Page 1: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*

• " ^ E

VOL. XXV. No. 1.

!*9I iiih Wk»MA&, VA, I ^ A Y . MAY 23, m^ _ : 11 JO A YEAH m AJiVmCE


Program of -Events for Com-' menceraent Week Now —

Being Sent Oat.


ftemera. Baiieali^ppt~tS5-op«ra-tiv* Uvldf to ht Organized.

^ • •

By the Secretary The comrnencement activities

el' the Manassas Industrial School begin with the com mencement sei'iuoii on the noon of Sunday, May 25, and ^x tend through the formal cora-raencement exercises "on Frid*y, May 30th. For the infornriation of the many friends of the school, whose invitations may not reach them in time the schedule of events here follows:

Sunday, May 25, 5:30 p. m.— Commencement sermon at tht^ First Baptist church, Manassas

Tuesday, May 27, 8:00 p. m.—. Annual presentation of Dr^ma^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^

Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p m.—Music Department Exiubi tion and Declamation Contest.

Thursday, l^ay.29, 7:00 p. m —Exhibition of trade afid in-: dustrial. work. _ _

. - Friday, Maj 30, 10K)0 a. m.-r Closing exercises of kindergar­ten. •. ' -

.Friday, May 30, 10:30 a. m.— Inspection of farm and judging of school gardens. • /

FiiJay, May 30,11 ilSlki ro


Meetings of s^^al interest to farmers will 6e nel? at the fol-lowing places and dates for the purpose of organizing, locals of the Farmers Educational Co-op­erative Uniop of Ameaca. Mr. Uowlea, tnc state organiser, wui be present at-them all:

Catharpin, Muy 27,''3:30 p. m. Greftiwich, May 27, 8 p. xo. ' Nokaeville, May-28, 8 p. m.

^ Aden, May 28, 3 p. m. .-- The following day. May 29th, the members of «n of the locals are. requested to meetjit Manas­sas, at the courthouse at 10:3(>*a. m., when the County Union will be organized. Any oth*r neigh-l)orhood wishing to organi* can^ bring their delegation to Manas­sas ^n that day and organize Let this be a meeting of iofceresj to all farmers in the county, aa i t is of importance to theo^. X


Manassas Second in Eighth trict School «Mt Held 9tn

Saturday M«y 17th

Thfe Eighth District Trapk and Field Meet wis held on tfte Round Athletic Field Saturdi^, May 17th. AlthOHgh the morn-

ers and at times prospects kxulc-ed dim, the>f<emoon was clear and fine for a meet with the ex­ception of the very wet condi­tion of the. track. ^

Four schools were represeitf-ed—Aldie, Alexandria,. Leesburg and^ Maiiasuis and ablout for;^


^on. R. Walton Moore and Dr. Fbumagan Address Large

Audience Mdnday.

A largely attended meeting ^ the local chapter, Red Cross, took place at the Baptist Church last Monday night in the interest of the county health oampaigfl^

- '. fi. L -

of- Some vof the Boys From ••Over TUtei*." '

*<———— .- _ . . Right in this place I. would

like to say a few wcwrds of eft; couragement for the campaign.

, . , , We aPH gBttiug bettei- ' ae» Meeting of Alumni tod_iormer^ quj^nted with the Salvation student's,^ ' ' " ' " •' ' ~ "'

athletes took gart The final score—Alexandr:

47 1-S; Manassas, 33 2-3; burg, 29. : '

While Aldie failed to, p Jier team, of which only two rived, did quite well.^ -»> ^ Alexandria won by the S U K ^ iority of her athletes in %m track events, while the Mahaasas and Leesburg boys divided t\s^ points in the field events.

^ Is~rifm6i:ed t&at the may be held in. teesbUrg , year, but t8ii| has.not been^j^ eided as yet. vt . A meeting w ^ he^ and cers were elected for the Ei niatrif.t Athletiq League as


One of the prettiest features, of commencement week will be the closing exercises of the kin-dergM^en to take place at ten o'clock on the morning of the SOth. The kindergarten train­er, Mrs. Sewall, is anxious that all of the parents and friends of -itfr little people should be on

->Mna^to witness their games, dances and May-pole, wmding. * The June edition or the Ma­nassas School News, whith will be issued on May 30th, devoted to the life and

school and vmrnl^ns^^^^e "Jennie Dean S(i«tv«*fep EilitipnA This number. wIILcoBlafeaJj^d-some sepia picture W JenPife

Army and ^ e rfibre-w-teanrof them the more we i«)preciate their'great work, said th« a growing enthusiasm in the, corti-munify which will autely result in a good cuntrUaution to thoir Home Service Fund.

EsfJecially are'the churches realizing more than ever, I think,, their dependence, in a great measureropon^the, strong Arm of \h(, Rftlvfttion. Army for the work

Dr. ^. L. and Hon. R. Walton Moor«, of Fairifax, were the speaker* of the even­ing, and gave an account of the health campaign tiow being car­ried on in Fairfax.

<Rev. T. D. D.. Clark welcomed the distinguished speakers and

.also added much to the pleasure of the audience by giving a vocal ,8olo. Rev. A. .Stuart Gibson, 'the^ice-ehairma&, prewded. *" Dr. Flannagan, who is . in xhargeirf the Fairfax campaign, gave a most interesting account of the fight that has been carried on by science for the last forty years ag^nst the bacterial dis­eases, and their causes, those hosts of the invisible enemies of manEiiaa, ana~Kdw many piague

lows. ~: Presidentr Mr."fitchard _— don, Alexandria; Tioe-Freside Mr. R. W. Sanders, " Secretary - TVeasnrer, Leesburg High School. *

The star point winner

¥B»TTlfi!faD*Y'fa Bl.BCTIftN

Hon. R. Walton Moore tlie Dem­ocratic Candidate.

On «wct Tuesday a special election will be held to elecTT congressman from thtstligtrietr The democrats have nominated Hon. R. Walton Moore, of Fair­fax county.

It bohooyoB every loyal demo-


A Few Observations by County. Agent for tbe Eacow-

agefient of Others.

crat who takes pride in his party and interestein his government to go promptly to the polls and, „,. „„v ». « .v, „ ...v>,.^.~ vote' and • urge his democratic and encourage some readers of

" By R; G7K{)inerr ' On one t)f our "trips through­

out the county recently,we stop­ped by invitation at the farm of -the MisflOfi Ewoll, a mileor^aO-: north o£_Hickory Grove. Feel­ing that a few observations made oh • that occasion may interest


friends to do likewise. There are thirty of thfe demo­

cratic committee in this county. Let each member of the commit­tee resolve himself into a sub­committee of one to see that the full strength of the democratic party is polled. —

There will be.but two names on the ticket: R. Walton Moore and F. M. Brooks. The import­ant thihg is to get the vote out, so that this county may not feel '<(sl)amed of its vote.

spots of the world had been ren­dered healthful by simple pre­ventive measures taken in time.

j He then went on to describe the results , of the insp«:ti6n of

' school chlldreii now going on in

of redemption jT -thP alnmR and back alleys of our cities, where these faithful sddiens—of-4b*

..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*' arttt eompel them ta;ipoB*e " by the. p 6 ^ r ed lover snd servioBi *

^ d 'l*e» our soldier -boyfi Ifum

meet was Larson, of with' 14 1-3 iwintsj Davis, Alexandria followed with 13 points and Sanders, of Manas next with 11 points.

The high jump record broken by Sanders ^ S fe

'{i^airfax, and to give the'large percentages of physical defects found among them'i Defects Curable 4n most cases if taken in time; if not, seriously impairing

I their efficiency and ofteh crip­pling tnem for life. He^ gaxe


Conclusion of More Than Fifty " Years of Service.

By Rev. T. D. D. Clark What! "A man may-be dovtrn

but he's never out?" Yes, just this, neither toon

this paper we h^ve decided to of­fer them to the editor for publi­cation. " -

The above mentioned farm of some four hundred acres lies just east of the Bull Run moun­tain, extending from %hat is known as the "raoontatlS'road,*^ which runs parallel with the mountain at its foot,/to the Car­oling road, which runs r i ^ t nortn from Hay market to Aldie in Loudoun countyy ^ As neither 'one of these roads are~^i»»t we call a National .Highway and a4:4;

I the homestead on this particular ' iarmlhappena ta beJocated-taJilr

er remotely from the highway^ ,J;here are perhaps more people

in the county unaware of its ex­istence'tlijiin there are gf those

who know its story. For the purpose of tl^s little -

story suffice it to say that this

inches, i t was formtiSy held Bi-ower, also of Manasias


1 80 an impressive instance of another, need for school health ioapeetion, as one school had be«n. found jwith » number of chfldrm just having gone home with scarlet fever,, with several mild cases

! body knowing, what Lter. Swift pre

still in school, and no-! JBiJ^

nor less. Who says sot The Salvation Army, that's wlio; and if ever organized attack upon the strongholds of human frailty and sin justified theadoption of such a slogan, no generous soul will begrudge this right and honor to the Salvation Army.

Morevthan fif^years of hand to hand fijif^tTng with mortal misery in its la^t ditch, of grap--^— and mastermg the pnAlem

meet, lasting=t>ver an hour,'Cfe*- de^ue. andria's men fdl out early in the I Mr>^oore, who is _chairman evfent. W. G«nes; of L©ei*ft»g,'of the Fairfax Chi«>ter Red flnsP^ won af 9 feet, JT iiftehfa,' Cross, spoke, mostly of . "at or

SanalsJs t S S V l ^ e S 3 % ' L ^ t & ^ S ^ ^ \ ' " d S workeri and Group Leaders in ahd to the Question, - W ^ t ao woriiei* »iiu vj K Tvivp Yo know about the Salvation the^ Manassas $2&0«.UU ^xave^ "^ goT thATnnbwiiitf re= Friends of the school everywhe# Army ? I goT theTW'^Wh.i T^ are bestirring themselves to have-I'hea. H«fl,*^«y " ? _ • _ . -the drive "go over the top" sd. . Corporal Frank. Adams, "They that as is their custom.our white treated ua fine.' ., friends'of the north .may match Sergeant Frank E. HiJI, "None this sum. better in the whole bunch."

Rev. J. D. Pair preached an » - Private Jilfif^ &... Morgan, teresting special sermon to tne «*iWr treated us~BeBj: of any-.

tied with ihe- old record­ ation : Jt3 origin in Geneva,

fann is by-perhaps'a half doz^n maiden sisters who have become its sole pron^gtors in recent years since the ttu of their aged paroita,.^

4iow. to reach the masses^sn: titles the Salvation Army t^suh

in4t>g art-of r?d«i»njjij{;, r ^

garded and treateil as "no-man's land." Among tJteTshief factors in safeguarding thfe-world^s" civ­ilization , wM ca«v reasonably withhold rfifognition and, grati-

Gr^ti,'Man»s8a8,'Benn«r, W t e - ' ^ w f i z i S s m d T ' i t s ' l ^ d ^ ^ this.conquering Iwstj^.^^^^- ^_

pupils and teadiers of the indu*- bodyL /They put on their ga$ trial School on Sunday after-. j„gg^ ^^^ gtood by us in the

raitoii and Ro^soh, Culp^i«rv ] reer in h e i ^ g the m i s « * » of 100-yanl dash— Dav- m a ^ ^ and of its f " . t u i ^ r - i - - - ~ " - - ^ - Y ^ ^ ^ ^^

i*,Alexpidria; Drake; LeesbWg, POse, pow thai tRe war i^o^^.^o^^^f^^^^.^^^^^^^^ ^ f ^ ^ its eyes to the signs of

g -.nisib. The pres-help by the Salvation

second; Haydon,'MlM>a8sa*,third; devoting ^ its immense Sweeney, Manassas, fourth— sources to aworld wide camp, fone U seconds. ^ - -of public health wonk. fie wao

22Q:v i»d dash—Won by Ward, i>aid tribute to the devoted Uyes 'Ceesburg; Davis, Alexftndriar of the two famous nurses, Plor-second; Hicks, Alexandria,third;ence Nightingale and. Edith Haydon, Manassas, fourth. Cavell. •

880-yard'riin—^Won by Mid- Mr^ Moore then went on to jriff, Alexandria; • Downham,- sp&B^ of tbe important part the Alexandria, setond; OTMeara, Fairfax Chapter Red Cross was Alexandria, third; Galloway, playing in the campaign'in tha* Leesburg, fourth. county in providing the puUic

4ate» by that of the i t In passing we

to note that • ;ing td estab^

-J ms life time , g W ^ n a g e r :v,.Mt!fwrj!^hich ntiiiff to "

only will take evidence is lish the fact the brother and a hard w—^^.^ — ~^. are pri l eBBsntjiw to Jthe yAC-eeasfnl'"Conduct-of a moani fanfa. By ewnmen coDsert^ijr ^ *y floiM ftttttetequiaiy » » * ^ - ^ s<^ ttie. eialkstjs. jf»^ M. _ onanimouriy chosen; ]MM| * ^ dred as tlieir farroyjifkniwlfr— and a most e»cellen: 4SBe she if prtrtr^ to ber Doubtless thous^

signtilly aris^ becawse' there pseems manifest a fine ^ r f t , of, mutual helpfulness aiid'-optirnis-tic reinforcement cai the part of th^ other sisters.

of its record from the first day even until now, shall'we not re-

Mile run—Won by. O'Meara, health nurse; and alsb of JJie , , tr -J-.. »**», , . ^ T: • *I- Alexandria • Midkiff. Alexandria, Whole hearted support the coun-

chool on Sunday alter-, nj^sks an^ stood by us in the '''-"T.^S^U au^nnH^

from-Hhe text ,"Whar will it tion Army gave as anything t W , ^^12»jy«rd ]^;^_^^^r^J^^l^^^l^en.^i^ in raisingl B E I H E L SCHOOL CLOSES

Jess than ther

fedod its set-

Army-.JB urge and that society nev vice so much as

^ou ld it not be to gtee unbecoming .to .» speak of this graciSus^y sive organization as a me pendent on oar bounty^ In view

•^ i

•nie fapn appears to be -ap-ltg.convicti5h:;PW5*[^8^ a splemad-state of

tjroductiveness and ia kept neat and clean around the fences and out-of-the-way places (nume^us nthftc fBrmWB, plfHse taVp nth

^f^S^^rf^ aidT^-'wS"?iil?^:;jS H - L S F ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^*^t!lkJ2^IS,e-S^or cia«;.E»^.«t2^ ^ men Rev. Pair collapsed, the jronVtrenches. They will get "^^sas, fourth ' " " - - - - • » -three widely separated appoint- ^^ayiKgti»npvt.r thev ask High jump-

tice.) CiwwMdering the soil and Tmate ltafe wheat was fully up

urerage^uiS tlie iye w ^ very Sine.- The prospect for hay on the new seeding was splendid.

