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Student Name: ______________________Teacher: ______________________ Date: ___________District: ElkinAssessment: 9_12 Tech Ed TE11 - Technology Engineering and Design Test 2Description: Review Study QuestionsForm: 501

1. An example of a product of technological evolution is:A. mechanical pencilB. ink and quillC. wooden pencilD. cave painting

2. The change from the quill pen to the ball-point pen we use today is referred to as:A. brainstormingB. innovationC. discoveryD. patent

3. The changes in cell phones from one generation to the next generation is an example of:A. updating services.B. technological evolution.C. technological invention.D. manufacturing processes.

4. Using the information TE11 Carbon Chart, determine which of the following year ranges showed the largest increase in carbon emissions.A. 1916-1928B. 1928-1940C. 1940-1952D. 1952-1964

5. When a new technology is introduced it immediately begins to undergo scrutiny and changes. This leads to:A. a poor economyB. innovationC. inventionD. fewer patents

6. The study of technology should look at how the development of how technology affects humans at both the:A. local level and global levelB. market place and work placeC. school house and state houseD. time of birth and time of death

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7. An understanding of the interrelationships among technologies and other fields of study better enables one to use:A. technologies to find answers to scientific problemsB. processes to design, produce, and assess technologyC. mathematical models and simulationsD. the scientific method to solve scientific problems

8. What is NOT a trade-off while selecting a resource for a design?A. An exchange of one resource for anotherB. Giving up on a benefit for a more desirable oneC. Compromising between the benefits of resources to achieve results.D. Substituting different approaches

9. Using the information TE11 Seat Belt UseChart, determine which state has a seat belt use rate near 80%.A. AlabamaB. MississippiC. VirginiaD. Louisiana

10. Using the information TE11 Seat Belt UseChart, determine how many states fall below North Carolina in percentage of seat belt use?A. 0B. 4C. 7D. 8

11. Using the information TE11 Energy Chart, determine what energy sourceis consumed the most in the United States.A. CoalB. PetroleumC. Natural GasD. Nuclear

12. Common characteristics of technologists, scientists, and mathematicians could include such things as:A. a reluctance to try new ideas and new solutionsB. creativity, curiosity, and a desire for new knowledgeC. satisfaction with the present state of knowledgeD. not using math to solve problems

13. Using the information TE11 Carbon Chart, determine the approximate amount of global carbon emissions as of year 2000A. 750 Million Metric TonsB. 6000 Million Metric TonsC. 6750 Million Metric TonsD. 8750 Million Metric Tons

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14. The transfer of technological knowledge and skills from one generation or society to another is usually accompanied with modifications to the products. This process is called:A. Technical creativityB. Technological evolutionC. ManufacturingD. Technological design

15. The invention of a water filter by the U.S. Army which is now available for public use is an example of:A. a trade-off.B. technology transfer.C. design optimization.D. streamlining.

16. Technological literacy is defined as:A. the ability to use computers to solve problemsB. an understanding of the history of technologyC. an understanding of the relationship between science, math, and technologyD. the ability to successfully interact with technology and to make informed decisions

17. Since people are able to transfer the knowledge and skills related to the creation and production of technology to next generations, which statement is a reasonable conclusion?A. The development and use of technologies exhibits an evolutionary characteristic.B. A thorough understanding of science is necessary for the development of technology.C. Only those with technical abilities are prepared to use new technologies.D. Future technological development has little relationship with how it was used in earlier times.

18. Using the information TE11 Energy Chart, determine what energy sourceis consumed the least in the United States.A. CoalB. PetroleumC. Natural GasD. Nuclear

19. Innovations are the result of a series of refinements that have improved an invention overtime. This is the concept of:A. Scientific discoveryB. Technological evolutionC. Scientific methodD. Technological mobility

20. As knowledge and skills increase, modification to products advance from one generation to the next. This is an example of:A. technological design.B. manufacturing.C. technical creativity.D. technological evolution.

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21.Using the information TE11 Energy Chart, determine the approximate percentage of fossil fuel (coal, petroleum, natural gas) consumption.A. 0.81B. 0.45C. 0.56D. 0.36

22. An engineer is more likely to bring a project to completion with this characteristic.A. ProcrastinationB. CreativityC. CreativityD. Social ability

23. To stay competitive, companies create new technologies resulting in new processes. The following are results of new technology EXCEPT:A. Computer companies creating faster computersB. Cell phone companies creating smaller cell phonesC. Farmer creating a milking machineD. Car company changing management protocols

24.Which of the following does NOT support the phrase "New technologies create new processes?"A. Moon->Light->TidesB. Cell phone->Texting->Hands free driverC. Car->Roads->Traffic LightsD. Computer->Desktop->Laptop

25. The advent of wireless technology has significantly impacted the ability to:A. communicate more effectivelyB. build more effectivelyC. transport more effectivelyD. manufacture more effectively

26. The introduction of fast food restaurants into the American way of life has had both positive and negative impacts. One of the negative impacts is believed to be the increase in the number of people who are overweight. This is an example of a(n):A. anticipated effect.B. trade-off.C. intended effect.D. unintended effect.

