
Cross-Cultural Awareness - Build synergies across the borders

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 2 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©


Cultural Awareness - the key to your company’s success ............................................. 3  

Corporate Culture Awareness ........................................................................................ 4  

Culture-wise Leadership Development .......................................................................... 5  

Cultural Differences in Decision-Making ........................................................................ 6  

Cross-Cultural Negotiation ............................................................................................. 7  

Time Management across Cultures ............................................................................... 8  

Conflict Management across Cultures ........................................................................... 9  

Customer Service across Cultures .............................................................................. 10  

Cross-Cultural Awareness ........................................................................................... 11  

Country-specific Culture & Business Etiquettes ........................................................... 12  

Cross-Cultural Marketing & Brand Building ................................................................. 13  

Contact Us ................................................................................................................... 14  

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 3 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Cultural Awareness - the key to your company’s success

In this global market, the chance of losing business, or failure due to cultural misunderstandings counts high. In our daily interaction, we see only the surface layer of culture. The iceberg model explains the culture best because it is the underbelly of the cultural iceberg that poses the problem - fundamentals such as attitudes, beliefs, assumptions, values, communication and management styles. If you are unaware of these differences, the potential for misunderstandings, poor communication and failed relationships increase! Broadlands has expanded its top-quality training portfolio and is proud to offer a range of in-house cultural awareness training sessions, focusing on the potential contribution to a highly diverse Qatar society. Our unique aim is to foster mutual respect and cooperation among people from different cultures, and also promote better understanding of each other. Our cultural awareness solutions are based on the key principles of: n Developing Cultural Competence n Promoting Cultural Intelligence n Building Culture-wise Leaders and Teams

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 4 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 1 Day Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Corporate Culture Awareness

With the globalisation of business and increased diversity in the workplace, cultural awareness has become one of the most important business tools in every industry. Corporate cultural awareness training is very helpful for management in diverse cultural background teams, and helps you to understand how and why your colleagues, contacts or even clients think, act and do in the way they do, and also what they might think of you. Training Outcome:

n Understand the relationship between culture and the

organisation n Understand the key characteristics of organisational culture n Identify different images of organisations and how these

relate to different organisational forms n Isolate where your organisation sits within the cultural web n Build good and peaceful relations within your organisation n Maximize your business potential within your diverse team

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 5 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 2 Days Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Culture-wise Leadership Development

Behind every successful leader is a vibrant culture that engages and energises the team! Running a global enterprise requires emotional intelligence about cultural differences, as well as industry knowledge and technical expertise. The leadership skills need to be upgraded in order to be able to tackle the new level of diversity. Today’s leaders need to be adept at leading and managing people of different cultures; they need to listen to the "voices of the people" as well as understand what those voices may actually be telling them. Do not hesitate to contact me to develop your leadership skills upgraded with cultural intelligence. Training Outcome: n A thorough understanding of one’s Personal Cultural Profile

and its impact on leadership behaviour n More adept at influencing business partners from a different

culture n An increased awareness of culture’s key drivers and their

impact on you as a global leader n An understanding of how different communication styles

affect international business and leadership n Improved communication skills to positively interact and lead

colleagues and counterparts in a global context n Enhanced leadership skills to inspire and motivate people

across cultures

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 6 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 2 Days Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Cultural Differences in Decision-Making

How do cultural values influence individuals' decision making? Individualistic and collectivist values influence individuals' decision making. People with different cultural backgrounds have different expectations, norms and values, which in turn have the potential to influence their judgments and decisions as well as their subsequent behaviour. A country’s orientation influences the level of thinking in which decisions are made. The deep roots of the culture’s norms, traditions, rituals and stories imprint specific generational preferences that impact organisational values and the decision-making process of leaders and followers. Leaders make decisions influenced by cultural preferences. The success of the decision-making depends on what is appropriate and expected in the cultural environment. These expectations might be quite different, and you need to be aware of this difference! Training Outcome:

n Better decision-making skills through increased Cultural

Awareness n Understand the relationship and the differences between

cultures n Gain a range of strategies to become more effective n Understand the cultural dimensions impacting decision


Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 7 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 2 Days Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Cross-Cultural Negotiation

Culture is the most important factor in shaping how people think, communicate and behave. Therefore it affects how we negotiate, whether we’re selling, buying, or working with colleagues; we always negotiate with someone with a different cultural heritage. Strategic preparation and cultural awareness can sharpen the competitive edge for companies negotiating across cultures. Cross-Cultural Negotiation training minimises the effects of culture. Yet, given the growth of international business activity, managing the cross-cultural dimension of negotiation can make a difference between success and failure Training Outcome:

n Understand the relationship between culture and negotiation n Understand the differences in negotiation style of business

people with various cultural backgrounds, n Master advance preparation, formulating and developing

persuasive arguments and counterarguments from an intercultural perspective.

n Understand the key characteristics of negotiation across cultures

n Get the maximum outcome from your negotiations n Avoid conflict and reduce risks n Build good and peaceful relations

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 8 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 2 Days Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Time Management across Cultures

