostals,

    Seventh Day Adventists, and others not mentioned have their own

    religious district in heaven as they do on Earth because they cannot get

    along with each other? All the pearls, gold, silk, or change in their

    environment will not solve their disunity. If it cannot be solved on thisEarth, it cannot be solved in heaven. "The Earth is our school and it is

    here that we overcome the lower parts of human nature. There are no

    instant free rides to become the Masters, sages, and adepts, in Spiritual

    Knowledge in whose vocabulary "boredom" and "violence" does not

    exist. They are worthy of their title because of their own efforts and

    actions to Know THE ALL. They are the keepers of the hidden secrets

    and meanings of LIFE. They are for the most part non-existent to the

    world because they do not belong to our Plane of Life and Being but can

    manifest themselves and appear any place at any time for any reason of

    their own digression and will. They rule on their own Plane and thelower planes of being but are always subservient to the Causation of the

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    Higher Planes. They are there because they have taken the effort to

    advance and are committed to educate themselves regarding the reality of

    THE ALL as they KNOW it, or God, as we believe it. Compare this with

    the mundane things that humans do in their warring efforts. Is it a

    wonder that the world at the moment is in shambles? Most humans do

    not even understand what a plane of being is. It is not a place of

    measurable physical dimensions and there is more to it than a state of

    Mind. Most people are unable to understand their own reality of

    mundane living and so they live as a working, eating, and sleeping

    creature of habits. Then, where is the answer to Unity if not by the

    Knowledge of the SPIRIT OF GOD, THE ALL in All?

    Ghosts or Astral bodies in the absence of physical mass do not have to

    walk through open doors or climb a staircase to enter a room or an

    addict. They do not carry the physical mass that we physical humanspossess. They simply go through physical objects as if it is non-existent.

    The laws and rules of gravitation or physicality do not apply to them.

    Physical humans cannot go through walls without smashing their

    physical selves into a wall and cause physical injury or damage to their

    bodies. This is not the case with disembodied humans or "ghosts" or any

    other invisible entity that is not necessarily evil when present. In order

    for physical humans to go through walls, their physical mass will have to

    dematerialize, a rising of vibratory energy; to change the physics of their

    physical mass like the Masters and adepts who are keepers of the

    Knowledge. The Knowledge and Wisdom that enables the mastery ofone-self to enter the reality of Immortality that is devoid of decay. The

    Astral bodies of humans have nothing to dematerialize because they have

    lost their physical mass during disembodiment. Albert Einstein made a

    profound statement regarding the reality of matter and energy when he

    said, "Matter and Energy is exchangeable, not distinct." Because all of

    physical matter is pushed outward from the energy field, it is a process of

    manifestation that is accomplished by the Wisdom of The INFINITE

    CREATOR as directed by the effort of its WILL. Therefore can matter

    be exchanged back into that energy field where it came from in the firstplace through the focused will of the informed Mind. In this way is

    matter exchanged for energy and thus a person becomes "invisible" and

    is not the same as being disembodied such as physical death. The loss of

    the body in the aging process is caused by the lack of Knowledge and

    Wisdom while the dematerialization of the body is a deliberate effort of

    the will of the Knowledgeable and well-informed Master. The Master

    will utilize THE LAW to his or her advantage while the person who

    wanders through Life in ignorance becomes a subject of THE LAW and

    terminates in disembodiment. The Master will retain the consciousness

    of their bodily mass while suspending it in a pure state of energy devoidof physicality. Energy cannot destroy energy. They can retain their

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    bodily consciousness for an indefinite period of time and re-materialize at

    will. It may be a very strange way to explain the reality of the Universe in

    which we live, move, and have our being and at times may rattle our

    senses when we first become aware of the reality of SPIRIT. There are

    even more bizarre things that exist that cause this author to shudder in

    awe when examining these things with the Mind's eye that are seemingly

    intangible and unreachable. We can rest assured that the majority of our

    reality is "invisible" to normal human vision and when we focus our

    Minds upon this reality and we view it with our Mind's eye, a response of

    SPIRIT is experienced and SPIRIT will guide us into regions of THE

    MIND that would otherwise remain hidden and unknowable. It is the

    only way for us not to become deceived by mundane religious rhetoric. It

    must be your own experience with SPIRIT.

