Page 1: Marc KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER - Latham.'\llcl how man.\' p

Mar c 1. 1929

KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER The Latham Foundation St(rry 'Service

for the 'Public School. Number 20

Nothing marc rapi dly refines , uplift s . exal ts bo th m inci a ))c! )l(W I'L Lh a n gene1'ou~ . gracioll,;. un~elfl~h minis tra tions ( 0 o therB. wbeth er those othe)'~ be Ollr fe llowmeIl o r th e crea I.UI·(1 ~ bel ow U>l, SO made are w e lhal back upon us with th t> !.Oll ch of n "edeem ing, I'e.~en erating hane\ comes <,, "u'Y holy deed of righteousness a nd love done for another 'f; s«ke. Th e word at hum an e1ieer ~IJOken in hone~ t goodlY ill t o one l es~ (o rLUIl(ltf! than we, th e recog-nition of our kinshi p 1.0 m en of eve l'y (-li me an d eolor by some toke n o f brotll e l'liJl e,'~ . the a ct that. even in the slighte st degree, blesses th e life of s om e horse or dog or fri endless ~e n tien t being, stirs wilh in our own souls an emotion . a some' thing t hat verifies the diYinE' reali ty of the trut h: "It is m o r e bl essed to gi ve UlUn to rece ive,"-Dr. Fntnri~ H . Howley.

Our Little Brothrer Eight Legs

"A Spider's well I.>l ock~ a ll Wy ,I \'<d /l (JC :

Each morn it h angs a r a inb"" ~11'\ln g w it h de \\' Between boughs grel:'ll with O',].J , SO fair. few creat.ures gue"" il. i" a U'~p: , will not mar the web, Though "ad am [ to ;;ee tl) !' ' Il lilll lives ebb. "

- Christina Rosetti

"OB, LOOK! V irgin ia , what have \\ 'e he re?" This excla ma tion and question came i rom

Ollr YOLlng iri >nd oi last year . Tom l'v[ann. as he: and hi s sist.e r Virg-inia w ere on their way to school one m orn ing r ecently. Th at which the two cbi ]clr<;>n saw v'as a spide r 's web, so heautiful that it was no \Vonde r tha t T on) ex claimed a s h e di d. The web was fas tened at one end to a shrub bv th e sidt oi the road, and was caugh t. ;l cross a wide space on the branch oi allother ~hru b. The clcw \Va ~ st ill on th e g rass and bush es . for the SUlJ wa s slow in sho\\! ­ing h is iace tha l. rn orning. Could yo u have ')('en the l.><;<1u tv that ~reeted the. <;\'('S o f the chilciren vou , too . wou lA have ~ excla imed ii~ wonder a t it. E \:erv tin ' th read of the spider's web was ladell with de \N -d rops. They we re strung along eac h. thread like pea rl -, hu t they spnrkkd lik di amonds as the sun pla \'t·d hi de a lld seek and shone fo r a i<;w seconds 0 11 tht's,,: watn jewels. The wei) was wt'ighted 0011 n wi th them , aud S\\'<'Iy<;>d llac k and iorth as the b reeze ca ug-ht it : it sholl e ill th e ,:u n \\ ' irh (he co lo rs ()i thc rainJ)ow . But no :;pide r was l.o he seen ,

'1'0111 looked ve ry close to see if he could fin d where Jdr. Spider Eight Legs was h id ing . for he knew he m ust be ('\o'c at ha nd afte r having spun sll ch a fi. ne web ,; and su re enough. to one side , hid unde r a lea i he was th ere taking a r,' st. \ \ Ih('n th e children reach ed school, Tom told h is teac.her what he had seen and she in tu rn told the class . a nd added , " If you \-vo uld lik e to know sO l1l ething- about spiders and \\'hy T th in k the l' \voulo he o i illten:s t tt) VOll as K ind Deed Mem-hers, 1 will tell yoe." '

1Vrany hands went up and there W etS 110 t.ll) certai n v()icill g- of t l1<'i1' eage rn ess [0 learn someth in g oj spide l'S,

T eacher beg-an: " 'Spider I th e ll g'ly thing-s!' 1 can hc;: ar ::.ome o f YO U : a\' . \ IVe ll. th e \' m a l' no t ue as pretty a~ some -of the 'other li ve c r eature:.- yo u k llO\\'

;,i)(I\I(. Illlt kt me tell yo u the spider is olle oi the m o. t industrious. on€: of the clcanest and one of the mos t p<ltient workers in the world. 'Cleants t ;- ' \ ' O\l

ask" . \\hy a spide r docs nothing bu t spin webs in c<) rnerS fJ'l) lJ1 w here they ha"f' to he swept d()\\'n .' IIlil fur :t11 o t th at he is ckan,

"V,; \ 'o U kuQl.v that the. pide r is nul all insect? .-'; p idt'r ~ breathe th rough tbc;:ir lung as people do . \'- h\1 (~ in "ects b reathe thrclugh air lubes along the sides (oj til ei l.' bodi t:s . T hc\' aLo h ;:tv~ eight leg-s- \\'e migh l

Page 2: Marc KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER - Latham.'\llcl how man.\' p


call lhe _pi ('r our Little Hrot ler Eight Le:gs: 1\ ith thesl: he C;'ln scurry awa.v in any dirl:ctioll very fluickly . ~trang-e;,. it may seem, a spieler ha - no head . that is what "'l: lhink oi a: a head. uut he has hranched {eder at the cncioi the body where the head ought to he anrl a pai r of "yes. each (;f w hich i " madl::: lip of eight small ones. Instead IIi llnet sectiuns. his hrn.,h· i ' in tl\ I) sections unh·. and it is \C'ry !"ollit. not harj like a Ueelle. and his iegs iall nIT . t:f\ easih i i struck. So you ~ee our Little Brother Eight (q~s needs some . ort oi prote tion. ::\o\\" this h as bcen givt:n to him throug-h his :kill to make a trap. ~uch as Tom ."aw thIS lllornill~: that IS onc \\'a\' he has oi taking care of himsdf. )\l1oth (:'r way. 'as you wi ll remcmuer . is the swiftness with which he can rlln awa;.. Then again hl' is \ t"ry cunning"; i i hL St"o a hinl aiter him h~ will oitcn prt'll:::nd to !It" Lit'ad, ior few birds will eat a d ',1(1 insect . or lItllt'l" d<:ad crea t \1 r~s.

