
25 – Ralph Metzgar30 – Matthew Muracco

Special dates All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1,Daylight-Saving Time

ends, November 6, Election Day, Nov. 8, Veterans Day, Nov. 11, Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 20, Thanksgiving, Nov. 24, First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 27,


Boy Scouts

All Saints’ Day


6:30 Bell Choir7:30 Choir


Daisy Scouts

4 5Outreach

Committee meets at

10:30 AM

610:30 Worship


Saving time ends

7Cub Scouts

8 Election Day

Voting inFellowship


96:30 Bell Choir7:30 Choir

10Daisy Scouts

11 12PW Holiday

Bazaar10 to 4 PM

Presbytery at


10:30 WorshipPW Thank

OfferingSharon Telban, leads worship


Cub Scouts

15 Boy Scouts

7:00 Joint Deacon/

Session in chapel


6:30 Bell Choir7:30 Choir


Daisy Scouts

18 19Board of Deacons meet at

10:00 AM

2010:30 Worship

Blanket SundayStewardship

Congregational Meeting


Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts


6:30 Bell Choir7:30 Choir

24 25 26

10 AM

2710:30 Worship

1st Sunday of Advent


Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts


6:30 Bell Choir7:30 Choir

Pastor Ken on Continuing Ed. Leave Nov. 7 thru 13

All Saints’ Day is November 1 God is on a saint search, and it’s not only perfect people who are going to be found. Sure, there may be some who are born

with the natural ability to love the Lord. But for most of us, this passion and power come only after we discover that God has always loved us, and that his love precedes our own. Fact is, most of us find the Lord only after we have been found by him. And all God asks is that we respond with that same level of passion ... loving him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength ... and showing a willingness to love our neighbors as ourselves. If we do, we’ll be God’s holy ones, set apart for his service.

On Sunday, November 20, a Congregational Meeting will follow morning worship. The Election of Officers and presentation of the budget - for review only will take place. Nominations by the committee for Class of 2019: Elders: John Frank Deacons: Sue Cantarella Ralph Metzgar Nancy Walsh Joseph Price

Cropwalkers - Jean Biggar, Barbara Keller and Sue Cantarella walked Lake Scranton on Sunday, Oct. 23 and $1,400.00 has been received to date. Barbara will continue to take

donations until November 6. Thank you for your continued support!!

JOIN OUR PRAYER CHAINIf you have any type of prayer need request for a friend or family member, please contact Pastor Ken at 570-344-3145, Sue Cantarella at 570-343-6807 or let a prayer chain member know. Our chain: Georgie Levy Danny ClarkLisa Price Betty LammJean Biggar Norma MeccaNancy Walsh Doris Keller

Pray where you are.God is present everywhere and ready to listen. Pray, when possible, in a quiet place where you

can be alone. It is good to fix your mind deliberately on God, apart from confusing

distractions. Pray to God simply, as to a friend. Tell him what is on your mind. Get help from the prayers of others. Pray, remembering the good things God has done

for you. Give thanks for all your blessings.Pray for others, remembering the help they need

for the situations they confront. Pray for the world in its need, and for God to guide

you toward ways you can help. Pray that God’s will be done in you. His purposes

are deeper and wiser than our own. 

Pray, and then allow God to answer your prayer.


CLASS OF 2016 CLASS OF 2017 CLASS OF 2018 Linda Muracco Linda Bourbeau Dick Loessy Nancy Walsh Connie Richards Don Williams Frank Stieler

Lackawanna Presbytery Meeting Saturday, Nov. 12 at Wyalusing PC

Tuesday, November 15, a Joint Session and Deacon meeting will be held at 7:00 PM in the chapel.

BOARD OF DEACONS CLASS of 2016 CLASS of 2017 CLASS of 2018 Georgie Levy Danny Clark Mary Grace Donati Lisa Price Bobbi Goldberg Krista Frank

Howard Miller Board of Deacons will meet Saturday, Nov. 26 at 10:00 AM

The Board of Deacons continues to collect canned goods and non-perishable food items for the Safety Net in Scranton. Some of what the Safety Net provided over the last 3 months: Food Vouchers for supermarkets 83 Clothing, Shoes, Blankets and Bedding

198 Kitchen wares, household &Personal items 72

Formula and baby items 81

Masks by Kathy Fisk (2016)

Sometimes I wear a mask, when questioned,“How are you?”

Politely I reply then ask: “I’m fine, How are you?”

My mask may be a wall—to keep others awayOr simply just a quick call--- as I hurry on my


But when I stop my busy pace, my masks disappear;

For my Creator God knows my face and he also knows my fear.