The time orientation of a culture affects how it values time and controls time. Therefore differing concepts of time, and its management across cultures, are significant problems in global organisations. Each culture has its own perspective of time. Meeting deadlines and managing project workflows when working with people from different nationalities across the world can be one of the most challenging aspects of managing intercultural business relationships. Culturally different attitudes to time management can be extremely harmful in multinational organisations. Monochronic vs. Polychronic? Interactions between the two types of cultures can be problematic. Recognising whether you are dealing with a polychronic or monochronic culture and the attendant differences in how time and relationships are valued is crucial to being able to communicate effectively across cultures Training Outcome:

n Understand the importance of time between cultures n Manage your time effectively n Become more flexible and stress free n Maximise your business potential n Minimise misunderstandings

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 9 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 3 Days Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Conflict Management across Cultures

Resolving a conflict may already be difficult. How would you resolve if it were across the cultures? Cultural differences are usually the sources of misunderstanding and conflict. ‘One size fits all’ method does not resolve the conflict when dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds. Each culture has its own perspective of resolving conflicts and given culture's important role in conflicts, what should be done to keep it in mind and include it in response plans? Cultural fluency is a key tool for resolving and managing multi-layered cultural conflicts. But what is ‘Cultural fluency’? Cultural fluency is the familiarity with cultures: their natures, how they work, and ways they intertwine with our relationships in times of conflict and Training Outcome:

n Understand the relationship between conflict - the

organization and the culture n Identify sources and types of cross-cultural conflict n Learn to apply 4 step model approach conflict resolution

across cultures n Learn the differences in cross-cultural communication styles n Minimise misunderstandings

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 10 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 2 Days Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Customer Service across Cultures

What does a good customer service mean? Does customer service vary across different cultures? What are the pitfalls and challenges when working with a cross-cultural clientele? What is the best way to handle cultural errors when dealing customers across the cultures?

Please remember that customers’ needs and expectations may vary across cultures. Providing the same service style to ALL customers is an error. You will learn how to adapt your service delivery style and to meet individual customer’s needs. The key is to be aware of cross-cultural differences.

This course is tailor made to suit the participants’ industry, sector or specific work situation. You will be able to provide outstanding service across cultures. Training Outcome:

n Learn what exceptional service is across the globe n Learn and master how to handle the demanding customers n Learn and appreciate cultural differences in customer

service expectations n Maximise your business potential n Minimise misunderstandings

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 11 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 2 Days Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Cross-Cultural Awareness

Constant mutations and exchanges between people are continuous; the ability to navigate successfully across cultures is not a luxury anymore, but a necessity! We will lead you to understand the behaviours, values and expectations of other cultures and integrate the cultural similarities and differences that make us so different but also so unique. This interactive training is based on cultural dimensions, which will help you to see where you stand. Training Outcome: n Understand culture’s impact on our life n See the differences between your own culture in relation to

other cultures n Get smooth working relationships (face to face / virtual) n Identification of the keys to understanding different cultural

perspectives n Understand the importance in recognising key cultural

differences when doing business n Learn how to communicate effectively and appropriately with

people from different cultures

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 12 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Duration: 1 Day Language: English Trainer: Sezen Lambin

Country-specific Culture & Business Etiquettes

Have you ever you realised how much culture impacts our professional life? Cultural awareness, cultural mind-set and business etiquettes are all crucial for our business. Business etiquette differs from region to region and from country to country. Therefore this creates a difficult situation for business people to balance the focus on both international business etiquette and business activities at the same time. Focusing on key pillars of business etiquette is a must, and a vital piece of the professional success! Our country-specific Culture and Business Etiquette training is customised for each client. It is not about memorising rules, but about focusing on building better business relationships by applying the underlying principles of etiquette; generational differences, business social situations, image and attire, workplace civility, business meetings, and the ever-popular dining etiquette, which is taught over a meal. Training Outcome:

n Strengthen your communication and collaboration with

colleagues and business partners from the specific country/culture

n Business etiquette awareness will maximize the return on your business

n Feel at home whenever you travel abroad

Cultural Awareness Programmes 2015/16 Page 13 of 14 Created by Broadlands Approved by: John McGuire Broadlands – 2015 ©

Service: Consulting Consultant: Sezen Lambin Language: English Lambin

Cross-Cultural Marketing & Brand Building

How to create and develop a long lasting marketing success and brand value in this global market? It is critical to understand the cultural relationship because the influence of culture on marketing or brand building is high. Cultural differences on international market affect the adaptation of the product, service, price and promotion. What will the market bear? What can your brand and business model bear? What are the key triggers to customer loyalty? How to keep long lasting client relations? Which colors to use? Which marketing channel to use? Remember to ensure your logo, name, concept or colors do not offend other cultures. And keep in mind “If you want to sell what Mr Brown or Mr Ali buys, you have to see things through their eyes.” That is good advice for anyone who wants to sell a product or service in this global market with success. The key areas we advise in cross-cultural marketing and branding are: n Name development n Concepts n Colors n Images n Logos n Advertisement n Marketing channels

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Contact Us

For full details of our training & consulting services, to have one to one consultation, or for a quote to design a programme suited to your needs, please contact us:

Broadlands LLC PO Box 31316 Al Fardan Towers 8th Floor West Bay Area Doha, Qatar Sezen Lambin Consultant Email: [email protected] Phone: (+974) 44 10 15 84 Mobile: (+974) 70 22 12 00 Fax: (+974) 44 10 15 00

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