
“Frog Virtual Learning Environment System in Primary School With TIM Approach: Teachers’ Perception and Attitude”

Tengku Hartini Hanim Binti Tengku Alias


Faculty of EducationUniversiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)




To date, according to Mohd Bekri Rahim (2014),various concepts of teaching and

learning which integrate ICT have introduced such as e-learning, aided training and

blended learning. Millenials or we called as Generation Y are very closed with the gadget,

and now there has witnessed the influx of ubiquitous computer mediated resources and

virtual learning platforms in educational instituition. This style of learning is running

globally. The Introduction of Frog VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) system in school

has changed teachers’ perception at first. Through the implementation of Frog VLE, there

are many conflict that are highly influenced by teachers’ willingness, computer literacy

and also tendency of using the tools.

The structure of the virtual learning space must comprise an environment that allows users

to interact with each other and its source, some reflective spaces and for users to socialize

(Mohd Bekri Rahim, 2014; Pereira et. al, 2000). According to Mohd Shafiq Yahya (2015),

stated that, over the years, science teaching and learning has gone through numerous

changes with respect to its medium of instruction, assessment policies, focus of learning,

examination, and many other things. The virtual learning environment which is world

wide usage is also included. In order to be in line with the development of technology,

teachers need to be more alert on new thing especially in education field.


According to (Ooi Ying Nee et. al, 2013), over 10,000 government schools in Malaysia

are being equipped with the Frog Virtual Learning Environment (Frog VLE) and 4G

Internet connectivity under the 1BestariNet project which is being carried out by YTL

Communications and FrogAsia of the YTL Group. Frog Virtual Learning Environment

(VLE) is a social network for schools. It is one of web-based learning system that

replicates real-world learning by integrating virtual equivalents of conventional concepts

of education. From this system, teachers, students and also parents can use it as a medium

towards posstive environment.

Local assessment is needed to assess the effectiveness of the Frog VLE which is adopted

from the United Kingdom (Ben Chang et. al, 2014). Inconsistent and improper

introduction of technology into a system may result in failure to successfully use and

integrate technology into the teaching and learning environment. As a large amount of

funding and resources have been allocated and given to educational and corporate

organisations to increase access to technology, there is a lot of pressure placed on

educators to transform schools. However, studies have shown that, there are many

countries are still experiencing challenges related to technology integration in their

teaching and learning process even with well-developed and widely available in

technology systems (World Bank, 2008).

There is still have a gap between technology’s presence and its effective integration in

academic institutions regardless of location (Eteokleous, 2008; Keengwe, Onchwari &

Wachira, 2008). Frog VLE system needs further research as there are still have a conflict

on the usage between teachers’ attitude and teachers’ perception towards it. Thus, the aim

of this study are to identify the teachers’ perceptions and attitude towards Frog VLE in

primary school with Technology Integration Matrix (TIM). It will identify based on level

of readiness and also based on Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) which work typically

occurs after teachers and students have experience with a particular technology tool. This

study also investigates the influence of the system towards teachers’ perception and

attitude. This study applied survey by using questionnaire to get the data.


This study going to identify and investigate the teachers’ perception and attitude in

primary school in Kelantan towards Frog VLE system with TIM approach. Thus this

study focuses on virtual learning and the system provided being use in teaching

environment exclusively and how it works to teachers through their perception and

attitude towards Frog VLE system with TIM approach. According to Piccoli (2001),

virtual learning is an instruction in online learning environment where teachers and

students are seperated by time or space, or both, and at the same time teachers provide

course content through course management applications (e-learning or sharing portals),

internet, multimedia resourses and video conferencing. This is in line with the nineth in

the ten shifts stated in Malaysian Education Blueprint in higher education 2015-2025

which is to globalised online learning. Albeit it is focus on enablers for higher education

eco-system, it is one of the effort by MOE to start from primary school. Hence, teachers

are the key for ensure this programme implemented as it was plan.