S S It S d t S k t T a s 7 ^^tl l^ A magnificent itand of y^ng Kttiu *», ouM I. .<» 'grass and clover IS to-be seen m

dation. With Good Progxtm. three widely separated appomt- TnoneyrghwiffYtjr they a a k ^ H * ? ^ ^ - " ° c ^ ^ ? . , % ! f i l S S ' ' At the conchisirfn of the gen- " " ^ " ^ , ments for the day proving Wo ^ « j ^ . > / . i lanassas; S- Games. Leestorr. „^ me«.tingV a me Jn^^'ath^t'^'Thi^losing exereijes of Bethel much. foLhim... MrSi GoJeps^ our private—Joplirig Adamaon graduate nurse, had the patient » r j ^ certainly did good work. taken to Roof-Tree and rendered j ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^YX for them:" first aid treatment successfully. corporal Walter Hombaker, The entire schooh was gratified „^ ^^^ wonderful work over at bearifig from R^v. Pair t ^ 5 ^ a«44he ^ T?f ^- -^ ^^ .that he^s quite air nght^gam. g g ^ ^ ^ s s did fine woikt" ' —

Mrs. Robert L TopliU, of the ^^^^^ George C. Lyon writes American^ Red Cross, recently f ^ m Phihwlelphia, "1 think yoor returned ^ m refugee work m ^^ deserving and wish Northern f>nince,.was the spealt ^very succesST er at Chapel e^terciaes on T^ies- ' ggrgewit Robert C. Leachman, '^^t'i^ .' - -^- . - u ^1,^.* '!Noiie of th«n beat-the Salvar

The bving-room !« Howland ^^^^ . - - » - ^ , S ^ ^ - r ' ' ' ^ ™ ^ PnvJtoWayne Bennett. "ET-

I second; Drake, _Leesbufg,_lb>i d; ^ S g^^^^sTw^^

theqi. women Here also mothers m ^ leav^ "'Fixate Paul WiUiams, "Don't their infants^ and-smaller cn»- be ^ ^ d - t o bact them, they are dren under the care of a regis- jj iffht " 4 " '•

, t e ^ 'iy^^^4"i^".^;J^\Tr'«li Private Hwrvpy Lynch. "Ev-The school 18 indebted to Mr. ,^^ ^^ ^ y ,^^ t^^y ^^„ ;'ail Portner for a number © ^oing good woric. They were at

. . and hundreds " PJ^Z,°l. the I r L t . alL righL I ttW one - -M mtt|uc. The muaiCTs b a i i i + i r » u X ^ « * F ;.j; and Gewnan and much

it n of the most viduable sort.

:ic schools for the Virginia Edu . atior Commissi^n-

Maria.' a.* Industnal School

second; Drake, - ^ f ^ ' ^ J j ^ ' ^ ' ^ aeeaitive e^ifttl wafr < givenjaadaji Arey, Manassas ;iar»oir,Man^ j ^ chairman. Mr. Geo. G. Tyte , night, beginning at 8:30^p. m. ys.:*»^.paV»' Alexandria, tie* ^jjjjj ^^y^^^^^^ jj^, chas. R.iln spice of the thunder shower, f6r"tiC)Qrth place; lor lourtn PBceiT- . ~T«cDonald to confer with the Red

Broad jump—Won by ^ebb,^^.^^ division headquarters in ^^n^hjirg; Tjtrann, Magassas, I ^^mt^yton gg f^ wfaat-«eBB=

the program was a decided sue. „„ „. ce-s, each one ot the panicipiSts mwari fff th ' p-ngra"' apojtking credita-

second; Davia., Alexan4na,tfakd;;m.ea coUia'be taken 16 ytwm alUlj fjn' >lu iwhfial— Downham, Alexandria, fourth. Distance. 17 feet 9 ^ inches. ' Pole vault—Won by W. Gaines, Leesburg; Larson, Man^raM, second; S. Gaines, LeeOTorg, third; Rosenberger, Manassas, fourth. Height. 9 feet. 3 inches. _ j i l scus throw—Wonj^by Sand-ars. Manassag; T<ininnnffftnafc sas, second; Haydon, Manassas, third; Bales. Aieawdjii^fourth Distance W feet.

Shot put—Won Iv Larson, ManaatoBi—9elt^—AleKOTdn*

matlon.'but no more, than thou­sands of others. I have no in-tentloB of exalting the Sidvation

of their cook shacks -thM^haA been blawn to pieces."

It ra 01 tne most > ^ ~ " - " ' ^ = T ; - Corporal Aylett Clark, 'They sic as Pnncipal Morten has comptet-^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ utbeis sit up and hem^tip. the testing of the colored pub- ^^^ ^ jj ^M.

And then he asked, "How

second; B a l e s . Alexandria, thirnfWard, Leesburg, fourth


,>d an iTiv-.tation frofn :v,ent ot" int- Interior

. .: \> a' . of 'he

much do you want to raise?" ''Eight hundred." I said

rai->e that ourselves. We didn't «-e* s <er\ hi? salary but every

assurance that the verdict of Prince William will be. "CSw tbe

divide his wad with

- \x-p n--tri-' »m! ! his

sic as this? If not, let-us tune

top for the SalvsUon Army.' ed cold and wet and wilted from

EiiKiii IIUUV1.CV1. 1 a~v.. —r — ^j*L4,j.^ ^ * wallow of the trwiches. Sal-"Why. we boys can"-neariy| - €htnehra are reqa«b»to^a*^ vation Army iassies wiH never

leek mothers in America, when American mothers realize what these lassies did for their lads.

up contributions for this 'gre^ cause next Sunday

Respectfully yours. W. I >:TEKRE. Chairman.

public health nurse for tiie cam-pugn in Priac» WtHiam .

—Aylett D. Clark says of the duties as

companj? courier brought me witlfin close range of the Salva­tion Amji_workara^ I am pre^ paM^^S-Spve~firetfiand~rntbr-

Army at the «xpense of other forms nf "w>lTaTiP"«a " urally the service that seeks a man out and supplies refresh-mant whpn hp ia PYh*ll«ted. b o t h in body and mind, gains and holds a specially warm place in his regard. Cheery greetings,

. ~ - hot chocolate and doughnuts. But we rest the case with the y^^^g chased myriads of blue dev-

ila from his path wbfn he emerg- ,

' The address given by Hon. C. J. Meetze, tn his usual forceful manner, was much applauded. The solos rendered by Misses Chapman and Maloney, of Ma-

heat, but mor* -especially in the rye. The com field was among the comparar tively few that had been put in jocd order a^d plante4 before the reeen t cold wet spell. It .was \ nearly all up nicely, howev«, nrf witi dmibtjpss grow off with

nassas, were greatly enjoyed l>y aU.

Pni''<^ werp awarded for Eng-lish work in the high school de­partment to Misses Aline Davis, first jrear, and Bvp KidweH, sec-ond' year, iir the elementarj; ansdeSjL,to Mary Pearson. Naomi i«««wnnii| i^ -nry i f prm:ivci.i., J-*^ lie Fairfax and Edgar Brockett. In the primary, to ^thelia Che--shifer

a vim WIKB it turns wann. good sod well manured was turn­ed for tixfe corn as I remember, and that is one of the requisites the warm soil and climate of PriTn t. William, however, corn run bf yyrv' safely'planted- up to and evenafter June hrsi.

The chief use to which this farm i» put, however, is the pro-d 'ction of live stock. Besides the horses for farm, work-iofRt use on the road (the latter we predict will soon b» replaced by

_a flivver), of course several fam­ily cows hold a very Trnportant- ' ant place. ThSTTthere are a number of registered Red Poll cattle, besides a lot of stockers. -Perhaps the most attractive

of-animals-OR this^ place.

Mis8c.< Jtjsie Weaver of Bruns­wick county, Marion Levria and Mildred Harrell. of Manassas, re­turned to their homes on Satur-day.

-Miss Nancy iMvw speht ttK" pttst week-end with her sister at Fredericksburg Normal.

—Mrs. W. I Steere. who was <<uite ill last week, is somewhat | ar L.Tapro.ed-

—Mrs. J. H. Uttfri.ark recent­ly returned to her home in Hay-ma-kpt, after -ir» '>i;na[ several w.^K- in PawturkeJ. Rhodfe 1ft-

di the home of Mrs. C-E.

jowever, Is the large riock of fine sheep and lambs. One fine three-year-old ram (Shropshire) Ts^r saIer~That "the eye of ttte-master fattens his cattle" was shown by the way several of these sh^p ind lambs sho^i i their appreciation of their ("•^n-sro good-<'src and trpatnur.t their familiar approaches ario endearing bleak.

While we saw ,,.. of well bred - ' and sizf'S '*•• ed anrt .>

. tbexr,. . . , ,. , -satisfu . .' -, i' -


Page 2: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*

'ACE TWO. l l i E MA.NA.>.->A- i^HHNAl. M A.N ASS.VS, SJIK.'IM A FfnDAY MAY 2;}. }f»l!*


COMMSNCEMBNT NOT£S ._' xCo^im^l^a« p«^ one.V_...;.

the ijvoric of it a various ilepartr nients during war time. The fvetiing entertainments are h»ld


JM the attractive auditoriiun of the building which" fibiiggB "thB department. The singing of the Stlidents ^t th« Indaatrial Sffhnfl}

/Wft *« v«ry gl«d^io •«^tb* sun j9|Mk« Ntf ai )eBEance -iift«r •ev«r,al

Mr. and Mrs, Richard Hintixn have been visiting at the latterV home,-Af­ter returninit fror^ their weddinf; tour. They expect' lo_IocBte it QtiftMle(» within the near future. The beat wishes of a host of friends are exlend-•eT;t<> them for their future happiness.

. — . . . , , Mr». H. M. Gordpn, uf Muunf ip Ks becoming favorably known (y. ^y^^ week-end at the borne uhurever they are heard. | ^ her parenti, Jfr. and Mrs. P. M.

Word has reached the Indus- cote. ' trial School th»t a numtser^of its i .Jhe neighborhood is deeply grieved friends /rom Virginiia attended to hear of-the critical condiUon of Mrs. ihe Southern^3QciQlogicB|--ewt'^-crH. Holmes * who underwent a very KTiess held at-^^noxvittejfTennes^* serious operation at* ColnmbML. Hoapi-see, in the int^'esta of social ser-; tal about one month a«». \ it e'throughout th^ South. Thej j j , Walter Woolfenden made' a need which exists in Northern business trip to Bellfair Mills Satur-

nieville school , Satiu-day evening May 24th.

We are very jubilant wer the fact that am boy* are. rapidly returning: tnnu mnjtmut luuL mtuuiiaismt witt be given them by everyone, fori tb»y Jiava nobly done their parf inj winning the World's Great War,

Mertbtr* of ih* Bellrt»v«n Brraflr A. R. C, have been xeaueated by the


At the DIXIE 1 1 , • • . • '• ^ - '


VirKinia for the Industrial' ^ y Bft»'Ti'y>n M }i()ol was commented'u^in by J' jjr. 3. S. Storke, who has been e\iial persons acquainted with!th« .ick li«t for several weeks. persons acquainted

• fe educational field. Bessie W. Stijlman, of

I he EthFcal Culture School in .\rw 'i'ork will be a guest at the hi iustrial School for the. week I receding commencement. Miss St itlrtiaii is spending her Sabbat-1. al year studying Negro schools !! the .south and her visit to Ma- terminates an extensive 'lip through the south in thein-nrests of tHTs subject. TtJE" sehool which she represents has euntributed to the Industrial School for a number of years. Stillman's own class pre­sented the school farm with a • eg^istered pig a year ago.

the sick list for several weeks, is somewhat improved. 9

Mr. fleijbert. L.. T^bbs ^spent the-week-end at the home f his parrats" and visited friends in the neighbor-,hood, • ,

Miss Anna . W.oolfenden an^ Mr. Walter Woolfenden were Manassas visitors Friday. . .. ., ..

