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    GRE 6.0 (2008 7) [email protected]


    crease : folding :: hole : perforating (B make A)

    credence [kr dns] n. , , credence disbeliever, distrust, doubt, skepticism

    credence dislodgement, misplacement

    credulous [krduls] adj. , 1. disposed to believe too readily; gullible

    2. arising from or characterized by credulity

    * incredulity n. , , , credulous : cozen :: tractable : controlcozen /

    skeptic : credulous :: penitent : obdurate (OPPOSITE)

    incredulous : persuade :: (A B)

    credulity skepticism

    incredulity faith (sincerity, gullibility)

    creek [krik, krik] n. , hill : mountain :: creek : river :: pebble : rock (A creek > brook > rivulet, streamlet, rill

    creep [krip] v. , : to go very slowly; to go timidly or cautiously so as to

    escape notice

    creep moved swiftly ()

    creep swift/quick movement ()

    crescendo [krindou] n. ; v. , a. gradually increasing in volume, force, or intensity

    crescendo : sound :: acceleration : tempo

    crescendo decrease in volume

    crest [krest] n. [],(), () ,()

    crest : wave :: summit, peak : mountain

    crestfallen [krestf ln] a. , : DEJECTED: dispirited and depressed; dejectedcrestfallen ecstatic, elated, euphoric, exultant, jubilant

    ecstatic ; , ecstasy ,


    exultant , , marked by great joy or

    jubilation; triumphant

    jubilant exultingly joyful; expressing joy

    crime [kraim]

    crime : theft ::

    crime : peccadillo :: quarrel : tiff (A>>B)

    cringe [krind] v. () ; , 1. to shrink back, as in fear; cower2. to behave in a servile way; fawn

    criterion [krait(:)rin] n. , , : a standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision

    can be based

    pl. criteria [kraitri] n. : a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based

    cronyism [krunizm] n. : favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their

    qualifications, as in political appointments to office

    nepotism , nepotism : relative :: cronyism : friend

    nepotism : favoritism :: embezzlement : fraud (A B)

    embezzle to take (money, for example) for one's own use

    in violation of a trust

    fraud , ; , ; ,

    croon [krun] v. ,

    1. to hum or sing softly

    2. to sing popular songs in a soft, sentimental manner

    croon : sing :: murmur : speak

    croaking : croon ::

    croak n. v. (), ,

    crop [krp / krp] n. , ; : COLLECTION1. a. cultivated plants or agricultural produce, such as grain,

    vegetables, or fruit

    b. the total yield of such produce in a particular season or


    2. a group, quantity, or supply appearing at one time

    crotchety [krtiti|krt-] a. , ; capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse

    crotchety genial, sweet, yielding, stable

    crouch [kraut] v. , n. , 1. a. to stoop, especially with the knees bent

    b. to pres the entire body close to the ground with the limbs


    2. to bend servilely or timidly; cringe

    crouch : spring :: hover : plunge (OPPOSITE)

    crouch stand upright

    crouch erect

    crouch erect posture, upright posture

    crown [kraun] v.t. inaugurate : president :: install : official :: crown : king

    inaugurate []; ;


    install ; ,

    crucial [krl] a. : DECISIVE1. extremely significant or important

    2. vital to the resolution of a crisis; decisive

    relevant : crucial :: perceptible : obvious (A

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    GRE 6.0 (2008 7) [email protected]


    fold : crumple :: defeat : overwhelm

    crutch [krt] n. , crutch : walk :: glasses, lens : see

    crutch : support ::

    crux [krks] n. () : an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an


    1. The basic, central, or critical point or feature: the crux of

    the matter; the crux of an argument2. A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem ()

    crux peripheral element, pettiness, unimportant element

    petty , ; , ; ,

    cryptic [krptik] a. , : MYSTERIOUS1. having hidden meaning; mystifying

    2. secret or occult

    3. using code or cipher

    cipher : cryptic :: precis : concise (EQUAL, : )