The main concern for any implementation on any new technology in school is the

pedagogical implications, teachers’ and learners’ readiness on embarking any new

technology used in school (Nor Fadzleen Sa’don et. al, 2013). According to Hassan

(2007), teachers should be able to adopt with this learning environment and start to move

along with the technology by using the provided facilities. Internet and Web should be

used in teaching and learning to makes the environment more interactive, easy and

interesting (Lee et. al, 2005). Besides that, According to Ana Haziqah A. Rashid (2014),

there are teachers that still used the exam-oriented style which make them reluctant to use

technology in their teaching environment. She also pointed that the implementation of the

technology is still lacking even though there were many initiatives made by government in

order to improve the implementation of ICT in education.

This research is design to explore the perceptions and attitude of teachers in primary

schools towards Frog VLE system with TIM approach to potentially identify some issues

around Frog VLE system and the challenges that the teachers might has to face in their

teaching and learning process.


The research is done to discover the teachers’ perception and attitude towards Frog VLE

system with TIM approach in primary school at Kelantan. Therefore, the objective of this

research are as follows:

1) To identify the perceptions of teachers in primary schools toward Frog VLE system.

2) To examine the teachers attitudes towards Frog virtual learning environment (VLE)

system in teaching and learning process.

3) To examine the challenges face by teachers in adopting Frog virtual learning

environment (VLE) system in teaching and learning process with TIM approach.


This research is conducted to look for answers for the following questions:

1) What is the perceptions of teachers in primary schools toward Frog VLE system?

2) what are teachers attitudes towards Frog virtual learning environment (VLE) system in

teaching and learning process?

3) What is the challenges face by teachers in adopting Frog virtual learning environment

(VLE) system in teaching and learning process with TIM approach?



This study is expected to further explaination on teachers perception and look forward

their attitude towards the Frog VLE system. From this study, teachers have opportunity to

express their perception and attitude on Frog VLE especially it is in their teaching

environment which is their workplace. Teachers’ perception towards Frog VLE leads to

the willingness on using the system and also will produce the best outcome through

students achievement.


This research expected to help the ministry of education in order to improve or add value

on the system provided. Hence, through this research, they will know the senario and

implication of the Frog VLE system in primary school.


First limitation is respondents. Respondents is only limited to teachers from three (3)

school in Kelantan which are teachers from SK Sultan Ibrahim Satu, SK Lati and SK

Lemal. They hold different position and teaching different subjects in these schools. This

survey will properly conduct through a questionnaire data that adopted from the previous


The second limitation of this study is the sample size. The population is limited to 181

respondents consist of teachers from three primary schools as stated before. By using

Raosoft sample size calculator, the recommended sample size are 124 respondents for this

study. The sample size used in this study doesn’t generalise all perceptions and attitudes

of teachers in all primary schools since the sample size of this study is too small.

Place is the third limitation found in this research which is in Pasir Mas Kelantan as the

reseacher interested to study in teachers perception and attitude towards Frog VLE system

in primary school there. The reseacher had choose these three schools because they are

work on Frog VLE system in teaching and learning process. The sample are only limited

to these three (3) school. Hence, the sample cannot be representative for the rest of the

population. Furthermore, the sample only focus on one (1) area of Kelantan. So, the result

might be not similar with other part in Kelantan and also another state in Malaysia.

However, the outcome can be used universally if there is any further study that will be

conducted in the future regarding how to change teachers’ perception and attitude towards

technology in teaching.

Next limitation is instrument of this research which is questionnaire. This study indentify

and investigates teachers only. From questionnaire, respondents are able to give their

perseption based on the question asked. Moreover, they also can give their own view

regarding the Frog VLE system.

Lastly is the time limitation. The study takes time about one (1) year and six (6) months to

complete. It is accordance to a master level that only restricted to such period of time.



Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) have five interdependent characteristics of

meaningful learning environments which are active, constructive, goal directed (i.e.,

reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003).

According to Florida Center for Instructional Technology (2011-2015), TIM also

associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion,

and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning

environments. TIM provides a framework for defining and evaluating technology

integration by sets a clear vission for effective teaching with technology.


Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is one of virtual learning system. This system

implemented in school to be in line with the development of technology. Through Frog

VLE, teachers, students and also parents can use it as a medium towards easy and

interactive environment. This is so, teachers and students can have learning and teaching

process in everywhere by using this medium. Parents also can access the system to update

the school programme, calendar and also their child performance in school. Frog VLE

also can catogarised as one of the social network.


According to Ministry of Education, generally primary school are known as Sekolah

Rendah Kebangsaan or National Primary School which is consists of a 4-years foundation

stage from primary one (1) to four (4) and 2-year orientation stage from primary five (5)

to six (6). The overall aim of primary education is to give students a good grasp of English

language, Mother Tongue and Mathematics.


According to, perception is a way of regarding, understanding, or

interpreting something. It is also a mental impression.


Attitude is a positive or negative evaluations of feelings that people have towards other

people, objects, issues, or event (Aishah Amirah Bt Zainal Abidin et. al, 2011). They also

pointed that attitude include the general way people feel towards socially significant

objects and most attitudes are lasting. Generally, attitude are the way of thinking, how

people feel about something or someone and they both are affect a person’s behavior.


This research is the study on the perception and attitude of teacher in primary school in

Kelantan towards Frog VLE system. This chapter discover all aspect on the topic started from

the beginning. There are several elements included in this study which are introduction,

background of the study, statement of problem, research objective, research question,

significance of the study, limitation of the study, difinition of term and hypothesis. From this

part, the writter tries to provide brighter insight on what research all about.




This chapter defines a research study based on the scientific research views to see the Frog

VLE system with TIM approach in teachers’ perception and attitudes towards this method.

The view from other researchers and previous research are important in order to support the

data given in this study. This chapter will be discuss on the review of related literature, the

review of Frog virtual learning environment (VLE), TIM approach, and the conceptual




Malaysian Education Blueprint is a detailed plan of action that maps out the education

landscape for the next 13 years (2013-2025) which is it emphasizes effort to leverage ICT

in order to improve the quality of learning across the country (Cheok et. al, 2014). As a

matter of fact, one of the many initiatives identified under the first wave of the Malaysian

Education Blueprint (2013-2025) includes providing 1BestariNet and softwares for

school (Cheok et. al, 2014). They also point that, 1BestariNet is a project led by the

Ministry of Education (MOE), to provide access to cloud-based virtual learning platform

known as the Frog VLE. KPM (2012) as cited as (Kaur et al, 2015) stated that Frogasia

actively organized courses and training related to Frog VLE involving selected teachers

from various identified schools as preparation for the implementation of the 1BestariNet

project and these initiatives were meant to help teachers, acquiring comprehensible

understanding of the Frog VLE teaching method and assisting them in its implementation

in schools.

A part from that, the Frog VLE project was introduced in schools under the Ministry of

Education in 2011(Kaur et. al, 2015). However, due to its pioneering status, only 351

schools, which are categorized as Champion Schools were involved. Malaysia’s VLE is a

platform that provides virtual access to classes, class content, tests, homework, grades,

assessments and other external resources. There is also social component which enables

pupils and teachers to interact in threaded discussions or chat. General speaking, Frog is a

virtual learning environment (VLE) where is a place pupils can log into a secure school

site to follow up their learning outsides of school. In addition, Ministry of Education

Malaysia (2014) also mention on how secure is Frog. This is because, only children and

teachers or staff can access to Frog VLE. Children have a secret password which they

must not share with anyone else. In fact, all actions that take place on Frog are monitored

and recorded by ICT administration system. Regarding to this, children are aware and

encouraged to follow the simple rule which is if it is not acceptable in the classroom then

it isn’t acceptable on Frog.

According to ATM (2013) in its journal stated that more and more schools have opted to

develop their VLE as a way to increase the level of interaction between students and

teachers, and as a way to store information online. In order of completing the Frog VLE

training, many teachers have failed to use it in their daily teaching and learning process

(Kaur et. al, 2015). Deficiency in grasping, lack of skills and ineffecting monitoring by

relevant parties following the completion of training have contributed to this failure.