Mr. D. C. Alexander, of Minnievllle, visited friends in '>tW« weighboriibod during the.week^snd.

tir. Mait W«l>ei iimtored to' Quaii' tico Saturday.

Miss Cline Woolfenden visited frienda and relatives at Independent Hill laat week.

Several are planning to attend the commencement exercises of the Min-

O [Esa^iaiBa; VOTE FOR

" ^



Elecdon, Tuesday, Nay 27

i c a c a t c J E a g .oS



A s M O O T &



Your tiext Winter's Coal We do not know what the price of^coal.

will be next Fall and Winter, as the retail price is governed by the price at the mines and the freight. -7 ~ ,

Oar understanding of the present program is that Anthracitecoal will advance tea cents a ton a month from May 1st to September 1st, and although we think this program will probably be carried oat yet we are not sure

"^Ihis: s -" '' 2 We do know.that THE MINES CANNOT

PRODUCE, THE RAILROADS CANNOT HAUL AND THE DEALERS CANNOT HANDLE nearly enough coal diiring the FalT and-Winter months to take careof ah ordinary Winter's demand. • 3;"

This means that cbaT wilT liave To""5e mined, transported and delivered daring tb»-Spnng and Summer to avoid a serious short­age next Fall and Winter. -_

We advise our customers to lake these" farIaTifto~ccwsiderationrand ordetTi able supply of coal now.





S M O Q T &

C o I



Prince William'aapter to attend tliel ' ' ' ' " ^ T address at iopjin Friday night to b e | T J „ . e e S h o W S — 3 D . H I . , 6 : 3 0 p . i h . , 9 p .

ly returned from France. The Salvation Army Home Service

Drive is now on, and it Is earnestly hoeed that Cole's district wiU respnid to the call ot this great organization, which has done so much for the boys "over there."

Mias Mary Murpbey and little niece Mjfa Julia Woolfenden,. visited a^ the )M>me of Misses -Bertha and Ai Woolfenden last week. - _ ^ Mr. b. Bryan Korman and sister.

Miss Maud, spent Spnday afternoon at Forest Hill.

Mr. Guy X-line wa* a Kopp visitor MondayT " ' ~

Miss Mary Carter visited frienda in the neighborhood dariiig the past week-md.

Mr. W. T. Jones is very ill at his home, near here. We hope for a speedy recovery.

A Very enjoyable party was given at the home of Miss Anna Woolfen^ deii 8aturd«y eveiungi—A large crowd was in atteadniee and the evening was pleaaantly enjoyed by all. At a late hour the eharmiiig Uttle hostese invited^ «U the gnesta to the dining-room, wfiere a delicioua luncMoh wai served.

m . Adno^oii, 50c, tax 5c


Miss Helen Thornton entertained quite a number of her friend* at cards Saturday evening. May 17. Among thotw present were Misses Katie Cock-

V ' P fnnan, Edith Laws. CluJF line Freer-Melen-and ' Mbri ThbniUwi, Mrs. ,Mabel Herrell, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bodine, Mr. and Mrs. Thurmain Cooper,-Messes. Douglas' Cockerille, fr»„V~ rvwlf rin» and W. MargteUeT.

Miss. Fran JoBaa" won first priae playing progressive Five Hundred. At midnight refreshments were serv­ed. Every one enjoyed the evening very mnch-' . ^

Mr. C. K. Bottinsj .Mr. and Mrs. Rfty-mond Free, Jr., and Mr. and'^trs.

f i v e tliuuBaiid'stajHHS, 18,000 uliarafctfers, jH.UW horses. Approximate cost of^oduction, $500,000.

Cities built up and then destroyed by lire. The biggest battle of the Civil'War re-enacted.. ^ A

series of wild Ku KIux "rides" .that commandeered-a County fdr a. day arid cdat $10,000. Women's

Night photography of dresses _u8ed 12,000 yards and Ku Klux co8tumes..25,000 yards vof d o t h . okam mtimratar »«rp w».hingt/«i ^n- hatjtic arentfg, invpiit*d and porfpft.P«rat a coat nf .'i.OOQ. Wonderful artillery d&els in which real itQrs_Tu«tday^

The pulflic school cka«i_Wednes<iayi?heU*. costlpif $80 J^Jieoe.-wereTHredr and-TOiui'adaj el lart weak with « yery in|«r<aatiitg program-

- The fanners in IJiia have section planted very Uttie com, ow^Be-to the heavy rains.

Mlaa Hattie Bife, of Waehington,

Miles 0f Irenches-^housands of flj^terih—'^aisasttaetuaHy"

At the PIXIFi THWATRF, Tingday^ May 27 • AdmiHcion, 60 Mi^ts, nar taxlS c«iilB. r

WM tlw guest \d Min Delia FitE^niter tbe past week,

If y9u reaUgr want the NEWS Qf tbe (»imt]r 'Hie Journal wQl give it'to you every week for a year for one dollar, in advance.

^ __ TAXIDEBfflflST

Birds and Aaimah Mounted Jntf Most N a t m d Manner

^jUns Tanned Mid Hade lato

- P i n t .CauB Weric Gwunuteed * • . '

Ctean^rs ami Dyers Parc^ Post Service

By way of auf gestioa w e a ^ M l d n partnd fiet w h i ^ . illuatmtea the liiroad acope .o l oar scrricc. Ei^rt. Branchee, with phone connection. Let a s k n v w how we^

1112 FiftceaOi Street,. N. W.

Pliune,'lMSl'. '• -d6


mtmi SfeED €ORN

(CcmwOiM aUte^S pcr^Nt) HARRISON'S W H I T E

- . . $3J0O pcrimsfael

HARRISON:S YELLOW $3 .00 'per bushel

rm Ha Far« Mwriile. Virpn

ipsfittHiuiii iLunBj

Hare Are Disomana^ Peaple in every eonaaJinity-wJio want to fnreluwe the 1>est. Ilicse are oorjried^ik They hate aiade our bosineas—ow repatatkm..


'pn»nipt8 the name $|ff i^MONDS" whm there te need of Sptfietades toA Eyei^tsses.



^r^^^^j^ _^^paPUl.AirPRICE IjMjMgwggggggfiggBaaBttg



Of Fairfax OwaiE-V



The Hoffman Company, Inc. ' EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS ,

Oic«. 735 13th Si, N. W. Waahington. D. C.

JOBN W. MAT. PrMtdeaC J. N. CIBB8. Vi«e-PnaMf»-SAM'L K. 1JND8EY, Sec 'y-Tr^

; —TJIKKCTORS: '•-—" A. H. ROBfiRTS, ML Vemoo.-mO. W. MAY, Alexandria. TYSON JANNEY, Occoqocn. R. W. BIRCH. Falls Choreh.* C « . MONEY. Vienna. H T D : TTATX. BurVe SUti<a. F. H. WILKINSON, Mt. Vemoa. O. I. THOMAS. Round Hill. HUGH S. J>T. HATCHER, Hamiltan. R. Ri GlbUNCHAM. Aiuandrte.

^T. W. ei^W, Mt. Venxm.-^ 7. EL B. KASCm. AeraiMrr /


AGRXTSt N.-€.-»AVU^ l«rt«a. Virgiiii*. K. J. AUSTIN. ManaMa*. Va. S. A. GRIFFTN, Ciripcper, Va.

Call OB iBsurance.

aay of UM akere foi

; STOREr Sdi and K Streets, N. W

Washington, D. €.

-Makers of SPECTACI^ES

^ 809 Fifteenth Street " WASHINGTON, D. C. Oppeeite Shorekant Hotel


htW Ueat'^eirrflbie and HagBttccat DraM* eC all Jiaica

"HTSTpRT OF THE w6itLD WAR" A CMBplete and Antbentic Narrative

ky Fraada A. M^rck. Pk. D., wttk «M iHtfedoetioa by Pcf tea tX


THB AMratlCAN PVBUC Tkc largeat and beet illaatrated

-boak ever aoU iat tJie_- meaev. It eonpriaes 7M page* and ov«r 2M il-taatraUeaa. IvehMUng pertraita. aiapa

Bovad in fnlj kraft leather, >••

WestamMeats M^aonhj V e a t amd Pork i


Paid for Countiy Produce ; and live Stock

Lent gi>«ia, wUk aide VBA back tttlea in j geM; wiik cugea eeneee.

A book- tkat B«eda no better iatro-1 . dnctitts than tbe kigbcat aCeer in the ; United SUtea Amy. The price ia i<S.75. PaMished b; Cjiireraal Book : and Bible ROOM. PluIadetpbU. Pa.

W. B. HARRIS.-r«f>rescnUtiT«. Ymir onlerB solictteJI and will br handled witk prMnptneaa and'^rst of care.

Addresa, W. G. H ^ R I S .

I nner*s~Market


^•&i«w. IsYourSubscripiiuiiP ••*^^W¥*i««^!#St»*«Si^8^^

Page 3: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*



Eatablished l U y , 1895.

The -M£ anassas Jouma Published every Friday by -the

S&iiaasas Jaarwtl PuBBslu^'Co., !•«• D. B. LEWIS, Business MansKcr.

^ I -•/«• -„;'•?•-

Entered at the postoftcc at M«: Va., as second-cluw^ mail matter.

SabscriptioD, H ffic year l a Advaitcc

Friday, May 23, 1919




The JourfiS'j nas I'lJtJfffed an article in reply to the recently published letter written by Ser-geant Chicfaegter^ of Fredericks burir, coH««ming tfie ~^aHeJr Pike^-tragady, with the reque« Wnce William T»taBty, Bubjectt© tfce

be published in T h e Democratic Primary to b« held on the first Tuesday in August, 1919. Be-

a e n y . 0 a t . 8pa££_fiajlLl)i£daK J&y Slfi>ri*» your representa-

that it Jotirnal.

We are riot be given to the cpmmunica tion. The Journal has niade no conunefit «[iU3>r&^yJ*oti the un­fortunate affair aqd does not prepose to do so in advance of the trial. In view of the fact thanhie' trial ot the prohibitions officers has Jbeen moved from Shenandoah county to this coun­ty, we think it highly improper for The Journal'to publish any T>venty-four years o^ service

ar? completed "with today^ issae|^article which might tend tp cre-of The JdtrnaT THt the ser- ' ' " - • —^ vice we have rendered to the town of Manassas and the coun­ty of Prince William has met with the fullest appreciation is

court, and not the press, is the proper forum for-the trial of the

.. ^ cases; and we believe the. jury attested by the fact that Thelselected io sit in judgment on Journal's subscribers now num­ber over fourteen hundred. More than two hundred and fifty new names haxe been added in the past nine, months. - FuuHdtHl In ihfe yeay I89b by|. the late^W. H. W. Moran, The Journal made its first appear­ance as a four-page, eight-col­umn paper, aUistinctive feature of its policy being the setting up and printing of the entire paper in its own office—in that day an undertaking considereH an im poissibility ft>r the country week ly. In marked contrast with thi present day style of giving the news, ait items* pertaining to town and county were written as briefly as poasible. and always appearing-on-J£e—third .page. Politically the policy of'the pa-

- per was strictlyjdemocratic, and - from this policy The Jouraal has

not seen fit t» depiart. ~ " Prefetring to lead rather than ]• follow in the footsteps of others, , The Journal was among the first

of the Virginia weeklies to make up its first page after the style of the daily newspaper and to publish detailed accounts of the, more important occurrences tak-

FroBLthe date of it-? firat iaaufc ie thought uppermost- 'with

-those in.charge of the paper has been to furnish its readers with a newspaper well edited, with a minimum of typographical er-Torsland pieasingih ita median. ical details." These outstanding futures have always been lugh-ly yiommend^*' , pglp"''i«»>lir hy UPW rendents and by strangers w]y> viftit Manassas. _Wit£. the .gradual s^owth of

our circulation has come a mark­ed irrcreaae^in the volume of ad­vertising printed in The J.oumfil. We recidi-the time when s i x t e ^ columns of advertising was con­sidered a remarkable showing— note the columns we now carry and every line paid for at the full rate. Having found it un­necessary to conduct contests to jgain new subscribers,, we have likewise de(;iined to accept adver­tising from foreign advertisera at rates lower than were being paid fay the business men at -heme

ate 'sentiment eiffiS? for again^ the aceuocd man.

the accused should not be biased by articles written and published for the sole purpose of either up­holding or condemning them.


