
The French Revolution Begins

The French Revolution

1Unrest in FrancePoor harvestsHigh pricesHigh taxesEnlightenment ideasAmerican Revolution

2Old RegimeSocial and political system in FranceDivided France into three social classes, or estates 3The First EstateRoman Catholic clergyLess than 1% of the populationOwned 10% of the land2% of income went to tax

4The Second EstateRich nobility2% of the populationOwned 20% of the landPaid almost no taxes

5The Third Estate97% of the populationOwned 40% of the land50% of income went to taxDivided into three subgroups: bourgeoisie, urban lower class, peasant farmers

6The Three Estates

7Review: Causes Problems in FranceOther inspiration Poor harvestsHigh pricesHigh taxesOld RegimeEnlightenment ideasAmerican Revolution 8Louis XVIPoor leadershipNot prepared Easily bored with affairs of stateIndecisive His reign was a succession of feeble attempts at doing good, shows of weakness, and clear evidence of his inadequacy as a leader

9Marie Antoinette Unpopular AustrianScandalous OverspendingMadame DeficitGambling Interfered with government

10Economic ProblemsMonarchy is overspending on everythingCost of living risesLouis commits to helping the American revolutionaries This nearly doubles Frances debt Grain shortages cause the price of bread to double in 178911Bread RiotsBread was the staple of the French dietPrice increase causes starvation in the third estate

12Jacques NeckerFinance ministerEmbraced Enlightenment ideas Popular among the third estateFired by Louis in July, 1789

13Estates GeneralAssembly of representatives from all 3 estatesHad not met for 175 yearsEach estate has 1 voteFirst and second estates always outvote the third estate

14National AssemblyThe third estate is fed up with the medieval rules of the Estates GeneralDelegates vote to establish a new assembly that would pass laws and reforms in the name of the French peopleFirst deliberate act of revolution 15Tennis Court OathThird estate is locked out of Estates GeneralDelegates gather at an indoor tennis court Vow to stay until a new constitution is written

16Bastille Rumors spread that Louis is going to take military action against the National AssemblyJuly 14, 1789 a mob seizes the Bastille for arms and gunpowder

17Review: The French Revolution BeginsLouis XVI and Marie Antoinette are ineffective and weak leadersEconomic problems cripple FranceEstates General is calledThe National Assembly is createdRumors of military action spread and the Bastille is captured by French revolutionaries

18Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the CitizenStatement of revolutionary idealsmen are born and remain free and equal in rightsGuarantees equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion

19J.P. MaratPublished L'Ami du Peuple (The Friend of the People)Radical revolutionarySupported the rights of working people and popular sovereignty

20Womens March on VersaillesBegan as a bread riotMarched 12 miles to Versailles to confront National AssemblyStorm the palace demanding the royal family return to Paris

21JacobinsRadical political organizationResponsible for the majority of governmental changes

22Maximilien RobespierreJacobin leaderSet out to build a republic of virtueSlowly gained powerUshers in the Reign of Terror

23Louis and Marie Flee ParisFearing for their safety the royal family attempts to escape FranceApprehended near the French-Austrian borderSeals the fate of the monarchy

24The GuillotineIntroduced as an efficient, humane, and democratic means of executionBecomes known as the National Razor

25Review: The French Revolution gets UnderwayThe Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is createdThe women of Paris march on Versailles, bringing the royal family back to Paris Robespierre and the Jacobins come to powerLouis and Marie try to escape France

26Sans-culottethose without knee breechesParisian workers and small shop keepersWanted radical change in France

27Georges DantonLeading revolutionary figureMember of the Jacobin party A primary force in the overthrow of the monarchy

28September MassacreSeptember 1792Violent massacre of thousands of political prisonersDenounced as excessively violent

29Trial of Louis XVITried for treasonFound guilty and sentenced to deathExecuted on January 21, 1793

30Charlotte CordayMurders JP Marat in hopes of restoring peace to FranceExecuted for her crimeMarat becomes a hero and martyr

31Trial of Marie AntoinetteTried for treason and depleting the French treasuryFound guilty and sentenced to deathExecuted on October 16, 1793

32Review: The Fall of the MonarchyJacobin leaders, like Georges Danton, want to execute Louis XVIThe September Massacre erupts in ParisLouis is tried for treason and executed in January 1793Ten months later Marie Antoinette suffers the same fateCharlotte Corday murders JP Marat in hopes of restoring peace to France33Reign of Terror1793-1794Robespierre virtually rules France as a dictatorDeclaration of Rights is suspendedThousands are executed

34Committee of Public SafetyFormed to protect the revolution from its enemiesRapid trials and executions Paranoia sweeps over France

35Jacques-Ren HbertPublished the radical newspaper Le Pre Duchesne (Old Man Duchesne)Dechristianize France

36Execution of DantonConsidered less radical and a threat to the revolutionExecuted on April 5, 1794

37The Great TerrorJune-July 1794Repression of the Reign of Terror worsensOnly foreseen solution is to execute Robespierre38Execution of RobespierreWeary from the terror, the people of France demand the trial and execution of RobespierrePut to death on July 28, 1794


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