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VOL. U.....: 47 . -~ ~ iCARnlZOZO, LINCOLN CQUNT'f, · M;$XlCO •. FlUDA.'t, JANUARY 9, l9Sl ~·. . ·· ... 1 PRICE: ,. ... ,.. o I , . . , ",· . . . .. . . . . , . ::,: ;,.i :., :;;~::; :,~;;; ~:. ;::: ;:~: :, ': : ::if;;~:;;: .. ,;:~; ;; ";:;;,:~r~,;;',:::: :~; ;,-,:,.;=:::;·:;;;.:· •' :;;:.;;:::;::• ;;; . :~~- ::::; : ;:;::;; '::

: . < .£0BONA: .. . . CRYSTAL THEATRE I • • : Fune.r:a o~ Mt:.a ~E- .. B~"~~.r·rHeJd . · .:· ANCQO · NOTES · · · ~ . : . -......... · · · ·If J Piumart. Mgr · ' , At "Wh•t ·· · · · ··w · d ··~·- . ..].: · ·. ··. :i.i · .· · ·;····· - .··. ·.- · • •

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I • ' ~~-~· :and· lrtra. HlrY~f Arm~ . ' '' ... ' . .• .: • ' • : . ~ . ' l e ... - . ' ... : .e 11~-~~~,.::: ; ' ·Mr. ~n~ M~ B~~an Hightl.\w- John . . . 'troll·~~t~rned J'ridat i'J"o~ • Fri~~y...;.~aat sbowmB of th~. . ~ .'_ · . · " . · ~t,' · 11 ~~ : ·, • •• : : • ··~ll:'.'~ :•.· .. :· : • ~ er have reeeutly pur~ll•s~d . and Oliff f'l'k:

. ·J~~ ·~•' dli.t wltll reltlhves KrlPPtn5r atory of th" .- nor~b · Th~ fuu~ral ot Mra..13us•n lfr :Kansas, ·sh~ , · , tnd ~ar~ted ~~~~~~ model A:twtJ.ter Kent n... . ·Peco1 . •t ·fdendiS lll' J.OQth~rn Texa1;1, wood a and Nortbweat Mtmnted Barber, ·who paa~~a, t.hla li.fe la.if~ Alexander ~·· ·Aug;2S, tcH a.. J .• , );!ru~tt and Pete FrAl:l1~ th11 w~k. ~ · . : . · .. '•···'';'''" . . . · • Ponce,, "'Men of the l'!Qtth/' SaturdaY. evenini. w~ behl. ·at '7$:. ·~·e h~·~.. . . · . .• .bA'Ve ~ew,r:adio $~t~. . r'lativ~e. . ~· .•

. . lt,~~nlcWindh•·•pen~ t.llo hollf... . . . . . .· ·· .. · · . · · White.qaka WednQJday· after-f the ~bnlstr-y .a.n . . .· . . · :Miss Effie Dufe a.nd Jim: Dale . . . · ·· . tta11 w.ltbhlt P•t~nt.Sl· 1n Okll\:- • Saturday .. Sun~ay' ~ati~.e~ o~ noon •. ~1~h ·the Rev. ~a.wsQt_! o_f Churcb.;but ._fter.~ar~s P.9~Pilred a:re .home -!rom San Francisco, . »•~l ao.l<>w w•s • Mltla. ..... ;· . · ~undasr.-;Ho.ot ~~tbaoli_.tr1 ... Con. the Car~•~ozo ME)th~du~t Oburc~ hhnsel.t. fQl' the ·llr~~ttce of Ja~. wb~te Jim .lmd gone . for nl¢~1~ Nosal . . w~k •..

. • . · . eentraun, Tlus. popu1ar ~onduoLJna the same •. A $horl aft~r having grpquated, from eal ntteution. · . . . Min D<m>th~ Wright· Tetu~n- ~tar never gives a bad :perform· service ~as held at the homei Mfssoud University. MJrs. Joe Roaeoe, witb 1saUy,. ·· G.B~Short . ~.Friday from~ abort vaeatton anee. . • .,uller which,. the remains we~· . ·Alter practichlg.l~wfqr a tfma Silvers aJid Tommy Kniglft, ar- ~ttending·to · at llt~r b.oQl!' ln Lmcolq. · . d . T d " . taken to the White Qake ChurchJ. m Eureka and Atchison, Kans .• ilved Jn· Ancho last week from J h ur · -""~·

.... Mon ay- ues ay- Stree~"J of wheJ:e R"'v 1 "W"OJl contt·n·un·.;; .the McSweens came over the Qld E.l o 'flh · · · 1 - 0 n n .. ..-: .. '... u th• B tl .. a teacher C"' · u ith w p 11 d "' • ""~ "' · ~· · · · · · · · ... a~o. " eY came as at as r· th t •&lM per ~ u e... · . . · J,anee, . w m. owe an by preachin" the fuuerahermorl S•ntll F~ Trail to Santa ·Fe but C i . · ·th M d · M or e pas

Ja tb• Rstanciaecbopl$, is VlSlt~ Jea.u .Artbur • .Said to _be the in Wltich··he revl~wed. the ionj bf.Jl cb~nc~ ll!~eti~g wttir. s~. R nrr :~o~v:ll rt :n r;t ~a. ter some :0.1:181 , fpa b•~ .Ittor, Ab'a, Nan ~tope. bel!lt pedor~ance.ever giVen b~ life of the dtcO.!!~d, chapt~r af~ ¥a,uel Oter<> near Lu VeJtaa, fa ~sit 0

1 rv: wen. 0 · JJcon · ~~: liiM Butltri• r.eeoverlni from • t!UJ vopular a tar. . . tel' chapter aivJng a graphic dft"'o ~Y were . advised to so/ to the oMv rEe•ba \ ~~ f C • " w. F. .trip tQ

, tog~U o~l'alfon.· , ,. : . . . . i . • . . . . tbrivlna town ot LflfeQln. The . re. f er: (prown o arrl"' RoaweUJast tnter~t '·


. ,. "' . . Wedneaday.IJ'hu~aday, Jan Uq scr ~tt~n of he~ career from bet J c ted in Lincol b'. . i Y zozo w~s "-_visit"r in Ancho ~d of mlnlnsr. ,.. .. \), ~.;~:~· . .. ' } Jlta. A. W. Varney, dau"ht~r 15-'Those three l!'rench Girls,' early garlbood 1~ tho e-.t. to the ~: dream that"th ,~t Uttl~ d d Luna laati Satqrday. In t. he , · · 1

· " •

B.<IPa and w .. La Halla Brown wJth• Re~fnald Dennyf Cliff Ed-. final episodeQ In the Welt an4 the'atorm center of erb:~·~!: ~e forenOQO,~"' she was a guest of Mrs. Etl.~l Maf .and da.uabter

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·of 41b\lquerque epent the week· wards, ll'lti D'Orsay. Yola D' Av- drew on th~1llf~ 0{'* 'drama ot t~atbigbtin ts7s t'ft~ M1.1f. H.~ Bullard; in the at ... Noveline haVf) juat arriv~ tl'bm •gd here~ with frienda, beln~ tht: ril and Polly Moran. · Tickets remar~a e PIOneer, f.u 0 n- tie did th~ oun br"de d ternoon, 'S~e · and Mrs. Bullard Oklahoma CitY· where they QVe rq.,ta of H.rnee, Arnold and will be sold by High school boys terest, romance, tr~gedy, adven;. that. tbo tim: wo:,d c~m · riam attended a Club meeting at the been for the paqtfive yeara. Mn •. Stone. and girls, and the ·basketball ture an~ usefulness~ R · she would aee her home eh:;~:~ ~lome of ~ll's. ·Price Miller. . May. it fa presumed, wlll open a

. . teams will share in receipts of ' We \VIS~ to cornmeqd ~v.Law,. down in that terrillle Lincoln Mr~ ~nd .M:~.§· H. A. Morr~.s re- restaurant • in Nogal aoon, At Klal ~ranees McKinney • or t!Uch sales. · HOn on hu~r aermou ~nd af there County W~r. and her husband, turned S~nday ft'onJ ~"t. Worth present, she is makina her ho1na

Lat Cruces, who was a vls1t9r were Jt\or.e sermons. hke that,. ~n unarmed;f!ave for bitt Bible, llhot where they a~nt the Christmas wltb Mr. and Mrs. JeSIIe May, b.t3 Jut w.-lc, tettJrned •. accom. Tlte "Capitan Boomers" sad occaaJons of that nature,peQ"" down. with a number Qf h I a holidays. ...... . . . "Ptnltd by )[Ju Zelfa DuJbman,. · ple woul4 be saved many tear1, fl'lendB "" they ran from· the Mr. and :Vh·s. Pete Frame and . 1Mrn .. W. H .• Grey, dausht.,r ot

· atudent •t State College and who wJU give a dance· at Community much unnecessary sorrow .00 burnfnsr building, the· noted tlleir children Amaryllis· a n d n~r. and Mra. J. M. ~urloy, ar-,bacl btHa lpending the holidays Hall Saturday, Jan.lO, 10:u. less bro~en heatts. lie prafste,i. tbe Kid and his pal, ijjjiuio Sa• · Billy have .. returned !rom San r.tved 'l'\leaday evenfna at Ca~rf ... *til bar parents bar•. the berotsm of .the pioneer• in la~r beina the only .ones to elf- Fraoeiaco, where they s Pen t zozo ~rom which ~lace abo wm

- ' Hundred• of RtqUHb. which Hra.Barbar figured uooo cal)e. tbe latter badly wounded, Christmas with .Mra.J.~t.Fcame. ItO t~. her parent• home on the )(f. 'lAd Hra. A. J. Atldnaon ot ,the foramu•~ ~d told of how l;)ut who still aurvlvia in the town Jlra. 0. Y. Downing of Co- old Pete Johnson place eut. ot

.entertained 80 gueata with a tur- t'or a fteeontl a~howin~ of "Billy: much out aection i>f the, of Lip coin. '1be ~~9]tt6 ot tl1at t'*oa was here Ne-.t Year' a Eve, NogaJ, where abo will •••l•t ln k•J dinqer Konda~ evenini. ~~ Kid" h·ave been received by owed to .. those who bl6lztd. trasrody, whoae r.emalna Jle, enrouto to Las Cruces to apend . tor .tltellurley famll.r.·who •ftM dlrJner, t~e aueats played the .rnanascemenc. of tbe Crystal tratla and laced.dauscera hi ordtr uid to me. &·lew weeki ago: New Year'e Day with her. 1on have been on the eick Uat for the oarclt. ainco the first showing. t~at we· ma.v·enJoy livin; in ha~r .,No one haa eyer. written a Oren, who is a student at State put two w•~'·

. . of thla popular subject in Nov- pmeaa an~ PPCEt &I neighbor• aatlafactotv. accoun~ ollt, there- Colle go. · · -- · llrt. A11c6 Sultemeier. Miu amber,.. &sponding to the wish- ~d tricnds. · for.,Mome of you know by · ·Mr. t.nd Mrs. P.M. Melton and For Creah e"g~t,see Jeuo May.

JCau AUdnton u.d Bryce Ward ~~ o(jlatrons, Man1gcr Pittman i'ho ~uncra.l was well attendtd leda•, tradition and folk -.lore, daughter Reatha were Corona -. -· IP"t the week- end wU~ Hn. hi& contracted !or a.rcturn en .. by the many old friend a of tbt . It Ia vtry doubtl.ul Jf ever the visitor& Momfay of tbla week. Mrs. Dolly Huat hat been 2~ . ~.ltt·lttmtfft• .... tltet it Belen. . lllguincn't 'of" this feature lor deceMtU!d wtw~ gathered i ta,.-i . . • hlme·a. R\ltll Witf and aackie the alck list thil \Yttk'· ' . . - jbowing dudng Eebruary. De~ their .•~st r,eepccts to the mamor.v writte'l ~· it should be., x Silvers qtotored to White Oak a . -h . . . Mra Pemx la hoJmt again after duite pht\< anuuunc~ of tlua t!lltlmablu l_ady aunt to take Sometime after- her hu!Sband's hast Satu~dny • tbe Misses, Mila ~sr~~ as•ome new n~:bora badu~., hatd h~r infant dau~hter l!d.woon. ll Iaiit Jook on the r~malim• ~f _?he d.i!ath, Mra. McSween came Jnto dred Downfna- and Vt•rdin«lWare M tv ~craon place, h • llld In an El Puo hospital for medi- · . . . whom they .so loved, after wh1ch. posaesaiiJn o! a Jnge ranch neat accompanied them to Anchp. r8• • • ~1ayhen, w o seem cal ttntment. Tbe baby Ia much Judge Seth J;.''.Crcws . the cortege moved to the eem&- Three Rivers am·d so eucc~asfuJ J. A. Pruett has returned 'home ~~~e ~a~~fr ~leasant anct nefah~. better. . . • tery the remaioa ~.ere in· was ~~~· that she earned tb~ u. a£ror spending a week in Duran. · Y Y · . ·

. ,_ D I,:)·- 1 . of Oseura. was a Carrizozo v1sit- terred, JUSt aa tlm euu was sirtk• tle of The Cattle Queen of .New "Gr~tndma" Kll"ore an~ Tom J M .., wh h ........ ill th ~ '' ~tupent .. t week· , tb l t · · t t th ~ k mg belnod the mouuuumr u M~xlco." lu 1880 •be ma~rded • . ll · eue a, • 0 •• uoen ·• ~nd in Albuquerque. Jr , e a!~~.~ o e wee • though adding a aympathetie Ge~ a. B~~trber, a lawyer. but Kalgore, reslfdenta ofhAnc .o fodr paat week, it able to bt PP a~rain •. • . ' ~ l t th J t i tb rt thi• union wat not • happy one a number o y~al'l, . ~ ;'! vt- GertkUne DuBoit, lrlr Hop. D. L •. Byroll toue 1 0 e ~~ IWl~. n bel l- In1917 etbe told- her ranch tA A. to Alamogotdo. They wm be L.R.Huat and the W.G. 'White ........... - . ue•cemetery 111 the YIU ey e ow. · " • 1 i d b th 1 ·1 d b 1 t J a. ... El •Del Krt. L. R. Rtcbardflt Arc bit h .• · 1 · f 11 h . . . . V 1 ~ ld b itt · .. S.Fallttnd mov~d to White Oaks, great 'I m siJe Y e r many 1 Y · ma e a ua n••• r. p w

PtJ"kftl4 and Sill Johnson drove w o as monarc t o a e eurveys . . ~ umes co~ , . e wr en con the little town of many tragic friend!. . Palo Jaat week. Mr. Whatt bid to Vau1hn S.turday night to at~ at P?liY. L!ncol~ County, Now cermng the life of Mr•· ,!3•rber, and pleuant meruode!f, nestJPd Tony Hcrr~ra, boxei' from El been here apendiqg tha hoUday•

- te~d tbt annual banquet and in· ~extco, Unje~ St~tes of A!De.r· all of whic~ wQuld con tam a life atnonr tho beautiful .mount*in!, Paso, BPent Saturday night Mt with hia famify. ttallat~ of oftleers in the Mil~ u:a, wa&· I. . Carrazozo . bu~:~wess full of s~crdlccs, daring even~~~ and there made her home until Peters' Boarding Hou!t. --tonto .IU.}d !!altern Starlodgeg, visitor ~u Monday·uf tbi! week, and char&table act~. but htr m•m Jbe IJtarted on that Jast. long, . . . .. . Tommy Zumwalt was ca1lfd to r ~ · ll.lld whaw in town. pard ,this wish, ns the shadows deepened long trail on January 3• 1931• _ Ancho Woman's Club News Haeb?ta, N.M.;where he wm be .·, Mta~• Minnie B. Chappell lert l)ffi~& a pte&sant e all.. Come around ller e~rtbly career, was Two half-sisters and a number the Club· met at the home of employd by the Uaflroad 9o.

