


-------------------------------------------------------------Xenogears: Sound and Drama [Chapter 37]-------------------------------------------------------------Note: originally chapter 40

NARRATOR TBD[The Yggdrasil flies off Shevat and lands near Nisan. Scene opens in Nisan. Aveh soldiers are standing everywhere in the town. ]

[Music: Invasion]

NOTE: ( ) means the character is whispering

FEI: (The city's awfully quiet for some reason...)

ELLY: (What's more, I can't see any civilians!)

BART: (They're probably in the hidden shelter. I'd like to think that everything is still okay… Hey, there’s Sig! How was it over on your side?)

SIGURD: (The roads on that side are also quiet, Young Master. However, I should inform you that Margie insisted on coming with me.)

BART: (WHAT? Dammit, I thought I told her to stay inside the ship!)

ELLY: (She probably felt that she had to do something.)

BART: (Yeah, I know but... hasn’t this happened before?! Sigh… Well, she's come this

far, I won’t send her back now. Sig, you’ll look after her.)

SIGURD: (Of course, young master.)

BART: (Well, this side’s quiet too. Either they haven't found what they are looking for yet, or they've already found it and left, and these soldiers are guarding the city for them. Either way, we still need to check on the safety of the residents before we pull out. Sig, we’ll meet with you again after we kicked Shakhan’s rabble out of towns.)

SIGURD: (Be careful, Young Master. We’ll continue to investigate.)

BART: (Ok, everyone… let’s do this!)

NARRATOR TBDWith the help of Fei and his colleagues, Nisan was freed from Shakhan's army.However, the Fatima Jasper and the legendary treasures of the Aveh royal family were still in danger. The party gathers at the assembly hall. Sister Agnes is there as well.]

SIGURD: Young Master, my troops searched the area, but couldn't find anyone.

SISTER AGNES: Yes, over half of the residents have fled from Nisan… and those that remained hid in the mausoleum.

FEI: What, you mean, they’re hiding inside a grave…?

MARGIE: It's not a regular grave. The Great Mothers and Kings of Aveh of old are revered there.

SISTER AGNES: Prince, Shakhan is after the Fatima Treasure.

CITAN: But if he wants the treasure, why is he attacking Nisan?

BART: Because the treasure is in the mausoleum.

FEI: Bart, wasn’t the treasure in the picture scrolls that you showed us?

BART: Yeah. If you follow that legend, you're supposed to get your hands on some great power.

SISTER AGNES: Prince… they plan to remove the deceased Mother's retina, and break the seal.

[Fade music.]

MARGIE: What! You, you mean my mother’s body…?!

BART: Wha... what!! They plan to profane a holy person's corpse? That's unthinkable!

SISTER AGNES: They used innocent citizens and sect followers as hostages. I had to tell them about the Jasper's true form, and how it can be used. I’m truly sorry….

BART: Well... I can’t blame you. It was forced out of you.

CITAN: Wait a moment. Retinas... what are you talking about?

BART: The doors to the treasure can only be opened by the retinal patterns of members of the royal dynasty… or so it is said. But it’s supposed to only be opened when the kingdom is in danger. So it’s never been used until now.

CITAN: The blue pupils of the royal dynasty… so that is the true form of the Jasper...!

[Music: Leftovers of the Dreams of the Strong]

SIGURD: Young master, I have a proposal. Aveh is currently in confusion with Shakhan wreaking havoc. It should be very easy to bring down the center with no Gebler units around. This is the best time to make our return to the capital!

CITAN: That is a good idea. Shakhan is most likely thinking of the Fatima Jasper as his last card. While we rescue the treasure from Shakhan, a separate force will take back the Aveh capital. Then he will have nowhere else to go.

BART: Sounds good. Payback for everything in one shot! I'll go to the mausoleum.

CITAN: I would like to return to the capital with Sigurd.Two former Solarians will dethrone the 'Ethos'... Ironic, huh?

BART: Yes, please go help Sig!

MARGIE: Bart, I'm going with you!

BART: But, Margie, you don't have to... Oh, yeah… sorry. Yes, you come along with me. Alright, I'm counting on all of you! Shakhan's a dead man the next time I see him!

SIGURDGood luck, young master.Citan, let’s go.

