
^-mms^mmm mm ?&•&:

i9?m?w !-m*

ass tiiOOAX. I K A T T H R S .

ISOBTH. '..-"...• '«QiNffS4>fem " W M n n w t g a i u . 7 : j T a - m . : r a s 3 e D g e i - t r a i i t 9;0ga, n j :'••-• 'V • •• •«•«.-I«<M».;-. .:*"• ' \ 3 : i 9 S . n i ::•';• ??.•--.-.,-"!. ''j-S.-OS-pim;-.: "-.. ' "* V:fiS{S.nt > SMfciwgwr-aaS'ieaurated te'garifiase tickets before 'BHtertag the 4stis, • Ait excess•- ehgxgemi S e c a n t s i ^ W c s E e c t e d where fares a r a p a a

:Q»tt«tifain3.•-.".-_• y" :- _••••--••'•••• .*-•• •

•" - Osxtbag-e a n d A d i r o n d a c k H . IS . - ieavS <7arthaKB/at K3& a. m.. ahd 2i00.pvm-A*rtT*»at ^Bonaparte- dCafce a t 9:3* a, m,, and

.'. taiw'B(mapaife.-£aS» a t SjSJa. m.-.a-ttd 3:23f ;p,m. Arrive at Carthni&HtSsSm. nvand 5:0$ Ifcm. . .'•=;- •.-"'.-.'...• . ' • • . ' - - • .

•"-^Si.e^bc^ .

T-ilfestejcifjf- wasflie. -fjist day o f lent .

. f ^ e ^ ^ . & s ' f e C f f i a a s i i f c s - a t Lewis^.

^ ^ " b S E S e rhetoricals: a f ' ihe S ta te "street

Itoouse. tfe-Bifl;rr6w.alt0r?iq6ii.;'

S l p i ^ ^ . p x ^ e i S e b wasjywbll pStepaKed

(. *»«UBg. y y y ' - Z - o y y y ' ; / . , / ^

Mik>Q<E TeMpi&x$ Vili3>e-afieldVia ,|&|a=j

t'riext mpnfifcu, .;•,..-; ://;.,;:,* "'""-_•:" ''•? )• •_-.

g o l g y a u d • "sllver/tafcea;' .ik it?-.

j r . g»oSsa t ' J , &&&^Br*tMe&-

j f S ^ t a ^ m ^ . y ":•'<:• '£ A : e . ' ; :Fv j fek-? h a s leased the*

t t tage o n ' Baya^stV;, and-

^te ;#?nje.7 *'' '.}.•'- ;.:^-'

i: a a d cutters j f^asedvi ju i te exte&v

^ ; 1#fc^4»" i^4 icHBty: - - . Jy , : " . .

- i / .*^*aBtea .pp&tra is ter ; ;'.A.•/••:-.:.-'-..-:V-..

llaSsifc''""^?*^* . f ^ x t ^ e n p & s . fed' •.ajsec$sl'a$. '• 'iesoftOf-JHEts;' He^sypn-St^ te ' sL. -

; evening which wras la rge lya t tended, ;

*-The trRat«es/af-the Thbnsim<:IIslaad; w p l -he ld a.BJeetipg5 a t the ' . i f p o p :

^?3^NA lamse ii» stertasR&,-;;fie3?t. Wedi^s-. ,

" W^_ %:'. ;.--:y"-."; ;:v;/,fy A;y:.y.;y.-.;\;;/

Egc^speJtt^seesiofe o f t h e -~;rfer£&esR/|jtew York.;

• « h i e l i /meets- 3a- - ©swfeg^,

••' 4^ ta» i r .Bo j}^6 t M^Eosiepe opera house

t c - m i t M P u a t t y l :^e«ii?g; '

:y - i r i t i s ' , jjn.dergtp'pi t i i s t the Watertowtt

-;&Jipn&I iliifc. wfefiokeslargft ' their ; pf-

: . f l c e ; : ^ : ^ b H ^ i | ^ e 5 : s & e I ^ g 1 ^

tt|i.iett&4iie;*iew of reia$|ng bases tegsr-.

ties whp haTe valuaHe papeis^Mtsfcthey•

y{ wisfetQ .fce?|> i s a' aeGurfejpfcveei "•'• ; ; . . \ •••

- ' ^ l i l e t l s i t e S . States, iffsh' coinmisBfener;

Tue'stey, isent between" four s a d five;

ffiHIJoa .whitefish-fry for- plaot&igjin L.afce

bn t^ r io , . a t S s c k p t a Harbor , . Qhaamoftt

end. Biaek xiyer.Jbays. T h e plants made

i a i the laeaiity. a few years ago indicate a n

iawease in the cateh' of white fish.

—Sirs,, Mary Scully who was tried, at JEorrisvSlIe, .Madfesa eo:antyf last weefc^ for the mnfder of her father, William B , RhinehartjWas acquitted by the jury. H e r husband wh& wis india ted for t h e s a t n e erime was released' on • ;bait and i t is be-•SewShts case 'wi l l .neverbscal ledi

'—$•9.0.0 wi l l b s y - a J S f ' m fiiiTer-stem winder^at J , . S . Tardy^s,- Times block,

IiffWTTJ'He, £i* T . . '; •'"'•• -•' .

—'ths e.QBg.tegatioaai church a tBh i l a -deiphia, whji<5n:has been temodled a n d re­paired recently,, a t a. cost - of $3j.OOO was

: ie-dedicpjedy. jes te rda j i • KW.' 3. : S. "ifcsl'ee, of-Ogdensburg,- j3r.eachjng . the dedicatysy sermon* -R^v. 1 C- T.- Stokes,

4 a t e of- W a t ^ t o ^ n , i s to be the pastor.

yJH^A.-Pipj ; .dispatch s a y s t h a t th'e-0hate-Aygayrraxlrokii, ebrapahjrj.has- bb'nght. t he ^ igh t :6 f 'way -thiough -the Adirondacks, ftbm Stoahae/Iake t o Lake' Placid'. I t » especia l - t ta& tbe extension of; t he road ^jS& becdjnpyle.ted' by J a l y l . The ex- :.tensiaa%fflfee ;i$b'out'e}ght jnile? loog.

• — T h e h o p market seems to haya taken •a sirbstantial bppm. As h i g h as. 25 cts. a pound i s offered for a strictly .fine arti-:eie.. Those w h a h a w hops for sale ishpnid 'fee careful and avoid the mistake ' !6f .holding them until t h e price deelinee, :o*hiafi:as Iisfble to be tne:'caae a t any ' t i a e .

J r a : i y % ^ B ^ ^ J / e - 3 | a i n f a c t v m % A ^ o e i a t i o t t

^ ^ S i ^ l f * ^ - g t ^ ^ ; ' h o I d > ' S i r r a W


;pa :%t :Th"oTieaM|s1apd:S:ar^:"

• ^ ^ ^ ^ t t T ^ & i ' p r i e s r i i o n a e n t - ^ i r ^ J iBtllihrand*i^"p?fe|)ar3rjg t p .

§ cheese factory: p h . t n e ' . ' ^ e s t i o a S

iwcr i . ' ; ':--.o- -'-'.."0/'•"••-..•' \:'-'~:-"

raA Mw r ' % Ji;;;Sich>idson,eE-Bereral »f: their ' f ^ e h # ' V e | y ;

l j' t h % ; V ^ ^ 4 n t .hpxrie ^ph;

hoteVeniagi. •£'_. f:.-A?-'_-'--:•/•'•-? ; y

IF, : ^ : ^ T n i n e r y ;^S* jfc 'geott>v

?&keg$sM_ *n4^ I)^nis ,Dp^rrTi^r i at^-.

# e a t t t e ,«n^ i t t^BeuV "GL: . ^ & ' - s £

next : Tttesiiay1 a n d j # e 4 a e s 4 a y ; •

JLl ;iooii}s:irere: ijflM''

aateraoonby. menibeis :pf t h e

ia& o thers : tp Bear tiieaddresa

€ . ^ / T o ^ M e r i d J ^ n - t h e CMstian-;

;J*««^air : # ' '0ie ' - i?wifty qotrhty:':

t%«»peiafien ^ l b e h M d a t t h e :

i in ^this Tiliageiysfr iseTen

nt*emag±'::- . \':_ 'X-,;-.V-/!'"' •'••"

V"*tt'';;!D^:"'.«rtJSfi^/-<^cks,'-' f*i^#tT«-Tre^.i%;tl^'neife ^0

iBJ 'Times fetac^ $<rtf-" t l # p « C « i t cheaper than t he

•$£~2m:~&3LXk -'^•.JS36. '

i o t t f i S ^ t t j ^ e h » « « • delegate from this con-irk* t o thenational^epn^en.-

leagues which fiieete

1 f«Hi , f t t x tn to i%- ' [ •• '-. . *

w i l l h« h e l 4 by thk

- ^ B i i ^ l ^ . < ^ > 3 i a ^ u 8 b a r g f c . m t h e hai l i n ~-llu& VtiHagV" Saturday

f3?eh. 22nd at7''6tpeky;' Admis -

"paX-' j ^ j ^ E 6 * t e inc i ted . 1.

pi the ' "Woraan^s; .fiorne.