· *l'hurildiY far llountainairwl1et~ tliaJU, V. L. to_ leave an 1m.pression. of love ot other relatives reside in the Mrs. Price Miller,. Saturday.Jan. tbtt wlU vlait tor a lew days he- wtth her old frtends wath whom eaflt. Mrs. Minnie Zimmerman, 3, with n good attendance: Ma· Mr. and MrtJ. F. B. Peteock fore ratuming her work at tln .md friends. she had become 80 strongly at- niece and &!gar P. Shields, ne- terinl for water school •ystcm were called to Hagerman to at. Albuquerque Univeraity. . . . · • tachcd. ~ phew,. of Loit Angeles~ are here. has been ordered. Pete Frntne tend the runeril of Mra.Pucock'a , , • __ Jlr. and llrL Corbm Hester The fo1Jowi~g obituary and M r a. Zimmerman has spent will begin .the work upon t h e brother's baby. , J1rL 0. I(. Dottntng, daugh~ &nd Mrs. S. B. Ev~rett•te Xmas sermon was dehvered by Rev. J, con1fderable time with her aunt arrival of material. Atlother . . -- .. . •.

tit" .llUdrtd and Verdina Cleg- dinner with re}atlves at Rose- L. L•w•on: untU he: health began to tail, at beautiful quilt is being made. Arthur Helm1, Nogal-- IJ®Jto &o~ dtoYe to Laa Crueea u oud, New Mextco. . 1lrt B ~. bo t G tt · which t1me, she urged .Hr~. Bar- At tlie conclu!lion of the buaf ... mail carrier, ~· bten eon&ntd ,.ped New Year'a Day with • . • • . . . . · ar r was tn n e 11 .. btl' to accompany ber toCaUlor ... neu meetlngr!.ueille Drake lang to his bed Cor uveral dar. with Ottu DOwnhlt. a unfor at Statt 'llisa Ela1n~ Sampson returned burg •• Pa., Dec. 30 •. ~8451 .. ~ .. !I•t nia,. but 1he preferred to a pend t w 0 aonSPJ Aiilaryllit .Frame a aevet«! attack of ton11UU,, but .,,.1·1 Sunday to her atudies at the At- coJonral anceatore Belt.~ wtra btr remalntnr dan at W hi t e . 111• r·t t.r h d wa1 able to take up hit dtttitl ""'. •&e. 1 1"31 W I''" "'" bt · su· · • . . . ·. . gave a rea nsr. a er w~c e-. · · bllquerque "U..'' H e :t parents . n • • . • 1.9r .no e rn. Oab .and to be Jafd to rest beside 1. • . 1 . h. . t · . ia Week. · .. Wnlh ind X:nollinLovelace ac· cccohlpanied her.. . . . 1111. abe could .ttace her ancn- her old frlendl. . . acJou~ R rea tlmen • .• t' ~he . . toeapaQled by to"ferat El · PastJ · . ·. .. . . . .·. . . . . try back to the Spaul(lera ~-the In a atltement to 'Y~fter No- ==~eb;r8 :;;:S"e-~'1~: ie•

0 beln: The New Year'• J<lve dan~ at

fritncl~t enjoyed their "facatiot' Mt. and ,Mn. Otbo Lowe pa11s- Court of Barbaro•.••· Ft~deta_ck l b1e Burna, author of The; .Sa5ra ithbeld by requeat took out N~gal Wit laraeltaUendtcl. . . t tat· Lo 1 · h h . ed tbrougb Sunday morning on ol Ge.rmany and behia Jn that ot Blll,r tht Kid.'' tbe aafd: "1. w · . . f .. d h - . ·· · . ·· a . ve ace ranc ere. their !•Y to ~at~itin. wber~ Mrs._ ~ourt. ~ey w&e no doubt, f!lt~ cttn• to White Oak a becaUS'e It Js ~~~ ~~~'::'{t~~r~! ~~~l~b~: .:he~ .r. W. Sklnae~ tutfered a ~trac-

Kitlliaey Whlte]f epent two Lowe 18 teacblng.. Hr. Lowe re· Erederrck Barbarosa-.. .Pblllip to peaceful ~ere. Jdy Ute · S h . t h .. 1 d tl 1 t turecl bontl# 1M foot._ when • ·w·••k• ltlth . home·lolkl at L\fb· cently moved · to Mountiinafr Auguatmt of Ftlnce ~nd Richard,. bfell ao atrenuoua-1 have aeen uc . · ~n tc . :. 0 ~ lib 1 mu ;he heavy tr&i~ ton~u~ dtot1J:td on· bock 'T•xat. . . . whers be is cuhier of thtt bank •. ··rhe Lion - a e a r t e d·j . of iO much fighting and killing dur~ m~r~a n dr~:s t~~ 0~ l r:~· ·t : n. but Ia imnl'4'Yhll( npl4,,. • . ' • . . ··. ··•. .· ... Enttlan.d._jn th" Third lblmtlife,lha.tin'ruyoJdagei 0u~ n ? _au•o_ r cu.. . . · .. ·. · . .. · Mr. at:td ·lfB. G w. ~Greer.ant Mr. J1nd Mrs. John W .. Owens Cr.usade in 1189• In 'all vrobab ... want peact.u Let us .pray and l93~ Wat ~the entliuehta~ .. Nogal wlll cet~li1lt •PPi'tcftte

-.. toa Glenf1 bav• ;eturned troru ~ettnn~d Saturday ~o _t~eir l1ome ility, her Mntieatoralen.GernJany; bt' cheered. wftb the· hope· that by tLL ACTt~E mdm~ela~:;;d tht new road up NOJillHOl. W(ltk PtMarillt; .Okla., where ~e~ 1rt T~pe~~· . ~tns.f ~~ter a few fof Bolla~~ during,t'ho Reform- abe b ... found · that pearl d WE! 10Pe !~ ~ont ~~~~ "urin" l 1. on which, It l• hol}6d. will begin ~ Mt. <Jr-r'a father ~0 dan V1~1t ~1tb thttr .son Glen at1on and their delicand•ntt, bet ttrnt pru!tf . . . .. . . . Wm. ;r. Lans•ton tOCin. IJ:hia piee.e of work wlll otrlMt Dlltiwu. . . _ IUld la~dy.., .... · • tt.tore im media.te ancutou, came 11l•r• 1t • tasyaUt bordetlan,d th•~ Ucll . . · . · . . · ~ntftt th~ c~unty. thtliOiliU'nii,!i"'

- • ; .. ·~ • . ~ . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . •. ~ to colonize ~ennaylvania with J~ttt "••t t6e ~~it. 0~ llt• workcf•r DllttJet ·Deputy Grand . · tty, the t~uraat-. ~ wUl Und t<J . . · , , iliii,UUdred Arnotd'teft Sun- #~~~ _tot_s.J,J~rtm, who haw ()een William Penn~ Muchnf the-data · A1Nt 1:f:.'~lid with the- 'ltf~ndl we f ·o~ ·0~· Fu Jnstalh!d . ofltcr•.;clot . prevent ttdou.J a.ccldtnw JUe~ ••

4tr IJft a th;;~•tay with bet ~llltltit- relattv.e• •t Pocuaet, watJ deatroy~d In the burning D'f , • ~- . . .. . . . .. · ·· tla ~n•u'ng term a "t . · bereto!or• hlv• uccunJd on th« · :Cftlll41Hther. · · ... · L. J. Oscdetr Okla .• c:ambe ba~k. ~~nday~ r~adyh· her home in . Whlfe. ·~aka a lew ~: ~~~%:~·~~~~111:cl:ro•ro;!-ft!~ Wedneadar ufgbf,. •·t VauJb-.n btu •.. , . •f JtlJ.'uo, . · · to resume· .. er uutJeJ,~t._-~~-~it __ . yearJ llgo; b_uf I be muat have · ... y~tlmow. . . . . . ... ' fait n!ght and Will (nltall at. Al• . h • • • • ." I.··~ . . . , , , ,. in tlle l~•l ;aehool•. ·migrated frotl) Get~yJburg- t6 'l.'tu~t t~t~gb. tbe drttane• :w~uat aft'lo~ordo Von dar tlliht and at . lot Sate~t'reah Btt• tt 4h ~ ,. ~ .l(r, 1M~ ln~t bY• -haY~ . . .· · .. . · ·. lfisiouri. durinM: tbt Civil War~ ·. 01 ~= ~U::!, at1dr01\l cl~ ·-the local fudfe Tu~lday ni~bt. .. · . Whitt_ 'Y1P4ottll ~ ~- ft'O'Iit .Carti~ whert-.. The ~.rbaake~hall t ... mli wn} Fot a timeah• r~fded itt St, ·tbt•Jdf . . . . . ·

1 P. ·.· J• ~rudnlr having hit.b~nd.• ttt1•. whlf'. tlwJ·latt. fiRtrMJ:a.

·Jiti... D·:r a undetwent • aUsbr to t<S En~in; Friday tukht and tlair ~ounty. durlng which tfme .ol m:ttMt;t. 'Jhtt 11UU •o tl~a~ tbftr . - . JIU·I KIY•· Nop.f. N.·ll-. , ~at.htnat .\tbrii4D·•• hoapl~J: on StturdaY ni"ht th,e1 will play $be ac:cepted Chti•t •• be~ g111 ... : ·J•bd . . . . · . . # • ,.: ... ··~·n! I. , ,, . . . • ~· .. ·,;· ,-or ·n ••· '" 1: •

-~- · ·.Card~~ te•~·f · .. ~ . )~ur and_.u~it~d with tb~·Ptttb$-111•~;::-. ~~~f'~kihr: d~~~· u1~1~ P. R.!h~~~~!P• · · . · · lAo .a?~~· . , .. llr.a.nd J(ra. Van 'Sto)'OC arol't u ........ ,. . • ~rum chureh. . Sbt wu a tal~ T&a~ ntstJi• tbr.~ -of mentW1 ~·Ji)W . here frorn bit rtneh hoMe San Pattie to. ebur-. ., -

t•&:tutdaJ anniq !tom· lb.a'" · ~r41D.d :lfr.~J: Itt.--. ltanwe.k ~ntf'd. musician. ~ ·~ •fnltl' And~i:O~~nword~QtJon, or~k. nE!ar An"u" Monda:v,trHoqHCtiUJl Republlean CtnJnti'Ctntrll. Co• . htta-w. IC«t1fld1 wh•re Ut~y -tin~ ~bJO!EO the. hoh~•Y• at ,AJp.ine, and found great . JOY 1tl ·ch_urch. ~ w•tUn« blii'd will ~~~P our t~trn · · . buaine1ui •oo teavln; fot mltt.M ~''*'" hfr~ for a br&d l'W\ . fttl tf:ltlloUdaf• wftb · . rex.,, tdtb t!Mir ~r~~tt. work. &lovlt~a,.:.' <t :Mthr.oa. · · ,, •\\t:• -.ort. , " . bo~• •fate tn Ull tfttrn<Xtn. . \ ttt• '4nt of tiM ~~ . .

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So1ne Good-Things for· the Table B1 NELLIE .MAXWELL. •

~--~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~@~~ .. ~~~~~ ..• Ntabt on the billa! Ia Ye't'f iirce ttned wltb cold ~tt. and l>tPPft' to' taste, A 119ft cooked ~ tilt anctent atan •rnerae, 1 a • Itt n b _,.,__ d-- •-"nat all•~• ot their mlaMr Cl•· anan rr ·~ emoYe t e _.... erJ ""¥....--.. .... to • pattr abtll Mel

tane11 from elrlll bananu ~ Cllt Into C:OYirtd · wltb tht thrlmp Compel• th worlci to peace. Now hah·q Jeorthwltt, then tnt~ quuten. makef a Tt'tJ dalD.tJ Julic:btoD dlab.

01 ur!'~!·. •::,~u:~: or mo!lntala Sprinkle with S¥>wdered 1upr, on" · Winter tbetbtt.-Take one.tcnutb rut•, halt tablellpC)Oiltul of lt~on juice aQd . euptul of oranre jul~e. OH-balt CliP.

Alii onr tbl IW&rm an4 Ufl'll tabiHpe>Ollful Of cnted 01\o - ful Ot Jtm011 ju(~ tw(l and (lll .. Jallf 01 •••n man;at .. p falle aod dark• anre rfnd. Covet Pd.let atand bllt CUpfulJ Ot IUpl', C>ne quart of a:nltk

lin a ..... -wall Wbttmu. an hour. Tbcn dip .Into the followlo~ and one c:uptul o~ IIWHteotd cnn·

DaD&Daa make dell{htfUl Mladl, tnatt IKirtal!" deaerta. le-u, and m&7 be

MrYM aa a nc~able. Daniou ahoUld be tllor· ouJhiJ ripe It uled tnah. '111018 I bit lfHD WUl cook ole-elf and be wholetQme.