BART: Okay, everyone! The mausoleum entrance is at the back of the cathedral.However, that’s all I know... I’ve never been inside it.

MARGIE: Well, the place is all sealed up. I haven't been far inside of it either.

BART: So neither Margie nor I know much about it… we're just gonna have to work this out on our own. Follow me, everybody.

NARRATOR TBD[the group goes to the cathedral and to the rear]

BART: There, everyone— you see this flight of stairs? It leads down into the vault

ELLY: Kinda dark down there….

[sounds of footsteps of group descending]

FEI: How far down do these stairs go…?

BART: Just a bit more. [sounds of footsteps of group descending]

BART: Okay, we're here! And now… um…

FEI: Yes…?


ELLY: You haven't forgotten what needs to be done...?

BART: Don’t rush me! It's been a while, I’m thinking!

MARGIE: (You want me to open it, Bart?)

BART: (Yes, please...)

NARRATOR TBD[Margie walks up to the end of the room and a panel descends in front of her. The panel bleeps. There is a metal object at the end of the room. It shifts and begins humming as the door turns into a gangplank. The group walks into a metal floored area. An Aveh soldier is standing at the far end, looking away.] [The group separates and four soldiers immediately run up and surround them from the front.]

[Music: Stage of Death]

BART: Dammit, the Aveh troops has gotten this far?!

C’mon, let’s make quick work of these bastards!

NARRATOR TBDThe group continues to fight Aveh troops as they progress into the vault. They finally reach the main room.

NISAN CIVILIANIt's Bartholomew! Marguerite is with him too! Hey, everyone! It's OK to come out!

BART: Is Margie's mother safe!?

MARGIE: Yes, she hasn't been touched!

BART: Whew... great. What a relief. Is everyone OK?

NISAN ASSOCIATEYes, we’re ok. I haven't seen Shakhan, though. The only people that came here were the soldiers. BART: He isn't here yet...? That's odd.

NISAN CIVILIAN: What's happening to the town?

BART: I took care of it. It's safe to go back!

NISAN CIVILIAN: Bartholomew, you're indeed powerful.Exactly who are you…?

[Music: Tears of the Stars, Hearts of the People]

BART: Everyone, listen up! My friends are currently headed for Bledavik. They're on a mission to dethrone Shakhan from his seat of power. But even if they succeed, we’ll need to rebuild this country from scratch. I've inherited that task from… from our late king. If all goes well, we'll soon be able to make it a reality.

NISAN ASSOCIATEYou're going to defeat Shakhan!? The... late king...? Do you mean that you're...

BARTNo time now! You can go back to town. Please do this before Shakhan returns. I’ll take care of him.


All right, Bartholomew… you have our sincere thanks. We will pray for your success.Everyone, collect your belongings!

[people leave the hall]

MARGIE: You could have just told them that you were the prince.

BART: No, I can't do that yet.I first have to fulfill my father's last request. …Ok, everyone. See that cylinder at the center of the room? That’s the elevator leading down.

FEIEven further down…?! Whoo…How far down does this rabbit hole go…?

[Sounds: elevator door closes, goes down, opens]

[Music: Bonds of Sea and Fire]

ELLY: ...It's awfully dark in here…...And it smells like mold.

MARGIE: We use this lower area as a mausoleum, so it always operates on minimal power levels. And not even the sisters are allowed in there…

BART: Let's get a move on! We have to get to the treasure before Shakhan gets here!

NARRATOR TBD[A bluish green-tinted room with two statues resembling the Nisan cathedral altar in front of a large door..]

FEI: This looks like the angel statue in the cathedral.

BART: This is the door that connects to the great royal treasure. This machine here opens it. It's time for the Fatima Jasper to do its thing.

NARRATOR TBD[Bart turns to Margie and nods. They both walk up to the machine and place an eye in front of a hole. Light emanates from the holes and a beam under the holes flickers. A sound not unlike a telephone is heard. A resounding ding follows it. The machine descends into the ground. The green tint fades. The statues and the door move off to both sides, revealing a smaller door.]

FEI: So the Fatima Jasper is not actually a gem...

BART: Yeah. Shakhan mistook that for the royal pendant, which is why he took Margie. But that made it easier for us, so I kept my mouth shut.