    precis [preis:] , a concise summary of a book, an article,

    or another text; an abstract

    cryptic : perplex :: degrading : debase (CHARACTER, : )

    cryptic self explanatory, self explaining

    cuisine [kwizn] n. , ; connoisseur : art :: gourmet : cuisine

    connoisseur , ; ,

    culpable [klpbl] a. : deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil,

    improper, or injurious

    exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame

    culpable : condemnation ::

    culpable : calumniation ::

    calumniation; ,

    confession : culpability :: testimonial : appreciation (A is a sign of B,

    A=expression of B)testimonial ,

    culpable above reproach, innocent

    cultivate [kltvit] v. , , :ENCOURAGE

    1. To improve and prepare (land), as by plowing or

    fertilizing, for raising crops; till. To grow or tend (a plant

    or crop).

    2. To promote the growth of (a biological culture).

    3. To nurture; foster.

    4. To form and refine, as by education.

    5. To seek the acquaintance or goodwill of; make friends


    cultivate : crop :: foster, nurture : child

    cultivate : garden :: explore : cave

    cultivate cause to wither, decline, impede, neglect, stunt, inhibit

    growth on

    stunt ,

    cultivated [kltvitid] a. , : REFINED,EDUCATED, POLISHED

    cultivated feral

    feral [frl] ,

    cumbersome [kmbrsm] a. () ; 1. difficult to handle because of weight or bulk

    2. troublesome onerousonerous; troublesome or oppressive; burdensome

    cumbersome easy to handle, handy, wieldy

    wieldy , (manageable) easily wielded or


    cunning [kni] a. , 1. marked by or given to artful subtlety and deceptiveness

    2. executed with or exhibiting ingenuity

    3. delicately pleasing; pretty or cute

    cunning : gulled :: watchful : waylaid :: wary : duped

    waylay ,

    cunning artless, ingenuous

    ingenuous ,

    cupidity [kjupdti] n. cupidity generosity

    curative [kjrtiv] a. 1. serving or tending to cure

    2. of or relating to the cure of disease

    curator [kjuritr] n. , ranger : forest :: curator : museumranger ; ;

    curators : paintings :: librarians : books

    curator : art :: archivist : documents

    curb [krb] n. v. , : to check or control with or as if with a curb

    curb goad, spur, lack of restraint

    goad () ; (stimulus)

    spur ; , ;

    curb promote to proceed, unbridle

    bridle , ; ,

    curmudgeon [krmdn] n. : an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn


    curmudgeon agreeable person


    current : dated :: (OPPOSITE)

    curriculum [krikjulm] n. curriculum : course :: menu : dish

    curry [k ri, kri] n. v. () / () , () curry favor , to seek or gain favor by

    fawning or flattery

    curse [k:rs]1. a. an appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall

    someone or something

    b. the evil or misfortune that comes in or as if in response to

    such an appeal

    2. one that is accursed3. a source or cause of evil; a scourage

    4. a profane word or phrase; a swearword

    curse benediction

    cursory [k rsri] a. , : HASTY: performed with haste and scant attention to detail

    ; a cursory glance at the headlinescursory painstakingly thorough, pinpoint(a., ), slow

    and thorough

    fastidious easygoing, cursory, uncritical

    fastidious ,

    curt [krt] a. , : TERSE1. rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner

    2. using few words; terse

    3. having been shortened

    curt : words :: parsimonious : resource, money

    parsimonious () , excessively sparing or frugal

  • 7/28/2019 p55-58


    GRE 6.0 (2008 7) [email protected]


    curt protracted

    curtail [krtil] v.t. : to cut short; abbreviate

    curtail : period :: enervate : energy

    curtail : duration :: abase : strength

    curtail protract, prolong

    custody [kstdi] n. , ; , 1. the act or right of guarding, especially such a right

    granted by a court2. care, supervision, and control exerted by one in charge

    3. the state of being detained or held under guard,

    especially by the police

    cyclone [sikloun] n. snow : precipitation :: hurricane : cyclone (snow precipitation

    , hurricane cyclone( cyclone


    cynical [snikl] a. , : contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives

    ingenue : sophistication :: cynic : trustfulness (LACK)

    ingenue [nn:] / an artless, innocent girl or

    young woman

    Ddab [db] v. ~, () n.

