Page 1: © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke, Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch, __ _ Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman


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ANNUA4 MEETING.- 12th JUNE 1913.

The Annual Meeting of the Wexford COunt~ Counoil, was held in tae

Co. Council Chamber, Courthouse, Wexford, on 12th June 19130

Present:- ~r John Bolger, (Chairman) Pr~s1d1ng.

other Members:- Messrs John O'Co~nor, M. Doyle Junr., Patriok O'Neill,

R. A. Ric_e_, T~ L. Esmonde, J. J. Stafford, Pat~rick Rossiter, J. S.

~ea.rn, C._ H. Peacocke, James Lyn_ch, M. Gough, D. Sinnott, J. T~

_.Mayler, M. CloneYJ-M. Hickey, T. Asple, M. Codd, J. A. Doyle, M.

noyle SenI'., A. Kinsella, James C~dd.

The Secret~~y, the County Surveyor~ and Mr R. W. Elgee, Solicitor

'to the Council, were also in a ttendance,

Confirmation of Minutes o

The Minutes of last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Election of Chairman .

On the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke,

Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch , __ _

Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman for 1913-140

Mr Bolger returned thanks for his election. 4

He then subscribed the usual declaration of office.

- Election of vice-Chairman.

On tqe motio~ of the Chairm~,

Seconded b'Y Mr Asple, •

Mr C. H. Peacocke was elect ed Vice-Chairman for the year 1913-140

Mr Peacocke returned thanks for his election. ... _....... -

He then subscribed the usual declaration of office.

Proposal Committee .

P~opos ed _by Mr Doyle S~nr.,

Se.conded by Mr Ros si ter.,_

"That the .Proposal COJT1lli t tee be a Committee of the "!lhol~ house".



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Executive CorrMittee under Diseases of Animals Acts l8g4.

The f.Qllowing resolution was proposed by Mr Peacocke, seconded

by Mr Hearn,_ and adopted:- _


"That the County Wexford COITmittee of Agri culture & Tech~ical

Ins'truction be appointed the Exe_cutive Commit~ee of the County

Council as ~ocal Authority under t he Diseases of Animals Acts 1694".

t t


Finance & Roads Committee.

On the motion of Mr Sinnott, seconded by Mr J. A. Doyle , the

following were appointed as the Finance & Roads Committee:-

_John Bolger.

C. H. Peacocke.

J. S. Hearn.

M. Doyle Junr. ,

_ J. J. Stafford .

P. Ross1texa.

M. Htckey .

Sir T.Esmonde .

T. Asple.

M.Cloney .

J.T. Ma~ler.

P. O'Neill.

James Codd.

John O' Connor .

R. A. Rice .

A. Kinsella.

P. J. Fabning.

Lord Viscount Sto.I?,ford~

Chairmen etc., of Rural Dis~T_~ct Councils,

The See..ret,ary sta ted he had received cOlDIL-un1cations from t.he

Clerks of the Rural District Councils, that r~prEtsentatives on_ the . . 1r

County C'ouncil had be~-B.I2.P_aint ed as follows~~

Enniscorthy:- Mr James Lynch.

Gorey:- Mr P. J .Ji1anning.

NeW Ros's:- Mr M.. Hickey.

j Wexford:- Mr P. Rossiter. -Messrs Lynch, Hickey, and Rossiter. attended and signed the usual

declaration of office.

Mr CLoney moved... the. f _ollowing resolution of which he had given

previous no't1ce:- _

1 _ ~That the Count~ Surveyor wake an annual inspection of the Piers

& Harbours whjch ar e -yested in t he Wexford County Council, and present

a r eport t hereon to the. CQuncil, and where repairs are requir ed an

Estimate Qf. the cost of same " .


Page 3: © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke, Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch, __ _ Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman




The motion was seconded by Mr Rice,_ and adopted nem con.

Ferrycarrig ~ridge .

The Counc;1:1 bav:ing l1eard a sta.tement from the County SurveYDr

the fellowing resolutien was adepted:-

"That we authorise our Solicitor, Mr Elgee, to offer Mr Fobert

I CDlhoun, Centract~r fer Ferrycarrig Bridge, ~ sum ef £1,210: 7: lld




in full se~tlement at his _cla~m on f~e~of his contrac~ for the erection

0.1' Ferrycarrig Bridge , ancL-O~lLext.raa-.ther..een. Sh_ould Mr Colhoun agree

to accept _this a mount, the County Council arJLm'€tl'ared to ferego any

claim they may have against }.Ilr Colheun with res]?ect to delay or otherwise.

