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Aiiqd {@r frdlo-1o

Ff,flq.'re3ru1qrRul 3irF',

f{6R ssFR gRT rorRld(do ti<an 3sa)

3 ,|r4rr | 93+ (QrO)qgaT, grrqR, 2s gGIIlt 2Ol2

qits!qq-o4-o2/2oo6(dc-t) 7 6o9'AoQ)Frr Eqr

d6fl24 gdd 2012

trcrf,- frlrt AcnR dFdr, 2orr + qnR|E c{ d{ I d T{ t rffi t I

RER Aqrfi drFdr, 2011 + lfqq-3so t qcc -nG<Qt sI carr T-G gc FEr(Asr.lR riB , 2011 + BTc Form-56, BTC Form-27A, qftfi€-2, cftR|€.6, qnfr|E-l3 Fiqftflre-1a q i+.ffE {irqn €61i dqr rcl BTc Form-2gA qii cRf$E-1s 6l {rFqfa(oG q Fr"tq Ftcr .rqr t | (Gidfud Er{{"n frE{q t:

1 . FrR trcFrR €Fdr, 2o1 1 + Form-27A ii cfarRlf{ 6'G {t cqnrfft +eRr Fa qfr

"|t cc|"r qi { r,ooo r* (q.6 6qR) + RrFl (r{ s,ooo rR (diq rqn)

cqr nnc I

2. fr[r{ AcFrR {Fdr, 2or1 + BTc Form-56 dI :riii{ HRd Rft-r oG ge

{€+ Icrr q( ditirrd 8Tc Form-56 cifi{qr&d Eqr q|dr t r (qgm.r+vl)3. qRftEe-2 d qS ri fli+33 c{ Rr{6{ +rcFIR + frc qF< t6 qqr qr(frc

+s +r + Tct t-g€ +r .fs lt€qr rqr qFr <ren fii6-99 q{ AcFIr< * q* riAclrn, frrrt r+c, n{ Fd q{ sfl+ Rrt otft-W fu 't-{d +6 .Cls {tus' *€Fqft-d fusr qldr e t

a. qRf{e-5 d (4 \ ficis-r fi mrR-d 6ri g< vei ern qr'tirqftrq *qqq {qqnr + ldc c|fr6R qd (frcq-8o)" +r cfffi( fucI qfl t I

s. qRFE-r3 d (4 C qrfr'r ha sNFFfdEr t rdn + 57 .riTd/qffii qi fl*"ifi{ iaqn + 128 .!i{d/qqEdi dr aFqitrd Ean qm t | (fi{: W{€ ll)

6. qRf{e-14 6tri6-8 qr #/ir.di d {A + €fqtud kr wff } |


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fu6r{ rrtrr (3r{nnrol), 2s gdrg 2or2

7. F{€R +rsr{{ dF , 2011 il Provlsional Pension/Gratuity d Frsr6 * ldcg$ si<rrT crrd BTC Form-29A * 6q q sFqftrfl fuqI qrdl B | (!rgd'T6 V)

e. kLqK AsFIR €FFfl, 20-11 + Fcq-353 a endrdF t Accounting Rules for

Treasuries 1992 ri (+) (-) Memorandum lr credt lFi Debit 5I Aql-ir{sl + Fdc

fiqiR-d cc-{ €o- lsT le, 21 \i 37 A cRFIq-1s (see BTc Rule-363) + Fq iqFqf'r--r F6cr dr4r * | ( 3r{d.{+ lV Series-lv'A, lV-B, lV'C)

qfts - erfrn frcr qil t il5 t{ {fic +r RErt rrlrc| + lrfiqR"I sfs irofic fuqI qrq I

w1o, rffi | fr6r(-1tnqctR + 'qiE{ t,frF{ EqI{ RiF,

si{s (qq) |


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ft6r rr*c (3r€rqRvr), 25 Earg 2or2

qgt|rrl|Flarlrnr s{ Rff€ fuqfl + fqffi{ lqr+q }d + !r<T,ttt {tt s*tdi, d{ {finit q{

