





The Rev Dr John Watson. better known ln thls

JSrjT, h,s ,.en name. 'I.n Maelsren.*' a«ended

the mornlng -rvtce vesterday at ^^^l^No one knew tba- he was present unt.l after¦ th

M^rlca. when he spoke to Pr. Hlllli Snd A^berofChn persons ln tbe ehurch. Dr. Waiaon told

pr HIHIs and others wlth whom he -hatted that

,he flrst church b. entered when *".*"* Jeoontry was Plymonth Chnreh. and that as he d d

nol ezpact to return to America agaln he "¦¦'.»*

>,,s m.Vd to apend bis las* Sunday '"America n

tha old Church Of WhlCh Henry Ward Beechef WSfl

for many years pastorTbe Rev Dra Newell D Hlllla and ^""JJ"

tot| wlll he among those who wlll greet Dr Wat.

»aa a. the recepttor. at ihe Aldlne Club thttrafter-n^n in -anhattan. Dr Watson waa al «*.«».

nanttoned as a poaaible .ueceaaor to Pr. Ahhotl tn

th" paetorate of Plymouth Churchln hl. evenlng aermor, Pr Hlllta eontlnwad h a

Mr1. on "Oraal Boeki snd Qreat Authora Hla

fp. m aubj rt waa Profeaaor Drummond and tha

nf an Er. of Prlendahlp Betwaer. Bclence

.n.l Rellglon." He dlBCU»ed the .The.s 1 and

matarlallBtlc .end. w let ef *ome of tbe greal srien-

tlata, an.l aald in p;.rtour _r« adly Injnrad hy tbe werfare

BeSweetFthe aclenci For aom*-, have nssumed the attltune 01

'.»,, woru, lnto "J.hattle-tleld Jjnd_.TbinJ hfe one lot.z tournament. A

;,. ¦-... ... -firss:yard.

OREA1 MIND8 DIBAOREE.When a se,entisi fronta b »eer. atralihtway 'he

;,. .. ,,.....,,! .nd a conrerMtlon., « lournameni Whan Darwln dropped Car-

i»le*. "Bartor Resnrtns" he eiclalmed: "lt ls all

_.!«..' when Carlyle lald bbWo DarwIn'B volume

JTexolalmed "U u all mud!" "You iheists cannot

think: aaeerta some Bpencer. "You can-return* som. Murtlneau. Pro-

""_.hoh Mr (lladstone makea inswer thnt.

rrr"^ Moses madi hla miBtakea

.IT1entlsts ihroiuh the cen he* voi-

syrwsc*Nev.-r has the strlfe been more tlerce or

&« *u\Hh_2_os one-half of th. comn i murdar theoTCer half. Often iru orcsBfon for . feud lajm-Thn-..'°,ts,w^r,rth}t;^ .. ^thal Ih. shotgun had been left at horn-

In ihoee days manj ;" ,1P'dv. '""ithe BlbU was a book of -.¦ I .nT_ l-ibo .k of morals;

?_r".i_d*i?^lts!,,i.. purltana. who h ive afhley -1

KU:*Se for law and llbert, an I freetions. atood the group of men whoae BloH was i

book of nature

EXTHUBIABM OITRAN REABOJf,Tn the flrsl fluah of enthuslasm for the new gen-

erattsatlon averythlns waa etatmed for the formulsal .lutlon. Th- early agerles "f ihoae who were

¦-. v Ht-d wlth the an ¦.¦">. now aeera al¬

most incredtbU ln ihone dai - men like profeaaor. lifford bnwed thi laflnlte «'.<"i out of His unlvarae,and apelUas Ihe word "force' wlth a capitalrrowned U as rreator Sfldway between Iheologlanaholdlna: Ihe old Vlewa and tbe sri»ntists holding the

lews alood a greal body of tMttaens, thought-ful and acholarly, who soori pronounced ibe oldtheology and t1'.- neai sclence niike untena

>I< n of refle. tlob .', lt thal in \ i.-w of th. alocoeries ,,f geolog) it »;.« asking too much ol reaaonto bell. . :r ln s:x daya. or

1,, hold coamogony of Qeneala Bul ih"«cltlBen< alao felt thal aclei .. laxed their credulltyt,,o fl- rr maklng ihe to b. the creator

or ¦ drop of ooae from the Bwamp to wrlteti,p Odyssey or lllad. Chlidren readlng ihe "Ara-Msn NiKhts" may belleve thnt a mnEi.iHTi ca

:. irii.n from hls maglc JugRut wise men decllne lo belleve th..t force wltha caplml F can plan th. wlnga of a blrd. the huesof a vlolet. th< beauiy of a babe, 'he poem ororation of s,'.k< or aeer.

