
Easter Sunday of the Resurrectionof the Lord

April 1, 2018I shall not die, but live,

and declare the works of the LORD.— Psalm 118:17

PROCLAIM THE RISEN CHRISTOn Easter morning everything—the spring

weather, the flowers, birds and butterflies, the people around us in their finery, the beautiful liturgy and music—everything seems to bear witness that Jesus Christ is risen today! Like the eyewitness accounts in today’s scriptures, the glorious and joyful life all around us helps us to believe the good news of the Resurrection and sing “Alleluia!” In the scriptures today we hear from Peter and Paul and John. All three speak with conviction about witnessing the resurrected Christ. John’s Gospel account includes Mary of Magdala, who also was privileged to witness the Resurrection and tell others the good news. On this glorious Easter Sunday can we ourselves give eyewitness accounts that Jesus Christ is risen today, alive and active in our lives?

Question of the WeekHow can I bear witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world today? Can I

take the risen Christ I receive in the Eucharist and make him present in my

daily life?


3/31 Saturday: The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night; Holy Saturday

Readings: a) Gn 1:1 — 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11; c) Ex 14:15 — 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 — 4:4; Ps 19:8-11; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Mk 16:1-7Mass Intentions: Holy Saturday 4/1 Sunday: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the LordReadings: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or (at an afternoon or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35Mass Intentions: Easter Sunday 4/2 Monday: Monday within the Octave of EasterReadings: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;

Mt 28:8-15Mass Intentions 8:00am (AC) +Steve Thompson

4/3 Tues: Tuesday within the Octave of EasterReadings: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;

Jn 20:11-18Mass Intentions 8:00am (AC) +Joanne Inks

4/4 Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of EasterReadings: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35Mass Intentions 8:30am (M) Bob Anderson (SI)

4/5 Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of EasterReadings: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48Mass Intentions 8:00am (AC) Bishop Stephen Blaire (SI)

4/6 Friday: Friday within the Octave of Easter; First Friday; Julian Calendar Good Friday

Readings: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14Mass Intentions: 8:00am (AC) Karalee Canham (SI) 4/7 Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of Easter;

First SaturdayReadings: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15Mass Intentions: 5:00pm (M) 5:00pm (AR) 7:00pm (AC) Almas de el Purgatorio

4/8 Sunday: Readings: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;

1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31

WEEKLY SCHEDULESUNDAY9:00 – 10:15am Children’s Faith Formation, K-8, Angels Camp (Sept.-May)

MONDAY 1:00 - 3:00pm St. Patrick’s Helping Hands Distribution, Angels Camp 4:00 - 5:30pm Children’s Faith Formation, Murphys (Sept.-May) 5:00 - 6:30pm High School Confirmation, Angels Camp

TUESDAY 8:30 -12:00pm St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp (Sept.–May) 9:00 -10:00am OLS Helping Hands Distribution, AR 10:00 - 11:00am Perpetual Novena, Arnold 10:00 - 1:00pm Seniors Meeting, Angels Camp

WEDNESDAY 8:30 – 12:00pm St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp (Sept.–May) 6:00 - 8:00pm Youth Group, Angels Camp (2nd and 4th)

THURSDAY 8:30 -12:00pm St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp (Sept.–May)FRIDAY 8:30 - 4:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

SATURDAY9:00am Carmelites every 1st Saturday of the month, Angels Camp


ARNOLD WOMEN’S CLUB: 1st Friday after 11am Rosary, Arnold Hall

ARNOLD MEN’S CLUB: 4th Thursday, 7pm Arnold

BINGO: 3rd Saturday, 2pm Angels Camp Hall

FINANCE COUNCIL: 4th Friday, 5:00pm, Parish Office

FIRST SATURDAY MASS: 9am Chapel Angels Camp

ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION: 4th Sunday after 10:15am Mass Angels Camp Hall

LITURGY BOARD: 1st Monday, 6:00pm Angels Camp Classroom

MURPHYS ALTAR SOCIETY: 2nd Thursday 10am Murphys Hall

MURPHYS MEN’S CLUB: 2nd Thurs 5pm Murphys Hall PARISH COUNCIL: 2nd Monday, 6pm Angels Camp Hall