27. A positive effect of transportation technology has been the ability to distribute goods to areas where they are not manufactured. A negative effect has been linked to illegal dumping of used tires. This is an example of a(n):A. anticipated effect.B. trade-offC. intended effect.D. unintended effect

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28. Government helps inventors and innovators of technology protect and control the use of their ideas for a limited time by giving them a:A. PatentB. Tax RebateC. GrantD. Trademark

29. A company surveyed college students to determine their need and want for a new portable computer accessory. Once the data was gathered, the company began designing the accessory to specifications determined by the data. This is an example of:A. Research and developmentB. Consumer marketingC. Strategic designD. Design and development

30. To minimize unwanted impacts of a new technology, Charles should conduct a:A. cost-benefit analysisB. scientific analysisC. risk analysisD. quality analysis

31. If a solar cell can be made that breaks water into H2 and O2, then the H2 can be stored and run through a fuel cell to generate electricity. To make this happen will require:A. deductionsB. reactionsC. researchD. competition

32. Research and development (R&D) is used intensively by industry to prepare devices and systems. Which of the following is an example of R&D for the marketplace?A. Technology students working on a website competitionB. A company working on management protocolsC. NASA researchers working on space hydroponics systemsD. Cell phone companies working to increase the speed of downloads

33. Rafael's department is trying to make a working model of a miniature propane fueled generator that can be refueled in seconds to power cell phones. They are involved in:A. developmentB. manufacturingC. basic researchD. market testing

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34. The activities that might result in new or improved products and processes describes what activity used in industry?A. ProductionB. Research and developmentC. Time managementD. Testing

35.What technological process converts knowledge into a physical form?A. DevelopmentB. ResearchC. Time managementD. Testing

36. A software design team is working on a new computer operating system. They analyze the market and work to develop new software usingwhat type of problem-solving approach?A. TechnologicalB. Industrial designC. Research and developmentD. Total quality management

37.What area tends to have a more direct effect on society because of its ability to both solve and create new problems?A. ScienceB. TechnologyC. MathematicsD. Social Studies

38. Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb has affected every person's day to day life. This is a example of how technology has affected:A. societyB. the economyC. politicsD. The environment

39.Who primarily determines the value of a technology over time?A. Marketing and advertising departmentB. User and societyC. Manufacturer and builderD. Engineer and designer

40. Using a tennis racket to swat flies is an example of :A. Technology transferB. An inventionC. Trade-offD. A discovery

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41. A new major highway is being planned to connect two small towns. Many of the towns people want the highway but have major concerns, as itwould pass directly through a historical area. The towns people concerns are an example of how technology has affected:A. The economyB. CultureC. PoliticsD. The environment

42. The printing press, developed by Johann Gutenberg in 1445, made books less costly and available to more people. This is an example of howtechnology :A. hinders societyB. benefits societyC. impedes societyD. motivates society

43. Coal ash from a coal fired power plant has leaked into a nearby water system. The govenor and the legislature are crafting a new law thatwould provide cleaning of the water and proper disposal of the ash. The new law is an example of how technology has affected:A. The environmentB. PoliticsC. CultureD. The economy

44. A lawn equipment manufacturer has recently added a new product to their line of outdoor power equipment. As a result the manufacturer isadding 75 new jobs to its local production facility. The new job openings are an example of how technology has affected:A. The environmentB. PoliticsC. CultureD. The economy

45.What resources are shared within a technological environment or across other fields often resulting in innovation?A. money, knowledge, or marketingB. creativity, money or skillsC. business, marketing, or ideasD. ideas, knowledge, or skills

46. Advancement in mathematics and science usually results in advancements in:A. technology.B. digital media.C. social studies.D. performing arts.

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47. A coal fired power plant creates coal ash as a waste product. The container for coal ash unintentionally leaks into a river. What area has theleak affected most?A. EnvironmentB. PoliticsC. CultureD. Economy

48. In 1996 the first cloned mammal, Dolly, was born. This advancement sparked a debate about the right and wrong use of cloning technology.This is an example of what type of concern?A. engineeringB. ethicalC. economicD. environmental

49. The representative artifacts (e.g. Barometer, clocks, etc) for the Renaissance period appear more detailed and are constructed with moreprecision, than in previous periods. This suggests that there may have been improvements in:A. Methods of measuringB. Computer-integrated manufacturingC. Human creativityD. Public education

50. Studying the historical developments of technology helps citizens:A. vote for public funding for new science and technology initiatives.B. rely on the expertise of others to make technological decisions.C. appreciate how innovation is an essential component of history.D. select the best solution to a problem.