. bauer and frt '" d'eep tat.· Dratn 011 be117 41\1~ Jllx and ,,...... Cider brown paper, Spl'lDJde wllh powd«ed tnat M aub.tltuted tor tUe cranberrt aupr and ttnt. lf 4•111kL

For the b&ttu-mb: and altt ooe It one II NI'YfDJ •1tllow lunf.'be9Jl cupful lit ftoul', oo•t~;~urth t~tuJ and wJahet the •up to bf Uoted, add ot nlt, onf'balt teupoonftat ot bUiac two or thrH dark 1ellow tn ·rolka . powder, add one-halt t:aptul of· -.Ilk well I>Mtea jutt befQfe ttntar. Tbe:r antl 01141 bt'fl~ea en. Add a tabiHPOOa. aot onl:r ah·t the .note ot tolor but add tt11 ot .. tttd butter snd be&t- thoi- to tbe nouri.Ameat. OUJIIIJ before IJIInr. (._lUI w .. ttra New.......,. trilla .. )

Dananu fried Ia butter .make a Cue pml•b tor bro!led- ltMk. ftuved wJUJ cooked chop• tbtJ art etpeclall)' IO<)d.

~-- ~ I C:UPI tnUJc t lb .. !l'lllfl4 'bill• 1~ 4lUilrt• alltt44t4 terM tat

eat. bap I tbJ. llolll'

lak.. lanana~~P the akin trom the ftrlll ftllow fruit, arrape the

koaoa to remoYt tile atrlvp which J!Yt an· acrid fluor to tho rrutt. Cot lato balvN leortbwltt, p1ace In a but­It-red dlJb and 1prlnkle wub eurar. four Oftl' lis tablMpooDfUII Of watt'r and lldt lJt a moderate OftD WlUI tranalaC'ebt. J'or Its baUnu, UN ldx ~~upoGnt'all ot IIUPI" (browtl Ia bt!lt), wltb li piMb of MIL

Fruit Coektall-'l'akt thrte Otallltilt three craE~ttrUltJ. ooe cuptut ot lfiP"t lhi'H tablt!JPOOflflllJ of lemoo julc., at~ tablelpOOrttuJa ot p(lwdered and at bottle of auraacblno d!errlH. Remove the Mellon• of the oranres and lfapeff11lt. Oomblne the lnr.rt­dl.ata ud ""' Yer7 told. 1,1nt«pp1e ma)' be aubltltuttd tor tho mpa. Orape• thonld be" Pteled an4 H4!ded.

Winsome Combination.. for Tea Sandwich 1 cup c:naa or l'lc1l Salt ,

-- • •Uk · Pa,~r

aanaftd lakl4 '" & .tulet­~t ten larce baaaaaa Into halve• lenrtbwtlle ud C'Ut tat• a baklnr dtah. Peel two Urtt oranr• an!J dlwtfle tn· kt HCUana. Adll the eedlona to the Mp ot tM HDIIlal. 81ft one.batt CUP• rut or MlPt onr· tilt oranrea ao.t td4 tn•half cupful or lemon JuJet wltb •n, of tile Jute. lert from lbt oranret.

.Q(J{H:IQO,I)I;HMlJ:fQ-()f)l;lOJ:ifOO-QOQ01~ liMt the tallk aad coo"k tho ~bb,t&e Cut nut brtad fa ODt-tottttb lccb $11 !t for two ailiiutec. Add the CliP ot

alice~. 'Spr,.d UabU:r 'trith · bntttr. trtam or rlcll ullk. the bteaded tat ·11Ub mant cb~ wJth a tork; Ma• and foat and the teuoalll" cook rap. 1011 wllh aalt aftd paprlb aftd thin . ldl7 fOf' three or tour mtuute~ and attr · out JllahUt _ with pJne.wte Jnlct!. conaunUT. 'lhe <abba&• retatn• tt. !prHc! out lltce ot brttd with cb~t c:rlapnetllf u• 11 dellate lA JlaTOt and l&td th.. "'th _ a lt'flii'Oiii.- taytt ot color. · mtahed ptuappl~, wen dralti~ COrer wtth ~ond ill«~ tft4 prflliJ llahUr to­Jtther. · Cgt dlaconanr. Tbett tand• wlcllN ate pop•lar tor attmOQD ttL


' '_ ... ' '

' ·-r .

" Flnt S..-lat MacWH WhUe Eltu Howe 11 usuaU7 tted·

lted "'tlt the llltectfoa ot the MW1n,. Dladllnt". • patHt for thlt de'Ylc• wu lM!CUI'ed 15 )'ft~ .....r'tt', Ill. 183(), b7 • J"rtosacltman, BarUttlmt IJ'htmolUIJtt. who Wl.l called t1ae '"eaemt ot tJdm. btes" br Parlatu ptJ~MDt iltktn.

Batt ro mlnutu. &rYe bot or cold.

Cl'dMtl ahrl,.,. al'ld MulhrotmL thrHJ tabtcapoontuJa (If butter. add oo•batt c:uptut of lrlU.hroom• tho~ aUr alid cook two rntnuttJt. add tour tabletpoontu11 of t!our and when mtxfld, obe cuptut ot atoek or thin ueam: now add one cuptut ot chopped woked abrlmps, nit, papdh

*******"***************************************"• FuT Coat May· Be Any Length •r CHEJUE tfiCHOt,u ~ Bread Clubs Are Liked by the Girls

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Sunshine~J: ~ ~ J: · ..:.All WINter Lolfg

At tu,.,....., o...rt ~..t of ltttW..,_,..,.,•IwJ WMY tlera-dttor .e.dit ftkl'!b-lky ~-~~~ tN~-tpt.Mid I'Hdi-GIIfHIII "'"""'" ~ h*hh-tltef4.alwitlfWitHta.

Wrltf/1 tHH Aot•rr.r PALM SPRINGS


Bic R~ Sy•t••· B•ll~r To make up for Ute unequal 41•

tdbuUon or raUwa:r• Jn tho CO\UltrJ, Yugo.Javla fs teeklog to.. crtjlte a atrattglc network ot 111Jh'ft't1& The &overnment Ia also atrlvlnc -to re­pair and build anew varlou• tndu• trlea which an ba~ Oil the conn· try'a ample qrlc:ulturaf, mtneral and other vrtmary resourCH. .u a reo sutt of Ut1J Pl'OJl'IDI ln&otlavla 11 bllCC)IDtnc ' (o~~U1 more Impor­tant {IOtentlal marktt tor automl)o bllee. The hlchwa:r prorram calls for upmdltu~ ot $13,000,000 on toatlt b7 the end of 1001 and the c:omplo­tiQn of two brldgt11 near llellf1lde ana Panchero ln l»32.

Kauall7 TnJa C&-•w l~moUve drl\'er, a d!Muctor .

an a brakemtti, u wen •• dve pro-1 onal budltf,wen~~wht>n ah lnvt11U,.UOil ot • terftt ot train 'l'Obbtrlet l11!ttl' Boetocanl, Rumania. teteali!d that the .train crew was worklflr hand>ln·&lOYe "'tit UJe ban· dJhl. Tbe traln 'Wttl belfis alowed don at a.· eertiln apot whJJe tbo bandlt.t bro\e llito a car whleh had ~ marked to Indicate Utat Jt. con· tentl Yil'!hi ~~~~ vahiahl~ •

~lq•P.&at totrou made ~n;e erietl:11~ said

the eon10Ung 1rltnd. "but )'ou c.:ntea )'our tJOint.., ..Ytt." replied .&nator ~t~bum, ~elf~ a mea c:attles a point with about the 8&Jrle an;onnt of pemonal comtort that- be detfftS

· from slttml' ora a Udc.•• ·

l"Ol' true blat', u.e lied crou nan Blue. 8D01'r7-whtte dothet wm be the l'IRlt. 'l'l' Ud)'Ou wru t.twan U& U. Alllood ~IT haYe tf.-'..Ad'f'.

Hiat.ric St-.M.t The 1lnlt ateam~Klat that went

doWll the :K!a•lutppl wu the :iew Orlan&. lt Went from Ptt~ttlb to New Otle«ns end waa then placed fn amtce bttwem :New Ort~ llJid lfatcll6;. . · . -

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, l~tto WadSfi>d, oewly JPPOl.qtea D)b~tater ~m De!liJJar:~t to the Villtea f!tateJ. whe> ba• JUift •ITlved ill. Wash~ JnltQJl alld ta)l:e.o op llJa'''I,Igtles. !lnccoodtnc CQna~dne Brun. g-ao" pretty (latlcer. '\\~!!., m ·tb~ Nf!W Year •t fqadeu'~ Tourn"ment of no.~ 3-Proceaalo~ of .~rle•t• thl'oucll the atreeta o~ Tokyo,: Jllpani ptherln' .tunda tor Ule uQemployc:d ana tho~ mMe,llollleleaat b.l' the> re<:wt earlhqua)l:e. · . ·

SaUo · .... rs ' I

on. Shore Leave Tcike . . . ~ . a Boat Ride-

' . . ..

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·All l•portut P•t•U The ~t Seco~:t4-VerJ c®l1l. lt

11 lmderatOQd, tl!l'q, tha,t our prJpcJ. pat. ~hidl ftr• qp alp .. a't 00 'P•~

'1:-!!e·-<>th~. ~OCQnd-lJut no l It lJ yer1 weu tor To'lll" prl!lclpal to ftre ein .mhie at 80 pa,.cee, but min~. b~lnJ near-algllted, about~ ~ . •Uowe~ tc:t

• •• · at,and closet to you.._ wb~ Ute alg.

•. 1{. ,. ..

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'l'heae tl1ree aallora trom the u. S. S. Northnmptun hlld aboce leave, bot It wuil tit Vcmlcc, so tbe b~t tbct . could da wu to tUe a .rli!o fn a rondola on tho Grnnd canal. ·

Enticing Parlor for Children • • •

• • "WOil•t 101t tOtH bato mr padorr mlrbt well be tl!e tme for -tW. pic-

ture of • c:harmlnr pftce ot !urtilttare tor- t'l\lld~ shown Jn tbe ~sttlon at the Ametl~ Frttnlture matt 1n Cbtcaro, .7tnnat1 6 to 11. The parlor Ja tom. pletelr equipped with funtlture 6act11 duplleatJnt, on a amaU nte. the

, ~balta. tabl8. ete. btdlt bJ' the am. c!()n~n tot ltOWMJps.


Merapi Volcano That Killed Hundreds . .



Vlacbeslsv M. 1fo1utoY. one or the three. t~Ccrett~rles of the Communl11t IMlrtT. who baa IOCC(!otded A1UII n,. kOY t~s prwdent ot tlle «~unl'IJ ot JHiOJJJe'• COIMlfB!Iatl lo Uuu!a• a po­lltJOii c:omsl)<mdlng to premier In otli· fr conntrtl!s. MolotOY I• an ltltbnr and Me CJt tho best educated tnl'tl" amont tbe rntt1ra of ltuula.


nal la ctvtll. · • ,,


Sb&-Who mlt;b' tbnt tdlow over lhcre be'1

Uo-lr ml~bt bo l.tndy, but lllnok &oollneM It IIID't, 'cause he wanta a dance, too. .

Enritlalar El•• Bat 1At'a IIOSlt tbey no'cr

Wilt ~n ao nab\ In 1ln ~•l'l• .

Tbe:r'Jl pu l up baab,

• Of Ce~~rM "I want to bo procra•tlnated de nlllt'

comer." anld tbo negro pa~enger. "You WAill lo bo whaUI' dcmtnded

. tbe conductor. ''Don' IOio JOU•ab tC?mpcr, bou. 1

bad to lOQk In tho d(ctlonney mra't btro• I tound out dnt 'procrii!tlnate' mean• 'put eift.',.

---o~o.---' Aa Ea.Jtett..a.O '

.. \Vhttt do you tlllnk of tl1at d&ar I just pte 70U? Satllf!'lng, t!ll, ..

"l abou1!1 aar. One of tbetn wonht eaUstr & man tor Ute." '



WUle-ltow do- JoU acconot for the bf'U la1ln1 10 few ~gp? 'l'b!!J are «ttalnJr "ell fed.

)(Ollt!tn Eanner-1'ber•re on to tbl• blrtb c()Dtrol bualiu!ae. t gueu.

.-, - (;

latetaal .Re••••• !.lltle Willi• Ia ll tunn:r


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nrc likely diJ;r;lng t•lnre~t for ttln· 'Ill 0 ntlll. - . . - . - - -~ -"""""

"Dolll Jn lnt11n nntl Atrlrn, ns wc.>l.l ' lcelaadera ha Maaitolla tll In A&la. diOIIIOJU19 hnvo bl't.'R tllli• lt In ('tltlnt:ttt•tl Ultll ot (:]f'('ltll't COV.:!fi'!l In nbnto and ~tort rock ot '\'lnnlpr~;:'s :tOO,OOO lJetllllC', nrnrly 10,• tormt>r wntenvny11. Jn tho Klfnbt>rlr.Y 000 nw Ir~lundl'nt or their Jtnm('dlnto dlntnontl bet'Jr, nmon~; the lnrgi'Bt untt driletndnllt"· nnd tbnt ot llfanltoba•• dcbcst Jn the world the nnl\lrnl G:W,OOO, k«>lnntlrr!}'r nct~riJ cr.v•tnls were un~rthed In u to1, lnr· Htwn tlftl'r tbo J.'ort Houge t>t ot JC!IIOW MOd, Mnny flrtllllll'<'IIU'1J . rolony uf ~ll'letmtler., f.Ord Selkirk, who m11bed tu Atrl<'<l Itt tBiO l«!tt wns t'S.tublh!ltl'd In 181.:. nnl~.Winntllc .ntter tho l't'llow ll!lntl \\'ali CIXhttullli>tJ, 11hl1, full nt tU'Ui('ta nrrh'ctt In IIUII· beltcvtnx the velruJ' or •vtp..-• had . "on b:J)'• '111t:! 11lourt>l'!l tmbltt'll f((l;Jth• bttn nllllullted. nut tho sotl grc-t'td \\Card. ntul anuny lJnulctJ. Jill ('Vt'ntuul• rode lJ(>Jow tlla s.1n1J )'l('lttM more II Jy nc WltmiV<'itt cJiatnfihdlf. So ·dill tbo hnrdet ro~k ~~-~-=== low(>r down. • Just any to rour aroct'r lted CroN

•"J.'Jui trnll ot tlm dlnmontJ 18 una ~~~ Dluo wlam bnrlng bluing. You at tho most difficult Umt g~lot:l11ts wfll ho moro thnn t('pttld br tho re­btlvo C\'er trkd to follow." tults. Onr& triM nlwaya ur;etl,~Adv.