S^Mjoi^pJSi.•'••$;^urch, b e he ld in t h e V;6e^ion;:;TOp4ri,3iext;. ij'-kt\ S^.Vcjaekv' " S u b | 6 c r , ' y i ^

•i»Qt %6rk.aBipn^fhe ftdJahs.*' • /

^ : X y ^ £ f e n | c C j ; ; ,ol; ; B ^ f e p ? i ; * c t r t % ^ f r o n > IiWs aiid; apg^-. p i

i- j^^' lr i iaifci^d^-V"Su«' ' 'Wv :^r: , : ' . .

a i r v ' t f e e iiiches-'.iij^^^jeflgtbt • • i h f

^ I f i p e b o d n a re ^a^s.#iea;d.y-;to:: Jeaj?e:"0ut«;.;

^f^Pjr^L ^ ; p . House ^ i o i a . 3 - * h ^ | g e j s i

jgiblfe'; class- iri t h e JBiptist ^.»e1i6pj:

;'pf- this^fiagejf-?e$M-prpr.

' • •ea t sd on Siffidaj last; week wi th 'an.e le i •

.-.ij aifk WPJ:.pi : the ^achei^Bftlej . .byra :era^ '

";%^-of;idfe;ciissr': :;-V/--':..•• "v7;;-;.;.,'..-• . •• ->?^Pifl^«M : 'iM Hara iapn^ Ja'-Stv.Iiaw-* HBM Mtintyj.bftheitoV'ap •wt t»« i | r f e^ fp r Ijcignsfe. a t t f i e ig i t fmeefc iaig*' lisssfc' 'week, y.TSfs.-iri-prpgressjjn the-*rt$ag"&rtptibn^*Mc;ri we, a re : so r jy to ;

' '-^r-The Epwor th ieag.ue' wi l l ho ld a

-Washingtonmti' old-time cas-

't^e-a6".th.eHethodist,.5p3irsoaa^e Sator-

day eiwiaag, PehuBS.. All young peo-

.ple^re incited ^ e t h e r merab/ers Of the

leagneor'not,.and:(tU;_ areqsiaecially re­

quested'tp-aripe^r' |n full o r "pa r t i a l old-

J|Bie;costi i4^V'- : " . .'•', .-.'

•.."'. We eofi-'itfe attention: > f our leaflets

tbD. :</^ iewis? n e w , a d jia another cbi-

ijrrah/;.: *"'•.':•"•.: • -r- - • . . , ' ' - • - , . . ' . ' : . • ••

: .v^TSere-was; a good-attendance at. the.

farhiers'!.iDsfcitute *?hich: ogshed m Boon-

J^fflfel?ri4*p.' SeasiPnS- Were held.' morn-

ir^/-^ternP.o'n.-and. ey<mingt and.seyeral

:ip^&Jfi^g!ijie&^$&T-d&flr' -The ques-

;i iPn.bp5 prpiFfidtb b& #tf interesting fea»

•iiire;--. The ih s t i t u t e adjourned: Saturday.

rsftferriPpni .';'.---•-. .•.-'••• ":--.-'.;» " .* '"-

•"'•'•.-.•^4S0ut e i ^ t o'clock.4his mprh ihg ihe '

:;fej^eice:V^i-Mrft--jEp|swj()rJIr, s i tua ted

;ne"w ; 'ft 'e 'Jfair . ground' jiist rxfjrth of

iitm y$$Sf*ej:tbjak i | ie : ind : . b.feried fo' the-

^gjotmd.; T h e bufldjiig -burri^d very rap-

Mis' a n d only a :porMori. of- t h e . furniture

could.he.saved1. T t / i s ' t hough t the. ffre

t p p k f t p m ' i t e -chimneyi -

• ^ j t e v ; . J i "Daane PKelpis, of Belaware

A^etnJ5e>L:.'|J."'chiirch) Buffalo has bePn

'engaged; t o - conduct , tabefhacl'e services

a K t i e Tfcousahd. is land' Pa r&dur ing J u l y

and; Auguafy and will: a r range a coinplete

]progr^iH'.&f jreh'gionS. and, literary ex'er^

•ciaes-tb b e helct: a^ t&si popular jesprt

du r ing the coming season.

^ M u s i c \ ^ - T h e y had been to the opera

a n d ^ a r d ' ' t he finest music by the lead-,

i ng talent. They went home to hea r t h e

baby 's 'vp31d spib unt i l it* was quieted wi th

^rdpiS6 o f - T J r ; ^ ' # « Baby. Syrup which a t

once r e m w e d the fiitulenee,.

, y - | t J . ^taodwin, iprmerly of Car­

thage, died iiiTuscon^Arizona, last week

aged S4. jea;rs . Mr* .Goodwin was a

iseinber of. the Presbyterian church and

an aetive Sunday sphpoi wprker. After

rempvihg from (Sarthage he lived for sev-

.eral year's i n Ooltoii, St . Lawrence county

-wiiere.he was engaged: in the lumber bus­


' ^ ' T h i a rhorning was the nearest ap -^rPach -to an old fashioned Black river . th i*-we havif h a d th i s winter. The wind blefr^9ng--frpTh;the~B0uthwe8i- and t he

:'air-:was fffied, Wi th-dr iv ing ; snow.. T h e ' ' leeather was riot cold',- bu t .owing to. the s ior te fis -was; exceedingly., uiipieasant. /Sihce^ten^o'clock, t h e sun^hasshone' tat in-t e fvaMat td ihe %tpiiahas i p t Bee^'sp-se^-. vers. :- .: -, -.- - •^•'-•:- ,.-" .:•"..•;•-..• -'--.;- •__-•


m^;-^-' •• —Jefferson cpt ih ty 'hasSlgranges ,wi tB--ii:iiej|Bb^8Mp':pf-ii36&^^^^^^

granges a i d pvervr%-Q00. nxembers- • M v e

n e w g a a g m p i r e i e org^dKed i n 'Jefierspa ;«Bl«Qf-'''jBLiafStg'iMi. aiia'. o i e ;ln •Lewis


>y^WehaTe;,ie3e.iV(ad;' Iftemliirl .'P."ffy

flSB^-W;Fierni%i .Sfich.y &eppy;p£:fhe. :

:si"** -3H^^;aM gvPted.%' the' iiterests.of; | i |BPie».fiid;*tfe#^ order.tecently-Prgan.-.

i a ed i n tha t s tate fkkows. a s the- Fa t rpns

ofIafdustry. V .r^':_-~.\^ " y ; } \ K .

. ' . - ^ r ^ e i w r S a a y a b n j : ' ; of the;Phoeni? : ; f+ lai-.b^ierjtitreatedl'' |pi .al tacking.

:i&tiB%:te:fnj0j^$iig, t hp ;

S i f -';oSe'fe^y .wal?wit-.

bbie schoplv.anS %as:nio8t



*i<*pi .Pe te r IBoseoe i - l iv ing a t

^ %. :Iiawiettee- :4buhty, corniniV t«d n i<ade h u t feday b y t ak ing fc'dose

•rf.ja^arjpsrefi.'.^^ . .SheiiyedabOTtSihoTirS:

alteg-taH%.'tt»,fpiada,.;; Shs i^aupfosed; .

f© Ttt*ys: been tem^orarMy.-insanav: ;.'''. -'•'

.V r t ^ ^ s L a m o n t y i ^ - b u ^ : ; taking; s u p ' :

plies - t o : . h i s rmtjel a t SmftKs%ake- pre^

jpfralpi^ t o n e i s . s u r n r a e ^

i». i»aijh | t i r f l^pyeiaef l&ih^nd a b o s t the

h & t e ^ r a ^ ^ i l - . ^ s & t e t o aGeo;3rim0date'

a; te^enuhibe.r'ofgaesta ne'it^ seasprtv'.,". -".

-' .•^!IV».shri&l&s1ften4'ft<W^ ;•*•-X "W."'&nirh*s fpr ' the -aezt 3t) d ^ s , es.;

W i s ^ I K B ^ ^ - p n c ^ s . c h e i p e i - , t h s & e v e r

o fe re^befe f t e^" : ' - ; ^ ; \ * y :.'':-"y - :r ' : ' - ' :v ' / - ^ S e v e r a l of joarybung- people w e p t io-

|.j SSHtosrViHe :fef:: ';#ri^%^;atteraooir;,€or : s .

% xidey ahS pa. •aqcpiin t iri fjf£e[ r a i n ; was in-;

j[ '^ac^4 t o s t a j a H n i ^ t r . .They;' wp're t h e .

';;gjiest8--bf:a{ajbr J . p, UmfeTzM&Umilj;,''

'•. ifs;w&Mtt'they were' rpyaljy -entertainadv'

••'-'-"'•' 1&Giii8:It,^eriSteOTii'oMnany jeats^S:

prominentfflerflhahtirj .Copenhagen^ digd. : Jot p o e a m o n i a i n -that^ -vSIage: p n ^ r i d a j .

,iBfc: Mr.3^erjpiman ^sd". s lwsjs. xei%&k'••

. i »CpperAagenah .d*a4^w^kf tn .d -^ to W y k n o ^ n . nsieave-3 a wife and nsa


—Boaei Barnes, w h o has for many TjaaW conducted a lumber business in the

t t e w a e f t y o n s d a l e , has mad a general

to B . C. T h w r a l t o f BoonviUe.

4M jr j n r f««oce* are Joseph B .

about $8,000 and Pa lmer 3s

iraents -have heepma(Je s to

cxjittinne/tije Pofsdant Beaming. R o p m i o r :

a'hother'term. Of three yearly-The board; of:

niahagers m a d e their•lepprt".- Jan'. 2S. '-The

"s&dw&g' fe the p a s t % V ' J e a i : s • i f f 'one '

h i g h l y creditable t o th# citizehs: 'oi iifiati

plaes. • Theiep:ort of-&e treasurer shows.

