


Analysis of teaching materialAnalysis of teaching material1. Status and Function :This is a revision lesson based on the topic “Shopp

ing” for the eighth-year students. In this lesson ,we are going to revise words, sentence patterns,dialogues and readings. It’s important to revise communicative functions , such as invitation , making phone calls , shopping , likes and dislikes, making appointment,asking the way, talking about shape/color/material/price.

• Knowledge aim : Revise words, sentence patterns, dialogues and readings based on the topic “shopping” .

2.Teaching aims :

• Ability aim : By giving the students different levels of tasks, the teacher help the students improve their abilities of listening ,speaking and reading . Also ,the students will practice studying by themselves and working with others.

Analysis of teaching materialAnalysis of teaching material

• Emotional aim : Help the students to show love for their family members and friends by giving gifts and to be polite during shopping.

2.Teaching aims :

Analysis of teaching materialAnalysis of teaching material

3.The students are facing the challenge of the revision of words, phrases, sentences and passages based on different topics before the final exam . What do we do to help the students to achieve the goal effectively ? In this class, the students will revise useful language points related to the topic of shopping. At the same time , they also practice the knowledge points of other topics such as making a telephone call, asking the way ,likes and dislikes and so on. They can not only sum up the knowledge learned before, but also practice the dialogues with partners or in groups. So they will gain a lot after they practice listening, speaking , reading and writing.

Analysis of studentsAnalysis of students

Key points: Encourage the students to finish the tasks given with others and summarize words and expressions about “shopping”.

Difficult points : Encourage the students to use freely what we have learned and communicative functions to practice listening, speaking and reading.

4. Teaching key and difficult points

Analysis of teaching materialAnalysis of teaching material

1. 任务教学法“ The task-based teaching method”,

2. 情景教学法“ Create situational teaching method”

3. 交际教学法“ communicative teaching method”

Favorite Food

5. Teaching methods :

1. 自主学习法“ Autonomous learning method”

2. 合作学习法“ Cooperative learning method”

3. 探究学习法“ Inquiry learning method”

Favorite Food

6. Learning methods :

Before - shoppingBefore - shopping

While - shoppingWhile - shopping

After - shoppingAfter - shopping

Teaching ProcedureTeaching Procedure

5. Procedure :

Before - shoppingBefore - shopping

While - shoppingWhile - shopping

After - shoppingAfter - shopping

Blackboard DesignBlackboard Design

Asking the way Asking the way

Dialogues in the shopDialogues in the shop


What time Where What

Words Phrases sentences Dialogues

Group discussion :

1.What time do you want to go shopping ?

2.Where do you go shopping according to different things you want to buy ?

3.What do you think about before you go shopping ?

Before - shoppingBefore - shopping

•When you need some new things• Give gifts to your family members or friends on birthdays• Before festivals

Before - shoppingBefore - shopping

gift shop bookshop

clothes shop supermarket

sports shop shoe shop toy shop flower shop

Before - shoppingBefore - shopping

Before - shoppingBefore - shopping

The spring Festival is coming.

What things does Simon want to b

uy ?




new shoes

school things

new clothes

food and drink

CD/music box

Make a shopping list

Listen to a dialogue and find out the answer.

Christmas is coming!What presents/gifts can I buy for my mother?

Useful phrases1. 购物2. 和我一起来3. 需要某人做某事4. 给某人一个礼物 5. 为某人买礼物

6. 对…感兴趣7 我不确定8 那是一个好主意9. 不客气

I am not sure.

go shopping come with me

need sb. to do sth. give sb.a gift= give a gift

to sb. buy sb.a gift=buy a gift for sb.

You are welcome.

be interested in

That is a good idea

Talk about presents

Do you know how to make a phone call ? What do we say ?Work in groups to talk about the sentences and write down on paper.