Actually, VLE have been adopted by nearly all UK higher education institutions (Browne

et. al, 2006) as cited as (Regarld, 2007).

Ministry of Education Malaysia (2014) also point that, through Frog VLE, students are

able to access a wider range of content that is more relevant, engaging and more

interactive, students also can learn at their own pace, from any location and any time.

Other than that, students can have advantage which is learning without boundaries, and

leave school with a wider breadth of knowledge, worlds class skills and strong moral

values, regardless of location, socio-economic group or culture. They also point that,

teachers and principals are able to access both national and international learning

resources and communities to help them improve their practice and fully embed the new

learning platform into the school’s working practices and tailor it to the needs of their



According to Homack (2011) Technology Integration Matrix (TIM, 2009) is a descriptive

tool to analyze the level of instruction and technology in primary or secondary classroom.

It includes resources that model best practices, present a context for planning, and assist

with choosing educator professional development (James et. al, 2011). They also point

that, it was originally created in 2006 by the Florida Department of Education and the

Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT), which is based at the University of

South Florida’s college of Education. The new TIM, formally launched in February 2011

and has been expanded to provide more detail regarding the focus of the teacher,

students, and also components of the learning environment (James et. al, 2011).

Advancement in technologies created various of tools. In fact, we aware that technology

changes at a rapid pace. So, TIM is one of the tool that can be used as TIM be a living

document with additional lesson plans and videos added in the coming months and even

years. Through TIM, teachers will be able to monitor their progress effectively through a

continuum of technology integration levels.

According to (Barbour et. al, 2014), a correlational study was conducted using TIM to

measure technology integration in the classroom and student engagement as measured by

the Class Map Survey (CMS). Through this past research, a significant, positive

correlation was found between technology integration and student engagement. In the

mean time, this study provides validation of TIM as a potential measure of the level of

technology in the classroom. A part from that, teachers can use TIM as a potential

measure to improve the level of technology in classroom. This study contributes to the

existing literature by providing evidence that the TIM may add to the research in teachers

engagement with the Frog VLE in classroom by identify and improving their level of


Hence, Technology Integration Matrix (TIM, 2009) is an excellent resource for

integrating technology into any lesson plan. This resource has many examples

demostrating how teachers have incorporated engaging activities using technology for

students to experience learning in classroom (Homack, 2011).


Figure 1: The conceptual framework

In this study, the perceptions of teachers and attitudes towards Frog Virtual Learning

Environment (VLE) in primary school with Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) will be

identified through the finding. The research will take place at three primary school in

Pasir Mas, Kelantan. The respondents will be among the teachers within this three

primary schools. In this framework, the researcher will identify the perceptions and

teachers’ attitudes towards Frog VLE system and whether it is helped teachers ease in

teaching and learning process in classroom. Therefore the study will also emphasized on

the challenges face by teachers in adopting Frog VLE system in teaching and learning

process observed with TIM approach. TIM approach is similar to the advancement in

technology whereby teachers can improve the level of technology in teaching and

learning process. This is in line with the objective of MOE which is to ensure teachers

have skill on that tools. So, they can use it more effectively in teaching and learning

process. Generaly speaking, teachers need to aware that technology need to be used in

order to maintain and sustain the levels of interest among the students.

FROG Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in Primary

School with Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)

Teachers Attitude

Teachers Perception




This chapter will presents the procedure involve to conduct of this study which divided into

research approach, research design, population and sampling, study setting, instruments, data

collection, data analysis and validity of the methods. As a matter of fact, this study will

determine the implication of Frog Virtual Learning Environment.


The method design for this study will be approach with the technique of descriptive

quantitative study. This approach suits the concept of this research since the researcher want

to collects a numerical data in explaining some particular questions from the research

question. This study attempting to describeed and categorize a respondent based on the set of

variables which are lectures’s perceptions towards Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

in primary school, teachers attitudes towards Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in

primary school, perceptions of teachers towards Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) in Frog

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in primary school, and also the relationship between

Frog VLE in primary school with TIM approach. This study will be conduct among teachers

in three primary school in Pasir Mas, Kelantan which are SK SIS, SK Lati and SK Lemal.