":\0\\ a_ to this \\(mdaiul web that Ei ht Lq(s make', Ii it \I;oS a \(:r) rare thing to St'C a 'pitiLT spin hi s \\'eb we would find peopk lined up to \\'alch il. for it is so marvelous a thing'; but b(-caust' it is so common We think no hing- pf it. In spite ni that hv\\' many person do you know who can tell you how a wei) is spun, o r knows much . i f anything . about it? .'\ll cl how man.\' p<:rsnns can (dl Y(lU i i a ~piuer is Il l' anI' service to mankind and ii so, how:' \\'.;:11. J shall teli .\'ou a little bi t of \\ hat 1 know. in th..: hope that it wi ll interest VO ll :=;0 that vou will liml nut more lor \'ourseh·es. - ' , "One kind oi :;.pider li\ ~." in water and \\ I:::a lOt"' a web that is a kind oi tli \ ing hell. and hI::: till thl with air 'by drawing- down buhbles in to th e nct.' ,\not lwl' Eight Leg cou ill 'make a little raft ni leaves and sticks on \\'hich he Hoats ' this little il·l\o\l· li\'e Oil

\\'ah:r insects. "The round. \\'h ed-:;hap' \1 eb is the Illo·t commoll

tha t we set.: and aft~r lhat a lIat Ilt.:t. :uch as T om saw. which i · lunK irvOl ::.lern to -(em. IJl11dhing- Itke a hammock. Th· whcd,s.haped net is. a wonderfully

• made piece of work, To make it I·:ight Lq:-s stn rt · out hy laying the lOll)! t In:ads first. Ill' lays them out like:: p<Jke- (Ji a \\ heel which meet in the lllirldk. Thee are ioined h\ ;'l thn.:aci \\ hich gUtS round anrl re,und. IIe starts t'hi: \\'orking from the cellter. ' \ 5 Eight L q!'s \\'ork:; he I ri ts each thread eVl;'ry 1I0 \\' and thnl to kst it and i i it shuuld break he spins anol hn in it" place, Thcn he ia "tellS other Ihrl"ad acru:,~. A t the end he again spins anothtT sd of ci rclcs round and round the web: these last threads arc of a different kincl than the first 'ort- the\' ar(' ('overed \\ ith tiny drops of 'sticky gummy fluid.' This is to catch flie' and hold them so that lhey cannot gt.:t away once th \' a re in the net.

.. f il:::ei _ure that now \'(JU \\ ant to know ho\\' Little Brother Eight Leg'S make5 the thrt'ads with which to SVin hi s weh , and where this thn:ad 'onle' irom. This is ont of the most wUllderiul things in n;'!ture. :'IIi -s Edith Carrinf.,'1un. who is all authority on X ature _'tud\' , tells LIS that thl::: spiul!r 'has inur liltl'. roulld II'a rt; at thl:' cnd (jf the abdOl11t::n . e().eh S<l11l<:'lhing-lik o:: the I'o!'>\: oj a tiny \\'akl'ing-pot. Thes\: are called spinnerets: and tht::' are iu}) uj a ~eat. ~n'al mallY small hoks . Throu!!h thl' e holt:s the sVltkr "(juet'!.cs irol11 within hi ' b'ocly a gUlllmy juice' . \\ hich lhc

moment It IOllCht:s the air hardcn~ into thc tint: ·[ threads oj :; ilk . mllch like tht: silk nj the :ilk \I"()rm. From the four spinnerets COIllt.: mal1\ lhou:,aml threads oi ' ilk amI th '1' an: so thin and 'line the en:­cannot see them until- ma scs oi Ilwl11 art" 1\\ i "ted togdIH:'r. 'T he thrcau$ o j each spinnert.:t join inlu ')Ill" allll then the fOllr thn'ads :Irl' lll'isll:::d lo(!elher b;. tht" ht:lp I)j (Jilt: ot' the ~)Jidt'r' - hilld da\\ .' Thl:­ionns a ropt' oj iour ::.Irancb. each lrand made up oi thou~al1ds, p 'rhaps million:. of lines ~() tint.: that the\' \\'oul d not bear thl' touch of a breath. Did \ uu eve'r hear of any thinK more: wonr\t:riul than hat-; Thert.: i an island in the Indian (kl:::an ",herc tht' pCflpk u~e the spieler silk ior weaving a bC:lutiiul kil1d of cloth.

"J\Ir. Eight Legs, \\'ho spin- the round web in the . hap<, oj a \\ hl:::d. is rcally our lar~1; common ~ardell ~pider. Lut II) peopll::: who like to u~c special nalllt': for spiders S(J as to knOI\ I"hich varid I thel an' talking about. call him I he GeOl1lcl ric ;)r ni.1(km ,pidcr, He is the fellow \\ ho. aitl:::r he ha finished his web, usually sits in the ct.:nkr oi it :1lld \\ ait,; jor hi~ uinner to come to him.

" Mi s earring-tIm says that 'at th . end oj hi_ leg: there are little houks 01' d,H\ S which hd)J tn kt.:l'p him steady, or to run ancl diml, a/)IIut his lid. a~ easill' as any rope dancer cnulu un a thick cord.' ,\nd he I'S clressed in a golden-hrown \"t;h l't ' oat which look::. as ii it werl::: trimmed with little pearl '.

"The claws in all :pit.!er:. arlO not alikt.:. .~ome h;1\ e two sharp cbw~ ior c1imhing' and a qUL'er Oil' il l

hetween Ihat has a knoh on it: thi ~ hdp:; to roll thl' \\'eu threacl into a I>all. Tht:\' tI .. thi~ \111l'1l thl:\ run up to tltl::: ceiling or t tl tht' 'b\Ju~h IIi a I r I::: I.' . : ' "JIlI

ha vt.: a ~orl flf comb in 1 he cla\1 which k~'l'PS tht.: (hread s apart'. so that they will llot join into a round rope.

"The silk ~pun b~ Ei~ht fxg's i~ u~l'd ill mall\' ways . Mother Eight LeKS m;lkcs a klK or b;'lll iil which slI t.: lays hn e~gs . Tht' lI;t \ ~hL' d()c~ th i:- i ~ \ 1:::1',1 interl'~ting. ~he 'J,t:'\!ins til 'll1akl' a dllvcl (Ii thn'aug II hieh sht.: i II' ca \ illl:!' into the i(lrm fi r a I'UI'.

using- h~-r body ill shaping- it.' Sht· gl'ts in~ide alld presses her. eli against thL' sidl ' ~, tu rnin:.:- 1'!Iuml and round a ' a bird dnes \1 hcn SIll' is . haping hloT ill' \.

\ \'hen the Ii ttk- cup is Illadehl' Ia~ . h"r l"![C'S in i I. litrk- th ing~ that look likt" tin\" \\ hitl' I.e;}d~. Then "Iw spillS a littl~ si lk top to CflVer them elvt'r ~I) that th 'n' is Cl complele little weh hall ,.\·ith (ht' e~~" il1"ide and in the spring- hall: -pidc'rs c"ml' (Jut oi this ball and lonk just like tht.: g-rownups l,').(l;)lt that they arc small.

",~ome spiders li\'t: in burmw - under the g-round and arc to bt" :L'CIl , omt.:t ime::. when Ih..: carth has been tl1rned up Ill'ar their hOIlll:.

"ft is a well , known iact th at the 1l1other spider love her babies _0 much that she I\'ill elit: inr them rather than ior ' ake them 1Il time IIi uang",r 1 \1 ill g-ivt' you an example of this 1)\' klling' ~l ::.tnry which is ~aid \0 be true . A naturalisi. that i, a pel<on who " tudi~s animal Ide and halJil$, ' ;1\\ a I11l1lher spider carr)'mg' her eg~-tJag tv a ~a iL place. \\ ht'll !>hc iell intu tht.: pit oi an ant·lioIl ; llU\1 an allt ,lion i!> a qun·I'

in~ect which digs a little pit ot IlJll~t' ~ alld and hid . .' ... ill the hottom tu caleh anti cat \\ hate\' u ' Illal jail ill . The nlllth..:r "pider trit"J to run all a: II ilh 'her el.!'~" wh 'n she iOl1nd her~di :-lipping- dowll into t l1l; pit.

