Page 1: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

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Page 2: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"




Page 3: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

County ^i'Mft-^ 7^ -w •^C^-^/t^.a^ <

STATE OF MONTANA | o V £ " ' fj I j



(Under Chapter 237, Montana Sess ion Laws,1961)

1. Csc^iy A. *£*!>*»JLJI ,of 7>. t>. / W / * - ^ - ^M^fc- Jfit+JiL*^[name of appropriatorT (address) ' (Town)

County of Silver Bow, State of flontana, have appropriated groundwater accord-ing to the '.ontana Laws in effect prior to Jan. 1, 1962, as follows:

w t. The beneficial use on which the claim isn T T " I 'i I based

t 3, Date or approximate date of earliest bene-_?__ ficial use;and now continuous the use has

j v L I r- b e e n • J ,

k. The amount of groundwater claimed (inminer's inches or gallons per minute)

I 5 ~ & * M - + - ~ T >I ' ' I I *'• '—'—'—'—I ' 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage

l/t;_Sec 3gT 3>// R<>u/ & description of the lands to which waterIndicate poinTof appropriation h a s b e e n a p p l i e d & n 8 m e o f th%OWneJ t h e r e ° f 1and place of use, if possible * °- * » ^ »*^»*>. /C <*<^t^> C*~fL IEach small square represents 10 Att-rttt. 4'f S^ ^L T"S M - 7t. & Uf ;acres> 7 f \

6. The means of withdrawing such water fromthe ground and the location of each well or ,other means of withdrawal

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well,wells,or other works for withdrawal of groundwater J

6. The depth of water table 1++M.+/ aJL*~J-/T/mf, 7 <*2(*{i.*.kXtflfjtf:. *f+£f£^-/0J&-

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or thegeneral specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater

LO.The estimated amount of groundwater/w_ithdrawn each year IS&o-o-v **Jl11.The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well iffvailab]^ I

+~>J ^-iL- ffJiG mf\<d Trfi lif T1 *&£•+•*- S^^fc X**.£M . 77 jjtf.. Jl. fl/ tS. b.]k*£l*i*£)12.Such othe/ infonrntion of a Similar nature as may be useful in carrying out

the policy of this act, including reference to book and page of any Co.record

Date Jg»**~.JL*~-kB *fi~i Signature of Owner ^ K X - <f • g-* , r*4tk( 1 <

^TEYOFvKONTANA B O W J S 3 /;,.„,. ,^,A , / / ... y / havmz f i m been duly

sworn, depose aiA say that he oflawful ar : and the aporopriator _________ andClaimant of the order and water right mentioned in the foregoing declar-ation of vested groundwater rights and the person whose name . _subscribedthereto, as the anpropriator__and claimant^ , that he know thecontents of s-jid fbrepoing notice & that the matter^ k things therein statedare true. )/, , /

— - — _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ — ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '****Vf r ' 1 ' / / 1 .• s

Subscribid and sworn to before me this _3 day oi j^l.* , „ .19 /• -wliotary pvtj.ic for the St.of Montana,residing at /• ~}y*r<- ..V.?-- - —

Cenmission expires '^ / ^ J s,. y ^|6M>

Page 4: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"


I herebv cettiw 1'ial tlic 'vit!i"n Insttv;:-.': I .

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* • " • " • - _

Page 5: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

W i * f^ECEIVISlinULJ JAN 2 1964 J


X " ~ -> ^Wfetf 237,MontanF Session Late, 1961)

"• < £ r - ^ -, to^2U^^S S L 2 L ? ? r ; ^ < « » State of Montana, have approp^^eo groundwater aetording tot f t 6 ^ I W * W V*> 1 i n effect prior to Ja_uary 1, 1962, as mllovs:

2. The beneficial use or whijh the ^Siffiis. ^

—i—r—r-4—r~ / W D a t e of approxima^datTof eerliea* beae-I 1 f icial use"; and how contimma the use b*6

— i — ~ [ i _ 4. "he amount of grounduster clsined (in,_ j I ~»J miner13 inches or gallers aerjBiauto)

I *~" ' 5. If i^«c for iifigation, g;.ve the ecreege af~ 1 and description of the la XJS to whichL 1 I j . iwter has been applied ard sane of thej I, O\ I , owner thereof ^ " ^J»

Indicawi point'of appropriation ^ & rrf (f* " dkfPfif J3 ^JjJ",Cit'l^<

Lifc'SSlVri -rsSentB

aio *• ffSTS^SKK «* «-Ur *o»8 C P e s ' • the ground anj the location of each well

w i t h e r ?*3ans of withdrawal7. The date of conanencenent and completion of tn^constructfcn of the well, wel ls , or

otharjrorltegfor witMnual^of ground water ^

3f?he depth of watsr table ffL^ tf ^ fr - ' *9. S far as it wny be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general

specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of ground water

10. The estimated anount of ground water withdrawn each year /jSJt &~** & > '^~#"d

11. The log of fomations encountered in the drilling of each well i f a-railable

12. Such otber info isttion of a aimilar nature as any be useful in carrying out the policyof fiia &ct, including reference to book and page of ary county record

Signature of Ownor J ^ ^ Q - ^ ^ ^ l | J A w y / f l i ^ c * t f >

3T»rK PF KCIffAI-i ) S 3 , ,;0'::.TY OF S I L . - h rOW) /Z /--Jjr / ' -

.'•is'*'' 6*L-J*~J/JW'J[-**' hevfriP f i r s t boor, duly sworn,i.->!.-:,i<L_ i_ :.•• .,_:;- ^ r.jftt^"^ he / ^ o"f l o - ^ J Qi-!K grri / b'.hi- f priropr^otor and .-laiia&nt ____ of t^r- order i r e water right mentioned in thet'oregi. lr.jr ricelitpa* icr. of vested grcurriwater rights at.o tiie pc-rson whose naise___>jubrcrii.f-J '.h-_r:-T, s? •>.•- !;npropriator aTvi alaiRnnt thet he know____i'ao c:r,^.i.+.o :,f stii1: foregoing notice and that th«» mnttors ssnd thing3 t(hereia stated are

' I*1 '..:-jrsor!I--' auO s-jom to before me, this $/* Js-V o f /V/v^-^^W l^SO

' " * *- -if i' *' "5--" Jtetc of Vontsna. refii^i^^ ut^""^^*^"^^!!!'^!'^!^'- ^u!'. T~ ai-^^,-^*^

Page 6: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

' - • • • • • * ! ,

Page 7: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

w* mECEIVEf|jvmw _ Uu JftN 2 1964 ^

wrtefe&m STATE ENbiNhKR° * JESTED GRCtmDVwVTER ftMiffS

x^~ r ~) y&to* 237,Montana Session LaVs, 19&) "? 1 ji

County of SO.»'• / * ^ ' f a l d r i s £ C ' o w n )tho J rnftnfc-•__H Bow» s t a t e o f Montana, have approoflrtec grounfiwater according to

" T O l a * w ^ * ' in effect prior to Ja-uary 1, 1962, as mlinws!

2. The beneficial use or which the elaia i s

~T—r—i—'-,—y-^ 3. Date or opifrradmatedettrof earliaa>t bwe-. i , / j f ieial use; and now cor.tinuouB ihe us© h»8

ta-i.—-«^,—|—^__ , ^ j n e aBoun(; of groundwoter dalned (inv^ i 1 __ I I miner's inches or sailors pw minute}

•p—-!—»»-• " » E ^ _ _ , y S — ^ jf

, ~" 5. If use^ror irr l^t ion , give the ecraage a- 8nd description of the lanas to whidt

*— —I i — _ . water has been sppliod and name of t i»I ' I. owner thereof

A/4 J^c/y fjfSTs,^^/. "7*} £L^\J^S —-*~**intfikiity -~-Ir,ciica^8 poiiiif of appropHatioa > ^ ^ . ^ T . -i"/ZhZl YZ :.\* J7L*d-*&?A place of use, i f possible. "*• * «4>JjpB«li"*» • « t n » » t /Seci- snail square represents 10 6* T h e IBOsaB of withdrawing stHJh water frw»acres. the ground and the location of each well

or other neano of vltbdrawil

7. The date of neBmencement and completion o^hQ^nstrvwtieMr of th« wSLl, mlJto, orother works for withdrawal of groundwater

/#M *Vf - -8. The depth 6t water table ySd£'* ^J^^fJ9. S-.< far as i t nay be av«rllahle, the type, size and depth of each well or the general

spocifications of any othar works for the withdrawal of grouidwater

10. The estiaat'.-3 antunt of groundwater withdrawn each year 1>€>t *-*?-*). q-A-O

11. The lo? c.r fomations encountered in the drilling of each well i f available

12. Such rt.'-itr inron<ntion of a airiler nature r,s may if -seful in carrying out the policyof T••is -jet, incl'iding refereneo to book and page cf arjy county record '


Sigr.atur- of Ovoer —^^y.rf.^^-/ J*&frjZL*

-;••:;•: rr sn.'."-. ^) " / ,• ; , /^ / - r <&^.( I- >/s^J?>*Q- h iv l . c f i r s t bstiL duly sworn,

io;o.-<:__ >__ -; ... r _ i , tV.'J+- hfi / S of ^icufiU ^pe »riJ ,/JiM« pr^rcp-...ator -jr».J clalnsnt of t;*- order srri • rifi-.i. r>>r,tion«c! in theI'c-.-Ci-jir.r faclar-i' i<-r. nf vested groundwater ris'htr» ur.d the fwrcon uhnst r aw. /• ^^ubscribt-l t,;,.. r-fit •:, -K; thr arpropriator sr/.l , that hg know .5ll.f> r-r, ;.',r <.: -.;.:•] forepcinK notice ar.d nmt 'he ont.t 'rs hjid tfcingo th%r*ir steted are—


:- r.:-'.-r :.. ' :«; r,:; rr t,- bofors me, th is "?/ x iny of y y f., ^•>r ' i 0 « ^ ?

•-•-I' '' :•• :~'tatf- of i-'on'-ate, refiair.f ijl' 4»' /?S>-4ff^jjff^S^^—•• — - .

Page 8: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"


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Page 9: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"



^ J t o i ^ i T H H . O T B STATt LNu.nttR• " ^ /•. QIMtMf 237.Montana Session LaVs, 1961)

Countv of » " * — — ' — ' ^ (Address (Town)+v,a_»iit-t«*fc":" " •1"--. State of Montsr.2, have scnrcpi > t e j groundvwter according tota - JWIWmy*^ l r • . r f 9 e T j ^ ^ t r J a J i a r y a/i .962, as mllnws:

2. The beneficial use or which the olalffi i s

,—r—|—;—-—7— i . Dato(#r spproxinate date of earliMt bwae-j_ I • i I ficial use; and how continuous the use hasI i ' I f • S II> beer. / Mj)—f~

J. !—i—f—L_ Xg^j /44>cs _ jAuutk Lt^mtJL

• " - - — ^ 1—W_|__J , U. /The amount of groundwxer clfllaed (dn;__; !_ ^ ^ j j ; __ -•' niner 's inches or Bailor's per miaufc^L,

i_ | I t ! •.-. If used TOT irrip-nion, give the aoreBge sf~~j—|—r—j—i and ceacription of the lauos to *ri&ioli

L' I j I j i water has be^n applied end name of "fcfte

ladiwr^ point of appropriatiet '^^^Sff^SiT^^Km'mm "*Tr TruiTy' —ana piuco of itie. if possi:.!^. ' ^ ••••-»-- * ••n« "T.SB^>- seal: L-q'Jtro represents i.Q • T h " ~ v i E C o f withdrawing auch water frostacres. ' ^ tfround and the location of each well

or^jh^r _means of ui.thdn>wal

7. .'be date c,-1 ocKraeacement and completion of thn co'rrtruction of the WBll^flSSSS^^^^"™-t^ar workG for .vJthdr8ya^ of grptmgweter ^ . -j£

•i. The depth of wii,«.r taMo (/ ^ / ? - / < w 7 y . F " -

5. -'" .-• nhjr he available, the type, sfte anri dtptb r>f eaeh well or the general.-•<£" -oticr.a^f aiiy -ithar WQEtes for the withdrawal of gtwMd-water

10. w:--' fir/lMton .jEc-unt '.f ar'VLir-awste- vrithdr»wr> %ach yo/r- / 7 ZJfo /l-tr-C '•^*\(fajtT' ' ~*(C

.11. T!:« Uif- of f'cTTttMons -.-.-counter-^ i r th* ririllir:,1"- ",'' rjaoh .,'.-11 :.f awilable

/ / ^ / / /7 / / " ™1.-. Such ffrsc?- ffifozvBtiqy <^v r, iitR.ltr* ••t.turo 5r ?;.;v/i •• useful i r oorrying ov.t the polir;.'