Carried Souvenir of Seek !uLmerattl City _An t'Xtit'dltlon boo ht'en ,or~nnbtC!d

Somm• Fourteen Yeara to ~tmrch und('t wot('t nMr St>hnat~ 'Tho trun atotlea or ntrotlge \Tnt' twl, <"rime~, tor on nnr~('nt Oreet

n-ouMs ntc legion, but (IDe ot lfn• tot\'n bNien'il to hnvo bNn autJ.. roost <:t!rloua con«!rns n 'Kinlott" man, mert:td by tbc sl1ltunr; or rortb J'otm Gor,ten, wbo Is (llllllfo.rt>tl 1111 n t~trnto.. 011JN1R wnaht'd Ul• by tho rardcnet hi Jnventrll', ScotfnntJ, 3tr, UJock lle:t lltt'Jn to IIUpport the tht01"7 Osrden served In &'ronl'e with the whkb ltd to U10 orgllnhmUon of surb Fourth Gotdonlf. nn«l wn.s wountktl nn MJltditlon. bt shrapnel •ltarlng the h:itUI! of tbo Sotnrno Clll-August 18. 1010. nt>ar ·"" N• Pncedeat Otllltemont. Qultl! tl'rtnlly. in tbr "Your honor, my tll('nt I'* me:ett rourso or Ills work. Mr. OnrMp tuut ~my ot dumb fooll&hntz~s. .. oemalon to mnkc n lu:avy lltt ntu1 *'Cntortunnf<>l.r. t tnn•t Jet 111m felt • 11evct~ tmla fn the> t .. 'ldC <it MN pte:ltl to dumb !oollslm~ fu the .l'lrat hand benrath tho Mnc ot the rnfddle df.'JP'('C'.'•

' I

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' .

And etcentrte lUU• watt­~wallawed •U 1111 alatet'J moni!:r, ·

Bald tbd hit Will lll&tlnllt aate • · Castoria -. •

I .


• . .

n.a. Me B'hrlat if•• Car ur. !Jtal~r-.iJut. .tl1J dear. tt J buy .

• car l "on't htve tnoulb money UJ ()a)" my U(e ltiiJtit'lbi!P. · • . Uti Wlte-lJut .lt )'od. don't get tbe t'at you'll not ·t~e t(J llk~f7 to need the Jlfe 1rtlillrafice. tflfbt tnt. iiO :rou t'llh ~ t,Jie :nwrtet tot· the ~t. · .

S~~O.aftt Te · ."1 bo-pt t~ ;;Jte- 'NliJ tt$t tne bet·

~ tet artfl' tJJJ-.f• . ..

' " lt ••r nrpt1H J:fiOfJt Ammcu• to

1ean.t that kUtA' GeoiD M ~alanll · t.u • ~ <~tnt. He .w tl'. ·B. :WJt.clt• t'tt, w}W) ll 'the ltlllt betwl!t'Jf ll•ctdn•·

·hUt PAflite arid th worM· lit~: lifid. . · he aid hft .wt •rt!o p~t'l! the otd•

clat .c..rt Gbtttt- wldch Jtpt;e • .._ a.ttr. · · .. · ·.·· · ,.

••WhJr' . . -~

"Bhe•a Mnecl · the . SO<letJ. tor tb• pr~t.tJ;If.kjjf ·-' cru~lt to.· JniQ)aJJ.ff . . I ···.· ...... ·. . ..

A- a lt.,riiU'I . Uttrel.)eortlt;' abd tlebt Atlh (rub~ tnt tiJ motlittJ.....Oh. ·¥•mn~a. Pap• , lftYI that n~t :Sundat we•rt c~>Iut to b~tte ail ft'llPI«! ot tbe l!.\oon. .·

Ma.aursa <•~~·~tndett.t)...,l'.-~ 1M. but: ~ft. Jt J'O'd•,t·.btttl htee ana wen. ~~·"' dilld.... ' ..

,..,. . ...,. Wit•·· .... · · Sii (lf4 tttme-1 hHl' toia'r« ~trtt~ ap ••ldflj. 1.~ Jfilt YJte•• •Jtt.

lll'oc ~J~Mwecl-'tes. U.•f.J'lrut. Qooit· tfrttt«• , - ill)· ;n.c:ti Oift .CIIif -tit • -. .,.,. ttl ••»• tftt~~~~.• .,

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•·• Didn't Know It W at Loaded•'

- · 1fit ---,w. ····• ,.,. -· > ·· ;u-,_,~__, •. -.». __ ;; ;q . . ~·t lort•t Uti W.: d•n~ at

, C.•taltt Ulllt~nOW t.ltl.. ·

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' ' • • . '· .. • • • • ·. !,

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MaJH·.r.f· • V 1 . ~ ... 'OCJI .The tabled Jlen~ked hu•bin!1 ltliY

weJJ J®k Wlt'll tllV)'' upon 1ft.- fJJ tlie ln~t ·worlct, to'' Jhe~. a~rdhtJ to Rn)'JDOIICI J .. PltmMrt or the N"" York ~ ~1oJitJl prd~t~ti~ wrltrnl ln' nq~· Lito,· u .. ~be mal• who Jllaket all · t.ho t~~. ,,., teDiali belnr- ~nde~nn~

_.teJraJ . ...-Jeace. · · · ·'l'he chi~ atilJin~ ~~ .. _,, Mr.

DltrPart; •re crfcket•,• .-net kattdJAA. ~· J21al~ ot ''All theJ«t In·. · .-ecu · 1h11~.b1 .r.obbl.r;JJ tlle fonrir4 edltl of thJ wlnp, wlllcb, wlt .. n cl0$0-IJ e~a~nlnta. l®k like mlca, TbeQ " • are tbe · re&ooaUnr or atrlclulatlnJ or. · IIDJ. · Jn &be telllile tl;1e1 are lacl(lqs. IJoweYer. the malea mo.-e than 1 m111te up tor tbtlr D'ltte.• alienee. The vol· Umt Of f0Up4 p~uced by these Jllllll ~reattlrtt 11 ••tonl•hlnr." . •


.. '

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·:~aee ~~ f·' '' ,.-.

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..... ' '


' '

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-~ "" , .. ~--


·· fo1• the ·:fourth tim~ '

. '

• •

In tact, no previous Chevrolet car


. F.lrst"plac., at the NaUonalAutomC,.. · . ·' bllC~c Shows-a poidtion srnnted on

the )Jl,\SUt of'annuaJsa]e«f VQlUIUe-f8

- " I .

· .. hat ever ~preiQnted su<:h ~ high · .

. ,

. . . Ag1tlu Awarded to Chevrolet.

• • 0

TUs h t!l~ (ou.rtb. conaecutive thne , •• 1 Chevrolet. bas ac;blevecl tide I.~.~ nor. And the reuon De- in the , .

· exccptionm ,·alue which Chevrolet1 ' cars collslstcntly p~ovlde.

• • •

'111is yen'l', ln ita bigger •nd better Six, Cbcvrolet is offering. an o~t­ltilnding cxnmplc of tll.e vAlue which hu brousbt. it auch .teoord sueeese. . .

• • • • .

de~ of qualltyand advAncement, · and sold •tsuch low prices •• today'•

· Chevrolet Sb. ...

' •

• New low prlees • I

Jloaclatu, t475s Sport Roadster • wlth I'Urnhlfleeal, t4951 Coaeh or Standard 1'1weoo W1ndowCoupe,t:UStPhaeton.$510;SJ.and• ard CouJ>t, t5MI Sport Coupe ·(nunble seat), f$75; Standard Sedaut 4635J SpeeW Sedan, $650. SP«l•l equipment extfao·· l'rka r. o. b. Fl~t, Miehlcaa.


I CITY Vincent Rcil,- ·Prop,"

... -· •

GARAGE - • Carrizozo, N. M. •

W. H. BROADl>US ' ' I


. • ..

.. • •

Optical Specialist. will 1-P, !n •

CarriZozo ·Meat


Carrizozo· Wedneada\ : Ja tJtl ,

14, lit thta c ftle., c~r Dr Shaver. Bye glut· ·eervice u( the better kind. J2 9

Notl~ to Taspayera

:c:l:::l t::::::c :::::::u:=:::zaa::::· · ===oc.=:a '

A Treas~red G l F T for-·. 1931

- - -

18 fQUip~d and is handling Baby Native Beef at 'Jir-o gain J)ric~a. Alao eured Meatt, Freab Eggl Bread

Crackers. Luneh Meats and Cbee1e. ' . . . . . Huaama.nized Ele.ctrie Kefriaerator

Come in and !~ the Old-Time Bronco Rider and Cow­-· hor. an~ lethjm cut you !Ome Steaks. , Hot Chih, Ptes, Doughjmtw, Coft'ee, Soft Drlaka •

· Lish Leslie, Prop. · •

Just Received·-• •

-B·eautiEul Line of


' , .

Navajo Indian Rugs •


• •

,from the Indian Reser\tation -· th• Outlook . . .

. .. W ..

. . E RY:

~mhlr. Sbtnata, n~~ JSaib,. Moutdin-,- ' .. Sttal Rootinr. S.rbed/WI~ Natli, ua •

- · .. B••l1thlilf lteeeuuy tocbiiikt a BOY:IIe. · j- • . ' " ~ ' -: ' ~

.. ·CallandS• Ut · 1. IW<h Pt.~ Your·Ortlett

• •


We•tert:tLumber·Co. Inc. . . _ __C.r'ttc~ New rM,_.' .· .. i'


• •

.. :.



' '

.. '

Subscribe for··· the Outloo·~. ··• ·k· · i . 0: • • . • ' - ' 1' j



' .

Page 5:• ,.,. -.. · .. , (" • ' . ' - '-· -•• 1 . I . . ' ' . •I I . . " ' • ' 1 . '. -~ ' .. ·

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··v··. 1. '

. . . ' .

, I



l)eparlmeu' Of U\e InttrJor u.s. Wad Ol!lo- a~ Santa Fe, M. M,

Dao. 2, ltiO NoUet ia btrtb1 &{Vtlt that Gllbtrt

non ·Wuaon, f)f Coront. N. u .• whO, Ob • tu1uat.,. m~ noa•••te.a En· tt> hu, OGtm /otmerlY Ft. Sumntr, No. 0#010, for Si of Ste, ~. TWp. ! s, a-.n&t11 E., N. lt. P. Meridian, bu AW notlc:t of lD~JJUion to make three

Chimayo Blanl(eta Navajo Indian Rugs·

. L ~ - ? • ~

Underwe•r Pajamas


;rtat proot. to -.tabUib c:talm t<J the Th'e. Ou· tlook. 1-a a\lo'fl dtttr~. belpre Mar)' C.

L •

Phqne 858 · . r. ' . '

LIBERTY· CAFE· ·~A.Jbt.,iq_uerqJJt'•· Bert~' ·

. . - - •

-~ ....1 . ' .

' ' -,

. · 10G We1t Centl'.al Av~nue .. Albuquerque, .t:f'"' J.lexlcQ ~·

' ' .



. . ' .,..

' '

. l<'fr•~ 1'hurad•y of ••~b . moriLh, .

Come to our Store and we will - give YQU a'I;ONIC that wlll

·· Brace You Up. All Visiting Stara Cordlallyln . . -

vited. - ,

M;J. ~oa Glaeemire, yJ. ~--. ' R. E. Lemon. Secretary •



· Don't neilect that Cold!

Ha}eltlc Radio .

Rolland's Drug .· Store

Cartizot;o-... - N. M. . 1.0.0. F. .............................

t>tlBoia, 11. 8. CQ1:rlml .. tonar, at Co• lleelll itecond and tourlb PROFESS JONS tiila, N. 11., Otl J--.. 21,.1$11. · · . • . .. . . · . \ Frlda\'a of each month. . . · .. · , etataaut.raam• .- witaen .. : Notice for J.>ublieation w· tk d -----------,;a. L. Witlllla&l\~•· Jot WilllnKb4m. Dep·artm~nt of the Interior l'.irsJ~~~~~ch:l \tf;,;:.o~~~·~ran JOHN E. HALL

OCit Holcomb, l" wnaot~, all of U.S.Labd Office,IiaeCruces.N.M. Carrizozo • New Mexlco Oel'Ofla, tf, It, A.M.B•raer., . · December 16 1930 · '

D1t-1t' lt•aiater. , • · • N ti . t h • b . th t CAARJZOZOLoUGICNo.SOJ.O.O.F

Notice for Publication G 0 ~e ~•1 ebrel y fgCoaven. Na · New Mexico. D

.h 1 • regor•o . m rn a o . rona. · . • · s. E. Greisen, tpartiilent of t • nter&Cir \fex.,wbo on Sept. 7, 1927,mnde Noble Grand

U.S.La~Officeb!Lil1t6Cru19c~,N.M. additional homestead entry NcJ. .J. Lang11ton FuneraiO~;c~; f~~~!Embatmer vecem er •. IN 032236, lor S 1-_g .5,k'2 . .See. 11, Sec'l'-Treal.. • .. ltealdenee Phone 33

N r . .. be . b i e . that N1-2 NE1 .. 4 Sec. U, and on Oct. negulnr meetinge every Tuee· .... u._n_t_'o-'o ___ • --· 'N-•w_M_c_x_lco

Attorney & Counsellor at Law ''-'

Llneohr State Building Carritozo - New Mexico

' . . .

-···cltY.:SERVICE .. STATION· __ ·. . · • • ... · . ·. S1J,¢r s~.:vtce .: .... "~ ... ·,,

' . ' . . ' . \

. -.. _ . - -· ' ' . ·- '

.• WEAL$0·

· C.arrr a cornple~e lin~ of 4 u to Equipment,· Buch aa F.~ n Belts, . Auto Ele~trieal Parts, batter lea. tiresi tu b~s, . ,. . .

. arake Lining. etc. •

. . \


· .. .ud Starterli 0 v e !­. ·h ~ u 1 ·e a ana Generpl

· ·, Ex:p~rt MechaniQal_ Re ... pairing, Storage. ?:ad ~erviee anyw hete. . .. i AU w .. rk ana m•teda .~ positively guaran~edw

\ ~ . • _____ '-.!_.,;;;;·-;,....;·1~-· ' ' . . i ,... . "' . . I ..

EL PASO A \'~NUE PHON~ l&· ·. CAlllliZOZQ, N. !1. · . - ll· .. ~~ MILLER, P.-op. . · ·. li

E: ARE HEADQU'ARTERS . =s=s:::%R ==::====:. ::

Bhmlalts Comforts Men's Underwear


Barbed Wire Hog ~,enee

· M.en'a Work Clothing· Men's Gloves ,

Chicken Nettin" · Metal Lath Metal· Roofing Composition Rootinr Building Paper Portland Cement Lirne

Men~s and. Ladies• Hosiery •

~ten's Shoo~ lien's Sweater• Men'• Sheepakfn

Lined Coats Men's HlltR and Capt ttadiator Glycerine Prcstone •

Sh&et Rook. Sash Glaea Door& Lumber


Groceriet, Feed, ·Paintv, Etc.