    , dab coat thoroughly

    dabble [dbl] vi. : to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently

    especially in a secondary activity or interest

    dabble in Latin dabbler (amateur)

    dabbler : dedication :: martinet : leniency (LACK)

    leniency , ,

    dabbler : dedicated :: artlessness : canny, cunning, clever, shrewd (A


    canny , ,

    cunning ,

    shrewd , ,

    dabble : superficial :: (CHARACTER)

    dabble dedicate, devote, specialize

    dabbler specialist, dedicated professional, devotee

    daft [dft, dft] a. , : SILLY, INSANE: mad, crazy; foolish, stupid

    daft : sanity :: skeptic : credulity (OPPOSITE)

    daft judicious, prudent, wise, far-seeing, well-advised

    judicious , having or exhibiting sound judgment;


    sanity daftness

    sanity , ()

    daguerreotype [dgrtip, -ri-] n. daguerreotype : photograph :: musket : firearm

    dais [diis] n. a raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or

    honored guestsdais : honor :: stadium : compete

    dally [dli] vi. ; , 1. to play amorously; flirt

    2. to trifle; toy

    3. to waste time; dawdle

    dally : times :: squander : money

    dally : playful :: (CHARACTER)

    damn [dm] v. ; , 1. to pronounce an adverse judgment upon

    2. to bring about the failure of; ruin

    3. to condemn as harmful, illegal, or immoral

    damn extol

    damp [dmp] n. a. v. , (, ), () : MOISTURE, HUMIDITY, DAMPNESSv. 1. to make damp or moist; moisten

    2. to extinguish (a fire, for example) by cutting off air

    3. to restrain or check; discourage

    abase : prestige :: damp : ardor

    abase (, ) ,

    prestige , ; ,

    damp amplify

    sere lush, damp

    sere , withered; dry

    lush ; ; (profitable)

    damper ameliorator

    ameliorate to make or become better; improve

    dampen [dmpn] v. , (, , ) : DEADEN

    1. to make damp

    2. to deaden, restrain, or depress

    3. to soundproofdampen : ardor :: abase : prestige

    dampen : sound :: dim : light

    dim ~

    dampen increase intensity, parch, scorch, intensify, strengthen,

    invigorate, enliven

    parch , ; ,

    scorch , ; ; ,

    dander [dndr] n. : temper or anger

    dandy [dndi] n. miser : hoard :: dandy : preen :: sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine

    hoard , , a hidden fund or supply stored for future use;

    a cache

    preen () ; ; ,

    opine , to hold or state as an opinion

    dandy careless dresser

    dank [dk] a. : disagreeably damp or humid

    dank : moisture :: dappled : spot (A = B)

    dank : moisture :: sweltering : heatdank arid, parched, desiccated

    dapper [dpr] a. : NATTY: neat and trim in appearance

    1. a. neatly dressed; trim b. very stylish in dress

    2. lively and alert

    slovenly : dapper :: indulgent : adherent (OPPOSITE)

    slovenly , ; ,

    indulgent ,

    dapper : fastidious :: (A

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    GRE 6.0 (2008 7) [email protected]


    dappled [dpld] a. , : spotted; mottled

    striated : groove :: mottled, dappled : spotstriated

    daredevil [drdvl] a. , n. arecklessly bold person

    prudence : daredevil :: sagacity : simpleton

    sagacity , the quality of being discerning, sound in

    judgment, and farsighted; wisdom

    simpleton , daredevil : foolhardiness :: malcontent : dissatisfaction

    malcontent , () dissatisfied with

    existing conditions

    daredevil : audacity :: malcontent : dissatisfactionaudacity , ,

    dart [drt] v. : to move suddenly or rapidly

    descend : plummet :: move : dart :: lessen : eliminate (A

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