r-^i:' h':l. , i:;r-':;:.-i-inp rcferen--*:- : c br. H -i-s :.<af - f s:.y cos.:;:t.y record

• - - . " ' . . ' ! . . ' ' ; ' . . • ' • ' • ; ; : ' ' ' " . ; ' . - . - x

,.-' ('.*•«.-> T...--*-—_ ^"f,"'-:- <'— r: - • ..- : ' i r - t b o o n ' : ' . l y :-: r c r r ,

•.; • r-T'i-roj-r-si* •.•" • :v. i- . tur/ ir . ' . _ _ _ ^ •-• - - ; - r .-;.•: . . ' J : . -J" r - ; - h t neT.tior'*'.1 its "h?•'•:• ' . » : f i en l i i r a* ' • • • ; .••_:••:-•« ! ' rc/ . :ndwater - . • • : -. ,,• -mrsoi. whoac n a n t . / ^.••„!..-•. r.:L--j •!..•;•. • . - , • ; : • - p r o p r i a t f . r •::_• - - •. , ; . j ; a t n- > . r . o « i

.••..". •- • • • ;. • •••r;- • •-• i - f . - p r j r - G , • - ' . ' g '_ljf Mv i /},**^,4*si> , A9<£_? # / » ^

Page 10: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I ! '...f^fl^- . ,Tf j

L •

Page 11: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I GW - \?d »f^. ^ Io^^M County /Lj&j-eAJ fekt-J-d^ H STATE OF MONTANA sg*e<tTs<~<~*rr"~

^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ( D E C E l V"V llTl^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ni^ H ULJ JAN 2 1964 ^^ H DECLARATION OF VEST iD GROUNDWATER RIGHTS QTATL f IU 1 ,u L L p^ H ^ - ~ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws,19611 L I ' b l l Y t t K

^^m 1. r..-^-7» / l^S^//ty( y^«y .of /^-f.Z/L ^^J*jL^sLi)ph*-:<x)^ ^ B (name of appropriato**K /4fdd?ess) ^ C^>^93P2v"^-^ ^ B County of Silver Bow, State of iMontana, have appropriated groundv*rarac?efa-^ ^ H ing to the Montana Laws in effect prior to Jan. 1, 1962, as follows:

^ ^ B . . . . *f 1 . 2* The beneficial use on which the claim is ;^ ^ H I I 1 I I 1 I I based / / / . /^ H I - / V ^ " - ' ^/7 -

<, ^^^B 3. Date or approximate date of earliest bene- •Tj ' ^ H L ficial use;and how continuous the use hasv' V ^^^B , c been ,^, , / C -r— 1

'v^ »'- . ^ ^ H 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in ;' " ^ ^ H miner's inches or gallons per minute) A _

, . - ^ H ' '—'—'—'—' ' , 5. If usea for irrlfgation, give the acreage1 - >! ^ ^ H * A S e c^? T,^>C/R f2-</ & description of the lands to which water

~.. * X'$ ^ H Indicate Poin6 of appropriation has been aPP1^^ & "*»• °f the owner thereof

<V , ^ H : and place of use, if possible* ____________-__^_s-'T'i' ^ ^ ^ 1 sEach small square represents 10 ________________^^___^_______I '•'•''" ^ ^ ^ | ;- acres. --——__^——-——--——---—-_____—————.' •-, ^ ^ B 6. The means of withdrawing such water from

' 'i"~t" ~ ^ ^ B the 6round and the location of each well or• "« •'' ^ • • 1 other means of withdrawal !

,<l m ' ^ ^ H 7« The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the-«WHMi,-" • \ -Jtl ^ H « t f M r works for withdrawal of groundwater •:

''. ' 'i ^ B i 3. The depth of water table ^^tJ^jt. .S r^-^jj " \, ^^^B 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each wall or the

' : i^^H general specifications of any of er works for the withdrawal of groundwater

rT ^ ^ H 10.The estimated amount of groundwaf r withdrawn each year .^S~z>?Ch. &-&%!) :v 1 ^ B 11.The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if Available

4't M —^ ^ H 12.Such other informition of a similar nature as may be u«eful in carrying out^^ ^ B the policy of "-.his act, including reference to book and page of any Co.record

^ ^ B Date y<L r<f! Z'C /&}> Signature of Owner ^^.^^^^ Jr^<£k^£*-*

• CS;5S?Y°0FM??I}S BOw! SS <^"*-<J'?%**£ **^' first been duly^ ^ H sworn, depose^ and say_^that he /± of^ ^ H lawful age and / 'j the appropriator ________ and^ ^ H Claimant _of the order and water right mentioned in the foregoing declar-^ ^ H ation of vested groundwater rights and the person whose name/6 subscribed

: ^ ^ B : thereto, as the appropriator and claimant that he know i> the: ^ ^ H contents of said foregoing jrotica. 4 that>tfie~matters ft things theriln stated

^ m a«»true- ^J£r*« /C^2- u^ ^ B Subscribed and sworn to before me this ?/f day of /^/ttr*J>*sf .J.9 ^^^M Notary public for the St.of Montana,residing at W0>*'V"j _\rD_....7i'."Y ""

WM*"^ ^ H Commission expires m,comr**ioniM*mf*nvii*.im

Page 12: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"


i- •

I s - . ^ y i : : - . .• .; ;.-• v*"-ij[ y ^ f • • •*:\ V.MS (HM at JM' cU«3B 011 tilC— •&*** 4

j , ! *.

— ^ - ~

Page 13: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

« * iD^ECEIVEnriM0RTAB4 _ JAN 2 1964 *-^

upnteVauTE STAIt tNlilNEER

>T -".fllMfcU 2?7,Montana Session LaV8, 1961)

^ i Z ^ j f ^ f B o u . " s t a t e of Montana, hsve appropilpted groundwster according toR"v**7UlTOI'ya$* in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as mllows:

2. The beneficial use or vhichthe claim i s

—r—r—1—-r—j-~ .—., 3 .""'Date or Hpprojda»to date of earliest bene-• | I ] f ie ia l use; end how continuous She use MB

•—*i K-4-1 f^TT^ci^+L-/ /?£h•-!<—-»».—I—i__ 4. The amount of groundwBtar olalasd ( in

. . ; I j miner's inches or ga l lws per adautfc)I * [ i i >" * r .^L . „ JJ >» *• j ^ --

I 5. If used/for irrspition, give th« sorwge •* and description of the lands to whicft*— —- -'"j ™— _ j . water has be«>n applied and mat cf tfte

I I ' I. j I ovmer thereof ^ ~ y»

Indifcite piir.t oi* ap-'^jpriatisn X 7 2 ^ > - / ^ > r > ^ X y **»att.Jg^ «•and iace cf uee, if possible. . mt_ ^ . ^.l"/ ."1. ! _ ""EBCI- m i l rquare represents 10 3« T n e a e a n B o f vltMnvlng mob wrtwr fromacres. the ground end the location of each well

or otber means of withdrawal

7. Thf date of oowenoeBent and ooapletion -* *-^^-^--^Y~M^^^^lf rftiti "To*.a«r wor s for withdrawal of groupdwter * ^

8/^Thfdepth or wate/tahlo WJShRtffawi

9. Ss far as i t nay bo available, the type, sice and depth of each wall or the gewralspecifications of any other works for the withdrawal of ground water

10. The estiwted amount of groundwater withdrawn each year f^SO. ^f^^_ *-**

H. The log of fcrnstiona encountered in the drilling of each well it available

12. Such other information of a similar nature as nay he useful in ourrying out the policyor this set, ir.elurjing to boHc and japo of ar<y county record

Signature of Owner .,<f^V<-*^^ J, J?1T^^*

/?_ --f*f~<--4. _•**£<*<.* htiyjng f i r s t beer, duly sworn,!epc.5>?_Ja_ ••' ! « - y j 2 ^ ^ ^ ' " h e / S rff lawful aga and /$th«- rpjs-tis-lut-'jr *6i rlslawnt _____ of th«. ordrr Jir.-i •«-• t<sr right ncr.tloned In the":'cr'-!'::i.-;(- r. ,;clnra* ;<:—, r,f -.i.t'ted j,Tro.'jndwater riphta ;jna '.hr; fy-.rnm whose rar >•ttfc.-rilc-! M - r n i , :.; rh- ? ;r.prcpr's.tor__ar/; ciiir^r;t ''-'J* _I h* 'enow ^Cr.» ocr.'. ...r.t» .r .r-.i; iar«p-l r r r*tice i w t i i t »h>: r/i'.T.'.ra ••rd..*r.inge therein. atat«d are

^...<x< ,."Hi- ••Ti'-- '• •-•-• c.;.-rr. "o h->f--r«t T » , M I J ^ y V -!ny ef putf***4<ff , 19_^_t

Page 14: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^ ,s~ /»*<=> • - !••£ ' \ '

Page 15: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

• "* Appnwtd Slock Form—Suit PabUlhlni Co., Hokm, Momu»—(1199 ^ B > > )

I Kle No T_JLA R. *.«..

I ADKHRBTRATOR or OEOUKDWATM oora LI u MAD ft 1Q_. y)I omoa or STATS oranren K 9b4

I Notic. of Completion of A p p r o ^ n ^ 6 1 ^ ^I Without WoMI (Under Chapter 237 Montana < wion l*^»t 1961)

I uff • !>**• of Appropriation of Gwmndwatcr.?^. . . ^ . Jf*|L_ „ I

• ownOT_5ti!...l!L!BlJii..— Addms..lWU..Mi>tL,lili|>,,lKHiiiii

I ConteMtor (it any) MLJOgUflMa „. I

I AddrtH of Contractor J M L . ^ M I I M N U I ]

I D«te Stwted. ?•? 0,4, Cosseted JlH. I

I N Describe D M U of obtaining gromdwatw without a w«U "a* by II 1 ; •• : 1 ; : ; 1 inb-irri«attai» and other natural ytettmm". bated* d a t a U> I• —:—:. . . : :....; ;.... water wh«n applicable 5S5S I

I ...i-.L-.L. Lj|...;... 9£^...**!*.M&MMs&.s. _ I

I ....!....:....: L . J . . J . . . . Q«M«*h3r of water dtnloiwd a>d «Md wia mrianation of Mtm«d II : : ' : ' , : " ^ ** " " " ^ «•*>»*• iMh aavooot. If OM ta istenaitteat I

I * «atimte approximate laaftiM of pwMa of »*— _ _ II M% fee.M TJal R-Ji " M f i r "MrtMi^ lUlfc illlWI MMMJ1 1L+JU. II bdtetto pobt of appropriation ~ " ^ ^ ^ — II MMipiM.of«N,ifINMrBb. g g B i J i JS&m^ULMaSsJS9 l B B J B g B » - |

I Sitnatur. of Ow«.r......^Ly!N...5«. . * * • « • I

I Date..l«!»!V.anr.. ,..19!64 II Tab fora to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

I Thrac eopiei of Uik notice are to be filed with the County Clerk aad Recorder of the county in which tie I

I worka are located. I

I Pleaw niwwer all question. If not applicable, u, mate, otbrrwiw the form will be returned. I

I Original tn the County Clerk and Recoriirr; duplicate to the State Bn*iueer; TripUeate to tk- Montana II Bureau of Minn and Oeolon «i:1 Quadruplicate (or the A|propri»tor I

s s ^ I

Page 16: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"



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————- - - • _ _ _ _ _ I

Page 17: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

• i GROUNDWATER INDEX " — *"" Page _Z_pf_Z_ WSt

I '• ,; County f/{'^^, £>**<*• Twp. ?"-?{. Rge. 9_JTi * J | |

I < ~~~~ County " ! ^^|H ; Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Forn File No. Remarks ' ^ H S

I \ IT gj^^jfa* MTT^ Ztiftt •§§

• i SjGLv^SAtJ &5p• i fi rfZfr^fa,*, f £-*¥ Kt7?s? ."W• I </ ? z w ^ *.%. <pvr</ zjrf/s-a U• I if '-m^L^J a/. <f. MV^ ZJr//sr/ *g

• j ^ 'jyjlfj.. 7/. / ^ T-V art/Ft \,m

• n A^wJ+^L -#"%-. > y y 2£ i ;Si

I P /Z_ IUZIJLZLJL ^ -^-^ £*/3L?a M

• i j i f r f r . y , . t.j3Q^ ^

I j'( I t - ^>M £>*-- > &7f-Z* 3/6o/<S• ! ! 13L. 6u*4^''$+/*, ,9 Z £ -TT: ?<• &6QL£.

• J3— /&.<*.«. Qt',,*s JfTTJU Xt<S0 3t• £0 k^..^J.Z,s Hi„, //],, & '/A<U- 5//6 7OI ££- h"*-jL^ <J~.~ J/ 'JT3... ?/?<S<M.