Our Prices Are Reasonable ' .

. r

• •

. '

-.... ~ ..

The TitSworth Co., Inc. ..

Capitan New Mexico •



H·1 .. ~ 1•eo • 11 ~~· r~ .~ :cv C:ro 15, 1929, made addiUqnal home- day night. · 110 ~ n.. Jatra -1

.·. · . . . na, stead entry 'No. 038153 for Nl;..2 , W. H. JJROADDt.l,S '------------------·------" N.Mex;,wboonaept.'l,1927.made NW!-4 Sec. 14. Elo2 SEl-4, . Rainbow Pin~ ..;;a. homettead entry No. 032835, for N. El S t• 10 T h' 2 S t th 0 tl k ~ NW1-4.El-2SW1·4;Wl-2SE1-'- -4 ec IOn . • owns 1P. , a e u_o_o_.___ -Optometrist-Be. 10, and -onllareb 2. 1929, Range lO E, ~· M. ~· Me~id•an, Dennison's crepe ptper 15c the made Addl. bomeatead entry No. bu .filed no bee . of mtent•on. to roll at Outlook. ·

• OSSIU. · f 0 r Sl-2, Section 3, IIlake 3 ;ear Proof, to eatabl!sh . Towoahfp 2 ~~e 10 E, N.K. claim to the land above descrlb- For Sale P. lltddian, 1lltd notk• of ed, bt!or! Mary C. ~uBois, U • S.

. iptentfQ«i to ••ke 8 ye.r proof,. Coai!DfhJonet •. at Corona, New SCHOOL BOOKS to eat*blfah · chlint to the land MeXIco,_ on January30.1931. , • The ... Titaw.ortb Co., Inc. •bore 4etcri~~ before ¥ar,y c. . . Claimant nam-ea •• witnessell. · Capitan, N. fr!.,

Will be tn Carrizo:ro t h e Third Wedttteday of each montb at tbtt of•

~fica ot Dt. Shaver. PracLfce 11• • mited to Fitting Gluu•.

DR. It E. BLANEY, DenUil - IIUHlfC lhlifclln&-

Carri&OIO · • New Jle~leo . . DUBol~;. u .. ·s,. Cotnmiaaioner, at E?tniano LuP.ra•, Lupe ~abaldon, Corona.·N.Mtx., on January ao, Vtctor L~er~~· Me~ues, Second Sheets Mothodi•t 'Church ttwt~ , . al_l of Claunch, N. Me_x_.. . 60 cent• per Ream n· . 1 .. ., ., .... lhl • D ~ .T · · 28 V B ,,. R ' te a.t this ofllce · ev. · • 1-h J,Jawaon, paato»

· ·.-claimant na)Det 11 wltnesfleu: ...., .. ..,.n •· , • . ,JJJaY, eg~e r · · Sunday SchooJ,9:46 a.m •. . EUI.iano LUeru, Lupe Gabal~on- ~OR SALE-Irour Registet:ed • Preaching,lla.m .• and '1:45 p,m.,

Victot Lueru,bllelco~ Marque•, Bullis, rai•ed by -Mitchell •. $!00 · .Dainty Kraft except flr~St .and third Sunday " all ot. ~launch. N. M~x. . . . . • . aviece.-Stokes Cattle Compa~y, . lnornfnga ot each. month, when

Dk.26-Jan21 V.B.!{•t•Regiater · . Catriloio:-.N. M. · . u· o .. m·e· .. M· -•. de pastorwill preach at Capit.n at 1

-· • - • • • o •· ·· ··. · · ' t. h• 11 ·o•;.J,.c·k· le .. v· ~1ce•. ·~ ., . i 0 . . . '. . 'T • . . " . ' • .. Y "' U A . u.

Netkft ot .Pndtuey of Attioa FOR SA.LE- Stee.l Roothia-, · Candies · Epworth Le&glle, ~:.45 p: m~ J!or Fot.clOMU'e of ·MortJiaae Bul;!ed Wire, Nail• - all itt cllr · · · ! •; · · • . · · ::f7




.. Tallie• Birthday

Place C•rd• • .

Card. ,

Bridte ScorH ' " •

Set• fqr. '

and E.feobody Table Numberi ' . . . . ..

'" ·Shut In I Conar•tulation '

• •

and Cardi . - . •


lllneu fot all I

' . ' . \!. . -,, ~

Card• • ' Occasiom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

·The Outlook • \:

' '

' \ · load a. l'htat&r · fk>ardt aiM tn Pure ~nd Wbol~&o!Jl~ . , St~ Rita Catholic. Cbutcb ........ _ ......... 111!1111 ...................... 1!11 • .._. ............ •· ···•··· .._ · · State ot Ne1t ltexl~l · , · · · ·

. '. . ' ) !S ~-, :~~~·· - \Veatettl Lumber ' Made attd For Sale 1 Re-r~irr.J,:Franc:IIS .MitCllt!ll,putot ·c•nt1 ot UneQl.t t. .. . . . . . · · · · .- , · u .. ' H1

. • 1- ·lf&il~t on Sunday . . ttThi'Bttd.fudldal J)iiU'f~tC'.otitt:· .P.·a·rie·r·_u:ank·,.i,n·.·,•·~.-· .... ·-~ .. ,"'e-.··a .. t. ', ~ ... w~.- orneo·. ·_. ~-.··· /1irat M.•••· at8a.m, . . o. w.,. Sam~ittitill ~btno .., u .., aul.f · o... d •• .i\ 5·

; . · ·VWaarrl Plit~tur.. Ou. tlbb.· k.. •• M · · · . C· · Q· . · ·o·. ··. ·a· v·· ••• . ~®tt · ••••· at i7:1 a. m, · · · • _ _ • · "IYJfl• - :. • • . .J . · ·· Veape. 1:16 p •. 'in. ~ ·. ' . . vs.

Tot. It l'ottlt.' Jmpk~.a wh.ti . ·· ot at Ski~net'e Grocet:r• . ..... .·. - ... . . -~ . . . ..... . t~•llii umfll· detelldaa.. . Birthday_··· :C,ardt · · · · ·· b fl()werti .. floweral .~ ~blututetl 1ente1 ,, hiil'*'bt . . · Second Residence Sout ·

· ~to: l.M· ·•l!kflitd,:t~wtt: ~oUt · ·• -FO}t- · · · of'S. i\ Club Houee. · tot IIUocea•fona •. ~ tutJeral piece. M' • .PittUlo, wJ!• of . ...Nlt~lto l'«tJ:Utro. . Fatbfl', Mothtr:. Sliter'• · . . . . ... ·· . · · . as well .,. d~•istn*• tot, p•.:Uel, ilit...S,.JI. J;ottflkJ, pettonatrepr~ .1 ......... L-. •~ ...... ·."a•·-gh·. it...._·.-.···· · · · ,... d' d ••'tau~• •1Kl•<ld•t•tt*.trl~ ot t.&• ~ or•• "'n iiiMlll "' .. .'W'I" ttPtWltlTeil p Af!ga . tee~ptK1tll, rna . e lo or . er. uw lit N•n* 't«llllo'. · d~~ · t4Q::. • Wlf1fa~- ·AT BAtl.GAlN PitlCE!'J lftf.C.l!l.Agnew, ... !tote Acres'~

· ·~_a_1 ·.-.·~ .. ---~..!.~~!_-~~---:d(~~~-._· . .. J~.:7._·A··. · .":*G,~f··· · 600 Sheet• l:J()nd ... $1.00.· · Phone '78, Alambttordo. N. M. · :r::.d'i.l. ';';..1itr:''~rdta~ ~t. N1u•. O#t w.,. tt. _. .. · •. t . . · ' -at tht ..... · · . · ·· · Ordtritals~ tlkefi •t .RQUand'a t1f! ~sw, ~ r-~;u.•a CC!Idi• OuUook Qftl(lt. Draa Store, . ·

Carrizozo· Eating House _ Be~t of Accolt)modatipns To All. the :Peo• · . · · . · . . p1e, All 'the 'fi~e. · · . ·

·· T~bte Supplied. With Best the Market • · · ·' A·No· r· ·da·· ~~~ m "l ,, .. ·

11~ 2 - - 10

-· ·-.'- .. - - . "--~ ' . - . " . -

··Mrs. E.H/SWEET,.: • •

. .T ) ' .: •



, . • • .. . .

' • • • .. - ·-·-·-"'

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. ' I ' ' '~ ' .. ' ., [:i

·' i I ' .

! ' !. t ~ ! ' ' ' ' i ' .

' .

. : •

ER.\QJCATION of mlt In tbe ·i.b!IQrpUoD Of unempiO)'~ . sen1tor George 11nc1 111 the "l!tlmQlt~,U()n or· pqrcJlft•~ w. f'iorrla trom (J1e ot bulldl!lf !l; ·wblch . wut ~ twpubllcao · p~rt1 II lnv.olved.

.c!,.mand&d b1 lt<lbert "AU brAI!cbe--(IUt4fe and PIUnlclplll 11, Local, executln govenunetr~ thrtmrliout th.e :(OuQtey director of thfl Ro- nre worklnl t0geU1.,r JQ sl•-.11 the rei) publican nutloual com• t••Pe wtilch Is 'lmpcdlllS their on pub~ • mlttet In a acatblnr lie work• .proJecr... Tll•· r..,_ult wlU ~ &t.atement which Is tbat a Cl'f.'llt pros;ram of pubU.; workl iald to bave the tacit wm be pu1be4 torwl$rd In~. prQilue­approval ot the Wbtw tlon 1nd Jobl crated to IJlllP mef.'l the.

. IJouae. In return, tlle pretent etllel'$et!CJ," .. . ft. H. Lucaa Independent ltepubll· Colonel Woodl. Jnu~ another w•n'n•

can enaton tnalat that the 1111t1onld lor to unemployed men to ltiJ In their eommlttee ouat Ur. Lucu. Cbalrman home eommunltlet and JJOt wander F•• ot tbe committee hu dechtl'f'd for about alblleQJ,- seeking work. .Tobletl • band~-oft' polle:r, but a abowdowo tranalent•, he Jald; .are c:auslnr Jertou• Ia demanded b:r Senator IJowell ot N• problema Jn w&nJ communJUe11 wllleb, bruka and oU1en, and there li In whlJe Clrpnlzed to .-:are for their ~wn proapect a llvel:r part1 qWlrrel thut de.stltuw, cannot be ta:!f;e!l bt·~utalderl, ma7 vef'J "ell embarraea .1bt nepub- Wood• alao tailed on tarmerJ tbrough• ucana rtcatlr. All thla Ia tha outcome out the eountl'1 to eo.ot,erate In &lvJnlf ot the dlacoveq bJ the Nyt campai~JJ · •. w. 9rk po¥alblo to unemplo.Y, ed tuneS committee that Luca1 ftoanctd a ·· ~ • ~ . . c:ampalrn · agalnat thl! rHlecUOR ot men, · : · Norrla. Luooa 11 .. treciJ admitted th* Senator \Vaper of New Yotk iaya facta and defend• ·hill action bJ the tbnt u ltJOli' •• eongrelia convene~ &tt: 1uertlon that tho Nebraska aenator Ia er the bolfday reccsa. be will lntrodU('fl not really a nevubllcan and ba1 110 a re~~olution eJlllns tor a atudy or the rtgbt to be cluwd .. aut'b, public and priVIfte unempl!!fmcnt •YB•

''1'1'iorccept oltke at tile bam1a ot teroa hero and abrond, and al1o a bill tbla part:r and then vJctoull)' oppoao PJ'Opoaln¥ tcdernl and atl\lo CO~IIt!fU• Ita pollclell, J•rlot'IJ•Ica and a~adcrahlp, Uon In U1e mtdntcllollce of aucb a brlni't~On lntoloroble •Uuntlon ond ono . I)'Mtfnb "bleb rnuat be crodlcnted, JC. tho Jln)'ly Ia to live," llllfl Mr. J .. ucna.

"f:IUt'b condurt by Senator Norrla bu bcon rcvoiUnr: and until tho lead· en of tho ll(!JIIIbllcun pnrtJ not only Call to eiUPJIOft bUt i!IVO their BC'tlVO op(•P•Itlon to rnrn IIllo Nc:notor Nor• r11, Uat'J oro not dolna their full duty to th• 11t1rty "'llh'b bus como down to u. from J.ln('fllll."

A.rtcr trlllna lro\Y bo prlvnt()ly con, trlbutod three l•IC<'t'!S of llt~Jrnture to "'' anti Norrl• rumtmlun, l.u.,na ~toea on to re~loto In 1Mntl tbo many wnra 111 "bleb Norrla baa dl•ployr.d Ill• "pnrtY t~od•ory" cntl "ln~:rutltudo" b7 owoslns tho admlnt.trotlon• and J){)llt'lttl .. or l'rttntdl"uta Coolld&o ond UooYcr, an of whldl Ia • liClrt ot biB: tor)' tllOU$lb lu.>rototore omdnll)' I&• ao~oJ b7 JwpubUrun party clllctlnlna.

· Connncd by an crnergrmey call by Cbalrrunn Nye, tbo acnate rommllt«lo dl•roverro rurttu:r that tho lf,OOO wblrh Lueaa bOrrowed to vat tor tho aoti·Norrla propa&lllhllO anti tor wllJrb M pYe bla pf'..-nnoJ nute woa KUar· ante~ by a apCll'lal arrount of the 1\oJmbllrnn nallonnl rommlttco ln the <:Ommorclal Nnllonnl bnt1lt In Waabloctcn. Thla wa11 In tho nnturo el a countCJr nttnl'll ar;all'lllt t.uca• and "•• rf'1nfcrct)d by 11tnte~rur:nta made~ b7 Norrill and flcnotur t•uttlng of NmY Uo1lrt. Tt&o Ncltrnaltoa OJlenly t:baracd tbnt 1.oro1 bod awom to n fallcbmtd • hrll be tll&tlllcd bet oro 1110 fllmmllloo ituat lbe monP1 bo pold ~n•· hll 01!'11 prh·ate tund. ruttlllll defend· etl Norrla ami attarkctl the notional commUtcP.

'l'bt>n up atr,pflr.>d ll"fftr,Jit-ntntlve~ WooO of Indiana on brhalf or 1.ura1

· and 'e&Yed a 'art a brick at Senator Nortll: wboroopun Sr-nator Uruokllart ~t Jowa, fludloa It "aau't a private aatrt. ablro a domlrJc at Beerot.orr J.lt11on ud C'tlllcd LurAt "an haljj· Dlftcant "art."