ST. PATRICK’S ANGELS CAMP/MURPHYS HELPING HANDS: 1st Monday 11:00am Helping Hands Bldg. Angels Camp

ST. PATRICK’S PRESCHOOL PARENTS ADVISORY MEETING: 2nd Tuesday 6pm- Confirmation Room, Angels Camp ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY – 3rd Monday 6pm Classroom, Angels Camp

Chuck Meikle, Bob Anderson, Cynthia Anderson, Victor Jeworski, George Bennett, Madison Brunk, Omedro Nunez, Margarita Medrano, Kimberly Jones, Karalee Canham, Diane Sullivan, Victor and Bernice Jeworski, Denni Oravec, Ray Auger, Suzanne Lee, Darren Schuler, Joshua Lordan, Lori Oneto Detrick, Jose Garcia, Andrew Villa, Scott Kelly, Carol Carbajal, Ramon Gordils, Cedilia Gordils, Joel Rivera, Jeannette Bennett, Carol Otis, Pete Rodriguez, Diane Sullivan, Anthony Baptista-Alcaide, Helen Ayupan, Giovanie Baptista-Alcaide, Chuck Walker, Sylvia Cass, Debbie Raffetto, Johnny Johnson, Amelia Vlaovich, Danica Woodbury, Kimberly Jones, Jeffery Harwell, Robin Hilmanofski, Carol Klocke, Aiden Hunt, Kim Jones, Randy Johnson, Steve Thompson, Janis Fraizer, Millie Navarro, Mary Vera, Joanne Weatherman, Jack & Lola Holton, Larry Allen, Shawn Serra, Julie Smith, Patty Grant, Chase Kelly, Nancy Peterson, Kraig Clifton, Jacob Silva, Michelle Tsutsui, Joshua Hegal, Ann Perez, Donelia Dooley, Julie Diedrick, Jim Ramsayer, Joe Symkowick, Michelle & Dave Elam, Cecilia Hegel, Amelia Orlonzit, Trevor Stotka, Sondra Clifford, Timothy Dahl, Anne Adams Helms, Lisa Lee, Sandra Juarez, Pat Stuth, Baby Alli Ybarra, Ellen Wiederlight, Cheyenne Jones, Theone Innes, Karan Newman, Joel Rivera, Taylor Lowell, Tim Murray, Stephanie Dunn, Randy McNurlin, Aurelia Meier, Amanda Soukup, Michelle Baker, Dave Finn, Karin Evans, Theresa Cummins, Peggy Rourke-Nichols, Siri Porovich, Leann Murray, Patty Chesnut, Norman Boydston, Ben Quick, John Wade, Clell & Mary Grimes, Louise Larro, Mike Larro, Michael Abeyta, Robbie Petterson, Eric Parker, Misha Larro, Kristine Camozzi, Peter Bailey, Karl Christensen, Mary Frances Kelly, Jack Setzer, Velma Laver, Justin Bates, Sonny Abalos, Flo Vlnaty, Josh Kavanagh, Troy Williams, Aleida Robinson, Roman Maldonado, Jean Marie Peters, Grover M. Inks, Bradley J. Howard, Kelly Bloom, Nolan Hicks, Joshua and Colin Muilenburg and individuals on 12-step programs.

(Notify the Parish Office of any Prayer Listchanges – deaths, return to good health)

Parish Office closed on Monday 4/2/18and open on 4/3/18 at 830am.

Happy Easter to All!!

Pastor’s NoteEaster’s Message

Dear Parishioners,Easter is the fulfillment of our Catholic faith. The Resurrection of our Lord is the great triumph over sin and death. Let us rejoice alongside our Risen Lord this Easter. Come spend time with Him in the Eucharistic Adoration. Experience the healing and forgiveness of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Receive His Body and Blood at Mass. Opening yourselves to the opportunities of this Easter season will allow you to participate in the fullness of this most sacred Holy Day. Enjoy Easter the way you were meant to; with Jesus.In Christ,Rev. Rolando C. PetronioRev. Suresh EryRev. Deacon Jared &Tara HungerfordRev. Deacon Fred & Maria Ybarra