I ^> .^Z.^y, Q-%'"-• #7h</ XT/J173

I I A 7 ^ -/• & SjA, -s.*4- ^/ryyy A.19^7 ;.• ' 2a /h^jLitr-. fi^£^ <*: ?/ </ JLS-/3./JL '£I j ££__ /t^e/afce, ti>^U+j*- £' 7> */ JtjtIJ17ST '! Tjj

• ; x0 rlte.Jttkz:.>fa<^*$*'*'*•**'- ^"yry zi2.92./?' tw&

Page 18: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I *> ,"* *"' M"~^r' I• " County « S |H ; Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. Remarks ^IHB• i • , | | l

• I z/.».~*, JI &£*.«, ^™*t l$m

• I A " -^^^-j.^-^*—^-^- . 'j,!!

• AI rJ^jkrjifk^*., rt. Jz-*hu xx/xzo II• J H.&^ft^s^L*^, J JfKh'A A*/7*73 .-'MI f 2 3. f^.y&-^^f -yy ^ ^ - ^ 2£7 as-^. i$m• ^^ &^-7ty^L~~^.^-»-** ^?rv/ M

I j _ ^- 7 ^ J>22/r zzzz 1

• I'] -3/sii -rrZ..^-. j '%

I ) ^o *-££f^...*f £*2^r^4 tf** $'-y- </ ssr/Ji^y • jSI \ i *&* -*^'" - y %f f M r- «tijM

• , : ; ^,*ZZJL JjL*^ ; "TB• j;o_ U.ji^T^ '7?*s(£.J.j // -rir 4- .**£I : 1 •/ te~Jt,~I/£ZLASy.J A -** Z$r0?Sf *W• i 3/ fl&uut, /fLt^* <L ^P n<S Jtsr//39 ' \

I \ , V Hi^K . •• ^ / ^ / /^>gi<^0 .2? Try 2J-/2/7

I ; (W v^s: . ^• 2JL M+^c.*- O. £ _J2L ^'7^-3 ^ ^ 2 . ^ ^I ^ ^ 'IJ^c/- &Lf,..~.J- (I °> ^ Tt-^ ZS /JIV7• fa^j&o'J&je:. £

I I _r _ J&HCt <~i/ / ^ ^ A/ tf It * a* 7«7tr• j — A^Zr^At^cLy.^ ^ # A, 3/-7^c/

• I :-&CI<,\^JL+-*JL g**.^.. ->?, \%

• ; **&*>*< s>') : ^ |

Page 19: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I ^ l o w : R«vi>«i i*» V ; > / ? ~ Caunty....JJ0£lfo4Av..J/!zthiS.I .«««.».«,«.«.,«, tf0. £«• ,;>

STATS OF MONTANA ^ /4; DHUITS IOOADMINISTRATOR Of OROUNDWATfft COM % ' X ,n c£ a t e t h e character, color, thick-

MONTANA WAT1K RESOURCES -CARD \ 0 ' y ^ r ness of strata »uch a< toll, cl.y. Mnd,

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER ' % *</ ,._""•'• **»*• .*•"**"* f 6 -""!!APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL X ' © To1£ 2 - SseTtvS

| Developed after January 1. 1*62

I (Under Chapter 887 Montarm Sawlon li->^, '761, a» amended) Top of Ground (am. .bo-. •» imp

I This form to be prepared by driller, ar-j ;;.. >c copies to be filed *m the ewnar with the County Clerk am' Rac- iv in the county in * " * "**" ^

I which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ _ _ , „ _ _ _ .„„, . . ,„-—_-,_._ ... i. *MI Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the fl* * ____f__ta_4_Uf--_X_MM-V——«i»-»

form mey be returned. _______i:__i 'ii'l

Owner —HU.IU|KI For Administrator's Use ~ "WWaTew I»HIW»—-•;

Address JttWm'* Ottlflb File S/.?S£3 -4fti -iW • flWl*J> 1 »>UMUw ~ j

»Sfe!f^...i|^*il»...8f.TSl r/Z-AS,.. .##3.....; ~ — ~—H^^'SiS'HiDate well started 1/M/X1 - GW 1 ..Zf^.^A., — f i t . *'«•*"" ' ' * ^

comptaw V«A» 1 - - I SE S in—fraytn^ SType of we'! ..: SXRJkUflA _ _... ———• — — ——— I- I I I I*~—"»-i—••—•~~—~^H'"

(Dai. M m . bond oc diflkO _ _ _ _ _____ Mitat H fg_| MEquipment used .B^MURr...^llt*3Jl. _ — — — - ———.—.- .——-. - • • • •—— SB

(Cmni drill, raoqr or olMt) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • • -• - M r

Water Use: Domestic g | Municipal D Stock D Irrigation D — . _ . . - - _ . . j j

IndustrlaJ Q Drainage D Other Q« Garden/Uwn G ~ — — - . - „. ^

•Describe _„. — — — - — . — - — » .USit If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, | M l

state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block - — —,—- . -—. - .— »

and Addition) jg


& M ISSt SB <tw> mraunoM , V

W - — ~W 33 ^T — — -''•• • s/r1 •#

*m in. ^f*J_> ggejr I t 0 ' I M 1 — — - — ________.________-___«___»_ ^H

tu_«r» io« axe* __- ^

" ' i ' I < I Static water level 3A.~ ft.* """ "* Wi I Pumping water level ...X8-L .ft.* __ ___„__.«___,_,_,_,__»_, !PJ 1 at JflMr. gallons per minute, \ ______»_______________-__. ;|4; ; measured minutes after pumping - ^; i ' began. m

w ! 1 • 'Measured from ground level. _, _, . _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . V^1

! I Well developed bv . - * B - - » - M - i r " - S -". ../j i (or hours. _ _ _ , . _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ . - . , • i«| | Power Pump HP iI V i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -••

packers, type of shutoff) _... _____ _____ _________________________

- * £ « .5V .v - s * s & & '- • :;:::;:::;:;.;:;:::T 3 OR *Z7.%



Driller's Signature 0 1 - - - - & * CCtt tX-Mt i ja f C_-_P_-_r I

Driller's Address I f f 4 . Ht_Pr«_A cVCMW.. 1 ' •• I

•»_«_. ___.____• MM1 LICENSE NO t — ' S h o w ' x i c l d t p * °* b 0 l 1 O m I


Page 20: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

i -J_

Page 21: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

Affl " t»4 ,-.y T ?A/. * KM /BBS \ £••<*• County-5!'/to*.- / r ^ /^ B J I < \ r-; STATE OF MONTANA^BB C> ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ,-• ,.::• , •' ' •[ %f i ? r p •BBS ^ OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ! n . i ' "" * ^ i \\\^ B H j : , j * v j^ ^ B DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS ' • ; ' ; < ? 1 9 6 3 ""BBS (Under Chapter 237,Montana Session Laws, 1961)B B B l N T '• V ' " ' ' ' ' ~ L *'''•'•• h^ ^ ^ B !• *s/£x/*> / <4~ /://&*, /?,'<Tf *?*!.<; of SfAu/•} T d?Z>yf• >4 ' ' " ffvjrt; *,^ ^ H ^ (Address) (Town)^ ^ H County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according to^ ^ H the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:^ ^ ^ H 2. The beneficial use on which the claim i s^ ^ m based .

^ ^ ^ H ^ 3. Date or approximate datb of earliest bene-^ ^ ^ B ficial use; and how continuous ihe use hasH^HM -_—. — — — ** _ _* beenfl^Hf , /9a e

ftw.--^™™,^,^^ ^^H^H ^ ^ 4. The amount of grovmdwter claimed (in•^HJ miner's inches or gallons per minute)B^BJ """ ~ " " " " " ~ ' ~ "* //f r_^£,r J& /keif Ji.;*r S&cdstG/ ;BBBI *—•"— — —— — — • v -••BBf 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a .B ^ B J "T> — — and description of the lams to whio*. :AV^H »——.-___ : water has been applied and name of thefl^BJ • 1 j owner thereof

, • ; B^BJ « i > 4 sec 3 TJtJ7~^R fit*/ J 1 Acfti 5 \| , , * ' • • • ! Indicate point of appropriation u/esAy y- je/A** /?,ftno.y«s :t • BBBl a n d P1 8 0 6 of use, if possible. , "~ ' * 9 ^ ^;» • V M Bach small square represents 10 6 - The meaca of withdrawing such water Irtta„ ^ B B B acres. h e B?0**** s n d t h e location of each well ,•T:* ', B ^ B J ' or other means of withdrawal :

BBBJ 7. The date of comnenceaent and completion of the con£«ruction of the ufcll, wells, or •• • J other works for withdrawal of groundwaterS V H / y ^ <

^ -v ^ ^ H 8. The depth of water table it) / v fr *" , B^BJ 9. So far as i t may be available, the type, size snd depth of each well or the general

BBVJ specifications of any other worka for the withdrawal of groundwater_ ^ _ «7 ' / J f '

• • • 1 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year /£). a s e> **+*.

; BBBJ * 7 —^ B B f U-* T 16 1°B of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

: ^ B ^ B 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out tbi policy: : BBS of this act , including reference to book and page of any county record

MVfl Signature of Owner qPjLfJCM^ 0. (9 JLttffit/IsBBBl rf?«*^/ *«v^ ^ — ^ r

•BBJ Date P^a—'— -31 /fi, y^

^ ^ B STATE 07 MONTANA ) - aB B B J couwn OF SILVER BOW)^BBf having first been duly sworn,BBBJ depose and say that he ____ of lawful age ird ^________________________^ B B f the appropriatcr and claimant _____ of the order and water right mentioned in theBBBJ foregoing declaration of vested groundwater rights and the person whose name• • J B subscribed thereto, as the aparonriator and claimant__^__, that he knowBJBB the contents of said foregoing notice and that the matt erg" and things therein stated are

^ ^ H Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ^\SA^*( diQE-of ^/m^^n ,-,, _4tf |g - WJ_,V-

^ ^ H Notaiy public for the State of Montana, residing nt^*4^" eSStSVSbu Wlflwlf* ^ * / / / ^

Page 22: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^MVt*"* . , * * « » " " * - ' •"••---•••! "

! " ? • " : _ ' * ' ; ' \ ' • * ? • ' • ' • • • • • ; • i

| " 4 , . • ' i f ; ! . f .,- : • ; I •; ; • •

\ .-- :"" ...,:' • i i u " ;. :::-:! i H . !

• i : • M. "r:^\m\i* •=•••:i :••• ; ^^&0^^\i\\V\ •:••'

; ' ^ : , ' / ' • • - • ' ' '

. • ( ' i f 1 * - - — — . .I • " ! . . * • • • •

! . . • • ' : . i

i . • *

: , i i :

'. - i ' '• • •

i " ' : . i

: j ; ' I" : l • : M ,•i J ! i-. " • i ; • • ' i !