The school closing exercises w^^ held here Thursday night. The'school house was decorated with.ferns and


To the "VoUn^ c^ t 3 * m ^ ^( (^0^ County. . . 1 I announce' my cinclidacyT^ the-

nomiofition to the office of Membey Hoiue of-DeB^BHttr-of VlrglHtsrtwmi

tive for the past four ternU ju8tifl«d this and realizing the crisis through which w^^k^saust past aad are nvft emerging fromTSind c^nizant of the fact that many nkirand.-necessary measures will doubtless be" enaeteif at tbe coming session in order to pbt onr state and" county on a safe basis and thai our biPava boys -wiio piade the great sacrifices shaH b« amply aad carefully provided fo r, I sh^l do all in my power to keep_oar great state in the foreironc

TheJ—HespeictfuUy, C. J. MEETZE.

flowers. A. very, good program was~ rendered. . ~ -.

Rev. J. R. Cooke preached here to a Jarge eongregatioo- Sonday-^mMming.

Mr. and Mrs. ~E. L. Landis moved Was^ngton here last week,

^ r p located at the MA. Bowen property. ' ': '

Mmh.'O. D. B«avers, who-was^ i s^-charged fronj Ft. Washington" last Wednesday, spen* gaversl days with -his-parents here before going to Bal-timore to take up his position again. -

Hiss QHie Holsinger, «f Waahiar. ton, spenl tiw ««eK-«!liA ill M i liutUB ^let'e. -~

'Misses Viotet Keys and Tracie SpH-zer called at the home of Mr8.< Myrtle Landis Sunday.

Mrs. S. B. Spitzer called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Miller, near Nokesvillej Sunday.

iiint Francis McDonald 'Kfts return­ed to her home here,,afterVisiting her. grandfather iR Mamgsag

1^ Viaoa Snnday Bcheri is ^>rac-tiein^ for a' C^ldren's^ Day. the-j>aper for; the date.



Wi^lf. M. WROOKS

To those who are acquainted with Dr. Brooks, the Kepublican ciBididate fbr Congress, no words of commendation are needed, but to thosiL:££io do not \masg.

Having been solicited in person, and by petition, by many of the citizens of my district, to become a oandidatB far-Supervisor from BreMtsvilie District, and having a profound interest in ths welfare and material growth of our district, and the aifairs of the county, I havt eoosented and dQ hereby^ an­nounce ray candidacy for said office, subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by tiie Demo­cratic Committee for the selection of candidates'at * ^ e primary to be he'd in August. In the event fou shall honor me with y^ur choice I pledge mysdf_to faithfully and impartially" disclvurgre the duties of said office to the best of my skill aad judgment, and I ho{>e, With the approval of. our citi­zens,, and it shall te ray aim to see that all i>ortione of our district shall

be fairly aad equally treated, partic-u l^ ly in reference. to the upkeep of our highways.

Respectfully submitted, 48-t« H. W. HERRING.

To the Voter»-.rf Brentsville District; I respectfully announce myself a

candidate for the office of aapAvitov of Brentsville jdistriet, subject to the Democratic- -|yim4ifs."^If elected," T will endeavor ta dischurge the duties ef strid (rfSee fartlifnUy and impartial­ly, as I have done'in the past. 4»-te McDUFF GREEN

PiH auneiitoui. =mBttteti _I_l>6Wbir annonn^ myself as a can-

didate to sjicceed-myself in the posi­tion of si^iervisor'for Manassas Dis -trict, subject to the Democratic Fri nutry, believing that my past record in filling thia-position is thebeet^ g9»*' 'gntee «t my faittiW discharge of the duties of o f f i c e in the filtni^.

SO-te - 1. J. 1»NNEB.

T» tile Voters <4 Manassas District: Having been eolicited by a iiiimber

• of crtizeits of tlie districjt, I have con^ himrA f e w Words about him are; l"***** **> announce myself as a candi­

date as democratic nominee ft>r super­visor of Manassas District, Prince

in order Dr. Brook? was bom on a farm

in:Fairfax Coqnty.-^Va. ifeTS-sfWiHiera^Gwsaty. Va^sAjeefe te broadly educated and able man, and in evei^ sense of Congres­sional caliber. He has practiced medicine for 36 years in his na­tive county of Fairfax; stands high in his i»xrfession and has idways J>een A proi^inent leader in in movements for public health and community welfare. As well aa being a physician^ he ia a fajTTiPr; wa.g horn nn tOff. t m i l

- The twenty-four ypara ftf Thft journal's existence have-feeeft period of iiibn1-«ntin1, iriflt '''*' and intellectual progress fOr^Ia-nassas'&nd Prince William. Ma­nassas is practiCaBy a new town

•~ fir tjie county tho fagaerfSag. TJeiit represeStatfve-finrthe learned to khow what science San do in helping tp "produce larger and better cipops; We possess educational advantages that are surpassed only by the large ci­ties. And tiU we are going fw-ward.

To thepeople of our town and

given us their liberal support, we extend our sincere thanks. We "know thgyfaave ttppreciated The Journal and its efforts to serve the community and to aid in its progress. We shall reciprocate by doing our utmost to give' to [Party always iasttes a platf oi m our poodwa^ tfaeJjgLT'gw^P^p^'' it is possible for U5 to produce.

August, 1919, primary and to the rules and regulations governing same

Should I receive the nwniaation, which is equivalent to election, I pledge rays^ to faitUnBy «id im< partially lepieseBf the iatsteeta of the district and cggnty to ti>e" best af n y al»Ul7.~ -

RespectfoIIy submitted, X. S. B(»3EBTSON.

iices -on nno wow. WTP ia npt^ pf th»-£u:«iapat-lbuain£SS_men_of

foun-the-county; was one of tl ders and npw the President

To the Voteils of UUMfiies Diserie*> -I lietrty anaannca^iuyelf i s m can­

didate 4n the eftui of supewt—t ot

o i l the National Bank of Fairfuu He is a fair, square, honest, aUe

the roads ef Dmnfriee Distnet in tiie eoaiing pnmary deetien, subject to the win of the votere-^<-seid dintriet.

statesnaan and wiD make an emi- f /^r!^

in the Congr^sional District _hal]s of Congress. - —-— -- -

This is a day of unsettled.po­litical sdignntents. Part;f prin­ciples and policies are' rapidly shifting. In fact, ia the state

be elected,' I will dieliarge ot aaU oiBk* lu> ttie Very

b«S of my abSity. : \ - - Besp*rtfn11y,


When ^re has devastated your home or place of bjosiness, when IffelodET blackest, when the savings of years have g<Hie up in smoke—then you ap-

. preciale the value of an insurance policy in a good, reliable company, whkh pays its-losses promptly and

, sets you on your feet again. That's the only kind we represent.


Muiassas, . Virginia



1 .We realize tlie necessity of holding all

business awl fuiaiice mallei s etiii'usiednras-irr

Absolutdy Strict Confidence

A It is a positive iron-clad rule of this bank

to give no information whatever that would

"be "a breach of trusr on our part.

I nit ilAilUnAL pAnli VtrmmmOna '. L—i-i- . I b e Bank of PwsooiJ Service

^••w* J» A^^HF- ciws n AHi Couity Saryeyor.


To the Voters of Prinee!,Jrilliam. -County: — —

. I I respectfully announce myself aa Ot Virginia, tney «haye ibOUl b« - , candidate for re-election to the office come extinct in so far as ^ the! f sheriff of

concerned. "Hie that party issue aonal platforms,

Prince Williairt county. -, V county,^ ^Who at all time& have- Deni6fefl^^ Party as s •f>wty^-»^^ii^ ,tA the i>eiRo<itati< Prtmaf;

•L = ,-1 , I i ™t candidates of their own per-1 y,, ,hiti« ot said office faithfoDy and which usually. tunmUaUj, as I ha<»s dans in

If elected. I wffl endeavor to d i s e h a r ^ ^ ' ^ ' j j " * ^ • " * • • * ^ * ? " -

amounts to the vague declara-tiofl, "I am a Democrat." On the other hand. the Republican


of principles and policies ttiWT" nominates candidate-s

and who

To the Democratic Vetef»- of WiUiaai Ceunty:

Priaee .




TRY IT—According to diree-tions on package. Your home will never be without it thereafter.

. . , f , . . , - . . A : By

I anneanee my eandtdacy for nem-i nation to the office of Sheriff of Prince

TafiTylknd flrnify stand for ihese fW Tliam county, MBJert to the DBUMF--principles. The Republican plat- cratic Primary eleetton to be heW <m form, on which Df. Brootra la the fTfaT^Tuesday nifmTngTdfXbhgress, cieariy de^iTRe'iSany^offSSir clarea for a return to true dem-' —••—' '—-' — ocracy- Of taking the govem-

jhientTrat of the exciuaive bands of the aristocratic wealthy into whose hands it has been placed

fby the Democratic Party of the state, and retiuming it to all the people. Df. ~Brooks is in every sense the people's candidate for Congress. Vote for I>r. F M. BROOKS, Spec::i ' .>ngrp,><.sional Kl*<tion


lii August, r'support

received lead me to believe that 1 will be successful; and should I be honored with- 4he— D e m e e f ii« - nowination— which ii equivalent to election at the Vovember election I eheW yerfetwi the important duties «f the office with­out fear or favor. B. M. WEIR.

fHave you ever hai onr j r i c e s on JOB WOEK ? In

these days H is wall to know in advance bstk Of qamMj an^ So cast. Ask THE

Civil Eagineets ~ CslManTW', VJgdafe

bnmeb«s of QvA EngincM-HW^

Elcdrical Needs

Ov «rac «d MtalrtMi St i i

When you want to rnaHft flaky btscoit, d^icious fnnffins and

of &ie'texture—then you need

THE- W H O t - ^ S O M g


N S M t Mr Mr HT a " ^ fricc



forage Bidhris^ ^MrtHotfe




Tiw Joomal—$1—and wortk


fiardaer L. Paedie. M. B. Harlv%. Vtee-Praa.

Wyitld, Ceeiaer,

BSSlHiEBBBSflK First National Bank

M A N A S S A S . V A .


THE UNITBD STATES Capital m»,>WJS Su^hM aad ProAU . . t3St.tM.M

Directors: G. L. Boothe. M. R Har-tew. G. E. W i r t e M . ^ T. nvtr. Walter Reberts, S. Baar. Jr.. Douglas Stuart.

atteaOui gfveii f« «B hatS-tiire«glM«t


-I! —snd wTjrth ii • :2?±fcStSi'2l£SSirsaiC^ «**k€t4 ii'

Page 4: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*

THE MAN s s s ; LSJ>AS, VIR(; iNr\ ! HIDAY. MAY ^ 3 . 19!'

—Mrs. E, K. Mitchell, who h«8 been visiting' a month^ith rela-

Frtdaytg her home tiere.

—Private Harvey Lynch, wHo has seen overaeaa Julji, aiflved in Manassas last Friday evening,

service. • __

—The commencement exer-


fuki Thursday night,^ May 29th, instead of the.27thas announced n our last issue.

AB-APPMJ to Wonen to Keep

MJHB L'ihATi V. ailhart. Secretary -- The regular monthly meeting

of the Woman's Auxiliary was called to order at. 2:30 p.*m. by the president, Ml-s. Mae' Dogan,

^ in h^r. attractive and business of Woodbine 8chooj^»ttt bettikg manner. -After the aingiag

A: Wtt. T h e five districts the chairman to select her two women. The secretacy was au­thorized to notify these women^

' their appoiutoieaL- - T -jtm^ j f l ^ ing the [ast on ihe pro-;

ggam^ha nmctihg adjoumod wt-; til the third Friday In Jun*; at whleb-tltk^e AU Membdrsare'iirg-ed to be presast.

-RevivaLj^ervicsa will begiit-ai Oakdaie Kaptiit Church yan-

ly, May 25* at 11 a. m. The : ,.st(ir will be assisted,by Rev. \! V. Sanford, of Chatham, Va.

;i ia, was elected president of the Medical Society of NortherhVii:^ ':nia andjlje District_of MH at a meeting Tiei

^ that old ftoiiliar. song, "Old ^ Folks at Home," prayer'was of­fered by Mrs. Hodge.

In order of business the roll


WiUie FairfaZ of Hoadl^, SneceMfuI Poultry Raiser. ler. •

By Miss Lillian V. Gilbert. • ustom • According to the usual custom

11 J 1. -iu i. J a date just before The close ef

• ' • • • , < •

'The FIOWER of FLOURS* (karairteed by as to te Salis&ctory---WE MAKE IT


A baseball ! -Manassas cars, cros:

riains at t ast with the' I in favor of

C-ieomposed li^der sixteen

with The slace on Friday i\ score of 9 to


—••The Birth of a Nation," uiided onlliomas Dixon's "The

( laiisman," will be shown at the I'lxie Theatre next Tuesday. Ihree shows will be given; one I the afternoon and two at

..; t: f U . . : ^

dues were collected by' the treas­urer. I The treasurer reported that 19'members had paid their dues' for 1919; 2 pew members were added to the membership, Mrs. K.Jt..Conner and Mrs. K. B.