This offer to be made without prejudice."

Appointment ef Assistant Surveyor .

Mr Vincent R. DDyle, Broadway, and Mr Gerald Floed, Castleboro,

Clonroche, applied for t " e PQsition of Assistant Surveyer, vacant

threugh the ..resignation .~f-Mr Michael Howlifu_

t Mr O~eill proposed, and, MJii.UjrnOh. , ~ se~onded the a2Polntment 0.1'

Mx GeraJ.d1lood, a.~ssis~. SlU.Y.ayor-IL

t ...

. proposed, Mr M.--Doyle Junr. ,/ Mr- . .L J. St-af.ferd sEtConded _the appointrrent 0.1'

Mr V. R. Deyle.

A poll was taken with the fellowing ~esult:-

For Jl1l' Flood:':' Messrs Asple, C1 0~ey, M.Cedg, J. A. Doyle, M. Doyle §r.J

T. h. Esmoruia, .~ Geught- M. Hickey, James Lynch, P.O'Neill,

C. H. _Peacocke, R. A. Rice, D., and the ·Chairman- l

F.or Mr De;y-le:-Messrs James Codd, M. Doyle,. J.S.Hearn,_ A.Kinsella,

J. T. Mayl l:3r, John O'Connor, P.~Rossiter, J.J.Stafferd.-S.

Mr Flood having ebta..!ned a maj Qri ty-, wa-'p declared _elec:!Jed by the

Chairman .

_ JJf.LMr.L- Floo..cLr..eturned thankLfor. his e-.iectien. _

Th~ Lollowing is Mr Fl~ed' s 8.J>pli_catjon:- _____ _

"I heg to offer myself as Candidate feI'-. tp.e position of Ass istant

SllI'veyor .f...or . .Ro .. 2- di.s:t..ric~ . ~s advertLsed. __ _

If elected I l1ep~ _to _discharge the duttes of the effice to the

satisfaction of the Ceuncil.~


Page 4: © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke, Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch, __ _ Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman

t Tuberculosis (Irela.nd) OrMr 1913 ~ _ _ _

Under date 30th May 1913, (xa. 2416-13J tne i'olLowing letter fronL ~he

Depar~ment of Agriculture & Teclinical Instruct i on ~elative to Tubercul­

osis (Ireland) Order 1913, was read:-

j "Adverti~g to this Department's Circular of the 16th instant, No.

2096/13, on the above subject, it is desired to forward herewith, for

the information and guidance of y-our Local Authority and their Officers,

copies of' Memorandum_ whl1c~ as indic~tecL in --1.h~t J::a.~cular, ~e Department

have had in preparation rega~ding_va~uus details of procedure in nonnec-

tion with the Order, _t-,>gether with specimen cop-.ieJ3 -Df the Forms referrad

to in the two closing paragra~hs of such Memorandum.

l - _Assuming that your Local Authority have not already dona so, it

will be desirable for to advertise th~ Orde.r in the newspaper

circulating in their district, and a copy of a form of notice which it

suggested should be adapted f~r this purpos~ wi~h a view of drawing

attention to the lea.ding pr.ovisions of the_ Order, will be found .encl.osed. '

Embodiment of the full tt~~~ Of _the Order. in.. the .-newspaper a.dvert isement

is scaraely requisite.

1 Claims for repa.ymen~ fr.onL the Ex.cli-equer Gr.a.nt-du.r_ing the years , .

for which such Grant w~l be ayailabl~- o~alf t~e~et c~st incurrecL

for c~mpensation under the Order ~ t~e district ~f' y~ur Local Author.1ty

.should be furnished to the Dapartme.nt qua..r..t..erly, the 3Qth June, ~913, t...o

be regarded as the terminating date f..or _tha st...atement of claim.

_ ~s the zocal Authority will furt~er be at liberty to claim-repayment ... f'.rom the General Account of the GeneralC.a.ttle Diseases Fund of the

J remaining half of the net compensation, as well as ~alf of any other

duly authorised exnenditu~e ~or ~he purposes of the Qrder, the circumst~

ances _will be fa~ourable to an energetic enforcemen~ of the Order and the of

Department trust that the resul~s in checking th~ di~ease _wil1 be/ marked

benefit to tns community genarally ahd tne stockowners in particular.