Tb•nt wera Jm!lrnUona tbot l'rHI· dent lloov~ an!J the otb"r part1 lr>at1• era would lenore. omrlall:r, U:t tntlre QOArrtJI. whlth woul" perhapl be tbe Mftat coone It rlOt tt.t bravcar.

. . I.

SI}NATOil UOilAll dut'lJn't wtsnt 1.1fiY•

une to think lro wouhl cpnduet a tlllbuater _In rlmgrct~lf utt~r \ho hoi· ldaya, but he bcllcvc>a tJu•ro 111 110 murh lm· portnnt l~;;ltdatlon Lo. bo dlapo}ltd ot thpt • n apcC?Inl •culon Smmo­tllntcty ttfter ~torch 4

~-.....-_....... will bn nttcll6417 and ahould l.lo fillJNl h)'

Stnator . Iorah tho l•rctldcnt. 1t wa• hill (ll'rtunaton tbnt btouuhl about. tllu •ftcrtol aeulon In tho Jflrln.g Jm. {.(lsr· lalullon wlllch Ute Idaho JOlon con-lit· · ua ot prtnlnJ fmportnnco Jndudet power aud rnllrood mt~uurtt. tf10 antl• InJunction bill, tl1o motot t;ua b~ turtbtr tmnruployment n!let attlf, per• bapa c:'hlof ot all, tho t~Ort dtbc.nture tarm rtiUct acbomc.

In lho doatruc llOUI'I beloro tongrttt. '""'uoo tor clio hol!duya lfr. ~rah led other llt'ttnton In a flot attack on U1o frnlcrm farm bollrd'a wheAt opera• Uona. Chairman Alflta~dcr rk,i~o of lho oonrtl, bt:ln.r Ull}tcd what lio Uwuuht ot ll41rnh'•pchnrget U1at the OO:l rd In llti)'IDJ II lllll~JJ pt~&l• tmnlng "tbo day ot redwntnl'* tbo.t will como when It trllt, rt'.tlliM: "('lt'nao dttn't a1k me to dlltrUllt \'Y• r-lonrll. You lmow tbo dc:flniUon of a erflono-=-somtthln,c modo of bot ftl~ whirl• I'Wll nmurk ami uamtlft t• de­atrurliY('," Ue mmt on, 1H>WCVt't, to dctc:nd Uto board'• pollct lu ~o de> lall.

Air. '"'litO alto fllld bill fftP«tl to John filmJIIUlD of Oktntloma ('II)', lie«. pr('.:thJrnt ot tho J<'armt>ra' untM, who "a• quotfll lUI auerth11 tho tw:m'l It "dllllbcratt:J;" holtlln~r down wheat aM colton pr1«._ and cltlns: a acnn· cor 11 autt1or1ty. •

"\'oa roo 0.1 to Mr. S~t:iJW:IIl that any mno mnktntr that ltalement. whctbr Ia public otnce or not, Ia au tmmllllilttlM lttar, ar.d ~1 It wllh lll7 rntn{lllttt-nlt.•' th dlaltmao mid. "'So:<b a atat~r.:tnt l:tu& nev41: b~n n:ade bj any rn«~mbr:r or tllt b< or anyone tla.-lll aott:orUy. 'fbe abiotd· llJ ot tt ta provM b:t tt:e rnct that wbHt atilt ta •~nklriJC l!l ttl world rr.artcct. Today t'll2('aiiiJ wt.ut fa aorue~ 10 cent• above U:e th•efllOOt C:lOllf, aM. ai%dlllt a almllnt atr.oont tot tran•tiOrtaUoo. tltlt w1:cat la 30 to 3Z etnt• 11bove t~e •otld parU.y."

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Page 7:• ,.,. -.. · .. , (" • ' . ' - '-· -•• 1 . I . . ' ' . •I I . . " ' • ' 1 . '. -~ ' .. ·

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· tnw.roved .Uniform ln\~rnatlonal: · .• . . . '

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t · .. ' l" .

• .! BY · Willia~b .. )laeLeoa • . '

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==.;:: .. :::.:.:::.:;:. =..=;::i::=:=#.::;: .. ::::: .. :;. :.;:;i' · W.. ·~J'e thlit J.M 'W!)u\d be, 'UX1h!lPP1 I ' • 1"H- JTOIW ' !P ll.- Jl;lttrlac"' ·

· · · ~ • Anfl b~or~ !lhet lllltl-bet~n Pavld It\~ o~_rrett O.'ltara, ~p~'r11r la'lf1er, · ,Jl'll!ll'• w1(e two w~k11 l3.a.-b!lrA ~new

1 ·-9"· Jll~ rwar .W. praetl<:e •t • he: waa rlcl\to Sba 81JII)li)!Jngd. ller Ct>nchl!,_ wUd W!!.atun . tqwllo .l•

• .· ~~~qt •t fr.Qm . '-ll\bu•lt .})y· Sllep J\rlde an(l her <:ourUQ t9 ke~ blD;l and • . Saudel"a!:m, Wl,1!) ~l.l!tak,ll·~l~ tor; othera fro~ fl.ndlnJ; ,out. . ' .•.

. ;J'I.!dc• . w~.... wh.o~ (!ertabl . c•tu.e lnter••t. vd•~ til' ·'ilrev•l,\t, holcSJn.r c;Qurt. Bl!othra. ~H•olman,~

• •

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lit~~. tor · letUn• hJm .ruq OT~ me. appolntiPill1t 1( ·lt w•• ~Usf~ctorJ t1> w~ere be !.. . 1 hea,r 101J · . ..-e 9J1l' .new Stlp't tQ trnlah YQ~ tl\!\'t {lolnt· tq fl. · lng~xn... . .· . . . . .l!llerll't." . . . .. ·.. • "

· ~IDJ' r !lld eopt~r,y to law. NatUI.'!ll~ · · · , WUhtn II; wetik tbe. ,overnor ot tl)e · · ';!J'()r want Of bette\','~ lae sald •llolo-ly, l wQul(ln't ta~, the h\W d~hetJ op~ terrltory bad a.ppo.lnted b.lm. ' r;eUcall~, ''I wanted to. ap!tak to ~r~ by his band~ptcktd I!C'ala Will$~ · l'm . ·• * * . . * . • · * • . [n~~lll jlhOllt tbjlt, hUt tber~'s. IQJ:lllt' ftltrPrlsel\ to he~~,r you talk thll~away, · · As a Yolmg brtd~ a.t tM Ot~t.mot\q .thtng else on , Dl1 xnlnd, 'QaJ'b~'ra. Lyutph,'' · . . . .• . . Tt\11. :r~ncb llarl)a~ 'W"' v~rY popular · Qnant~ll w~~:s .ln C:OIIt:ho Jea~er,!}A:r fol'

. ' . . . ' .

• . -- .. ··.--·"'

. Le'-on for Janum 11 . ' . ~ < ' ' '•.

TH'S PHIJ..DHOOP Of!' JS.:$U,J .. . . .."""'" ,. . '

. . . . ~$SQN·T~~Uifo ~:~O·U, · . . ·" QQI!Di.ilN 1'EXT..;...And JoB!lll ll\cte~~t•t4 . tn· whldom :•m4 !tature, I!.Pi1 h~· ~II.VOf · wltli Gotl .aqd n'!CJ.n. . .- . .PlU~ARY TOPlC-!deat. (;hlldbood, . •· . -·

a_lf.NXQ~ .'I'~J>lc.,..Gtowi.~C up , tor. ·


, . . ,.

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' .

' •

· Wbo tltQI,IC~t tile II~Ot . 'IV'al 41>< · .ncto4 at he~:, w.&fn• Qar~ett. not

Tht> Rn~;ilshmau s~rug$eil bta ·.sbOul• with the rider• Jn ~er bllsbat.lil'• f:m• · a flttle 'Yhll@ vlelUn~ th!t Gollle~ · gl.-~. ders. ••x don't mean to get your llf:l.cli · . ploy. In Cattl~}.ntld women were l!ebJla(}~<l thls. w~ywben lle lett town, up, ell\ chap, but·1 tl,o thlnll' your Ideas. .. ~~u.rce, and cllnrmln~ YO\ln~ onell WIIQ It 'WI\8 atter dar~. bttt 13teve ~orrall

'1NTEitr.iEJ>lA.'l'lil.A.NP SFlN;tORTOP· •lC-l\olip!lnllblllt:,< of '1!!:01.\tl~ ' .

-, to co tQ Ct>nc-.9 beca\119 ot the

•· bht catU4 waf', .Qtno W~;~rral1

· ot Ia .. •- nu.t 1" t1;1S CO\·l.;o,..., ar4 ll. )llt liloomed like Wild tos,es Could be IUlW htm (o.r .. ·DlOUiellt. 1 don. t. W,!lnt •'A Man· Wi .. th .. Sa.nd_ ". _'_ · · .... .,. .. ,.. ••H" ··" H • t 1 1 d "-1 - eUtstlc. .mli, wh~~1 wo.nt n~e to !lee counted on· the fingen.~ of ol)l'l hllnll to- worey you. , e f. lo · r, en a. on

YOUNil pEOPX..l\1 .A.NJ;l .AntJ~ TOP• tc-B11In~r about the ~ther'• Q\leh1e11•, ,

. '

· ., toU• G•rrett a.bout thi ca.tUe · war between lncram -ancl lilteel·

:man, father or Batb!l'ra. ,IJQb

ll waa llgreed IQ a conf(!renct! at· Ingram ~hou.t GQ.rrett'J> nppolntntenU .with several digits to Barbarl\ Buck cret:!k, an. maybe that a wMre . ~tended b)' the sovernor of th~ terti~ Hadn't we bettel' talk wUb Garrett. WO!lld ha.Ye been lesa th"n hutnan If he was. maktqc tor. But I think Air. I, 'Jo•"• <irowing (v. 40). tor1, tll~ shelitt cf the ~oupty. rntram, ftrai'l'" .· . · · · · · , al!e bnd nQt' appreciated _the homa~e Ingram ougllt to keep. a caret11l look• · W~Ue ,Je"ua w~a a$ to lliJ ~erao'!l~ ·st~lm~r;l, and th~ United States mar· . "We'll !See hlm dght now," • ot these bow·legied yon.n~ bipeds, . · ou~ QuaPtr~ll ts dangero11a.•• · aUty, God, yet bfa deity ~ld n()t lnter-

1 Quantrell, · :yo11n&' killer fo~< Jn• '"am. ••v .. Garrott P'HM'~~o apd a.n lllna:ll•hma~' . Smlth~n•r,!!a.'' · tor4, trom. boln&' •hot by sa.:n-·

· deuo11. 'l'l:le tt)ree llec;om• trlencl., . Garrett. ~ccldentaiJy wltn••"" a

· m••Unc blltwuu B•rbara and Inrra'!ll. Tho>' a:r• lovera, Garret\ and the Jllngll•hman bu:Y a ranch · with Steelman a• •lion\ partuer, · 'Flt<:b, st .. lman m•.n, kJll• an· ~n· gtam fOllllwtr. A pone, 1nc1114· hll' . Q1.1a.ntre.ll •n4 _sa.ndeJ'II()P, eap~ur• ».n4 lUIIIC li'ltch. !$allder­•llu at•rlll a Jir:ht at tht r•ncll. an4 Garrett_&Pd the ~nrU•hman

. are wounded. Q'uantrtU chanc .. ald .. ' and loin• with \he two "tende.i"Cett.'' A lull In the cattle ,.-.., fQllow.. Quantrell Jdl11 Sandeuon -.nd ai,\Qtber Jnsa·am . «Unman.. A tentative rpea.u J• patcl\ed up .throuJh Qarrett•• of•. torta, Quantrell _jllopardtu• -~, pro•P,ct• by lead Inc . an un&uthorJaecl raid on the Hushtll ,.,neb. Barbara •sh .. to marry Jncr&m. Qu&ntrell .Ia • hor••· wbtpptt<l bj 1~1nam and •wtarl

• \'IJlCtance..

.. ahal, tl!at' the Illata· aboul<l be wip~ O'Hara•a ft~"at Impulse was to refu!le ·None· the 1~. JShe Wll!l not bappJ, Pave )UiOWa that lls W~ll aa we do~ tete with bla development U a bu• <:lean ot an otrenscs eom!llltted clllrlpg . ' · · · . • The one· man wbose homage alle But be'a aohure ot himself,. and anY• man betn~r. 'r.lte processes ·of ·hta

· tl).l'1 Jetrenlon County Wl\r unles!l ln· :stantlt b~t ~e wi~~e~l~e:ae~~nat:~ wanted otrereil It r!lrely, Pave In· Wft1, ·he 111 a ilo~t of a ·tatallat. Jle physical, mf.lntal, l\nd splrltUI\l growth dtetme11t• bad alread7 been · ri ~ll~ h ~:!'e not 110 sure. Some •ram · belonted to the Qld scb,ool ot say111 ·he'll n.~t die tlll hll Ume .comea. were tho same aa those ot an)" norm~

. ._against · th~ law bl'eake~ In, thft n · e · · httsbands which r~cards a 'lffte aa a l wish you d stay an• talk to hlm. Jlunum lJClnJ, .. event that any ot ~best lll~ter were prqpertJ, . lte bad won .her, a~d It Maybe he'll listen to yo~ more than · .1. ''Grew and waxed at~ng." · It corrvtcted- the r;overn'~>r ptoml•ed • · ' . . • wAil Pot In, chanu:ter f()r-hhn tor keep he will to: me." · . . wn1 neceasacy for bll bod)' to develop.· pardon.:. on .Yflnnlng l1er, She was hill woman "1'11 stay llke. · I wa11t to dJ• . HIM brain, nerves, and musc:lea ·must ·

Bo\J Q1,1antrel1 mtl no parti to the • ' ·1 under the law.· NaturallJ, abe w.ould cu,.. my deputy wlth btm. It'• tn1- not oPlf attnln. unt0• tltt proper ab:e a.-mlatlce. ?,'ac;:ttly Dbe retu~Jed to rec. take 1t tor cranted tl1nt he we.a tond portant to' ~et a K90d one." • but must come to act In unllon. be-or;nb:e tbe. new ,con<,\ltlon., He. went ()f her. There drifted to them a I01.1Ild, a come correlated. . ,

·on the dodge llDd dlsappe1u·ed Into th.e lle never cqnsulteiJ her nbout busl- ,faint pop that . !XIIKht have been ~I!• 2. "ll~Uied with w.1ldQm," M with chaparral, e~ergtng ·from lt only to neli.IJ, lie rarel7 .·told her wMre he explosion of a far .Or~racker. most cbll!lrtm hll tntlnlnr waa lllrael;r