—The entertainment, "A -light Mistake," and "Marie Rer ites," which was given-at Can-; >n Branch school on May 10th

for the benefit of the school im­provement League> will be given •ver oa Saturday, May ?,4th, at.

-< p. m. TtdmigaaclO and 15c. ['a'fresKmenta will be-sold-.

—Be sure to attend Frank S." I'avidson's latest play, "When lackf ame Back," to'be given in

mner's Hall Friday, May 30th, ior the benefit of the Boy and I ;iri Scouts. Tickets"will be sirfd

the Scouts and at one off the ii UK stores. Get your reserved - ai early and be_ sure of.a good - ai,- as a crowded house is ex-: ' . ' c ted . . • . ' •"•

—Eleven- of t^ie-twenty-three hikiren enrolled af Mill Pa.rE"

s> hool will reeeivg thejins which have been difered each year for liLiretuality and atteadance. The names_£if the childreft follow:

Alice Herreil, ^'ranees Leonard^ .Marie Laniu Virginia Lann, Ge-i tlia :Mountjoy, 'Henry "Herreil, i; rdan Pickett, Philip Picketf, and Woodford Pickett. Cecelia -Mrjimtjoy has neither nyssed a iay or been Jate forfive years.

—The closing exercises of Mill i'ark school were held on Satur iay, May 17. Supt.1IeDonafd -ave a most interesting talk on the pleasures of:country life, aying that people were growing

more to realize that the only omplete and true lifg was coun-ry life. At the close qf his ti^k

he presented in Philip Pinkott a certificate stating that he Jiad completed a course in-practical arming and its domestic usages.

This is a step toward vocational education in rnrat schoots^and it s hoped that other boys and girls Mil follQw Philip Pifilnftf s mmr.

gpj-inkel. After the reading of t i e minutes of the April meeting

ary theTegTrtav bus­iness of the Auxiliary was taken up. At this time the pfesid«it called for a reading by Mrs. Doak, "Rest Rooms for County WomenJ' This article was taken from the April number of the American Fruit Grower*' Maga­zine, ^ f te r the reading of the article the Rest Room of Manas­sas was discussed and the farm demonstrator, Mr. R. G. Koiner. made a very helpful talk in which he fedld of some of the difficulties which the Rest Room in Staun­ton had during its jnfancy. He spoTce of the'way m wKicIi the Augusta piper-patTit on its feel again after closing. Also how in 1917 the retail merchants took hold and now it is supported by this organizatioiH "supervisors and town council.

Mr. JCninwr tn h i s talk Hpoke-ef-

the Poultry- Club members to have their compositions in office ^ o the county agent. _ The date set thisye^hwas for May 15th. U'igJu>Ba4^Mpthose who have failed td ge^^M^tfositioh in at


the appreciation-of iwem«i ^ee^ 1ng the Auxfliarj'^ open through the summer. ^He-in hiS. talk ajv pealed to try to get their husbands to keep farm ac­counts. In this day, he said, it -is needed. Mr. Koiner elosed his address y reading that lit­tle poem, "It Can't Be Done." -

After this speech there was a lively discussion. The president told of the resignation of all members appointed ,orv the Rest

this time will g ^ il^em 4^.aS;aoe«-aa posRib|ier The -f^|rtwipg are thj^Tnanea-df those getting com-pbsittOSB'by above named date, and are given as compositions came into the office:

Mary Kinjrree, Bristow; Er­nest Hedges, Hoadly,- Christine Drowne, Haymarket; Annabef Merrill, BriatOWT^ltie Davis, Hoadley;< Bennett Rosenferaer, Manassas; Audrey Steele, Ma­nassas; .Marion- Broaddus, Ma­nassas; Daniel Bryan, Nokesr ville; Minnie Ritenouf, Bristow; Elffa V. Herndon, Bristow; fiora Grisso, Nokesville; Laura A. 3eal«,--H»ymarket; Helen Ar-tharj GainesvilleTNellie Lawjer, Bristow; Georgie Harrell, Ma-nassap; Nellie Hyde, Bristow; Mary Hyde, Bristow; Virginia Green, Manassas; Crystal Lan-Jes, Nokesvile; Lula M. Flory, Nokesville; Audrey ^ & f Hunt Hayntarfc^

demonsft'ation agent,. and a^^^ pealed to- the women to keep it open, and appointed the follow­ing committee to keep the work ffoiag; Mrs. C. F. Wf"Lewis,

_ Mrs. E. Wissler, Mrs. J A. Hift, •illian Down, Lirrene Bdley,tMfs. E.-R. CoHneT and Miss"Gil-

who has seen artillery ser-ii e in France, aroxed-jat-Nevb, lort Mew^ on M»y"Tat utd-went

bert, The president told of the or­

ganization of War Savings Soci­eties all over the country and urged that the women of the

~ TEe county join this society, following w<)men gave their names for this work: Mrs. Mae Dogan, E. Wissler, C. F. M. Lew-4a>-A"SS»y^Lewi8-^ani Miss €m-bart. tt is hoped mat at the June meeting we will .have some more instructions and the cstds to be signed. -

M J ^ Hodge favored the nieel-ing with a selection from Good Housekeeping Magazine, the May

^ms TTssBEjJftenail da Neff, Bristow. ; js

Willie Fairfax; 3|9adley, Va., Joined the poBtry club- the spring of 1917; he chose one Barred Rock chicken as his breed and bought one sitttiSg^oT eggs from Mr. "niomasson, Manassas, for a start. From this hatch be got five pullets and six cockerels. He raised nine, and sold four as I. breeders; two. brought him ^ f and his prize cockerel was'


cent. iHYttein BEET PULP



Hay Sah



for iu>t^) , , PEANUT MEAL 36 per cent iwotcfai MIDDLINGS (VIRGINIA) BRAN


ilbmssas Feed jiid^ 1^ I * Successors to MANASSAS PEED, SUPPLY & IMPLEMENT GO. •

I - • MANASSAS' VIRGINIA ^ I ...v.x..,^ro..a ^^t^v^..../...-,«^, „ . v , _ „ . — a;i^, jjjg pr i ze cocKerei w a s Room committee Mi the homy bought by county BUperihtendent

numDes, - « i e Mtrthers' Urnon/'^ Tisliichjie wanted all the day old by Dorothy Dix.

. At this wriod in the meeting announcement of the coming of Hon. R. W a l ^ Moore and Dr. Flannagan to meet with the Red Cross Monday night, in behalf of the Health Campaigiu—She urg-ed every_one present to be surt

-Private Rixey Embrey, son to hear these men and. urged Mr. and Mds. Ewell J. Em- that they spread the news

— The next'hiatter of buainesa before the meeting was a discus-sioh relative to the coming fair.

(amp Lee, where he was dis- \ A little anxiety was felt aipong T^r^ed oil Sunday. He arrived i the women of the Auxiliary that me on MondayJle was in the: ?amWing and horse racing might

/hting on six fronts, Lorraine, I enter into the.sports., hamTiacme TniiT, R«int Mihjpl, Mr. Koiner. ,in_ a very brief hateau Thierry and Argonne mahner, assuredThe women -that

rest, where_thfi_fi£Eeie»t-con-

of scnobis, jsir. unas.^^^ McDon-aid, for $5.. t h e bird wias a beauty. Goin^ back to history, Mr. aQ_d Mrs. McDonald chris­tened him Lord Fairfax, fie^ has proved to be silch a fine_bird^ that Mrs. McDonald said to tnel couuly agent not Fung uga, "Lord Fairfax-has-just made my fjock."

At the close of the year 1918 Willie had a flock of about 35 nice pullets Thir yeari^l919, although just his third year in the work, he feas a good flock of hens and pullets'.' .During the "3u" epidemic this year Willie liad the nrisfortune to.lose his father. The county agent vis­ited him • a few days ago and found him deeply interested in •his work, shouldering the great responsibilities like a man. He had a-Sne proposition from Mr. Treakle, «tai:p gp<»r.ialiHta in \


DONT MISS IT Three Shows—3 P. M v ^ a s Fi m a u d 9 P.M.- SOciq^ Tax


. WALLACE REID — . . i a . ' . — _

, . , , - V. * u h*^TH» MAN-^ROM FUNERAL' chicks, and eggs for hatohing RANGE"

^^.rlL*M?Sll^^„,I^-Wb«. t^ law-w«to,i««Ud^ came at the tinir^riien sicknessi^ v and trouble waain the hdme, and so much on the'eUbi's mind thatf: he ffailed to getin touch with the couri^ ageijt to help bmi, but be will line up for next season.

AAitiasion, llctlTe


,are"pnwd of htm they nwd not fear the doors be- ~ '

of the war raged.' He pass-: >"« let down to this, as they well throughallthesebattles with- knew how the majority of the t the slightest injury. His executive committfee stood. Ifca.

- ther, Berkley J. EmlHrey, who Dp«an. in » very pleasant man-isted as a sailor during the """, brought before the meeting

ar. is on the-trasflaert '^^biu- the possibility of the Workirtg up am." which conveys 8(ddiers to ot an old time tournament lor tne

PAULINE FREDERICK Willie has a market in Baltimore ^ . . in . . . to which he tehips-^ight-dozen "A DAUGHTER OF THE pLD eggs per weel^ at 50 cents per " SOUTH" -dozen; expects to have a market.£Uie:fit»Tes a deHglit in tUrBtSIT' in Washington in a.few weeks;to' Admission, lle-17c thi^ iparket he will-furnish aU , - —-— eggs not sold in Baltimore mar-1 SATURDAY ket. Willie and his business PEARL WHITE <}uiJities for a lad of 13 demon-' . . in.. strates what a boy-can do. We "THE LIGHTOING RAingR;

^ Episode 12, "Harledlnto Space.'

B E C A U S E Hiis IS a strong, ciareful, safe, and successful institu­

tion. It ia a growing, activC^ up-to-date bank-in every particular :_^ /U—:_ •- ,

B E C A U S E -

' *w^4>guippreBialgt'by~tfate_ bank apd yoitt interesf will Sl\^ys be considereST

^ B E C A U S E — ^ - ^——

Oar fwids are guarded by. a modern Iwrglar-proof fall insutaueei. —-


from Franeck^ .hmarine fights.

Making Over the Natiwi.

favored by the secretary of the

A motion was made that the executive committee of the fslT

I Abo Pathe News ;aiid. Por^ Edn-I eational Wedtly and a-Ffain; PWF-:

Miss Bell Price with her frigid, Misa ^ P ^ * Comedy, "I»d«pHideM», StruTTini, of Pittsburg, waiT'at her " Gosfc. bome here fwF tlie week-end.' I •PVivalc G«at«v Peters, recently of'

tM A. E. F., now stattoned at Camp ~


i-«3qperiencea~^wEenr ai« wefl^Bown, w^^^o-do baslnesa ooan.

. -^ - " " B E C A U S E *^

- If yon «fe 9ot a cast<Mner of this bank, let tliis be an iirvitalion to you to become one. -^ '

T5ur directMfl ^

le PeoplesHational Bank Matinee 3 P. M.-

AdHlitokm, 6c»tlc

t^A* wai^f L—- KMm at hnme for a short ftlrionyh Mrm Hirman Shirley, arnVed on 4vm-

T h ^ , t o - a v e n ' great -extentr -u-,-^ * « i T> *I. m . . -- rh^ Usk Lm.f lull ting UnLCon- V^^^'** "^^' ^ " ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ° " **** ^

s? which convened last Mon-^*^^ f™"°'?»- .- , . j , ' ..V. At no other time in the , u ^ * ° " i L ^ * " ' ^ * ' ' " ? J i ^ ^ ' ^ * ? . .tions hi.otnrv were so many the preinAnit appointed the-fol-tal problems pr«s8ing for soiu- lo*™^ advisory committee to

its program ^^l^.,.!" "VYT'^r'' -T^ *])! - president of the Auxihsry and ationaTTapi-

G. Covington. Mrs. Harry

':on. In hne f creating a

• I a tru aper. « ^ ,..»<..„..B.^.. ^^..^j ^

Mar will specialize in keeping it* „ ji j »* c - r. ^

•mgton; Gainesville district, Mrs. Chaa. R. McDonald; Occoquan, Mrs. G. M. Davis; Dumfrie.s,

e Journal—SI—and worth it Mrs. C E. Clarke: C(>le», Mri«. J

last we^. 0 - \ day, moving from Panama, where'they Mra. Townsend, of Pensacola,' have be«i for neatly two jrear*. We

Fla., and Mrs. Stnart Tullos, of Wash- are glad to hate them at home again. tn^ton, are siMfiding this'-week wHh | Capt G. D, S. Chu-ksoo, who has

Tatter, Mrs. A. B. C1 lately reeeiwnd Ma honoraMe discharge \ from tfte army and returned to his

Mrs. Alrich and Miss Sae Alrich, home in Haymarket, has been reap-wbo spent the winter in Baltimore, pointed engineer of the Warrmton and have letomed be<ne. i Fairfax pike, which otBee he resigned

Capt. Roat, a w«ll known resideMijust previous to enlisting, of the village, and a Confederate ^vet-j Haymarket is gratified that one of eran, is vrttlestly ill at hiS-teariierK ^ school children, Christine Drowne,

of these measures

e Journal—$1—and worth it

nattonal n^ws- ^^ *****? bonsedemottstrationtMembers of_ttw -ffcmtty I m ^ taeahtf the sff\enTK""graae, who represents 11 h J n^^n Q.imW agent* Manassas District, Mrs.l summoned an^Hiere is little hopiToTfahs Scott s room at the health con-as ningion aunoay ^ ^ n„. , ;„^^„ xM^ u » — . his recovery. . !«#* , should have* woo the county

Rev, T. M. Browns and Mr. Eugene' medaT, given by Dr Hough, of Ma-Keyser, the hrtter^a deteiJiMe froin St. < naltoa.' STiie and Nellie Armel, who

oopal Council in session this week at' receive<J the little prises given, as we Winchester. I understand, to ail who took part in

Jir. C. E. .lordsn and his dauijht^r, ' th<> cont<«(.



laCTROLAS "^^ name leana AI.I.. li ia f^rtit hy th> Victor TaikiRg Maehine €•. Don't be deceived by sbaie other-^not all Cabi­net Machines are Vietrobs. Let me skew you. Give i order for Rcevrds. I have sone in stock aO the UBM. advuce in wriett GIVE ME A CALL.