It is proposed to forward_to. your Local Authority bEfore 30th

__ -, ..June. -Bp.eQimena _of... t .ha. pr.op.o.sed -Ro.rms_ .oLClaim. _ ..T1les.e .of' , reactily filled up from ~ha Record (Farm At referred to in the

-, final paragr~~ of the Memorandum."

Under date 7th June 1913,. the Department wrote (l_etter N 00 2436-1~. ,

V, B.,) as ·follows:-

~ "I have to .acknowledge the -rece.ipt of your le.tter o.f 29th ultimo,

apprising the Department that your CQunty Council, at their meeting on


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the _previou~ day had adopted a resolution as follows:-

"That as 'we believe the stock of th!s _County to be thoroughly

"healthy, we do not consider it neoessary to carry out the provis

"ions of the Tuberculosis (Ireland) Order o~ 19130" .

With reference thereto I have to sta te that t he County Council

as the Local Authority under the Diseases of Animals Acts are bound-

under Section 2 of the Act of 1894- to execute and enforce the Order,

and they cannot ignore this obligation_wit~out ~~riou s disadvantage to

stookowners in the County and indeed to the _live stock trade gene-.rally.

t -I have, tperefore, earnestly _to express the hope that when the matter


· -

comes to be considered again, at the meeting which pou indicate will be

held on 12th instant, it will be decided duly to~ carry out the Order.

Already notitications have been received regarding ~hree cases within

the county of cattle supposed to be affected as described in the Order."

Under date 9th Jun~ 1913, t he Department wrote (letter No.26oo-l3,

V .B., ) _as :follows:-

"I have to acknowledge the receipt of your further letter of , 7th instant, in connection with t he above m~tter ~nd to st ate ttat a

rep-ly to your earlier communi cation of the 29th_ ultimo, is being r .

f or..wardeli _separa tel¥, t o..;l.da,¥..

The _Dep~rtm~nt wou) d be glad to le~rn as soon as practicable

regarding t n e action taken_ op ~e~lf of your Local Authority in the

cases to which t he t hree UQtices mentioned in YQur letter of the ]th

instant r efer. and particularly in relation to t he case of Mr Richards'

four CQWS~ wnioh it appears ~es!fable should be promptly dealt with." ,

Mr O!Neill proposed" and Mr Rice seconded the following:~

"Tl1a t in view of the letters from the Depa.rtment of Agriculture of

the 30th May (No.2416) . 7th. June (N.o.2436) , 9th June (No.2600) and of

the statement of,-'Mr WiLliam Malone V. S., their representative, who

.. attended t .hi.s i:ng.,.. w..e --.her.eb~ agr..ee_ (~aLthQugh _we _dQ not _consider the

Order nMessary J'or CQunty Wexford) to l\Q.opt the Tubercul~os!s (11'8 land)

Order 1913."

As an Amendment- Mr Codd proposed and Mr ~ ossi~er seconded the

the fol l owing resolution:-

"Tbat the question of the adoption ~of j,he Tuberculosis(Ireland)

Order 191.3, be postponed pand1ng the examination of Mr Richards' four

cows detained under t he Order of t he Department. II


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. "On a show of hands fiveJUembexs voted ~or _the~mend~ent, and 12

age. inst • It

The Chairman declared the amendment lost, and put the original

resolution~ which was passed nem con.

Transit of Animals.

The Department o~ Agriculture & Technical Instruction wrote

fQrwa.-r ding .. copies of their Orders-t Transit of_ Horses.,., and_Mules ,

(Ireland) O~der 1313· and Animals (Transit & General) (~relandL Order 1913

The Se~retary explained the provisions of these Orders for the


-. .


Marke-d "Read"

. Poisons & Pharmacy Act.

Mr s J •. Stafford, South Main Street, Wexford, applied for

. ~ license undex Poisons & Pharmacy .Act, and for renewal of licenses the

following applied:-

Mr Edmund Doyle, ~roadway.

Mr George .stafford, .John Street, Wexford.

Messrs John Larrbert & S~on, Enniscor_thy.

