Page 1: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Page 2: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common
Page 3: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common
Page 4: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Preliminary Passages… Observe what the following passages

re: the apostle Paul have in common

Page 5: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Acts 9:26

Paul tried to “…associate with the brethren”

Page 6: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Acts 20:6-7

Paul arrived in Troas within 5 days

Paul then stayed there 7 days

Page 7: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Acts 21:4,7

Paul “looked up disciples” in Tyre

Paul “greeted brethren in Ptolemais”

Page 8: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Acts 28:14

Paul “found brethren” at Puteoli

Page 9: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Preliminary Passages… Observe what the following passages

re: the apostle Paul have in common In each example, he made the effort to

locate brethren to worship, visit with them

Page 10: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… Warm Weather Activities

After months of cold weather, it is good to once again be active outdoors

Honorable activities can be enjoyed No school = summer employment Potential conflicts await

Page 11: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… Warm Weather Activities

For young people, proper parental oversight is key to overcome conflicts

Allowing children to miss worship because of these activities leads them to setting the wrong priorities

Page 12: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips

Everyone likes to travel, see new places When making plans, some saints neglect

to factor in worship Worship on the Lord’s day Worship during the week

Page 13: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips

I have known some saints to not ensure they or their family would be somewhere where saints regularly assemble

Page 14: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips

Some saints plan trips, etc. where there is no faithful church of the Lord meeting, even within a reasonable driving distance

Page 15: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips

When asked about it after they return, some saints have no problem admitting they did not worship while they were gone

Page 16: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… To not plan one’s spiritual obligations as

the most important activities is to relegate them to “2nd class status”

It is to give God the “left-overs” This seems more prevalent during warm

weather months

Page 17: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Where Some Saints Fail… Basically, it is to forget some great

principle-based passages Mt 6:33 Col 3:1-3 Jn 4:23 Psa 122:1

Page 18: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Conclusion This lesson is not advocating finding a

way to “fit worship into” a busy schedule Such a mindset doesn’t comply with the

Scripture Mt 6:33 Col 3:1-3

Page 19: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

Conclusion This lesson hopes to remind all of us of

the importance of worship & service to God in every day living Think again about Paul’s efforts Shouldn’t this be true no matter the

temperature outside or the activity?

Page 20: …. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

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