' • ' . ' • • *

Page 23: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

_H • - ~ :'x^ ^ B ^ JJ> / STATE OF MOOTANA \^\ P C F t v ^ f ^ i " "^ ^ ^ B ' ^ / ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDtfATER CCDE IT] J |J I^ ^ ^ H y OFFICE OF STATE EHGDJEER U L * SEP fi 1963 —^

_ ^ H DECURATION OF VESTED GROUNDVttTER RIGHTS QTATC CMr>iMi-r-^^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237,Montana Session Laws, l W ) " ' t L » « I N t E R

^ ^ 1 1. .,^ftM - ^ ^Sc^udji*-^ , of lPtftiLnL, Mb Jl^ML-^ ^ ^ f l (Hams of -ppropriator) (Address; (Town)^ ^ ^ 1 County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according to^ ^ ^ H the Montana lavs in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

^ ^ ^ H 2. The beneficial use on which the olai- i s

^ ^ ^ B ^ 3. Date or approximate datb of earliest bane-^ ^ ^ H | fioi«l use; and how continuous the use tea

™,™^<1M Z " - " w p^. it**^ ^ ^ H » _ _ « _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . „ 4» The amount of grounduater olalaad ( i s^ ^ ^ H ! ~ ' -pj-f Ac^JNW 1-1 niner's inches or ga l lon per ail***)

^ ^ ^ B •— — — — — — _ — • ^jj^^ •*• ftgi- 5. i f used for irrigation, giv» the acreage a. ^ ^ H •— —• ; t-J*j. a 1*11 *vi clor-cription of the lams to widen. ^^M , . * * ^ water has been applied sad M M of the

^^^m I 1 ( ), ( "~ owner thereof^ ^ ^ H l / l aee T R fC ^c^A4^ ^ H iBftloate point of a'jpropriation JP**A P y-f\. J. .A s^ ^ H «na Pl»oe of use, i f possible. , - n u / j f JT. j j . u f n , i n t . ....

j >••.;- ! ^ ^ H •"*"* «p other Beans of withdrawal ^_

I ^ ^ ^ H 7. The date of ecsBenoement and completion of the ocmatraotAon of the well» wellj, or, • ^ ^ ^ | other works for withdrawal of groundwater , _ ^ _,

'; ' • ^ ^ H 8. The death of water table v ^L^C^J^^u^J^^^

'* • i ^ ^ H 9. So far as i t aay be available, the type, sise ao3 d«pUi of eaoh wall or the gWMMl' '• . ' ^ ^ H spedfiosUona of any other works for the withdrawal of grouodwtW ,• ' -:-: • ^ '

^ ^ ^ B 10. The estlaatad aaount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^

I ^"" ---™^_• ^ • • J 12. Such other infonaatlon of a similar nature as may be useful In oarrying out the policy

; • J J B of this act, Including reference to book and page of any aounty record

SBJ Signature of Owner Jf(r-44 *p . 4~<y'vx^C/ y^V^^

^ H Date j^i.£y 9-r }°HJ' ft^H STATE OF MOKTANA ) . -I . • • • • COUKn OF SILVER BOW)

i • J J B ] havinit first been duly sworn,' B ^ P H depose____ and aay___ that he _____ of lawful age and ____________________________

; ' ^ ^ ^ B the appropriator and claiaant ____ of the order and water right Mentioned in the1 ^ ^ ^ H foregoing declaration of vested groundwater rights and the parson whose na__

j _ ^ _ B subscribed thereto, as the approprietorand clainant_____, that he know^ ^ ^ 1 the eontenta of said foregoing notice and that the natters^and things therein stated era_ ^ H true. ^)// , J

^ ^ H Subacribed and sworn to before as, this ?f'~ day of / \/^.<r{y » Z ^

^ ^ ^ H Notary public for the State of Montana, residing •«** m*v**m*-^mmM*mB*mm&*mrm*Hry4L A

aas_——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————_-—————————————^——^^——^^-^^ i

Page 24: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

1• •&• - "P.

• t i l ! Uj! -M 'slAi •«. ..!• |p.! 4- i! i! | .ji • ^:SSll^\ • -|

• i ; " ? \ t . • i s -4"T-"'-"v- ;.

' I

Page 25: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

* - 4<5M 4 T 3 A / R «9 tv '

County ^C/^^-J/^**,STATE OF MONTANA ... — v


DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS ^ DEC w * ***(Under Chapter 237,Montana Sossior. Laws, M o i V t N l ' l N E E R

i. i* >. M«n»y , Of B>Q— O A W m»t». n—to—(Name of Apnropriator) " (Address) (Tovn)

County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according tothe Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

2. The beneficial use on which the claiffl i ste3gd u ™ — «

H 3. Date or approximate datb of earliest bene-ficial use; and how continuous tbe w has

> ^ -. been 0 — • • • ! & * * •** MAttMMB %•. , .iyj '"*? HmtLiU f>f fit I f Mi ,«_ _ ^. The amount of groundwster cloissd (ia

miner's inches or gallons per sdnute)\ — _« , E ^ i i n a a M T a t a — i

* I " 5. If used for irrigation, give th« aor«ag9 a. and description of the lanoa ta vW.efet . water hoe been applied and naas of *it

I | I I owner thereof • >/v^..i/4__S'jc^_lr32ElIlfiJ±L. i t —i fir tiiiwiii '\"

Indicate point of appropriation |.-.-..-t :,>!;-..and place of «oe, i f possible. , _. , . . . . . . . •--iLLi'-Each s m l l square represents 10 6 - "«• B e a I l , o f J ! i * " r ? w i a f J

i n i f i h / r t S * * *a c r M . the ground and the location of Mob wall

' - or other means of withdrawal; •' toitmm mrttlm \ , \ -/

7. The date of camaeneaaent and completion of the construction of the wall, wells, orotter vo-ks for withdrawal ofgroundvatar

8< Tli? depth of water table I M W f l W W W f l M l ; . - - •,.. ,

9. -T far as i t nay be available, tba type, alia and depth of each wall or tha ganars-1scedifiostlons of any other works for tha withdrawal of grouiidwtair

10. The aBtiuatad amount of groundwate- withdrawn each yesr " a f ^ a * ^ *^T^*

11. Tho log of fonmtiona enaountared in tha dril l ing of rach wall i f availabUturtm— «»rlag \

12. Si-is ofier ixfornation of a ainllar nature ae nay be useful in carrying out tha policyof t i l * ect , including IT fore net to book and pare of arty county record

/) ' • .

3igr*turp of Owrtgr'Vj<^>^g^*f*^^^'

Date Jj?fyt<- AH / ?6 ?


Mf ^ , B M B I neving first been duly sworn,dj-jore sw) r.ay tnat ha W cf lawful age urrj _________________„._«_____the appropriate* and claimant ____ of the order e.ii water right aentionaiLin tbaft-rctoin.; (•cciiru'-icr. of vested groundwetir rights and the person whoaa naaa •»»su^cvited thereto, as tba aoproariator and elal»ant_^^j,'^ that ha knew *the ccntents o.*" mid foragoing notice an) that ihe n»tt^*rcWthiriga thara^n atatad ara

Snbacribe-J «n' i om to before aa, this W l > day of ' ~~ ' l » W | m y , 19J9

.• . . . .•!;,. r r >h, statf of Vontina, i ^ id ij^ Tii-*^fc(iKpaM|iM?ir«"tliarr~-"."•.'. . J

Page 26: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

j ^ e ^ i 1 _ - "-MSutjj^bjKkifaf jgQfb *• '' ""IW;:" - " •••

' • * . " . - " • • ' . • i ' . • " '

~~ . ' ? - ' • •

• * . •

Page 27: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

—II County </*<~*' Tl~^* II StitfE OF MONTANA ,—N«,*-»n-»n-?~> \ II ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDUATER CODE ( o j E C E l ^ iul t\ \ II OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER \r\\ ' I) I I

I u u u£G 311963 ->I DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS II (Under Chapter 237,Montana Session Laws, M Q J T C PNUtNFFR II (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) II County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according to II the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim i s I

I *^j LWntodt II K 3. Date or approximate date of earliest bane- I

I -1 I I I 1.-1 \"\ ^ o w u * d p r « » m i ^ *I Z _ H P»—» •*%• —A far tt%mn w§ . II . 4. The amount of groundwoter claimed (in II " ' miner's inches or gallons per minute) I

I yf- , E MM —11— m f r t » j• » _ _ . _ _ _ , 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a II • C^5^_i i — and description of the lanas to which II , . water has been applied and name of the II jflVl/i SeT: I 'T3LV 'R g»V " ^ *"** *** totJJpMatt II Indicate point of appropriation . II and plaoe of vse, i f possible. , _, . . . . . . . . . 1I ach^nal l ntpan represents 10 6 - ^he means of withdrawing such water trtm II acres t h e 6rouna 8 n d t h e location of each well II ' or otherm^ns of withdrawal I

I 7. The date of conmenceoent and completion of the construction of the w*U, wella, or II other works fox|W^drawal|pf ground water I

I 8. 7h-3 depth of «ter t«tle Wl»§ I

I 9. 3o far as i t cay be available, the typo, size and depth of each well or the general II Bpecificatioru^rf^y»Bo'yug|UO*ks for the withdrawal of groundwater I

I 10. The eotinated eaount of grounawater withdrawn each year •*»<yr*»'W0 f * » « 1

I 11. The log of fonpatipnoencountered in the drilling of each well i f available I

I 12. Such ot' infomatior of a similar nature ae say be useful in carrying out the policy II of t i i s act, including reference to book and page of aiw county record I

I Signature otJ}uti^Al^/^lCi^^/y j

I Dote Z.{.JC*C JCA / 7 irj5 1

I OTiTE OF K0NTA1.A ) 8 S II a-'jrcTY OF SILVI::. row) _ _ ^ ^ ^ 1I • » k ^e^^Bl having first been duly aworn, 1I daponc and say that he *** of lawful age ur/J ^__________________ II tha np-TorriBCcr end claiasnt ____ of the order >•>.& water right mentioned in the II fora^oln^ dcelpration of vested grouriiwater rights and the parson whose -*nr flt II subecxibed thorcto, ao the aoorocriator and claiBar.t.,^^,^) that he know a II the contents of ;aid foregoing notice »nd that the icattrfrff fcnfl things thenpln stated are j

I Sabacrlbtd and awern to before wm, thla _ _ J H L H L - <^y\f _ _ J B B B H L — _ _ » V&k I

j »v,r.. rM-:.'. i-cr.the State of Montana, ^^^Sf^jKKffSgl^^mr^^' I

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Page 29: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I r> + 4I County _S'i lisi*r *^g» w •I STATE OF MONTANA fTT) ^ T I P " ffV r7 [ "^I ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ' V "* *»- l p- a V iU f| 1I OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER | j i j j U II UEColtSH •~J

I DECLARATION OF VESTED GRCJNDWATER RIGHTS II (Under Chapter 237,MonJ.ana Session Laws, 196DSTA I t t N U l N E E R I

I l . H. i , M'tTfhy , of BIWMM Qnloli Butto,, MPrrt'WI (Name of Apnropriator) (Address) '(Town)I County of silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundvater according toI tho Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

I ' 2. The beneficial uss on which the claim i sI , basedI .< i4*M*»tfcI , / *'• ____. 3. Date oi- approximate datt of earliest 'bene-I f | 7 [ ficial use; and how continuous, ihe use has

I " jH — \ beenO«WWr 1H« * £ » * * * £ * * * * *

I ^_ / 4. The amount of groundwoter claimed (inI / j " ~" miner's inches or gailofs per minute)• v— \ ^ E »0 pill— yt,MM»I , JJ I . <-_,^»^I ' T "2»-'->r - / 5. If use-3 for irrigation, give the acreage aI • • BIKI decci-iption of the lanos to whioliI , . water has bean applied and na«6 of theI | \~~ owner thereof

I IndicE:te"point "vit appropriation { .

I L i h ^ l l i ^ ; i y S S T l O 6. The « = . of withdrawing ^ ^I acres / ground and the locatioto of each wellI / ' or other means of withdrawalI / _ gggM»«yt|it iI 7. The da to of commencement and completion of the construction of the welK wells, orI other uoi'ks ^^«±thdrava3L of groundwater v\ /

I S. iTie depth vi water table *•***•» »I>»LMI k\

I 9. JO ' j r os i t mv be available, the tvpe, size and depth of each well or «^e generalI specifications of eny other works for the withdrawal of grouudwaterI /, , Outturn •ptiatt _i,

I / /_ ! A\I 10. iho entiffi tc>d amount of groundwster withdrawn each year **"** ^ t

I 11, Ths log of fontatiens encountered in the drilling of 03ch veil if availableI / 8«»f— sprlfl« \

I 1_J '• \I 12. Z\ .h ot'icr inforRstion of a similar nature as ray to. useful in carryiig out the policyI of this 'act, including reference to book and rage of era- county record

• ._ r) \ \I Signature of Owner '.fjwfc^Atfft&i&^y'' '

I L-.TATF 0? XOOTA.*./. ) s a

I or.UMY C?, 3TLT-.". ?0W) '

• • - JWBPPBr hsving first been dul r awom,i''.posr. ar4 sjy that ho *]^o1^awrui affe uv.u _th; np-n"c7"ltjt-•.' and cleim»n^^2__ °f *•'"- order voter right mentioned in thei\i-o-;cing r.coj'^r-.tior. of vested groundwater rights riiXi the ceraon, whose naaa>|»r"i>"rriboi tl).;;-cro, aa the oppropriator and clalffjr.t i/thit ^ '), *"*ovfa• ciit .^tr of .• • •! foregoing notice and that the ratters<^>F!(J ^AnflB therein ajifetad " re

Su^-ci-ibcil -i:.c rvom to before Be, this _4BBt-^— ^8V &f - J h | ^ ^ ^ - — ~ — . < 19MB.

- •: ' ••• ' I - - f.r tbc State of I'onUna, residing Htis^S—-TM^a|l^».'-ou BJulrrx-V $*

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• ' . *• '

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GW* T 3 A/ R 9 vf* \\County .? i / K£ ft BOW




. (Under C h a p t e r 2 3 7 , Montana S e s s i o n L a w s , 1 9 6 1 )

l.Aff?<! /faRA St-SOM ro£ Pc. 0«X In I & B U 1 j &(name of appropriator) (address) (Town)

County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater accord-ing to the Montana Laws in effect prior to Jan. 1, 1962, as follows:

It 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is"1 TT—I—II I I based,

lYe-SIOZA/j-IAL 4 LjS£s+*r p USE.

