
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful;

and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.

- Hebrews 10:23-24

Dear members and friends of Ascension,

You can no doubt easily imagine two main goals for our 2017 financial stewardship appeal.

We want to improve the parish’s financial condition and we want participation by as many

active parishioners and other supporters of Ascension as possible, including you.

Three additional goals are unique to our recent and present circumstances at Ascension:

We aim to continue restoring trust in the parish’s lay and clergy leadership, specifically

relative to financial management. To further the transparency that we are seeking to model

and practice, please find on the following page an overview of our 2015 audit and an invi-

tation to learn more if interested.

We hope to renew a sense of giving to the church as a spiritual gift and discipline.

Individuals give to the church, or refrain from giving, for many reasons. We pray that

your decision to give will, at least in part, reflect your understanding in faith of the rela-

tionships among self, money and God.

We pray for stewardship appeal outcomes that reflect both gratitude for recent signs of

new life and hope for a strong and faithful future. In response to preceding troubles, 2016

pledges to Ascension plummeted 70%. Beginning to reverse that trend together in the year

ahead will be a blessing to all of us and a gift to our much-loved church.

Please consider taking part in one or more of the following opportunities to learn more about our

parish’s financial circumstances and shared ministry of stewardship: Treasurer Susan Schlough

will present 2015 Audit Results on Sunday, October 30, and Father Dunkerley will share thoughts

on Stewardship November 13 — both at 10 am in the parish library. We also, of course, welcome

your remarks or questions. Please be in touch with any of us by phone or email, or better yet talk

to us when you see us at Ascension.

Thank you for your prayers, presence and participation.

David Jones (Vestry) Carol Noren Christopher Raymond

Father Patrick Raymond Father Jim Dunkerley

c h u r c h o f t h e a s c e n s i o n



TELEPHONE : (312) 664-1271


Church of the Ascension

One -Page Overview of Our 2015 Audit

At a glance. This Overview aims to give parishioners a general sense of the most

important features of our recently completed 2015 audit. An opportunity for parishioners to

learn more and to ask questions will be provided on Sunday, October 30, at 10:00 a.m. in the

parish library. To view the audit or ask detailed questions, contact Susan Schlough directly.

Background. 2015 was a year of tumult that included a variety of negative fiscal impacts. The long-

time paid Treasurer was terminated by the prior Rector in January 2015. In the context of ensuing conflict

and without normal lines of communication or accountability, a new volunteer Treasurer served until

March 2016. Many of the 2015 audit findings reflect the year’s anomalies and troubles. Concerns and rec-

ommendations are already being positively addressed under the leadership of Susan Schlough (Treasurer

since April 1, 2016), the Wardens and Vestry, Finance Committee members and Father Raymond.

Process. Early in 2016 the Vestry unanimously decided to identify a new accounting firm to perform

the 2015 Ascension audit. An extensive search led by Senior Warden Judy Mintel led to the engagement

in April of Capin Crouse, a firm that focuses on non-profit and church expertise. The firm requested a sig-

nificant volume of data even before formally commencing the audit in June. A draft audit was provided

to the Vestry in early August. Responses were formulated by the Finance Committee and approved by the

Vestry in September. The audit was completed on September 27.

Audit Findings, Recommendations and Clarifications. A four-page section of the thirteen page

audit is devoted to ‘Material Weaknesses,’ each understood to be “a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies,

in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the organization’s fi-

nancial statements will not be prevented, or detected or corrected on a timely basis.” Cited issues include:

$ Payroll tracking $ Accounts payable $ Documentation for reimbursements

$ Bank reconciliations $ Tracking of endowment earnings $ Tracking of credit card expenses

$ QuickBooks entries $ Handling of cash receipts

In the Material Weaknesses section and elsewhere the 2015 audit also noted Ascension’s longstanding

lack of normal fiduciary definitions and safeguards codified in documents such as By-Laws, fiscal policies

and documentation of procedures related to checks and balances.

Material Weaknesses notwithstanding, the audit found no evidence of fraud or other criminal activity.

Consistent with past audit recommendations by other firms, Capin Crouse recommended and directed

that Ascension’s beneficial interests in the two Stoskopf Trusts be represented on our Balance Sheet.

The net total 2015 operating expenses identified in the audited financial statements — $838,547 — was

within $1,600 of the 2015 expenses reported to parishioners at the May 2016 Annual Meeting. (Total 2015

expenses of $1,182,140 reported by Capin Crouse included $343,600 in intangible Depreciation expense.)

Responses. All matters described above and others identified in the audit have been resolved or are

being collaboratively addressed by action of the Treasurer, Wardens and Vestry, Finance Committee

members and Father Raymond.

At its September meeting, the Vestry approved related recommendations and new policies and provided

Capin Crouse with a formal response to the draft audit.

Some additional important policies (e.g. budget development and handling of endowments) have been

drafted and are being refined by the Finance Committee for presentation to the Vestry in the coming

months. The Vestry aims to present parishioners with new By-Laws at the January 2017 Annual Meeting.

Parishioners wanting to view the complete audit or to investigate matters too detailed or complex

to explain here may contact Treasurer Susan Schlough or Father Raymond.