Making a phone callMaking a phone call

1. Hello, this is . Is in?

2. Hello, this is Tom.   Is that Mary speaking?

3. Hello, may/can I speak/talk to Mary ?

4. Hold (Hang) on , please.

5. A minute, please.

6. Sorry, she isn't in. Would you like to leave a message?

7. May (Can) I take a message, please?

Making a phone callMaking a phone call

S1: Hi, Can I speak to ...,please?S2: Speaking .S1 :Christmas is coming. I want to buy a present for --- Do you have any ideas?S2: What about ---?S1: I’m not sure. Maybe he’s/she’s(not) interested in---S2: Then you can buy---. I know he/she likes ---S1: Good idea! Would you like to go shopping with me ?S2: OK. when and where shall we meet ? ------

Practice TimePractice Time

While - shoppingWhile - shopping

Asking the way Asking the way

Dialogues in the shopDialogues in the shop

Oral practice Oral practice

Asking the way

If you are going to Harbin Yuanda shopping center , but you don't kn

ow the way . How can you get there


Asking the way

1. Remember the prep ( 介词)

about the location.

2. How do we ask the way ?

3. How do we give directions ?












The farm is on the right of the park.The shopis on the left of the factory.

Ask the way and give directions

The park is behind the school and the shop.

The school is next to the shop.The factory is in front of the farm.

Excuse me, could you tell me where the…is, please?Excuse me, could you tell me where the…is, please?

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the …, please?

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the …, please?

How can I get there?How can I get there?

Which is the way to ... ?Which is the way to ... ?Which is the way to ... ?Which is the way to ... ?

Asking the wayAsking the way

It’s on the left of…/on the right of…/next to…/behind…/in front of.

It’s on the left of…/on the right of…/next to…/behind…/in front of.

Go down the street. Take the first/second/third turning on the right/ left.

Go down the street. Take the first/second/third turning on the right/ left.

It’s only about five minutes’ walk.It’s only about five minutes’ walk.

You can go there either on foot or by bus.You can go there either on foot or by bus.

Giving directionsGiving directions

Zoo Bookshop Factory Yuanda ShoppingCenter

Harbin No.1 Store Cinema Toilet


Supermarket BankResturant

Hospital Museum




Fruit Shop

The CentralShopping





•Greetings•Choosing•Material•Size and color•Price•payment

Dialogues in the shopDialogues in the shop

Work in groups :Sum up the phrases and sentence patterns about shopping that we have learnt ,then show them in the front.

   1. Do you find anything you like?

  你找到你喜欢的吗 ? 2. What can I do for you?   你要些什么 ?   3. (how) Can I help you?   我能帮你吗 ?( 需要些什么 ?)    4. Are you being served?   你需要帮忙吗 ?    

Greetings 打招呼Greetings 打招呼

1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket.2. I’ d like to see some towels.3. Show me that one, please.  4. Let me have a look at this watch.5. Would you show me this cup?6. I’ m interested in this new type of

car.7. I’ m just looking, thanks.      

Choosing 选择Choosing 选择

1. What is the table made of ? 2. What is the paper made from ?

3. The table is made of wood. 4.The sweater is made of wool .5. The wine is made from grapes.

Materials 材料Materials 材料

1. How about this blue one? 2. It’ s too big. 3. Too small . 4. It seems to fit well. 5. Can I have a size larger? 6. This color is very popular. 7. This blue color goes well with

the dress.

Size and color 尺寸和颜色Size and color 尺寸和颜色

1. How much does it cost? 2. What’ s the price for this suit? 3. How much do I have to pay for it? 4. How much are these ties?    5. Can you make it cheaper?  

Price 价格Price 价格

1. How can I pay ? 2. May I write a check for you? 3. Will that be cash or charge ? 4. Sorry, we don’ t take checks. 5. Is there any discount ? 6. I’ ll take this. 7. How much does it cost ?


payment 付钱payment 付钱

Useful Shopping expressions

Questions Could you help me, please? Could you tell me where the ................ department is? Excuse me, I'm looking for a .......... . Is there somewhere I can try this on, please? Does it suit me? Do you have this in a (larger/smaller size) (different colour), please?