Mr W.Keating, Ta~hmon. _

Mr Ma~till FQ.rrestal, Baldwinstowno

"On the motion Qf_ t..he Cjlairman-, seconded by }Jr Rossiter the above ,

applications were agreed to.!'

Purchase of Stonebreakers.

A. The following resolution was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by

Mr Rice, and · car~ied unanimously:-

"That we request the Local Government Board to sanction the loan

• of £510 from the Road Board free of Interest, repayable in five years,

amount t .o be .. dev:.oted t.o _the.. p:urchaJ3e... of tV{o stollebrea~er.s!"

- ---t ~~ha motion of. Mr Stafford, secondeg _by ¥r Lyn~h it wa~ decided

, .. -l-that the Chairman. sign. on hehalf of the Counci1_ the' graft undertaJc1ng to

the Road _B~ar.d .i'or repaYlIlent. of loan of £510."

Acquirement of ~uarrieso

On the motion of Mr Stafford, seconded by Mr Rossitor, the ~0110wing

res~lutipn was adopted:-© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES

Page 7: © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke, Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch, __ _ Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman

"Tha. t Mr Elgee, Sol ici t_or to the Council, be instructed ~ 0 take way

th1necessary steps to acquire the quarry at Ballingly, and the rights of/

thereto, aQd that the Seal of the Council be affixed to the Agreements and

Counterparts of leases of Quarries at Clolourish, Kyle, (oulart},palace,

_ Tomgarrow, .Newcastle (Murrintown) and Cherryorchard." __


i University Scholarship Committee.

On the motion of the Cha.1rman,_ seconded by Mr ~. A. Doyle, the

following resolution was adopted~- -

t "That the Finance .~ Roads Committee be requested to act as a Committee

to dra.ft the provisions of the University Scholarship Scheme of the

Council for 1914, in conjunction with represent.a.tives of the Gaelic League

Mot or Ca.r Act .

Undar date Sth May 1913,the Local Government Board .(letter N~o

1S227) wrote torwarding for _the i~formation of the County Council copies

of an Order_which they had mad~ relative to examination of motor cars and \

drivers trave~ling in foreiEn 00untries, and the issue of travelling

passes. I

\ Marked "Read"_

- t

Audit of Accounts .

Under date 5th June 1913,. the -LJ)cal Government Board wrote, (letter

No. 29069) forwarding copy o~ ~eport of thei~ Auditor on his audit of the

Accounts of Enniscorthy Asylum in respect of half-year ended ,1st March


Marked "Read"

Annual Holidays o

On the motion of J\1r Hearp..

Seconded by Mr M Doyle Senr., ..

_ --uthe. :tollowing ..r.e..sJ)~uti.on was_ad.Qpted:-

____ ~That the usual Annual_ Ho11d~ys be granted the Staff of tbe

County Council. Tha t _the County 8ur.veyor and _the County Secretary a_rrange

the dates of holidays to suit- the cOnYenienca of the worko"

Trunk Roads .

With reference to -the resolution of the County Council, that Main

or irrport~nt roads should be --placed in the sole control of the County


Page 8: © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke, Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch, __ _ Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman


C ounc-ils., _the C~el'.ks of Gorey_, and Wexford D1s.iLrict Councils, wrote that

t -heir Councils had re_jected the proposal._

"No Order."

Land Purchaseo

~ .. __ A resolution was re_ad from Louth County Council as to Compulsory

Land Purchase, the purchase by the Governmentof untena~ted arable land

~lreland fit for c_ult.JvatLon,_ providJng holdings for 6,000 evicted

tenants and their dependants, and alSD-providing economic holdings for

- ~andless" me no

"No Order" 1 I -

1 -Grant for Secondary Education.

A resolution was received fro~ Cork Corporation pointing out that it

would be a very serious loss to the ~ountry, if the annual gra~ of £40000

prpmised by the Treasury for secondary education in Ireland was not at

once sanctioqed. ·

A letter was fead from the Hon Sec., of Secondary Teachers,

-(Ireland) Assii~) iation, asking _the County Council to ado~.t this resolution.


Revision of Valuation.

On tha motion of Mr ~--1lafford,

Seconded by Mr Rosai~r, the following resolution was adopted:­

"That the Finance & Roads Committee are hereby to at

their mee~ing on the- 25th June, deal ~ith all applications for revisions

of valuation."