The design of this research is quantitative mode which involves survey study. Survey research

is used:

“to answer questions that have been raised, to solve problems that have been posed or

observed, to assess needs and set goals, to determine whether or not specific

objectives have been met, to establish baselines against which future comparisons can

be made, to analyze trends across time, and generally to describe what exists, in what

amount, and in what contex.” (Isaac & Michael, 1997, p. 136) as cited as (Glasow,


In fact, survey research is the most well-known in educational research as it is also measure

opinions. This study is prepared to investigate the effects of three independent variables

which are, perceptions and attitudes of teachers on the dependent variables of Frog Virtual

Learning Environment (VLE) in primary school with Technology Integration Matrix (TIM).

There are 124 teachers will be chosen as the sample to gather the data from three primary

school stated before. Questionnaire is the most important tool in order to gain data. Then,

researcher will constribute the survey questionnaire to the teachers according to sample.


This study consists of teachers from three primary schools which are Sk Lemal, Sk Lati and

Sk Sultan Ibrahim Satu (SIS), located in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. The population of this study

was sourced from the total number of all the teachers from these three schools consists as 181

teachers included both male and female. Then the chosen sample involved on this study were

124 teachers. The sample of this study were teachers from these three schools (N=124). The

sample of this research are selected by probability sampling which is simple random sampling

technique and process. The sample will choose completely by chance. All in all, this study

sample was selected from the accessible population and includes to who are agreed to involve

in this study.


The instrument used in data collection of this research study is questionnaire. The

questionnaire adapted from the ‘Analysis of Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes of a Teacher

Laptop Initiative’ by Catherine Gurley Raulston (2013). The instrument is derived from well-

validated portions of several attitudinal surveys that have been used with researcher in the

past. Some of the items have been modified by the researcher in order to examine the

perception and attitude of teachers towards Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with

TIM approach. The questionnaire of this research use likert scale as a measurement to answer

the teachers perception and attitude, and also challenges of Frog Virtual Learning

Environment (VLE) in primary schools, Pasir Mas, Kelantan. The instruments is made based

on several previous studies with some modification according to the objectives of this study.


The respondents of this questionnaire are teachers from primary school which are Sk Lemal,

Sk Lati, and Sk Sultan Ibrahim Satu, in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. The questionnaires were made

for 90 respondents. Questionnaire has been selected as a method of instrument since it is the

easier way to collect data and information from the respondent. In fact, this method is the

quickest way compared to others.

Before the answering session begins, the researcher will have some short briefing and

procedure regarding the research study. The briefing will stress on the objective of the

research and what the questionnaire is all about with emphasizing on the importance of

honesty and sincerity in answering the questions.


The data gathered in this survey will be analysing using Statistical Package for the Social

Science (SPSS) version 20. SPSS software is more compatible for survey research. By using

SPSS, researcher will save much time because through SPSS the researcher just key in the

data and the data will be automatically processed and the result will instantly tabulated. After

that, the researcher will analyse whether the results of questionnaire is correlate with the

research objectives. Last but not least, the reseacher will have the conclusion within its

recommendation based on the analysis.


This chapter described the research method used in this study which is consists of research

design, population, and sample, research instrument, data collection, procedure of data

analysis and summary of this chapter. The researcher chooses quantitative descriptive study

and probability simple random sampling strategy technique. The sample will involve lecturers

from three schools which are Sk Lemal, Sk Lati and Sk Sultan Ibrahim Satu in Pasir Mas,

Kelantan. The instrument uses to collect data from this study are survey questionnaire.


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A Survey on “Frog Virtual Learning Environment System in Primary School With TIM Approach: Teachers’ Perception and


This study is being conducted by Tengku Hartini Hanim Tengku Alias, Master candidate in M.Ed (Educational Management & Leadership) at

Faculty of Education, UiTM Shah Alam

Section A: Respondents ProfilesInstruction: Please read each question carefully. Please tick (√) in the appropriate box.