51. The development and widespread use of agricultural technology led to significant improvements in:A. Personal HygieneB. Human longevity and healthC. EngineeringD. Scientific discovery

52. In order to better understand the world and technology around them, with regards to invention and innovation, people need to understand:A. the history of technology.B. the future of the country.C. current political bills and laws.D. the history of civilizations.

53. The use and production of stone tools occurred in which period of human history?A. PaleolithicB. RenaissanceC. InformationD. Neolithic

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54. The printing press, magnetic compass, paper money, and the water wheel were invented during the:A. Middle AgesB. Iron AgeC. Bronze AgeD. Renaissance

55. The Renaissance, which translates to "rebirth", represents a significant period of human history that resulted in major advancements ofA. Industry and manufacturingB. natural sciencesC. medical practices and proceduresD. agriculture and irrigation

56. The invention of the transistor and microprocessor launched the:A. Information ageB. Industrial revolutionC. RenaissanceD. Global importing and exporting of goods

57.Which of the following Technological devices was a catalyst for additional scientific discoveries?A. MicroscopeB. Gaming SystemC. AutomobileD. Microwave Oven

58.What time period falls in between the bronze age and the middle ages?A. Iron ageB. RenaissanceC. Information ageD. Industrial Revolution

59. In the Information age, significant advancements in the areas of communication have come about. Which of the following inventions is NOTa product of the information age?A. ComputerB. TelevisionC. Cell PhoneD. mp3 player

60. The alphabet and coins came into general use during what time period?A. Iron ageB. Middle agesC. Stone ageD. Information age

61. The compass, telescope, and calculator are all products of the:A. Renaissance.B. Middle ageC. Information ageD. Iron age

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62. A technologically literate person should have a good understanding of the history of technology because:A. it allows one to understand how old and obsolete technologies are now valuable in today's societyB. greater understanding of technology history will increase your knowledge for other history classes.C. it helps one to better understand the scientific method.D. it allows one to understand how technology evolves and builds through invention and innovation

63.Which of the following fields is critical to competitive economic growth in the 21st century, and is a mainstay of our present technological age.A. transportation technologiesB. information and communication technologiesC. construction technologiesD. manufacturing technologies

64. Integrated circuits, microprocessors, fiber optics, and computer networks have exploded in use in the last few decades. What is the name of theage that in which these advancements where made?A. Industrial AgeB. Information AgeC. Data AgeD. Digital Age

65. The period of human history that dramatically influenced the advancement of science through the development of instruments for measuringwas the:A. RenaissanceB. NeometricsC. Industrial RevolutionD. Information Age

66. During the Renaissance period, the technological development of items such as telescopes, microscopes, and thermometers greatly influencedprogress in:A. ScienceB. ManufacturingC. ConstructionD. Electricity

67. If a lever has the mechanical advantage of 5, how much force is needed to move an object that weighs 100 lbs?A. 5 lbs FB. 10 lbs FC. 20 lbs FD. 25 lbs F

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68.Within the system of an automobile engine the fuel, spark plugs, and the pistons are all examples of:A. subsystemsB. outputsC. feedbackD. impacts

69. Technology involves the use of processes to develop ______ that solve problems and extend human capabilities.A. keysB. systemsC. ideasD. theories

70. The ratio of the output force (load) produced by a working force applied to the effort.A. Mechanical AdvantageB. EfficiencyC. WorkD. Power

71. Input Force x Input Distance = Output Force x Output Distance may be used to check for the proper design of a mechanical system. What typeof model is this?A. Working modelB. Mathematical modelC. Statistical modelD. Visualization model

72. An example of a subsystem in a car is:A. Steering WheelB. SuspensionC. TireD. Windshield

73.Which is NOT a part of the preparation to begin the process of producing a consumer product?A. Engineering designB. Raising capitalC. Packaging materialsD. Stock materials

74.When an operator notices that a CNC machine is making rough cuts, the most likely cause is that the cutter:A. needs to be sharpenedB. needs to be returned to the supplierC. is brokenD. is spinning too fast

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75. As new technologies are developed:A. new processes are createdB. processes are replicatedC. processes are bypassedD. new processes are ignored

76. The process of planning, organizing, and controlling work is known as:A. designB. analysisC. measurementD. management

77. Fundamental change in the technological world of the 21st century will most likely be accomplished using:A. the scientific methodB. the money of well-informed individualsC. government studies and reportsD. systems thinking

78. In order for an engineer to assess if a designed system is operating correctly:A. information is necessary.B. thinking is necessary.C. feedback is necessary.D. communication is necessary.