Answers/CommentsIt's too long / short. It's too tight / loose. The ladies / gents changing rooms are over there.

While - shoppingWhile - shopping


A: 你和妈妈去买毛衣,你喜欢紫色。编一个包括售货员,你和妈妈三人之间的对话。B : 你想买两公斤新鲜的苹果,而且想问是否能打折。C: 你想买一双鞋,但是售货员给你拿的那双小了一些,你想要换双大号的,而且你要试穿。

Situational dialogue 情境对话Situational dialogue 情境对话

• Dialogue 1

A: Hello! Can I help you?   B: Yes, I want a sweater for my daughter, please.   A: How about this one?   B: Oh, good. The size is OK.   C: Mum, I don't like the colour.   A: Do you like this purple one?   C: Cool! That's my favourite colour.   B: How much is it?   A: Sixty-eight yuan.   B: Here's the money.   A: Thanks.

A : Can I help you?

  B : I’d just like to have a look .

  A : Are you looking for some apples?

  B : I could also buy some apples if they’re nice.

  A: How many do you need?

    B : Two Kilograms.

  A: Are these apples on sale?

  B : That’s our lowest price. 


Dialogue 2

  A : I’m looking for a pair of shoes.

      B : Yes, sir. I’d be glad to show you some.

A: Do you have anything larger than this one?

   B : Yes, we have. Let me show you.

   A: Would you mind if I try this on?

   B : No, not at all.

      A : Give me a smaller size, please.

   B : With pleasure. I’d be glad to show you some.


Dialogue 3

Salesperson: Hi. ___1_______Customer: Yes. I am looking for an outfit for a Christmas party.S: __2_____C: It is pretty informal, I think.S: ___3_____ C: I think a dress or a skirt. Especially something in red.S:___4____They look very beautiful for the Christmas season.S: ___5_____ C: I think about a size 10.S: Okay, here they are . _____6_____C: Yes, please. (some minutes later )C: That's fine. ______7___ I 'll take them.____8___S: 50 dollars.S: Thank you and come again.

交际应用练习交际应用练习After - shoppingAfter - shopping

A: We have some nice red dresses in this area.B:How much does it cost ? C:Is it formal or informal?D:Can I help you ?E:Would you like to try them on?F:May I try them on ?G:What size are you looking for?H: How much do they cost ?I: I think it's fit for me .J: Are you looking at pants or a dress?

交际应用练习交际应用练习After - shoppingAfter - shopping

Answers :

1 - D 2- C3 - J 4- A5 - G 6- E7 - I 8- B

A: Good morning! Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I’d like a pair of leather shoes. A: What color do you want? We have two colors. B: I think I 21 white to black. A: What size do you wear?B: Size 37. May I try them 22 ?A: Certainly. B: Oh, I’m afraid they are a little 23 for me. A: Here’s another pair in size 38. What do you 24 of them?B: Oh, good. They are big _25__. I think I’ll 26 them. 21. ____ 22. ____ 23. ____ 24. ____ 25. ____26._____


prefer on small think enough


It is always a(n) (1) ________ to receive gifts from family members and friends. In China, we usually (2)_______ a gift with both hands and open it later. But in the West, people usually do not pay much (3) __________ to that. During the Spring Festival, there are many (4) _________. For example, people in the north of China eat lots of jiaozi. They (5) _______ great.





acception attention surprising taste traditions


Writing practice You have bought a gift for your mom before Mother's Day.Please write a thanks card to express your thanks to your mom.

After - shoppingAfter - shopping

Tips : show thanks t

o ..., a bunch of flow

ers,wish you happy

and healthy,do som

ething special for yo

u ,buy a gift of love...

A Gift For Mother's Day Today is Mother’s Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework. Others are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that. My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night.She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need. This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this, "I love you, mother!"

Make up three dialogues happened in the shops.


Sum up the sentence patterns of this class.Copy the dialogues of this class and translate into Chinese.

Group AGroup A

Group BGroup B

Group CGroup C

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