Wihefef^r^e^ te f j i i r : tn .e ; ias t ' t teee j e a i s

.msiits \&&i&$%'~:-- ' ' * ' ; • • '•' '?•' ' '',"

.^Mexico jErtdepen^eint.-r-^e under-

startd; t h a t . & s y ' S y S . V ^ a i n k r d i a s leased;

# e ifie; cie:arh'• pivilioff at. :Tho'usand. fe-j

l and Park- for ihe coining season,.. -The'au-

•thorities-bf'that.'. beauti'M..suhira6r resort-

axH;fortunate inQe.ed id ' hav ing Mrs. Bar . .

S a r a M,ihe h e a d of "that |paviiiori, as sh§

is-.cbra'peieht in-^very'.iespebt"for; such;a-'

pasifipn.. J ShB is sn're-'to giv'e-.^atisfaetipn

tp ;aK w h o pa'ttonaze i e r J . '::\

.WWordxiasbeen^Jeceived a t Caatphiof iacf i inecomhii t tedihClarej a' t o ^ n alout:..

.'20 riiiiea. from Caktph.' ^JFredBoian, a :yoting,man2t^ar'S-_6fageybough^^ last §atuM€4l fijjit frbtii" j p h ^ B i o n e , He;

' .becameinto^icatbi 'andB.t.arfedforApmej.; aecbinff nieii';by"&tprle « n i ,^'eoige Lan^ .^Ber.' I S e ' h a d g ' o r i e b u . t a h a l f m l f e w h e n ; :^r^ie<K yStpne-hf rs j f l^ .^Other^|».ticU-.< .iar^ have .nptbeenreceived,? T h e N p o r i is' ftat. Stonte-saiii tha t • he'-:wpaid:getEiyen-

: with-B"pl:aD,;.aad t i e - sup.p.osition ;fe. ih®.-theljqijxnf wai. jdrugged. y . .

V; ^ 4 t . t h e annual . jaeetihg, of the- aipck-

. hblders-Pf £&4 Tur i r tCa t ih ing . i h ip i cke l -

feg-eoxhp:any,'.|ield,Mst weekj. the-fbllow*

-ing &ftc€i».wer-s;eIecteA for, ;the"eBSuui^

jear.:";.;-''Presid^n%: ]?.. -'W-,: .Oweri*.'-Tice :'pWsM'e"n't^H.;4, Etnm.j '§ir'ehtfirs>''Eiugh

.' AigheSi rF , : *?*- 0 # e n , T . BC !Svana,Kew,

$m.£&-&}id,x,G M-BarheSj Charles Crpv

.fffDt;seffr0iary,yE.;K;. .Bvaas ; /treasriijer,".

'.ChaxlesCrpfbpf-." ;• ' . ' : . - ; ; .V'*-,"'.: ". . . •

*" • r4-Miss A ] i c e Marschestetj daughter of

"George i £ Saacaes t e r , esJTpQSt'al pl>rk .oa

t h e : ! ' . ^ ; B , B . B , BfyaTtda''.|Ormer^r$si^

.'dent of P o r t jLey'd^h, died-jat- t h e h o m e .

>p.f- her:;p"arest.3 i $ , O inahay^ebrask^ Siin r

-djay,' :%'b>nai^ ;- Sth, :- ana^th'fr . rernaina:

;h*otight t'o-'.Bobnviiiey "-for; "iatefineat,

where; :fuae'raI;.se£v|Pes-were'ieHroa P i K

.day. Mi. ^•aiiehefiter-.ia-a.t presentclnint

agent ipx the- 0Qlprarfp'.division of , the 17;.

P;-mk.oM'cbi&p^©en;yeE .,' ...

^ ' : ^ - r ^ t o ; a t e e l r b r i 4 ^ ^ v e r - ' ' t h e . ^ : ^ a ^ f i ;

rjenceat. ^pteain.'••Laudingy -;wis; op :ehed

l l b h d a j for trafBo-.' Tea' napathg and

^ten-Saya iveie.^ofeeupied,'*:S'its construe*

^ g n ^ ; ^ r a t h e t r r erharkablp' '^eiioranaoqe

fionsidejragits;^ an^. three ,

quarters There are 17 hxed spans.

One is 139 ftet , two aie 173 feet each.

While the swing b u d g e covers S33 feet

and the main cJiattnel. The islands tha t

intersect t h e bridge are Gitoux island

905, and Bound island 1,320 feet

P o r the removal of dandruff, and for

curing humors of the scalp, there is noth­

i n g be t te r than Ayer's H s i r Vigor.

—See the elegant l ine of Hamburgs at. Lewis*.

—Officers of Biver Bank G-range, No . 53<1, CroghaDj were recently elected as follows: J . M Tooker, M, ; J . A . Zech-.eri B . ; Mrs. J . M. Tooker, L . ; Phil l ip Linstruth, S. ;Theo. Meister, A. S . ; Mrs.

' ^ o h a Melntyre, C. ; i lo t r i s Meister, T , ; $.<W, Bohr, Sec'y; W m . Zecher^ K . ; Mrs, ,T. W . Bohr, L. A. S , ; Mrs. Morris ke i s je r , P . ; Mis. Elisha Blinn, P . : Mrs. P r a n k Oocayne, C. The grange is in a flourishing condition and has a large and increasing piemberaaip.

,-4-Mr. 'G..-.H. Beid, for the pas t six monts butter for E i r t e^ & Boshart has sevbred his connection wi th that firm and accepted a-josition w i t h t he Dayan street merchant tailor and olbthier. A visit to popular house, . N o . 1 Bayaa street, will convinee ybu that for workmanship and style of gar tbents i t ean no t be excelled. Call and be ctmvineed tha t you ban- save money. N o ; t r o u b l e t o ^ h o w g o o d s . a n d every garment guaranteed t o be as r e p r e sea t ed , ; . Ck'H. B E A B E .

-^Phi l l ip Mbweri aged 73 , a n d his wife aged 67 years', p f B a s f Schayler, Herki­mer. Co,, Veere instantly kil&d b y a train on. the Oentral-Hudsoa-road near .Frank­fort-last Thursday afternoon. ' . They were riding, in a covered, buggy With the sides down and waitiug for a freight, train, wh ich was -passing d id no t discover t h e which -was coming .in another -direction and; s o w e r s " in s t an t ly killed'.. . The skulls of bo th were, broken in and their bodies 'otherwise mangled. They were on their way. to. a t tend the fu­neral of a neighbor,

— A t a-meptihg of t h e bpardipf direc­tors of the Boonville petroleuftj, gas and mining eompanv, held Tuesday, for holding the annual meeting Was fixed' for- Saturday, March- 16V %. Treasurer P . A. "Willaid submitted a report of the financial condition of the eonvpany, a a d oa his iaotion it was resolved to siibmit to the stockholders a resolution increasing the capital stock of the company from $5,000 to #15,000. This resolution will b e voted upon at the meeting, to be held' March 1S. I t 5s expected drilling wiir be continued in the early spring.

—A narrow, escape fri/in. accident oc­curred, near t h e depot in this t i l l age las t Thursday evening. The h e a r s e ' o f H a berer Bros. ,undertakers, had ' jua t reached the depot with t h e remains of Mrs-, WiicOs e n r d u t e t o B i p o n , ' W i s . , when the. Wind­sor house bus wit i i t w o . horses at tached esme rushing along on a runaway. The. dr iver of t he hearse turned his horses in t ime t o prevent a collision, bu t the bus came very n e a r strikirig t he hearse. There was ao? driver on the - b u s and no pne in i t a t t h e t ime, the horses.having s tar ted before t he driver took his seat o a tite bus. The h&rses.were : aught and n o daajage wa,s,done bu t the :eseapefiom ac­cident was- a narrow one. . . .

' — gave-mbney and' t ime by having Ltts-

ador always on hand , and a s m g i t fpr t h e

aumerous • diseases whjch more or lees

trouble' fu-nilies at t imes, .Sold every­

where. Price..only 35 a cents a j)&oksg«.

Great Sire at-JElapk Biver. -

A little before twelve P'eloGk. last

n i g h t fire b roke ou t i n t h e ho te l a t B l a c k

Biver, and the bui lding was soon de­

stroyed. The flames quickly spread t o

adjoining buildings on tha t side of t he

street^ which were also burned. One

business „ b lock containing offices and

stores -WAS. burned, and at one t ime i t was

feared t h e greater portion of t h e village

would be destroyed. T h e loss wi l l prob­

ably exceed: $25,000. W e have few par ­

t iculars u p to the t ime of go ing to press .