Queridos Feligreses,La Pascua es la cumber de nuestra fe catolica. La resurreccion de nuestro Senor es el gran triunfo sobre el pecado y la muerte. Alegremonos al lado del Senor Resucitado durante esta Pascua. Vengan a pasar tiempo con El en adoracion

eucaristica. Experimenten el Alivio y la Misericordia del sacramento de la reconciliacion. Reciban el cuerpo y la sangre de El en la Misa. Es por nuestra participacion en los sacramentos que sinceramente llegamos a reflectionar en la significacion de este dia sagrado. Celebren la Pascua como es debido; con Jesus.En Cristo,Rev. Rolando C. PetronioRev. Suresh EryRev. Deacon Jared &Tara HungerfordRev. Deacon Fred & Maria Ybarra

THE RETURN OF EASTERThe return of Easter should be to the Christian

life the call of a trumpet. It is the news of a great victory. It is the solution of a great perplexity. It is the assurance of a great triumph.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITIONThe Paschal Mystery is the key to our Christian

faith: the dying and rising of Jesus that is the pattern of our life. In their first steps on the road of faith, the catechumens feel the cross of glory traced over their eyes, on their lips, across their shoulders, on their ears, over their heart, and on their feet. The mystery is that even death gives way to life for those who are held in the embrace of Jesus. Today, many new Christians arise from the waters of the font. Yet the font is not the destination of their journey. The goal is Pentecost, fifty days from now, and a lifetime of

praise to the Father, in Christ, in the embrace of the Holy Spirit, for the sake of the world. “Neophyte,” our ancient word for newly-baptized people, means “newly-planted” in Greek. If someone in your parish has just been baptized, welcome them today. The smiles on their faces and the light in the eyes is a foretaste of heaven.

MemorareRemember, O Most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your

intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto you. O Virgin of virgins, my

Mother; to you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate,

despise not my petitions, but in your mercy, hear and answer me.

Amen(If 20 people commit to saying the

Memorare for a year asking our Lady’s intercession against abortion

at the end of the year over 7,000 prayers asking for the end of abortion through our Lady.)

Adoration of the Blessed SacramentEvery Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm

Evening Prayer/Benediction 4:00 p.m. "Our communal worship at Mass must go together

with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic adoration in order that our love may be complete."

St. John Paul II

Anyone who would like to participate in the 40 Days for Life may call

Marilyn Hicks at 728-3549

HELPING HANDS Angels CampThank you very much for your generosity! We are no longer accepting clothing or shoes at this time. We are accepting towels, blankets and toiletries!!! You can

bring donations to Helping Hands on Mondays between 11 am - 3 pm. We are always looking for volunteers! If you are interested helping, please call Helping Hands at 736-9978 and leave a message. Thanks!!!

Arnold Helping HandsWe want to thank many parishioners who generously contribute their time, talent and treasure to Our Lady of the Sierra Helping Hands program. We are open every Tuesday (weather permitting) 9:30am to 10:00am. We serve several homeless individuals, many families, and seniors from our food pantry. We also have a closet with clothes for infants, children of all sizes and adults (men and women) of all sizes. We gratefully accept donations of non-perishable foods (especially cereal and peanut butter), personal items, and cleaning products.

Ministries Needed UrgentlyAnyone who wants to serve is welcome to join us on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:30am in the Angels Camp Church. The time will be spent at Mass, Confession and training. We are in urgent need of lectors and eucharistic ministers. Please call the office 209.736.4575

Mass Time ChangesOur Lady of the Sierra Arnold and St. Patrick’s Murphys Saturday Masses beginning 3/17/18 will start at 5pm.

Spanish Mass begins 7pm Angels Camp

3/25/18 Last Sunday’s CollectionsSundays Collection $ 5446Helping Hands $ 2637Maintenance & Repair $ 25Holy Thursday $ 10Online $ 50Total Collections $ 7278

Thank you for your generosity !!


Open each Sunday after Mass or call the Parish Office Monday thru Friday from 8:30 - 3:30 STOP BY FOR OUR $1.00 CLEARANCE ITEMS

Perpetual CandleHonor your loved one by having a candle lit 24

hours a day for 365 days a year at St. Patrick’s in Angels Camp. Pick up an application at the back of

Church or call the Parish Office for more information about Perpetual Candles.

($150.00 1st year--$100.00 each additional year)

THE VICTORToday the Victor o’er his foes for human consolation rose. Alleluia.

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