    Understanding this reality and utilizing it can put the airlines out ofbusiness as well as the evil ambitions of the terrorists. It may be a far-

    fetched idea to us but is not impossible to the well informed Master. The

    person who takes possession of this knowledge can even see the evil

    ambitions in the future before it occurs in great detail because of the way

    that the Universe is composed and we can use it to our advantage to help

    others who are seeking Knowledge. The power of healing comes from

    this area of Life because of the enormous presence of Infinite Life and

    Energy when it becomes KNOWN how to use it properly. Powerful

    anomalies can appear on the scene that can defy scientific treatment and

    baffle medical science. Even in Jesus' day were the scholars unable toexplain the healing of a blind man or the re-calling of a disembodied Soul

    such as Lazarus.

    There are no alternatives, anymore, than the world can deviate from the

    mathematical rules of equations to conduct scientific research and

    commerce in a unified manner around the globe. The rules of

    mathematics are what make equations work and no person will argue

    with the rules that govern these. No war will be fought over

    mathematical rules.... it is the same in the reality of SPIRIT and Humaninteraction with THE ALL. Therefore, is any given organized religion

    only a label of tradition and culture that are the only available sources of

    believes the human race is able to choose from, while that which is

    SPIRIT remains hidden from view until it is recognized and upward

    progress is accelerated. When this is recognized, there will be no need for

    disagreements between the religions of the world because of the

    recognition of the Universal Principles that govern the Human Mind and

    all of Life. These rules will bring true unity to humanity and Universal

    Cosmic Law will cause abundance in all levels of society. All of world

    society will utilize these Principles to their advantage and "proper"wealth and prosperity will prevail, --unimaginable wealth and

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    prosperity. They would have learned to use THE LAW to their

    advantage. However, until that reality is recognized, the human race will

    be a subject of THE LAW and they will continue to travail and sway

    between war and peace, wealth and poverty, love and hate, generosity

    and greed, etc., as the cyclic Principles of RHYTHM and CAUSE AND

    EFFECT moves them through the upward advancement of Evolution.

    Those who are Spiritually advanced will suffer far less than those who

    choose ignorance, arrogance, and guile, in their flippant ways and they

    will severely suffer gnash their teeth and curse GOD in their ignorance.

    Unbeknownst to them, SPIRIT is unreachable in their flippant ways as

    they role and drown in their own disgusting cesspool of ignorance and

    suffering until they disembody. Yet, SPIRIT will cradle them and care

    for them while in their disembodied state. This is the deep

    unconditional LOVE of SPIRIT for the Human Race and all other Life

    forms that exist in the Universe while a few fanatics in the organizedreligions of the world speak of "punishment," brimstone, and hellfire,

    upon the Human Race while gazing at the sky for their salvation. They

    know NOTHING about SPIRIT....

    Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest

    you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze. (The Kybali on)the Star, but

    let your eyes watch over your f

    The religions of the world have been around for thousands of years.... yet,

    war and violence are still prevalent because of disagreements of believessuch as we have witnessed in the Middle East . All religions in the world

    have varying degrees of disagreements amongst themselves and are the

    reason for the various divisions and denominations that are unable to

    agree on anything. No religion is exempt. This is evident, to the

    observant person who cares, and who pays attention, that there is a lack

    of unity within all religions and between the religions of the world to the

    point that war and violence erupts between them. There is a hesitance

    to address this issue because there is a lack of Knowledge regarding the

    existence of INFINITE SPIRIT and therefore no rhyme or reason to

    bring unity amongst the disunited and dysfunctional religions of the

    world. Each religious belief system is isolated from the other religions

    resulting in disagreements that lead to violence and war. There is the

    wicked ethnic cleansing amongst some of the religions that is a very great

    evil and violates Cosmic Law while thinking that they are in favor of

    God. The person who falls off the bar stool while being drunk is better

    off then those who murder and kill in the name of God. Then, are there

    people in the world who will contribute to this disunity because of their

    lack of Knowledge. They will help, contribute, and exasperate hatred

    and the problem of disunity because of their gross ignorance (stupidity).There are no nice diplomatic words to describe the evil wickedness of

