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Absorbing phase transition in a unidirectionally coupled layered network

Manoj C. Warambhe,1 Ankosh D. Deshmukh,1 and Prashant M. Gade1

1Department of Physics, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033, India.(Dated: November 23, 2021)

We study the contact process on layered networks in which each layer is unidirectionally coupledto the next layer. Each layer has elements sitting on i) Erdos-Reyni network, ii) a d-dimensionallattice. The layer at the top which is not connected to any layer. The top layer undergoes absorbingtransition in the directed percolation class for the corresponding topology. The critical point forabsorbing transition is the same for all layers. For Erdos-Reyni network order parameter ρ(t) decaysas t−δl at the critical point for l′th layer with δl ∼ 21−l. This can be explained with a hierarchyof differential equations in the mean-field approximation. The dynamic exponent z is 0.5 for alllayers and the value of ν‖ tends to 2 for larger l. For a d-dimensional lattice, we observe stretchedexponential decay of order parameter for all but top layer at the critical point.

PACS numbers: 64.60.Ht, 05.70.Fh, 02.70.-cKeywords: Dynamic phase transition, Directed Percolation, Multiplex networks

I. Introduction

Identification of underlying topological structure for com-plex systems[1] has led to the new branch of ‘networkscience’[2]. Several researchers have studied differentproperties of real-life networks and proposed models.Most popular among these models are scale-free[3] andsmall-world networks[4]. The studies on networks helpedto a better understanding for phenomena as diverse asthe spreading of diseases in the population, informationprocessing in gene circuits and biological pathways. Ithas also helped in understanding transport properties onseveral man-made system.

Another model which has attracted attention recentlyhas been multiplex network. It models multiple levelsof interaction in a given network. One example is a so-cial media network[5, 6] where individuals are connectedby twitter, facebook, whatsapp, etc. The same individ-ual could be connected to different individuals in variouslayers and there is certain information flow in the lay-ers. Another example is traffic network[7] where peopletravel using various modes of travel such as tram, bus,etc. In spread of diseases[8, 9], empirical studies on differ-ent strains of disease or different diseases have shown thenecessity of modeling the underlying network as a mul-tiplex network. In a multiplex network, the interactionbetween the nodes is described by a single layer networkand the different layers of networks describe the differentmodes of interaction. Various properties such as proper-ties of random walk[10] on these networks, eigenvalue[11]and eigenvector structure of these networks, spread ofinfection on such networks etc. have been investigated.

In this work, we study a simplified model of multilayernetworks where all layers have the same type of connec-tivity within a given layer. Every agent is connected tothe agent in the next layer in a unidirectional manner.We study the contact process on this network. Forlow infection probability p, the infection dies downand number of infected individuals goes to zero. Forhigher p, the fraction of infected individuals tends to a

constant. Usually, this is an absorbing transition in theuniversality class of directed percolation. We study thismodel on the network mentioned above and find thatthe nature of decay of order parameter at the criticalpoint changes from layer to layer. Interestingly, for arandom network, we observe a power-law decay of orderparameter with different exponents for different layers.On the other hand, for 1-d or 2-d basic networks, we findthat the decay is well described by stretched exponentialat the critical point for all but top layer.

II. The Model

First, we consider a multiplex network with L layers eachhaving N agents. Each layer has Erdos-Reyni type ran-dom network, i.e. each site is coupled to k randomlychosen sites in the same layer for top layer and sameconnectivity is repeated for all L layers. Each site isconnected to the previous layer unidirectionally. Eachmth site in jth layer is connected to mth site in j − 1th

layer of the lattices in unidirectional way for j > 1. Thetop layer (j = 1) is not connected to layer. The rep-resentative picture of random network topology for onlytwo layers and for k = 2 is shown in Fig.1 (a). Apartfrom a random network, we have also considered carte-sian lattice as a network for the top layer in later sections.Representative multiplex structure for 1-D network for 4layers is shown in Fig.1 (b). We have carried out exten-sive numerical simulations for contact process on aboverandom multiplex network where the top layer is a ran-dom network with k = 4. We define the contact processon this network as follows. We associate variable xjm(t)to m’th site on j’th layer of this NL dimensional mul-tiplex where L is a number of layers each of which hasN sites. Initially, we assign xjm(0) = 0 or xjm(0) = 1with equal probability. We define sjm(t) as sum of xjm(t)which are connected to xjm. The evolution proceeds in asynchronous manner as xjm(t+ 1) = 1 with probability pif sjm(t) 6= 0 and 0 otherwise. In other words, each sitebecomes active with probability p if any of the sites it is