Deeps Brjde •

On the motion of Mr Rossiter,

Seconded by Mr PeacoQ,.ke, the following resolution wasadopted:­

"'Vllat in pu~.sJl~nce of the consent of the Local GovernmentBoard for

Ireland d~~ed 19th of May 1~13, to~he raising'by ~he gounci! of a .loan

of £5,000 for the purpose.s of _defraying the .cost of the

bridge at Deeps ove.r the Riyer Slaney-the Common Seal of the Council be

I aff ixed to the Deed of Mor~g~ge t~ _s§cure the sum of £5,000 now to be

advanced by the National Bank Ltd., to the Corincil bearing interest at

3% per annum and repayment to be spread over a period of 25 years."

- - --=.- - ....,---. -


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Irish Taxpayers Association.

Under date 24th May 1913, a letter was read from the Irish Tax-

Pa.yers Associati.on, pointing oQt that Clause 14 of the Government of

Ireland Bill repealed all Grants in aid of rates, which are now made

to support local governm8nt ~n. Ireland, and whiQh last year amounte4 to

£1,321. 12. Ode

The letter also requested the Council to adopt a resolution in

suppor-t O-f- a pr-Op-Osal tbat a deputation should wait on the Lor~

Chancellor in connection -with the matter."

"Adjourned to next Meeting,"o

Enniscorthy R. D. School Attendance Committee.

A letter was read froIT. the Secretary of the Commissioners of

National Education, that the Commissioners had appointed the following

as their representatives on the Enniscorthy Rural District School

Attendance Committee.:~

to hold

Rev Canon Macbeth, Killegney RectQry, EllniscoDthy!­

Rev A. Rorrestal_,C. C. , Blackwater , EEniscorthy.

Rev J. N. Sinnott, C. C. , Galbally, Breeo

Rev D. A. Ke,vanagh, C. C., Kiltealy, Enniscorthy.

Rev J. w. Q 'Byrne, C .. Co , Boolavogue, Ferns.

dff1-ce for a pe..riQd of three yeara from 1st June 1913. "

Marked "Read"

Detantion of Lambs.

Under date 29th May 1913, the following letter No. A~6294-19l3,

~ was read from Sir Sidney Oliver, Secretary Board of Agriculture &

FisherieE, London, relative to detention of lambs exported from

Ireland to ports in Great Britain:-

"I am directed by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, to refer

to your letter of the 6th instant, transmitting a copy of a Resolu~ion

-_passed~t a_ ~ecent meeting of your Council, in which it is ~e~resented

_ ~hat~erious losses' are infLicted upon the _Irish Lamb tradle by the

.requjrement of 12 hours f . detention at the LandJng Place in Great

B~itain. I am to SAY, for the information of your CQuncil t that the

statement contained in the Resolution not borne out by the repor_ts

of the Veterinary Inspector.~ of the Board in charge of the various

la.nding place~, vlhich show that la.mbs do not .deteriorate by reason of

their detention at the Landing Places be.fore proceeding to their destina· 1

t ions.


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1 t-


Th~y take food readily in the Landing-Elaces, and in many instan~es

improve appreoia.bly both in oondition and weighto Mor.eover, the

number of lambs already landed in this oountry £rom Irela~d during

the ourrent month, although not so large as the oor~esponding period

of 1912, is oonsidera.bly larger than in that of 19110

With regard to the general question raised by the Resolution

I am to refer your Council to the statement made by Mr Runciman in

the cou!,s~ of a debate on the subject in the H.ouse- of- Commons , on the

5th ;ins-t."

Contract-Deeps Bridge .

_ On the motion of Mr. Rossiter, seconded by Mr Peacocke, the follo~-

ing resolution was adopted:-

_ "That the deed of contract betw~e~·the ~ounty Council and the British

ReinfGrced Engineering Concrete Coo, London, in connection with the

erection of Deeps Bridge, and oou~terpart_theraof, be _sealed with the

Common Seal of the Counoilo"

Proposed Live Stock Transit from Rosslare Harbour o

R~s~lut ions from Forth Farmers ' Assooiati on were read asking the Gt.

We~tern Railway Co., of England, to immediately exercise the powers

~eBted in-them to run a oargo and cattle boat from Rosslare Harbour,

and pledging_ suppor~ to the movement .

"On the motion of M~ Eeacock~, seconded by Mr Rice l it was decided

that a copy of the resolution be ·sent to the Parliamentary Representatives

of the County."

l Arterial Drainage .

