Page 1: Pilot...oth believer and unbeliever step forward blindly into the darkness of the future, una-ble to see what lies directly ahead. The difference is this: the unbeliever sees the future


April 2020 Volume 24, Issue 3

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church and School




Salem Lutheran Church

9655 Pioneer Trail

Greenfield, MN 55357

Paul T. Schuler, Pastor


(920)284-0172 (cell)


Paul M. Kuehn, Pastor

(763)486-3397 (cell)


Brenda Berkenes, Church Secretary

(763)479-9161 (cell)

[email protected]

Salem Lutheran School

9615 Pioneer Trail

Greenfield, MN 55357

Ryan Randall, Principal


Tracy Schuler, School Secretary

(763)498-7283 (office)

[email protected]


Ryan Randall (7 & 8)

Eric Hahn (5 & 6)

Jodi Brandel (3 & 4)

Merry Leerssen (1 & 2)

Rebekah Bohlmann (K)

Lisa Charlson (PreK)

Shelley Kromschroeder

Kari Paul (Band Director)

Confidence Through God’s Word

Uncertainty. A fluid situation. Breaking news. A

rapidly evolving situation. Stay calm. Don’t panic.

These words and phrases have become very famil-

iar to us over the past few days and weeks. And

perhaps people are growing weary of hearing

them. These words can cause fear and stress the

more they are repeated. Even the encouragement

to stay calm, ironically, can have the opposite

effect the more it is used. But what other advice

and encouragement can the world around us offer

as it attempts to stare blindly into the future?

If we are humble and honest, we must admit that

even as believers in Jesus we are almost as blind

to the future as the rest of the world around us.

Almost. In His Word, God reveals to us what lies

ahead at the end of the future, an eternity of joy

in heaven with God, fully paid for by Jesus. Jesus

even points out some of the signs along the path

that show that future drawing closer to the pre-

sent. Disaster, war, famine, disease. But what spe-

cifically stands on the path ahead for each of us,

between where we are now and that future that

Jesus promised?

The future is God’s realm. He alone knows exact-

ly when and how events will happen, and he caus-

es the future to happen as he determines. Like the

world around us, believers have that future re-

vealed to them one step at a time. Aside from the

promise of what lies at the end of the path, we

can’t claim that we have leapt ahead of the rest of

the world in our knowledge of the future. Though

we do not know how long or short a time our cur-

rent concerns will remain for, we have the certain

promises of God’s Word to go to in times of uncer-


Amid the words I mentioned before, words that

have become all too familiar, I would like to throw

another word back into your vocabulary. A word

that seems to be in short supply. Confidence.

Confidence is what every pastor prays that peo-

ple would have as he shares God’s promises with

them. Confidence as they walk through life. Confi-

dence as they look to that day...

14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest

who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the

Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we

profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who

is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,

but we have one who has been tempted in every

way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16 Let

us then approach the throne of grace with confi-

dence, so that we may receive mercy and find

grace to help us in our time of need.

(Hebrews 4:14-16)

“Confidence Through God’s Word”

continued on page 3

By Pastor Paul M. Kuehn

Salem Lutheran Church

Page 2: Pilot...oth believer and unbeliever step forward blindly into the darkness of the future, una-ble to see what lies directly ahead. The difference is this: the unbeliever sees the future


A Campaign With Greater Purpose

Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not ne-

glecting to meet together…but encouraging one another, and all the more as

you see the day approaching.—Hebrews 10:24-25

The capital campaign is off to a great start and some members have already made commitment! We had planned to ask the entire congregation for pledges in April. With the COVID-19 situation, Sa-lem has decided to postpone. We plan on monitoring the situation and adjusting as needed.