MARGIE: Up ahead is the central core of the fortress. It's been said that if we shine that mysterious light across our eyes, the fortress will rise to the surface.They say that it was built before the country of Aveh was founded.

NARRATOR TBD[Scene opens in a red-tinted room. The group walks to the stairs in between railings and look towards the bottom. They look at the wall, which reveals what appears to be a control room.]

BART: There sure are a lot of gauges and meters in here. Here’s the control panel..…....Not moving.

ELLY: I think that it's locked.

MARGIE: Want to go look for the great treasure first?

BART: Yeah… let’s try this way.

NARRATOR TBD[The group leaves the room and climbs to a much darker area with a green tint. They explore the energy block and find several passageways. After trying several, in the NE passageway they find a side door into a small room with another machine similar to the one used to open the main door. Bart examines it.]

BART: There's another Jasper lock... Margie, take your place.

MARGIE: Right!

[The two have their eyes scanned like before. The same noises are heard and a shudder is felt.]

BART: Okay, in here!Hmm, there’s something in the center of this hall…?

ELLY: Wow, is that… a gear…?

FEI: Elly’s right. And, Bart, it looks a lot like your Gear…!

BART: You’re right! And now that you mention it... if you trace my Brigandier's history, it

was a Gear originally made in Aveh, that I customized. It wouldn't surprise me if there was some connection between the two gears.

ELLY: For being in storage for so long, this thing's in a great condition though.

FEI: But there's no power... and the drive unit's been sealed.

BART: Hmm. The control panels down there didn't do much...nmeaning there's probably something else we should look for.

MARGIELook, Bart…! Something's written here. It's an inscription in the old language!Does anyone have a light?

BART: Let me see! Hmm... it says:"Peace to all those who come here. Fearing a great calamity, we sealed this legacy, entrusting its fate to you."

[Music: The Treasure that Cannot be Stolen]

[The group has ascended a scaffolding and are looking at the gear from level with its head.]

MARGIE: But how are we going to get this gear out of here...?

BART: Sorry, Father, looks like we're gonna have to move this gear... so I'll have to borrow it for a while.

FEI: What do you mean by "it"?

BART: You'll see! Everyone, follow me back to the control room! Let's DO it!

NARRATOR TBD[The group returns to the control room. Bart seat in the nearby pilot's seat and presses some buttons. The museleum beings to shudder, then rotate slowly. It begins to rise. The ground around NIsan begins to shake. A huge circular structure that looks like a flying saucer rises out of the ground.

[Music: Flight]

BART: We've surfaced!Open the sky dome!

[A power boosting sound is heard. Fade music.]

BART: ...Huh?

[The sound increases in pitch.]

FEI: What's going on?

[A sucking sound is heard and a circular flash is seen.]

BART: Umm... it might be... something... that I accidentally pushed. ....Yesss! Success!

[Music: The Sky, The Clouds, and You]

FEI: Quit foolin'! What the heck did you just press!?

BART: Ohhh... Well, I wouldn't say it was a COMPLETE success... but it'll do for now! Heh heh...

ELLY: A really bright light just shot out!Did you just do something that you shouldn't have done...?

BART: Don't worry! I've never fouled things up yet, have I?Well, have I??!

And isn't this thing GREAT?! I call it Fort Jasper!And look over yonder, ladies and gentlemen! It's... Babel Tower! And I'm sure that Fort Jasper's beam cannon could reach it!

But, have you ever seen such a cannon? And don't you DARE compare it with Vanderkaum's pea-shooter! This one's MANY times more powerful and many times more refined. My ancestors used it for generations to guard the treasure! Oh yeah, this is the real thing! And don't you forget it!

Well, I guess I wanted to show you all its greatness. Let's go get this treasure and go home!

But first, we have to open that sky door in the dome... I don't think the switch on this control panel will do it though. Over there maybe?

FEI: Um, didn't you say you hit the wrong button earlier...?

BART: Hey, they all look alike. Ah well, let's start hitting some buttons!

FEI: Whoa whoa! Is that safe?!

[sounds of doors sliding as the sky door opens. The doors stop sliding with a clink.]

BART: Ok, let's hurry up and get the gear outside.

SHAKHANWell done, Prince Bartholomew.Thank you for unlocking the seal.

BART: Shakhan!

