

Humanitarian-Economical Faculty

The department of Philosophy and Political Science


to the discipline

"Regional security in Central Asia"

For students

Semey 2014

Author: doctor of political science, professor Iskakova G.K.

Approved at the session of the department of Philosophy and Political Science

Protocol _____ _______________ 2014 .

Head of the department of Philosophy and Political Science

Discussed at the session of Academic-Methodical Council of Humanitarian-Juridical Faculty

Protocol _____ _______ ____________2014


Approved by the Scientific Council of the faculty

Protocol ____ ____ _________2014

Dean of Humanitarian-economical faculty

_______________ V.K.Tolymgozhinova


1. General information:

1.1 Title of the discipline: "Regional security in the Central Asia"

1.2 Department: "Philosophy and Political Science"

1.3 Address of the department: building #1, room #512

1.4 Lecturer: Iskakova Gulnar Kozhagulovna

1.5 Contact information: E-mail: [email protected]

1.6 Office hours: 9.00-17.00 every day

1.7 Number of credits: 3

1.8 Extract from the study plan





Practical lessons



Forms of control









Pre-requisites of the discipline: History of Kazakhstan

Post-requisites of the discipline: National security, Political regionality

2. Explanatory note for the discipline:

General information about the course:

The course is aimed to study the problem of regional and international security in Central Asia on the basis of historic, comparative and problem-based approaches, and as a result of the course study the students will get the fundamental knowledge of modern system of international relations in Central Asia, and of the main threats and risks which influence upon the regional and international security.

The suggested course should be learnt by students of Political Science, International relations, Regional studies, History and Fundamentals of law and economics as an elective course.

The course includes students acquaintance with the content of disciplines International relations, International political institutes and New threats of global development. The discipline will be included into the content of specialities History and Fundamentals of law and economics of Shakarim State University of Semey. .

Importance of the course. The collapse of the USSR marked the end of bipolar system, and has led to the beginning of a new stage in international relations. Such non-traditional challenges as regional and local conflicts, international terrorism, drug traffic, uncontrolled migration and others come to the forefront of international security sphere.

The emergence of fifteen new States in place of a homogeneous in political, ideological, partly economic and cultural fields huge country, has become one of the hotbeds of instability.

Manifestations of instability were the growth of ethno-national and ethno-separatist moods, ethnic and territorial conflicts, the intensification of extremist forces and organized crime, and others.

Central Asia is a region where different civilizational models, religion, culture and socio-political structures coexist and confront, as well as this region is characterized by uneven development of individual States.

The most important reserves of natural resources are located in the region that attracts the attention of world powers.

At the same time, today the Central Asia has become one of politically unstable regions, what is connected with the events in Kyrgyzstan, which can lead to serious regional conflicts.

The difficult financial and socio-economic situation connected with the global financial crisis and unfavorable political situation (Kyrgyzstan) create serious obstacles on the way to optimal solutions of these problems, bearing the threat of conflicts between neighboring States, intensification of illegal cross-border activity (terrorism and organized crime, drug trafficking, uncontrolled migration and etc), which threaten the national security.

Central Asia was the object of repeated attacks of trans-boundary extremist groups, who receive financial and other resources from regional drug mafia (according to some expert estimates, the annual turnover of the latter is more than 40 billion dollars, that much exceeds the annual budget of all Central Asian States combined).

In connection with the above, the joint cooperation in regional and international security within the framework of such international organizations as the CIS, OSCE, CSTO, SCO and others seems to be important and necessary.

However, in conditions of the post-Soviet space, limited material and resource base, hidden interstate contradictions, inconsistencies and other factors lead to the low efficiency of regional security policy of CIS, and considerably reduce effectiveness of such cooperation.Geographically, the course covers the five States: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

The aim and objectives of the course:

Aim of the course: to give a broad idea about conditions and perspectives of international relations and regional security development in Central Asia; describe the foreign policy strategy of Central Asian States, and the policy of major world powers (the US, China and Russia) in the Central Asian region; to analyze the dynamics of the political situation in Central Asian States; to consider the most difficult international political problems of the region.

