  • 1. Altmetrics & ALMs 44006 14 Oct., 2013
  • 2. JCR & WoS Scopus Webometrics Google Scholars My Citation RWWR: Ranking of World Web Repositories Web 2.0/Social Web Altmetrics ALMs
  • 3. UK: Research Excellence Framework(REF, RAE) Outputs(65%), Impact(20%) & Environment(15%) Australia: Excellence in Research for Australia(ERA , RQF) Indicators of : research volume and activity, research application, & recognition v.s.
  • 4. Citation JCR: SCI, SSCI, & AHCI Scopus Webometrics: Google Scholar Open Access/IR: RWWR
  • 5. JCR
  • 6. WoS
  • 7. Scopus1
  • 8. Scopus2
  • 9. -TCI HSS1
  • 10. -TCI HSS2
  • 11. ACI1
  • 12. ACI2
  • 13. TACI1
  • 14. TACI2
  • 15.
  • 16. Citation Analysis Citation of a document implies use of that document by the citing author., Citation of a document (author, journal, etc.) reflects the merit (quality, significance, impact) of that document (author, journal, etc.). Citations are made to the best possible works. , A cited document is related in content to the citing document; if two documents bibliographically coupled, they are related I content; and if two documents are co- cited, they are related in content. All citations are equal. Source from: Smith, 1981
  • 17. Google Scholar1
  • 18. Google Scholar2
  • 19. Google Scholar3
  • 20. RWWR1
  • 21. RWWR2
  • 22. Questions Scholarly Communication(formal & informal) Web 2.0? Open Data & Open Science?
  • 23.
  • 24. Data Citation Index
  • 25. -
  • 26.
  • 27. IRs-IDEALS1
  • 28. IRs-IDEALS2
  • 29. eScholarship1-Books
  • 30. eScholarship2-Working Paper
  • 31. eScholarship3-Journal Article
  • 32. WEB 2.0/SOCIAL WEB
  • 33. ResearchGate1
  • 34. ResearchGate2
  • 35. SlideShare
  • 36. figshare1
  • 37. figshare2
  • 39. Faculty 1000
  • 40. JCB
  • 41. eLife
  • 42. PeerJ1
  • 43. PeerJ2
  • 44. PLoS Article-Level Metrics
  • 45. PLoS Article-Level Metrics
  • 46. PLoS Article-Level Metrics
  • 47. PLoS Article-Level Metrics Usage Stats PLOS websites, PMC Social Shares Facebook, Twitter Academic Bookmarks Mendeley, CiteULike Scholarly Citations CrossRef, Scopus, WoS, PMC Non-scholarly Citations ResearchBlogging, ScienceSeeker, Nature Blogs, Wikipedia Source:
  • 48. PLoS Article-Level Metrics Source:
  • 50. Plum1
  • 51. Plum2
  • 52. Plum3
  • 53. Plum4
  • 54. Plum5
  • 55. Plum Analytics-Category1 Usage Downloads, views, book holdings, ILL, document delivery Captures Favorites, bookmarks, saves, readers, groups, watchers Mentions Blog posts, news stories, Wikipedia articles, comments, reviews Social media Tweets, +1's, likes, shares, ratings Citations PubMed, Scopus, patents Source:
  • 56. Plum Analytics-Category2
  • 57. Plum Analytics-Category3
  • 58. Plum Analytics-Category4
  • 59. Plum Analytics-Category5
  • 60. Altmetric.com1
  • 61. Altmetric.com2
  • 62. Altmetric.com3
  • 63. Altmetric.com4
  • 64. Altmetric.com5
  • 65. Altmetric.com6
  • 66. Altmetric.com7 Social media data Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn groups, Blogs (this is a manually curated list - currently this contains ~ 3,700 blogs), Sites running Stack Exchange (Q&A), Reviews on F1000, Research Highlights in NPG journals, YouTube, & many smaller sources Online reference manager and publisher download count data Mendeley, CiteULike, & Connotea (no new data is being pulled in from Connotea - it has now closed) Optional - publisher & PubMed Central download counts Mainstream media data Source: /83335-which-data-sources-does-altmetric-track-
  • 67. Altmetric.com8
  • 68. ImpactStory1
  • 69. ImpactStory2
  • 70. ImpactStory3
  • 71. ImpactStory4
  • 72. Altmetrics Twitter Alternative metrics of impact Publishers: PLoS Aggregators: PLUM,
  • 73. Altmetrics JCR (skewed) Source: Alperin, 2013
  • 74. Altmetrics Different audiences: public vs. scholarly interest Different dimensions: attention, self-promotion, or impact Different timepoint after publication: days, months, or years Source: Lin & Fenner, 2013
  • 75. Altmetrics Author Readership Supplements to IF of journal Repositories Potential depositors and their open contents Another usage statistics Help in collection development and planning Administrator Showcase of university scholarship to both internal and external stakeholders Better understand how a particular researchers work has been received by scholarly and lay communities Source: Konkiel & Scherer, 2013
  • 76. ALMs PLoS and SPARC ALMs: Article Level Metrics / Altmetrics ALMs metrics Source: Tananbaum, 2013
  • 77. Altmetrics Citations Usage data ALMs
  • 78. Social metrics Citations Usage data ALMs / Altmetrics
  • 79. Source: Piwowarr, 2013
  • 80. What sources of data should be used? How can we identify what research outputs are being discussed? You say tomato, I say tomahto? How do we interpret the data? Source: Liu & Adie, 2013
  • 81. Evolutional metrics and findings 3 Stages and Types Citation analysis WoS & JCR Webometrics (Link Analysis) Google Scholars Metrics Web 2.0 analysis Altmetrics & ALMs Scope and Granularity Journal - Article - Data sets - PPT- Figure & Table Country - Institute - Group - Individual Data Source and Quality Source Calculation & AlgorithmCounts
  • 82. (context) factor vs. count DOI (ORCID) Digital Preservation
  • 83. Citation Analysis Altmetrics Citation of a document implies use of that document by the citing author., ? Citation of a document (author, journal, etc.) reflects the merit (quality, significance, impact) of that document (author, journal, etc.). ? Citations are made to the best possible works. , ? A cited document is related in content to the citing document; if two documents bibliographically coupled, they are related I content; and if two documents are co- cited, they are related in content. ? All citations are equal. ? Source from: Smith, 1981
  • 84. Yahoo
  • 85. USA Today
  • 86. References Alperin, J.P. (2013). Ask not what altmetrics can do for you, but what altmetrics can do for developing countries. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(4), 18-21. Konkiel, S., & Scherer, D. (2013). New opportunities for repositories in the age of altmetrics. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(4), 22-26.. Lin, J., & Fenner, M. (2013). The many faces of article-level metrics. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(4), 27-30. Liu, J., & Adie, E. (2013). Five challenges in altmetrics: A toolmakerss perspective. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(4), 31-39. Piwowar, H. (2013). Introduction almetrics: What, why and where? Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(4), 8-9. Smith, L.C. (1981). Citation analysis. Library Trends, 30(1), 83-106. Tananbaum, G. (2013). Article-level metrics: A SPARC primer.
  • 87. Reference Websites ImpactStory Plum Analytics
  • 88.

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