79.Which is most likely to increase when an operator does not follow established operating procedures?A. Life time of the toolB. Risk of accidentsC. Labor timeD. Productivity

80. Changing a furnace filter or air conditioning filter is an example of :A. troubleshooting a system to ensure safe and proper functionB. analyzing a system to ensure safe and proper functionC. maintaining a system to ensure safe and proper functionD. repairing a system to ensure safe and proper function

81. The maintenance of systems is important to insure proper :A. FunctionB. RepairC. FormD. Abilities

82. An automotive technician follows a process to determine why a vehicle will not start when the key is turned in the ignition. This process is anexample of :A. troubleshooting the systemB. maintaining the systemC. optimizing the systemD. repairing the system

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83.What is used to determine what is wrong with a piece of equipment?A. CalibrationB. TroubleshootingC. InstallationD. Alteration

84. A manufacturing system would be considered "inefficient" when it:A. Requires unpredictable maintenanceB. Performs the same function continuouslyC. Alerts the operator when there may be a malfunctionD. Can be adjusted automatically

85.Which provides the best information on how a device or system is designed to be operated?A. Manufacturer's operator manualB. Your own trial and errorC. Guidelines offered by your job supervisorD. Instructions from the previous operator

86. Running a virus scan regularly on your PC is an example of:A. Maintaining the systemB. Troubleshooting the systemC. Analyzing the systemD. Repairing the system

87. Information to diagnose and repair a product or system is contained in the product's:A. brochure.B. magazine advertisement.C. user's manual.D. direction sheet.

88. After a company has finished making 5000 plastic parts they notice that some of them are lighter than the first ones that were made. Whatshould be done to solve this problem?A. check the temperatureB. make a new moldC. change the plasticD. increase the pressure

89. The goal of maintenance is to keep products in:A. storage facilitiesB. working orderC. inventoryD. repair

90. Detailed directions are included with products to ensure that the product:A. functions as designedB. malfunctions when usedC. can be used for other functionsD. is not used

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91. All of the following resources provide information to repair a broken engine EXCEPT:A. Service ManualsB. Diagnostic computersC. Maintenance schedulesD. Experienced technicians

92. An established schedule to change the air filters in a home or to change the oil in cars is for:A. MaintenanceB. RepairC. DiagnosisD. Troubleshooting

93. A new office building has been planned and will be built in sunny, Phoenix, AZ. The roof will have a three foot overhang and the exteriorwalls will be constructed using twelve inch adobe brick. The design features of this building have been established based on:A. financial conditions.B. environmental conditions.C. enterprise conditions.D. usage conditions.

94. There are many scientific concepts that are used by engineers and designers. Which of the following would NOT be one of these concepts?A. Melting point of steelB. Tensile strength of a wood beamC. Mass of an aluminum boltD. Colors that match green

95. A focus group usually consists of groups of 5-7 people that are surveyed. The data collected from a focus group should be considered:A. factual.B. opinion.C. biased.D. fair.

96. A problem-solving process that is used to generate ideas, model, test, and communicate new products and processes is called a:A. engineering design process.B. marketing design process.C. assessing design process.D. research design process.

97. A group of students are developing ideas for a new video game console system. At which point in the design process should they discussregarding each design before making a prototype?A. Selecting the best solutionB. Conducting a problem analysisC. Brainstorming and researchD. Creating technical drawings.

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98. A design team finally developed a new product that will have significant impacts on the safety of space travel. The best way for them tocommunicate their findings is to:A. put an article in the newspaper.B. produce a commercial on the radio.C. write an article for a "science" journal.D. purchase space on a billboard.

99.Which activity occurs first in the design process?A. Applying for a patent and marketingB. Researching similar productsC. Building the prototypeD. Communicating test results

100. Designing a vehicle within its given budget, tthe design team eliminated several features based on the original design. What is therelationship between criteria and constraints?A. EnhancingB. CompetingC. EliminatingD. Complimenting

101. A wise designer should realize:A. every problem has a technological solution.B. all designs have multiple problems and solutions.C. it does not matter who addresses the problem, as long as it is addressed.D. it is inappropriate to address some design problems

102. Before a design solution can be refined, it should first be:A. processed.B. sketched.C. marketed.D. tested.

103. A linear (straight forward) approach to develop a product will predict which of the following outcomes?A. Each phase is addressed independently, one step at a time.B. The phases overlap and are addressed at the same time.C. There is no organized process.D. Each phase is optional wherein the sequence of the process changes each time.

104.While testing a prototype of a wheelchair lift, Tonya discovers a performance error before it swings the wheelchair inside the door. What isher next step to solve the problem?A. Communicate resultsB. Choose another ideaC. Modify the prototypeD. Research materials used

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105. The advancement of scientific knowledge is promoted by using:A. the tools of technology and engineering.B. mythology as a starting point for explaining the natural world.C. traditions handed down from past generations.D. aesthetics and its effect on the marketability of the product.

106. A technology club completed an entry for the video promotional competition, and is required to present it to the judges to explain the processused to create it. Which design process step will the club complete?A. BrainstormingB. Make a prototypeC. Define the problemD. Communicate the results

107.When refining a design, which method would yield information to improve the efficiency of the design?A. Computer simulationsB. Working drawingsC. Design constraintsD. Consumer preference

108. High school students are developing a Technology Education website to educate the local community about the school’s Engineering Designprogram. Which question is most likely to be asked in the problem analysis phase of the engineering design process?A. Who will be viewing the web site?B. How will the success of the web site be measured?C. What does the community need to know about the program?D. Are both sides of an issue included in the website?

