

Color Schemes

Color combinations

+Color Vocabulary:

Color – element of art that is seen by the way light reflects off a surface. Color can be used to express emotion or symbolism.

Hue – One of the 3 properties of color. The name of a spectral color. Red, yellow, blue, orange, violet and green are some examples.

Value – One of 3 properties in color that refers to the lightness or darkness of the color.

Intensity – One of 3 properties in color that refers to the brightness or dullness of a color. Pure Hue is high-intensity while a dulled hue is low-intensity.

+High and Low Intensity

High Intensity Low Intensity

+Color Vocabulary

Color scheme – group of colors that create satisfying effects when placed together. Examples: warm, cool, complementary, monochromatic.

Primary Colors – red, yellow and blue. Original colors, cannot be created by mixing other colors.

Secondary Colors – orange, violet and green. These colors can be created by mixing together two primary colors.

+Vocabulary Cont’d:

Tertiary (intermediate) – colors on color wheel that are found between a primary color and a secondary color. Examples: yellow-orange, orange-red, red-violet.

Monochromatic Colors – tints and shades of a single color.

Analogous Colors – colors found next to each other on the color wheel. Example: Blue, Blue-violet, Violet

+Color Vocabulary Continued

Complementary Colors – colors found opposite each other on the color wheel. Violet & yellow, orange & blue, red-orange & blue-green.

Color Triads – three colors spaced in equal distance from each other on the color wheel. (Ex: Red, yellow, blue)

Split Complementary Colors – one complement with the neighboring colors of its complement. Ex: Violet, yellow-orange, yellow-green.

+Split Complementary Cont’d:

+Vocabulary Cont’d:

Warm Colors – colors reflecting sunlight and warmth. Red, orange, yellow. Objects appear closer in space.

Cool Colors – colors that are found in shadows and in colder objects. Violet, blue & green. Objects appear farther away.

Tint - a color plus white/lights, can be created using light pressure.

Shade – a color plus black/darks. Can be created using heavier pressure.

+Mixing color

When mixing color, it is important to distinguish between additive and subtractive mixing.

Additive – refers to mixing light rays.

Subtractive – refers to mixing paint

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+Additive Color Mixture

When mixing light rays of red, green and blue, you create white.

+Subtractive Color Mixing

When mixing the primary colors in paint, you create black/brown.

+Name that Color Scheme!

Monochromatic red-violet


Cool Colors


Primary Colors


Complementary Colors


Tertiary Colors


Secondary Colors

Split Complementary Colors


Warm Colors


Analogous Colors

Cool Colors


Split Complementary Color Scheme


Art I: Complete the color wheel using colored pencil – you can only use the primary colors. Mix to create secondary and tertiary.

Add a color scheme to your balance design. You may choose to use one or combine two schemes!

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