T{ trqFr di5qo 5r{ cq"r{Zd{ *{d/TI{ FqIT

*d c{qv *gqftFr sr ql{

2 I

sr+q kr qfrq""r d'rdr, sr{ cc-sq-l uqw{g{ gqs{gi

2 llrffiq kd erftqaq €r-r, 614 cq.!q-2 Sqsq{ gqsgr

e{|+q kd qfri:"r t rd{, sr4 cr-sq-l F6Rtro5 <r<I

rqr.frq ke ed\q{"r g'rdr, 6r{ cq-rq-2 f€-dflr Fdqr

5 rqf+q kd .qfcdeq dT6{, 614 qq's(-l Eql] HITTI

6 *qr;frq hd qFqaq €'rd{, srd cq.rq-2 drdgr €Rq

7 e|rfrc k{ 3rFr{a"I {'16{, d4 cqqr.<-1 ifrcr qf€q qgR'r

rqrftr hi .ciqqa"r ri!rr{, sr{ cqqE{-i c'r€l iEEI

rqrfrq kd .xfud-{q d'r-{,614 cq-rq-l 6E6r( 6f-€rt

10 rq+q hd siFT{-{vr ${fi, 6r{ cc's<-2 cr<ert qf.6K

11 'lrrffq hi qfui"q t'r6{, Trd cc-rq-l qg{fr qg{d

't2 'qrfrc kd lrfuie"r ri'rd{,614 cq'rq-z Eisfr${ sisr{gr

{qr.tq h{ '3ftdaq ri'rd{, €d cq.trq- 1 ffi ffi'14 er+q kr qelia"r d'rd{, sld cq"!-q-2 sqt ffi15 qr+q lrr 3rff4a"r t'r6{, 6r{ 1 ff4rr d-{Fr

'16 Tqrfrq k{ qR{a.r t'r6r, E6r{ 2 dsrr d-q[r

17 {qffiq hd .:qft{d"r drrdr, qrd cq'rd-i ({{'lI <TFIT

1a r?rrfrq hr qilqtq $16r, 6r{ cq'sfl-2 -{g( i-ng(

19 rqrfrq hi xfqqesr d-.rd{, sFi cq-sq-l ZFII

20 {qr+q h{ qRqaq tT6r, qI{ cqoua-2 lr(qra iRqra

21 errfrq h{ qhq{q +rdrr, 6rd lrl"ird- 1 qejfi ceil

22 rerfrc aa efC{a"r {'|eir, Sr4 cq-g-q-2 sFrg{ <Frg<

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IFI(, cr{ cq.'rlt/fi{ gqirfi{ RqFI6r{ cqqd +gqt(rc rd crc

r|T{ AcrqR


23 srfrq i-d effq-rq t'rdn, d{ c{'sd-l ffi $ cqrar

rqriq iq qfrqa"r d'rd{, sld cq-s€-2 Td{tnE *ff qqRq

lqFfrq k{ qftqflI dT€r, 6Iq qqvsc-l !frRTqrqC{

26 rqFfrq kd qRqaq {T6r, 6I{ cqEJd-2 q'rQwr irqg{

Iqrfrq h" rEfttialr (Tfi, 6Fi cq"u{-l f4.i 1itd

2a sr+q ird €{Fr{-dq {irfi, tFI{ cqvsll-2 c-{T{6 XFidr

29 e{*q t" cFTfdq d'rdtr, sd qqcsd-1 1IRIRFI irFdrg

30 F|r{q hT qfr{aq qrn{, 6Fi qqqfq-2 Fmfq irrdrq

Iqrfiq kd cqfuqrlr tTfq, 6r{ cq-sd-1 cqdg( s{<frg{

!2 Iqrfrq kn .qm{"q 3'16{, {4 c5"T€-2 frFgr fr€gl

{q+q *{ 'aFrfdq drdq, 614 cqas(l-1 Er$gr a{nrfr

34 lrqrftc dTdr' qrq qqqs(l-2 qEnR arnd

sr+q ll{ 'qFTftq tTcr, 6r{ cc's{l-1 tgRrq igF{Ic

36 srfrq n" .qFT{-d!T dTda, 5t{ qq'gq-2 qqfr tgF{rc

lqf{q i" qfiqzq €'r5r, 6r{ cqqs€-1 qFrdg( qFT(Igl

3a sFtq t-r qfuitol dTd{, 6lri cq-sq-2 {fliiqr T{q&r

39 tqrfrq +t .3EFr{-{or trE:r, Er{ qqrs(-1 E?F( iFF{

40 Tqrfrq ki 3ifr{tq dTt{, 6Fi ctF5d- qgqr qg!f,I

4'l sr+q kd qFdaur {T6", 5I{ qqrcq-l *rcr rFlIqI

42 I{|rfrq hd .qftdaq dTdr, 6rq Frds$--l sttlrlsr< *trrqr<

43 €r+q k{ .qfq{"q d'rfr, sd cc'5€-1 qEFTFllC qTFrmq

rqrfrq kd !f,FTiaq ri'r6r, 6r{' qq-5d-1 .'RiGI q{q!{

45 rqlfrq hd €NFnt{Er dTd{, qI4 cq"5d-1 nrqdfq n|cmiq

45 rqr+q kt qfi{e"r dT drr, qI4 c{'sfl-l flr{6( f$-q6(

fu6R :rss (3rfiql$t), 2s llilrE 2ol2

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frF{ rrsc (r€rsRlrr. 2s qf,rf 2or2