— — — —• — 3. Date or approximate date of earliest bene-ficial use;and how continuous the use has

<4 E / 7 / 4 CoA/i-i^/if o vS— 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in

miner's inches or gallons per minute)1^. {^/\ LLoVS &E F? MI # <S j~£:

'—'—'—'—'—'—---1—' 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage5 E l/U Sec Q T ZA/B. % W & description of the lands to which waterIndicatrPoin6 of appropriation has been applied & name of the owner thereofand place of use, i f possible* LAVUA/'J ($ A-R ft e-^ rn A c ReEach small square represents 10 V /- I VG£+o<Lk' t/*e- (SAME OUMJ-KI \acres.

6. The means of withdrawing such water fromthe ground and the location of each well orother means of withdrawal

EL fe C f f f i 0 P u Ai p7* The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well,wells,

or other works for withdrawal of groundwater

8. The depth of water table *7 F £- fe 1~ •9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the

general specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwaterDu 6- lA/at-/,- C o8HCe stove-\VALL -H f-t QiAM£i-E /? 2o'O& &f>

10.The estimated amount o f groundwater withdrawn each year ^ pec ec c11.The l o g of formations encountered i n the d r i l l i n g o f each'wel l i r ava i lab le

S u F? f AC€ Sci L (LLAu-GtrPfijvrtt?

12.Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying om,the policy of this act, including reference to book and page of any Co.record

Date Signature of Owner f 'Mh-d. cva- (DJc^rr^-i

STATE OF MONTANA ) 8S hMf,.- ^.^ h-._ rtu1v I

ICOUNTY OF SILVER BOW) ^havin« flrst been duly \

sworn, depose and say that he oflawful age and the appropriator _________ andClaimant of the order and water right mentioned in the foregoing declar-ation of vested groundwater rights and the person whose name subscribedthereto, as the appropriator and claimant that he H o w thecontents of said foregoing noTice 4. that the matters fc things therein stated/a r e t r u e . . ;// . / / •-"\Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of / .19Notary public for the St.of Montana,residing at

Commission expires _m.fav t,,: :, , ,Residing at Euttc, Montana. <3j4jL~jXUrCtouausioa Expires»ry 14, VjtA~ / 0

Page 32: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"


. / ,. - ; i

TIC OF V"yl r:.)tgi, \ I*

V;H9 Wedat my o H i M J o n ^ ^ - - - ^



•Vk, . .„!«_- J

Page 33: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^^^^B County "5y /i/fv-'' /*» i*^ ^ B STATE OF MONTANA^ ^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE — . - r « i y \7 f^N^ ^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER 1 0 J i t ^ l C ° ' \ \

^ ^ H DECLARATION OF VESTED GROTOWATER RIGHTS U U Q E C S l t W O^ ^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237,Montana Session Lews, 1961) _ r r n

^ H i. •* t. Uarpky , of BTOWM OauS^Thfcil. utoatayi^ ^ ^ B (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)^ ^ ^ B County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according to^ ^ ^ 1 the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

^ ^ ^ H 2, The beneficial use on which the claim is< ^ ^ B based HMU<NMM tmA UVO*0«*

' ^ ^ ^ | H __.-'''*.? 3* D a t e o r approximate date of earliest bene-^ ^ ^ H f _ f ficial use; and how continuous 'he use has^ • • V - a - ^ — 4 been M W I V I f4 l MA aflOfelMMMW %•

^ ^ ^ H . ^ . The amount of groundwoter claimed (in^ ^ ^ H " miner's inches or gallons per minute)• • • • "•* XaO S&L^fflU j>y wlMMiMl

B H H H . __- 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a^ ^ ^ H • and description of the lends to whic*^ ^ ^ H , . water has been applied and name of the•^B j I 1 I T~ owner thereof^ ^ ^ | AW\IL sec >r 'ri/i/'R.giv Itet a—a tot irvlmtlm^ ^ ^ H Indicata point of appropriation . "^^^M a n d p l a c e c f U S 3 , i f p o s s i b l e . . _ . . . . . . • ' _ . . .• ! • Sieh eaaU 3c«ro rejfeaeott 10 6 - T h e »»™ of withdrawing such water from•^H acres. ' t n e S1011113 a n d t h e location of each wellV ^ ^ H ' or other means of withdrawal

^ ^ ^ H 7. The date of caraLencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or^ ^ ^ H other works for withdrawal of mroundwater :

^ ^ H 8. The depth of water table fttfrf*— > l t l M :']. ,-"•;;

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as i t may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general^ ^ ^ H specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groucdw&ter^ ^ H Bom— •»*!— - .

^ ^ ^ B 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 8*>*y*»ow* < " * *

^ ^ ^ H 11. The log of forrations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

^^m anurfw mpxUm

^ ^ ^ H 12. Suoh other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy^ ^ ^ H of this act, including reference to book and page of any county record

H T>7^ ^ H Signature ofJ^M^Jp^s&Zfds&^y'

^ ^ H Date /^fc^-^_r^2^' /?& ^^ ^ H STATE OF V.Omttii. ) S3

^ ^ H COt:r.TY OF SltVI'Ti EOV.') ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ H Mm l « WBoBf hovir^ fir3t beon duly sworn,B ^ ^ H depose and say that h e » of lawful age ar;l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _^ ^ ^ H the apprcp-iator ard claimant of the order &T.6 water right mentioned in the^ ^ ^ H fcregomr; declaration of vested groundwater rights and the person whose *""i*_lfr^ ^ ^ | s-jbsffibeci thereto, as the appropriator and clalnant ^ . that he k_bw^ ^ ^ H the '.-ontf-nto of caici foregoing notice and that the inattaSfyOd thingo the^in stated are

^ ^ ^ | ^~^^7fy^pp^^y^^M^f^^^H / ~'~ J^-^srA^r^*^rJi4^/

^ ^ ^ H Subse"ibed an;. E.v'crn to before me, this l lHl dry of ^RQgjftB / ^fc__,

^ ^ H K^'ir-s rj'ol'2 for the State of Montana, residing •MlM_r4_____Hh-:'to--«ep.rr-8 ,„

~ *

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" '• a&'M \ : . . !

- . ' • ! •: : ' i ' • • • ' . - <


Page 35: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^ H CM 4 T^LdL-*-3"' •B^B^B County , ^ / w > ^*WV -^ M STATE OF MONTANA fi?l ]£ C 1£ 1 W flft^ ^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE u V ** *"1Cn' " " | 1_f BJ OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER \J[\ „ . « 4 iOtM 'JB ^ B H DEC o\ RAO- B ^ B B DECLARATION OF VESTED CSROUNDWATER RIGHTS^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237.Montana Session Laws, l ^ A T E ENGINEER_ ^ H 1. M. I . Uorpbj , of B w w » OuX0k frtfcf. JWIfMHWB ^ B B (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)-B^Bfl County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according toB ^ ^ H the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

B ^ L B H 2. The beneficial use on which the claia isBBV^BJ based R M U M M W H f t l o g M iB ^ B B llirtirt—II^ ^ ^ H . M 3. Date or approximate date of earliest bene-B^B^B \ ficiel use; and how continuous the use has^ ^ H — = been 8«»fcMft)«t, lftlf «B« •»»•%•*%

^ ^ ^ ^ | . ^ xi — ._- * ^he amount °f groundwater claimed (in^^^^H e-V — miner's inches or gallons per minute)

^ ^ ^ H » - 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a^^^^1 * and description of the lanop to vhicfe^^^^B k_ . water has been applied and wim6 of the^^^BL I I ovner thereof^ ^ ^ H AfWjLJL sec &? T a ^ R f l v i / ao% <mmt twt l H r i ^ p t t o . .nr^ ^ ^ ^ | Indicate point of appropriation •^^^^B and place of use, if possible. , ~ ...^ H B«ch an i l square represents 10 6- The means of withdrawing such water frca^a^aH acres. ground and the location of each well^^^^H ' or other means of withdrawal *4>11&BJA

^ ^ ^ ^ | 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or^^^^B other works for withdrawal of groundwater

^ ^ ^ H 8. The depth of water table t—%f fiTB flMJ^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as i t may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the genarel'^^^^| spacificationB of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater

- ^^m CM im i r i l • »» — I — -••

^ ^ ^ ^ 1 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year "*^*^"*** W 1***

^ ^ ^ ^ B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

^ ^ ^ ^ | 12. Such ether information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policj^ ^ ^ H of this act, including reference to book and paee of any county record

^ ^ H Signature of 0 « a f l g ^ V < ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

^M D te M^l /* /?/,=>>^ ^ H STATE OF KOlvTAIiA ) S 3

^ ^ ^ B COUNTY OF SILVT.R BOW) - _ — - —^ ^ ^ H B«-JLuflHBK having f irst been duly sworn,^ ^ ^ ^ | depose ar.d Pay that he JM of lawful age ard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _^ ^ ^ H the eppropristor and claimant of the order snd water right mentioned,^) the^^^^H foregoing declaration of vested grourdwater rights and the person whose name ™ -^ ^ ^ H subscribed thereto, as the appropriator and claimant /Othat he know^^^^B the contents of said foregoing notice and that the mVopTy-ykd things thereliuateted are

^ ^ ^ H Subscribed and sworn to before me, this WMk day bC WtKKQtktB& . 19JW

^ ^ ^ H Notary public for the State of Montana, residing •et-'ftt^mg-tkmttmatmrjaxpivm ' •—.0'•^•^•^•^•H ^•^v ^•^•^•^n^^ps^HB '^B^H^^BHH ^B^BB ^LBBk ^BBBJB) I •^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^aj VJBBBV ^a^^BBBBBaBH^ai^^^^B^aa^a^^BjP ^BaBBBBaB^BaBr^aa^B^ ^ • a ^ B ' v r • • • • • a ^ B ^ ^ l ^w

m " •

Page 36: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

> £ ! ' ' " ' • ' . ' - • • • ! " " , r'j

^ ^ •• - i ' t'•': ; ' i , • - J' ? .

1 '. ' t , -• " : ' . - 'r

. |

Page 37: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

*v / m isCounty J^i/1/1*1/ Y"0

STiTE OF MONTANA ,—-. w ipffl? ' ; ? P | ( \1ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE | D ) « • * - ' U


(Under Chapter 237,Montana Session Lays, Tg$(\ £ L N ^ ' " ^ 1 - "i. M. i. Muryhy , Of Irow— Oglofc ••»*•, *"»»—

(Name of Apnropriator) (Address) " (Town)County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according tothe Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

. ,1 2, The beneficial use on which the claim i s

<? M 3. Date or approximate date of earliest bene-ficial usejaid hot_ continuous J,hg ug^haa

, A prtt;-'!»t Pfc* —t f»y gm— —. 4. n a amount cf groundveter claiaad (tn

Diner's inches or gallons per mimrts)* '• " l j t • a l o o a »•» «t«MlW

*~ "~ ~" 5. If used for irrigation, &ive the acreage a1 end description of the lams to wtaiet^_ __ _, __ . water has been applied and tame, of the

( | ! owner tlwreof. mmmM \mmM

Indioate point of appropriation 'and nlaoe of use, i f possible. , ~ . . . . __a o h ^ a l l square represents 10 6 - ^he neane of withe rawing m h w t e flra.•eras t n e Kf010113 8 B d t n e loe«+ n P* «.ch well""***• or other means of vitfr /al

7. The date of coonencemant and completion of the construction of the •.11, vella, orother works for withdrawal of &0VB&v'fc*tajka^mm mm ifltf

8. The depth of water table 1> f—*

9. So far as i t nay be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the generalspecifications of any other worke for the withdrawal of ground waterJ_ 4> gulag lam - 40» f—I t—f

10. The eatiaated amount of greundweter vrf.tbdrawn each year TOj**0**0 0 < • !»•

11. The log of fornBtionB encountered in the drilling r>f e»c>i W\\ i f available•wiyi i n i m l gnmltt wnmltm Mat m k

tjltmfQlt «lay Mat k—oaipciwl graJilfl •»•-•*• |MM|MW cnniM MM Mai

.12. Such ot' inf onset lor. of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policyof this act, including reference to book and page of w county record

yZrXj — TSignature of afiar/ /'/jp^/u.^/j^C^


aai afa aaaaWaT ^..^^f. f i r s t been duly sworn,depose and say that he flff °^ lawful age ?<ri3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ ^ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _the appropriator mrf clalBBnt of the order arid water right mentior.x) i n theforegoing declaration of vested groundwater rights «rw the person whote name $/$subacribed thereto, a3 the nrarowlator and c la lmnt y Q t h e t he know >tho contents cf rale foregoing notice and that '.he ssttflaMfnd/tMnga thereJif stated a n

Subscribe Rnd a-«wrn to before ae, this __JBH_fc>___ day cf ^__Jfc*Mft_^uIl---_—» W_5

N KoUr/ public for ttf state ef Kontsna, reeiding wH_a1>t|raa^iata%tPU m^"_L-riTr" 4 ^

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i '• . *



I - !

