Page 1: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1).


Page 2: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(2).


Page 3: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Definition: Circle the letter next to the correct answer(1).

1) is the complete stopping of urine formation by the kidneys.

1) Anuria2) Anuresis3) Dysuria4) 1 & 2

2) The are narrow tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

1) glomeruli2) nephrons3) urethras4) ureters

Page 4: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Definition: Circle the letter next to the correct answer(2).

3) is the abnormal hardening of the kidney.1) Nephrectasis2) Nephromalacia3) Nephroptosis4) Nephrosclerosis

4) is the increased excretion of urine. 5) Anuria6) Diuresis7) Dysuria8) Oliguria

Page 5: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Definition: Circle the letter next to the correct answer(3).

5) Urine collects in the before entering the ureters.

1) glomeruli2) nephrons3) renal pelvis4) urinary bladder

6)The exit from the urinary bladder is controlled by .

5) glomeruli6) sphincter7) the urethral meatus8) the urinary meatus

Page 6: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Definition: Circle the letter next to the correct answer(4).

7) The medulla of the kidney contains millions of microscopic units called .

1) glomeruli2) nephrons3) renal pyramids4) renal tubules

8)The male carries both urine and semen.

5) nephron6) renal pelvis7) ureter8) urethra

Page 7: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Definition: Circle the letter next to the correct answer(5).

9) The medulla of the kidney contains millions of microscopic units called .

1) glomeruli2) nephrons3) renal pyramids4) renal tubules

10) The urethral is the external opening of the urethra.

5) capsule6) meatus7) pelvis8) sphincter

Page 8: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Definition: Circle the letter next to the correct answer(6).

11) The suffix –LYSIS describes .1) a therapeutic procedure2) pathology3) the destruction of a kidney stone4) 1 or 2

12) is the surgical fixation of a floating kidney.

5) Nephrolysis6) Nephropathy7) Nephropexy8) Nephrorrhaphy

Page 9: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Definition: Circle the letter next to the correct answer(7).

13) is the surgical repair of the renal pelvis.1) Cystoplasty2) Pyeloplasty3) Pyoplastomy4) Ureteroplasty

14) is the distention of a kidney.

5) Nephrectasis6) Nephroptosis7) Nephropyosis8) Nephrosis

Page 10: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Matching: Write the letter of the correct definition on the line next to each term.

1) Urethroplasty 2) Urethrorrhagia3) Urethrorrhaphy4) Urethrorrhea5) Urethrostenosis

A. abnormal discharge from the urethra

B. bleeding from the urethra

C. rupture of the urethraD. stricture of the urethraE. surgical repair of the

urethraF. to suture the urethra

Page 11: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Missing Words: Write the missing word on the line(1).

1) A/An is an incision of the urinary meatus to enlarge the opening.

2) A/An is a stone lodged in a ureter.3) A/An is the surgical creation of a

permanent opening of the urethra.4) A/An is the surgical fixation of the

bladder to the abdominal wall.5) Urination is also known as or voiding.

Page 12: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Missing Words: Write the missing word on the line(2).

6) A/An is a surgical incision into the renal pelvis. 7) Renal is also known as a kidney stone.8) is the discharge of blood from the ureter.9) means difficult or painful urination.10) means excessive urination .

Page 13: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Missing Words: Write the missing word on the line(3).

11) means the downward placement of a body organ. 12) is the abnormal softening of the kidney.13) The surgical repair of the bladder is called 14) means distention of a ureter.15) is an inflammation of the bladder.

Page 14: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Spellcheck: Select the correct spelling and write it on the line(1).

1) is bleeding from the bladder.a) Cystiorrhagiab) Cystorrhagiac) Cystorrhhagia

2) is the destruction of a kidney stone with the used of ultrasonic waves traveling through water.

a) Lithitrypsyb) Lithotripsyc) Lythotripsy

Page 15: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Spellcheck: Select the correct spelling and write it on the line(2).

3) means unable to control excretory function.

a) Incontanenceb) Incontinancec) Incontinence

4) is also known as bed-wetting. a) Anouresisb) Anuresisc) Enuresis

Page 16: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Spellcheck: Select the correct spelling and write it on the line(3).

5) is a toxic condition caused by excessive waste products in the bloodstream due to kidney dysfunction.

a) Uremeab) Uremiac) Uroemia

6) is the artificial filtration of waste materials from the blood and is used to replace kidney function.

a) Dialisisb) Dialysisc) Dielisis

Page 17: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Spellcheck: Select the correct spelling and write it on the line(4).

7) is a toxic condition caused by excessive waste products in the bloodstream due to kidney dysfunction.

a) Uremeab) Uremiac) Uroemia

8) is the major end product of protein metabolism within the body.

a) Ureab) Ureniac) Urinea

Page 18: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Spellcheck: Select the correct spelling and write it on the line(5).

9) is the surgical removal of a kidney stone through an incision in the kidney.

a) Nephrolithectomyb) Nephrolithostomyc) Nephrolithotomy

10) is suppuration of the kidney. a) Nephroptosisb) Nephropyosisc) Nephropyrosis

Page 19: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Spellcheck: Select the correct spelling and write it on the line(6).

11) is an abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body.

a) Sthrictureb) Stricturec) Structure

12) is an inflammation of the urethra.

a) Urithraitisb) Urethritisc) Urethroitis

Page 20: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

Spellcheck: Select the correct spelling and write it on the line(7).

13) means to suture the ureter.a) Ureterorraphyb) Ureterorrephyc) Ureterorrhaphy

14) means situated or occurring outside the body.

a) Extracorperealb) Extracoporalc) Extracorporeal

Page 21: Defining Word Parts: Write the definition for each of these word parts(1). CYST/O GLOMERUL/O LITH/O -LYSIS NEPHR/O

True/ False: If the statement is true, write T on the line. If the statement is false, write F on the line

1) The ureters are about 10 to 12 inches long.

2) The urinary bladder is located in the posterior portion of the pelvic cavity.

3) The urinary bladder is located in the posterior portion of the pelvic cavity.

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