Page 3: Marc KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER - Latham.'\llcl how man.\' p


hu t the (tnt -l iun \\"a. too q ui ck fo r he r and dragged her back. She fougltt 1he ant-lion, a nd t riee! and tried Lo get out. bu t the ant-lion fi l1;Jl1y got the bag of t'ggs and d rew the m und er the sand . T he n aturali st vvho w as watchin~ th e struggle fe lt so sort'.v ior th e mother . r ide r th at h e tr ied to help her JW<ly from lh e hole b.' pushing her w iLh a twig, hut she r elll rncd again and again to the h ole and showed sht! woul d rather die II'ith h t:l" bab ie-s than to ]i\-e without bem.

"Now, you wi ll be asking" me of what tlse a re spide rs, for the\" don 't seem to do an ything but spi n webs (tnd caLch Il ies in them. So vou w ill he m uch surp rised, T am sure, when I tell you that spiders a rc lJi grcat va lue to man ; they catch gna ts. fli es , and winged insects of all k inds. Ju t how great is the Ill.unbe r wh ich the" clear fro m the 1 aves o i trees and pla n ts is not p~ssi l.>le to know, but it is reckoned (hat we wo uld have plagues of these creatures if it were not for our li tLle brother E ight Legs. ~ow I am su re you never knew that before, did you?

"The varielies of spidcrs we have here are sa id not to be poisonous to h uman beings, so you should never ki ll them when yo u see them abo ut, for they a re very usefuJ, and y Oll w ill understand after w ha t ( have told yo u that they are attending to thei r day's Il ork. If you find one in the hOllse and wi sh to put him out of doors, pick h im up carefully vl,ith a do th and put him out, don't kill him . 1£ a sp ider catch ~'s and kills an insect Jl e bl ls him at once, he neve r to rt ures h im.

"Besides brave affecti on , and taking g reat pai ns wi th h is work, we can gain th e great lessons o f patience and perseverance from this lit tle cr eature. By perseve rancc is meant to try an d t ry again in spite d the odds being- agai nst you. You will recall the sto ry that is told of the S cotch K in g R ol)crt Druce who learned th is Ie. son from wa tching a spider trying to menrl her web. King Robe r t was si ,k a nd W ZlS g reatly discouraged , he fel t: th al he had 1 0~ t everything and that thcn~ was no use for him to tr~ ' <l gain . A s such thoughts went t hrough h is head he I!)oked up a nd saw a litt le spider ; he saw her try ,;ix times ta throw the th read fr om one beam to another , trying to mend h er web, and six times she fail ect.

"'Six times have 1 been hca ten in ba ttl e.' sa id Br uce. 'I know how to pi ty that poor spide r.'

"B ut you see King Robert d id not know much abou t spiders, fo r ;1.S he watched he saw the spidel­throw lhe th read for the seventh time and th ai ti me it caught and she fasten ed it ta th e beam. King Robert g- rew ve ry excited and exclaimed as he sprallg to his feet. '} w ill try once more !' and history tells us that the next time h e lVon a victory. The story goes tha t from that day to thi~ 110 member o f tb e nruce iamily has been know n to kil l :-t spitiC'r."

QUESTIONS I- \V hat 'is th e most commOll ~)id~r \\'e :;ce ~ 2- Bv wh;H name, i · it known . ,l~D'~:scri he the shape oi th \I'cbs lYe most oi t('!\

Stf' )

4-----·Ho \\' rioes a s(Jillet· spin a wcl):' S- From wh ere doC's the thrccld e'';]''l(':-n--T ell how a spider is made ; how 111:lllI- parh I. "

h is b,)(h-. how m ellll' t'yes . and leKS he ILb,

7- Js hc casill' in ju red? li so, II-ln ' i ~-How is he 'prqJared ( 0 prot ~'cL h;lllSI 11.-: 9-Desc ribe the f eu o f a spid er. 1000Tell hoI\' the mother spitler lay ' ;, l l t l \, l" ut <::C\s

Iw 1' egg.~. II - D(ws tli l ' I1I1lthcr spidn ~h')I\ 10 1'(' io r h f'1'

\"()ung ? 12-V/hat do yo u kn ow of othe r k inds oj spider. ) 13-Are all spider s poisonolls? 14---vVha t does a spici er 00 to its web tv hoI 1 the

insect which is ca ug-ht ? 1 S- Do spi ders tortu re thei r victims , n r d" OIL'_"

kill t.i1('m a t once? J6-0f what li se are spider!'- to mankind ;-17~ Why sho uld th (· -pider inte res t K ind Il .. , ,j\

Club M embe rs ?

The Garden Spider By C nARLEs "?IL\CKE \:,

(Firs t F ive S tanzas )

T hough f ea r 'd by man y, scor n'd h)C all. Poor spiel e r on my garden wall , Acc used as ugly , cruel. sly, Ano seen wi th an averted cI 'e ; ThOll shalt n ot lack one fric rid to cla im Some mcrit for thy injurer! name. Ii T have strength to right til t· wrong O r in m en's memory li ve. my song.

1i[ en ca ll thee ugly;-did Lhey loo k \i\l ith closer eyes on Nature' .~ book. They might behold in seeing thee A cr'eattIre robe(l in I rilli a nc\' : They m ight aomire thy speci,leri back Hcgemrn 'c1 with pu rple . ,l.?ok! an ri bl ac k, Th v hund recl e\'t:s. with d iamond r ims : Th).· supple and resplelldent lim bs,

T hey (all th ee cruel ; !Jut forg-t't . A lthoug-h thy skilil1l tra p IJI? sd T () capture the unwary pre)'. That thou must ea t as "' .... 11 as the\' . N o pampcr 'd appetites has t tho u :­\Vha l k in(ll\" N ature's I;J\\ ' ~ allo\\' Thou takcst ior til\" ri ai l\' foad . And kind Iv Naturr u\vn ~ it good . . '

F ie on l1 s ! we who hunt an ri ki ll. Voracious, hut ullsa ted still ; \Vh o r ansack earth, alld sea , and air. And sl ay a ll c reatures for ou r ian~. Complain ot thee . whose in stinct karL . l : nerring, to supply thy needs. nec(l usr: th o ll takcst noll' a nd thl' ll ;\ A.I·. thy m ut ton . tn til\" den .

no then we call t hee sl\' . fo rsoo th, A s if from earl iest dawn-oi youth V.,Te did not b y our artf ul snares For rabbi ts . \voodcocks , larks . and hn res, Or lurk a ll day by r unning brook s To capture fi sh \vith crueJ hooks . A nd l,v ith a patien t. deep decei t Bet ray them w ith a counterfei t.

Page 4: Marc KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER - Latham.'\llcl how man.\' p


Save the Dog £011'1-1 T.ATH A M

This is an , ' . O . S . ca ll to a ll Cali­fornia subscriher to the MESSE:\ ,hR to help us reseu man's best friend j rom legi latian \\ hich will put his Ii ( , in jeopardy mt:rely hecau~e he has thl' mi ' iortuOt: to be a dog. "enat(: Dill 2; . ciraih:d bv dog- hater ' . will. accord in r to the te~ms '~i thi - extraordinary proposed Jaw. confel' upon "an) per­son" or "the O\\-ner or tenant 01 such lield o r tht· i r agen t or 'c rvant" unlim­ited aut 1m'ill' to ki ll dog~ withou t a ny liabi li ty therefor. : cetions 22 and 23.