. set food •nd J!uppUes or to rnld aome · wai'J going or when M would be bactc. "What'• that?" ,!llle crlcm, Uttlnr a ln the hands of h~ mother. She, 110 ranch and rustle stock. Three oio tour rt did not occur to lllm to· klu 'her band 10 thl\t bo woultl ll1ten. doubt taught hlm to commit to mem• desperate character~~ bad rallled when Jae i()ft or when be returned. Th& breeze brougbt two moa:-e 1hota. 01 h

111 h

around hlm, men who preterred ·-to There were houra. wheu hill passion and pre1ent1y after an Interval of ory nlble verse• llllll tnus t m t ~ 1 b d th ~;rc!lt •tortes ot the Old TeatamePt. steal nther· than .to work tor a Uvlnr. for her tt•med like tolt". Yet nar· ~ven or e g t aecon s ree ~ore. ' irom the creation down throucb the

· Deever wu one ot these, Pankc7 bara, bunrry•hearted for atrectlon, re-- The blood wuhed from .Barbara'• h t . wu another. The depredation• ot the aented these u mu!)b a• bl1 days or cheek8. She caught ·at her trlend'l pntrlarcl11 and prophet•. It Aeeml t a

- t tb f 1 lt was cu1tomar:r among the Jew• to .Quantrell. canr, u tbtt outlawa came absorption In atralr• fro:!P whlch abe arm to ce •trcnr rom periona •end tile child at the ""8 of atx year. . to be caned bY commo'n consent, were waa excluded.· ' contact. • "' ""'

6 · 7

"8 h tl t A to the~ ayna••O""'& acllool, . wbel'(l tb htgh·bnnded and ftagrant. ~he,.·kllled Barb'ar~t withdrew Into benclf, nat- ome one • oo ~~ a a .. eer, or • a n" k n clerk at the In~lan agency, an Jnn&- rowiDif her Ute. A. hard, fterce pride more llkel:r a bear,•: 'O'IIara aald. But Old T01tamcnt wna the textboo •

CH a. DTER IX "-tm' ·ue'd cent :routb from tlle East who: ch~Jnced -welled up In Jaer, and bltterneu la:r her tear had InfeCted bhn. He telt no 8. "Amt tho rrace of OOd wa.dupobn ru:- ~.,... to eome on them all the1 wete drlvlnr like a lump ot lead In her bosom{ ~ot conviction that hla .cue~• w•• true. hlm." l}J tho rraco · of God ou. t•

-11- · nwa:r a bunch or 'horae. belonlinr to a girl ~rlven to. aelf·ptty, aho did Darbara ran to the hitch rack and le1!9, Ia meant Ood'a loving favor and Smltb·Dere.$Cord taur;IJt tight of hell' the go_vernment. TM:r preyed partie- share ot w~plng now When alone. be-- mounted a saddle l!OI'IIt. It w•• not a . tender care.

· u abe rode tonrard, and ~me to u1arl7 npon c:attle bearlpg the Dla· • bind bolted <100I'II. SometlmeA abe aide. aaddte but abe did not walt to 11. Jnua Tarrying Behind ~t Jtru. toeet ber. ·monel Tall, the nuliknlte, or the Clr· told he111etr that abe wu to · bla!DI!, bave a ~hange made. . aalem (VT. 41-43) •

.. n•• been a thouund yean alnce cte s o brandt. • tllnt she expected too much ot a man. "Come on," abe c:rled to ·O'Hara •• At the ago of twelve reara t" 1 aaw 100," he protetted, •~lllni up 'l'he outlawa were protected b;r · But alnce abe wu wbat abo waa thla abe wheeled the horn and put It to Jewl•b c:hlld took ble 'Place aa a wol'<t

• t.t the clrl, "?.'l1e ilay hail t~med a frlend!J. Younr Quantrell waa popular wn• •ma.ll c:omtort. l!"'pr abe knew a rallop. . . ahtpcr In the temple. lie wu theZl ' Jot br.lsbter. Won't you allsht1'' · amonr the !fexJcan•.. Poaae~ ornn· 0 there ~ould be no bapplneu for her In Alrtad7 he was bat'cl on Ur heeta. <:olltldcred "a chlhl or the taw.•• ne- .

.. l:want,to see r,Ir. O'Itara.•• · r,ed bJ Inrram and Steelman. nom· bclnr.le., to a hUiband than btl lover They dashed down the road ID tbe dl· sn.c tborouabt)' conactoua ot hll mll• He helped her from tlle aaddle a11d. lnan1 under the leadel'llhlp or the and .tall comrade. • re<:tlon trom· whlcb the ahota bad eome. alon. :rcau. tarried behtnd and Ill•

• th•:r-mo-re!l torether tow-rd the,llouse. aberllf, eoul4 no.t mo"e acatnat htxn , • At breakta•t one mo~tns Ingram • • • • • ·• • qulrccl Into the meRnlns or the ordl• Jkrbara waited orr the pore it 'while be "lthout. warnlnr wu:blnr tht outlaw. ..You Will Do Yore lett, Won't · Utted hta e)'ee trom the nt!w1paper. On the da:r tbat O'Hara rodt to the nanc

9 ot Ood'a houee. na1 .heart ·

went ln to· 1et bll4partner. The retaUonablp between Steelman You,t'f • · "See :rore trltnd O'llara bu be.n Diamond Tall to ·warn J1lm laft'atJ,t )'enmed tor bill Father. When "O'llara joined her the Jtrl abd lop-am wa• a attrr and fol'Dial one llad to take the place aa a publla appointed aberlrr,•• be aaltL .,It be'• had cono to a tather of beevH with 111, J~tua F.ound. In the Tempi•

mond with h.lm, .. thoncJJ uncon· one. thouab tn thla.tnatter of putUnr no better than Jim, mf&ht u well.haTe lloclle. Ite- wu roundlnr up a trail 4:-41) tclou•ly, toward Ute hltcb rack. It the cattle .thfJ~:YH out oC b\llllneM .:t~e ~::-:n:~~~=~ ~~!:!:n:~~!~ none at all," . herd to drlve to San .J'aclnto. Tha (~Vh~n 111~ mother and JHeph bad Will Ute her to begin without dcvloua Steelman lcnc+t there muat be ~1)- · •~ed to hlm to haYe wcl&bt. Be "Thought yon favored the appoint• two rldcra .eut acrou the c.o\Ultrr.

1008 aome dtatanc:o on the homeward

exptfliltlon. . · eratlc)n. • dJ. ment," abe an•werCtL They could hear the bawllnJ 6t c•~U• tb t J "rwe jUit tert Da.vllt Ingram, IIe'a Ue dlacuaaed tho attuatlon wltb put them Into wor . o_!!f«&ld. Ue'• -cot cut.,· IC be Ia a tn motion, -and .after a little. from" a journe:r, tbet perc'Clvcd a uua

~,. · readr.te •tee ~ce Oil •nt reaton• Smith· Beresford one day, . · "Dob uved. m7 ll!e from Slnderaon tenderfoot. · llut QuantroU'a a lot aummlt, tbree or tour bunebea ot tc1tl wAa not wllb them and aought for .able ~erms,•• 1be aald. · . . · .. "\Ve're not letUn• anpbcie. once, pes:bapa Jwlce. Untll be raided tnore llket:r to cet htm than be Ia to · convngtnr toward a common Slolnt. hlm amOQI their kln•folkhlantl tlac•

Be looked qule~:r al: her., A· crlm· LJulpbJ' be aah.t. "Nor we won't with the Hulbsvtllce we were veey friend• cet QuantteU... nehlntl ta<:h bunch· rolle one or. tw<J qualntancet. Not nndl~IC f m,d 1~o1 eon attln streamed throur:h her chuka. thla Jim \Vbat'•!Jltname aht!rl1t. ue•• 11. It l "'·ere aherllt It would be mr "1 noUced um.t ueeybodr wa1 urg· men. A tal;1t "Hl·yl" drifted .on tbe returned to Jcru•alem and 1 oun . m

"' .ent him a note b,- that Mexican rot no ptt. Ut won't 10 out afttt dutt to bunt b1m down. perbapa ~o Inc him to take tbe ptaee an• that breue to tltem. lD tho t'empte. Garda.*' abt 'lt'ent OQ. ' 1I aske!l hlm Quantr~l an• aleep 00 bla trail tlll he' kill Jttm. I 'don't •ant to do lt. t nobody 1'1'anted lt for blm$tlf." alte .. Shortt combtn•• Horae 'Proni,.. 1, lle wns at tUng (f. 46), llo wu to meet ~. We've talkec1 It aU onr. r;eta blm. 1 ·had a talk with him doe•n't aeem quite aportlnr tor me to obterved ibarptr. tlf thtnJc tt'• a nocbo «ald. . vcrtecUy at home to hiJJ Father'l

·He'll 4o whatever's rlght... ·: yuterd(l)', ne•a wtllln' to h!llp Jt ro.atter a tnan In Wbolle debt I am." ebame to .let him ro out aplnst that. A trickle of cowa emer1ed from " hous~. • ••tu spite of Quantrt!ll'a attackr• .. d AAA to ta.. ..,_ ~Ctrttlntr not." •treed Smlth·Der('JJ. Apac:be Quantrell-for tbat•• all be la draw just below them. Theu mt~r~ed 2, no wnl bearlnc the tcachcnl ot ·

"Ye., I ~an•t go to 1\~atber .yet. I'm we catJ "0

a luvu man ..e ""' ford. •wouldn't tblnk of It, Garrett.. -knowht' no more about trallln' and with tboae alreadr on the roundup Goll'a \V<Jtd (V, •o>, anc1 waa eager not rM€11 to t!xplaln everything. \VIII ~~~t -,!!~~ 1~~~ f~~~t ~~ •::;: ::; Let. •ome one elae do lt.'' ancb thlnp than a c1111cL You aar ground, a pocket Jo the billa wber• to learn Ood'a will. 10U meet lfr. Ingram nod tlien take ner, Garrett o•aara1 What ltlod ot 5tet1man took another vtew· or it. 1ore~elf be baan•t 10t a ehan~. I tber could be held eaall7 while betnr n. ne n•ked que•tlon•· (Y'. ((}), m1 hlt meu&Ji! t() Fa\her1'' · · • aherUr do l'OU. think he'd tuaker ''II~ Interfered wltb Sanderson bb- do·n•t aee what Dad wu thtnklnJ about workect The beef herd, c:nt out {tom II'OWII1i mlntl was lnqulaltlv~; It tn•

"0t eourse 1 't'iUI." lie feU. as "He'd make a bult.r one. !rbat'a not aUH of a whim. Tbe1 dhiii;t like wbl!n he Jet him take lt." the h«!r&l ptbtred durlnr the vaat qulrcd at~cr-rcnched out after-though tlle bottom Jaad dropped out of ...... po!nt:. 1,01 thtokln' rbout Garrett . each otb~.. You werl! lneldeotaUy ••l'oro frlentJ Ia a .tutt·rrown man. week, were held apart from the atock truth. hi• hMrt. ~here was . more· to tljls ~u b 1. 1 ~!'left ted. Thla t.n•t a persObJll matter ain't btl1,. her hUsband Uked lndltrer- now drlttlnc ln. thln she bad told bltn, lo ber aott atlll hla ufet)". Dall 1" aU, 'd nther between 1ou and him. Ue'll unde~ entit. "An' I didn't aa:r he hadn't a ln~t"am .uperlntende4 brandlnr and 4. Hi! answfrcd quMtlona (v. '7). and 1blntnr eyes was tbe light ot a ' 0 broke trom tbat JOillll acotindl'el stand tb&t pertecUy. · Sar )'Oll'te &1)- chance. 1 said the oddJ werfl aratrtst euttlnr, 1ate dlrecUont •to hla meP, Ill• answera lhowM au<'h fl't'llt wt .. dear dream ~ome tn'l~ Quantrell''l nt,!ll 00 011

" lt.O<:k!' pOl.nttd aberlrt. ~t hi! keeps b-Un• lllm. tt be reall:v roes after Qunntrell And Jlerllonall.r kept tl1e talt)', lle lett f) om that 11e · aatorilahcd thOle wbo , .. We • • • bad a talk,., abe sale!, al• "SoMe one bu to atop tb!Ji rustttnr. around tbaL'a not rore fault Let an• doem't ue down on the Job. l\fny. thft beet herd with bla ncul}do In hetU"d him. It \VOl tho expreulon ot 'ltiost tn a tnurmur, clropplng her tong rm too busy. M:r bo1 1• too yorlnr. btm to •tralsbt an• rou'Jl not trouble be -he'll Just mnke a blutt an• let lt charge. AI be hel\ded toward hom• ·ulo workings ot a perfect human mlnt1 la!!bt!& · .' ln&t'flm IJI th~ lo&lcal tnan~ but· he blm. '.fbe lonr an• the abort ot It 18 ro at that.•• Jnck l'hllliPI joined him. J'or a mile autrusctl by lbo Holy Spirit. ·

Dftore he apoko agatn b(! mtule sure dalDlll he hasn't Ume for tt. nun tore th'"t here's a ptaln publtc dutr c:allln• t•ne won't." abe aald declatvely. or two tbtlt wa:r wna th• same. IV. Mary'• Complaint" (vv. 650). ·that none ot the emotion wblcb BUt'led mind onr the men )'OU know In the to some be-man. 1 don't aa7 you're "He wouldn't bave tnketl It U' be Roche eantered atter them and joined 1. Uer question (V, 48), "\Vby hut tn hlm would show In his voice. · net,bborhood. then ten hll who Jl bett that man. Up to :sou to an:r whether hadn't meant to do bUi best.'' tlle two. thou dNllt thUI with usr' She ~

*'\Vbea· am I to m~t ll~iJ qnallfted tor It.» 7011 are or not. Bnt I do aa1 tbnt "Hopo bla best Ia good enough. • I'll "Better look· out. Daver PbJlllpt monstratM 't'ilth blm tor hta· bcbavlor. wherer• be uke!L .,But Garrett fj no trailer. lit yore l'tlaUons to Quantrcll don't fiJUre 11ure not do trD1 mournln' It he ceta aalcL "It'i come to me three-four 2. Je~ua• replt (v. 41)). Bo replled to