Page 39: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I Pr/ 41 II ^_^>> ow i RniKd i«» County../aA/fart&l. .*$.&&CT. II ITATK PVILlSHINa COMPANY I


I MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata such es soil, clay, send,

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9ravel' ih"lej *>nd!rt°ne' f * • _I APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL g _ - ^ * ^ S J ^ J SI Developed after January 1, 1962 I

I (Under Chapter 387 Montana Strion Uwi, 1961. a* amendjd) Top of Ground caw. •*-_>i«.t>

I Thl* form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed jg—j •(• II by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (F**>) <"*l> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II which the well it located, last copy to be retained by driller. ^ I

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II form may be returned ____ I

I Owmt ..r^./^rf^^.,.A fa. Administrator-* Use 1 j

I ...4^.Tjrfs*J. ...,,.^.j!^..a?:3 ~ HI —I Date well started _ GW 1 .J.LU.\$...J2.JJ?.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j

I Type of well •^///t^g^jL/.. f jI * ^ V"-"- -• (Oat,tiint.tmtv»iati> I

I . . . . o£mm£i£-££-£~j£Q _____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I

I Water Use: Domestic Q Municipal • Stock D Irrioation QK — — — — - • — - - - - — I

I Industrial Q Drainage D Other • « Garden/Lawn D ~ — — I

I *De»cribe — II USb If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, " ~ ~ ~ j II state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block - — — .——— — _ _ _ _ _ — — . » _ _ _ _ _ . I

I and AddHlon). ^ , . j44 if^gA*tf.?*.gjG<Ua. "ZZi Z Z I


I "__" 2 _ £ * * * » WW-UtMWI _ 3 I

I v as 'A j zz—______

I I j I < I Satic water level ft." """" *"~"" """ II ! I Pumping water level ft.*,___ II -j 1 «»ffZ,y-.yg-.. gallons per minirta. II ; j measured minutes after p u m p i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II _ ii* ! _ beg«n. ZZZIIZ." 1 I• w f j • •Me n u r e < j from ground level. II j i Well developed by *" II i j for hours. | J II '; I Power Pump HPI II i ; Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,'____ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ II ' ' ! ' packers, type of shutoff) ~ ~"* * " I

I .0J/M .% sec. f.. . ; ; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;; 4 II T. 5/L/, N«-f^..£ I 1 II s F w r | [ iI INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE Of USE, IF POSSIBLE. j \ — I


I Miter's Signature ... ——j I

I Driller'* Addre»» . . . . ' ' ' I

I LICENSE NO _ Show exact depth of bottom I

Page 40: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

• ' • _ / / / > » " " . . • '

' • • • • - ^ - / " . t


Page 41: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I GW'~ ' T 5/v R ; - w ^ '?I County S<<-v<f* gcW 1


I DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS STAVL". L. Z^il II .(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ., 1

I (name of appropriator) (address) (Town) II County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater accord- II ing to the Montana Laws in effect prior to Jan. 1, 1962, as follows: II » 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is I

I 3. Date or approximate date of earliest bene- *W 1I _ _ _ ficial use;and how continuous the uso has ™ I

I tf E *•*/?/* d^tJZ^c****I k. The amount of groundwater claimed (in II miner,'8 inches or gallons per minute) I• _ _ 5/Jtf/A/6- -~vnrrv^ rr f«k** y r ~ y rrwrry iI •—'—U-J—'—•—'—*—• 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage II SB l/U Sec <? T. ?yy R .fr w & description of the lands to which water II Indicate Poin6 of appropriation haJ bwn V p l i e d t name of the ow er thereofI and place of use, i f possible.. /2UMy6*K*&£tf I fie/•€ - t^jZZu^ II Each small square represents 10 l/!d4L ff II acres. _, II 6. The means of withdrawing such water from II the ground and the location of each well or II other means of withdrawal I

I 72a&Ue£' J?^6*v II 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well,wells, II or other works for withdrawal of groundwater II 8. The depth of water table ^^tJta^ue^ 1I 9. So far as it may be available, Ihe type, size and depth of each well or the II general specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater II -^<LZU<^JC S^6+4<IS~ II 10.The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year £~jcooi oao II 11.The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available I

I 12.3uch other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out II the policy of this act, including reference to book and page of any Co.record 4

I Date Signature of Owner / j^ / , . z ± '//. •z..q. ^ > - n

I c S m V m m BOW! " ***** f i r8 t bMn dul>''I sworn, depose and say__that he ofI lawful age and the appropriator _-______^ andI Claimant of the order and water right mentioned in the foregoing declav-•I ation of vested groundwater rights and the person whose name subscribedI thereto, as the appropriator and claimant , tRat he Enow theI contents of said foregoing notice & that the matters SHthings therein stated (

a™ t r u e- '^ivr.4 .7^ -]'"' '/J'">Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of / .19 -Notary public for the St.of Montana,residing at

I Commission expires MOTARY *-* I- * a. M tbC i^w oi Uuu:iu>

Page 42: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

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• . • • ' . . • • . 1

" '!

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Page 43: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I County ailvar ^ow j


I DECLARATION OF VEST •£ GROUNDWATER RIGHTS STATE ENlJiNtER II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws,196l) j

I 1 ' WpH.... T. a . n . t i . 1 1 . fHiirAT- Bwf flminfcy . O f BTB.^1 <n.™\t*r.) R^i+.+.-j tfawfca—» J

I {name of approprlator) (address)" (Tovm) , II County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater accord- : II ing to the Montana Laws in effect prior to Jan. 1, 1962, as follows: II tf 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is :• jI based 1I Do—gtie use I

I 3. Date or approximate date of earliest bene- jI ficial use;and how continuous the use has II been \

I ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in ' II miner's inches or gallons per minute) II _ - _ _ SQ gal lons piay miinifca ' I

I ; '-*—'—'—'—I—' ' 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage • jI ; «f 1/4 Sec \fS H R KM & description of the lands to which water ; jI • Indicate Poin6 of appropriation

h a s b e e n applied & n a m e o f t h e o w n e r t h e r e O f ! II i and place of use, if possible. Hot used for irrigation II Each small square represents 10 ____________________________________ II • acres. — — — ^ — iI ! 6. The means of withdrawing such water from II ; the ground and the location of each well or ; II other means of withdrawal II C^Htyl^Qg^l BUMP . I

I ; 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well,wells, 1I l or other works for withdrawal of groundwater ;; II -• ] TOO

:i II ': 8. The depth of water table 20 fe«t »______ i II 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the :> JI general specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater \ 1

I 10.The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year gA^M^rxyi ff^^m "; II ; 11.The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available II \ tone - j

I 12.Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out I• the policy of this act, including reference to book and page of any Co.record II Hfin. , I

I Date Dae. 3Of 196^ Signature of Owner J ^ ^ ^ ^ / a ^ k ^ ^ f e ^ - ^ 1 1

I COUNTY°OFMSILVER BOW) SS ^ALT ^ g ~^A ^ A^'-L-*havi"g f irs^ been duly II sworn, depose and say that he of jI lawful age and the appropriator _________ and 1I Claimant _of the order and water right mentioned in the foregoing declar- 1I ation of vested groundwater rights and the person whose name subscribed II thereto, as the appropriator__and claimant^ , that he know the II contents of said foregoing notice & that the matters. &. thingsytherein stated II are true. - /y ^Tls/ ^ I

I Subscribed and sworn to before me this _j__day of &*(.JZMn>*=r? . 19 fe?3 II Notary public for the St.of Montana,residing at "jEet/^fS-,. II Commission expires MUt 9amm I

Page 44: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

. • • ; " • . ; • . ; • ' • . f K v -

- • . ' . • • . . : • ' • ^

• • , . : > y •^'•' ••••'•/;,, * ; - > < r - ? A - t f - y ' ' • • • '

Page 45: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

1 _ H °"* • • mECEiviarjTi^ H mmsk • ni til^ H - ' u u JAN 2 1964 J

^m *rf£&tam S T M t tNtolrttER^ ^ H ^ NESTED GROOTMATER RIGHTS_ ^ ^ | _ *?HBfrW 237.Montana Session LaVs, 1961)

^ H ^ l L J _ _ 5 ^ * r B ° w , 9^te of Montana, he -e appro* > t«J grcundwater according to^ ^ H tfte-tton&Mfc^ i n ^ ^ p ^ ^ . t 0 j a M U a r y X) i 9 62 , as mllows:

: ^ ^ ^ | 2. Tho beneficial use or which the clsim i s

• ; ^ ^ ^ H 3 e ^ _ _ « — — —„, ,„ , . ^ ^ ^ M —.—|—j—^—j-. 3. Date or approximate date of earliaat bene-

^ ^ ^ H j T~\ ficial use; and how continuous ihe use has

J^^^^k «*-,>-.>-«.-,— __j j 4. Xhe amount of groundweter claimed (in^ ^ ^ H i ~ ' miner's inches or gallops per minute) ,

\ ^^^M # " ~ —" 5. If used for irrigation, give the sorwge a'. ^^^^^ r~ : arA description of the lanos to Which

t— i . has been applied and name of the

1, ,( I [ . owner thereof __ .^ ^ ^ ^ H Indicate'^oint of appropriation ' . - '- .•.•.^ ^ ^ ^ B and place of use, if possible. , _ . . . . . . - _^ H E a c t ^ a l l square represents 10 *" The means of withdrawing such water from^ ^ ^ H acres. t h e 8 round a n d t n o location of each well

, ^ ^ ^ ^ H ' or other means of withdrawal /7\^ ^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or vW^^m other works for withdrawal of ground water .

; - ^ ^ H 8« The depth of wa^r table ^O^&ULJ-

" : ^ ^ ^ ^ | 9. So far as i t may bo available, the type*, size and depth of each well or the general^ ^ ^ ^ B specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of ground water

^ ^ ^ H '• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^ / g g M - ^ C ^ & y p o • ',

^ ^ ^ H '• 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ^

^ ^ ^ ^ H 1 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policyi ^ ^ ^ ^ B of this act, including reference to book and page of any county record

^^^B Signature of Ovnor jf^tf^L SS QlL-. C n^SXesfa^

^^M Date S£ -v3«P ~ & > "

^ ^ H £ STATE OF KONTAKA ) S 3 .^ ^ H C COUNTY OF SILVER BOW) W . j /J ^p?J/) j^ ^ ^ H )C3<»*C-T - • ^SfJCf/ff/^tsA^L-i* having first been duly sworn,^ ^ ^ H d <\eaoifijU nr:\ sayjfa that he of lawful age and^ ^ ^ ^ | t \,\ie eppropriator and cleiiuant _____ of the order and woter right mentioned in the^ ^ ^ H t foregoing declaration of vested groundwater rights and the person whose nai.e^ ^ ^ ^ B !" subscribed thereto, a3 the sppropriator and claimant , that he know^^7 :_____• t] the contents of said foregoing notice and that the matters end thingsjtherein***flted are , ;

_ _ _ _ _ • 5u •>,ixfrx^Chy awi^Scitafiie?ore aa^this \3£>** day of Xu»-^<*A-»yt^-*tX . 19_.v3 ii*' '

______i -" iL^s' ' '•'• i ^ T ^ ' "?-K Suntp of rwfffina, residing !jt " " • • " " • , OTWUIIb.uF^a*T T r - ^ j -<//r~_J></

m • _

Page 46: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

MO O C» -3 o t'd o> H• • • • • C J O 3 3

•i o a* &

v i - 3 t - 3 | v to co H o »-3 o i ' a o .