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FIG. 1. (a)Topological representation of random network sys-tem. (b)Topological representation of 1-D network system.

connected with is active. Being a contact process, thismodel shows the transition to an absorbing state. If allsites in the multiplex become inactive, they remain soforever. Furthermore, we observe another feature. Dueto unidirectional connection between layers, if the entiretop layer become inactive, it remains so forever becauseit is not connected to any other layer. Similarly, if allsites in the top two layers become inactive, they stayinactive regardless of the presence of active sites in thenext layers. On the other hand, jth inactive layer canbecome active if there are active sites in any lth layersuch that l < j. We expect the value of pc to be thesame for the entire lattice as it is for the top layer. Thereason is simple. Below pc, the top layer will become in-active. Now immediate next layer is the top layer for allpractical purposes and will become inactive and so on.

For a random network with k neighbors, we expect theabsorbing state for kp < 1 in the mean-field limit. Thuswe estimate pc = 1/k. For k = 4, we numerically obtainpc = 0.25000± 0.00015 which is close to this approxima-tion. It is expected that the dynamic phase transitionfor random connectivity will be in the same universalityclass as the mean-field class. For non-equilibrium phasetransitions, this expectation is not always fulfilled[12, 13].

The top layer is not connected to any layer and thusthe critical point as well as the critical exponents forabsorbing phase transition in the top layer must bein the same universality class as the absorbing phasetransition for that connectivity. As mentioned above,this is also the critical point for the entire multiplexstructure. However, we may question how the criticalexponents (if any) change for layers below the top layer.

A. Erdos-Reyni network

We study the 6-layers random network in which we studythe absorbing phase transition using order parameter

Ol(t) which is a fraction of active sites in lth layer asa quantifier. We indeed observe power-law decay of or-der parameter at the critical point p = pc for all l. Theorder parameter goes like 1/tδl for each layer p = pc.The power-law exponent value for the top layer is closeto δ1 = 1. For layer below the top layer is δ2 = 0.5 andso on. The magnitude of the power-law exponent of alayer decreases as we go down the layers. The value of δlfor lth layer is half the value for (l − 1)th layer. Due tocontinuous infusion of infection from layers above, the in-activation rate becomes slower for larger l. This is shownin figure 2(a). An excellent power-law is obtained withδl = 21−l for l > 1 while for l = 1, we obtain value δ1 = 1which is equal to expected mean-field value 1. This be-havior is confirmed by plotting Ol(t)t

δl as a function oftime t and independent fits (see fig. 2(b)). These valuesare confirmed within 1%. We note that Ol(t)t

δl is con-stant in time over a few decades. While the exponent inthe top-layer is an expected exponent in mean-field class,other exponents are new. We study the finite-size scaling

FIG. 2. a) We plot order prameter Ol(t) as function of timet for various layers (from bottom to top) of random networkat p = pc = 0.25. The lattice size is N = 8× 106. The decayexponent is given from δl = 1 − 2−l and the fit is shown asguide to eye. b) The quantity Ol(t)t

δl is plotted as a fuctionof t (from top to bottom). We observe that this quantity is aconstant in time confirming δl.

at the critical point for different layers. We simulate for

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N = 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600,51200. We have average over 2 × 106 or more configu-rations for N ≤ 12800 and over 2 × 105 configurationsfor N ≥ 25600. We obtain finite-size scaling for everylayer in the network. The dynamical exponent value forall layers is the same and has the value z = 0.5. Thefinite-size scaling for each layer is shown in figure 3.