FIO F{ rq"al/6r{ .{w/Er{ Fq{ d mq iigq|(r.r tH 'l

df,d ar.|r(


47 Rr+q h" qFT{rqr d.rd{, sd cqqcv-1 {F6l |lF5t

48 rqrffq hd qFrfilr ri"rdr, Er{ qq'!d-1 IGllSI SF( T

49 rqr+q hT .iftridlr t rd{. 6r{ cqvs6-1 *g{r *s(I50 rqnc t-r gffia"r $r6n, sr{ cc-.q-1 caq s{r<

Iqr.ftq k{ qft{{"r $rfr, Er4 cqqsfi-1 w<Rcr .{(RcI

sr+q k{ .qFT+{or dT6-{, 614 ccoc-fi-l frrr{.tq hr{'Fr

Iqrfrq k{ qfq{-{q dTfi, qrd cc"d-1 fR SR

s4 rqr+q hT eft{-dlr d'E-n, 614 "r3tq5{

Rfl+q t{ qFfdq {T6{. 6r{ cqqs€-1 q.rg-cr q.|Eqt

55 Rr+q trd tqFrt{qr d.rdr, sr{ cq"r-d-1 lrds{Ic v!frgt[q

prffq h? qFrtrrq {'16-{, 6r{ cq'cf,-l tsg{r flqg{r

Iqr+q F{ .qRaq +rd{, fi{ eiqi (rail

59 rqrtq k* eqfu{-d"r f'rdr, fi{ siqd rFn rTrn

60 sr+q kr qnFti"r ri.rdr, 6r{ .!t{d ${ $r51 €r+c h qffTtrdq dT.rn, sr{ ,!iTd qTqqg{ qFrdg{

62 rqrfiq hd .tFTq-{"r {"rdrr, Er{ siqq glttF5\g gqsrs(

53 sr*q }{ qftf{lr tTdn. 6r{ ,tqq Eq{T €T(!I

g arfrq kd qnT{-dq {T6n, sr{ siTd F{TTqT cdqr

6S rqr+q AH qfriq d|rdr, sd .fq-{ $rd EFld

56 Rr;frc k{ rcFlfflr rfftr{, q{ {tuct gtr{€T RF{€T

67gq efs4 fu'r, Rrffc ha .rFTq-r"rrtTdn, QFrir q{ laqs Eqrq, q-clr 9e

sffqr(fc AsFrR,Eridtqt qc<,tfar

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f{F{ zrff ($grqRq), 2s Edrt 2ol2

6sdosIS.r fl{ frqM t Cnts-{ t T{ + 5I{ cda€i t

nTq qq {qrilqqd *cI.IR

1 qrffq 6rd f4qFr, {{ 3i{d, q-{ (te;TT



ar{"r Fr4 i4rFL dd ttrc-q, crd-<l {!r<r

qltq 6r{ EqFr, srq iiq{, qIgRIq ffRr{rq (iE:dr€)

qr*"r 6r{ E qFr, ?6I{ .riqd, qm SI[{T

crdq Fr4 hqFl, sr{ ii-{d, 'rqr.FIT



qrff"r sr{ Fqr.r, sr4 .riqq, li}tqrqE €lRtnqrE

q{q 5d FqFr, sr{ oiqd, cFqIT qF -ds{

rrffq sr{ fqqFl, 6I{, glR 8R

9 qrff"I ErC FaFl, sI{ rtrqe, TI6{qI {f6{rrr




q|qlr 4rd Fqrq, fi{ 'trq-d, *S(l qng(

ffiq +r4 hqn, sr{ ei{d, {qqf $i{crffq 6rd hqFr, sr{ siTd, frrrriq Err{ iq

13 qrffq sr{ ldqn, 6r{ .trq€, Eq(r E(r{T

R-qF'14 qrff"r 4rd F{cr.I, 6r{ eiqd, fuqr{

cTffq sr{ f4crq, sr{ .ri{d, gqw{gr 5cs{g<

qrffq sr{ Fq.l, sd siq-d, ddTT.A ffi16

tfr:rqrfrq sI{ Gq.I, 6I{ eiqd, ifdql



qrff'r EI{ EqFr, 6r{ 3i{d, qlFGrt

qrff"r 6rd' FqT'I, sd siqd, <airn

rrff"r Er4 Eqt.r, 6r{ eiq-d, srlds{



21 crfr'I 614 i{qFI, 614 cqg{' q.<I cer$ €qr6l(!I|IFr

Ef;Ig{22 qrffq 6d Fwq, d{ c'is-d, <r4tgt

c|q23 qFfrq sd hq.I, trr{ c'isd, EIq

qTfl"r 6r{ hqln, 6r{ c'is-d, q+fi {drd24

qT{"r 6T{ hqFr, 4r{ cfs-s, qa'iq

nTfr"r 6r{ hqFI, sI{ c'i<d, RERnts


r if<I26

qgiTrffrlIqTfr"r sr{ fqqr'I + si{d c4 wisdi ot q

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fu6R rrtr. crflrqT{uT), zs qdrg 2olz