M your A Uttle


The Journal—$1—and worth it The Journal—il—and ' >

w u r i h It

tei«p!^9pfJ#«i»5«Str T • , ^ ^ ; ^ a i J > ! ' ^ S * ^ . . . ^

Page 5: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*


J '• xN'otice to Farmers—If3'ou"wiU. grow "Sorghum this year I will work it up for you thjs fall, a»- have a large and up-to-date out­fit for aan^. Wtft fnmisir-seed free on application to those who will patronize-me, G. A. Brad-field, Manassas, Va., R. 2. &2-4»

•• ^' \ -"". . For Sale—One registered 0.1. C. boar, 300 lbs.; price, ^60.00. Kegistration papers go isith hog. E. B. Robinson, R, F. D. 2, Wa-nassaa, Va. ^ 51-4t

Half price on hatching eggs balance of season. Single Comb Rhode,' Island Reds^ extra quali­ty. ?1.0O for 15 eggs; |1.75 for 30 eggs.- J. H. Steele, Manas­sas, Va. 51-tf

Eggs for Hatching—Standard bred S. C. Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 per settiag of 15 or $9.00 per 100. W. D. Klin«, R. 1, Ma­nassas, Va. 44-tf

_ - i. _ ! . For Sale—One lot of junk

iron; 1 Keystone hay loader; 7 hand cultivators; 1 Ohio, No. 13, com stalk cutter; 1 black mare, 2 bay mares, 1 with foal by side,

• 1 heavy with fnal; 1 amalt mutef, 2 weanling, coltp; 2 ponies. R. B. Wagoner, Ben Lomond Farm.

P Wanted—60,000 white oak cross ties. See us dnd get prices. M. Lynch* Co. -SS-tf

For Sale—; -iot in Manassas. Also 33^acre - farm about 3 miles from Manas­

sas. Karl J. Austin . 4!

For SSle—Pure White Rock -egga_$L5a per 15X?9«00j5er 100 ; ^urock hogs; pigs and shoats— pure bred—Defender and Illus-, trator strains; Duroc service bpar. Prices right;-come and see.. -Conner & Kline, Mahfssas, Va. - — -!«*l*'42-tf

• For Sal6—The late Q. M. Goodwin farm, between four and five hundred acres, in Prince Wil­liam county; 75-^n^s in fiiie timber^. Afiniy to B^ M> Brid-

li; well, Bristow, Va. ,/ 52-4*

.1 have purchased wood work­ing naachinerylmd am' repmred to do all sorts of shop work". J. R. Ev^ns. - 4&

l U S T ARRIVED, over two hundred Spring and ^ Summer Suite Irom a well-known clodiing man­

ufacturer that maker^n<>dungelse but $30 and $35 standard priced suits, and we are going to bffer them to you during the month of May on^"ait a sav­ing of froih $10 to $15 a suit We absolutely guar­antee these prices, _

50 For May ONEY


» • - ! "

= f f i ^ : ^

We areiiot allowed to advertise these Suits under their true brand

and two siiits of a p2ittem^and that is the secret why «feMare able to offer you this great saving^

For Sale—6-room hous^ in East end Manassas; good gar-den - small bam and outbuild-i ngs; attra(:tive price. 'Apply to Mrs. Wm^ Btillis, Manassas. Va. ' 52-8t

Fire Insurance—If you are afraid of Mutual Assessmeqts, try our old line companies. If ou don't like the increasing old le rates, try our MuTiTatr T<tto

represent bc^ kinds. Austiir Corporation. 63

Forjybe^oung jQowiL ^ l ^ styled and snap ^4ry our waist-seaufr skirted models^ single and dbu-ble breasleJ diul caiJiuuIiaHed Jronis. f or theTnoire conserved man, we have^ ufRb-date n^^ made in guauranteed alt-wool, bancPj^^ worsteds—something that will wear and g ve you real service: SUITS TO SUIT EVERY MAN.

For Sale or exchange for light car Buick roadster racently irizera, hauled. Apply at the Sanitary Lunch, oiqxwite depdC 62'

RADFORD SUMBfER NORMAL -i fFizst term <q>«ns Jtme 19-. SeMod tenn opens ' Jaijr

Courses for Fint and Second Grade CertifieatM. fSumiaer SehtM^ Pro- . fsaMonal Coorsesr ^Academic Couraea.- fBagriar Normal School Couraea. ^Courses for the Benewal of."Exlensioit. of Certificates and many other Special Courses are oiffered. fCoorses for tW^H^iBiig of District Superrisors. Wor Catalo«rtie, Booklet of Views and /Full In-

^raiatfgn,.write JOHN PRESTOH McgONNElX, President, East Bad-ford, Virfinia. 50-8t

For Saie—Chalmers automo-bjle. S-paasenger. Price, 380. A. A. Ho<^, Manassas, Va. 4i-

For Sale—^High grade-Shrop­shire Budc tS years old.) Mi«<io«-) X Ewell, Edge Hill Farm, Hiiyniar-ket, V«r

Wan ted—20 _fflt.:afi=faifc:£Qaa and heif«» (Holstein). Box 127, Manaaaas, Y*-' 1

T \

Sone one has wisdy said, "A DaBar Savei is a

Dollar Made." We claim tkat we eaat save yoa

several MGLXS en yoar SPRING CLOTHING,

SliOJ^ HftTS, ETCL, and at ttie nme tiiM fire

yoa only GOPD MKMtllAlJIMaie.—GTve m m

call aad let OS prove it.

To whom it may concern:—A peiaistent. nuxuHT which is being

X o x o x o x o x o : .X t> WHAT is better than X_&^tJIflfe O <» a warm day4

O WHAT is better than a soed O MKAL #ben "yoa lire X*

O himcTT? O X- . X

circulated around Mitfiassag and suburbs in regard to-R. B, Wag­oner losing his position s^ man­ager of Ben Lomond Farm on

(Ushefleiily ui his d e ^ ings may be branded as a.lie and those that cirealated the report

O We kare it-EverytUiic Saaitary O X CoBM ia aad be c«tasiBic«d X O O" X THE SANITART LUNCH X O : ^ - - Qppoaite' Depot • O X A Fan Liiir tf Capita. mSL X O Ercrjtluas To* Waa* t* Eat O X " ' X xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

4^h^-^« 'stine I-WATERimTOIlEr SYSTEM ~ IS ^ pyoCFAS ftF nisPrjtgfKn-np BODILY WAST? IN UN-



J , C TULLOS, Coaiity Agent


BOIIOMONDFARMS as liars; |2frU)d Reward offered for positive information and facts as to luune of party who circulated the above lie. R. B, Wagoner.

Hie New Mett'aand Boys' FURNISHING STORE

BYRDANEWMArtPWipriHora - — /


BelPs Betfair Brcail f Wc arc gUd t* •••—«>'that Dcecaiker lat we har* bcea allowed t« •wfcc bread aith—I miair aar aabati-tatc ef wtMSt. TUi. af caarac, w0l Bwaa better bread. Tan are MIW i»> Wtcd t« Me aat bread. Webrltevewa caa faraiah am artkk as f««d a«.jtlM BEST. I Wc appreciate Uc liberal patroaac* of UM mMie at am^UICK'LUNCH DEPARTMENT. We rniU always be clad ta aerf« j&ti at BALL'S BAKERY AND QUICK ^ ^ LUNCH •

MANASSAS TA. For Sale—Tb* A, P. Dav» 'property on Grant avenue; also. jone F jrd 4917 touring car and ;one Ford (Smith) truck. G. G. .Allen. 51-2*

!The J o a m a t ^ l — a a d worth It

AI«12I MANASSAS, ?A. ^ SEEDS-SEEDS kJnAAiH^A otXXm PEAS now tm hand—the

very best deaa BCW stoek. See aaa^hs and get prices.

SEED^XOi^f—CoBier's Excdslw White—10 days mrHcrHdai Boone Cooaty^ better suited to ew o w w . Ttyll. - We kavc StHffiHXJnpDLLET, BLU^ QRASS, TIM-

Heavy Milking Family Cows riflit prices. ^

All Stock Guaranteed.

OTHY, BUCKWHEAT. . .--^- ^ '^fjkumcerws GARDEN SEEDS.



liiiilBii MM^

Page 6: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*


._ ^

SpTendi<nyrB&i3& To Serve tbe .

Housekeeper ' I ul^the many thing* needed to rrplenish or funlali Uw holt* T«r spring and snoiMer.


*" Our gpadoiM ground floor lioila«-kteping depwtMcnt offer* tko beat and moet roccat deHcM in culinary utensils, Uundrr equipmeiit, honse-> leHninx dcTiccn, refrigerators, etc.


' I'he largest stock in the South, including the moat elegant prodae-(ions as well as the les» ezpenaive makes. Your inspection inviled.

DUUN&MARmCO. 1215 F S t . T n H r t 2 t « 8 i r 9 t ,


" Siuiday--Sunda# o'dtfcli. - —

Preaching « t 11 a. m. Noke»*ille Lutheran Chu*ch—Sun­

day School at 1:415 p. m. * Preaching -at 2:46 p. in.

-** EPISCOPAL "Trinity Episcopal Ghurcb, B«v

A. Stuart Gibson, R ^ ^ r . Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Senrica .<rat, socond and fourth

Sunday at 11 .a. m.; ev^ry Sunday at 8;00 p. m. .

St., Ann's Memorial Chapel, Nokaa-ville. ^ r v i c e first Sanday a t S p. m.; ^hird Sosday »t U %. M. '

PRBSBTTBIIIAN Manassas Presbyterian Church,

Rev. DeForest Wade, Pastor. Sunday School^at 9:45 a. m. ' There will be no preaching in the

morning on account of^the Commonce-ment exercises at Eastern CoUege.

Preaching at 8:00 p. re. Subject, "Seeing and Believing.'" w ^ ' ^ ' f^

Prayer meeting Wednewlay at 8:00- . . J ^ ^ C t O T Q C \ ^ O *



:!i)8 acres in Prince William County?

;ind the remainder in oak woods witK] Liliout 3000 ties en It which are very v^iliiable now. This farm is 10 milea t rum railroad, on public road, is fair-l> »ell fenced, has fine orchard of all LinHa nf frnit , wif> rmmtnf w»t^f,

| : 8 0 P . m,


There will be


Huildings consist of fair dwelling of 7. r<M>ra s, eood~bam and" practicaUir^w^ bungalow of 5 roms, besides other oat-buildings. Price; 120.06 pet acre, on very easy terms. ,. •*

Great Bargain in Faoqaier County. .')22 acres within 2 miles of railroad and good ^•l^age^wl»efe~lbere~B flSe -ichoot, good stores, churches and oth­er conveniences. This farm is smooth and in fine state' of cultivation aad there is 300 acres of it under cuftiva- Woodbine, second and fourth Sim-tion and the remainderln timber andj-^y^t 3 pr. m. oak woods. It lays aIoay""both sides of a good public road, is well fenced,


'reaching ifi tist~ehurch a t Raymarket next Sun­day at 4 p. m., by Rev. Bamett Grims-l ey .

BeUehaveii,f<)»irth .Sunday, .11 a. m.

Hatcher Memorial, second. Sunday.

nicely watered by. well, -spsfaMm' nnd running stream and is jdtal.foratthffi. dairying, general Jffmilmf ot stock raising. TheK W no Idnda <rf niea fruit and the bvAfacs^ wUeh nra beautifully toenail, esoijst tt a 9 l e » -did 7-room f n u n e hanne, a new 4> room fnii'iiU'Ml hwiiiei iisw daiiT piwl horse bams, large cement silo other buildings and we offer it at $16.-000. on easy terms, if sold quick.