Please know that we have every intention of continuing the capital campaign and achieving our building projects. We are excited to share that Building Phase I has already begun as improvements are currently being made to the gymnasium! (See pictures below)

We ask that you continue your regular giving for church operations and if you are ready to make a capital campaign commitment, please do so. Vanco can be used for both by following the instructions below:

1. Go to Salem’s website:

2. Click on the “Donate Online” red button on the bottom right

3. Then Click on “Create Profile” on the bottom right

4. Save your account info and choose the funds you wish to donate to. You can change this info at any time!

We will continue to update the congregation on timing and process. Please keep the campaign and those who are working on this effort in your prayers.

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Confidence Through God’s Word– Continued when they will stand before God, ready for

eternity because of our Savior, Jesus. Confi-

dence is what we pray for each of you as you

trust in the Savior’s Word to feed your souls

and the souls of your family. Such confidence

is ours through Jesus. He knows our weak-

nesses, our uncertainties, and our fears. He

understands the dangers that we face and

our inability to face them. Jesus himself

faced all those temptations as our Savior. He

conquered them for us. And he urges us now

to come with confidence into his presence

for help with every physical or spiritual un-

certainty that we face.

It is not the proud confidence that comes

from what we believe, hope, or wish will be

true about the future. It is the humble confi-

dence that comes from knowing that the

future is held in the hands of our loving

Shepherd. Picture David’s words in Psalm 23,

especially when he says “Even though I walk

through the valley of the shadow of death (v.


Both believer and unbeliever step forward

blindly into the darkness of the future, una-

ble to see what lies directly ahead. The

difference is this: the unbeliever sees the

future as nothing but a dark, shrouded mist.

Glimmers of hope and prediction try to light

the way. But no one is guiding the path. No

one holds watch to make sure the way is

kept safe. Each step forward is a step that

falls on uncertain terrain. The believer? The

believer’s gaze is lifted higher looking at the

promises of God shining from eternity. The

future may be shrouded in darkness, but

God’s Word illuminates each step, revealing

obstacles and dangers and guiding us safely

around them. Even when the way forward

seems darkest, our Shepherd is close by with

rod and staff guarding the way. Each step

forward falls with confidence on a promise of


Remember what those promises are. God

does not promise the believer a smooth

road. God does not promise the believer

immunity from sickness or calamity. God

promises the cross (Matthew 16:24). God

promises that he will never let go of your

hand even when he asks you to endure

(Hebrews 13:5). God promises in all things,

good and bad, to work for your good

(Romans 8:28). At times that may mean turn-

ing the danger completely away so that it

does not happen. At times that may mean

trusting in his loving care to bless in sickness

and distress. And at times, our Shepherd may

demonstrate his protective care by asking us

to honor the 4th Commandment and listen

to the advice and admonition of the repre-

sentatives that God himself has appointed

(Matthew 28:18, Romans 13:1-5). It is with

that confidence that we listen to the authori-

ties God has placed over us concerned with

our welfare and care as we live in this world.

The future is God’s realm. We have the end

of the path in our sights through God’s

Word. But God, through the darkness and

unknown of the future, will reveal the path

ahead one step at a time. There’s no need to

try to rush ahead. And no need to fear the

path. Our Shepherd is close by.

Remember, confidence! Now for life.

Prepared for eternity. We have it in Jesus!

Setting Up Vanco - Electronic giving

1. Navigate to Salem's Website:

2. Find and click on the Donate Online option in the red box on right side

3. If this is new, see on the bottom right, create a profile with an email ad-

dress and password

4. Select the funds you wish to give to, the frequency, etc and save. These can

be edited at any time

5. Don't hesitate to contact Melissa DeRosier, finance manager, for help at

(763) 370-6183 or [email protected]

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Salem Lutheran Church Mission

Salem Lutheran Church exists to support, encourage and train God’s people in

Christian discipleship at every age level and ability

Salem Lutheran Church News

Member News

Welcome New Members

Jon & Carol Anderson - transfer from Ascension Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MN

Barrett & Karen Kirchenwitz - transfer from Heritage Lutheran Church, Apple Valley,


The Salem Pioneers have been busy the last few months preparing their cars for the Pine car Derby. Salem held their Pine Car Races on Sat-urday Feb 29th in the Gym.