i50so lTffq 6d frqrq C' Si+6-{ } <r< * 6{ cffi +iI{ q RFI



27 crff"r sd Fqr,I. sr{ c'isq, 6aqtd nliFir

2A qrff"r 6d i4qn. 6r{ ctis{, iFqqr FF{sr

29 srff"l sI4 ftqFr. v{ ctEq, <Iq.fl-{ {c<r fu€Rerts

30 crff"l sr4 iEqFr, sd criv{, mfimq-1 tT€-dT€

3l qrfr"r sr{ RcFr, sd c45d, {rqr{t{-2 tl6in{l

crff"l 6r{ E {Fr, fl{ crisd, M t6-flq

crd"r $d EqFr, 6r{ griqd, RFt{{q tafls

34 crff"r sd fsqFr, sr{ cqs€, q:3 q3a{r (+g{)

35 qrff"r 6r{ iqqn. fl{ qqs€, ffiqr ESqr (+g{)

36 crd"r 6r{ hqTr, Erq fisd, qRr .!TRI

37 qTfr"r qr{ hqFr, sr4 cisq, q'rarlg< 'qRI

38 qr{"r 6r{ F{r'r. -r{ c'isd. friI 3TTT

39 cTt'r 6T{ hrFr, Er4 c{sd, Ttr{ EFFR

40 qTff"r Fr{ fsqr.r, 614 c'isd, grir4 *ffi{

41 qrff"r 6r{ hqFI. 6rd cqsd. qqr IFIT

42 qrff"r 6d iEqr.r, sr{ cisd, Rl.Edl nqr

43 crff"r sd fqYr'l. sr{ c.isd. +T{6 Eq{ lFT

cT*q fld ErrFr, fl4 qfsd, lnqr8 lrtsra

45 qTn"r 614 isqr.L sr{ ctisq, € McTt"r srd inqFr. 6r{ c{sd. TqI<r ;FITEI

47 cr*q Erd hqFr, Fr4 cqcil. Tffi rF|TqI

4a qTt"r Fr{ RqFr. Er{ cti-q. sttarrlr< .3fl-fir{Ic

qr$"r 614 fEi{Fr. 4r{ ctisd. ErEfiiI{ EIi'€TIrt

50 cTt"r 614 hqrn, Er{ c{<d, q6r{rrtq nruFrFlr<

cTi"r 614 E\cFr, sr{ c!is(, .r({q qasct

52 {ff"r sr{ EqFr, sr{ csisd, qnog( qFrds{

nT*"r sd iaqFl, or4 cqsd, Tflfucl TflEqr

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rclo cr{"r fl4 FqFI lt g{,t6n + rI( + .Ft xtril +qFT TRI 3IFI

q<{ itr.rR

1. 7

s4 crlfr"r 6rrt frqFr, ?514 c{5(, *v.ltq qrF|g(

qI*"I qr4 fEqFr. rE4 q{sc, .TFI

55 n"r d{ EqT.r. 6r{ qtE-d, !i{-2!rt"r 16r{ Eqn, Tr4 cdc-d, 8r{ trR

5a criq 6r{ frqn, d{ cttlq, qt{g{<I{E( 8R

59 qrff"r 614 RqI'r, 614 c{!-fl, irqgrT ic$r50 qr*"r 6r{ Fqr'r, ?614 ctf5d, {6s{Ic c*q{Ic

rFfr"r Er{ Ecrq, 614 qfc-d, qCt sg{

62 crff"r fi{ EqFr. 6I{ cfsd, elsr SR

63 nl$tr d{ FqFl, d{ c{5d, q'|E.cI q|tBqr

64 crfr"r qr{ f4crq, fi4 ctt5d, ffi q.rFqr

65 nl{"r d4 FqFr. d{ c{5q, qr{sr t|t{fl

qT{"r fi{ Fqrq, sr{ c{5d, fu{t cltrcrqr (l:{q[

cr$"r rr4 fcr.r, fi{ c{!-d, +C( +g(68 flff"r 6r{ hqFl, Tr{ cac-d, qc@l'iq ctC{t

59 qTn"r 6r{ F4qPr, Erq qri6d, Sft-{ C{t"