Nice Little' Dairy F u m NearNokea-viile. 50 acres, al under cnHlTntian and very productive. This farm lays right along good poMic road, 1 mile from station, jiniLnt present is being used as a dairy proposition. Has nice young orchard, fine running water and the bnildingSi wbteh^re-new, con­sist of good and nicely, painted i-room house, good dairy and horse barn, new ailo and.otlMX bnildingB mrti is one of the best Bttle ifadry-^tnper-ties we know of at UMt. an aanr terms.

Nice Home and Farm in County. 286 acre*. 2 milea fmm rail-road and g o ^ viBagc, 175 acre* in ex­cellent statfe of cnMvatinn and re­mainder in oakjMods. -This land iara I ^t t l a. m. just right "for g«o1 farming. w ^

t | running springs, fine o

! location on good pabUe r««4 and the buildings, WUeh are limnll fully located and weH-pninted, consist r>t a splendid li>raom kanae witii

fenced; larze and ^ne orchard of all kinds of fruit, nice

porches, cellar antt MlKr canvcntendes, lar^re and splendid bam with eattbr ~ and machine s1 i id_jt i s i hsd. i IM n rrihs, wagon sheSTterge hennery, eia. and is offered for ^nich sale at iiniy .< 10,000. and on easy tenna.

If you are in the ntarkat for a farm, h. sure to see EARHART ff RHODES Ivfore yoo btty;-or if yosT have ame tar 4el1 quick, send {hem a desci^^Sin af the property yea want to wA

EARHinrr * RHODBS. t2 N<d(eavil]e.'Va.


Damage to Pmuaw or CM|I testa CoTond.

fht E\er> effort fs aade by rftinpany to apprdMM^uid vict the thief. No f o m of durance ffives greater for amotrnt of proriins psifi.


HARRY P. DAVB Manassaa, Va.

"SONGS OF LOVE AND WAR' By Or H. M ( brkson

^l. if' l»a-l ).i f



8«ti>sl_LutiMran Charsh. J ty . M

SehObl at

p. m.

Clifton Presbyterian Church, Rev Ahtord Kelley, supply.

Sunday School at 10 a. m. "Repentance."

• Preaching at II a. m. Chrlstiap Fundamentals."

Baccalaureate Sermon' a l ' 8 p. m. Service in connection with the Clifton



BAPTIST Manassas JBaptist Church, Rav. T

D. D. aark,-pastor. . Sunday^Sunday-School, 9.46 a. m.;

morning scr«dce,-ll e'eloclc; B. Y, P. u., fi-Ab; fifenaag^^irviea a t TzSlf. -Wednesday^^Prnywr— moating at

TTiT I I a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

Uak Uaie, titud Sunday, u d first Sunday, 7;30 p. m.

Auburn, first Sunday, 11 a.-in., and third Sanday, S p. m.

CATHOLIC All Saints' CnthoBe Cbureh. Han

Fntfaer WllUnm Gin, pastor. Mass at 8 a. Brti first and thii4 Son-y«. liecund and fuinrrti fjmwtaM-at

Rev. E. Fan4niat4^. jEOine,

10:30 a. &., foUowed by .benodicttoa of the Blaasod Sacrament.

METHODIST M. E. Church, South, Rev.-William

Stevens, pastor. Manassas—Si^ay School at 9:46. Preaching; at 11 a. m and -8 p. mr-Epworth'XieJ^gne at 7:30'p. "mr° . " Prayer meeting Wednosday at 8:00

p. m. Preaching first and_ third Sundays

at Bradley at 3 p . m. Preaduttg at Buekhail second and

fourth Sundays at 3 p. m. CHURCH OF THK BKyTHltRN

E. ^loocli, pastw; Rev.

—Cannon Bianclt=SuiHSur. hoQl at 10 a. in. X

Preaching first and tUirtf Sundays

Christian Work'STs at 8 p. m.' badley—Sunday SclMoKat Iv a. m. Preaching second and fnnrtli .tbtn-

days at 11 a. m. Tha T ova Fasst of tha Ctmreh o t

the Brethren w4l] tTltelil at CannMi Branch Saturday, April 19, at s ic pja.

j ^ P R H H T i y B BAPTIST ~ PrHnitiva Baptist Cfaozdt, Eidar T

a Dalton, pastor. SarTiees.azcr7 fourth Sunday at 11 ia. and the

» : » p . I ituiday pracofiac at

UNrCBD BRBTHRKN. Rev L. C. Maaaidc's appointntant*

Manatfas—First and third Sundays 7:30 p. m. Second~aad~~fl days, 11 a. m.

DncknaU t i n t and tBiFa Iwauaya,

8 p. m. Midland—First and third Sundays

11 a. » . - - - -

Cow r KediuB your f^^llzer ex-

pcijr« an* B«ve'f'-vd bills by growiag Cow f^ss and fioja

They •nrtch the land not cn)y wh^n p. 'HeU under, t^t V h*m U3td for for:, KC and K'^iiing. Thty v*--' '> * grown to c" .'in',;! ,0 in yoar conn

i-nilroKcn and hu-isus to yo^r soil. It pays to order

woom SEEDS OCT Cow Peas, Sola Beans

are Rn^trioT in c)«<tn1mess aad Ciua/Ujr to cow pcM tnd beans es ordinaTliTr r » 'Wrile for "Wow.'3 Crop Speolal," KIVIDS

dttu S««d. . . .



UNDERTAKERS Prompt and sa^factOrjr •ice. Hearse - furnished for any reasonable distance.

Geo* D. Baker Onjertaker

A N D LICENSED EMBALMER b^, 'Ave. . Near C. H., Manassas, Va.

Prompt attention .given all order*. Pri&s as low a s good service, and ma-terial will' j u s t i ^ CanM^lnHSteck.

"HctaUc CukeU


Office-^M. X C. Building ManasBSB .:: _ Virginia

flDR. V. V. G I l i U M — ':^r VESTISI' f !•-

Offie«»-^Hibbs ft (HddijifB BTuildBar .

ManawsHs \ ''i* Virginia



«H>9;i5A.». WASHINGTON, D .G. u«6«)f.«.

Correctilaterials for Sumjner Frocks Caked Voiles, White Yoilea. Poigce Silk and Scrge-aff afford cool summer

-wea^4vlia made up into pretty frocks; skirts, blouses, or other summer.

ckthag. These 4 Spedal Items, with Tedoced prices, wOi help yog in yom^

selection oi pretty hnt inexpensire materials winch summer reqiffes so much of; ' ' ; , ^ ' ' ' ' ' •'




^^^^. ^ c i a l , a yari, 25 cts


FOR ALL SUMMKR WEAR. REGULAR ^ l a l l w W J\L^\JML a a • a • a ^ « • n'a • • • • • • a e a n a a • ^m,Wets M S S GOODS STORE 36-lNCH ALL,WO(ML NAVY BLUE SERGE





Caskrts of all KfajL FamislMd A»j Kea- |

sesisHs Distaiwe, INABLBPKICSS


,"-. -1 = g

J^ery GcMicE EAt

My "line 'embraces Staplq ; and I mcy Groceries

Queensware, Tin and "Enamelware

co« «AND BE caimNca


lEbe oMT linn of C M.Larkin & Com­pany h on~the job € [am at the origi­nal stand on Centre 6treel, where tfae^


To Inve year Byca tvsaitned tlMr-oachly and Glaaaaa i t ted proverly.

of tnf natients in Msaassas viateitr win teD yoa l a ' v i A

Dik SHEFFE8MAN : - Eresirlit Specialist m Blemrtli Street,

©IfH SfOTTOT We do^ajT conwder ear work S s M i e r until tke pal is abaolutdjp satisScd. 42-Sm

HENRY SLUSH ER & 90N PBtetem. Pap«r Haneers and

Hardw«o<i ! . i^shers \ SPK* > T

Hversity of~ Virginia B s a i aT PnMc Sdwal S y a l a » af

ViralnU D B P A i m f K f R

CoB«ce. Gradnatc Law, eliia.-EBXfaMaring

LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLE to ilsasi I lug stadenta. IIO-M^ wXk eoata to Virginia itadaBia Acaoaaus- —OayanaMnta. 98sa eataiocna.


UulvaisM^, Va.


SHOE FASHIONS —sbowinc the exdosirc aad distinctfre features w»ni by the partieaiar dreascn. Baying faatwcarby mail is made easy^Asd sttiafactory.


are readyto^er^'^fir pa fis iAnlh^ anything In the line of Floury Feed^ Hfty.^irain, EtcT If yoiLZw6uia~have

five ^ us a chance to supply your wants.

- i

= n


HI X: m^i^m^ms M^iiPMm^Bi«!m

Page 7: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*

FKH>AY. MAY 2:i. 1919 .' THL >i A N AS.SAl* JOlJKNAi.. MAI .K SEVE:

^=|irf.'*Wij^_ CLIFTON

/"EiiLe^ Appier l E v e r XSrew'*

Church met-at Mr. and Mr»- Cha«. H.

i n « if""°'"y """T' ii'lT "''""'' "^ pi»nn«in«»>t p Bgki-- Mr». -mxi Miss Bichards ntade th*—bwt—g^MtB''

-**TEe£n£St-apples I have ever ^ 'grown were sprayed with Pyrox. OwF

yetu-1 thought I would save a tittle in the price, and in» talked into trying "somvthtDg just as good;" but IMMT 4 | M M , fcM' the crop that year wa« lar from M n c ar-gQo4 -M when I used Pyi« | ."^-€ . H. STOKSS. MeAocdr N . ' I .

If you VWC4 the ^ l e s t quality fruit, i p n y with

Th^ AiH g~-;aty > f t h . PT-«.hyf»rnin


^ ^ ••• . Ik 4 *** •»*. "The Spray TiMttAadato TCoat^xoOU'*

. ix>x I LJ

^ v o x is a aiBooth, crettny paate vhich is all ready touse by simply mixing with cold Water. It ttick* like pciat mod protects the fruit throughout tfae growing •eaion. Pyrox ia just as good f«r potatoes, tomatoes, coRmnts, strawberries, etc., as it is for apples.;

G#ttida Pyrox Crop Book. Itttlbbowio^rtitatyoiir^ CN|« as*''"* '>uKf> worms and diteas*. -. 4^^ s Vpy, . / DOWELL'B PHAMIACY

"The Rex«U Store"

Washinsteo. p . C

—is all that we say ft is. .Go-l,to your

: gueaai iig eight nf-tfac foHrtowr nawag corr«ctly apiece.

rPuinJexJjer have sold their houae to Mr. J.-Barrett, and they have bought the bun^low oymei by tfavMrsof ^ e i a i e ^ f n . EKxabeth Pctwil^r. These places are to be giv^ en into the possession of their jiew

t own«re\September ist next. • . I Rev. Alford Kelley preachad in the ^esbyteriin Church Sunday, at II a. t m., on the subject, "EverythiBg wj>pk» i for good to those who love the Lord." ' It was A very comforting sermon, and listened t» ixy a large congregation.

Mrs.' G. A. Hall and Miss'lg^* White gave the account of .Bailie's work, Hits ICelley illustrated t ^ anciestry werkMwp bg showing an ip-een«« burner used in the workshop, of | ancestors. ^ '

Miss Miriam Buckley liad two of her school friends to spend the week-1 end with her. , |

There was an exciting and closely' contested game of base ball< on the school diamond last.Wednesday after­noon between the high school team and th« town team. The. school boya beat the towta in 12 innings by a scoke

Tba Woman's Missionary .meeting met in the afternoon in the church with a larsi^^ttendancc and tte com­mittee on the pi^aam- gave usTrwwXL interesting' accSnntoi the w«rk of i missionary, John B^lie, in Chin^, who has'been working to relieve the fam­ine strickeD state of Chin4 by planting trees and giving the needy land to cul­tivate. Mi;s. Grimes read a letter from Dr. Isald Hock'Fatt6n, a mis­sionary in China, sent out \y the Washington Presbytery."


Have you seen, the latest model? Take a look at it. You will be sur-prisede The prices

S: u n^ a*y' s tSr a TV7 ^

AUt^e News of the W^id By Associated^ Press:

and Special Correspondents ^^^.^

For Safe-tqr

of 6 to 6. The farmers are. haying a very hard

time" to get in their com, .the groilnd bein^ wet .so nmch of the time by the

TBany^har<t,-show'ers, but: some have "Succeeded in pi^ntintf.' ^ "The Httlagi]^ of Mr. and Mrs. Anr thony Hart,-who ha» been e/o iili still (^te ill. L, • • '

Th«re are quite a number of cases of diAemper among the horsey of the neighborhood. .

-Fairfiix county went way over the 'p__in the Victory- Loan. Clifton's

Touring Car. Runabout.*-. Sedan . G>upe Chassis . Truck ^

.$ 525.00

. 500.00

. 850.00

. 725.00 475.00 BBOM

F. H. PEIKBtiOW, L6rt«i, TKirinia.'

GCffiD)^ WIGiGrL^W^CTa, Occoqnan,. Virgilik,

share in the Omvy was over $1,000.