There were 15 cars that raced and did their best at designing cars in the craft area.

The top cars this year were: Top Cars for Speed: 1st – Conner Arnold 2nd – Carson Arnold 3rd – Charles Huth

Top 3 cars for Craft in Grades K-3rd 1st - Avalyn Kuehn 2nd – Max Kuehn 3rd - Keagan Randall

Top 3 Cars for Craft Grades 4th – 8th 1st – Conner Arnold 2nd – Carson Arnold 3rd – Charles Huth

The Salem Pioneers were invited to attend the North Star & Viking District Pine Car Derbies on Saturday, March 14th at King of Grace in Golden Valley. There were a total of 64 cars form the District that participated, with 6 from Salem.

We had some winners from Salem: Boys: Connor Arnold took 4th place for speed boys division Max Kuehn took 1st place in Craft for the younger boys division Girls: Avalyn Kuehn took 4th in Craft for the Sunbeams (younger girls)

The Craft cars will advance on to the International Pine Car Derby at Lakeside Lutheran High School in Lake Mills, WI. At this time, the Derby has been postponed and will be scheduled at a later date.

The kids had a wonderful time hosting the Lenten meal on Wednesday, March 4th. They learned how to help serve our Lord and our con-gregation by preparing food, serving and cleaning up, as well as making some wonderful table center pieces for the tables.

The Pioneers will not be meeting on April 14th. Due to the precautions for the Covid19.

If you have any questions regarding the Pioneers program or events,

Please contact the office, Tracy Gutknecht at: 763-682-2286 or Scott Anderson: 612-418-3287.

News from Pioneers

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Salem Lutheran School News

Last month I started our tour of the school in the library. I would

like to go back to that room again. It was designed for students to

look for books to check out and read, hence all the books and

shelves. Then we modified it to work as a classroom. By the way, this

was not the first time we did this.

At the end of the day, the library changes once again. This time not

to a classroom or a library but to an after school kid care room. This

is where students go after school to wait for their working parents to

pick them up. Since our early dismissal came into effect (2:15 p.m.),

it is very difficult for parents to arrange their working schedules to be

home so early in the afternoon. So our after school care has become

very popular.

I wish I had a picture to show you how full this room is during the

winter months. Imagine your family room filled with 20 – 30 children

ages ranging 7-13. Now imagine those children have been in school

for 6 hours roughly. There is a lot of energy just waiting to be let

loose! Where can they go? In the winter they can only go outside if

everybody has winter gear to put on. Usually someone doesn’t have

snowpants or boots, hats and gloves aren’t always available either.

So inside they must stay. The gym is not available to run around in

because of sports practices. That leaves the library!

Jeni Ritari and Krista Billman have done an awesome job with the

task before them. They have quiet time for the students to work on

homework. They also offer a snack. But most importantly they make

a difficult situation workable for the time being.

At present, Salem school is crowded to say the least. Enrollment

numbers may not be as high as we would like (that’s a different arti-

cle), but what we offer for our members and the community require

more room than what we presently have.

Thankfully Salem has a great plan going forward. Building on

Salem’s Legacy of Faith the members of Salem are working to change

this crowded situation. Please consider giving to the Capital Cam-

paign so that these changes can start making a positive impact on

our members’ children and the children of our neighboring commu-


No Room in the Inn (I Mean School) Part 2

By Merry Leerssen

1st & 2nd Grade Teacher

Salem Lutheran School Mission

Salem Lutheran partners with families, providing Christ– centered education of children while nurturing

lives of honor and service to the Lord.