Teaching and learning tasks of the course:

As a result of the course learning, the students should be able

- to know: aim and objectives of the course, problems of major countries of the Central Asia, foreign affairs strategies of the major foreign players in the region;

- to do: use textbooks, reference books and scientific literature and statistical data about the stated problem, analyze conflicts in the region, foreign policy initiatives and economic interests of the interested countries, perspectives for the development of Central Asia countries, and of the region in general.

- to have: understanding of current political problems of the Central Asia, including arguable, causing contradictions between the major participants, as well as the possible variants of their solutions.

- to possess: skills of critical evaluation of analytical and scientific materials on the given problem, orientation in policies of bilateral and multilateral relations in the Central-Asian region, assess and understand external political interests of the Central Asian countries and the key powers USA, China and Russia; after completing the course, the student should master analyzing skills for the international situation in the region in terms of political and economic perspectives of the Central Asian States interaction, and Kazakhstan first of all.

3. Distribution of hours by type of lessons (thematic plan)

Name of the theme

Total hours


Practical lessons



Concept, subject and method of the course Regional security in Central Asia




Regional security as a subject for scientific discussions




Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of Central Asian countries.




Military-strategic, political and economic interests of the USA, China and Russia in Central Asia: main priorities and promotion mechanisms for their interests




World powers policy towards Central Asian countries: history and modernity




International experience for the policy of international and regional security




Territorial-economic, ethno-social and political contradictions, challenges and threats in Central Asia: reasons and consequences




Forming the system of regional security in Central Asia: contradictions, conditions and perspectives.




Problems of regional security in Central Asia




Regional integration of Central Asia: prerequisites, forms, contradictions




heme 1. Concept, subject and method of the course Regional security in Central Asia

1. Scientific orientation of the course. Importance of the course.

2. Contents and system of the course: aim and objectives.

3. Learning resources of the discipline: norm-and-law acts, scientific and methodic literature, native and foreign experience.

4. Teaching methods for the course.

Students Independent Work under Tutorship (SIWT). Design of bibliographic directory for the disciplines themes.

heme 2. Regional security as a subject for scientific discussions

1. Theoretical-methodological approaches to the regional securitys problem study.

2. Problems connected with international and regional security

3. Regional political processes and regional policy.

SIWT. Essay (choose a theme from the given list).

heme 3. Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of Central Asian countries.

1. Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of the Central Asian region.

2. Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of Uzbekistan.

3 Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of Kyrgyzstan.

4 Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of Tajikistan.

5 Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of Turkmenistan.

6 External political interests of Central Asian countries.

SIWT. Group work, discussion on Geopolitical and resource-strategic opportunities and contradictions of Central Asian countries.

heme 4. Military-strategic, political and economic interests of the USA, China and Russia in Central Asia: main priorities and promotion mechanisms for their interests

1 Military-strategic, political and economic interests of the USA in Central Asia.

2 Military-strategic, political and economic interests of China in Central Asia.

3 Military-strategic, political and economic interests of Russia in Central Asia.

4 Interests of world powers and Kazakhstan in Caspian region.

SIWT. Group work, discussion on Military-strategic, political and economic contradictions of the USA, China and Russia in Central Asia.

heme 5. World powers policy towards Central Asian countries: history and modernity

1. Policy of the USA in Central Asian region in -1 centuries.

2. Evolution of Russias policy in Central Asia.

3. Chinas policy in Central Asia.

4. The role of Central Asian borders in the new international situation.

SIWT. Questions for the discussion

1. Name the main approaches to the studies of international relations and policies of countries for the development of international security.

2. What are the main approaches to the studies of Central Asian international relations?

3. Name the main schools of studies for international relations.

4. Characterize the modern conditions of research for Central Asian security problems.

hme 6. International experience for the policy of international and regional security

1. Practical approaches to ensuring international and regional security

2. Integration processes: European experience.

3. International practice in solving territorial and other conflicts among countries.

IWST. Questions for discussions

1. What are the main threats for international security in Central Asia?

2. What is the modern external policy of China in Central Asian region?

3. How international relations are being formed in Caspian region?

4. What is the policy of international community in relation to Afganistan?

hme 7. Territorial-economic, ethno-social and political contradictions, challenges and threats in Central Asia: reasons and consequences

1 Sources of conflicts in Central Asia. Classification of threats, challenges and risks in the region.

2 Territorial disagreements, religious extremism and sources of ethnopolitical tension. Characteristics of challenges for regional security in the context of territorial and ethnopolitical problems.