109.When solving design problems it is important to clearly understand the problem. To accomplish this it is important to:A. solve the problem.B. define the problem.C. classify the problem.D. select the problem.

110.When making a design proposal it is critical to explain all of the following EXCEPT:A. function of the product.B. purpose of the product.C. drawings of the final product.D. original brainstorming list.

111. The engineering design process is a series of steps that are:A. critical.B. linear.C. optional.D. iterative.

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112. Part of the design process is to select an approach to use when choosing a final product to produce. Which approach is LEAST important tomake a reliable decision?A. Ask experts what they thinkB. Randomly choose the best three ideasC. Build prototypes of the final ideasD. Run a test on the computer

113.Which of the following must be clearly defined?A. Design problemsB. Product test resultsC. Product researchD. Product drawings

114. The process used to make a design or system as effective or efficient as possible.A. OptimizationB. Complex systemsC. Nuclear EnergyD. Divergent thinking

115. The process used to maximize the function, market appeal, and safety of a new technology is referred to as:A. risk analysisB. optimizationC. specificationsD. transfer

116.Many airplanes are constructed largely out of aluminum even though steel is a stronger material. This is an example of:A. choosing a more economical solution.B. designing for recycling.C. optimizing design trade-offs.D. developing a simple manufacturing system.

117.What is the last step in the design process?A. Developing a working prototypeB. Patenting the productC. Reporting the progress of the projectD. Presenting the solution

118. The general requirements and limitations that are incorporated into the design of a structure are known as:A. creativity and innovation.B. form and function.C. criteria and constraints.D. marketability and safety.

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119. An engineer designing a laptop is told the device should be convenient to carry. This is likely to affect the design process, creatingconstraints on:A. size and weightB. handle featuresC. processor speedD. applications and functions

120. A speed boat is not permitted to go faster than 100 knots in a lake. Therefore, the company decides to redesign the throttle so it can only go95 knots. This would be an example of a:A. constraint.B. criteria.C. trade-off.D. design challenge.

121. The requirements for a product to function efficiently is called:A. the trade-offsB. the impactsC. the collaborationsD. the criteria

122. If a product does not meet the established criteria during production, issues related to its:A. designs must be investigated.B. ergonomics must be investigated.C. quality control must be investigated.D. regulations must be investigated.

123. Considering the given criteria and constraints, competing factors that will jeopardize the product's efficiency will require a:A. budget.B. specification.C. spin-off.D. trade-off.

124. A design team is making a new container for milk, and the customer needs the container to be 9" tall exactly. The size specification isconsidered a:A. criteriaB. constraintC. limitationD. function

125. A design challenge is given that says, "create a bird house, but do not let it cost more than $20.00 in materials". The cost of the birdhousewould be considered a:A. criteriaB. constraintC. requirementD. example

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126. Identifying both desired elements and limitations of a product or system is called:A. requirements.B. resources.C. recommendations.D. risks.

127. A newly constructed bridge was inspected to evaluate the load capacity of the bridge. During the inspection, fatigue cracks and stressfractures were discovered on the deck and supports. After reviewing the original plans, it was discovered the bridge was not built to originalspecifications (requirements). What did the engineers most likely ignore when designing the bridge?A. Planning and developingB. Criteria and constraintsC. Testing the bridgeD. Safety procedures

128. The purpose of a case study when conducting problem-solving research is to:A. select an appropriate solution to a problem.B. document where and how others have made mistakes in solving a problem.C. make sure the designer has not stolen other's solutions or ideas.D. assess the current understanding of a problem.

129.Which design constraints are likely to compete with each other when designing a fuel cell for a rocket?A. Color and material choiceB. Programming and ease of useC. Weight and power outputD. Warranty and radioactivity

130. The criteria and constraints of a product or system and the determination of how they affect the final design and development are called:A. requirements.B. resources.C. recommendations.D. risks.

131.What type of conceptual drawing would best illustrate how to put an entertainment center together?A. Pictorial drawingB. Orthographic drawingC. Systems drawingD. Design drawing

132.Which type of design project would testing a design using computer-based simulation be required?A. Truss bridgeB. Rocking chairC. Screen doorD. Baseball glove

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133.When designing a roof for a greenhouse a variety of angles must be measured and cut accurately. What tool should be used to measure theangles?A. French curveB. LaserC. ProtractorD. Ruler

134. The exchange of information in visual form, such as words, drawings, photographs, or a combination of these is:A. linear logo.B. conceptual/graphic communication.C. mathematical modeling.D. virtual design.

135. The productivity of a design may be established by testing a:A. prototype.B. working drawing.C. mock-up.D. conceptual model.