A resolution was read from Londonderry County Counoil, a8 to th

County Councils o£ ~relancL being .~reateJi the _autnoritiesfor the

. purpoae of superintending and manag1ng_Arte~ial d~ai~age, ~ng ~equesting

th~ Gov~rnrr.ent to bTing in an a~ending measu~e to the_Looal Govftrnment

I--(Ir.eland'tAot le96 , 'ko .carry .out-this p.roposal.

I Marked "Read"

Tuberculosis Prevention (Ireland) Aot 1906.

Under date 26th May 1913, the letter (No.24563) was read ,I © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES

Page 11: © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke, Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch, __ _ Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman


.1'1'-0.& ~he Local Goverhment Board:-

"With ~eferenc..e~o ~.he re..solu.tio.n pass.ed by trhe Wexford County

Council on the 7th inst.a..nt y, inquirin~ when non-insured persons in the

County suffering from Tuberculosis "can receive the treatment to which

the are entitled", I am directed by the ~ocal Government Board for

Ireland ~o state that the matter js one for the consideration of the Co.


So far as the Board ar~ aw~,~ Council do not appear to

hav.e as yet made definit.e arrangementlLi~rega..rd to the provision of the

ten Sanato~ium beds inDluded in their Bcheme, but the Board presume that

the Council will proceed t enter into an agreement with the authorities

.of the Royal Hospital for Consumption at Newcastle, &S was suggested at

an earlier stage of the consideration of th~ir Scheme.

As regards Dispensary treatment, the Board note that the County

Council are stil.l in negoti.a.t Lon .on ...matter, bu.t pending final arrange­

men ts, Lt would be _competent fc~ them, after consultation _with Dr O'Ccncr

Locum 'tenens, to. make temporar.y provisiOn fo~ caSBS requirin~ispensary


ttN 0. Order".

Town~enants' League~

,_ A ...seri~f'f Resoiutions from_ the General_ Secretary Tcwn

Tenants 'bea..gue, relat.iYe.. t..o town pur..chas.e, Grant to Irish Agricultural

Or~anizaticn SOCiety, orgahisation and finance ot Town Tenants'movement

r~storation of Irish Lndustries.

"Adjcurned to nexJ, Meeting."

lilotage New Ross Bridge. ;

. The following letter under datw 19th May 1913, was read ,from Mr

R. W. -Elgee, Solici.tor to the ~ounty CounciL, relat ive. to pilotage for

New Ross Bridge:-,

"R.) to- the ~et..te.r .of.. the_ 7th Ma..rch last, the _

-t -Secret..a.ry o.f the New .Ross ~arb-<?ur Cornmissioner.s as to a Eliot _being ..on _

I f-

I board Vessels when passing thrcugh New Ross Bridge, I write to say that

as mat.ters at preae.nt stand.......t.h.e-,Car.e.tAker of the Br1.dge has no power to

prevent vessels going through without a Pilot, as there is nothing in

the Bye-laws authorizing the Caretaker to require a Pilct to. be on


If the · Co COllricil w.iBh- the~retake~ to. have such a power it seems


Page 12: © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL the mot ion of Mr Peac~cke, Seconde.9-. by Mr Lynch, __ _ Mr John Bolger waS eleoted Chairman


t 0 m~ that they would have ~o make an addi ttonal Bye-Law which should

~ t be approved by the Lo~d Lieutenant in Councii,_ and he probably would

refuse to approve of it, Qn the groun~that it should have been inserted'

I ....

in the -Original Bye-Lawso

The racent Pilotage Act -ha_B-notlling to SAY to t he question in this

c see

I return the th~ee le~ters you sent me,."

" Adj ourne d t-o-ne xt Me e t ing. "

Yeamount Sa.nat orium •

Under date 4th June, a resolution was received from the Cavan Board

of Guardians, protesting againat the attempt to invalidate the appoint­

ment of Dr McGrath as ' ~uberculosis Officer of Peamount Sanatorium after

his election by the representatives of Bodies subscribing to that


"Adjourned to next Meeting."

- Muff&: ~ Presiding Chairman.

_Da.t~d }his IJ , day Qf JlAL~f' ~ . J.2l3 . _

-- -- --~ - ------ -- ----- ----- -- ---_._-© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES

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