FIG. 3. For random network, we carry out finite size scalingby plotting plot Oj(t)N

zδl as a function of t/Nz for differentsystem size N at p = pc = 0.25 where δl = 21−l and δ1 =1. The value of dynamical exponent z = 0.5 is same for alllayers. a) Layer-1 b) Layer-2 c) Layer-3 d) Layer-4 e) Layer-5f) Layer-6

We expect the asymptotic value of order parameter toscale as Ol(∞) ∝ ∆βl where ∆ = |p − pc| and Ol(∞) isthe fraction of active sites in lth layer. We also note thatβl = ν‖,lδl We carry out simulations for N = 8 × 106

and average over more than 80 configurations (see fig.4).(We fit the function Ol(∞) ∝ a∆b using fit function ingnuplot and values of b obtained from fiting is closelymatch with the exponent βl obtained using visual fit.)We find that ν‖,1 = δ1 = 1 for first layer which are mean-field values. However for l 6= 1, ν‖,l > 1 and βl 6= δl forl > 1. In fact ν‖,l → 2 for higher layers.

To understand this behavior, we write mean-field equa-tions for various layers. The mean field equation for di-rected percolateion is given by Eq. 3.6 in [14]. ∂tρ1(t) =τρ1(t)−gρ1(t)2. for the critical point τ = 0, ρ1(t) = 1


where c = (ρ1(0))−1. Thus δ1 = 1. For τ > 0 ρ1(t) ∼ τg

as t→∞ implying β1 = 1 and hence ν‖ = 1 as expectedin mean field limit. We heuristically write equations for

FIG. 4. The Ol(∞) is plotted for various values of ∆ rangingfrom 0.0005− 0.0065 for various layers (from bottom to top).The behavior can be appoximated as Ol(∞) ∝ ∆βl with βl =ν‖,lδl, and ν‖,1 = 1 ν‖,2 = 1.1 ν‖,3 = 1.2 ν‖,4 = 1.44 ν‖,5 = 1.6ν‖,6 = 1.92.

different layers as

∂tρ1(t) = τρ1(t)− gρ1(t)2

∂tρ2(t) = τρ2(t)− gρ2(t)2 + ρ1(t)


∂tρl(t) = τρl(t)− gρl(t)2 + ρl−1(t)


∂tρL(t) = τρL(t)− gρL(t)2 + ρL−1(t) (1)

We simulate these equations at the critical point τ = 0using fourth-order Runge-Kutta method with h = 0.01with ρi(0) = 0.9 for 1 ≤ i ≤ L. Asymptotically, weobserve a power-law decay of order parameter as ρl(t) ∼tδl with δl = 21−l. These plots are shown in Fig. 5. Thusthe hierarchy of mean-field equations explains the orderdensity decay exponent at p = pc very well.

FIG. 5. The tδlρl(t) is plotted as function of time t for variouslayers (from top to bottom).

However for τ > 0, the behaviour does not match with

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random multiplex described above. In an analogousmanner, we propose ρl(∞) ∝ τβl and obtain βl = δl.Thus ν‖ = 1 for all layers which are expected for themean-field system. This is not reproduced for randomnetwork multiplex. The reason may be long crossovertimes or the mean-field limit may be approached forvery large values of k. We have noted above that it isnot necessary that non-equilibrium systems on randomnetworks show a transition in the mean-field class.

B. 1-dimensional network

We also consider the case in which each layer has internalconnections like a d-dimensional cartesian lattice. Let usconsider the case of 1-d lattice and L layers. We studythe system for L = 4. We carry out the simulations forN = 2 × 105 and averaged over 220 configuration. Thecritical point pc = 0.70548515 is known[14] and is thesame for all layers of network. As expected, there isclear power-law decay of order parameter with criticalexponent δ = 0.159 for the first layer. (see fig.6) Thisbehavior is expected. This absorbing phase transition isthe same as in the DP class of 1-D lattice for the toplayer. However, the decay of order parameter for layers