[Music: Stage of Death]

NARRATOR TBD[Three Etone Gears fly in through the sky door's opening, then two Aveh Gears. A Gear with a spiky-orb shaped base lands on the center]

BART: Damn you! This was all a setup?!

SHAKHAN: Of course. That door to the treasure wouldn't open up for anyone... So I leaked the information and then waited for your arrival.

BART: Dammit! So that's why I haven't noticed your stench for a while!

SHAKHAN: I relied on your impulsive nature to ensure that you would fall for the bait... But I never thought you'd go so far as breaking the seal for me. I am gratified.Ha ha ha!

BART: Son of a... Makin' a fool outta me...!

SHAKHAN: My soldiers have already secured this area.And there are A LOT of them, Prince... so don't try anything foolish.

BART: Huh! You lost control of your base. What more can you do?Hey, how about killing yourself honorably? A fitting death, for a clergyman!

SHAKHAN: There's much more to the 'Ethos' than you would know.We're not a single unit; we each have an agenda.We have no need to admit defeat just because my base of operation is gone. I have other motives, which I used Aveh and Gebler to attain.Now that the treasure's mine, it makes little difference if I lost the base. I suggest that you make your retreat.

[The soldiers converge on the group and surround them, but Margie starts moving a split second beforehand. She runs past everybody.]

BART: Margie!

SHAKHAN: After her! So you're actually trying to protect the Omnigear, girl?And just what do you think one little girl can do?Detestable girl! You have made a fool of me for the last time. I'll send you, and everyone with you, to the depths of hell!

SIGURDThis has gone far enough.

BART: Sig!

ELLY: Citan!

SIGURD: I left Maison in charge of the capital.I was worried about you, so I returned here. Shakhan... it's only a matter of time until Bledavik returns to us.At this point, you have nowhere to go.

SHAKHAN: Hah! It's not over yet-- I've still got Margie!She'll once again be my hostage until I get that Omnigear!Men! Let's go!

[sound of door slamming]

BART: After them!Dammit, the door's locked on the inside...!Argh!Everyone, to the Jasper lock room... it should give us a shortcut so we can gain on these bastards!

NARRATOR TBD[Scene opens in the Jasper lock room. Tremors.]

BART: Dammit! I forgot I only have one Fatima Jasper...!

SIGURD: Relax, young master, and listen to me.Pass the light through your good eye. I'll do the other half!

BART: It's unlocked….?! Sig...! How did YOUR eye work!?

SIGURD: Later! We must return to Marguerite!

[sounds of running footsteps as the group makes its way to the gear room]

BART: Huff... finally... the gear room again...Margie! Where are you?

NARRATOR TBD[An Aveh Gear, two Etone Gears and a host of Shakhan's guards are standing watch in the middle of the room.]

SHAKHAN: What's taking so long?!

GEAR SOLDIER: But... It's still an Omnigear...

SHAKHAN: Imbeciles! She's just a child! What can she do?Hurry and get her!

[Another tremor is felt. Fade music. An explosion and black smoke flies out of the room.]

[music: fuse]

BART: Margie? Is that you... moving the gear?!Don't worry, I'm coming to help you!

SHAKHAN: Stop him, you idiots! He's going into the gear!

[Sound: Gear fire is shot towards the group. Sound: Bart runs up the scaffolding stairs. He jumps onto the Omnigear's hand and enters the cockpit. Sound: cockpit door opens. Margie is in the pilot seat of the gear's cockpit.]

BART: Margie, you okay!?

MARGIE: My leg... got shot. Heh... looks like I'm causing you trouble again.

BART: Stupid! Why'd you put yourself in danger like that?!

MARGIE: I... it wasn't much, I just thought this is the least I could do for you.

BART: Dumb... Stupid! You're the biggest fool in the world, Margie!!

MARGIE: ...heh, heh.

BART: ...Can you move?

MARGIE: Yeah, I guess....

SHAKHAN: Minor damage can be repaired. Aim for the cockpit!

BART: Dammit...! It's too dangerous to go outside now. Can you hold on?

MARGIE: D--don't worry about m-me...

BART: ...Damn! Here, let's get you out of the seat so you can lie down. I'll take care of the rest, don't worry...


BART: What the heck!? There's no control stick!

[A voice comes over the intercom.]