As 2016 winds down, we can be grateful.

We’ve sought to restore normalcy, goodwill and

faithfulness, in our worship, in fellowship

and in communications.

Listening Post consultants

Clare Nolan and Scott Paeth

sought to help us begin a season of

healing and renewed strategic collab-

oration as we envision our future.

We prepared for the Feast of the Assumption with a Novena and

included a Blessing of the Herbs in the Assumption Mass, August 15.

We pulled together to raise

nearly $11,000 to fix the rooftop

church air conditioner.

“Burger or Brat?“ Jim Drury at the grill.

Good fellowship prevailed for picnic/

potlucks on the Feast of the Assump-

tion and Michaelmas (shown above).

Newcomer Kuni

Sakai is a regular

food pantry helper.

Together we raised

$1,100 to support

his September 5K

‘run for the pantry.’

Church of the ascension

1133 North LaSalle Boulevard

Chicago, Illinois 60610-2601

(312) 664-1271

The 2016 Church of the Ascension Vestry

Judith Mintel, Senior Warden $ David Schrader, Junior Warden $ Cliff Green $ David Jones $ Timothy Kowalski

Cheryl Peterson, Clerk $ LaVerne Saunders $ Betty Smith $ Charles Taylor $ Luis Vargas $ James Wilson

Susan Schlough, Treasurer

The Rev. Patrick Raymond, Priest-In-Charge

The Very Rev. James Dunkerley, Associate Priest

The Rev. Robert Petite, Assisting Priest

Deacon Gordon Stanley, BSG, Deacon Associate

The Sisters of St. Anne

Dr. Benjamin Rivera, Director of Music/Choirmaster

David White, Organist

Arelys Vasquez-Greene, Nursery & Child Care

Brother Nathanael Rahm, BSG, Parish Administration

George Panice, Sexton

Requiem Mass of All Souls

Wednesday, November 2

Said Mass, 12:05 p.m. Sung Mass, 7:00 p.m.

All Saints Sunday, November 6

Rheinberger, Cantus Missæ (a cappella Mass for double choir)

Stanford, Justorum animae Brahms, Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen

Thanksgiving Community Meal, Sunday, November 20, 1:30 p.m.

Thanksgiving Day, Said Mass,10:00 a.m.

Advent Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 4, 4:00 p.m.

Followed by reception in the Rectory

Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Christmas Eve — Choir & Organ Selections, & Carols, 10:30 pm

Solemn High Mass, 11:00 p.m. Schubert Mass in G

Christmas Day— 10:00 a.m. Choral Mass, 10:00 a.m.

St. Anthony of Padua Food Pantry First Saturday of each month:

November 5, December 3, January 7

Please consider a special year-end

gift to Church of the Ascension

Your unrestricted gift to our current-year operating fund will reduce our use of

endowment principal for operating costs.

Current special project needs and opportunities include:

Garden fountain replacement: $2,750

New furniture for Wheeler Hall, Parish House hallway improvements

Seeking gifts from $100—$10,000+

100 new chairs for St. Michael’s Hall — $40 each

Materials to rebuild crèche — $450

For more information on these or other needs and opportunities, please contact Father Raymond or Cheryl Peterson,

Buildings and Grounds Chair

Total 2016 budgeted operating expenses: $785,500

Total actual 2016 parishioner pledges:


“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.” - Thomas Ken, English priest, 1637-1711

CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 1133 North LaSalle Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60610-2601 312-664-1271

2017 Financial Stewardship Response

Name(s): _________________________________________

Please give updates to your contact information at the bottom of the page.

My/our total 2017 operating budget pledge: $ _____________

I/we anticipate making pledge payments:

Weekly Monthly Yearly

Do you want pledge envelopes? Yes No

I/we want to make a special 2016 year-end gift or gifts toward:

2016 year-end operating expenses: $ ______________

St. Anthony of Padua Food Pantry: $ ______________

A buildings and grounds project: $ ______________

(Please specify project: ________________________________ )

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven

and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen

the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent.

Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring

us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, p. 817

Please return your pledge card to the church by mail, or in person, or share information by confidential email sent to

[email protected]. THANK YOU!

Stewardship of Time and Talent

“There are a variety of gifts

but the same spirit.” I Corinthians 12:4

The vitality of Ascension relies on members

sharing in our ministries for the good of the

whole and for the mission of the church. Please

indicate below areas of ministry in which you

may wish to make a new or increased

commitment in 2017.

Worship — e.g. read, usher, serve at the al-tar as an acolyte, helping in the sacristy.

Fellowship/hospitality — help plan and share in work for parish events.

Outreach/food pantry.

Buildings and/or grounds.

Administrative leadership and service: Ves-try, service as a delegate to diocesan conven-tion, or helping with office projects.

Media/Communications — help with web-site, social media, writing projects.

Other — please indicate:




Please contact the parish office or clergy regarding your interest in baptism, confirmation, transferring your membership to Ascension or any pastoral care needs.

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]







Please help us update our parish records by giving any NEW information about your address,

phone number(s), email address(es), names of children and/or other household members, birth-

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