ql{tq srd FqFr, d{ qtrd, fi{g( fr{S(

7l nrfr"r fi{ Eqrq, 6r{ q{s(, F lhiq ff{C{

72 qr4'rra4 hqrq, Tr4 c4rd, XFid

fi4q sI4 FqFr. fld c{5d, qcclgr *f+ci

74 qFfr"r Ed lca['r, 614 qf5d, crcd xFfq

qT*"r qr4 fqqFr, ?614 c45{, :6ErR 6Err{

lrfr"r fl4 FqFl, q4 q{cq, snftt (#rR) ERitt (TfrErt)

qT{"r.6r{ hqrq, qr4 c,i5d, qF6rt qfffi

7a $*"r fl{ faqFr, 6r{ qt!q, F*r{iq-1 FFr+iq

ql*"r st4 BqFI, 6I{ c45d, frrF i-q-2 hrTtq

80 nTi"r 6r{.hqFl, 5r4 c'iTd, lRfrcr qftcr

fF{ rrtr (tsrqRsr), es EflrE 2or2

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F-FR rrd-c (3firqRq), zs Ear* zor2

i60goqr4q 6r{ hqr.r C gq,t-d{ + crE ;fr 614 ctisdi +

nI{ Fi rqrr{Er€ +F|FIR


a1 qrff"r sr{ Erif.r, 6rd cd<(, srffiffiq srfefr4q

82 crff"r 6rd fscFl, qr{ cqsd, 6wr r qr{lr (Eqn)

a3 crff"r 6r{ EqFL sd qqsd, Eq{ 2 sf(!r (Eq{r)

a4 q{|"r ord idtq['r, st{ c+sd, nFC{ E\|{I

a5 qr{q Er{ F-{.r, sr4 c,is{, {*{r Eq{I

86 crff"l 6rd fEqrr, Frd ctis{, fFsrq-l fircrr

a7 qrfi"r qr{ Fqrr, 6r{ c'ied, lsqrl-2 k{rra8 cr*"r 6r{ E-{r.r, 6r{ c'isd, T6Rrq'iq

a9 qrfrq 6r{ i4qn, 4rd qqeq, ilcrffi"r-l nl'rr{.iq

90 cTff"r sr{ faqFr, or{ cftd, rcFT,iq-z nrqm,i"i

91 qrff"r q'r{ Eafln, 6r{ c{<€, €g.3{ irqrcr,iq

92 clft"r t6r{ F4qFr, sd cqqd, Cqtffi{g1 E4-1 gqw{s<

crffq trr4 Er{r'r, sd c'i<d, gqs{g{ qt-2 5qw€r94 qrff"r 614 Eqr.l, sr{ c{-d, 5qsqr co Sqwrg{

95 Tr4r"r 6r{ hqrq, 6rd cliqd, ErfrTi 6l-65{

96 qrffq srd EqFr, 6r{ qqsd, TgG{ {93{r

97 crffq 6rd Far.L sr{ cq<d, T6{R Erdsr

9a {r'ft"I 6r{ hqr'!, 5r{ cqsd, ffi @99 crff"r 614 Ey.rr, Trd c'isd, gErt dKrra

100 cr,ft"r 6r{ E-qFr, 6rC c.isq, i{iG ffi101 qrff"r 6rd Ear.r, 6r{ cqs€, RI{6t Rr{6{

102 qld"r 4r4 Aqn, sI{ cqsf,, qlif6r0 qrGrdrt

crfi"l 6d ft'n'r, i6r{ c'isd, sia{F Aft|€rt

104 qt*.r .614 Eqn, 6r{ clisq, T€}d ftffi105 crdl"r 6r{ iET.r, sd cqsd, aIsI irif6r8

106 nTff"r sd. F.{r.r, 6rd qEicq, .|s-${qrd arRErff

107 cr+.r 4rd EqFr, 614 ccsd, qilqr Aftr€'rff

Page 10: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM

{r{"I sI{ f4qFr C gn'tdc + aI< + 6r{ ctisei AlF{ q{ €lFI

IFiTI dIqFlK60€0

1 2



cr*"r 614 fcET'I, or4 q'lg<, lftqt

ql*l 614 FaT'r, sr{ !r'E-d, TasiaqFiq

qrff"r 6,14 fqqt r, {rd ri<d, q'r6r'l

cFn r fl{ IaYrr, 6,'{ q4sf,, fl€r-2





.Jr4Fr +i{ Fa"{F, 6rd {qs{, {(qTI-lI l2


| 1 l.l

qrFr or.J Fqrt, 614 qq5d, tr{q'Il'2

qlt"r 6r{ Fq"lln, fl{ q{Eq, -{gr

'nrfr"r sr{ tr:I[.r, 6rd cli<fl. frn-d



crn"r Fr{ FqFI, sr{ c'isd, {gq-fr

nTql"r sr{ h.'ln, 6r{ c{sd, q{{Rrg-{fi116


'118 nm"r 6d RqI.I, $rd cti5d, ssr{gr

qTff"r sr4 FsqFl, {r{ c'i3-d, Sffitl(



a5i-fi120 lqfr"r 6r{ rd*qrl, 614 q'i<c, i@

I qlfr"r sd Eqr.I, sr{ c!i5d, HqdS( sqdg{121



_t 2:


qr4l"r $r{ E-cr.I, trd ctisd, carff

qr{Fr .Er{ hrr.r, sd c'i<i{,

cTA"r sr{ iqqrT , 6r't qqs{' (dfti6€trq

q{ir 6rd Rqn, E{ qqF(i, ig({rc

!,'r*.'r 6rd Fqqrn, 4r4 c'is{, sfrqr

cr*'r 614 FqFr, 5r4 c'i5d,

T{.r sd Fqr.I, qI{ e{sq, idrdt-Eqfi







10 i{6R rrsC (3r€fn1!r), zs Ear$ zotz

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ftEr{.rqe (irrrlqnvr) 25 gdr{ 2012 1t















List of CorporationVBoards.BiharState Handloom & Han(licraft Coryx'ralion

Bihar SLate Credit & lnvurirnunl Lo+{,ratioll.

Bihar Heallh Services l)fra\lruci!re Develo'm3lil Cor I iation

Bihar State U$an lnfra.ittuctul€ Devck)pment Conpolalion

Bihal State Building Construction Clorpomtio|r

B ihar State Rural Road De\elopment Agency, Patna-

BiharState Urban l)evelopmcntAulhgrity, Patna.

Bihar Slate Education lnfra\lrloture Development Coryoration Ltd

Bihar State Road Developmcnt Corporation

B ihar State Fisheries Developmenl Corporaron.

tsihxr State Duiry Corporation.

Bihlx State Tourism Development Corporation

Bihar State TexrBook Publishing Corpomtron.

Bihar State Minotitics Financc Corporation.

Bihar Statc Backward Classe\ Finance Corforation Ltd.

U ihar Statc Bddge Construction (lorporaiion Ltd

Bih{r State Police Building Consrucdon Co4Dration.

Bihar State Electricity Board.

Bihar Stare Seed Corporation.

ll ihar State Agro Industries l-td.

llihar State Sugar Developme,rl Coryxrmtion

Bihar State WalcrandSewrage Board, Patna

B ihtr Stite Hydro Electric R)wcr Corpomtion.

Bihar State Export Corporat(n.

B ihar S tale Elect mnic Deve lopment Corpomt ion.

Bihar State F(X)d and Civil Supplies Corporation

Bihar State Film Development F-inance Corpomtion

Bihar state Small Scale lndustries CoQoration.

Bihar State Water Board.














Page 12: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM

q-5drrs:-MAppendix- l5

(See Rule-363)

FORM I.S.T. 19

(See Chap.4. Rules 58, 60, 63 & 90)

Treasury Register of Personal Deposits on account of.. . . ..,, .

No. ofpaymentcheque

*If there be r.arge number of transac(ions on the samc day, a balance need not be sruck after each transaction by the Treasury

oflicer, if ftere be any possibility of an ovendrawal, should be totalinS the items of receipts and refunds and striking the balance when-ever

nec+ssary satisfy himself that the balance is not overdrawn. The Trcasury Offrcer shoukl however, strike invadably, a total at the end day's





Page 13: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM

Appendix-15 (Contd.)

FORM I.S,T.-21(See Rule 60,63,64 & 90)

ReSister of Daily Receipts and Repalnnents of Personal Deposits at the Trcasury in the


Month of... ... ... ... 19......

Daily total to Book






A separate column on each side should be assigned to each account in which the daily gross receipt and gross charge should be entered from thepeNonal ledger Thus dte e should be but one single line in this register for transactions of all personal ledger account each day, and its gross totals should

give the figures to pass into t}rc Cash Book. A page of foolscap has probably breadth enough for nine such accounts. If there be more than one page can

accommodate, eifter the two side may be s€parated into different paris oflhe same volume the sane columns being canied acrcss both pages, or mo(etha.d one register may be opened, atld lhe totals 9f drc second, thind, €tc., carried into sepamte column of the first.

Page 14: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM

3rJ T€lvcAppendix-15 (Contd.)

FORM I.S.T.37(SeeRule 76,91.98)


Plus and Minus Memorundum .. . . ,., of ... .. for "' "' )9

Certified $at the closing


frcasury I]

Dated 19 )

Balance at the

end ofmonthRemarksNanIe of


Balance from the

la-st month

Additions to balance

this monthTotal

Deductions fronrbalance

I 2 3 4 5 6 7

Treasury Officer



Page 15: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM

Ff6n rrd (ix{Ernq) 25 gdr{ 2012 15

For ll3€ ot TteaaurvToken t|o.................................................... Date..........-...