As I drop the mask when on my knee---How silly to pretend;

I know my Savior set me free, in His love there is no end.

Then why the masks as I rise--- to face the world again;

For I believe God’s protection supplies--- the guard for my heart now as then.

We are told to put on the full Armor of GodTo be alert and wary of evil ways

For life is filled with truth and fraudAnd I am seeking Jesus’ love for all my days.

(How about you?)

Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m.

to 12:30 PM Church Office: 570-343-

6807 Pastor Forbes is in the office Tuesday thru Thursday most weeks. If in need pastoral care for any reason at any time, please contact

Pastor at home: 570-344-3145

Church website: Pastor Ken: [email protected] Church email: [email protected]

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, and our Fellowship Hall will again be used for a neighborhood voting location.

Beware of extra congestion around our parking lot.

Courtney Close has been taking care of our yard work, but has decided to no longer do

it. We thank Courtney and his family for his years of service.We are now looking for someone to take care of the grass cutting and yard work beginning in

the spring. If interested and would like complete information on this job,

please contact Don Williams, Personnel Chair or Frank Stieler, Property Chair.

The Stewardship Of LifeStewardship Sunday Nov. 20"Life is an accomplishment. Each moment has a meaning and you must use it. Life is given to you like a flat piece of land and everything has to be done. I hope that when I'm finished, my piece of land will be a beautiful garden." Actress Jeanne Moreau

The question each of us must deal with as Christian stewards is what our "piece of land" will be like when God tells us we are finished with it. When we properly use the talents, resources and property that God allows us to manage, we find great joy. Stewardship has to do with how we manage our time, talent, resources — basically our entire lives.

Count Your BlessingsCount your blessings instead of your crosses;

Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;

Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.

Count your health instead of your wealth; Count on God instead of

yourself. Take Care of YOU!

November is National Family Caregivers Month provides a

reminder of the importance of taking care of YOU.

Free Yourself by Always Doing Your BestCAREGIVERS.COM

Four little words - Always. Do. Your. Best. The key is to remember that your best is constantly changing. If you’re exhausted, feeling under the weather, or upset, you can still do your best, but your best will be different than it would be if you were energized, healthy, or calm. And, that’s okay, because at that very moment, you’re still doing the best you can do. As caregivers, we set impossibly high standards for ourselves, so of course we can’t live up to them all of the time. However, when we always do our best, regardless of the circumstance, there is no room for self-doubt, guilt, or regrets. If you’ve done your best at any given

time, there’s nothing to beat yourself up over. Remember, though, your best changes from day to day, sometimes hour to hour. Whether you take care of your loved one at home or you are responsible for overseeing their care, it’s likely that you never feel like you’re doing enough.

Thoughts for Veterans Day

Abraham Lincoln gave his second Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865, as the Civil War was raging. He said, “Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away.” Lincoln’s next paragraph is especially appropriate for Veterans Day: “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan — to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” When President Lincoln finished his classic oration, he reportedly kissed the Bible and left the platform. He was assassinated the next month.

A Veterans Day Prayer Rev. Dr. Jennifer PhillipsGod of all nations, you are our Strength and Shield.

We give you thanks today for the devotion and

courage of all those who have offered military service for this country. We ask that you hold

safely in your hands all military families. Give to us, your people, grateful hearts and a united will to honor these men and women and hold them always

in our love and our prayers until your world is perfected in peace and all wars cease.

Through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.


& CAFE’ SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 2016



HANGING OF THE GREENS will be on Saturday, November 26, from 10 AM to 1 PM. Come and help prepare the church for Christmas.

The Beginning Of AdventNovember is the month of Thanksgiving, but it often also includes the beginning of a new church year. This year, November 27, is the first Sunday of Advent. The season of Advent is about Jesus, the Word, “coming.”

It’s about anticipating and preparing for Christ’s arrival.

God comes to us in many and various ways. He speaks to us through the prophets and saints. He comes and speaks to us when we are listening. He comes in the beauty and mysteries of nature. Most of all, God comes in the person of Christ, speaking to his listeners face to face. That’s what Advent is really all about: God visiting the earth in person to speak with anyone and everyone who is ready to do so.

You should have done this instead of that. You could have done that better than you did. And so the cycle goes. The Four Agreements, a book by Don Miguel Ruiz, is less than 150 pages, it’s a quick read jam packed with wisdom that will help you put things in perspective in your role as a caregiver and beyond. There’s certainly nothing magic about The Four Agreements; it’s all beautifully simple: Be impeccable with your word.

Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best.