'f rrhat's;» * « • jofc,* says &• satisfieiL'cv3t<nui:; wboae print-mg Ktrdltt has Jbeea BOpilty ttlfi JonmaTa joii dfpTtmjiit. Sea oar w«rk, aii4 get «ar ^wtatloH

Ifffirr hfiiJB, tUtf nentsT MTciopes, a«lc VOs, vt9-jgnuBs, OiitioeB, et4^ High jprmi» printing in on^ or>tw« col-6TB. ' Satisfaaktn g«u4tttMd.

These prices are iF. o, b. the fac-toiy, Detnoit, Mich, Place your order

Ford Sales and Service. _ Headquarters for Fprd Cars, genuine Ford


•• - C 3

Be Prepared--R Wiff^ye You Money

SAY, yoaH have • street of smokdock tlMt^* put pep-in-jour-smokemotor, alt 1

raog-tn vtrith a jsmny fipe or ctgaretke; Prince Albert fcr paq^ngi

Juat between ooraeivea, yoa S-apo«t. iieyei_w

smoko-jay antd yoB by tts Arst name, then, to fait l l w peak-of-pleasore yoo land ofi iliat two I>rinc« Albartr

Well, sir, ytrall be so aH-fired-hajTpy j^oul] want to g«t a phot»^ Kmpti Or-yoQi aeir brwnng xxp Iba pike with ytMxr^smokethrottle wide open! TsJk mbovt amoA-e-aporf /

Qoaiity makes Prince Albert«e

appealing all aking the 1 Km wbo never hetoit Onii •Doke a pii»c WMLUMXI-* smoked pipes fi>r yesr* all 1 totbe delight it hands oot I P. A. vaxft bhB -or pmrcht Both-iw-

^ cm OQt by our exdosive j

Right now wirile the going's c6od yoa gat out yoor oId~pminy PV« or the papers sod la^jpa some P. A. for whmt laM jroor

*» 8 J •* Tobeceo C«.

T*m0¥ nd hmmrn,^ tim kunid§r» mmd

idmrmitk wfwmmm

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, WiBstOtt*Saloaft» N« C

~^low is the tiiiip to give your - what machinerorott are going J

ar^gi^r^teed. How Cream^Separator—the

rftt>k ftvf r-yfrtir fild marhini repairs now, ____ -

D<m't buy a BuggjTunGT yolotia^^ ^ our slocke A carload just rereivfd, We can please you and save you money.




Page 8: !* · 2014-03-21 · Annual presentatio of Dr^ma n ^ tic Club—"Strenuous Life.'*^ Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 p ... ..ayf-TPai»TiRlg«*

iiU: MKS\:^<>\< JOl'iLSAL. M A X A S H . I ^ . Viiilii-Nl HI: M,\ \ IttH*

in.>K- t-.SV'EIX AS

. CuiiUiJUt J fttJUi puK* oner.) ,. . , envy theee country peopte" of their'ioys of Hviag?

. ^ That thg two colored men em-(itjKed by tfce fifl^ curl pIoy«a on tlfs'fSrfffTJiRiW a jfodd

tail and ger pral ak ofcoiK ttouK when they see it i» proven " by the fact th»t th«y iMive been

ther» continuously for ten aod .tinent he manifestsd.- That •V were fulfilling tbeir ulti-

. i i . unction was plfu* when w«. sey«iteen j«u-», respectively* - Order of PublicatJon, 1 hf' smoke hoiiee full of

I au I It ally sugar cured Jbams and" bacon, "5p(||rieh'we also bad the privilege of eaffipluisr .at the juapper table.

A large, flock of hens and young ciuais gavfe'TJiwrf" of the splendid-ctoie &odLattention that they (cei several times a day. The ln«ty voices of.a., flock of geese are also t© fcr heara about the pr«n^es. -

Tnily,' the eceupap^s of ttiia farm are doing fine work in an*-mal husbwidry

lax vvhnt lown womirrr would not •mrist<-m5-rTrnffr<.-'vrfh . +.ertigp3 " a drink of medicated wattr from s.

th«u^ tine mineml spring;

This speakiB vohunes for both them and their employers,^-aplendid appeanujce of the: farm. >-• .By the way, I fajled to mention at the proper place a sow that be­came the_jnoth«r rtfrnxteen or seventeen piga, iwelv* of which she raised, who' knows of » larget- littef fwrowed i»y one sow? ', While I have only touched on


togt-^-Var aSto iicenBe'lat No. 41171. Reward if yreturn«d to this CrffiCe. ' —^ « 1 -

In the Circuit Court of Prince Wtttaihl County. Virginia. '"--AI«»wider McLean, Complainant

. - ^?8. " " • - . - • Melissa AJbatros McLean, De-• Pendant ~ : -" :

Ui Chancety.

Affidavit having be«i filed in j p. the above entitled Suit that the, aSs-defendant, Melissa Albatro^ 5I&-

• ^uS

the various things oi interest-on [Lean, is not a resident of the^ this farm «eventy-five years in fState of Virgin^, and i«)on ap-

. one fwnily, I have exceeded the | plication .of the compl*iinant,

* H •

Dairy Ration KTotnentidli'tiasyetbeenmaderspace at ray disposal. The orifrl-Ai^nder McLean, in w>riting,

of the fine large garden that ex-1 object in writing this is to com- Istatmg^the.object of the suit, and' hibits^*-!«««-anwunt of.,th6ught .mend those who have labored so Ulie grounds thereof, and th»last and care. Grapes, raspberries, 1 faithfully fiM weU, and. to en- known MWress and plafe of strawberries, gooseberries, andi courage o^eni to go and do like- abode of the defendant, the clerk

• "" • • of said cowrt doth enter ttte fpj-; lowing order of jublicatien^ "'The (3«eef ofTfeis'iyiJtliOo "5 ^ tain a divoree ..* vincul»':wjatri;( knonii i4pon thff^Qimd-otjfc^Sif fion. " .:M,

It is ordered that the d6fcn^ ant do appear here within fiftem daj's after due ptibliofttion of this order of publication and ^o. whiat is necessary to YH-otect hper inter-(«t in t^is suiU- -— -

And it is further ordered that


practic^ly:#*ety useful vegeta-1 wise, =if instead of ,| eading 1«-Is either growing now Of Witt about this pra€tical'*farm,-Man-;

be soon. Pleaty oi apples" are | aged iiy a woma^, you wouia!Tike' also grown for home use. After i to see it J.feel sure the owBen? hping^hown thi> .splendid arrayjwould be jgiad. to-giKe you- an

i The Ro9d Called 'Strwiht'' V j | . t^ads to the Road of '''Progresi '* We have been telling yog Week by 'wedkvabout our

sanitary methods aiid.^ing to Impress ttpeii your naimk that the sairitsjry way is the better Mti)r-yUi^iM |lM«greB-: sive way: and, iww. in ihstalliBg ja. neyr ' -

9ANITARX IffiPRtfifiatATINa e O O N ^ ^ we are merely ev&lving-our l i e ^ in these methbite. ^ ' his Counter meaos that your oieat-r-the. meal joa' «at—is always in a dean, cool place, wlicrje no haniw.can tood^ it oi' the pesky, fly »irarm«v%r ii; lint y«u can.j«e wUt ytm «rit iNqrtee,^ iMtlf A Mieetitai Iwisre bti^bi»^ v.

Li8t«;.,.JT^ ALL BpBOftE Y(HJi Serisfi^, don't y«mr fM that yos <»we it to y w^wdf

to boy dcak, wli«I^ne meat^?,; C««e in amLlOflJfejit thiETMaiitifnl dispibt of meats, a»ywt^-.^

; a .copy of this order of fUblic Uionoe published^ once a wegMI 'four successive weeks in TneMa-jnassas JaoirnAT, a newspape? published in the county of Prince WHttfan; ViiigfeiA; tod that-» copy hereof Ije posted at. tfea front dobc of the courthoiisSe^l said couaty^t* .or before thftiiext sucoeeding Rule Day aftet this order is eiitered, and that,a copy of said order of guWicatioB shall be forthwith mallj c by the clerk <)f thi« ie<>urt;afti -thi8 order is entered, io gaud doendjoftt artSfaer last known addreds .and plade of abode, 731 LfiSdfigtoft- JLv«Bue, Atlantic Citr,>M«w~>Jerfley. '

L M jGeqoCQcl TVler, Clerkbf tliiBNaremtjC^^t at the Qerk's Office, of »«%2GoMt .In

nft. his.i ,h dwlafc^y

THERE SHOIJLDJBB nothing myaterious about a proper y dairy ration. We all know just what it should contain

in order to product the d«sired results. The experiment - H stations settled that niatter i»ng ag9.;. It's simply a ques-

'^••'iMa of.lftting the |*«t ingredients, fnunvafying gu^itities, at a , -1^«^ thai wffl permit ofea fair profit for the inan whe feeds it.

. :^ -- . ^ J i B ^ M y ^ in j[iA|g[i.Q-FlLEDc,-_ItJs JL complete r^<aLy_. V ^^ resdy tc feed,jttJataWe and bulky, and the YWious Ingfedienis o| " '.. , sU^ &4uality:aad so w«U proportioned that In spite of all Jhe dif-

fer«Rt «ohditim^ under wld<^ dairymen^anr fee^lBg, We tee wU-. • V . •• : •••' ... r''.'.. ' • ' ' f •••''.- , ' . - . ' ' - . ' ' ' ^''

fing'^gpanmtee^e <*f three propoatt^WKt

\ 'X: ' (1) JMore mift; (2) , or W e r cost qf feed; <3) or ^^.V'jjfenvenienc* ^ithbut adtled.cost or deiSrMse in milk, .Just

Anp «i» »lfK^|4fn[y>-PieF.rf dfp«nrf« pa how good a ration ywu

IWvej^at H wiH fove^tft be A p*«i^«»dLMML3f M


:%anaot b^^:ik;



^ • ; = ;(fecoiT»o*ated) ^

. -; ; ' v DisMbdters'aiid Dealers iff Ffemv.nieia* Grata^ Bfcyr :Syt.a»d ireedstti£fs «f ^ ^ | « | ^

• " ^


• y^'fo M^ftai^City^^

1 ^"^

m , -U-iJ.- .

Why go to the c&y for 5rour dri% ftundry necesnitfasf By coimng to , a m S F H A R S A C Y y m r wiHHFind^

jl^irylhing that ii. carried in aia up-to?^ ; tfei'qunute ^^kf fully equipped Drug

Store. -Sav€ FOuiMi;jMr iajfe ^faudidsffas^^


/ •V-

^j^ag froifi us; w« !6a iMTve ^ well " save you money,

: Our motto: I*r< altenfion to all. r^ ;


"Special ahd <:areltif'altentioa in <^gp^^unding all prescriptioiy^' "~ --i§piff you-do not come to-lo%ynf mail: yot^ orders to us aod the^ t b ^ receive prompt atteiittoiu — - f * -

For all night and emergency ealU, come fo the


Cleaned ftlOcM^

Ai»»ican Hat vo-735 l a i St, N. W;, W»sfaft««;». C



Tire pn y<t« It, TE**" pais^te^ tta aan«'J[taf]e Goods and yon can crim^

and B«iM!i| . yoarseff. Ho catch penny

•\ ga4i«st4k catckjfbu'oB aonethiSbf'else,

hpt^kw kM|{ aMTchMdiQe at a ainsl]

proflf. We sell for cash or food (rr«-

4iit* #|ld-|lMtre the p r a B t s - i i ^ T " ^ " • 'i^de "

comer of We»t and Church streett. fo

H t YLER'S CANDtES. "theAckiiQwIedged atmndmri ~by"whtek-^.Qtkeri are judged." Ereah ahipmenta week.

A complete line of the b«<t kaowa braaaJI ot Ctfara

or ail Mods a»^ to suit all taste*. ' ._ .


Conner BolUing. OppMite Post Offic«, MAN.\SS.A.S, V.\.


HEALTHVHOQS laaais t ,

HOG CHOLERA b o o • • • « Bad pranuM tmmi- ,

Kres^'fiip No, 1 kflb Virsh

EfUfli Good tor ill Live koct

Ibf lit«Uii«n.uf mirr.t. K j« »,

We will Hpftd rnn r-»* » -.k*** •»» bovto )xili.l > bdc --> <-.• - lAk vu) kmff bn«ii clr«n &»<". h^Aith*

bow to ke-^ Tonr h.'>ri' (M* rrou -n

WrtU (ur l^MB-tbw ^i* I'M.

.it/e«« tJjp N o . 1 «.-««• IS n tc .


DRT GOODS 38-inch Brown i 36-iAch Brown D r Oil Cloth- .... Table Dan .ridk Bleauhed Ca:i.:jriL' Dress Ginghani. . . Apron Gin^rham . American ' .-i.;

.-tie. . l^l^

GROCERI^ C QiBimlatei] Ougai, yw Vuuwt

i Soap, 'p^ cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to 8c } Bwma,. I I kind, S string 00c

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