SIGURDAre you okay, young master?

BART: ... Sig! There are no controls! How am I gonna move this thing?!

NARRATOR TBD[Scene cut to in front of the Etone's Gear's side. The gear's staff is rotating. The staff stops and flies in front of the Gear, pointed towards the Omnigear. A white hot light pierces from the Gear's chest. It stands up while the light continues to hit it. It puts its hands on its head.]

BART: H, how!? How did it move!? [on the intercom]

CITAN: Apparently, the Omnigear does not function by mechanical controls, but mental ones. Remember how the Omnigear in Shevat responded to Elly? Margie probably moved it through the same means. Try to envision the Gear moving. It should react to the image in your head.

BART: Ok... here goes!

SHAKHAN: Damn you, boy! I almost had it...!

[Music: The Steel Giant]

NARRATOR TBD[The Omnigear gets up quickly and its wingspan unfolds behind it. Shakhan and his soldiers run off. Shakhan gets into his own gear. The Gear boosters flare up and it flies out the door and then out sky dome.] BART: You bastard! I won't let you get away again!

CITAN: Young one, please wait! How is Margie doing?

BART: Oh...! Hey, Margie... you OK? Margie?Margie, wake up...! Margie!


[Music: Shattering Egg of Dreams]

CITAN: Fortunately, the bullet passed through. I will apply some first aid.Later, when we return to the city, we should have it looked over thoroughly.

BART: Good... I'm glad.When she passed out, I feared the worst.

MARGIE: ...Bart.

BART: ...Hey, how ya feelin'?

MARGIE: ...Okay.You know, when I passed out, I still heard your voice.And I thought that I had to help you...

BART: ...Oh.So we were fighting together, weren't we? You protected me. But, is this really the legendary Gear in the scroll of our founders? The way it handles, it feels just like my Brigandier... but a little more powerful.

CITAN: Perhaps...The controls, output and weapons are similar, and they adjust to the strength of the pilot's mental waves. So the pilot must be skilled at mentally merging with the Gear to take advantage of its full power. Marguerite was able to move the Gear through her strong desire to help you.

BART: Meaning, I'd have to get used to controlling it?


BART: Ugh. I already went through a lot of trouble getting it...

CITAN: Don’t be discouraged. We now know that these Omnigears were used in the battle between the land and Solaris. I’m sure that you’ll eventually be able to unleash its power. And even now, the 'Ethos' and Solaris are seeking the Omnigears. At least this one did not fall into their hands…


-------------------------------------------------------------Xenogears: Sound and Drama [Chapter 38]-------------------------------------------------------------Note: originally chapter 41

NARRATOR TBD[Scene opens in the Nisan house. Margie is sitting on a bed near the doorway.]

BART: No activities for you. You'll have to settle down once in a while.

MARGIE: What do you mean, once in awhile?

BART: Don't get so excited. Ha ha ha ha!


SIGURD: Young Master, We've heard from our units in Bledavik. Things are unfolding smoothly. They have entered the castle and are investigating Shakhan's private room on the top floor. One more thing-- Yggdrasil is on station nearby and has picked up several Gears on radar.

BART: Shakhan’s gears!

SIGURD: Most certainly. But those Gears went to the capital, and then turned and came back toward us.

FEI: He saw things weren't looking too good and ran away.

BART: Yeah. But it sounds like he's coming back here.

SIGURD: About that, the info from the capital...Isn't there a “Gate” in the area?

FEI: A “Gate”?

CITAN: Where?

SIGURD: Directly west of Nisan. Young master, do you know the big cave in that area?

BART: Cave... on the western continent, near the ocean?If I remember right, it's big enough for a Gear to walk into.

SIGURD: Yes, that cave. Our scouts found evidence that there is a large building inside it.

FEI: So if Shakhan is heading for there... because of that “Gate”?

BART: I guess we'll have to go and see!

[Music: Leftovers of the Dreams of the Strong]

SIGURD: I'll wait here for information from the capital.

CITAN: I would like to see the Gate, of course, but it might be better if we stay here and protect Marguerite…just in case things do not go well.

BART: Got it. I leave the rest to you!

SIGURD: The cave Shakhan is heading for is directly west of Nisan.It's possible that the remainder of his forces are gathering there.