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    these people who have sunk very low in the scale of Life, even below the

    Mental Plane of the brutish animals in Nature who are un-blamable for

    following their passions. These humans have no direction in Life but to

    kill and maim other humans who do not belong to their belief system.

    They have no direction in Life but to contemplate killing and murdering

    for a living while believing that they are doing it in the name of God and

    is therefore justified. If the reality of Satan was real, they would be the

    Devil's minions. They have no idea or concept that they are being

    tortured by their own hellish thoughts. Their children will follow them in

    their footsteps and prolonging the torturous road of evolution because

    they are unable to recognize the dilemma and predicament they are in. It

    may take centuries of evolutionary change if they are unable to make a

    quantum leap forward by recognizing their predicament and

    transmuting their thoughts into a positive and constructive contribution

    to humanitys upward struggle and meaning to Life. The religions of theworld are inadequate to bring unity to a diverse human race because

    there is a lack of support by the central hub of SPIRIT Principles that

    remains unrecognized and hidden from view because of the theoretical

    belief systems of the world, Is there a God? What religion has

    contributed to the recognition of the reality of SPIRIT except to lead

    humanity into the blind alleys of beliefs, symbols, dogmas, ceremony,

    traditions, and cults? Most religions have clutched to these things for

    thousands of years without one iota of upward progress. They have

    barely come out of their Dark Age conceptions in the lapse of the

    centuries while they clutched and attached themselves to their blind

    alleys and keeping humanity ignorant regarding SPIRIT. How will they

    expect to bring unity and harmony to a diverse human race? Would it

    not be sensible to discover the true nature of SPIRIT which is evident in

    the central hub of principles that form the framework of the Universe?

    Instead of theoretical beliefs that caused the world to wonder whether or

    not God exists? These things must be addressed before Unity and

    Harmony can be accomplished. Ignoring this will prolong the torturous

    upward evolutionary road to Unity and Harmony which Nature is


    Governments of the world operate on the same principle of mistrust for

    one another and often contributing to disunity and disharmony because

    there is no central hub of principles for them to follow and to unite them.

    They build weapons of mass destruction to protect and defend themselves

    and their turf from each other (just like religious beliefs) without

    realizing that the underlying principle of this concept is "fear."

    However, "fear" has a "father" and that father is "ignorance." The

    ancient Egyptian philosopher Hermes Trismegistus said, "The greatest

    evil under the sun is not knowing GOD." This is the bottom line of allproblems. The human concept of one world government will fail when

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    there is no Spiritual Knowledge to unite them because politicians have no

    source of proper ethics other than the varying religions they belong to or

    in their self-made intellectual concept. Both are inadequate sources of

    proper ethics and are therefore unsustainable in their work. Both of

    these concepts have been inadequate for the world politicians who are the

    stewards of government in the proper administration of government and

    law. Many have strayed into corruption and underhandedness and

    thinking that they are unknowable. Some are caught and brought to

    justice. While others who are not caught will not escape the Mental Laws

    of Human Nature to which they are immutably and inseparably bound

    through the Chakra System and glands of their body that affects their

    health. Their self made conceptions of ethics are unable to sustain their

    political walk in a proper manner. It is the same for the religious leaders,

    the CEO and president of a company or a large corporation. All are

    subject to the Mental Laws of SPIRIT. SPIRIT is not confined to anyreligious beliefs or self-made concept of ethics or any government in the

    world. The weapons of mass destruction are miniscule compared the

    existence of unseen forces in our earth and solar system. Do not be

    deceived by your eyes or beliefs. We have already seen a small example

    of this in the Banda Ace earthquake. There are many other triggers

    staged in other parts of the world and our solar system. Therefore, is

    unity of Mind of utmost importance in humanity if we are to defuse these

    triggers and preventing them from turning into apocalyptic massive

    destructions with unimaginable loss of human lives. These forces do not

    distinguish one country from another.