3 Illegal transboder operations (contraband, illegal migration, drug trafficking etc.) and the fight against them.

4 Ecological problems. Disagreements in joint exploitation of natural resources (transborder water-bodies and others).

5. Caspian shelf dividing issue as a source for conflicts.

6. Afghan factor and problems of regional security in Central Asia.

SIWT. Group work, discussion of International situation in Central Asia. Possible causes of destabilization in the region.

Theme 8. Forming the system of regional security in Central Asia: contradictions, conditions and perspectives.

1. Central Asian countries as subjects of international relations. Institutional possibilities and perspectives for regional integration in Central Asia.

2. Conceptual approaches and policies of Central Asian countries to ensuring regional security. Practical application of conceptual approaches: results and lessons.

3. Modern condition of bilateral relations in Central Asian region. Regional security through the development of transborder cooperation.

4. Perspectives of integration for Central Asian countries in frames of CIS, Customs Union, and other international structures.

5. Communicational and economic interdependence. Economic cooperation. Eurasian economic community.

6. Mechanisms of interaction to countries of the region in frames of the Organization of agreement for collective safety (OACS)

7. Place and role of Shankhai Organization of Cooperation (SOC) in ensuring regional safety.

SIWT. Essay (choosing the theme of suggested list).

Theme 9. Problems of regional security in Central Asia: domestic aspects in theories and in practice.

1. Problems in economic sphere.

2. Social sphere of security as one of indicators of economic safety.

3. Ecological problems in Central Asia.

4. Problems in political and military sphere.

SIWT. Questions for discussion

1. Your opinion on the information sphere - as a new sphere of security.

2. Analysis of external political and domestic political actions in Central Asia.

Theme 10. Regional integration of Central Asia: prerequisites, forms, contradictions

1. Peculiarities of the regional security system in Central Asia in the 90s of XX century, and in the beginning of XXI century.

2. Interests of Kazakhstan in the context of regional security of Central Asia.

3. Activities of international organizations in the region.

SIWT. Questions for discussion

1. What are the main problems of integration of Central Asian countries?

2. What kind of contradictions and difficulties, do you think, take place in the process of forming the system of regional security in Central Asia?

3. What place does CIS take in forming the regional security?

4. What place does OACS take in building the regional security?

SIWT. Questions for discussion

What are the main problems of integration of Central Asian countries?

What kind of contradictions and difficulties, do you think, take place in the process of forming the system of regional security in Central Asia?

What place does CIS take in forming the regional security?

What place does CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization/) take in building the regional security?

5. Tasks for Students Independent Work


Form work


Geopolitical, economic and ethno-national peculiarities of Central Asian countries.


GlossaryEnglish-Russian, English-kaz.


World powers policy towards Central Asian countries: history and modernity


Review article


Forming the system of regional security in Central Asia: contradictions, conditions and perspectives.


Review article

GlossaryEnglish-Russian, English-kaz.


Localization and solution of social and political conflicts in Central Asia: experience, difficulties and perspectives.




Regional integration of Central Asia: prerequisites, forms, contradictions


Control work



landmark control


Scores at work


According to Teacher suggested themes (see below)


10 week



According to Teacher suggested themes (see below)


14 week


Implementation of the Project implies a group work. Students choose a theme, do a joint research work.

Structure of the Project:

1. Aim, objectives and results expected

2. Topicality, newness

3. Referate (minimum 10 pages)

4. Bibliography (includes major referenced articles in international scientific journals, books and other sources).

Methodic recommendations to students:

Structure of the Referate:

1. Introduction: topicality of the theme (historical and political importance, interconnection with the main problems of international security), the aim and objectives.

2. Treatment of the topic, on the basis of the processed collected material, the formulation of the interim provisions and conclusions, their reasoning

3. Conclusion: generalizations and reasoned conclusions on the theme of indicating the value of the conclusions for the disclosure of the subjects studied in the course.