The fire took in the P o o r block, occu­

pied by 0 . J , Sweet & Co. as a general

store and.spread t o t h e Ar thu r house ho*

tpl blflck wh ich a l so , contained the post-

office, barber shop, etc. F r o m here; the

flames soon communicated to the Dillen-

back block occupied on the ground floor

by a h a r d w a r e store wi th dwel l iag and

Odd Fel lows ' hall above. The names

then, spread to the building of Parkinson

& Son,- who k e p t a general merchandise

•store; and th is together wi th the store of

•Hadsall •<&' Whipple , 'general merehaate,

was also hurned , T h e s t rong wind -whicH:

was- blowing: m a d e i t difficult t o fight the

fire, a n d b i i t l i t t le could: be q p n e t o pre­

vent l i s progress; - Only a por t ion of the

hierchaudise i n t he burned buildings fwas

saved.1'".- The loss will leach. $40v000. '


• ' .A s a d ' a n d ' f a t a l acc iden t ' securred in

JDenmark last Thursday afternopa, r e ­

sul t ing in the death of Mrs. Delana.Leon-

ar3,.wife of E d w a r d Leonard, a we;H-fenown

faiTaer/Qf, Mr .ah^ Mrs. Leonard

^vere re turn ing on. a pair of boba fromtheir

.daughter's, -and; s topping by t he way to

• take p a some articles, Mrs.-Leonard' took

the l i a e s a n d drove the i-est of t h e way

home% Making a shor t t u rn a t thedr iye*

^way,-.Mrs. Leonard was thrown from tne

s le igh, her dress ca tching on ' one thb

stakes. The horses r a a about 20 rods,,

d ragging the unfbr tunate lady by the dress

•skirfs, -Ber'head- came rip. contac t w i th

the t r u n k of a tree, crushing her forehead

and d is f igut iagher face. S h e ' w a s con-

adous .until carried in to the-, house, bu t

died soon after. She was 73yea r s of age;

.Tbeifunetal sbrvices ?wexe. h,eld a t the

honsea t 10 A. SI... Sunday.


. T h e y6urig people of Bearer Falls will

g ive aaventertitintaeat a t Buscoe opera ;

•house tpnibrrbw-(Friday) evening/enti t ied

J 'My 'Opinions and BetseyBpbbet t ' s , " .by

Jpsiah Allen's wife, for t h e benefit of t h e

new' ehsjrch a t Beayer Fal ls . T h e . enter-

tainTnent -liSs been -given two or three

t imes ' to the great .delight and satisfac­

t ion pi- fhose ivho heard it . T h e young

people vvho take pa r t in t h e play are

•'among the most respeotad and esteemed

.at Beayer Falls. T h e entertainment is

stiaictiy.avprai though very amusing, and .

tfill • - aotv 'fail to: please affi .who attend.,

:Tlckets:25 cents ; reserved seats 3a cents.

Beserved a e a t i m a y b e secured a t the

post-office. .The eateriiainment wi l lcom-

.mence at.eight. bJelock.

^ I t ' i s the-cur ren t report about to wa

t h a t E e m p V Balsam', for the throat and,

liings is making some remarkable cures

wi th people w h o are troubled wi th

Cough?,'"Sore.;Throat, Aathina, Bronohi-

•tis. > n d Consumption. Any. , d inggis t

*il'i g ive ybu a: trial bott le .free o i cost;-

"It is ; guaranteed *o relieve s ad ' cure.

"The large- bijttles are 50c. and $ 1 .

... HOT OSS lH TEN . ' ..

.Of^the peogle you ' meet from day to day

has perfectly pure, healthy h iood . T h e

hereditary scrof ulou-s ta int afflieta the large

majority .of people, whi le . many others

acquire diseases fromimpure ahr.improper

food and wrong indulgences. Hence t he

imperative necessity for a reliable blood

pnnfiei l ike Hood's S^rsnparilla, which

eiadicate3 every impurity, and gives t he

bluod vitality ind h w l t h I t cuies scrof­

ula, salt rheum, humors, b o ? ^ pimples,

and all o the i afiLCtions caused by impuri­

ties or poisonous gerrns m the blood.

A l l t ha t u asked for Hood 's Sarsapanlla

is t h a t i t be givon a fair tr ial .

?JES80HAt»"" ".;••'

—Bostmsster Phil l ips h a s gone t o Chi­

cago 'on business^ ' . ' : • " '

-—Mrs. J . M. Gardner^ o | this vUlage,-

has been qui te i l l durimf the "past.week,.

y-Miss Louise Sehrpeder, of- Por t Leyy. den i s a t tending the cphservatbiy of- mu­sic in Utiqa: ' '

—Captain Sweet , of Carthage, was the gues t of Mr. aad Mrs. :W. H. 'Gowdy/ Saturday and Sunday.

—Dr. H. 8. Hendee, is suffering frpin

an at tack of grippe, and has been confin­

ed t o the house for the past week*

—i>. A. F i t ch , commercialtraveller for Pel ton Bros., of .St. Louis, is spending the-week wi th his family in this .village,'.

—Martin King, who was/stricken * i t h paralysis several weeks since has so far. improved as to b e a b l e to w a l k a b o n t t he house.

-—Miss E d i t h A. Adams^ who is a t ­tend ing t h e t J t i c a conservatory of music,-Spent Sunday wi th h e r parents i n th is village. , . ' | . .

—J. T . H o r t o a and Wil l iam Garnsey were elected delegates by t h e T . M. C. A. at their meeting las t week t o a t t end the; state' meeting at Bingharhton.

—Duane BaVenport a a d Miss A n n a Smith of this village went to Boston Friday, to attend the funeral of Mr. Dav­enport 's sister" which -W-as h e l d on Sun­day. : • ' - ' . . " >y •'

•"; —C. B . Blodget t , travelling .salesman for the•Asbestos.Burial Casket company of this village, left Monday morning for a t r ip t h rough the southern par t of the s ta te . •.

—Gearge-Sberwood of this village was elected a member of t he executive com­mittee a t the meeting of t he state associa­

t i o n of agricultural societies in Albany recently.

t —Mrs . William Wiadecker left for Bipoa, Wis. , Thursday evening accom­panied b y the remain&of her mother, Mrs. Wilcox, which were taken to tha t c i ty for interment..

—Mr. and Mis. Hugh Jones, who have been spending the past year i a Colorado have returned t o this village and wil l occupy their residence about March 1st. Mr. Jones ' heal th ha3 improved very much since he went west.

—Mr. O. H, Beid, for t h e pas t six

months cutter for "Klriey & Boshart, has

severed;his connection with tha t firm and

accepted a 'pbs i t ioawi th t h e D a y a a street

clothing house, where h e wi l l be pleased t o

gee his. many friends and customers.


A donation will be given -Rev. C. W .

.Brooks a t the Hdgby hall* Glendsle, N ,

Y „ Wednesday evening, F e b . 26, 1S90.

All are isvited ;.

B y order of Com.

The February term of coun ty coutt anS

cpur t ' of sessions opened a t the court

house in this village on Monday, Henry

E . Turner presiding, O r r i a F . Edwards ,

of Pinclsney,;' and James K. G.alvin, of

Montague^ were present as associate Justi­

ce*. James Doyle, of West. Tur in was

made, foreman of the g r a n d , ju ry and

George J . ' Drydey, pf Denmark,, was

elected clerk. The following cases were,

disposed of.

No . J . Henry Harner, respondent)

against Charles Wisner, apellant; settled.

No. 3. Dav id . D . Douglass against

William F . Hamblin e't a l , ; oyer.

No . 3 . j i lni i ra M , Grems, as- adminis­

t ra t r ix of the estate of John G-rems, de­

ceased, against Har ry G . Hastings" a a d

Lena Belle Hastings,, impleaded by

Albert M. Lanpher , ttieir guar^i&c, ad.

litem, t r i e d by the c b a r t and judgment

rendered for plaintiff. ,

A dscisioa Was filed in t h e case of J o h n

Car^ respondent, against Har ry "Wet-

more, appellant, reversing the j udgmen t

wi th costs. •

An order was entered directing t h e

overseer of the poor of the town of Ley-

den to collect t he debts due Mrs. Florin-

da Hubbard, and also to lease certain real

estate in which she has a life lease.

The trial of the . iadic tmeat agaiast

Sherril i Higby of Watsoa for violating

t he game laws was p u t over to the ' Sep­

tember session.

0 a Tuesday T . Clark as agaigaee of

Osear T; Ingerson, of Denmark,, h a d a

final accounting, a n d a decree was.enter­

ed direct ing a distr ibution of the p ro­

ceeds.of, the 'estate. • -

The trial • of James Daltoa and Wil­

liam B u t b for the murder of Jaeob-Elos-

ner, owing tp the counsel.of thefornieri

Joseph I . Siyles, being engaged a t t he

Borne circuit ,was set d o w n i o r M a r b h S i .

A n ex t ra panel of 50 jurors, i n ; addit ion

t o thosfe, i d at tendance a t court,' will be-

"drawa. The t r ia l of Oharies B , Warner,

owing to. the sickness of .I>istr ic At tor­

ney By el, was "set down for March 37.

"William Stevens-was . . t r ied yesterday

upon indictment for Violating the game

laws, H e w a s f o i m d guil ty by the j u r y

and sentenced to pay a fine of $40 or r e ­

main ia jail 40 days. H e wil l pay the.


The grand jury presented an iadic tmeat

against Herman Smith, of Martinsbnrgh,

charging him .with obstructing' . a n officer

in . the diseharge o f Ms' d u t y in; .tearing

do wh notices'of sale, • Hb entered a.plea

of not gui l ty , and gave bonds in the sum

of $200 for appearance at., the 'Septernber

.sessions. Court , adjournad yesterday

after-pbon unti l March 34, whenjthe othef

indictments will he :tried.

- y" • . .Eftp&aASIKE. ; . .

Of t h e "exercises, to take- place a t the-

State street school F r iday afternoon, F e b . 21 .

