Page 1: صخلا قيرط صخا - SISTERSNOTES · صخلا قيرط صخا Sincerity is the Way to Salvation #6 The Messenger of Allah said in a Divine hadith, or ثيدحلا يسدقلا

اإلخالص طريق الخالص Sincerity is the Way to Salvation


The Messenger of Allah said in a Divine hadith, or الحديث : القدسي

إن اهلل تبارك وتعالى يقول يوم القيامة: أين املتحابون بجاللي؟ اليوم أظلهم في ظلي يوم ال ظل إال ظلي.

رواه البخاري ، الحديث القدسي ، حديث # 23Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection: Where are those who love one another through My glory? Today I shall give them shade in My shade, it being a day when there is no

shade but My shade.

Loving someone for Allah is a high level of worship, much more honored than a natural love, which is worldly. If you want your love to benefit you, and be rewarded, be sincere and love only for the sake of Allah.

Allah will specifically call all those who love for His sake, on the Day of Judgement, to shade them under His shade; this is the greatest shade, because in their hearts, they honour Allah by their love.

As an example, consider that you love your mother so much that you respect her friends.

هلل املثل األعلىfor Allah is the best example 16:60 النحل

In the same way, you love and magnify Allah so much, that you love all the believers, because of their belief in Allah.

Imagine the Day of Judgement, when there is no shade, the sun is close to earth, everyone is sweating according to their sins; there will be no shade except that of the Throne of Allah. The love of those with Ikhlas is not for worldly benefits, only for the magnificence of Allah, so they will deserve this shade.

Those who love for the sake of Allah have the majesty of Allah in their hearts, with their love, so they perverse the boundaries of Allah.

They are the muttaqeen, those with taqwa in their hearts. They do not transgress the boundaries specified by Allah. They make all their actions into worship, seize every moment and opportunity to worship Allah. They try to make all their actions and utterances a worship of Allah. This can only be achieved by Ikhlas; they transform their whole lives into worship, even their love.

When you love for the sake of Allah, you will not

Page 2: صخلا قيرط صخا - SISTERSNOTES · صخلا قيرط صخا Sincerity is the Way to Salvation #6 The Messenger of Allah said in a Divine hadith, or ثيدحلا يسدقلا

transgress. Sometimes worldly love brings sorrow and distress, chaining you to the pleasure of the beloved, even causing psychological problems. When you love for Allah, you are free.

Natural love is allowed, but it has no rewards on the Day of Judgement. The love for the sake of Allah is everlasting. You can enjoy its consequences in dunya and akhirah.

Those who love for the sake of Allah, in their hearts is the majesty and love of Allah, seeking His pleasure. They have sincerity in love.

Love for Allah is healthy, beneficial and balanced. We are here in life for Allah; even when there are people involved, we are dealing with Allah.

The worldly love can be based upon beauty and good character. So you mist strive against yourself, make jihad with yourself, to change this love for the pleasure of Allah. To love people whom you don't know for the sake of Allah is easier, because you have little or no connection with them. But those that you know and like, you love them for themselves; so it is jihad with yourself to change that love, to make it for Allah, because He is All Mighty.

What makes people worthy of your love?

Sometimes people love others because of their righteous behavior.

You come across people whom you love for their calling towards good, for their good actions, and for teaching the religion.

This love is included with love for the sake of Allah.Their worship and goodness attracts you to them. They learn the religion, practice it, teach it, spreading the goodness. You love these people for themselves, for their religion, and this is also love for Allah.

The Deen is a collection of good. So when you love someone for their deen, you are loving them for Allah.