\ \"iJliam T. Paullin . lht: Foumlation'­attorne\. a\~ oi this hill : "Cnder it prO\'ii;m~ a do, 5":":11 eha ing- a cal. even on tht: premi:.<: - oi the do". rna tcr- perhap- it rna tcr' 0\\ n ca 1. -ancl ill play. or cha -ing- a law-break ' I' from lh premises i iL master. li n / olll\' I/W\, h .. killed bitt mllst be kill,·d if tile f(l;·f is callcd tn ifs master'.-· a//ell lioll , un less the master i, will ing to r un th e r isk ()f paying th e penalties pro­vided in cction 24. Every clog's lii l: IS 111 oanger. though it doe no harm. wher(,\'c.'r it may ue . Loth on and off its master'.:; premi_es .

.. )utside oi cirie' a do~ unaccompanied 1)\' it" ma ter hel\H:c.:n sun ... et and Hllri c un a public road. though in ironl oi its ma ter' ~ premise:. may he kill 'c! by anyone finding it ht:re. thoug-h it he still twilight and the dog he moll: -ting 110 person or thing."

License kes are tn bl: raised so that the dog \\' ill bccom the specia l lu xu r" of rich peo ple.

R eaders oi TilE !\l J-;!-iSEKGER. don't i a il to \\Til e to the repn;'sentativl:s oi your county in the ,'rnate and

. '\ -emlli) to use all th' in l1uencc in tht-ir pm\ t' f til kill this hill. which is unnce . ary. unju ·l. inhuman . and 1J{:rniciou .

\\ ' e do not w i;; 1 to deny t() the Legi:;iature the reasonab le excrl' i ~ l: of po lice power in t he cun t rol o f dog-so which is n cessa ry L he prt> tec t;lIn II i

l ivestock . bllt lhi s h i ll . in it s present fo rm. is dra~tic hey m l a l J rea ~u n

A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD 'THEM ~ \ Pri)' ,· bsa_\', 192X

i\lary Elizabdh M ederios. i\ ~c 13 Fi fth Grade . Pka<;anton Gramma r School

Plea~al1lon. California

THE CRL-ELT - OF HC:\TL -G Hunter- ddom think oi the pain of their ICllm:

or o' the happy famiJic · among the \\ ild crcatun:~ Lo \Ihich their gun - bring hitkr arrow. Yet we knOll how bird and man) other creaturt:- mourn ior th 'ir dead mates, how the little ODeS starve and die when their fathers and mothers are ki lled ami how animal pa rents grieve ov '\' their dead chi ldren . It j - a ll vcry

much lik· our fa milies , just how m uch we do not kno w . \1\ e know th d og- mothe r lo vt·s her puppil'~ \\-hi ch an' her babies . li ke a h uman mother. that :-h . will i reeze. b urn with a fondness. courage. sacrifice

. an d devotion Dot all human mother are capable oi. The arne is true oj the cat . \ Ve know the II ikl

creature love and nur . Lheir childr n in tht: ' arne way. \\ L' know how the timid little 10ird fjrrht to pr~tecl their young. Rut all the suffering and sornm hunting cau e , be ide that oi the creatures wounded or killed outright, \Ye can only j:,'Ue sat. _ \ time goes on a nd we g-ro\\- wi ' r a 11(1 kin ler there will 1ic­k s ;-l.l1 c\ h ;s hun ti ng' don ..

I 1 •

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Be Kind to' Animals' Week April 14th to 20'th

T he obse1-vance of BE K IND TO A"\TD1 A LS' W EEK II'ill ta ke place this year A p ril 14 ( H.umane S un day) to A pril 20. lVl uch has been done each year hy the F oun dation to popula rize t his even t. Q UI'

H umanc P oster Contest has been held al ways dur ing this period, L nst year it \vas held a t the S a n Fran­cisCQ Civic Center and the ' atTIe CQurk y is eXLended to us tb is year by Dr. T\ober t Rea, San Fr anci sco Libr arian. \ M e hnve g iven moving picture en tert ain­lll cnts in th e auditorj U!1l S of the county schools. F oster &: K leiscr Companv has ma de it possible through granting us th e use of many of thti r board s to demonstrate to tile publ i c the appalling tragedy of the teel trap wh e rehy more than 100,000,000 f ur­heari ng anima ls r uthlessly done to death each yea r.

H l1 t more. perhap~. than al l our achievements. ha s been th e interest w hich we have heen ahl e to a ro use 0 11 the part of the childn:n to t h ~'m st:lves participa te in SOIlK k ind o f celebration 0 1 their OW I1 m akin g . 'vVe have st imulated tJl is interest by the introrluC Li on e;}ch I'car o i htllnn ne piaI';> suited to all ages. T his

y(;'a1'. h:. kind pcrmis. ion o f the A merican Huma l1 e E du e;ul(>11 Soci ety. 180 Longwood f\ l·en ll(' . Bo~to t1.

:YYass.,.ch tl~dts . w e are pr e entil1g' in TIm NI F.s:ENGER

"The Trio l (If fil e Rirds:' which is a very timely se lecli(,);J. Com.ln); 1·l'hen the b irds arc most in evi ­(k nee. iL .~I!"ul c1 scrv(;' to impress u pon the minds, not only oj tli( chi ldren hut the. many fa rme r parent. who \Iill atteud these performances in Ollr cou ntn ' schoo ls. llw impo rtan t service th e Lirds r ender to agT iC\l!lura l inter(;s ts.

Tf iJlr< :SCTVe llS in the p ro teclion o f crops f rom in sect destructio n it behooves us fro m purely selJi sl seJ f- in tereSl to p rotect our benefacto rs. It is equally incumhen L upon us as moral hei ngs to extend 111

retu rn to these, our feathered fricnos. tile rig'he to "l i (<,>, liberty and the pu rsu it of il:l.ppi ll (;ss."

S o we m a ke a special a ppeal to all the schools w he re Ollr :MJ:::"~E:\GER is r eceived . to get busy with this intel,<., sting , charming p lay presented in this issue . so tha t by the m iddle o f nex t mon th a substantial contr i hu ti~)n can he made to this splendid even t of BE KI N D T O A?\T IMALS' WEEK, a nd iriends and rela tiv<.:s in vi t ed with a sense of prine and plea lln: :

THE TRIAL OF THE BIRDS A Play for Child rent in One Act

(.- I-I.W \I. ·T E R~

H I S HON OR , T HE ]u fJ GE .. _ .. ....... .... .. ........ . Bl RD FA M1LY

CL ERK () F COl) RT ..... .... ...... ... _ ... _ ......................... ... _ King[ ,i r (l

1:.·\ R~ rEr< \\ 'TSE. f . N ....................................... .............. \Vi\1·1,lc r

ATTO RNEY. H A STE ............ .. ............ ... .. ... "Red ·' \\'oodp ecke r

.\TTO lL'\ EY F. \ I [L .. ..................................... _ ... .. l:lob W h il'"

r.-\R~ fER S\-A p.J DG:'IE T"L.. ....... . ........... \ 1 r . Haw k

O k CHA I{ l)[ST HARSH .............................. .. ... .. _ ........ HIl1ci>ird

F'A l':i\JER FRETT .. .... .. .............. _ ... _ .................... \ lcaoow La rk

BU\lKI N , FA R;-.III.AND .... .. .......................... I< cd -eYl·d \ ' ire ,.>

FA R i\IE I ~ '\ 1 EfHll.F\\ ITH ............................ ................. O tller'

l 'I, OFf.-:S:--;OI{ I' I':N S I F

A .1 U I ' Y OF T\\ EL\ 'J-:

"oriS call b" lakCII by !Iiris (lJ 'ie'elt as hays . f'nt,. r ' (I.f­

IlIme.r lIlay be ''''Ur)! 10 reprCJ , II( diJJe ri'lIt bird .. ,'. A s lII allY as dnir,' may pll rtiClpot,' as Birds, the JII ore th" bel/cr .

s eEN E . ....J C(JUT/Tuum

(...JlldielJ cc o"upies !'<'ar of room. Th,' S.:"i'frol ,harai'lcr.\'

asselilble alld ,ake seals . bi rds ill g r Qll p, other.> '1, '('/1 to j r()JI/.