She pye hhn dlrecUont. · dOfan't know thll countey welt.,. .pro- 111 tile <21e." that 1oanc k!Uer," Ingram replied. tJmN that nob Quantretl Ia la:rln' tor b~r quullon In a dlgntncd 1(!t.tender Neltber ot them reft!rrcd to what tested Smlth·BeretlonL . · O'Hara,. thOUJht tt over and decided O'Hara rot!e aerosa to 'the Diamond you. ne tnade bll brap -.hat he wu mannct, but made no apology, thus In·

wu tn both thelr mhid!. hla love tot ... We'll ~lYe hlm depuUf!j · who a• that SteelmaZl waa right. · He had no Tall that afternoon. 1onna do tb :ron ltt tke Square DH1 dlcatlnc that he 't'iU more than mer&> ber and llers tor a.notbtt :man. They toUow a trall to h-t atl' batlc. J3e. . rllbt to Pll1 &n1 debt bet owed to Dubara came out to the porch to qtoon at . Apa Callente Satarda:r. 11 tbe IOD or Mart. God wu bill .... dlacuned · th~ t~eace terms betwee11 lldeJt, tbta pl'Obab17 won't be • trallln' QuutreU at the expense of the public. meet blm. At elrb~ of her ~ wa•e of One of our bor- 'It'll&' th~re an• heard Bteelm~ and Iniram. • lie saddled. • job. What It ileM• li • man wlib ••()Lye ~e afiventy.four houra to emoUon c:rubed tbrooih him. After him." . • ther. ... honte nd rode 'lt'lth her n11Ul the path und ln hit craw who'll Jtent 4ult. think lt onr ... he nld. . tbe usual banaUUes of greetloJ be told "No newa to me that be's aore,'* 3. lta1'1 acquiesced In hla l't!.Yelatlon forked.. BefOrt! tlley separated llbe l'ye watched Gamtt. an• l'YI lloUc:ed . 'At the .ad of that Ume he told the bcr tbat he came to He bet hllaband. lllft'IM repUed, wlth. thltl rttm amlle. or hlmiclt (V. ~1). srm did not under• had one·loat 'lt'ord to aar to hJm, and one thlnJ about hlm-lle .rites to hr. c)!cl cattleman that he 't'iould tab the ''Dave fj not here. I don't know jtUt "lie'• Jot a lleenae to be, aceordtn• to ttMd all tb~e thlngtr. but ebe kept the aatd it wltb her hand on bti coat oppQrtunltlu. When the- ,emmtney • hla war of It lf thla new •ll•rftr ill them In bet bt'art. ... ateeve. bteakl b~t i11ht on the jOb. Bt UUUIUflllfUifli'MIIM*Iflf*fUUifW*WUU*Uiflf*UifiiUIUflfUifl ltl)'JOOd he'll pU't Quantrill outa btl~(. V. JNUa' O&tdlene• (Y. tit).

•1 want -peace more thin anrtblnr . rlahts, It JOU .10 b7 Jortc. be c'>Uiht neu. . No us-e arrNUn' .htm. O'llara. Thourch he wal full:r conscious of L!. etH •• the world, Garrett. You wm to ha,-e.bem kuttd half a dozeu U... Anct·ent Cannon,Linked~With Japan· eae History hu aand ht hill c:taw, but be'• a. ten· bladlvtne bf·tnc and mlulon, he 11-red -~ .c10 10re best. won't :rour · . slocti be ~me to l'eftti'IO!l ·.Coimtr. · 1 • • • dertooL 1''• a notion to throw ·In a lite ot 111 at obedlenc~. tbua teach•

m.· brown eyes restt<t oa beri u Some tolka a&J he'a lucky. 1 c'Jon•t. • wltb hltn an' c:te.n out the ranr. lor us that obedience to parenta lS he nro!S\fied. "rtt do tnJ beat. Dar- H•'• aUY'e becllU!Ifl he'i tilt rameat 11'1' · An old Dutch cun- wa• recent17 to- brint to an tnd the clYll dlsturban~ Trouble Ja l'm 10 pushed for Um .. ., pleaatng ·to Ood, atld a t1utt. wblch

'batao" Perhaps bls smite W'aa a UtUe I'JpUng cock on the rl~~zr. ah' be<!&UM tt.tell tn the KatW.kl ahrtne. Slftlj br The iovernot 11Ucc~t1ed Jn defeatlili Phillips •rumlliated aloud. ••Jt an:r· wJU be. dlllcbar~eed falthlullr b:y tbOM 'wlattul u ·he added: "l want nu to he 1lMI hiJI head. That· rast 1.1 where Prot. Cbozo J.luto of t~ Bl1her Com• the re~l~he tollowllll :retr with the one ·wu to ·!f.Jk tn*"wbtt w., the mote who have the aplrlt ot JuUJ Clll'f•t.. .htYa what 1on want more than IUl~~ he11 hav• tlle. ed.~ee on Qua.ntrilf." tnerclat college ot .NaPJ&kl; who tJ aMtstance ot i>utch men-of·wat, which important busin• DaY_e lnlt'am eoutd VI, Jelua• Davelopment (Y, CS2), · tbJJi.r dee lit the wotlcL'f · . . "I see you've alreadf cot hlnl · •~ . m authortt1 ®. the bl$torr of the were thm anchored off l(ararakL attend to rlcht now I'd 1Ul1 It was . 1, Mental. "tnereilsed In wisdom."

''WoUld ,-ou· want ~ne to bne tt Jt pointed;# the .Eii1Uthman aald drllt. wlr Cbrl•Uau cl'l'llltatlotl, It b~ Protel!fiiOr J[tito connecta thts blstorl· runllfn' down ·quantrell. It be tnr Altbottglt the cilvtne illlture wia unttt4 ~ou thoaJ(bt It wasn't. belt tor iDe2'' nr.u•t Garrett Jtllng to hu·~ tn)'thlng tor a long Ume remained unknoWn to eal tact with the gUll that hu ttood lttt the deadwcxxt Oil )'Od, Dan-'' . . wltb the bumab, hill . mimi wa• ·~ she ukecL · . . · to aat abont thla1" ·.... · the publl~ but when Ptofe&sol' ~nto unobMrl'ed tn tht ctouttdJ ot the "Wh1 then t reekon t•u be pumber . tm to develOiJ normally. · •

.. 'He;, btU t wouldn't want to atand •'lie won't want tbt.JQ!f; ~r com~" · Ylatted ttl~ ahri»• and pw, ~he Kan:takt 11lirlne.-osalca lbltnlchl, •••enteen for him/' lnttana tJ.nlahed 2, Plisalcal,.tte tncrca~d ln ttatur*. -lnthe wa:1 ot JOUr barlnt It... Steelman ·admitted.-· '''VM woultl? tnarb ft be&ra were aec1ared bt·tilm .Japan. · -: · .. careteaety. . Bl.s b()dt dnVt!!Otl __ td _a.cto_rtllti~ to tb•

tte thoucht '111u1 tlmeit later ot that But Jt he thhikg lt•• hla d,ut; he'll w be tho. of the ttiilted ~~ l11dla • · · PhlUili* dfew 'liP to. deftect tor tiae law• ut 4

nbrtiial human- belnr • ·tut remark: of ·1kfbara. ti&d' ahe take Jt." . eompltlT• The· 11111 bu a.liKt a tettet Orc1ddt ,.,. E•...,. Oa• . Circle 8 o. · 11W4!ll; the7 etallll threat· 8. Sp. lrlttial. lie tncre&IM ln 1•Yof

· *'~ preJICietaee m her tlll.Pd ot Jhort· "i ·don't 1ft that ·lt'iJ hJa llntr an~ tt oil Itt t. nd Proftlllli()t' ltuto f>eUelelf The tnlddl$ ot iiat t. th• belsht ot .t-oed ,!olk• .Un Jour~ Ka)'bt ~. Al hl 1 d d U'f'td· happiDHS, aome intulttoll that more thm ,-o~ or xrt.!.nt ot a -40C.n ,Utft to at ncf for lloom~ il dty In· th~ th& orchid .eaton . ro th• tropleal AdfOf~ · . . . . . . . . • ~~b,.e~~~:dn~r~::prehensfo: :r ~, )tw f~te ci'att waaUkeltt.obtwrtc:ked o~r: _t:12ta .t·l:ltl .li'aliltr. rill •ralilllt 'Netherlan , Yt'h&re there WU a ·toTJnlltea to tbt aooUt ot ~ aiid at· . Tlil otbti' t•o ttruclc ll .rclad 1alt btcltM mote comprt!benatve. t)l•

• 1>1 atotit!t ~'! In tb, 11Jht of nb- thls. !te41tman. tt&~ll.t06 1ood to M braneh o~tt<:e ot th6 tradlng eoxnpln>'• tb1tt Um& ltJI pomble to btt:t c;l'cllftll letOH th• Jllid._ · · . . · be · tull 0 fi4'a•t e-teritt he ame to thlti1c Jo•; .ltflled. .bt !Jl&t.1ounr· cleTll ~u.tlitrelL. nlilwrt t8corclll that on the out- b.; tbe bunch Oil tilt' •tteer. of th6 Cftt 'the~ . ~bd cUtltll:r_ ot onf tc>ptc. !!~~~tfro:X:~lm, -~~~ t~ P*; ~

• • . • . • • • • .. !rholt&ht roa 1lk*<t Oarre«T" . . break •ot the rtoti In 8hlmabara and ot lfexf<'o at • ·pde• wllleb ·would .. aod .. ~othilr: the_ uumber ot _ beeT•• •· 1

. 14

"* · .. - • T1a .PM ell · $1til)ttatloilj,_ :1U>1f that .. :tobodtlltlte htttet. Wbal-. that Ama~ bJ . the Cbrlidalls ln. 1631 make tbt Amtr_Jcatt ctd DTlOiJM. 'n• !~• ptber wo~« total. the littd _ ot. feet lit• wal I "~'!- m•li

1f:, . u4

tu~ hacl mad• up ~llmlild to t!Miil'k, got to ,do ;.rttJt It! r4 \ltit tl't ~ . aPl~ th: '.t'ohJ&wa J()Ytmltnent · bliMtli rn:;w wll4 . In tbt Muteau r~. tJi1l -~ :rouU .. .utnac whick to OiDIU- -hlf aupth:wr . Qll.J · -- · · · · ~mea Olit to :b6 ab~tut•t:r etmJ;II~ ·son Oil dtt Job I(.bft wu P-14_-tDOUib ··nat.,. th• ro•..mnteJ1t ordered. tu· ··couno7 anctare lithfr~ »:r thel)HI-- Mild tbt' aaaj'acbato 4dn hl_ otcltt ~ .. tMre.tore, thelrj.Jiearll .. wo~4 ~ tl» · COutroited br· tw.s oew· •ttU.tto-Dt a . and «OOd t1!10u1h. r.m Pl1laJ a..-. . .aor" w. moblllH 100.000 ttooi* to ant peopJ~ a'niS · catrled liito tbe dtlt1. ret roo4 ..--. A• talkt4, WI hiJD.

toe 'Wlllltlc to s:aak• ~ceattoril.·w .. · n:tt ·a· bfJ_eot12pU'*'~t. 'rhla t9'11l:itrt .The ptoliitnad&a ot the·Ctt•-ot·il. t:tf"" kHD_ ... ..,., Jiar¢h64. tb.• Wooeii4 lUll !:~_t»tJ ... ~iJ! ·f .. ~.· .. fa};. rt~li!!t-~~.- ·. 2 ·lb···t At...'!t_ .. 111tL•~.,!!_'! 1!!\.1~ · · · .. ~ ... ~ ,..,_.._ "-.-_I""'.·.... '··· 141_~ .II. __ ·... . !':t:e~l.lrted' wltb ·nien_ ~4 woaaa. ~~ alopetaii4 _ua_ •.m1• 1Ult4 wltb acnb u .. _ .Uv "'.. .. .. ... Ul - .... .._ -- .... --.... ~ _. ..... v- "' . n- .,.,.... . - - . tll• coufttrt ditltrfcta. who ....... eor:ae oak. lt• ltd$1it •PPMt to tat• :QltiJ:i.i,

· · Sa lfil•l'Oilt,-. Tbmfohi .h.- Pitt W. -wtt ttw toto thl cbtpmal. ·••~ I.~ . l4 ~18. wheb 'l'ntmbiilt fl:thlbltecl tn loaded 'ft'ltlt the,bfoomt.- ~ ... rlnt · tt~~~r• lh:Ntl lf&hU11 kt ht batt ~~~ . toe at'lfPt htlt .,...,., . , . ~ . . tltrtt Owett ·s. mai:l ID0\11'1\· ·to. ~ Jrueul,t ·l1atl_ (~ott) htl famo~;•· pie·. ln alse &lid beauty tbf h'trm wtdda 11:1ttQtloft (If ~«•rtnc blQ)telJ. ~ •r~.

W1thtil totr •<u~tb ot th• dat• of· tt. .,4)att)cl'ft', bt'll 1tt • cllat~tt tcr • tttre ~ ~ ~lo• ot th• ~larauon . are rtadll.t told. f()r &tfml..- &nm ... ., _J:Utk. . . . . · · . . . . ~ treatr w••r ltft'h-.rf Jarai:l t• .IQ'. 'No: · It bt .li1.kei ·1®4.-~'• . ot ltl~d•ttce, he p~nlled · upon e•cJJ. Itt the. Clfi'. or ltext'@ cnat *J' 'nler. wtt• 4r®PIIIJ 4owl • 1dll to n.:Uow • t:ltter pill- lie l.t®d ·lip a;e. a ~c tum• tM hlta litte.191

· . ··· • the ·~ ~olia A~t:~t U 1~ hut • l!Un<'b ot aboUt Ut'o ~Ia' lOW· -t~• roaa -whttl IW\Ull •round a bflllr flli4o ~- tali u~fet', tilt tbUcf ·u . 'tfit toan&tr 'liD :lflllled. . HQfil4 to. tt. .i\p~ t~• palnUa~. ~bt latter et.t tor 4 prkt iib(ltit ~quat to ~ @ttt. to, tbt .tPdi. ~ h0$1 P\t:ktd t!Jtlt

· ~- mt ·•• aw ~ · ~ 'b61t .1.00: Q4 -~ atf .o kftit .oll pol11Ud lb uw 4001' ~ .t-> the: -c:balr ot •merkan ~ney, . WfJ' •f~Jr tiU'oatlt t~ nbb•• rt~4t Datlcl l~tit. . 01a ~ ot ta ... ();. : ' I& 'It' -meiadt. . r. ~t YtU ~~ . -ot 'Sa~~' ah4 ...... ~11,1'~. that (a .,. • ' :7',., .. , 1. ,s • ' I II to .t•tt iJUitf#l f,t tk ·I* Pl'tln .... tc ttollbf~ Bl~ ~ Sie· .'11&4: It 'tiJ)'i!ett. bit-"' · . . . _ . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ whk~ .. ~ ~·b1U~ttli . ....r. ~. ;._.~~~ ....... ..u.• · t<rtow.ltat: ~ tttt•t06U4 tla4!1t iit011UtJI

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