Httsio ...,;... .Babcook and Bpshart orchestra Deelamatioii •...,. -——

Arthur Bigness. Eeoitation — ,.; "Strawberries."

May Boshart. Declamation... "Misplaced GonfiiiendS."

Fay Cotell. '. " . Hesitation "Footsteps of Angels,"

• Kittle McSlnley. • Music •. .,-... . . i . . . . , . . , . Orchestra Original Story, , . , , . • •

-. jpeai-l Dewey. Declamation. "Composition on Animals."

Ciarenee rwrUa^;. HsoitatJoH— "Eesolntions,"

. Sarah Crousei-Dec!arqatloii , -^-'—

Willie LaMont. ' Recitation • "i? vontaf; at the Farm."

ilertie Davis. ' ' InstrutoentaiSolo ..."April&howerMazourka."

May Austin. . Essay.. , '..*.,,...,,, ..-'Precious Gams.".

Alice M. Canuan-. • -Declamation. .'"Ourseof Kegulus."

' ' Howai'd Scouteti. Original Story ,..,,•.,... ....- v . ...

Gertie'Smith. .« Q.uartette..,.,>...' .,..-,,-.-..„....:...'-'ffloat" Meissis. Bftbcoofc, Boshart, "WTllsoli .and Warner. Mecitation..,., ..;.....;....-,."Gmridma's OloaK"

JUorenoe Qalloway.--Declamation,.',. , . . , . . . . .-,". . ; . : - . - —i—

OarlToR'nsendi Bealatnation^.. ; .:.... .."Disaster."

• VlBceeatGorrigan. Declamation. ; , , . ..."Somebody'sMother."

. Marion:. Eluler- : ' " Eietnro Story.. „._.., ,;. ."The Eide."

• ' Mamie Warner. • ;. •-•• SWsi'e........ . : — : . . . . . . .,-..,_„ ...Orchestra The Debatjnff Society—By-pupils of Junior

and Senior Dept. . Deolamation.,.;.-.,*Uow Jae Began the Fourth,"

.Eugene Duiinigap. Flag Drill—By pupils of the advanced and .

-second, intermediate department. .-March. . . : —.._. . ...,-•.:.,..-.,...„...Orchestra


—This i tyle of advertising ha<j been

miming in om paper foi a long time.

Youi eye* have wandeied ovei i t for

jears I t is simply heie as a reminder to

you that if J Q U should ever bd so unfor-

tunnte as to have a coicl oi any lung

trouble, Kemp's Balsam is the best cure.

Sample bottle fiee at all d rug stores.

Large bo t t le : 50 \ and $1, iii » 2

wsssm^-. y . S V * A ; i i , ' ; ;. - ' -y ' ' ' :

:Work*o)4 % t p ^ : a e g r e e v i t - ^ w v t t l e l o d ^ No.; 134j P V ^ . ^ " i ^ d ^ ; e v s t t -iisg^-B'ebi 2:lstt.- A l t members Of fl&".ancl s i s te r lodges a r e cordiaily a h d fyjtiBih'aty;. invited to^- preseat;- .Open', sharp.'at


-=.."'•.-••• iM?osTA*rHpxicag.'-•-'•-'.;. ;•""". •Ton will be wise-fo-Kuy; a ' s u i t o l

e l b f t e so r o v k p o a t for youtSelf a t % v of

t h e .Bosnian s tock^as thpse j^odtls1 a t e .beV

jng j sold one-third^^^less^ lihan' their; a e t a a |

--*hblesale;cpst. Doa'tbe.:slo-w,.'aa"these

goods are bbin^'spld'faat' - ' ; ' v '. ••'

;--tf - ' : v. ' : , - , ;H,.BO'S>IAJE *r,

' . - ' / • ;'• ^ . " 'W>iES(^ ;Feb ; /§ > ; i | ao . . \ I desirp .pubiiciy t o extend-Jhirik's; to

the • friends a a d neighbors!whb 'sffkihdly. assisted dur ing thft illhess atad; flespi of: my mother,-MrS. K-'3yi;.Pepkhimi..^i |b tp t he fr iendsin Lowville fo'c-their Madness Words cannot express my-gia t i tude •$&. them; • L n i r a a f BijT*8/

' lErtTESBEByiCJEs.;- ;;.-•

During- .lent- 'services...,will /be , ' he ld ; i t Trinity church,' this v.illagejas '-fp>; l ows ; Hbly-cpmfcuaion : ..b*ery••: S u n d a y moraihg ,at'.8';:30;,. Wednesday 'an3;Frid»y mornings p r aye r a t t10 .p?clpcfe;-. ev&iing: song, a t i p . M-.' Wednesday's- gind: 7 *,'-. H , Fridays, wi th serrppa or. reading i y . t h e reetori.,B?y--KariSwa'ste, A ' ^ c l a l p r p f gram wii l be awapge.dfori iply 'wiek;aad Bttster.Sunda#."-' -. . ' . , ' ' . : ' - ' - . "..', ..-.;'„

SlSSdEUXlOS-ltpfipE;.: ;

'• T h e partnership he f tp fp^ vejtisfang an-,

der the firm name of ^%e'tri''.^. A r t h u r . i a

dealers in, variety rgpp3s : ia ;"the/Smith

block i s th is d a y - ^ i s ' s o l v e d ^ l ^ ^ ^ t u a l

coaaent, and $he buBiaegS;- . ^ i ^ i ^ a i t e r

b e conducted by O. M, Wyf th'.^-0o.,.who,

assume Ml liabilities; b i f h e t e c firi», -. .

Lowville, N . Y. , F e b . ^ y ^ J . : ' ' ; '

C. SjoiiitofeW'^ETSDc,

- General Terni.Declsitins..'••.....

Among the decisions handed: 4bWri-;by

the general term last week, the. following

are of local in teres t i ' • , . . ' : - . - - . : - • .

John E . St r ick land. et.>. al . , i-esppnd-

ents, vs. Birth Hv , a l , ; appe l -

antSi . Judgraett t reversed .on. ih.e excepW

tioas a a d ' a n.ew.ftrial o.rderedj; .wiHi edsts

t o abide t h e eveat, .Cpinioaby J lerwia j ,

Pa t r ick Phi l l ips , rpspt,,"vs, ' . . theBome,

W"atertowa and'erisbui'g railroadj ap-

pelaa ts . •' Judgmen t afiirjh'ed'Mth.costs.

Opinion b y H a i d i h , P . J . '.'--..'• '..'


The Lewis county .chee^makers ' '.asSo-'

ciation tvill hold a,:raeetiigjtt .^ft, court

house in this village, Fr iday ^ ' J l ^ y ^ g t a .

There will ,be sessions bothfp ieapPnaf id .

;afternoph,- ; | , ' a rmer4 .an^ . s^ 'o ih ie ia in­

terested i a the .inaaufgebirp bi-;bhe'gse^

•should at tead. ...The p r o g r ^ . ^ y ^ a y f p l - r

lows::'; 10'A, u,:,t *''fii|%^g.dS:c^fe^se

making, ' ' M. % E o r g p y d a i ^ corajnia1-

sioaer,yiE!rea;ting mlik, i t s effect-on but--

ter and cheese,?' Charles 0 . i te t tpgg,dairy.

cornmisBion, S p ; M.^Qucs t iPn yhbx-

"Loss to the-farmerfrqrajppor xhilkj^ Wv

W. Hall , dairy c b m m i s i b r i y - ' ^ P e ^ e c t

cheese; h o w fo secure ' i t , " - G e o r g e -A.

Smith, cheese ' instructor, da i ry /eommis-sion. • "- ' ;..- • : ; i " . '.- '•--".

Academy Items,"

Publ ic exercises cp;rhtnempratingr; W a s h ­

ington 's bir thday, will .be ' held Lifc the

academy chapel on. M^riday eviBning, t ^ e

24th inst., at .7i30. - j tp i f ' iheintcat iPi toi :

t he s tudents to•• inakpf-tjieae.-e^erciseJi-.'.pf

more than - ordinary, • interest;.,.; .T^ 'e . .ora­

t ions , •readings, es«ay'i>;:.r#e|t«fippi .;'iiid-

m h s i c w i l l be apprppjriaip ;tpy|fca-:-peba-

sipn. _ A.f iprdiaUaT|tai iop t%^)presen ' t ,

is extended. ' } . ""."''/•:•'•''.•

, T h e r e g e a i s examana t i ea . i t J^ i eaeadr

emy 'willbomihenee on.^ibftdfty|dorniog|

March the; 3d, a t 0 p ' c l p c ^ "fth^-cOatiaue

dur ing the.ent i fe sdhabl • w e ^ . / : T h b ; e x -

arniaa t ioa" ; i i i . : the-- 'pprainbii; ;/j»iiglish

branches w i l l ; b e held -on T? i e s ^ a ^" to^

Wednesday, t h e 4 t h a a d SthC; 'Al tpef - .

sons, no t s t u d e n t s . a t t he abadifmy,.in­

tending to enter any pf the g s a t i u ^ l i o n s ,

are requested to* be pWseat^t'-'&e.itcad-T

emy oa Fr iday afteraooa'; Feb»= %8tfa, a t

1:15. - "' ::•'.,;••- ' , - ' - ; ' . . - .-

PATAtlTY-AI C A K I ^ ^ :; y: .