1. Gender Male Female

2. Age ……………………3. Years of Service …………………….4. Your School

…………………………………………..5. What grade level(s) do you teach? (Select all that apply)

o 1st Gradeo 2nd Gradeo 3rd Gradeo 4th Gradeo 5th Gradeo 6th Grade

6. What Subject(s) do you teach? (Select all that apply)

o Elementary. All subjectso Matho Scienceo Englisho Historyo Arto Musico Counselor Educationo Other (Please specify)…………………………

7. How many years of overall teaching experience do you have?o 1 yearo 2-3 yearso 4-6 yearso 7-10 yearso 11-15 yearso 16-24 yearso 25+ years

8. How many years of teaching experience within the Frog VLE system do you have?

o 1 Yearo 2 Yearso 3 Yearso Other. (Please specify)…………………..

9. Do you currently have a computer at home?o Yeso No

10. How would you rate your experience with computers? (Check all that apply)

o I have never really used a computer all that much except for email but I would like to learn.

o I have created a PowerPointo I have created on Movie

o I have created a podcasto I use applications like word processing, spreadsheets, etc.o I use computer for instruction in classroom.

11. How often do you use computers for instruction in your classroom?EverydayOnce a weekTwice a weekOther. (Please specify)………………………….

Section A: Teachers’ Perception and Attitudes Toward Frog VLE

Instruction: For each statement, please indicate the extent to which strongly disagree (1) or strongly agree (5) by tick (√) in the relevant box that best describe your attitude toward Frog VLE.

1Strongly Disagree




5Strongly Agree

Items 1 2 3 4 5I think that working with Frog VLE would be enjoyable and stimulating.I want to learn a lot about Frog VLE.The challenge of learning about Frog VLE is exciting.Learning about Frog VLE is boring to me.I like learning about Frog VLE.I enjoy lessons on the Frog VLE.I can learn many things when I use a computer.I believe that it is very important for me to learn how to use a computer.A job using Frog VLE would be very interesting.

I believe that I am better teacher with Frog VLE.I get a sinking feeling when I think of trying to use a Frog VLE.Working with Frog VLE makes me feel tense and uncomfortable.Working with computers makes me nervousComputers intimidate me.Using Frog VLE is very frustrating.I feel comfortable working with Frog VLE.Frog VLE system is difficult to use.I think Frog VLE is easy to use.I have a lot of self confidence when it comes to working with Frog VLE.Frog VLE is hard to figure out how to use.It is important for students to learn about Frog VLE in order to use it in learning process.Students should understand the role of Frog VLE.All students should have some understanding about computers.All students should have an opportunity to learn about Frog VLE in school.Frog VLE could stimulate creativity in students.Through Frog VLE, students will improve their writing.Frog VLE can help accommodate different learning style.Students work harder at their assignments when they use Frog VLE.Students help one another more while doing computer work.Learning about computer is worthwhile.Having computer skills helps one get better job.I am sure that with time and practice, I can be comfortable working with Frog VLE.

Section C: Stages of AdoptionInstruction: Please read the descriptions of each of the six stages related to adoption of Frog VLE system.

1. Choose the stage that best describes where you are in the adoption of Frog VLE system.

o Stage 1: Awareness- I am aware that Frog VLE exists but have not used it. Perhaps I’m even avoiding it.

o Stage 2: Learning the process- I am currently trying to learn the basics. I am often frustrated using Frog VLE.

o Stage 3: Understanding the application of the process- I am beginning to understand the process of using Frog VLE system.

o Stage 4: Familiarity and confidence- I am gaining a sense of confidence in using the Frog VLE for teaching process. I am starting to feel comfortable using that system.

o Stage 5: Adaptation to other contexts- I think Frog VLE as a tool to help me in teaching process.

o Stage 6: Creative application to new contexts- I can apply what I know about technology in the classroom. I am able to use it as an instructional tool and integrate it into teaching and learning process.

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