.Tury fi lN II! 10 r iflht of Jud.oe's dc.rk . J-lis !! ollur (' lifers . )'ars 011 d,'s/;, dears his III/·oot.)

TIll': ) l J Ii ;£, Court lI' i l l come 10 order. !If r. Clerk. ,""11

m~y ca l! III _ nl's! case.

CLERK. (ei,' !? , III' do cument frolll drsk alld r <:ad.<.

Farme r \ ViSC\l1,\!l and o th ers \ 'en; \1 S the Bird F:l1'nily-being a ~ lli l 1(1 reco I'cr rlamagcs f or dcs( ru CLio ll of pl"inti ffs ' p rop­~ny . tu-wit: hOll ey-hees, g roWillJ<' crups in ficld anri garclen . fr uit, s hade all d limber trccs. g- rain <I n d seeds, rahhits ami chi ck ens , an(l ot her di,'crs, mischievous aud malicio us in · ,ill ri es d o ne on said plailllifis' e~ l :J.tcs .

TH E J UDGE. (TIIYllill.'7 I O~"(lrd s pl(lill/ijJs' II Uun!!'.\' . )

\11' . l.' r osecut~)r . y ou m ay now proceed .

ATTORl\ EY I L-\ STf .. Your H onur and m<C111h C' r s of the Ju ry : Tn c Ollsi(\c:ral;o ll ot the g rc;tt (lam agcs done hy th<",c ddenda n ts of 1hr' Bird Family ao has been charged . w, ' ., ha ll p r CSClll (' \ ·j<1<>11<:e on til t diJTerell l counls. ) f we pr()\'(' th es C' all cga(in ll ~, :~ s T ha\'(' 11 0 c\ o lJ ht we sh" lI , it will pa\'(' th e way fo r other charges wh ich w ill be bro ught llmil the whole. Bird [<'amily is exiled, imprisoned or exterminater\. (Sc01vis fi ercely at birds alld co ,,!ilJues. ) F irst charge, tha t d dendants ha\' c k ilkd p laintiffs' bees and so prevented him irOn! makin g a fail' profit on his honcy. (Killgbird shakes /read t'inplw liwlly (I." i j abol/./ IQ speak Oil ! .. bul (I Sig H j rol>l AI/o rury F air reS iN/ins him . ) Farmcr S nap'Judgment, take ih <; s tan d! (lVi/ness obe),.f . ) Farm er .-n;l.p-Judgmell l. how was y ou r hall ey crop lhi s yea r?

Page 6: Marc KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER - Latham.'\llcl how man.\' p


FAI~ tI[ FR:-; r.·\l}-JU iJ(;~IEN T. lot SO guod as it lILi;~lil

hal c been. Pr()fit~ we re: pretty small.

.'\TT O I{'\EY TT.'\STE. Ho w do yon ,(CC Oll llt {"I' I h i , ,h OT tagc.?

F.·\Rllf:l~ S:'; AP-JUDGMEN T. Killgbinls " ,'r ,: , "u ll,1 my hechil'cs a good ctea i and probably ki llen Il1;U\\ 0 1 I1H

ch () i c e~ l bccs.

t\TTOR,\EY H AST E ( turin'/I,r; lo"«'ard Judge). ,\" lilt' ,

the r qllcstion ~,

THE J l.Tl(j E (risillfl (lmllooking /u7(:ard A I I" I'I lcy fa ir ). Ha l'e' yuu _m y qucstio ll to put \0 this wit ness , 1\[r. Fa i r;'

A T TU R EY F,'\ rR ( b07.(·ill rJ 10 Judge, 111,: 11 [ur ll il/V lu­

'i l'ard 7.('i/llfSs ). You r heehives ha l'c be(>.n t rnubk rl conside r­ably loy robber-t1ies, have they llot?

F .>\ R1\l E l<. N AP-JLDGlIENT. Y es, pretty badly.

A TTORN'EY F .i\IR . . And vour fields were ov errun with cIOI'C'r-wcevils, were they not"?

FAR MER SNAi' - TU DG~rF.KT. Yes, thcy w e re th is yea r. I spcnt so muc'h timc trying to get rid o i (h e pesky ki ngbirds th at 1 coul dn't gel after tIle w eevils.

ATTOl{N EY FAl R. T hat's a iL (B olh sit do"')I. )

ATTORNEY HA STE. Secondly, we charge the defe nd­~nts wit h pecking at the tender young leaves on f fuit and shade lrees, causillg tllem to wither and die. (Rcd-r.wd lIireo is heard 10 say, "lJo YOH hear Irim.t Do ~'Ol' belin'(' Ihal?" ...Jt ~('hi(h the fud,qc t!IHmps ili ... desk (/lid calls .drarp/v. "Order ill the Cortrtroom!" ) Orchardist Ha f's h . I' O U m·,1.\' ta ke the stand . (He complies, ) Y our fruit c rOI" j, a ve [a'llell of I hadly of late , ha vc th ey not?

ORCH!-\RDTST Hi\ KSH. Yes , lhey have

ATTOR~ E Y H A STE. T o what do yuu attribute this!'

ORCH RDJ~T HAHSJ-{ . To the warblers :'I11d vireos th<lt I1Ut S! han! l akl~l\ a he ;:! v y (n il a ll season.

·\ '1'1'1 RN E Y HA :;TF (HoddiJl{/ Im,'ard '<I'; III OS). Th a t j s al l.

.\ TTOh:N EY FA I I..:. ( risillJl alld /(licill,lj a fe '''' steps /U IL'(/fi/

~I · i/III'., .. ,·) . No "\-,, \ fr. Harsh. is it no l true that cate r pi ll :ns and locust s hill ' C al most ru ined your trees iN som~ years Jla~ t?

O.RCHr\ROI~T HARSH. Well, T d\lnll\!. Th e re arc l,lc tlt y of th em but I don ' t kno w which has don e the most damage to them. the bugs o r the Birds.

ATT ORNEY FAIR. YOll ad mit, theil, YOll dO ll' t kno w? That 's all. T hank yon! (They both sit dm,'/I .)

A TTO RNEY HA STE. We now a llege t hat the hark o n the tree~ ot the plainliff was bored through amI through by certain membe l's of th is destrllctil'C' ilird Family a nd the ~ar d raWl) from the truIl ks. Bnmkin, you may testify. (i ! i! lokes Ihe sland .) ,\Vhat's you r occupation ?

BU'd KT:\,. I have been em ployed by Farmer Wiseman to

shoot the woodpecke rs, flicker" <>ap -sllckc: rs and chickadees that injure hi. tree .

·\TTO I~ lE\, H A STE. \\,ho,t ~t) ccess d id Y(J \l hale?

Bl l ,\ ( \--:I N. I t! ' I, i(e Ol a ll t hai I cOllld do th e !lin!" ,lid a lol o f damage . bllt I kill erl o ff a lot of them.