    Together, in unity we are powerful and we can nurture and enforce each

    other and work in unity with the forces of Nature that is an extension of

    Human Consciousness. Remember the mental nature of the Universe.

    We can greatly influence the outcome of our future and of our children.

    We must take proper stewardship and responsibility for our conduct and

    how we view one another. Resist the temptation of being dishonest,

    underhanded, hateful, murderous, and being profane and arrogant.

    These conceptions contribute to massive destruction. All these things areobserved by the invisible forces in Nature which you will remember is an

    extension of Human Consciousness. What we choose will make a

    difference in our survival. Other methods may be tried but will fail and

    only lead to another blind alley that contributes to increasing conceptions

    of disunity.

    We live upon the Earth with purpose and we are known to SPIRIT but

    we must remember that the Earth is a miniscule dust particle when

    compared to the celestial bodies of the visible Universe or even our own

    galaxy. If the composition of the visible particle Universe is only 4%,then imagine how miniscule our particle perception is of our Earth. We

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    dont even know everything about our own planet let alone the rest of the

    Universe. We would only be able to perceive a small fraction of a

    percentage point of the total 4% of the visible Universe. It can be

    compared to standing on the beach with a five liter bucket and trying to

    figure out how we can pour the ocean into it.

    Can the power of Knowledge be utilized for evil and greedy purposes?

    Well... yes if there is no God, but most likely not if there is a GOD. We

    will always be compelled to abide by the LAWS and rules of the Universe

    if we are to survive the consequences of our personal responsibilities.

    This Arcane Knowledge is reserved only for the advanced Master who

    has taken the effort and time within him or herself to seek the Wisdom of

    The SPIRIT OF LIFE and who attains the mental Mastery of him or

    herself. To attempt this for selfish, greedy, and evil ambitions, can be

    damaging to the self. It is like the story of the Tower of Babel in thescriptures when the human race of that time attempted to build a giant

    tower that will reach into heaven in order to reach God without

    understanding the physics of their reality. They became confounded and

    confused which denotes a failed attempt of their ambitions to reach God.

    The allegory of the cerebrums who protect the knowledge of the tree of

    Life of Good and Evil are the reason why most humans do not believe or

    are ignorant of this reality and is for a good reason that while they are

    ignorant because of unbelief, they are unable to utilize this hidden

    Knowledge for their evil and greedy ambitions. In this way is ignorance

    bliss because they are unable to utilize this Knowledge for destruction. Ifman should succeed to utilize this Knowledge for evil ambitions, the total

    decimation of the human race is guaranteed and there is nothing to worry

    about anymore except for a handful of humans who have attained self-

    mastery and who have momentarily stepped out of physical reality to

    escape the massive destruction by converting their physical bodies into

    the pure energy field of reality. Because of their Mastery of the self, they

    have become Immortal humans who will rule entropy and eliminate the

    decay of their bodies and thy are the true inheritors of the earth as they

    will assist "mother nature" in the balance and regeneration of her earthlyelements and once again LIFE will sprout from her bosom because she,

    herself, is a living entity of LIFE. Although, the Master is unable to mute

    the process of entropy they have escaped its process to a high degree by

    rising to the plane above by their highly evolved Mental states and

    impose their powerful will upon the self and their surrounding

    environment. This is the mastery of the self unlike the undisciplined race

    consciousness that is moved about like the pawns on the chessboard of

    Life and is tossed to and fro by forces they are unable to govern and rule

    because of the lack of Knowledge. There is no one to teach them how or

    they may not be interested. The question "Do you believe in God?" is notan issue for them because they see and know for themselv

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