Tv No. & Oa!e........................

Bihar Treasury Code-2011


Provisional Pension/Gratuity Bill


Treasury Ofllcer

Blll no....................

Number ol ilen DescriptionLess


NetAmount Remarks


Tohl {in words)..

Certily thal Pension€r has not rgc€ived any r€muneration lor serving in any capacity either an

Government eslablishment or an establishment paid by a Provincial Governmenl orlrom a Local

Fund during the pedod lorwhich lhe amoun ol Provisional Pension claimed in the bill is due.

R€ceived Payments

Signature and oeslgnatlon ol Drawing & Dlsbursing Ofllcer

For use in Treasurv

Pay Rs


Dated ...............20

For use in Accountant - General's Office

Admilted Rs.........................

Objected to Rs.................

Reason ot obiection...

Office ol


Major Head Treasury Code..--

Sub Major Head DDO Code.BankCodeMinor Head

Sub Head BillCode.

Auditor Accounls Ofticer

Page 16: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM

16 ffdlt rfcre (3rsEn"r) 25 gad 2ot2

BiharTreasury Cod€ - 2011 er{dr{6_Vl

Revised BTC FORM-56lsee Fule 3711

Form for Application for Final withdrawal of Prcvadent FundAccumulations

t. Name of the subscriber wiih designalion {in blockl€llers).........................

2. Account no. (The correct number should, il possible' be

verilied hom the statemenl turnished to lhe depositors by lheaccounts ollice Irom year to year). ...... ....

3. (i) The actualdate, iorenoon orafternoon, o{ retirement death,

dismissal, resignalion, or discharOe (cut the ilems notroquired)....................

(ii) In lhe case ol dismissal-

(a) Whether lhe subscriber has appealed or inlends to I

appealagainst the orders ot dismissal

(b) lf the appeal has been rejected, the date ol ilsreleclon.

(c) lf no appeal has been {iled yel, the date on whichthe time-limrt lorliling an app€al wrll oxpire.

(iii) In case of resignation, it should be stated whelher the

reggnalion has been accePted,

(iv) In case ol discharge, the reason lor the same shouldbe staled.

4-Name ol lhe Treasury where paymenl ls desrreo,

5 was anv advance lrom the Fund granted to the subscriberand draw; by him (or by the head of the ot{ice on his behall)during the last 12 monlhs? lf so, tullparticulals o{ lhe aclvance

should be quoted.

6. Amount ol the lasi Ftlnd, deduction and no. and dale ol theTreaslry vouchor in which lhe deduction was made

7. lf the answer to the lasl question be in lhe alfirmative. is thesubscribergoing to reside afler retiromenl in a counlry wherethe rupee is nol a legallender?

8. ls the subscriber on leave preparatory lo retirement? lf so, the

date lrom which such leave comrnenced

Da1e,......... Subscriber/Dependent.. .. " " "' '

Signature ofthe Head ol Ottice .'

Designation.......... . .


Page 17: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM

fftn rve (mrrt!r) zo ga{ mrz . t?'

marltr.g|yco.L- 2Ot1

BTC FOtltrS6 (cont...,)

[Tobcrndhtro Clcotf&o{irfr Gorrffi Srt,drod$detcd lho....-......20........

Fornfid b lraConce.nad GPF Oftico [3(a)l

t3(b) rtd (4)l OLad ot$e Depirtnori)

no advancewar branteo to ......................2. I cg|llty lhat

an advanca ol R8.witliin 12 months orocsdlno lhe dele of ii3 tetllsmento.r ...........,.:(f grenbd wlthin l2 months pr€cgdtuE lh€ date ot Fllramont).


tFo.8oI| lb}oEl|.d Oorr|f|rd3.n d]tlrldnot{o..........i.....................................................Datedute..............20.........

CofsnGdGPF Omce PO) rtdSo)l; - counlersigned end lg ar*d b

Sgcrslary to Gov€|!|mont,

no edvancagranbd to..,....-."-.......,,..,.-.-!;.y-.2. I cs{fy thrt -

an advancs of Rg.- wllhin 12 months or3csdlno the dals ot hie retiramenton ..r.....-...([ ganldd w[hln 12 months pr€cedlng lhe (bie ol rsursmenl]

ggn nt]! ot th3 Ha.d d Dlp.tffi.