136.When testing electric motors, students discovered that when the input power increased, the speed of the motor shafts (rpm) increased. Whichgraphical representations would best enable the students to systematically examine this relationship?A. Bar ChartB. Line GraphC. Pie ChartD. Scatter Plot

137.When looking at the front view of a visual object in an orthographic drawing, the missing dimension from the view would be the:A. thickness.B. width.C. depth.D. height.

138. Shirley and Bob are testing three mathematical models to see which one is best for modeling the power consumption of their school. Theyshould determine which model is best by choosing the one that:A. uses information that is easiest to obtain.B. reports the lowest power consumption.C. most closely matches the current power consumption.D. uses variables most important to the study of power consumptions.

139.Which step in the design process utilizes information gathered during the testing of products to present findings to stakeholders?A. Developing a working prototypeB. Patenting the productC. Planning the presentationD. Communicating the results

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140. A working model used to test a design during development is called a:A. prototype.B. constraint.C. product.D. master design.

141. Three-dimensional models are typically used for:A. simulating and testing design ideas.B. small batch production.C. a technical drawing.D. optimizing the manufacturing process.

142. If Fred were to design a new type of cell phone and he builds a replica of what the case would look like, he would be constructing a(n):A. duplicate.B. mock-up.C. prototype.D. experiment.

143. The class races their electric cars that they built. A tape measure is glued to the floor between the lanes. Ali videotapes the races. Whitneylooked at the videos and recorded the position, by the tape, of each car in each frame, so she could plot their speed on a graph. What programshould she use to record the data?A. WordB. PowerPointC. ExcelD. Publisher

144. Dr. Sandy, an engineer at Handy and Associates, is working on a project. To communicate procedures, flow charts, drawings, graphics,symbols, spreadsheets, graphs, time charts, and webpages will be included in her:A. Company Newsletter.B. Engineering Design Journal.C. Personal Diary.D. Facebook Page.

145.Which step of the engineering design process would use a graph to communicate the results?A. Defining a problemB. Exploring possibilitiesC. Making a prototypeD. Evaluating the design

146.What is the best choice for communicating information about the design process that will be used to develop a plan for a new mass transitsystem?A. A three-dimensional model of a bus that runs on ethanolB. Drawings of different mass transit routesC. A list of ideas about mass transit problemsD. A flow chart showing steps in coming up with the plan

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147.You need to boil water and have two containers. The first container holds 20 ounces of water and the second holds 70 ounces. It takes longer for the 70 ounces to boil because it requires more of what type of energy?A. ThermalB. RadiantC. ElectricalD. Nuclear

148. In a hydroelectric power plant, what is considered the source of energy?A. flowing waterB. spinning turbineC. spinning generatorD. homes and business which use the electricity

149. The magnetron in a microwave oven creates microwaves. The microwaves inside the cooking area are an example of what type of energy?A. RadiantB. ChemicalC. NuclearD. Electrical

150. A typical gasoline engine converts gasoline into exhaust, heat, and useful mechanical power. Which type of graphic would visualize the change of energy in an easy to read manner?A. Sankey DiagramB. Bulleted ListC. Venn diagramD. Bar graph

151. In an electric vehicle what is considered the be the load?A. The batteriesB. The electric motorC. the gasoline engineD. The operator

152. Which of the following is considered a renewable energy resource?A. SolarB. OilC. Natural GasD. Uranium

153. Tim is experimenting with different size bowling balls. He notices that even though he throws the different balls at the same speed, that thelarger balls tend to cause the pins to move farther and faster when hit. The larger bowling balls have more of what type of energy?A. MechanicalB. RadiantC. ChemicalD. Electrical

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154. Many of today's largest aircraft carrier's use heavy atoms as fuel, and the atoms are split in a fission reactor. This reaction generates heat which is used to produce steam. The steam then spins a turbine and thus the propeller. Which of the following shows the progression of energy through this system?A. Nuclear to Thermal to Mechanical EnergyB. Chemical to Thermal to NuclearC. Nuclear to Radiant to ChemicalD. Chemical to Nuclear to Mechanical

155. In a nuclear fission reaction what is considered to be the process?A. The uranium atomsB. The electricityC. homes and business which use the electricityD. The splitting of the atoms

156. Wind turbines are becoming a more popular form of energy. Which of the following is a reason why wind turbine use is increasing?A. Wind turbines provide a clean, renewable source of energy.B. Wind turbines do not produce the same amount of energy because of the varying nature of the windC. Large wind farms are required to meet the needs of entire cities.D. Wind turbines produce noise

157. For a coal burning power plant, which of the following is considered to be the load?A. The coalB. spinning generatorC. the boilerD. homes and business which use the electricity

158. Over the years, batteries have become smaller, yet contain more energy. Today's lithium batteries have allowed cell phones to last much longer between recharges and yet be small enough to fit in the pocket. Lithium batteries contain more of this type of energy than that of older battery technologies.A. ChemicalB. ElectricalC. NuclearD. Mechanical