Passages of Comfort

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Board of Elders

Tom Bursch

Joe Siers

Kim Class

Keven Schmidt

Arvid Green

Lynn Jurrens

Board of Education

Scott Anderson

Chad Vik

Eric Quist

Lee Brandel

Jerome Meyer

Board of Finance

Tony Klein

John Ritari

Doug Beise

Grant McFadden

Chad Berkenes

Board of Trustees

Kerby Desens

Brandon Jochum

Mitchell Anderson

Derek Leider

Steve Gutknecht

Kenny Meyer

Salem Lutheran Church Council

Salem Lutheran Church News Continued

Got Email? Not Getting Salem Emails?

It’s fast and easy to subscribe to receive emails with valuable information on upcoming events, news and other updates from Salem Church & School. You can even use your cell phone to subscribe! Go to Salem’s website -click on the resources tab at the top of the home page -click on "email list subscribe" in the drop down -follow the prompt and enter your preferences. (there are only a few fields) Note: If you subscribe to the Salem emails, you can unsubscribe at any time in the future.

CANCELED: 2020 WELS International Youth Rally – “Vision 2020”

It is with a heavy heart that WELS has decided to cancel the 2020 WELS International Youth Rally, scheduled for June 23-26 in Knoxville,

Tenn. We know this opportunity is important for our youth as a way to get and stay connected to God’s Word. However, as it’s unknown

how long and significant the impact of COVID-19 will be along with the financial toll this crisis is taking on families and congregations, it

was decided, in the best interest of our congregations and you, to postpone the event until the next scheduled rally in 2022.

The WELS Commission on Discipleship is exploring options to make resources available online from the key presentations that were

scheduled for the rally for youth groups and members to use. We will do our best to bring the rally to you.

“Seeing Christ Clearly. Serving Christ Boldly” was the theme for the rally. This theme for Christian living is more relevant now than ever.

Through resources, Bible studies, community service ideas, and more we hope to make available this summer, our prayer is that WELS

youth will still be able to receive this important message and use it as motivation and inspiration to share the light of Christ at home and

in their communities.

It is unfortunate that in such unprecedented times we must make these difficult decisions. Praise God that we know he is in control of all

things in heaven and on earth. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called ac-

cording to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Salem School Spring Book Fair Update The spring Scholastic Book fair originally scheduled for this coming April has been moved to an online fair starting April 1st (no fooling). Watch for details posted on the Salem School Facebook page with a link to the fair!

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New Pilot Email Address

Over the past month, the Pilot has acquired an official email address! For all future article submissions, inquires,

ideas, etc., please send all to: [email protected]

The Pilot is a monthly newsletter of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church and School. The intent of the newsletter is

to provide members and families of Salem school with information about Salem Lutheran Church and School, as well

as highlight pertinent information from the WELS Synod, West Lutheran High School, and other area affiliated organ-


There are many organizations within the Salem congregation and keeping the communication lines open is very im-

portant. Information for The Pilot needs to be submitted to [email protected] or [email protected] by

the 20th of the month for the next month’s edition.

Tired of paper? Prefer to receive your newsletter by email? Contact the Salem Administrative Office (763)

498-7283 and request to be added to the Pilot newsletter email distribution group.

Pine Car Participants and Winners

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Salem Ev. Lutheran Church and School

9655 Pioneer Trail

Loretto, MN 55357-9694

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Loretto MN

Salem Evangelical Lutheran

Church and School-

Located in the City of Greenfield,

2 miles south of Hanover on County Road 123

A member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Congregational Officers:

Chairman: Tom Bursch

Vice-Chairman: Kevin Schmidt

Council Secretary: Kim Class

Treasurer: Grant McFadden

Worship Services:

Sundays 8 and 10:30 a.m.

9:15 Family Bible Hour


7:00 p.m.

Paul T. Schuler, Pastor

Paul M. Kuehn, Pastor

Salem Administrative Office



-Capital Campaign update page 2

-News from Pioneers page 4

-No Room in Inn (Part 2) page 5

-Pilot Email Address page 7

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