Page 18: Date 8/30/2012 2:04:46 PM


i -l

frrn rac (rurml) 2s gir{ 2or2

BTG: F0f,fl -51(Grd;...), -(Oen rrl lnrfiucflonQ

t, U€eacy.-; Tfie ipplicatidr sltould bc tl!.&d as. ||rfsttty dl coqp!4.d rt d Sf!8. ,

2. Caze,ted Govenntettt a.n artr.--(a) whcn the applicatrt for Eftrod is dE a$acaibaahiDself, ird I gezefi.d Gov€rnnbtit tcrvrnt, hc shodd fin in dl itcms i! rh. fotrr of |PPftatdoiand s6nd i! on !o thc head of tbc &p.ttmc ..

(D) The heed of the dcp.rtm€nt shall src th.t dl thr irforrlAti6 rcqufuld in dF fo(eof applicarion have b.en supplicd, cofiple|€ rhc ccrtificrte oo tlr forBding mcr|o, regatdi[gthe gmnt of an advarce tridin ! 2 tttdtdrs pr€ceding dE da& of dF otliod's ttli|ttnonl trd, cxccptin dre crsls mention.d in 2(c) betov thc lpplictdoo dirEcl to lh. coDccmtd GPFoffice.

(c) ln the c$e falliog und€r cacgory (i)below, dre oppllcaion should bc fo.w{tdld !oGorrrmmert in th€ adrninisa*ivc &partrn€na conccmed,,viz;-; (i) whtn $c sobscri6cr b.itrg a g.tbrcd 'Govcrnrncn rorvant 4pli€d for qy

advancc under rula 15 (3) of th. Bihrtcen!..|kovidcnlFud Rulq *i$h 12

monlhs preceding thc &ra of hi8 rcairc'ncna;

(d) lf the finat payment h;s been ncccrsiasted by thc dcath of;.ub.crib€r, th6 hc.dof thc office sball fill in itcms I to 8 of the ryplicalion form, |rrd it to drc hod ofthcdept Jnana. At rh. san& tini he dotU sd a dtr.ct ad iwli.ttc Wbdaq, d tl|!tt.ath oI th. subscfibet aog.thct with hit Providcrr, Ftad Accoa't

'x',.i to rL

"orceid dPr itfftcc who itlt adtise ti, h.alt frt;E dcpar*rcnt *llril !*6er oialorshould bc taken

Notc:-when rhe subscfiber it hi,/ thc h.dd of an ofric. dndlor otd.partm.,,,t, hb srccctto! in ofica thoutd b. d at tha heod q of,rcc aadlor hadof depart Ent fo, the purpote d forwatdi^t th. appllcotion to th. ptopcr aurotlrlct.

3. Non-gqttad coven nat!.n,n r,<4) wh€d dE tpplic&t forrrffmd ll the su&dribcrhimsclf and a nor-gazeatcd Gov€nrmcnt servrll, thc he{d of dE ofice in wtid tbc suMba.last work€d, shoutd fill in the form, complotr thc ce ificatc in drq forsrding trroo, aftrrve.ifyinS whether ary aCvance r{.s grrnt d b tic aubsc.ibcr withil 12 mo ht !rcccdita lhldale of his retirement and forwird thc applicstion dirEct to lh! cancctrd GPF officer crc.lltin the cascs menlion.d in 3 (b.) bclow.

- (r) Wh€i' . suboc.iber had applied for rn rdvarc. utrdor Rulc 15 (3Xr) irf ttc Bh.rceneml hovidena Fuod Rules within 2l rnonlhs prEccdiog lhc date of Oc rrti!€Dlt ,ttcapplication should bc foF'ardcd to the hcld of th€ d€P|tltnflt who, a&cr v.riryiu alFapplicdtion ard corhpleting the ccrtificate in thc fotw.rding mcmo, will fota,ld dry apptlcrtioto rf,e c|..,rcerned GPF office.

i c I !f lbe subscriber waoar pryment tt i place othct 3h!n tbat in which hc lrlt woitcd

'hc aDpii,ation should be accompf,nicd wiIh thtlc slips conhi trg thc sPocimcn !itn.tli.,lcft h.nd tlrumb rnd fingcr imprcssions, and pdsonNl mart$ of i(bntificrrion of dlc pay dllyatterted by the Head of the Office or by a Magi3lrate.

(/) lf the final payment has been neccsiitatQd by tha dcrlh of a subecribct, thc bcldof thc offic : sl-. 1 titl in items I to 8 of the applicalior form md.fdw|Id ft 3o thG cot|ccr||cdCi!'F )ffice lotrthcr with ioformation about dclth of thr sublcribct Thc GPF ofiicc willadvira thc h,.ad of the officc whlt funher action should b. trld!,



a{m. d|twilr IIqmilr(, csil !fi rqRnl-\i lBtr r

fifm qq? trsrr{twr) srHtr+ogWebdte: ht$://Ggrzctte.blb.ih.h

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