159. A hydroelectric dam uses flowing water to spin a turbine which in turn spins a generator which produces electricity. The input of the hydroelectric dam is the mechanical energy in the flowing water. What type of energy is the output of the dam?A. ElectricalB. RadiantC. ChemicalD. Nuclear

160. Nuclear energy from uranium is:

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A. a non-renewable resourceB. a renewable resourceC. a fossil resourceD. not a source of energy

161. When atoms are split they release a lot of thermal energy. The reaction must be controlled or a reactor can overheat causing a meltdown. A reactor meltdown is a concern related to what type of energy?A. nuclear energyB. radiant energyC. mechanical energyD. electrical

162. Energy is stored in a battery in the form of chemical energy. The chemical energy is then converted to electrical energy to run an electricmotor. The electric motor changes the electrical energy into mechanical energy. This change is an example of what law?A. First Law of ThermodynamicsB. Newton's First Law of MotionC. Ohm's LawD. Kepler's Law

163. All of the following are examples of ceramics EXCEPT?A. glassB. tungsten carbideC. clayD. titanium

164. When a space craft reenters the atmosphere, friction causes an intense amount of heat on the outer skin. What heat resistant material would be good to protect the spacecraft while reentering?A. CeramicB. SemiconductorC. MetalD. Plastic

165. When selecting a material for use in a product, each material has advantages and disadvantages. One must view the qualities of each material and make compromises as they design the final product. This compromise is known as aA. Trade-off.B. Desired ResultC. Undesired ResultD. Manufacturing Process

166. Concrete is exceptionally high in compression strength but relativity weak in _______________ strength, because it can easily be pulledapart.A. TensileB. CreepC. FractureD. Hardness167. All of the following are properties of metal EXCEPT?

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A. Can be polished to lustrous finishB. Low DensityC. MalleableD. Good Conductor of electricity168. The ability of a material to resist various kinds of rapidly changing stresses is known as?A. Fatigue StrengthB. Creep Strength.C. HardnessD. Tensile strength169. Fiberglass is a combination of fiber and resin. This combination would be an example of what type of material?A. CompositeB. SemiconductorC. MetalD. Ceramic170. A computer processor can become extremely hot and must be cooled. A heat sink is placed on top of the processor to extract its heat. Whatmaterial should the heat sink be made from?A. MetalB. ceramicC. PlasticD. Composite171. Since 2 liter plastic bottles can be melted and reshaped they are an example of what type of plastic?A. ThermosetB. ThermoplasticC. NylonD. Polystyrene172. Carbon fiber is exceptionally high in ______________________ strength, but relativity weak in compression strength, because it can not beeasily pulled apart.A. TensileB. CreepC. FractureD. Hardness173. A general contrator is preparing to build a new single family home. This particular location has several large rocks and small trees that willinterfere with the construction of the home. Which part of the construction process should the contractor be concerned with at this time?A. Preparing the siteB. Setting foundationsC. completing the siteD. installing utilites174.What is the systematic process of erecting structures to meet human needs and desires?A. ConstructionB. ManufacturingC. Energy & PowerD. Transportation175.What scientific principle would an electrictian need to know when designing and installing wiring in new construction?A. Volume and flow rates

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B. Ohm's lawC. ConvectionD. Conduction176.What scientific principle would a plumber need to know when designing and installing plumbing in new construction?A. Volume and flow ratesB. Ohm's lawC. ConvectionD. Conduction177. A new grocery store is being built. At this time the structure is enclosed and the utilites have been installed. What would be the next step inthe construction process?A. Preparing the siteB. Setting foundationsC. Finishing the exteriorD. Building the framework178.Which construction method consists of interlocking foam or plastic forms that are filled with concrete?A. Insulated Concrete FormsB. EarthshipC. AdobeD. Structural Insulated Panels179. All of the following are examples of processes and procedures used in construction, EXCEPT?A. Availability of resourcesB. Scientific conceptsC. Mathematical calculationsD. impact of interchangeable parts180.Which construction method would be best for a home that meets the following criteria? 1) Uses local, natural, or recycled materal, 2) Placesan emphasis on solar heating and cooling, 3) Will be "off-the-grid" (minimizing reliance on public utilities).A. Insulated Concrete FormsB. EarthshipC. AdobeD. Structural Insulated Panels181.When Cindy types a message using her phone on-screen keyboard, she is performing what part of the communication system?A. EncodingB. DecodingC. TransmittingD. Storing182. Mason has a new Wifi enabled thermostat, which allows him to adjust and monitor his heating and cooling system remotely. One day Masonrealizes he left the heat running at his house and uses his smart phone to turn the system off. What type of communication has Masonengaged in?A. human to human, human to machineB. human to machine, machine to machineC. machine to human, human to machineD. machine to machine, machine to human