A T TORNEY HASTE. T h"t will do.

A TTORNEY FAI R (rising aile jacin!! 'c'ilneJ·s) . Wasn' t Farme r \,Vi~em :l Il 'S (i tl1 h~r inf este d ,,'i lh timl,er an ts tbis year ?

BLiMK..I N , Ye~ , the re was a IU1 (J ( them.

.>\TTO RN EY FA T R. And ",;)., rt 't h i$ ("",;!>;n<l V ,.",10l,: .1 with the apple-louse?

B U~I K (N . r hea "d him s«y ~O .

:\TTORNEY F .c\lR. You hea rd r: urnkin . ( Th e.\' sil .)

, . 11 [ 111 ~;t.\' !'- u . Th;ll\ a ll,

:\TTOI(~l EY H:\~TF: . Farmer F rel t, will you take the wi tile ~ ,., ~t an(l . (He slets / 0 stand.) Y our n el, ls have l,('[>ll rtlilJ, erl by the Biros who ha \'c taken 0 much grain :w(l ,('ed th a t the crops hal'e been ncar ly rui ned , j that co rr e. Cl:

F!\ IL\.lF:R F.kETT. T hat is so. The meadow larks , Hoh \ \f hit es. crows and robins s to le a lot of my seed rig-hI' ,!ftct' J had p la l1 ted it.

A TTor, NEY Hi\~TE . W hat did you do to stop this?

1:/ r ~ "\ I.I·:r<- Fl~FTT. T hired hoys \\' it h gUllS to ~ h ()ot the ma raud e r ' and so g'uard my fiel rl" ( ...J s/rorl rouse durill!/ "'hic /i Attorney Hasle looks i o<c'ard Allorllr.\' Fair (lIr<i

,,'slim es seat. )

ATTOR. E Y F J\IR (/ 0 ~(J i hl<'~'S). Your fiC'lds w ere ba(l11' in res te r! w ith wire-w orms and root-borers, wcre they not?

F t\IOIFR FRETT (Sh07,ill{l surprise) . \\' hy , yes , they \ \ c.;ft,; .

r\TTO k KEY FATR. That's all I wa nt to knoll' . (Bolh sil d 07(· II. )

1\'1' '1'0 1(::-; I~:Y HASTE. Farme r 'II eddkwith . take the ,tand . p lease. (He takc.r the stand ) You've los t <l good ma ny ch ickens and rabbil~ , haven't you. by the ravages o[ ha wks a nd owl s ?

h\R .\l '; 1<. '\lEDDLE WT TH. Yes. l'l'e had lo fi~hl lh('~c

pesky Birds a ,g;ood d eal o f the ti me b 1 in spile of my watch fll[ T1 C~ and shooting' th em they've do!)e me a lot of ,i;lIII <tgc. (A /ll)rl1(.1' rla,~!c 7,1/:/ltdra'ws alld A /torne)' Fair r isr.r .)

A TTOl{ NEY F AIl\. Farmcr 1lcddlcwith, isn't i ( true tha t you h,wc had a lot (J 1 t r()u hk wi tl fie ld m ice and n.JllenlB th at prow l a lJOllt your p r('mis('~ day a nd night?

r: !'\I,~l/':: I , l\I. EUlJL J:£ W IT H . y~s. they have heen a great nu isa nce, too . 1 ' \, e been unlucky. I 'll admit.

ATTO RKEY F,\J R. J Ih0\l![hl 50 . ThaI ', a ll. ('f h,':: UI) 10 Iheir seals. )

A TTOH.N EY HASTE (add rcssiH.<J II,d!!c and fury), Your Honor and members o i th e Jury : \ '\'e hal'c now shown you how great ha \'e been the losses ~ustained hy th e Fa nners tJu'oug h the depredations o f all these BinI ddend­an ts. You will readily perceive f rom th e evidence that lu;, been g ive n ho w much mischief they h~Ye rl one and why th ey shoul d he de,troycd o r dr i\ 'Cn from our mids t. Our iarm e rs arc in need o f helpers in grain fields, orchards anrl g-arclclls, but with th ese thieving' birds hovcring over their p remi ses how can they be sllccessful o r prosperous? Con­sid er th e [ac ts as they have thus far been brought out ane! T think you w ill decide tha t· 111' have proved OUf sid e ot thi s ('fl~e.

'1'1 1 f-'. 1t · 1)1.·,L ("'"l'lSl ,1 i"r the dcfcnd,mls wi ll ' 1'.)1\' k hl';nd

A TTOES EY FAllx. YIJur HUllur and member, ('( , hI ' .I t il' , : I II pre sellting our side of this case we will ~how YO li I ha i [h e fli rds arc not thieves and pi llaf{ers, as has been t:1~iT1l e d , l'ul that they arc honest , hardworking', help{ul f "lends of the farmer and not his enemies. Their sen'ice, arc given free. They aid him when hc needs them rno~t-­in spr ing and sum mer, when insects and worms, bugs and hedl es prcy on his growing crops. It is then that the II irM come to his rescue, destroy his real enemies, 5"'-\'e h is C r()p ~ a nd in lire him a goodly har vest . \ Ve shall try to pro\'(: th a t the Dird F amily have been most unj ustly char ed wit h Ih csc offense. : that while the~' may take. when pressed IJy hungc r, a lillie s-rai n. a few seed, o r berrie, perhaps a

Page 7: Marc KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER - Latham.'\llcl how man.\' p


lillie Jui(y f ru ll, they art" 110 1: )lu i)t" (01 a n)' mi schi ev o u5 or malicious w rnngdoing , And we sha ll (<I II , (Hlle of thf'~(, i>inb to the w itness stand that they rnay te ll their n wll ~to ry hrieRy and ,,'e think ta ll w ill not i <lii ( 0 Ul)oe rstan<l ho ,,' ll nfai'r a rc these char )::,cs made agaim;t th em, I w ill fir~ t ca ll K ingbi r d to the \Vitnl;s~ stand, (He Qlt1ckll' ""S/,O lids . ) K.inl'bird, you ilre accused o f ,pendi ng much time ;t 1'Oll n ri th e I ' ~l'hin's ilnd ff'e<\ing on the hf'(> ,,, h that trut'?

K INGB I RD, I r; i tl?ll rOI'a"e 1'0 1' tlW fo " d in t il l? u rcha rd s \\'h(' r ~ the bl?e hi l'e~ usuallv ' arc hut" r don 't fctrl Oil I lces e"cept perchance a drone ollce ill a while.

A T TORNEY r ,-\Tl< W ill " o(J tel l th ~' Cr ,urt oi what your diet dof'~ COllsi,(?

l\T\GR IE D, O ll , a good man\' kind s of !lying insects, J li ke to take Ill ~' meals on th e wing.

_\ TTORN EY p <\m. \\ 'ell, te ll liS w ha t .1'(lU like- I,p, t I t ; ca t.

K f 1\GHT 1-1. n, I 'U'$UIl<1 Iy 1 cnjoy rn bllPr- ll i,· ~ :111<1 Il hJ ~ ' quitoe. and ill(>ths :lIld roscllURS.

ATT OR1\EY FAJR Harmless enollgh diet as far as 11(' (', are C()llCerne(\. r think that is a ll. (He sil.; liM(,II ,)

:\ TTOR:\iEY HA :-; TE. ( risi1l.(J quirkly) , fl u 1'0 \1 mea n U, say, )'lr, K inghi rd . that .,· Oll would scorn to sw a llow a SIV~ ('(, toothsome hee?