This is why we must love all the believers, go to study circles, and learn to love each other for the religion. The love for the people in the study circles, the bond with them, is all about it is special. This love is not for ;قال اهلل و قال الرسولbeauty or any good characteristic they may have, but for their love of deen; it is like loving them for Allah. This love is forever, increasing every day. It bears no resemblance to the love for worldly

Page 3: صخلا قيرط صخا - SISTERSNOTES · صخلا قيرط صخا Sincerity is the Way to Salvation #6 The Messenger of Allah said in a Divine hadith, or ثيدحلا يسدقلا

benefits. The more you move forward in the journey of studying, for the love of the religion, this love increases. The religion is the connection. This is Ikhlas in loving.

The one who loves for Allah, will love His special slaves.

Who are they??

The believers and the muttaqeen.

الذين آمنوا وكانوا يتقونThose who believed and were fearing Allah

10:63 يونس

The real belief shows in the outside appearance, specially in the manners, attitude and behavior. These are specially apparent in difficult situations, and while travelling.

One scholar said of you want to take someone as a friend, test him, by trying to make him angry, then gauge his reaction and behavior. If he doesn't blame or flare up, then befriend him.

When you make someone upset, you can see his reality. A friendship cannot be a dictatorship. A friend will not blame, and is always merciful, helpful, and forgiving when you make mistakes.

The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم said : أولياء اهلل تعالى ، الذين إذا رؤوا ذكر اهلل تعالى

الراوي : عبداهلل بن عباس املحدث : األلبانياملصدر : صحيح الجامع الصفحة أو الرقم: 2587 خالصة حكم املحدث :

صحيح The special slaves of Allah are those who remind you of

Allah when you see them.

In general, they are obedient to Allah, so they remind you of Allah because of their faith and behavior.

They are the ones who teach the religion, and workwith it, by doing good deeds.

They deserve your love. The stars nowadays, the singers, actors, athletes, who are idolized by people, do not deserve our love.

Page 4: صخلا قيرط صخا - SISTERSNOTES · صخلا قيرط صخا Sincerity is the Way to Salvation #6 The Messenger of Allah said in a Divine hadith, or ثيدحلا يسدقلا

The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم said : إن من عباد اهلل ألناسا ما هم بأنبياء ، وال شهداء ،

يغبطهم األنبياء والشهداء يوم القيامة بمكانهم من اهلل تعالى.

قالوا : يا رسول اهلل ، تخبرنا من هم ؟؟قال : هم قوم تحابوا بروح اهلل على غير أرحام بينهم ، وال

أموال يتعاطونها. فواهلل إن وجوههم لنور ، وإنهم على نور : ال يخافون إذا

خاف الناس ، وال يحزنون إذا حزن الناس. وقرأ هذه اآلية : أال إن أولياء اهلل ال خوف عليهم وال هم

يحزنونالراوي : عمر بن الخطاب املحدث : األلباني

املصدر : صحيح أبي داود الصفحة أو الرقم: 3527 خالصة حكم املحدث : صحيح

Verily, from among the worshippers who excessively worship Allah, are those who are not messengers or

martyrs. They will be envied on the Day ofJudgement, for their closeness to Allah.

The Companions said : Oh Messenger of Allah, tell us

who they are.

He صلى اهلل عليه و سلم said : they are the people who love for the sake of Allah, not for any blood relation between

them, nor for any wealth or trade.

By Allah, their faces will be bright, and they will be upon a platform of light. They will not fear when people

fear, nor grieve when people grieve.

Then he recited the ayah form Surah Yunus, 10:62

These people will have a very close place with Allah, on the Day of Judgement; they are sincere in their love. They will be safe and secure on the Day of Judgement. Allah really appreciates the love for Him.

People will be fearful of the hellfire on the day, grieving and regretful, of their wasted time in dunya.

Page 5: صخلا قيرط صخا - SISTERSNOTES · صخلا قيرط صخا Sincerity is the Way to Salvation #6 The Messenger of Allah said in a Divine hadith, or ثيدحلا يسدقلا

This is a great reward, because of their sincere love.

My precious sister,

Consider .......

Who you are following??? Who do you love???

Sincerity in love is the way to salvation

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