A fatal .accideat occurred 'oi-JheBome,

Water town and .0g^asb i i i gy r s i l tP33ya |

Carthage between'd.'ifptiir o'clbbk'

Monday Sfternpbn, t h e /vict im 'beiag-;

j i l e i ande r MeDpaald,a br^keajaa ba- tlie

road- who reMdea i n - W a t e r l o g , / -W13e

trying to make a coupling., ,31b; .^tlmibled-

over a cross-bar,'falBngip1, i lgu;ph:'.'a'' way

tha t the wJipels .passed p.V'erJhe^ghjIjl-egj

severing i t jus t below the„kn5by ./He'was-

removed, t o the residence o^'Ma, brother ,

Pat r ick McPppaldj ia vCart^ag^;:.; where

Bfs. Fergusoh..apd S tevensra t t ecS^him. .

T h e boaes i a t he leg were (jrttShid .arid i t

Waa necessary • to amputatp-it :abpvfi t he

knee, whiGh was don'et Thepa t i en tbuf ­

fered hia injury with. reinarJcablecorirage,.

but 'he was weakened by the losiof'blood,

and Ms trouble a n d agony, ended -a t / one

o'clock Tuesday-'morhingv "Whehhe died

i a t h e presence of his w i l e a n d b t h e r rela­

tives, Who had h a s t e n e d ' ^ hi^hedsideas

soon as the dreadful news bf the 'accident

was conveyed to them-; MeBbaald- was

'28 years of age aadleaves a\vif6 an 'd |wo

children besides '.other relatives. and-

M e n d s . ' • •' - - • .'

: - ;/Brani}B§harii-;-' - ' • - /

.-,'' C P»; Bartr idge ' h a s . in. .his. erapipy -

:abpufeBO.^eams., -' . • ... ••'•"

""' Mrs. O," -F . P a r h i d g e feturned from,

New-Yprk pa Saturday,

M i s s i t Lamoihe 'Hi l l s h a s b e e a v e r y s ick/with t h e paehmonia, bu t is consid­ered a lit.tle- he t t e r at this writ ing. Dr . Smith Of Greig a t tended her ,

' . -Theyheavy t h a w of last• w e e k c a s t a shadow pve r t ^ecoua t eaances ' b f spme of the-jobbers i n this;-vicinity, as .they were compelled' t o suspend business for a short tirae...' ; ' • - . . -

' ifilrs.' A. A. .Hi l lsyof tfajs place is a t

•Partridgeviile t ak ing care of her daugh­

ter, 'Miss-Lamoine.Bills. ' .

The valentine sociable proved a suc­

cess. Every one. seemed to enjoy there-

selves. The receipts were. fair. /

C. F . Partridge, scattered §1,000 smon^ his working, men last Saturday, They,

.all wear a smiling countenaaoe since that : event.

•"•Mr. and Mrs. V . "Vfilliams, of Por t

Leyden, were the guests of Mr. and

MrS." A. Hills of this .place Suturday and.

Sunday. ' . . Q O I D K E K C . .

Jeffsrspn County .-Supervisors,..,-;: "

The following' named 'gent lemen 'were

elected supervisors;., i a Jefferson bounty

•last TtiLesday,-; -The; .bp.ard.'.sta^dS; 14 re­

p u b l i c a n s a n d • M" democrats.';/;:' feast- ybar

t h e bbard -atppd. 15 r e p a b l i c a ^ o h d 11

-'.dembcrats.'/ ' -' •'',;.,- '/'•./••/.'."• ..-,

• A d a m s ^ - W . D^ Arms;, x. • ;•-•

Alexaadna-—Fred T^lfplftie?, &,:

Antwerp—Dr. G. H . Wopd,- r, •

Browavi l le—WalterZimmernan, r,

Cape Vincent—D. L . Fitzgerald, d, ;

Champion—WesleyBriggs i :T, •'.--'• •

Clayton—TW. H, Consatdyd; "...'.//•:

Ell isburg—J. M. TlionipsDn;, r,

Henderson—A. A. Scott, .T,.- •

Houasf ie ld—J,A. MoWayue, r,.

Leray—Fl B . Grbissaat^d,. .

Lorraine—C. t>'.. Qrfmshaw, d , a .

Lyme—Eli B, Johnson, r,

Orleans—B. J . S t r b u g h , d ,

Pamel ia - -E. 'B ' . Mchpls , r, ' .

Phi ladelphia—B, Oatman^.d.'.

Bodmah—W. J , 'Wymaa, r , ' '

. Btttlaad—p&tl H.'Firinfc, d,-

Theresa-^Georgb J).; Yost i ' r ,

' Watertown.—B, "W; .©ifford, r,

City Is"t'"Watd^B,^fi6MeD? jf , j r,' '

'•' ' 2d Ward—J". AWeli , j r . , r , .

. " 'gd.War-d--B.:E.',Srni|,^,. :d, .

" . . 4 . 4 Ward^Solp^ . 'wa le r , - S',-

. Wi lna - -W. H . D*lmore,,%^ . ' .

Wor'th—Philip B r e n a a n , ^ . . .

I s one. which is, . g u a r 0 t e e d to b r ing you satisfactory results, o r i o easeoffa i i -ure a r e t u r a o f p'uiehase price, On -this safe plan ybu cani>uy f r n i nou r advertised Druggist a bottle of B r King's New Dis-coveiy foi consump f ioa. I t i i guauinteed to bring relief m every ease, when used for any afiection -of Ttuoat , Lungs 01 Chest,such a«i Consumption,Iufiamnutiun of Lungs, Bionohitn, Asthma, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, etc , etc. I t i s plea» an t and agiee^ble to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. T u a l bottles free at Morrison & Bush's d rug store.

..',';• Copenhagen. ; /.. ' ; ' .

are several sick -in- this vil lage. ;a;tfd.'^einit^'- '.'

T h e Gleaners will have a meeting this

"1*epk-jjndayv - • • " • '

; Miss'.BrbleaTisdale, of IJexieo, 19 the.

;gueS't bf fribnds i n town. ,

Son', jaad Mrs, ' 6 . A. Ohickeriag spent

Sunday/at the i r home, i n th is village.

Mr.- JV S* Mitchell Came home, from

j L l b a n y o a Fr iday, oa account of t h e ill­

ness -of Ma. w i f e

• Mr. ' Mert Corcoran a a d family have

'fiiovea.,into^ Mock w h e r e . t h e y ihave .y^ry eomfprtoble rooms;

. . T h e r a i a F r i d a y afternoon and;eveaing

t u r h e d f p snow jus t in • t ime. to nave the

^sleighing,- B very one was glad to see the

change;-. - . • • - . - ' . . . - •

/ M i s , M. B; -0'B-o.nnel!,'-of Lowville,

jwill.lecture in this village this (Wednes­

day) evening, a t t h e Bapt i s t church and

organize a juvenile- temple in this place.

T h e lecture will b e frqe, a t t d t h e public ' a r e invi ted, :'-.. •• - •

'"• The! Literary cirble .will mee t on Tubs-dayeve i i i ngnex t , Febr'aary'26, w i thMrs . H,-.'F,-Bichr.'".. "Subject, -Sculpture,: E g y p t ­i a n Sculpture,' Mts,"A. fc Ctorkyltfllian.-, j l i s s . - 'No ra ; l ¥ i i gh t ; -Medalion; J . -t>. Pa r i s . • Cbrnrflifc&e of e n t e r t a i n m e i i f ^ St fs iyM, . L . Huagerfordj Miss-.Lizzie 'J)ayehppjt, Mr.. A t t h u r Boynton. ••••

[.--"Great- sorrow- is felt in .this vi l lage 6a jabepuiit of t h e death of Mr, Morris L .

"Merritnan, w h o departed- this life last. . F r i d a y morning, in Mssjls^yeav. I t was riot kno wn t h a t h e was sick, nor was it

• supposed his condition was dangerous, unt t i a few days before his death; He was! conscious iintal the last . Mr, Mer-riam was b o m hear Lowville, Ju ly 26s

1839;' fa 18^7 his parents moved to But land where they l ived for t e a years,' moving to Copenhagen in 1857, where the. parents died. Ha at tended t h e academy at 'Lbwville, t h e seminary a t Gouverneur aad graduated from the normal school at

..Albany'- J u l y 11-,- 1861, . after whieh he taught one term ai.Pinckney GorBers. H e graduated from Eas tman^ ' Business Col­lege -at Poughkeepsie in the spring of 1864, ' H e was- marr ied October 18> 1S66 to Miss Alvira Graves, who died Decem­ber 1U, 1878. . H e aga iama t r i ed Jan nary

, 26, 1-878, 'l/SOm Alice ..Goodenough being h i s second wife, .who died October !£ , . J«83. : I n 1884,-January 16, he.married Miss Mary E', Babepcfc, who survives^ His .funeral was largely t t t teaded a t 2 p?clock- Monday afternoon, Bev, A . G. .Danfprth offibiatihg. The members of Orient lodge F , '& A. M,, t o which ' the deceased belpnged, a t t ended . the funeral i n a 'body. -,•' •. •

. . Shaw Hal- •..-. -

School clpsbd this ^ e e k . . .

Grangersa re .getting, numefbns, a n d there is some t a lk of a g range stpre. • -

Mfes.Shaw has t h e messles.j.Bheis-at' the home pf kes sister, Mrs.. .Henry E'di. war-ds, a t Crystal L a k e ; she'lbuad.'therA),,; • .(or.rather they fbaud her).. in/Bbohester,:'

A few days ago sotae^hams and'shpiild-' ers disappeared from t h e sinpkertouge pf .W. S."Glenn; also all his chickens except two, and some oa ts from h is barn , 13iere; are s trong suspicions of who' t h e thief i s , and. this i s not t h e first off ease'. - . . - - .