\ 5 a> V 5*sP n> a* <D B t» A1 • o » \ \ * Ht • „ » (-• m t a 11 IKJ e+ ^ i i > , H' "d vf * ^ ' • p i

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o HI k v i ° " P - ' ( < » ! ° 3 8- tr 5 a ' ' I3 V > k. c*- H- ( D O c c + 0 1 l - 1 c < - /»

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. * ! tfi8- r itiflg j : •: ; "'?-;V^#*v o \ ' S ex w rv a' o 03 : • i ' f,« -.» "ar

; S 3 '. ft? S ^ a 0 I • • aV"?» g. roo f t j § 1 7 i • : ».'^i».11 $ s» 3 u ^ *

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c • ;

Page 47: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^ ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f c STATE WATER CONSERVATION BOARD , , j , •• •-»-•-• - - ' - ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B NOV ] 0 1965 -"-"Y"" ^ ' ^ ^ ; •• ' ^ |^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ Bill. McDe.mott 1 MORUJW y ~ H_________________________________P^ Butzoiin McNully V , / . ^ ^ H

. _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ B Coy" Mor'on UfflUKlOF SUTE - ^__|_ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ F Dai'inton Sullivan . 4 - j £ - - ____|

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H j ^ Dick** flnrEsiWmoraDWATER RIGHTS ^M^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H B H P H H P ^ ^ yj . /-) Chapter 237,Montana Session Lavs, 1961) H |

_ ^ H H ^ ^ ^ ^ 1. A ^ /& &£JbjL^ t rtfoAr/StZ, J£C<Z#' "Z&Jxt&Z* . H_ ^ V J * » , ,.-.1-..-".l (Address^ ' (Town) M^ ^ H County of Silvs> BcW) g t a t e o f M o n t a n 8 j j^ve appropilete<J groundwater according to ^M^^mm the Montana Ja* l n qff^t prior to Ja..uary 1, 1962, as lollows: - ^M^ ^ ^ B 2. The beneficial use or which the clsin is ; ^ HH tesed ^ ^ . 5 •^ ^ ^ B — r—:—i—I—j-^___ 3. Date or approximate datt> of earliest bene- : ^ Hj ^ ^ ^ B ] ficial use; and how continuous ihe use has , • ^ H

^ ^ ^ H •—•>._ __j 4.. The amount of groundwater claimed (in : ^^M^ ^ ^ H ' miner's inches or.gaJ.lors per minute} ; ^ ^ |

• ^m V s — u — — i K &0ju&jmdd4/jm.^~Ji: •^^^H »___«- — -I / - ^H: ^ ^ ^ H # 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a ' ^ H^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ' etxi description of the lands to which ; ^ H^ ^ ^ ^ H «—_-___ . water has been applied and name of the ^^M

. ^^^^M I , 1 / ovnor thereof . - ^^M- •'.' ^ ^ ^ ^ B Indicate 'point of appropriation ^^*" : ^ H

! •• ' " *•' ».-•, _______| and place of use, if possible. , „ ,., ^ " _____: • • * ' • • '* "'' ^ _ _ H Bach, small square represents 10 6* T h o m8ans o f withdrawing aueh water from ^M| - . . ' , j ^ ^ ^ H acres. t ;ne 8 rcund nnd the location of eech well '• ^ H

< j ' V ' §_^^H ' or other means of withdrawal ^—, ____|

. = '•.•-'./ _ _ • .UJJML ' i A ^ ^ L ^ . •f ^^^H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the woll, wells, or r •. ^^M

.'. ^^^^m other works fcr withdrawal of groundwar^r _^H• /•}, :)'J'^§$. ^ ^ H 8. The depth of^wter table f*O -dZ*Jt~/—* • i ^ H

; '•' • IV'*ir"^1' ____H ^' ^° ^ a r a s i t ^ y b o available, the typ^f size and depth of each well or the general ^ H, I'v"-';.•.'' ;9______| specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater > ___B

',"j _ ^ ^ B 1°« Tne estimated ^mount of gB todweter withdj wn each year ^ / / i ? ^ / f c a i ^ & » » v ^ y • ^ H

i ; ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 U. The log of formations encountered ir> the drilling of, each wel^ if available o : ^ H

' ^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as nay be useful in carrying out the policy ^ H^ ^ ^ H of this act, including reference to book and page of any county record ' ^ H

^ ^ ^ 1 Signature of O'jner (^<gy p^ *f f*^ KSl ^C^-6-'"^--, \ _H

^ H Date ^^ ' d) / 3 ! •^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA ) . . , ' ^M^^M COUNTY OF SILVER BOW) S? * f) ^f^ J y : H^ ^ H yi-*L<\ 41/. i&Z^CdfC^c^e^^^ having first beer, duly sworn, j ^ H^^^^B depos^___. and say^j^that ' he of lawful age arJ _____^ ^ ^ H the appropriator and claimant of the order and voter right mentioned in the I ^ H^^^^B foregoing declaration of vested groundwater rights ard the person whose name / : ^^M^ ^ ^ H subscribed thereto, as the appropriator and c-aivsnt , that he know JS'y ^ H_^^^H the contents of said foregoing notice and that the im'.'.ers and things thereiasipfcad arf. ^^M

^^^^^^^^H I ^^ ^^k_ ^^^ J ^ 4 ^ m ' ' " ^ ™ ™ " ™ ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 5 * * ________|

^ ^ H Subsja< »d and jySJJtl'toJfcrorcii», *nis t>x^ doy of ^ - f ^ t f ^ * - * ^ - ^ ^ 19__SS^ ^ H_ _ ^ H ^^^"^wbT^^ftrNne^tate^T^ntana, roc id in-; -b- 2 4«™y*l .vM&ftfttgfXlti ^2pZ£7-4*/ ____|^ ^ H J997tZ "^ ' ^ H


Page 48: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^ ^ ^ ^ H i • • • i • - • } '

1 :; ^ ^ ^ v \ ! ! I ! v • • . : • • " : ' • [ !

Page 49: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

1• ! GW U T -a/J R -f u/ml County 'j/Zz/gac '~}{t*->I! STATE OF MONTANA r r \ flf _ E J V T ''7T>•j ADMIHISTRATOR OF GSOUHDWATER CODE S i '• ' ' OFFICE OF STATE ENGDttER Ljlj AW O IOCA -JI i DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUtOTATER RIGHTS A T , , r . , m , , r r nI (Under Chapter 237.Montana Session Laws, 196®T A l E t N v j I N t t KI !• vf & <fAi/£.r/J /{/SL/CZ , of ^ns {"1 ft'A/T'l f/A /fwrjfA? ft II (Name of Appropriator) ( A d d r e s s ) ( T o w n ) jI County of Silver BOJ, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater according to II the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, a a follows: I

I tvai**7-*/i tepe ?/A-isf 2. The beneficial use on which the claim i s II hased J

I ^ 3. Date or approximate date, of earliest bene- II { ficia] use; end how continuous the use has II *- — —» been II „ , . /?*,;> II _ «_ U* The amount of gro'jndwster clflimed (in 1I niner's inches or gallons per minute) JI ;S sCi.4. / *,, *A> • I

I •— — — — 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a IIt '— — — — — : and description of the lands to whicn Il | »_, t_ __ _ : water has been applied and name of the IIf owner thereof - II; <^W\fL seo if- Y\JJ R < vJ y > ^ ^ ? ^ /?A^iDfA> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I•> Indicate point of appropriation Ur<i<?r*-se tsn* r*,Atf- -^J>^^^TL II «nd place of use, i f Doasible. ' • II &ch s » U square represents 10 6 - The means of withdrawing sucn water from I• i acres. h e erQUnd 8 n d t n e location of each well Il | * or other means of withdrawal IIf /g,/ i^ftriM- *r f*L/t*f* **.+*• r. II! 7. The date of commencement and completion of th/construction of the well, wells, or II; other works for withdrawal of groundwater II; /*>TIS? • II' 8. The depth of water table /{• '- y o 1I; 9. So far as i t nay be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general II ' specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater \ I

I 10. The estimated amour.* of groundweter withdrawn each year / C * *** /**i *t+j±* tjc I

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available II LHJ^UJ^JAJ . I

I 32. Sucb other infomation of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy - II of this act, including reference to book and page of any county record I

I Slgnatu-e of Owner' '-"Tyl /. ,-/->^^<-. , }ft i V r I

• Date •

I STATE OF KCWASA ) , 3 II COl'NTT OF SILVER ROW) f) „ II \-A..*4- /' rfc*J* • y having first been duly sworn, II depose and say; he ef laWful age ard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fiI tte sppropriator and claimant ____ of the order atA water right mentioned in the II fcrogcing rieclaratit ; of vc stod grourdwster riphta and the person whose name II aubrcrlbed thereto, ns the appropriator__and cla leant thet he know II the contfinto of nuid foregoing notice and tliat fhe natters and thirds thnrein state^ are I

Subecribed and s-r-rn to before M , thia •*> . dH»9^tyj;WBUC tef *.**^ <*%&& c -i I

tev>n,- jubllc for th "trite -»f f'«nt.»ro», r«slfiin- Wt ' ' BBMBliiJOHftl' Btult BB '' , I

Page 50: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"


v v & S t * ' W • • . ' • • •

: • • *

Ii •

Page 51: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

— G W A T ? , R m 0S | tCounty sllTer Bo»

\ •




(Under Chapter 2 3 7 , Montane S e s s i o n Laws ,1961)

1 . BOCKBR SCHOOL, DIST.#2 3IWKR BOW COUOTY, o f R.B#T (HOQMQ PIUTE, vrvur-.vk(name of appropriator) (address) ' (Town)

County of Silver Bow, State of Montana, have appropriated groundwater accord-ing to the Montana Laws in effect prior to Jan'. 1, 1962, as follows:

»f 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is

I I 1 1 I i I 1 b a s e d3. Date or approximate date of earliest bene-

f ic ia l use;and how continuous the use hasJ been

4. The amount of groundwater claimed (inminer's inches or gallons per minute)

100 gallons pw mlanto1—^-^—'—'—'—' ' 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreagey I/it Sec \k I w Hm & description of the lands to which waterIndicate Poin6 of appropriation h a s b e e n a PP l i e d & n a m e o f t h e o w n e r thereof :and place of use, if possible^ Mat for lrrigat^anEach small square represents 10acres. ________________________________________

6. The means of withdrawing such water fromthe ground and the location of each well orother means of withdrawal

CoiAri fuif>l P U P ^

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well,wells,or other works for withdrawal of groundwater

8. The depth of water table 20 f—t !

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or thegeneral specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater Hfi^—^t Caflliy ftp foot d—p

10.The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year S2.s60r«tt0— "on11.The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

12.Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying outthe policy of this act, including reference to book and page of any Co.record

MonaBoard of Truotooo. Cehooi D l s t . #2

Date n— \or lort Signature of Owner /J,^ '^g^^ S&—~ «/£.^-C€et/>

CW5TY°0FI1SILV?R BOW) 3 S Wjl/r^y ZW*-*V/--^.>» having firbw been dulysworn, depose and say thet he of

lawful afi;e and the appropriator _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ andClaimant of the order and water right mentioned in the foregoing declar-ation of vested groundwater rights and the person whose name subscribedthereto, ss the aopropriator__and claimant , that,^ he know thecontents of said foregoing notice k that the matteps & things therein, statedare true' ffl/r&EJu**/,-Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3/ day of ~^fe>£M15£.^- .19 K> i>Notary public for the St.of Montana,residing at T?Cl ii>;-2_

Commission expires im 2R ncj

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? J

" "1

mm* „_„... _._, ,. „ „ ' -

: • I ;;.

I oF . . ,r

1 Berety ccvti'.- ••••• - ' \ ' » L

•i - ' '


Page 53: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

• » ^ • W«ll #2 Rocker, H n u w /-^ j

H f jJw I MtrCh H e l l Approved Stock Form—Sloie Publishing Cj., Helena. Montana—48J5V -^S^>3 1

• File No T _JL j


I ~ (star. aim. sea i ™ i . r r r = X i ; 3 5 K * f Completion of GroundwaterI - IT^—: AppltoprlaHon by Mwins of Well II " ' £ & * el.y DEV1MTO ATOEJAWA™ «• « " I• — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) I


I _ DintarJk'JML^Sfea Addreaa....?. ?.?*.'.*?***! I

B ~~ Date of Notice of appropriatiou of groundwater I

I :.*— " t f t . to A3 f t . Date weU started......8«t.!;«..ilL .Date completed—J*».ta_..M I

I - ci«r JI _ Type of welJttMlSS1 .Equipment used—SSSHI :. I• (Dn(> driven, bond «r drilled) (Cham drill, rotary or other) JI ~~ Water use: Domestic fi Municipal D Stock D Irrigation "D I• ._ Indurtrial B Drainage Q Other Q ; II _ Indicate on thf diagram the character and thickness of the different strata • I• met -with is drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show I• 41 ft tt Sf ft. depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing I• — ' eUy i, »»ia strata and height to whlob the water rises in the welL I• . toll « I . W ' f M " T. MmMAXlSM • 1

• I BM« *O*m KM tmm T» •• — ' Ska (TMO (IWI) •

I - t" 19 lb • U I

• ~ . ••*• , I

I ^_ r- 9 9 j t > t # if j t > * Static Water Level for non-flowing well II _ SIIC/MM* " 1 I ™__J*__ .feet i I• _ j \ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ~~ I• _ j ! Pumping Water Level..... it .feet flI w j i „ at IS <aL per minute. II i | Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well ; II .— ~ (7 f t , M M ft . > j ) II _ ewirM ««B4 '. " *i _ _ , -' I

• ; i How Tested..... .pm* „ •I - L5 ! 1 i 1 Length of Test. ?•..**••_ II — Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- II " .Wy....-Sec...W..T..3....R...l... «**r»«*«*l> II Indicate location of well and II plare of use, if possible. Each •I - small square represents 40 I• aces. _ <fl

I _ (Continue on reverse side) •

• ~ TJ8E—If nsed ffr irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state II _ number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Add)- •I turn). •I ~ ViUt .a«Vfi7...j ..Wi||k.«Utl<M I

I l ^ a ^ Show exact depth of bottom. I

I •-?/ II ThU form to be prepared by driller, and time copied to be fi'.fd hy the own*- with tho n'.,i '",'".". '" " •I Comity Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the weil i« located, tittoe copy to be Unllcr s License ^un1hJr •I retained by driller. / Q -p* - n •I Pleaie n.mnr all quertionn. If not *pplicabl«, BO state, aherwise the form will be •*• /• •••/-— •I return*.. Driller's SipiaHr-. ^ •

I VS. 3^ I

Page 54: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"



V ^ " • • ' • " " " ' • " " " ' * ' ~ ; - ' " 1 ; :

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r o O '.1 O C3- O Ct'i~J • ^ '.•. r : -T 0

• ,s ^ * I- P . ;

i i '* "• » » «. •

! ^ g _ • ; : . . . . . • •• • - : M M _

I 1 Z I - "* ' : ": STATE OF MONTANA. 1 - . ' ' '""""•" -'" *'"'P2 ^ ^ > - COUNTY OF SILVSS: BOW. J T* - ; \ ~

! * " SJm ' f " ^ 1 her*y c«tify ttat tHe wfthin JMtrumen« ; ! ' "' M i - < J ii '" wa» filed at my offloj Qp»he-—..gaL.-- ^ ! : \

j I ~' ; :-:• • • . ^ ' C " T T

* -• * ::. *


• - - .