1. The major religions and civilizational models presented in Central Asia

2. Approaches to the study of international relations in Central Asia.

3. Geopolitical peculiarities of the Central Asian region.

4. The major schools of international relations studies.

5. The importance of Caspyi and Central Asia for the world politics.

6. Contradictions in interstate relations of Central Asian countries.

7. Global ruling: roles of the USA, Russia and China

8. Main factors of Central Asia development

9. Modern conditions of studies of security problems in Central Asia review.

10. Main conflict theories of XXI century

11. Events in Kyrgyzstan in 2010: reasons, character and consequences

12. Modern external policy of China in Central Asian region

13. International relations in Caspian region

14. Central Asia

15. Afgan conflict and threats for Central Asia

16. Regional security of Central Asia and interests of Kazakhstan

17. Territorial division of Caspyi and problems of border security of Kazakhstan

18. Perspectives of transborder cooperation in Caspian region.

19. Central Asia in Russias policy

20. Central Asia in US policy.

21. Central Asia in Chinas policy.

22. Caspian region as the epicenter of world problems

23. Perspectives of Shanghai Organization Cooperations development

24. The Institutes of regional integration in Central Asian region

25. The influence of international intergovernmental organizations on the worlds policies.

26. Tendencies in changing the agenda of CSTO.

27. Conflict in Kyrgyzstan: interaction of actors.

28. Interests of various actors in the question of natural resources delivery from Central Asian countries.

29. The problem of regional conflicts in Central Asia

30. Modern terrorism: actors and factors in Central Asia

31. Comparative analysis of resources of various actors at the impact of worlds politics.

32. Features of intergovernmental organizations in Central Asia: comparative analysis

33. Conflicts of 1 century in Central Asia: actors and factors (choose a concrete example)

34. Military operation of USA in Afganistan: results and lessons

35. The world communitys politics related to Afganistan

36. Interests and positions of various actors in relation to the nuclear program of Iran

37. External policy of Kazakhstan, its relations with USA, China and Russia.

38. Main difficulties and problems on the way to the integration of Central Asian countries.

39. The system of national interests of RK as the basis for security strategies and policies.

40. The potential of international cooperation in implementation of national interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

41. Development and implementation of strategic interstate projects in the framework of the CIS, EurAsEC, SCO.

42. Perspectives, content and priorities of the strategic cooperation of Kazakhstan with specific countries, regions (EU, Asia Pacific Region) and international organizations.

43. The concept of the defense capability of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization and a new correlation of forces in the world.

44. Terrorism as a threat to modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan

45. International and Kazakhstani experience of fighting against terrorism

46. Scientific, expert and informational support of the system of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan

6. Tasks for SIWT


Form of learning




By students choice


According to time-table



According to Teacher suggested themes (see below)


According to time-table


Methodical instructions to students:

Part of the sources listed in the list of recommended literature, contain the e-mail addresses at which they are available in the Internet in the form of full text documents. A number of issues discussed in lecture topics may be disputable, therefore, recommended literature presents different points of view on this or that problem. Boundary control of this course make up the exam.

When preparing to write an essay, the following points should be considered:

The essay expresses the individual experiences and considerations on specific cause or issue, and obviously does not claim a decisive or exhaustive treatment of the subject.

As a rule, essay implies a new, subjectively colored word about something, and can have a philosophical, historical and biographical, publicistic, literary-critical, scientific-popular, belletristic character.

Students essay is a self-written paper on a theme suggested by a teacher (theme can be suggested by a student too, but must be agreed with the teacher). The purpose of the essay is the development of skills of independent creative thinking and of written expression of own thoughts.

To write an essay is extremely useful as it allows the author to learn how to clearly and competently formulate thoughts, structure the information, use the main categories of analysis, to highlight the cause-and-effect relations, to illustrate concepts with relevant examples, to substantiate their conclusions; to practice scientific style of speech.Essays must contain: a clear statement of the problem, include self-made analysis of this problem using the concepts and analytical tools considered in the framework of the discipline, including conclusions, summary of the author's position on the problem.

Depending on specifics of the discipline, essays may significantly differentiate.

In some cases, it can be an analysis of available statistical data on the problem under study, analysis of materials from the mass media and the use of studied models, a detailed analysis of the proposed tasks with deployed opinions, selection and detailed analysis of examples to illustrate the problem, etc.