The funeral of; 3Vlrs.. EEaT^.;Slmai:oag,.' d augh t e r of. Wm. Pek-ie, .was held ' a t the -chui'ch-la^t Thursday, y A large, cirelp cf relative^ gathered t p . j a y the i r l as t re­spects' t o ' t he departed,' The church.wa? filled by an sttentiv'e and; Bympathizihg audience. T h e services were conducted' by Bev. T; B . Beed, and the text ' aad sermon were very applicable, . The de­ceased leaves a little spa and daughter 'to ..b.0: eared for. Mr, ^ithffipas= wil'l. .•fioabfr-le'ss find a place for theia"arao'ng the large circle of relatives w h o live ja th is vieia-i t y . . He 'will'abb k e e p house.- The "home circle, is b-cpieuj-and n o one can t a k e t he

;place ,bf mother . / "/. ;,'• * , - '. " . •The nause pf ' teap .erance;has . taken. ' a wonderful boom-in thi^.vicinity,; In. J u n e las t a lodge of I . Q/ &.• T , was organize Tvhleh-.aow has .a''m'embefflhip :of ;pye£' eighty, and s*all they- PPmei'-; 'Nearly every family in. the . cpmiriuaity; fe.xepre seated in the lodge-,-. . Siace- this "step, has been taken; b y the citizens* - t he hotel -bufo iaess below does no t .pay so.welf'as-it :

used to;. W e hea t t h a t customers.-arp served by a process of delivery:, of jugs^ .bottles, e t c . The bu.siness-is.nPt carried <m openly,, bp t i s a sort of' 'secret service reform".;., the reform crops, p u t . i n - a p e r caliar mapner , , . : •'. .

The officers installed in t h e l . Q, G. Ti b y E . J . Petrie, L . B . , . a r e H . . W . Browa, :

C. T , ; Arez Green, V, %• A a a a May Brown, S. J . T. 5 Mrs. George Wegg^ See'y; Annie P h i l i p s , F..' S ; ; Ena'Bate'g, ' Treaa.; Henry' Salmons, jOhaplain.; Bev.-T. B . Beed, P . C. T- ; Sirs, H , Salmpas, G..; Ar thur Phillips, Sent . ; Jessie W i t der, M . ; Blanch Griffith, D. B f ^ ' J o h n Smith, A. S/- B . ' H . W .


"Barnes Corners.

. ' Miri, Nettie. Millard is- very, poorly.

Mrs. Sylvester Waterman remains about

t h e same, - ' " / / , . , ' •

; Bev. F . G. Severaace spent a few days

.last' week in Watson.

;' The l o d g e of Good Templars seem to

to b e prospering finely, a n d the member-

ship ' is increasing,

'".' The sleighing * a s well improved while.

i t l a s t e d v A t present i t c aano t be called

very good, .-

..Miss Lacy A , Tendes , . of Bochester^

is to g ive Apub l i e reading in G o o d T e m .

•plaiB ha l l Thursday eveamg, Feb. 19th.

. Samuel Douglass, who has baen i l l for

H k>8g t i m e is. able out again and i s

better, t han h e has been for several

months; .

Sew_ Bremen. • Miss A n n a tV'eyeneth has gone to Bos­

ton, Mass,, to res ide . . ,-

A, T . JoneSj of Turin, has. been spend­

ing several days i a towa yisiting friends.

Silas Bi -Johnson, has been, granted a

pension of e ightdol lars p e r m b n t h t o d a t e

from last j u p b . • " . ' " • ' -r

All are invited to ; .a t tend. the exhibi­

tion t o be given by thesphbol ia theha l l , . '

Friday"pvening. Admission 10 cents.

Daniel Johnson ' returned iast week to

th is place from Pot te r cbanty; Paij . Wheice.

he h a s ' b e e n employed in the . lumber

W o o d s . - - . . •• •• '• . . ..- ; .' •.

John-Matlis has .sold hfa ha tcher busi-

he33-to Tj)a.vM A . Getmanand 'Char ie? 3,

BatemaDj t h e new firm 10 b e styled 'Get-

m a n and Baieman," They will t r y .to fe-

taia-and. merit the large custom given t h e

former proprietor. .."..• • . . : • " ' . ' . '

"Betsey Bobbet t " was presented Tuesr.

d a y e v e a i a g t o ; a g b o d . . s i z e d aud ieaee ia

Tisse Brother 's hai l by t h e young people

of Beaver FallB. The p lay was a good

one a n d was.very nicely renderedj alt fhe:

par ts be ing "well•sustained,. Thereceipts:

amounted t p .|20,50,. and .wi l l be used

toward €be. n e w M. B , church'.Fa11s, ' . ' • - • ' - ' . -• / : • ' - '•). ! ' . '•- GSAED,-

—There is danger in. impure bkuod.

There is safety -in tak ing Hood's Sarsa-

pariil.a,, the gieat blood purifier. 100

doses one dollar. ' •

I I A B B I B D .

HAET-JTEWTOS^Near Gopenhaaen, Feb. 13.1890,byHeT. A.-tMfsnfoi-tti, jfr. Ht-rbert C. Hart, of iTarrisbiffgh, .and Miss Carrie A. JSew-ton,pfFuieknej'- , ,. \ .

" HAUTIN-BOHALL-At the residence of Hon-roe'Bphall' on the State road. %0-wviiIe. - Febru­ary 1-3, 1890, by Jtev. D.B.'Dfiivn, Mr. Chas. Jlar-titii «f Castei'land, and Miss Ilattie JSohall, 01 idwvtlls, .


JONES—to Borne," Feb. T3, l©0,.6r diph'therio' afonp, FaM-- wVorJy- ch-ildof Mr. -hd -MTS.V. A. Jones, aged 2 years, a months and T days, -.MERfiEM'AS—In" Copenhaaen, -Feb. 14, 1K0.

Mr, Morris 1 . Merrimari,4sed so years.,

. iiJOWAHD—In Denmark Feb. 35, K8P, Mrs, Delana Iieonard, aged 73 years.

W15COX—& towvffle, Bil X„ Feb. IS,- 3880, Mrs. Huldah "Wilcox, aged 83 yeai's, 11 month's ahdi3daj"'5 . • . - . ' ' • ,: ' •'• • - ••

"COOK—In Greigi,: February 11,1800, Anuanias Cook, aged 66 years."

Abso!ute!y Pure* This OQwder never varies., Amarrel of parity

strength and wholesoHieness, More «eohomiea than the ordinary kind1!, "ud oaunot bs sold tn competition with the multitude of lov test, short

- e ' " • " ' "'"" " Monlvm 103 Wall

\ve4waTum orpho"'<p1iato ppvijprs C ->'d onlv in ROY U. BAKfisr& POVT-Dliif f, oaiia


H. P. BUHHIG^ W, Carpenter a n d Joiaer .

Twenty yeais ' experience. Bepai i ing

4iil/.:;;;itfQti:*/Mii|:; J •'. -Westart'in'oiltheifewfe&MiU'&MvgBM^

SgriBg;. itai.& c^BM;\:W&:&rB no sliod% jgdads/to gbb¥b.^Bf/<^'. oia^csmsteiaQsi'•• -• .Drjt op'ds M&-; .fesfcqmafi% aiilt'|#eBt: ftyleei;' Wd Ba^'arl^-slbGE^A.''.^-'/ / . -: :•,.'.y:-Cy:-.;;.:://:-y/v;./• / yA-

m& a l - |iMis;..G!f Jira^bermei3/s/;<3;QM&- everpiii|Hg fpi--wiaier weari- .Gail aaid: seieiis b.6f©?fe/ utejisfemg, ye.u Wifl save : f i i Q E ^ 3 3 y y d o a r i g . s O . ' '-'•-. . • ' . " . ' , . v , , / ; ; - , / / ; ^ U . > / / ' :-:-/ 'v:; '- ' / ;A - . Q . / ;

•;-'.'V:'f *: , ; ' ' V • . ' . ^ i v v , j o i ^ / # M 3 3 l 2 0 5 E . ^ - "


^ y


j i f j isi^

ap#A4^ifW(p IPaSSi^.;;^lcrB^

V: Sfes,-. William^, Bectorj who -formerly l e i d d e ^ h e r v a f e las t | ' - A B8B&1&$$&&j'Mf&J^Xi&i.

weelfe-Wcedaesday -of hea r t disease; : Her |- '^it;^.ttft j a i t i J i n i p r d i g a i y , . ^ jfamamswere.-tesagirf. t o : . t h i s ' p l s c e a n t f 3 ^ - P ^ 4 * a t i K - - % ^ : f e . ^ i ; , ^ f e

tpldiby'phyfibjaa* taa*rish;p*wa(r&cai,abi*.: aaii/CQuid i r?e; oalyi : a ^ b ^ y i M U ^ j sh'e; w e i g h ^ X e s ^ t h a n B e y e h t y p b u n p ^ -'-'Oir^a;-piece pf wrappiiig paper she. j e ad of Br,-King 's Nbw Dispo'very,; and g a t a s ample bottle-; "ifehbiped her , ; ..slip hbvjght a large bststle, i t helped; her more, -.bought sa- . other; and'grew; bet ter ifast; .CPhtiiiued in •• use and i s n o w strong^ "healthy^ -tosyf

p lump, weighing 140 pounds.-: : F o r * i r -•fcer partichlars'. send-, s tamp, "fi . Cole^ydruggist,. F o r t Smith. Trial Bot­tles of this Wonderful discovery free a t M o r r i s b n ^ B u s i i ' a d r u g S t o r e l . ' " ' ' • .