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183. A small band gets a few of their family and friends together for a live concert. Which of the following devices would be considered to be thedecoder?A. MicrophoneB. AmplifierC. SpeakerD. CD Recorder184. Jackie is at a fast food restaurant and is surprised to find a machine with touch screen not only takes your order but also receives yourpayment. The new ordering system is an example of what type of communication?A. human to humanB. human to machineC. machine to humanD. machine to machine185. Michael sets his alarm on his cell phone to ring at 6:45am so he can get ready for school. The next morning the alarm rings loudly andMichael gets out of bed. The morning alarm awakening him is an example of what type of communication?A. human to humanB. human to machineC. machine to humanD. machine to machine186. Technologies that include inputs, processes, and outputs associated with sending and receiving information is an example of :A. TransportationB. CommunicationC. ManufacturingD. Energy and Power187.When a person talks into a telephone, the microphone converts the sound waves into electrical signals. What part of the communicationsystem is the microphone doing?A. EncodingB. DecodingC. SourceD. Destination188. The family dog accidently hit Tyrone's radio and broke off the antenna. What has happened to the radio?A. The source is damaged.B. The encoder is damaged.C. The transmitter is damaged.D. The receiver is damaged.189. A GPS system consists of a network of satellites in orbit and a ground based receiver to determine its position. The GPS satellites andreceiver use what type of communication?A. human to humanB. human to machineC. machine to humanD. machine to machine190. Amy is a pilot for a large company that is designing a new fuel efficient jet aircraft. As her company finishes a new design Amy spends hours

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flying the plane using an aircraft simulator. In the simulator Amy can take-off, fly, and land the aircraft virtually. Amy's interaction with thesimulator is what type of communication?A. human to humanB. human to machineC. machine to humanD. machine to machine191. A radio station broadcasts popular music on the FM band in a local area. What part of this system is considered to be the input?A. the music at the radio stationB. the FM wavesC. the listener's radioD. The listener192. Mr. Anderson has decided to ride the Amtrak train from North Carolina to Washington DC. He orders his tickets online and pays with a giftcard he received as a present. When he arrives at the depot he goes up to a ticket machine and types in his confirmation number and he isdispensed a train ticket. What type of communication was Mr. Anderson engaged in at the train depot?A. human to humanB. human to machineC. machine to humanD. machine to machine193.While riding in a taxi, Fernando notices a large red 8 sided sign. Even though Fernando does not speak or read the local language he knowsthat this sign means stop. The sign has communicated to him using what means?A. Non-verbalB. VerbalC. DigitalD. Virtual194. DetroitAve, a game company, posts a recruitment ad on a social media website where graphic designers share and critique work. DetroitAve'sadvertisement is an example of which type of communication purpose?A. Persuade designers to apply for a jobB. Inform designers about the upcoming releaseC. Educate designers on their video gamesD. Entertain Designers with interesting graphics195. Closed-loop communication systems all have:A. digital signals, wires, and electronics.B. sensors, storage devices and information displaysC. inputs, processes, outputs, and feedbackD. human operators, networks, and satellites dealing with input and output196. On a desktop computer, what is an example of an output device?A. KeyboardB. MouseC. PrinterD. Microphone197. Denna is a dancer and creates a video teaching others to perform new dance moves and puts it on a popular video website. Lian loves to watchDenna's videos and enjoys practicing the new moves herself when she gets home. What is the purpose of the videos?

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A. PersuadeB. EntertainC. EducateD. Manage198.You are typing a paper and the class is about to end. Since you need to continue working on the paper later, what is the next step in thecommunication system?A. Store the message for later retrievalB. Transmit the message immediatelyC. Find a new sourceD. Change the message's destination199. Dillon has autopay setup on his electricity bill. On the payment due date the amount of the bill is automatically drafted from Dillon’s bankaccount and deposited in the account of his local electric company. The autopay is an example of what type of communication?A. human to humanB. human to machineC. machine to humanD. machine to machine200. A new email in your inbox represents which part of the communication process for that message?A. InputB. ProcessC. OutputD. Feedback and Control201.What transportation system is designed to move harvested grain up into silos or grain bins.A. Grain ElevatorB. CombineC. ConveyorsD. Rotary tiller202.What system produces, processes, and distributes food, fiber, fuel, chemical, and other useful productsA. agriculture.B. energy and power.C. telemedicine.D. construction.203. All of the following transportation technologies are ultized in moving products from their natural occurring elements to consumers,EXCEPT.A. Grain ElevatorB. CombineC. ConveyorsD. Rotary tiller204.Which mode of transportation is preferred if you need to travel a long distance as quickly as possible?A. LandB. WaterC. IntermodalD. Air205. Soybeans have many uses, from food to fuel and even lubricants. Before the soybeans can be converted into useful products they must be:

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A. cleaned, dried, and cooledB. cleaned, treated, and frozenC. sorted, dried, and thawedD. stored, treated, and cooled

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