FIG. 6. We plot Ol(t) as function of time t for 1-D net-work (from bottom to top) for N = 2 × 105 and p = Pc =0.70548515. The order parameter decay exponent for toplayer is δ = 0.159.

below the top layer is not a power-law decay. It is betterfitted by a stretched exponential. Except first layer,all other layers show a stretched exponential decay oforder parameter as ρl(t) ∝ exp(−Blxcl) and the valueof cl increases with l (see fig.7). The values of Cl are0.09, 0.16 and 0.24 within 3% for the second, third, andfourth layers. This behavior is confirmed by fitting usingstandard software such as Origin[15] and using a fitfunction in Gnuplot which uses an implementation of thenonlinear least-squares(NLLS) Marquardt-Levenbergalgorithm[16].

C. 2-dimensional network

FIG. 7. For 1D, we plot Oj(t) vs. tβ on semi-logarithmic scalefor j 6= 1 at p = pc. A clear straight line shows that decayis well described by stretched exponential. (a) j=2, β = 0.09(b) j=3, β = 0.16 (c) j=4, β = 0.24

We carry out similar investigations for the case where thenetwork in a given layer is 2-d. We simulate N×N latticein a given layer with N = 2.5× 103 at p = pc = 0.34457.We averaged over 85 configuration and consider 4 lay-ers. The order parameter show a power-law decay withexponent δ = 0.45 for the first layer as expected forDP class(see fig.8). However, others layers bend down-wards on a log-log scale and decay is faster than powerlaw. As in the case of 1-D, it is described by a clearstretched exponential decay. For 2D network the valuesof Cl are 0.12, 0.23 and 0.41 within 1% for second, third,and fourth layers. The plots are shown in figure 9. Forl = 4 in 2-D, curvature indicates the the possible presenceof strong nonlinear corrections to stretched exponentialfit. We note that stretched exponential is a very poor fitl 6= 1 for random network.

FIG. 8. We plot Oj(t) as function of time t for 2-D network(from bottom to top) of size N = 2.5 × 103 at p = Pc =0.34457. The decay exponent for first layer is δ = 0.45.

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FIG. 9. We plot Oj(t) vs. tβ on semi-log scale for j 6= 1 atp = pc. Data is well fitted by stretched exponential (a) j=2,β = 0.12 (b) j=3, β = 0.23 (c) j=4, β = 0.41

III. Summary

In this paper, we discussed three systems i.e. random sys-tem, 1-D, and 2-D system. In these systems, each layer isconnected to the layer above it in a unidirectional man-ner. The top layer has no connection to any other layer.The contact process in this system is defined in the fol-lowing manner. Any site becomes active with probabilityp if any of the connected sites is active. The critical pointfor the top layer is well known and the critical point is

expected to be the same for entire network. We computethe fraction of active sites Ol(t) in a given layer l as anorder parameter.

(a) In a random network, we find that there is a power-law decay of order parameter at each layer for p = pc andthe decay exponent is half of the previous layer. Since awell-defined order parameter decay exponent is observed,we compute other exponents such as finite-size scalingand off-critical scaling. We find that the dynamic expo-nent z = 0.5 for all layers is not the mean-field exponent.The saturation value of order parameter for various lay-ers scales as ∆βl where βl = δlν‖,l. Even the value ofν‖,l 6= 1 except the first layer which is a departure frommean-field. We propose a system of hierarchy of differ-ential equations that correctly reproduces the behaviorat a critical point for all layers, but not the behavior influctuating phase.

(b) In 1-D and 2-D networks, the absorbing phasetransition in the first layer leads to a power-law decayof order parameter only in the top layer. We find thatother layers show a stretched exponential decay. Asexpected, the power-law decay exponent of the first layeris the same as to DP in 1-D or 2-D lattice. However, thedecay is not described by power law for other layers. Itis better fitted by the stretched exponential.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSPMG thanks DST-SERB (CRG/2020/003993) for fi-nancial assistance. MCW thanks the Council ofScientific and Industrial Research (C.S.I.R.), SRF(09/128(0097)/2019-EMR-I).

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