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o,terml allevmt10n of t se crrct stances is to be looked y employmg the resources of the colony m the constructiOn of maca.dnmtsed roads only , h t ed supply and consequen htgh tee of horses and fOdder to ether w1th excesstve scales of wages and charges of livmg, r ender It but too probable that eve 'nth tho b est descr such roads carrmge upon many of our c f thoroughfures must still mam at an oppressive rate

Nearly all the professiOnal wttnesses concur • thmkmg that tramways for horse or 1 omotive

er at low rates of speed a e t adapt o our rna lines of commurucat10n bemg nearly as expenstv a11 railways m constructt and rna -t eno.nce as to a van oftherr full ad antages the gradients of the road reqture to be of an eusJ descrtptl , and if te to s 1t t

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