Give yourself a break. At those moments, stop and take a few deep breaths. Let go of the internal struggle and remind yourself that you’re doing your best.

Give to Presbyterian Women Thank OfferingOur Dunmore PW will take part in the Sunday, Nov. 13th worship service and a special thank offering will be taken. The Thank Offering has long been a tradition of Presbyterian Women. It has provides much-needed financial assistance to numerous worthwhile programs not included in ongoing General Assembly mission support.

Prayers and Concerns of our Church Family

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers each of our church family. Each has personal needs, whether health related or just for strength in personal matters. Our extra prayers continue for:Marilyn Casal Norma MeccaLiz Hamborsky Sarah Palermo Helen Biggar Nathan HolodClaireWehrle Bobby Walsh

Helen Biggar thanks everyone who sent her cards, called, or visited to celebrate her 95th birthday. She was happy to hear from so many friends. She misses being able to be in church and appreciates sharing monthly Communion with Pastor Ken and Sarah Palermo.

On Sunday, October 23, the baptism of Conor James Roberts took

place during worship. We Congratulate parents, Lauren

Kimmerle and Greg Roberts, Grandparents Debbie and Craig Kimmerle and

Great-Grandmother, Ruth Giorgio.

Mark Your December Calendar Now!!

The Advent Bible Study planned for this year will continue on “Jubilee” the book used last year. A sign-up sheet

is posted for ideas on the best time for those interested to meet. (To begin after Nov. 27) Anyone interested, please check the sign-up sheet

Church Family Christmas Party – Sunday, December 11 at 5 PM

Mark your calendars for and come and celebrate the season of Christmas!! We will have a covered dish meal – so prepare a favorite and bring it along. Desserts and beverages will be provided.

The Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons – Class of 2019 will take place during the worship service on Sunday, December 18.

Christmas Eve Saturday, December 24 at

7:00 PM and services will be held on

Christmas Day Sunday, December 25 at 10:30


East Africa is one of the driest places on this earth, which is what makes

“Nairobi, such a significant name for a city in that region. The name comes from a Masai phrase meaning “cold water”, and it literally means “the place of water.”

Throughout history, the presence of water has been both life-giving and strategic. Whether one lives in a dry climate or a rain forest, water is a non-negotiable necessity. In a dry and barren climate, knowing where to find the place of water can mean the difference

between life and death. Our spiritual life also has certain non-negotiable elements. That is why Jesus, upon encountering a spiritually thirsty woman at a well, declared to her that He alone could provide living water. He told her: “Whoever drinks of the water I shall give him or her, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give that person will become in him or her, a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4: 14).

Like the deer mentioned Psalm 42 who pants for water, I think our very souls do thirst for God and long for God whether it is when we are ill or we are faced with a tough problem with one of our children or even at the baptism of one of our grandchildren. At many times, we thirst for God’s presence in our lives. Friends, we desperately need the nourishment that comes only from God – from Jesus Christ. He is the source of living water that can refresh our hearts and very lives. Be thankful to God for this fountain of living water – Jesus Christ.

As the old song writer wrote:

“Rivers of living water, Rivers of life so free, Flowing from Thee, my Savior, send now the

rivers through me.”

Lord, we truly need your living water during these tumultuous times in America. We do!

In Jesus Love, Pastor Ken

The Presbyterian Church of Dunmore137 Chestnut StreetDunmore, PA 18512Rev. Kenneth Forbes,

Use It All Up

About two-thirds of Americans say eating Thanksgiving leftovers is more important than eating the actual holiday meal. That’s one of the few times people hope food is left on the table.

When it comes to giving out blessings, God doesn’t want any leftovers to remain. In Genesis 12:2, God blesses Abraham so he will be a blessing to others.

Charles Stanley writes: “A hoarded blessing is never enjoyed as richly as a shared one. Using your gift to meet someone else’s need glorifies God by demonstrating his grace at work in your life. Don’t let his generous provisions end with you. Pass them on and discover the joy of a never-ending cycle of blessings.”

Poinsettias will be ordered to be placed in the sanctuary for the Christmas season. Price of the plant is $8.00. Deadline for ordering is November 27. To place an order, please fill out the form and return with payment to Sue Cantarella.

Given By:

In memory of:

In Honor of:


Amount $ for poinsettias

Blanket Sunday - Sunday, November 20th

Blankets will again be given in honor and in memory of loved ones and friends for $5.00 per blanket. Please return the Blanket form with your payment in an envelope in the offering plate and mark Blanket on it. Deadline is Sunday, Nov. 13.

Given By:

In memory of:

In Honor of:

Amount $ for blankets.

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