(See AMCD/Academic Methodic Complex of Discipline/, Section Methodic recommendations for Students Independent Work


1. Central Asia in world politics and economy: general overview.

2. The main religions and civilizational models presented in Central Asia

3. Approaches to the study of international relations in Central Asia

4. Geopolitical peculiarities of the Central Asian region

5. Major schools of studies of international relations

6. The importance of Caspyi and Central Asia for the world politics

7. Contradictions in interstate relations among Central Asian countries

8. The global ruling: what are roles of USA, Russia and China

9. Modern state of studies on security problems in Central Asia: general overview

10. Main conflict theories of the XXI century

11. Events in Kyrgyzstan in 2010: reasons, character and consequences

12. The modern external policy of China in Central Asian region

13. International relations in Caspian region

14. Central Asia and out-region powers.

15. Afgan conflict and threats for Central Asia

16. Regional security of Central Asia and interests of Kazakhstan

17. Territorial division of Caspyi and problems of border security of Kazakhstan

18. Perspectives of transborder cooperation in Caspian region

19. Caspian region as an epicenter of world problems

20. The influence of international intergovernmental organizations on the world politics

21. The problem of regional conflicts in Central Asia

22. The modern terrorism: actors and factors in Central Asia

23. Features of intergovernmental organizations in Central Asia: comparative analysis

24. Conflicts of the XXI-st century in Central Asia: actors and factors (with concrete example selected)

25. Interests and positions of various actors in relation to Irans nuclear program

26. External policy of Kazakhstan, its relations with the USA, China and Russia

27. The system of national interests of RK as basis for security strategies and policy.

28. The potential of international cooperation for national interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan

29. Development and implementation of strategic interstate projects in the framework of CIS, EurAsEC, SCO

30. Prospects, content and priorities of the strategic cooperation of Kazakhstan with specific countries and regions (EU, Asia Pacific region) and international organizations

31. The concept of the defense capability of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization and a new correlation of forces in the world

32. Terrorism as a threat to modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan

33. International and Kazakhstani experience of fighting against terrorism


1. Territorial disputes and international practice for their solution

2. Describe the main geographical and geopolitical features of the Central Asian countries.

3. What are the main civilizations/religions presented in Central Asia? Give their brief description.

4. Integration processes in post-Soviet space.

5. Major conceptual approaches to regional security in Central Asia.

6. What are the main approaches to the study of international relations in Central Asia?

7. Describe the main sources of conflicts in Central Asia, and also the relations between the Central Asian countries and such world powers as the USA, China and Russia.

8. Suggest the classification of Central Asian countries according to a selected critera. Explain your choice of the criteria.

9. What are the reasons and features of events in Kyrgyzstan? How do they influence on the modern political situation in the region?

10. What are the reasons of Uzbek-Kyrgyz contradictions in -1 centuries?

11. Describe the roles of USA, Russian and China in Central Asian region?

12. Describe external policy strategy of the United States in Central Asian region.

13. Describe external policy strategy of China in Central Asian region.

14. Describe external policy strategy of Russia in Central Asian region.

15. How was the Central Asian system of regional security constructed in the 90s of XXth century, and in the beginning of XXIst.

16. Territorial disputes and international practice of their solution. Integration processes on post-soviet space.

17. Regional security of Central Asia, and interests of Kazakhstan.

18. Territorial division of China, and problems of border security of Kazakhstan.

19. Perspectives of transborder cooperation in Caspian region.

20. Describe the conflict potential in Central Asian region.

21. Describe the main problems which are faced by pre-Caspian countries.

22. Describe political development of Central Asian countries, their external activities.

23. Which external aims do the actors have for the Caspian Central Asian regions?

24. What is the importance of Caspyi and Central Asia for the world politics?

25. Describe the main interstate contradictions and conflicts in Central Asia?

26. Describe the external policy of Kazakhstan. How are the relations of Kazakhstan with the USA, China and Russia being developed?