KI !\Gf.) I RD. P erhaps y o u fo rger. ),[ r. A ttorney, th a t a "toot hsome" bee carries, as every schoolboy k now,. a Sli ng that i, ~ !Ivthi l1 g' bu t "swee L" \ Vel l. th a t '~ mv chief reasoll for aVQiding t.\; em, (AI/ortley Hasle la k es ' s.'Cl i, Sh07"i Il9 s iYIIJ 0/ fillbarra.fs1Ilcllt, )

ATTOR NEY 17 I R, I guess tha t'> all. Kinghird (-" 'lio till'll ,fIv~s tv sl'al ) , and n ow, Professor Pe n 'if , will you tnk(; the stand , (HI' does so, ) \\ 'ill YO II kindly te ll th e J ury, I'rolessor, o j your findings in the exa m illatio l) o f th e stoll1<1, hs of kinghird , th at w,rc kilkd 0 11 Ihe farm~ of the,,, plaintiffs?

PROFESSOR rENS1F. \\ 'c fOlmu f rom 281 ' lot11<Jchs tha t fourte en contained hees, Fi Etv bees ill all, ane! oi Ih c~e fifty , f o rty w er e drone,;, T he rest cotda not he idc!l ~ i, fi. cd with ce rta inty, Hence we a r e forced to concl\lde tha t Klllg'­Ilire! only ral:cl~' snaps up a r,t'e anti th~n :1ccie!rnta lly , ( The 'i' ~'iJ Hess rl' tirtts. )

i\TTO\<:-.rEY F l'\ II~, \ "irt, () a n d \\ 'arlde r. l sec are p resent. 1 will a" k \ ,\ 'ar ukr to go On the s l<lnd . (IVarbla lal, c.' I/lt' slaml ,) Yo n' \,c heen charg:('d wit h pecking- young and tendcr 1ca\' e~ n f tr(TO; a nti shru bs a nd S(1 injnring th C'll1. ( ' ;111 yo u den)' it?

\\ '''d UILER, L dun 't dell)' Iwcking- ti l the lea l l'S , B ut it i· nut th e leaVE" that I 'm a fter ; i "; t ill" tin l' in5('ct, anc! lice that some tim e ;; almos t cm't' r them tha t J am llcck ing "If. If 1 didn' t T don 't kn() ", \\' ha t woul d ha l' pl'n to the' tn'C' , I gues, t he- in sccts woul d ('~ t i( "II u p,

XfTO l{)! F.V F Al l, \\'h~ t is yo u r di e t. \\ 'arl,ler. chid1yt

W ,\ R llLE l<.. I'm very fUI1(l of pla nt -lice, insects ' eg~s , C:1l1ker worms , gmall caterpillars ami hou ~<:: - f1ic" \ \ '(, leave lhe h iR: \\'('b-worms and 'caterpilla rs ,m d ll10th s fo r u u r higger ~ !Jr n the rs the orioles , bluclr i;ds and cuckoos, 1'ha l'$ what t.h e ~· want us to do.

ATTORX EY FA IR . l Illess there arc i u r thc r que ti ons , tha t w ill be all. (lVarblfY lea,'cs sland. ) " k ed" \\'oool1cckc r , willYQU step to the witness ho,, ? (JJ" respo llris.) \ \' hat d o ,' ou say to the charge th at \ ' 011 hal'c h() red holes ill Farll1er \ \'iscnian's timber ? ' "

RED \\ ' ()ODPEC I';'E I ~, \ \' ell, 1 do n't hare h oles [ o r Iny liv ing. l dv ex trac l gl'lIb~ from un der lile ba rk a nil hectlcs that h,\\'e them$eil'e, horf'd illto the wuod. I might g il 'c an "" tra tal! or t wo no \l' a nd (h (' 1I . ]'1\1 Hel cr i\ uit( , ,un' I 'n' R,)t Ih ... !Jig f ellows Hnle ,s 1 do .

\TTOI{N EY F.4. I K \\ hil l tl ~C' deo yon ca t?

\ \'()OUl' EUd ": I< , Oil , I like- RII kinds oi in ;;('el 1' .I{g-S ,

weev il s , moths and [lIn l)(:'r ants ; 1110st everythil)g' lhat li" h "11 trees, ) g uess-except sfjuirrels, '

l\ TTORNEY H,ASTE. hn 't it true tha t VOll and othe r s of vour fa mi ly lap lh e tree~ and Slick sap from them?

1\1,.f) \\()()I) P I' : I :K ~' R, 1 don '!. Nor rl oe ' DO\\'n;' n r 11 ~ll r ~' lll' FI;l'b .. r ' ,

\'1''1'( )I, N I'.Y i I .\ STE, \OVh a l' :1 hou( Sap-sucker?

In:]) WOO l JrECK ER, W ell, Oll ee in a while S ap-s \l cktr does tipl' le, He can't re~ i st new sweet sap. He's h een warned abO l.ll it. Bu t h e's a good workn 1ll 0~ t all the time and a m ighty fin e fly- c«t che r ,

A TTO I~j'\F:V H :\,'TE, Th a t'll d" , (Woodpecker "ii,' d,." ,,, )

\ TT()' I ~t\F,Y FAI R, I will no\\' call to the witlless tand I~"I, \\, hilt' , ( U{)/J stet s yill,llrrly 10 s tand. ) Bob \ Vhite, you kil"'" II ... ( h "r~e-d ('~trl1ctioll of seed s and g-rain , ~ nd ~" i "rt II ,

::(11\ \\ IIITE. Yes , and ii'" a r idi c l1 lou s one, \ Vhat lin \ 'AI '111'1""'1 ' ,'. o u ld h;\pp(~ l1 to t he gra in crops if w e Jion 't k(,I'I' "I'ln Ih c ch inch-bugs, Clt t- wor ms, corn-lice , gras~h O[l ­pc rs , boll · wee vils , Il(".~ sian-R i es , \\'eed sE'ecl s-

ATTOR:\TF Y FA IE. One moment there , llob, yO \! k n ow I'm 1101' good on riddles, y,!U d Ol1' t mean to say that y () u ea t a ll th ese pes t,; th a t torm('nt the farm" r , and Cll t down t h ci r cr ops?