B U S I N E S S L O C A L S . -

— T h e UM(?a- (St, T») •Obnservato'ry of

music, §100-comp.etition,Maiph.'lst. Louis

Lombard, .director,- . ' . • ' • / t f -

—-Mr, Gl J.- North, i s ' -canvassing Ben-?

ma-rk and Harrisburgh for a book entitled i ' Spa i to F r o m t h e . C.amp-Flre," wMeh is.

highly commended by all who have seen i t

Mrs. S;>:ith C. Miller, desh'es .to an-

aotiaca to the ladies, of Lowville arid; vi-

eiai ty tha t she. has reopened-her ..-dress-

mak iag rooms in the north, s ide of the

Star block, \ . here she hopes,, by.fair pr i -

CSS'for good' vrprkmansbip", \o -receive -a

slia-ra of their >-:stroiiage, tf

-—Without enturing into a.:labpre.d .dis-CUssipn of the dSitarent method^ of butt-ter ttiakiaif, we. will s implya.amesome of. the Victories Won by the Cooley creamer ' ia actual tests , and for further, informa­tion, eorataeod to-the perusal Pf al l thiak--ing of buying a creamer, .the. catalogues and cir-eateas of the •yerrobat Farm, Ma-: chine Goi, nistljeiB Pf creamery supplies syrup and sugar making apparai?iis, and fruit driers, .for all of whicn ' the aade r -signed respsctfully solicit ,your orders.

T h e sweepstakes gold medal a t Paris esposition,- 1889, wa^s awarded to- t he Green Mountain Stock-Parra,- West Ban^ dolpbj Yt., who made the butter by the

.-Cooley creamsr proftesg. . This, -is. the ; third gold inedal at Paris .Exposition on.

.the Oooley Crt'amer arid produot,' Tak-. ing the gold medal at every exposition since i t Was .invented. The gold -rnfldal a t 'Bay State ' Fair , Boston, October, 1880, wtis awarded to Conway (Mass:) Co-^p;. erative'creamery,' who made .thebutter" by the- CooJcy cream gathering process, from the cream of mixed herds, in com-'petition with' "many' o l t he .finest-regis­tered private herds,, using o t t e r systems of'separating fho cream. ' The. gold medal and- .three silver med­

als, were awarded on dairy apparatus at the Piedmont exbibitiun, Atlanta, Qa,, 1889, to the Yevraoct farm machine com­pany. . ' Fourteen gold ' medals, besides. silver medals and .first'pfemium-s'.tp"phJLi-..; merous' to niesti 'ft have been awarded tbe-Oooley Crenmi-r . and protluet-s since the beginaing of the fairs a y«ar ngn. Ee-inember th?,t, the Co'.,>hy Ci;eanier h s s ' a patented pri*c-cs'iiiiitu'tit from ail other cream raUers'tir >e paralora. th»t gives i t i !-s • wonderful supcriow-ty. i n ' qnsuitity and quality of pro.dupt. No others can le--«ally use i t . Sold, by F O O T &. W Y E T H ; Dealers .in Farm.. Iiapiemenfs,. ete.^ 160 • and 1US5 State st, LowviBe,' N . Y-/ t f .

promptly at tended tp .

. Gm.p@& Ml 251s©aB:#s.;:. The claim to ctu'e all diseases,.'niaivat first

RIIUICC seem vwy absurd: but after readine our pamphletv sivuig a hi^tnry of the. Microbe Killer, esplain&s ftie flt'i'-ni.theory of disease, and r$ad-inff our testimonials, which prove conclusively there 1sno.disease it Will nu.t cure, the.truth of oar assertion brnouies clear. Kop.etson' suffer­ing train any Wood, chronic or contagious disease" shunld- let u day pass wituout sretting and read-ins tbis.nrteresiing- bookj"which'will be giv-en away or mailed free. The gentlemen connected

of t! ib utj i w u i virtedevciv^heii. Addie-s


MicrolDe Killer Co.,

54 SiUh Avenue, MDW TORE CITY 10

29,000 S ^ B ^ y O ^ ^ S M M C E ] ^ a t l . Sdg.. Apwn . Fi-eac-h ValeaeSuheS: Qrieaial and 'yaniE>yie £oint laces;.

HSo.,, G9c.,,S!)a. and $1.0».. A-'fsia Jine'of iadie'S' MnS ifi Wdorwear. . •...... "• --',.

•oni-stdflic of Dress Goods i s matchless, from Priestly Sirs "warp jTaorlcs. - we/have 46-in,-Camel's Hafr'at s ac , w re .si.; 40-ln. serges,--6ae. wa-e s i : 46rto- H?nrieg;a-. ess. f f l « ; t l ; 4 M B . , Hem-ietta. 6*. were T3C; 42-in.. aenrtetta, 4X. were tee.: 01-ln..Dress Flannel, 5Be.-were5^e.'j 4(Mn, Di'essFlaimel 35c were aae.; Corduroys- 3,;-dtivviMoi5c- andi2i§3. doahie-ioja-ares^-sooflis, ana single, a id <tress"g-oods,. in ay shades, plain and .stripe, 52., t c , and lee, , FJegant dress- r^mrrrlngs t o ; matclxAlt shades, •' - --, - •-'- •: ' ,;, .•:.•••'- ' . .-• ' , . ..-;••-'•• •;-; -—-" ; . . / ; ; ' - :

." ;.i '-•ptashcloftSSj S19. KewMaiietSj §58;, Street' -3aosete', .?1.SQ- • eifildre'n's-.elpafcs less-tarn cost;

IfyouiYfehtDsayemoaeylopkoVOTrau'^ ... . • . / , , . ••".••;•/-•. -;.' / :", . -'/

•We are sho-irtogthe niest ass6i*me'nt oi Beaver Sha.W4ste Sh?wls, BlaaiEet Shawls and-iadia saawis.-• . .. •.. ..---•; ; / . ' " :-. . . " / • " • ' - : . ; . . . - • / ' • • / / " '

• White and colored, SI per pair, to a e mtestCaiaornia, .'Horse. Wanbets Jgc,, to Qie'celeprateiL'-. 5 - A Wiinlvet. - . • "' "' '

This aepartmentis complete.coHtalnlng all the latest hoVeltle'ste Boas, Mnas,'0apes; and lur br the yard, all colors, Thibet, Lamb, Vynx. Opossufii. Monkey, ^eave'rvfelfaiSlferFdx^^traclian,. OUderDotvS. Boa and inuff. $a.H<S'-. 5mffs,B0C. • GhUdren-sBoaS- and^iBarsr.Also:a:lai^e;aneor cutter i'0bes,blactf white and gray, |3.5 ,.5i and-S&, • . • - , ' ' . ' -"-".-' . / ' , , . .-.=

•• '.. GSNTS', LADIEM:MIS:SES.AND,CHJ^DBE^ --,-:-;•-• All sizes,- natural Wool, scaMet,'.cftrnfeBs h'alivnDiin'ai wnoij noa^hrlnklng *ool vests; cafliineje; -

wool,merino. ladies*vests.ahd pants;3rHe.-:eacB^ Seats'£eairy:wra;ppersiaid aflaswers,so<!,eactt,-. ' '"• CABPETS, B U G S / ' J M L CLOTHS AN1>. C B B T i l N S , . ; ' i-"-•,.-"/""'-"'

' Harag-inftdelaigepurehasesof these.gG"pds:we'sb;oWyon--aJat^r.a^JflRnent. than everSetore, aao:atplaces1±4tBailnt)t-be.dlipn;e.ated., BestTaiwPOl ESBraitt G"aijMt,5SiCi,a«o....

Kerosene-all, Se 1 s . O. molasses, 50.0.; 3 lbs. Iea,ifor »5c; BatthigiisCiigiiigiarhSiW;.; Oaljcpesv 46.: Brown Sheetings, 5c.;'Bie.aehed:Stoetto^5e:;:a;pWfiimg^'..all--Ifflen,.4c.iCia*am ladles' Aprons, ire.-, lineri'Thie JiaHias'k,--j8e.; .ted-Manne\.allweal, i50>-Sapiaas.^ aacen.-;;-ejgiitcatesoi ,soap,35e. Ftinoy Soapuic. ana-ioe..-"-latiles'.-Corsets,igc^-,Kld Gloves,5ue.; Hanflter-ebiersiSc.; Ladies' wooi'-EwerMavChflaten'sXvnpi-Hose;.-SQV.-, "'-:.".:. . - :, -;-••. ; , : V :'=^v_ :

Hetreaeimient. istno order of theday;. Every one wishes to -make OiemDneyxAaslar asjoSBK-h i e ; ' " ' ' """""" " - 1 - - - - -"•-*-' - — — • - - - — -— • - . - - - — ^ at 1

ust cheapert'

,iH/iistiii^®l M:

days We" will gw^i&i^Bi

and. StioeB. • Alsb-'-all goods in our line, for we must reduce our stock for spring

BRAHMER BRO'S, Nest Doig* Bros. Block, State Street, Lowville.

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