27. What is the conflict caused by in Afganistan? What is its danger for Central Asian countries?

28. What is the world communitys policy in relation to Afganistan?

29. What are the main problems of integration of Central Asian countries?

30. Give characteristics to regional international organizations.

31. What is the role of SCO in the creation of regional security?

32. What kind of contradictions are there among the USA, China and Russia in Central Asian region?

33. What are the perspectives for the Central Asian region in worlds politics and economy?

34. What are the main threats to international security in Central Asia?


Normative Acts

1. Astana Declaration of the decade of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on 5 July 2005 //

2. The Treaty on collective security of 15 may 1992 // External policy and security of modern Russia. - ., 2002. -V.4. - P.311-3

3. The collective security Treaty (Tashkent Treaty) of 15 may 1992, the // Collection of documents on international law / edited by K. Tokayev. - Almaty: NAO, 1998. - 1.

4. Documents on the formation and functioning of the system of collective security for member-countries of the collective security Treaty // Issue 3. -Moscow: 2001.

5. Declaration on the establishment of Shanghai cooperation organization of June 15, 2001. // External policy and security of modern Russia. 1991-2002. - M: ROSSPEN, 2002. - V.4.

6. The Bylaws of CSTO //

7. The Charter For European Security

8. Charter Of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization//

9. The collective security Treaty (Tashkent Treaty) of 15 may 1992, the // Collection of documents on international law /edited by K. Tokayev.- Almaty: NAO, 1998. - 1.

10. The Treaty on collective security of 15 may 1992 // External policy and security of modern Russia. - M, 2002.- V.4.

11. The law on national security of Kazakhstan // MFA of RK.

12. National security concept of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000, //

Scientific Literature

13. Alekseyeva T. A. Nationalism in the world politics /Contemporary international relations and the world politics / Resp. Editor A. Torkunov. - M, 2004.

14. Alimov, R. M. Central Asia: geoeconomics, geopolitics and security. - Tashkent, 2002.

15. khtyrskaya N. Security as an object of social modeling


16. S. Akimbekov Afghan node and security problems in Central Asia - Almaty, 2003.- 383 p.

17. Bergsten F., B. Gill, Lardy N., Mitchell D. China. What you should know about the new superpower. - M, 2007

18. Bratersky M. V. Economic instruments of the external policy and political risks. - M: HSE, 2010. -p.137-138

19. B. Beshimov Central Asia: the Struggle for energy resources, freedom and security. //

20. Barabanov O. The U.S. policy in Central Asia and Transcaucasia// Southern flank of the CIS. Central Asia - Caspyi - Caucasus. - M, 2003.-p.336.

21. Bazhanov H.E. Tupical problems of international relations// Selected works in 3 volumes. - M: Scientific book, 2002.

22. Botobekov U. Situation in the Ferghana valley. Religious extremism and drug trafficking. - M: Moscow Carnegie Center, 2000.

23. Buzan B. Levels of analysis in international relations // The theory of international relations at the turn of centuries/ Ed. .Bus and S. Smith - M, 2002.

24. Vasiliyeva O. Central Asia: a year after the coup.- M.,1993.

25. Vatulyan F. The region in process of establishing system of international relations // Globalization and regionalism. - M, 2001

26. Vlasov .. Socio-cultural fundamentals of regional security: the essence, contents, conditions of implementation: Avtoreferat dis.... ... - Omsk, 1996.

27. Zhiltsov S.S. Geopolitics of the Caspian region. - M, 2003.

28. Zhirnov D.A. Russia and China in modern international relations. - M: MGIMO, 2002.

29. Ignatov V. The development process of forming the system of collective defence and security in the framework of CST //http://www.mpa

30. China in XXI century: globalization of security interests. Resp. Ed. G.I. Chufrin. - M, 2007. P.63.

31. China. / Ed. by Qin Shi. - Beijing.: Xinxing, 1993.

32. China in world politics /Ed. by rkunov A. M.: ROSSPEN, 2001. - P.528.

33. Knyazev A. Afghan factor and security of Central Asia (XIX - beginning of XXI century) - Dushanbe: Donish, 2004. - P.639.

34. Kasenov U. Security of Central Asia.- Almaty, 1998.

35. A.F. Klimenko. Strategy of development of the Shanghai cooperation organization: problems of defense and security. M., 2008.

36. Kasenov U.T. Security of Central Asia: global, regional and national problems. - Almaty, 1998.

37. Luzyanin S.G. Central Asia in regional and global context: Resources SCO // Shanghai Cooperation Organization: towards the new frontiers of development. - .: FEB RAS, 2008.