BOB \V I llTE. Ye, t ha t's j uS! wha t T meant, an d ~cnre~ of o th er k ill<ls just as bad io r th em , And I'Jll no t a lone, Th <, rc ' ~ )'[eadow-I ark, th ink of ihe 'millions of gra;shoppers that h e k eeps f rom doi ng' injury! W hy, even GI:lckbinl and ('rnw eat thr<:e times (l . man )' a rln y- worms and cut-worm_ as tI H' Y d o pi eces oi grain. Th«t ,hows thel' , too , arc on the fanner 's s idcc /\ 11 <\ lhl:: r t"s the root-borer" squ ash-bug, pOl a to l .. ul;s , wirc '\\'onll " crane,flies . maggots. \\'hy, lY e k eep th e fie lds in condit io ll for- th e planter amI then prot<,Cl t he VO lllli! shoo ts :;s th ey ( ome ~ I Ollg-

i\TTORYEY FAII~ , Y e " I know you're ri .ght, Bab \Vh ite, and I believe th i. Co urt thinks so, r gue,s tha i will he a ll. ( n ob U 'hitc iea-v'es the stand.) (A I this poi1l1 till' f nrm ers ,,'li o h iJ~1t.' /ir<, ~' i01/sl.v testified are secn 10 rim", 10' D<'I III> ,-i!> a ",hispercd cO!l7I,r.l'ation, ) Your Honor (10 Iii.> C our!), we h avc yet a cOII~ irl eral.Jk n u mber o f Dinl wit­ncsses 'who ha,'e co me he re ami are anxious to he h eard , (Lo okin g I O~" ll rds l1irds. ) r sec R obi n and P u rple :-Iarti ll , ll luehinl and Grosbeak an d 1Ir. Hawk ,.n d o thers, The\' a ll cou ld tell o f th ei r usef ul s,rvice~ 10 the far llle r s, ho~ I hey h elp 1'0 check the rava,G(e ~ "f many {orlllS of inscct li \(' , .-\nd th ev want ti S to \Inderstand. those oi 1I~ ",hn h:<\-(' failed to' appreciate their gre" t valuc, t hat the\' an' actually saving: m ill ion s of dollars, yes, h unnrcch; o j' millions , en> r~' yea r to th e fa r m ers of our count ry. 1t is quite im possihl c to ",in: Ih ("111 all th e oppor!t1l1itv to be hea rd ;,t this essi(,n, a nd as the rq;ul ar ( il11(' for adj ournment is drawing llL'a r, it wi ll he l1 ccessa rv , I think, t f l ask tha t· th is trin l 1)(' C(,II ­

ti nu ed to a la te r day,

FARMER \~ir SE}'IAN (s,~-rillf)iJlg /1'0111 his sfat), Y (,u r H Oll OI', 1 respectfully a sk that r m ay be ;llln weJ to make a I' rief s tatement. (J1Id.rJe nods "i.~ 0-'.' ('111.) I weak fo r my i e l1 0w farm e rs as we ll as myself. Since com ing into thi, cou rt rOOIl1 w e hcwc S<::<;l1 many (hings in a d i ffe rent ligh t. Th e n il'ds h ave co n vinced us of our error, tha t we a rc g rea tl y mi s (~'ken in r egarding- them a s Ollr cn emies, On the c. oll l.r<lry, we a rc now willing to helicye that they are jllst a bout th e hest i ric n d~ we've got, And so we p ropose to get into ac til' e part ner,hip with them and wekome them int" o ur mids t an d offe r' lhem every encourage!11ent to .stay with u S and be safe a nd h appy, \ \le have just celebrat e, l TIe Kind u i , nilllals ' \\' eek and it wo uld seem strangel y stupid , illco ll s is t'ent and ungratefu l 011 ou r par t. did 1\'(' I()nger withh old a ll y kin d nes' towards the Birck \ V (, thndore r l' ~ I ",c tfI111y a 'k that tili, ca , c he n ow di~lIlissed ,

( II is 1/ ollo r ri.!".,· 1/) pnw I requ .. s l bill his 7, 'ol'dx an' i" I.' rr lll' l l'fi hy l /ie c/(i/,/,i" iI of hUJld.,' ami ,.rf'rt's,r i"JIS of 1I11(111 i l!lO/l J n/i/,ro {"ll ioJl . )

Page 8: Marc KIND DEEDS MESSEN ER - Latham.'\llcl how man.\' p


WHAT OUR KIND DEEDS CLUBS ARE DOING TH"'" months ;lJ\d a half a ft er our h Ul11 :lI w \1 ';1"](

was s ta rted in th~: schuols of Alameda C ountv in 1925 . \I't issued w ith the approva l o f oLlr .sLlp ~ rill­I t ilden!. Mr. M a ·ti n. a q l](" :; tion na i re to all thl: ' p rin­ci pa ls a "king wh a l their reac ti on wou ld he 10 th e fo rm ing of c lubs in the ir. chools to be ca ll ed TO.\! f)

DEEDS CLUBS. T he answers were su fa vu r ahl e th a t we began or''-aniz ing: and ou r en ro llmen t. w hich wa s entire ly opt ional wi th the children , r egiste red 2 500 members in the fi rst two weeks.

\! \;,rv m uch in all OLlr w ccess h as been ctue to 1\1 rs" Kathei-ine H . Borneman, who gave . er iolls a ttention to o Ll r efforts and a lkr the first yea r es tab li sheo h umane education as a part of the curricu lu m in th e schools o f Hayward . o f which she is upen"sing-principal. .

The follo win<Y le tte r II ill ill u st rate huw Ill uch io l' these clubs a re bringin'" into th e Jives of others, -th"(; members using C h r istmas a' a speci a l sea son to m ake

" "1 '1 those wh() might othenvise 1.>c f o rgotten. not .c-gkcting deeds oi thQug-htfulncss to our a nima l

friends as well :

\1 r s" Kat heri ne Borneman . .vlarkham ,~ ch ool, R . treet. H aywa r rl . Caliiorn ia . A tten t.ion : P resident of (-h <; Y ind J),','')'; ('!tiL

My Dea r NIL . Bornema n : .It \I ':,I S a wondl: rf ul plea su re to hav<: such a \e1"\

'-: t'ncrc.lI s dona ti on irom th e K ind D-eecl - Club oi _I < • .'u-r

scL." .1. Th e Lh ings wcre o f such fine quality and \I'I;:' H' 5 () alt ractiveh' packed. We sent ~orne I a~kets to 'Jur f,llllili(' s and to o u r aged people w ho would not hil\t: ki d any C h ri stmas. One d ear old lady who wa , iL cr tp):'! t' wa~ so uver joyed at ill'!" li ttl e boo " ~\"hi ch COI1 -

(";Ilil c..l ~ ()Jl H: home-m ade jam a nct j clJics tha t she wepl. l \\l~h I mi ght tell you o j eve ry cl ient tha t received ~()nK"lhill !{ t hat you so generou sly don:ttec1 but that is i 111 1)(' .- iJ,le.

If \ nu w ill m ultiply ou r thanks many, many time s \ ' ( ' lI 1\ ill Re t some idea of the pkasurc: your boxes

.":;i11cne\y yours. Sou th ern Al ameda County \ Veliar> Hoa rd .

By (:\hs.) Ruth Y\! . McCord . EX('( l1 tiv~: S,:crdary.

.~ c h ()(J ls "w hich \\'ere sever<l.1 ye;"l r ' <tgo hard to win are now recogniz ing (h e va lue of humane education and we lcom ing the work lVith sincere enthusiasm. The p rinc.ipa l o f one of these ScllO()ls r ecent ly Stlid : " The: change that has come uver our San L eanctro boys and girl s has been noticeable and we feel it is Que to the h u ma ne work of the Latham Founoation ."

" I wish y o u cou ld hear the exclamations of delight from both teache rs and pupiL when new MESSENGERS

come. January package here. (JIl e .\ ·oung girl always rl ~ks fo r a specia l copy to m ail lo a school ir itnd in C~,lt,r'j)l() .' ·-A li c(" P a rk . 'Palo l \Jto.

TIlt! Lnth <\m fouJl,d~\tion for the. Pr()m6lio n Qf Huma ne EduG11'on. Jnc .. l....:.,t b un Squitrc Building . O,-~ lc.I;:).nc..l l C;:!IJ;(QrniJl

Printed by The Cr:lodaH Pre~s . Sao Fl"anci~cor Ca lifornia , V_ S ..

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