ELLY: The 'Ethos' was controlling two of the three gates…

AGNES: Marguerite and Bartholomew... I'm so happy to see you two getting along so well. You are becoming a beautiful woman, and the prince won’t be able to ignore you for long! I'm looking forward to the day when, as the Great Mother of the Nisan Sect, you will take your place on the throne as his wife.

MARGIE: Sister, please stop! You're embarrassing me! And you know I hate talking about queens and romance! Bart and I are best friends!

AGNESHa ha. Marriage is the best friendship.

MARGIE: Enough about this! He’s coming over and might hear you…!

BART: Margie! Why do you keep fidgeting, just sit still like I said!

MARGIE: Hey...! Ouch ouch ouch! Stop it, Bart!

NARRATOR TBD[The group walks to the cave on the western side of Nisan in their gears and enter the Gate cave. There’s a flashing light in the floor, and a passageway.]

BART: What the…? That hole wasn't there last time.

FEI: Shhh… there’s some neo Etone gears! I bet that they're survivors from the last battle…

ELLY: They’re going into the passage… I’m sure they’ve seen us by now. Maybe they're trying to bait us.

BART: Regardless, we gotta go on! It's going to be an eternal embarrassment ifwe let 'em get away!

NARRATOR TBD[The Gears move down the passageway to a door in the back and enter a green vertical chamber. The door leads to a narrow bridge. The music fades, and a very low hum is heard repeating itself. A green glowing cylinder barrier in the center of the room is flanked by three bridges.] FEI: This is... the gate generator…?

BART: Bastard… not only was he sitting on the throne of Aveh, he also controlled this.

[Music: Knight of Fire]

SHAKHAN: Exactly. So… you knew about the existence of the gate. Very interesting. The gate divides Solaris from the earth, and was under the supervision of the 'Ethos'… though initially they did not know what it did. However, they conducted some experiments over the years, and learned how to use it. And then we discovered a new way of using it!Behold! I can use the generator to power up my gear! With its power, we can finally free ourselves from Solaris!

[sounds: the gear hovers to the generator, attaches to it. Power up and then electrical buzzing sound.]

BART: So this was your scheme all along, eh?

FEI: He just wanted the energy from the gate generator…

ELLY: Uh… something seems wrong. Look at those purple sparks flying out of the gear... I think the energy’s going haywire.

[sound of the electrical power up suddenly cuts off.]

BARTHuh! So the sponging’s session already over, eh, Shakhan? Looks like you don’t really know how to use this thing after all! If my father knew I was set up by an idiot like you, he'd turn in his grave.

SHAKHAN: This can't be!This thing should be able to pull an adequate amount of energy from the gate! Why…? Why doesn't it move?!

Argh!!I didn't need this anyway! I'll take you myself!

[A high-pitched sound is heard.]

GRAHF: Do you desire the power?

SHAKHAN: What… Who..?!

FEIDammit! Grahf again…!

[Music: Grahf, the Emperor of Darkness]

GRAHFI am Grahf, the seeker of power. Doth thou desire the power?

SHAKHAN: Power? What kind of power?!I have the power of the gate!

GRAHFThese tools, which you produced with the meager efforts of your immature intellect, are superficial toys. You will never win using these.I offer you the true and only power.

My fist is the divine breath! Blossom, o fallen seed, and draw upon thy hidden powers!Grant unto thee the power of the glorious 'Mother of Destruction'!


[Music: Stage of Death]

BARTWatch out! Here he comes!!!

NARRATOR TBD[[Battle: Weltall/Andvari/Renmazuo vs. Shakhan. Shakahn's Gear is destroyed. It keels forward and begins breaking down. Electricity fizzles out of its midsection.]

[Music: Fuse]

SHAKAHNThis can't be…!

BART: Shakahn! If you weren't so hungry for power, Margie would still have her family... and I wouldn't have had to live out in the desert!

SHAKAHNWhat would you know, you entitled brat?! You were born into kingship! You didn’t have to lift a finger to earn your throne!

BART: Throne? Huh! You can have the throne! It’s a heavy burden, something you'd never understand!


NARRATOR TBD[Scene cut to under the generator. Freen bolts begin to sparkle from the generator's area. The cavern is shuddering from the energy overload below.]

FEI: The gate's on fire...!