Page 55: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I J * «• •' u• I*"1 o> ^• Pile No T :< R...:.-.. .. i V


• J f W o Wo4 - v j

• Declaration of Vested Gronndwater Bights '• " h\l ( i N F F ? I• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ' • " ' l - « ' " l " t . C l t I

I i....M.*.M.»..9mm. , of wmM. MM I• (Name of Appropriate*) (Address) (Town) II County of i.ti£i*..lB* State of MHliS! I• have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol- I• lows: IH I—| .—| 1 .—|—| 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based _ J M U M M U « . . . I

• 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- JI tinuous the use has been M3£...<*..iMtilMMM. I

• 4 The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I• per minute) f**..!! *"!..*"!!.."**** I

I _ J ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the IH s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner 1• »ww • • SM 1? * 18 t h e r e o f 35 Mm - ffMir «r«t«u te»»...t« tiwttew.17 * I

I % te T J i - R •"• * m**** i** *rm »*L _ I• Indicate point of appropriation •I and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the II J * small square represents 10 tocationof eachweUor othermeans of withdrawal, .!&!*&$. .* I

• viiv* 4$jp .j i M TW1IU I

I 7. The date of commencementaad completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- I

I .tmW..Wf..Tl<lm.m^L.* I

I 8. The depth of water table S...!*..MM..I*« I

I 9. So far as it may be avaUable, the type, size and depthot^achj*ll or the Jjenetalspecificatipns of any I

I a"iii»"«ra3iit'iiixin|r-iiii^ II hMiMltf wtttf u MOI u l r r i ^ f l ^ l l n pntMiiM. I

• 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available .....iil..*'l*5J|fcli I

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as mavbeusefului carryin^out t ajaoUcy fifth's act, including II reference to book and Dage.ol any coutityjecordJ*ffi,fi!MM^-..§^..lSy...p^^1.Si^iyaSi*-B^^ I

I t V . nS^ %,jw».. I

• i**..!!*!* .mst. •

I Signature of Owner SJS^^^^^r I

I Date *iM«»..3O.»..I9$3 I

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is I

J located. •

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines •and Quadruplicate for the Appropmtor. n q •

»• I

Page 56: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

I fiesta - •. : % • II •:,, }^3T' : • '; • j | II i !!(>r>: i ""• -- J( A , I• • ••••.••• :':led u% in* Q«''«Lon ihc . „ sfcd-.yS -, * 'frlP'1 1• i v oi WSSBJS.A-A. D. ;:'X^fe wf' ]• -4%--a ffl*pa»t,.«%.S£...o'clock ~ ^ W I• \ttest aiy liwi4.J •' . , «k*,t|., I

I i/ "1"" 's/^ • lj i - I

Page 57: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^^H y . V » u #1 tockar, Noataar^^^^B i» l S O B t h W a l l ApprOTed Stock Form—Slate Pmrtlshlm Co., HeteM, Monuiu—4855. •£&•!

ff^^H Pile No _„ _ T...- ..pR.^^M MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD V V . /? .^ ^ H DUPLICATE R E C E I V E D Co\mi*..2&*t*z^...Jj*a<e<Z^Z..^^M r n a STATE OF MONTAHAB^H JUN 2 4 1969 ADMIHISTRATOR OF GROUHDWATBR CODE^ H [ — I Top of Oronad STATE WATER 00H8ERVATI0K BOARD

• H ~ '*- »w. i^i ^ Notice of Completion of Groundwater^ H - o - * f t Appropriation by Means of Well^^M -~ ~* tapaall k clay DEVELOPED ATTBR JAHUARY 1,1968

I ^ ^ H — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1981, as amended)

^ ^ H _ Owner...8.U6a...»i..«wtMa ^ddress......l«&t»»..JiuUbiML —

^ ^ ^ B _ DriUer.....WMUy.Ll«AWi»- Address.—£la»cy.,...ll»ataaa...

^ ^ ^ H .—•" ~~ * ** * Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater -_ ;.._....., , ^B^B^B^K c l w v & aasa1 • '

jXVXVXV Date well Btarted...8i*6«.'HHI. ....J)atecompleted...J*.l$.<i...T...fA. - :

B^l^H Type of weU-iE&USS! Equipment OBed...-^BffJ8 —B^^H (Dug, driTOi, bored or tWUed) (Churn drill, roUry or othm) :

, . ^^^M — VTater use: DomesticQ Municipal D Stock Q Irrigation D >• . . ^ ^ ^ H _ Industrial B Drainage • Other Q

/'[ 4 ^ 1 ^ H _i Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata .•^•^•j met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show

-$.' ^ ^ ^ H _ _j 32 f t . t» 4» f t . depth at which water is eneoantered, thickness and character of water-bearing" d - ^ ^ ^ H sllty «a»d strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

•' ••*• ^ B ^ a V < ' •M* alCMIiw KM 1MB I »

«!• :- - - **'*$ ^ H _^* _ *» ft. t» 57 ft.

! ^ ^ ^ H ; * laytra «f ftna itamd = = = = = = = = = = = = ,^ B ^ H _ N Static Water I«vel for non-flowing well

>l . ! - jf v: i ^ ^ ^ H _ I I I j I *• .feet. ;

«> ' ^ " ^ ^ ^ B _ j j Shut-in Pressure for Plowing Well ;

\ j 4 " ^^^B _ ! ; Pumping Water Level 51 feet (

J », ^ ^ ^ H w j i E at IS. gal. per minute. ':•

^ ^ ^ H ; ; Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well :

*• - ^^M " * - 57 f t . to 59 f t . ! !

^ ^ ^ H — eoarae aand li aamll sravel ; i x How Tested. *«•». — ;

. ^ ^ H - I ! 1 ! ! Length of Test 3-..JK«*

^ ^ ^ H . — Remarks: (Gravelpacking, cementing, pack-

^ H - BL%.-_s*iZ_TJL.Bl «™.tyPe°fshlltoff), ^ ^ ^ ^ H Indicate location of well and

^^^^m place of use, if possible. EachB^B^H — small square represents 40

: B^B^H acres. «

^^^B j^ ^ ^ ^ B ~ _ (Continue on reverse ride) •

^ ^ ^ H ~ USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state• • • • • • _ number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-^ ^ H ~ tion).

^ ^ ^ B ~ K«S«r..a«»f.l3r..i»x;..!M!*tl«»«.

^^^H L ^ ^ J Show exact depth of bottom.

•H it^ ^ ^ H ntaioed by driller. / () 1> , n

•ft^BB Please arunver all questions. H not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be """7'" il ^f^ ^ H returned. Driller a SignaVhre.

Page 58: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

....... - ...-, ,.... a.v»M,.vsa-'i,!S''»».iJ**l*l1'r**«!-.

• ~ 6 . ., • • - •• • •' -:~rt-> i-T-r-j

K - * i - ....- • • _ ^ — ;;• • • • • • . - " '.•> a 4 <- g-

: - :: ^"} I;! - *•% "i ;: : "•••> '•] ^ •- \, i1. ~-» % *

; ;-; - :.-. • •-; ". § «. g. :

=: a- *i• " H *»

i s o : : « . s

. " ^ " v - . •- • ^ f / , : r • • ~ i • ;« ^ ~ . • • - t A T E O P M O J t 1 : A K A , w i i ^ ; : S : i

: : %> j • . CWiNTY OFMLVERBOVK f i . • ;• - : • - 5j £ fej^ - • 1 •": ' i j^ebv certify A l t the witMnfaurtrument .! ; :. , \.

•f |o ,;/;. : t t ^ ^ # M 5 f ^ : : "lir" *" ^ 1J "

i •• ! . - -J^J^^- :

: • ( / • * • ^ -• ; •; . '• ] I ;.

'7' • '•• .'." . u j T

| 'I . • . ••• •; f ' . >;

; : : •'". - :;. •-; A ~r • ^ i i '•.

• •

' /

fc—Mii—••—ii.—^^^. . . _ . ... . j

Page 59: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^ B . • ' " • " " • ••••••'•••' " ^

^ ^ H ' RFQ #1. Box 272^ ^ ^ H ' (Nissler Junction)^ ^ ^ B %~ i Butte, Kontana 59701

^ B 1 *] tr. c rj v E D^ H | JAN 3 0 ':"- , |^ ^ H I Administrator of Groundwater Code -nJ^Pr 'J^^Mi. i^^^H fr Office of State Engineer J3z&S!£*r***' —•--»--'- !_ ^ ^ ^ H | State of Montana t _ ^ . _— j

. , .3 , , ; : S ,J : J S-SW IW«»IS#?S^^^M' | Capitol Building ^ j^ ^ ^ ^ H I Helena, Kontana 59°01 I

••(""'"• ; - ' "T"*"T ^ ^ ^ B I . I! ^^^H i Dear 3ir: |

U H«««M*'H I n n DeoeEtoer 30 1963, I fxled a Declaration of tested Grourriwater

„ § ^ ^ ^ H i tinuous use since April, 1927. \

^ H i wate/ani gallonage pumped runs to 200 gallons per hour. This *s ,^ ^ ^ K i u s a i exclusively for residential use.

: j • I s^i%rrjisrisl'Si^--==«- ': i , : ^ ^ ^ H '•! . advise Where I t is to be filed. »,

1 ^ ^ | !• never find anyone there. Thank you for your help. j! " ^ H : : f

s «' , ~'^^^H I : Very t r u l y y°urSi J!

''" "'•; ';z •: ! ^^^H ; '• Olaf A. Wenger y •

? • ; ^^H : ;

Page 60: I j:'!^!^ * f^ECEIVISlin ULJ JAN 2 1964 J i»wEEVaitfB STATE ENbiwtER ^JRSTED GROtOTMATER RIGHTS"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^HP^^^ DWSMSKTA. MONTANA ' HBJ

^^^^^^^^^^H^HP^ Governor Forrest H. Anderson^Chalrman^^^ DmicTO, BILINA •| • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ K ^ H ^ H ^ B f l S * * ^ ' 1 ™ ' VICE CM»I«»AN »ND tlCKITMV. TWODOT S , D KURTH. •ILUIHOS ^^M[ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H N R H u t t O L. DIUANEYt MIMOULA H. J- 8AWTELL. Mik&BCITY . ^ ^ H; ^^^^^|^^^^^^^HHH|^PSMIIHAWK*. «T.(mm . - ^^M

i ^^^^B^ffliPlllffP^I February 4t 1969 : ^ H

:i ^^^^| 1 Mr. Olaf A. Wenger ; ^ HI ^ ^ ^ B 1 R.F. D. #1> Box 272 ^ H| ^^^^B n (Hlssler Junction) : ^ H'i ^^^^B I Butte, Montana 59701 i ^ H

I ^^^^H H Dear Mr. Wenger: • i ^^|

^ ^ ^ B « eliminate any potential surface hazard. ^ H

I ^ ^ H I ^hree*coplei8wlth the County Clerk and Recorder. •

5 ^^^H H| ' Sincerely, ^ H


' ^^^B B ^ Enclosure ^ H

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