38. S.G. Luzyanin Russia and China in Eurasia. Diversification of security systems in cooperation // Rational decisions. -2005. - September 18, //

39. G. Maikova. The U.S. strategy in Central Asia: crisis and the arrangement of regional forces //CentralAsia-2005. //

40. Maslov V.I. Regional security. History and problems of new independent states of Central Asia.- M - Bishkek, 2000.

41. Nikitina U.A. CSTO and SCO. Models of regionalism in the sphere of security. M., 2009.

42. Narbayev B.N. Afghanistan and regional security.- Almaty. - 2001.

43. Olcott M.B., Udalova-Ewart N. Drug traffick on Great Silk Road// Security in Central Asia. - M: Moscow Carnegie Center, 2000.

44. Omarov N. The States of Central Asia in the era of globalization: the search for strategy development. - Bishkek, 2008.

45. Olcott M.B. The second chance for Central Asia. - ., 2005.

46. Panarin S. Migration in context of security: conceptual approaches // Migration and security in Russia. - ., 2000.

47. Politics and interests of great powers in Central Asia before and after 11th of September 2001: geopolitics and security / Under edit. Of .S. shimbayev - lmaty, 2002.

48. Russo . Non-traditional challenges in the sphere of security (terrorism, ethnic conflicts, biological and chemical weapons, organized crime) // Strengthening security in Europe/Eurasia. - ., 2000. - p.248.

49. Shpehler M. Economy and security of states of Central Asia after 11th of September 2001: skeptical view at the situation // Central Asia and Caucasus. 2003. 1(25). - P.44-50.

50. Shishkov I.U. Theories of regional capitalist integration. - Moscow: Thought, 1978.

51. Sharapova S. West analysts about Central Asia and regional system of security// Ten years of external policy of Russia: Mater. 1-st Cenvent RAMI. - ., 2003. - P.528-538.

52. Sharapova S. Triangle of USA West Europe Russia and Central Asia // Central Asia and Caucasus. 2003 . - 1(25).

53. After Empire. The Emerging Geopolitics of Central Asia, J.Snyder ed. Washington': National Defense University Press, 1995.

54. Banuazizi, A., Weiner, M. The New Geopolitics of Central Asia and Its Borderlands. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.

55. Brzezinski, Zb. The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. Basic Books Harper Collins Publishers, Inc, 1997.

56. Buzanj B. People, States and Fear. An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1991.

57. Baldwin D.A. The concept of security / D.A.Baldwin II Review of International Studies. -1997.-Vol. 23. 1. - P.5-26.

58. Baldwin D.A. Security studies and the end of the Cold War / D.A.Baldwin. II World politics. -1995.-Vol. 48. - 1. - P.117-141.Banks M. System Analysis and the Study of Regions / M.Banks II International Studies Quarterly. L., December 1969. - Vol. 13. - 4. - P.335-360.

59. Boyer A.L. US foreign policy in Central Asia. Risks, Ends and Means / A.L.Boyer II Naval War College Review. Winter 2006. Vol.59, - 1. - P.91-117.


Based on the abstracts of lectures and special literature to give a description of the offered questions, give comments and characterization of the relevant subject.

Score for tasks minimum 50%, maximum -100%.

Undone tasks are not assessed.

Forms of control:

Current control:

Ability to speak on the theme;

Written tasks, tests, control work;

Boundary control.

Final control:




not to be late for a lesson

not to be distracted during lessons

not to read inappropriate literature on the lesson

turn off mobile phones

not to miss lessons, in case of illnesses to provide medical certificate

missed lessons should be compensated during teachers given time

undone tasks reduce the final score

actively participate in learning process

everyday participation in lessons

creative approach to tasks

Requirements: in order to participate actively in the work during the lessons, you should be interested in studying the course. All the tasks should be done within the established deadlines. Students should come well-prepared to discuss the material, ask questions, effectively discuss the major constitutional and legal problems, acquire necessary skills to work with educational-methodological and scientific literature, and the constitutional law.During the course it is necessary to raise the problems typical for the environment in this region. All tasks must be presented on time. Jobs executed with a delay, will be assessed with lower score.

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