ELLY: We have to escape!!

NARRATOR TBD[The ocean west of A white light emanates from the ocean and a light beam shoots out of the light skyward. It crackles with black lightning and then the light becomes louder, as the entire area crackles with the black lightning. Then normal electrical bolts start to surround it and rotate around it faster and faster. The light explodes onto the water's surface and is gone.

NARRATOR TBD[Castle Fatima's square. Many Aveh citizens are standing at the door to the castle. Crowd noise is heard. Maison, Sigurd, Bart, Fei and Citan are standing on the balcony terrace.]

BART: Sig... you won't change no matter what I do, will you?

MAISON: What is the matter, young master...?

BART: My good people of Aveh...I am Bartholomew Fatima, the 19th king of Aveh, son of Edbert Fatima IV, the 18th king of Aveh.

I first must apologize for the trouble caused by my unavoidably lengthy absence from the palace. I especially want to give my condolences to those who lost family in the war with Kislev. I will immediately call a truce with Kislev and begin reparations to victims of both countries. All citizens drafted as soldiers will also be allowed to return home.

Let us work together towards the rebuilding of Aveh!

[The crowd cheers.]

BART: I also have a final, but important message... A declaration by the will of Edbart IV, who wished only for peace for his kingdom.I, Bartholomew Fatima, the 19th King of Aveh, do hereby declare...That from this day forward I shall abandon the monarchy and create the Republic of Aveh!

[The crowd cheers and continues to repeat its cheers.]

SIGURD: Young master...

MAISON: What in Aveh are you doing...?

BART: This is my father's wish. I am sorry. You both have worked so hard for many long years to restore me to the throne. Now I'm no longer in line to be king, nor anything else for that matter. The two of you are free to go.

MAISONWhat are you saying...?

SIGURD: Can't you hear the crowd outside? They have chosen you as their king.

BART: Sig...

SIGURD: And won't you need some capable assistance for all the hard work ahead?

BART: Well... here goes nothing.

NARRATOR TBD[The second floor terrace of Fatima Castle. Bart walks out from the castle halls. He walks to the other side of the castle and walks into a door. Maison is in the room.]

MAISON: Oh, young master! You still haven't rested yet?

BART: Old Maison, I want to ask you something.

MAISON: What is it?

BART: Where was Sigurd born?

MAISON: Young master, that...

BART: He has blue eyes... and the Fatima Jasper responded to his DNA in the mausoleum.

MAISONWell... It was long ago. When his Majesty and I were still young... Long before his Majesty knew my young master's mother.

His Majesty was in love with a certain girl from a small religious sect east of Aveh. This sect was quite different from Nisan and the 'Ethos…’

Then, one day she just disappeared. Later there were rumors of her having a child.

BART: She disappeared? Did father abandon her?

MAISONAs far as I know, it was the opposite. His Majesty was abandoned.

BARTSig is from Aveh's eastern desert... MAISONIndeed. When he was 10, he was assigned to his Majesty King Edbart, as a squire.

BARTI see…

NARRATOR TBD[Bart exits the room. He walks to the side of the castle opposite the main halls and finds Sigurd looking out over the courtyard from a terrace.]

SIGURD: Young master... you can’t sleep?

BART: Yeah.

SIGURD: I’m not surprised. So much has happened at once.

[A pause.]

BART: Hey Sig... what was your mother like?

SIGURD: Well… she died when I was a child. Why?

BART: Do you have any memories of her?What kind of person was she?

SIGURD: Hmmm, well... she was very kind and gentle.But when I was born, the doctor told her she did not have long to live… and she lived in constant fear of that. Because of this, even if she met someone she liked, her fear of death weighed on her mind. She worried that she could not be with me to the very end...

BART: What about your father?

SIGURD: He isn't supposed to know that I was born.However, even though he did not know, he still treated me like a son.

BART: But why didn't you tell him you were his son?

SIGURD: I respected my mother’s silence. She hid this, so I thought there had to be a reason.

BART: There is more to my father's will than what I declared today.He… he said that I must share my inheritance with my brother.And he also said... 'You must split your and your brother's share with the people.'


BART: But… until now, I didn't know what he meant.That's all I wanted to say. So… Good night!

SIGURD (to himself, quietly, after Bart leaves)Good night, my brother.

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