EVOLUTIOK, RELIOION ANL BCIENCE.Al the mr>rr.ent when the thoughta of men were

busiest on the relatlon ..f rellglon nnd sclenoe Pro¬feaaor Drummond publtabed hia flrst !,o,,k. called"Natural Law Ii Ihe Bplrltual World." Thee^aerll'" af thls epoch-m.iklng volume la that evolu-tior is ti" supreme word for rellglon aa well as

aelenee. Thls vounK knight of the new era be-lleves tn God wlth .11 hls heart. ar.d mind, and strenR'h. When tl MlkJ » <aunearthed bj ., ;. ighlng In tl.e fleld men

explalned lta beautj hy asaumlng <» aculptor whoaepen '.. w,> fullj equal lo «neh beauty, wrouahllnto *h.- marb Ai d llm unknown, be-neatri the mountalna, in Ihe deep deptha beyondCrlon nno th. Pleladea, Prummond saw Ihe g..t-m'-n's ef nn unaeen god, Ihe god of unlty. and law,and love

Dr Hlllls then ana'yaed and summed up l.rum-tnond's works as follows

"If Martln I.uther a*id Blahop P.i.tler ame at a

Strange hour lt was the good forttine of ProfessorDrummond to spenk at one of ihose peychologlcalmoments when Ihe world eaget and expectant,waited for Boma prophei of recor lllatlon, Not anlatellectual glant h'.mself, it was glven him tousher In an "ta of frlendanlp between glanta hlth-erto at enmlty lb- taughi ihe world that it waaposslble 10 n» b 'itrld aclentlat nnd alac » (-weei-h"n'-terfl Ohrlstlnn With h m chara.r waa aIhoi.sand times more than culture. m d 'hnst'swords abou: th» aou! w.-r. Inflnit. y more Impor-tant than man's words «i k*. stones andatara "




Bi-vcle r1d"rs on th"'-a Road. n"ar th"Mdgawood Reaenrolr, yeaterdaj e\e::ine wimessed aroliision beiw"en ,i cycllat and a Broadwaj tr diey-car. eaiiBf-.i by a br >ken pe. al. Why the rl.ier wasnot kllled kaamyatery as u is. h.- is badly brulsedand suffers from w tunda lo thi head body, faceand legs. At the Jamalca Hoapltal, where he wastaken. he deaerlbad nlinself as Krank M'-Mahon,elgbieen years old, of No. w Oarry al M Manonwu nding towatd Hroadway. e.,mlng down a ateeparad" when aboul flve hundred feel fr.m ihetrol'.ey oi>" of hls p.-d.ils Bnapprd suddienl)Before he could g-'i .ontrol of hls Wheel it stnrteddown the hlll. Aa the rldei neared ¦¦. rnd ol theara.i" h" saw a troll.y-ear approachlng Becomlngexvi'ed. the young :n.n: . h hla handa off ihehandle-bars. A^ he dld ao the motorman, who hadnoticed hls wi'd ride revereed t-.e powerbrlngtng hls ear to H standstlll H< could tMM how¬ever. prevent the colllalon thal foliowed m .\;.,hon's wheel rsslied lnto t'>. fender, thmwing himfrom bis aeat lo tha ,.¦ he lavBtunned for several minutea The wheel was de-mollshed

l»rs Hlanchard and Iflnor were sumnion"d fr«mthe Jamalca Hoapltal. and BIter M.-Mah.. waabrought ba.k lo 'oneclouaneea he was removed tothe hospital. Th" doctora s..\ that lt wlll be aometlme before he wlll be out aitaln.



THEV WII.T. R*-- PRIZKa AT THK Rl<; BAKKOEf)rarr next bpkino.

At th" m""t!ng of th" Muslcal ard Priz* pom-

mlt'ees of the Unlted Slnging: Soei"t!»». of th»Xortheae'»rn States held in Uaderkrana Hall >"B-terday afternoon, lt was decided to order twobusts to he mad" by Robafl (ioide a Hrooklyr.BCUlptor, for prlies at tbe Natlonal 8:ng!ng Festl-val to be held in the Wh Reglment Armorv ln thesprlng of ]9"< Tha aubij t> of the buati are to heRlchard Wa«ner and Vr»«z Ahr. the '..mpoaerBBefore b"lng accepied 'he busts wl.l have to heexhlblted at the Aead^my of DealflSlxtv-eight compoaltl e«-n re.-"lve<l h»the Muslcal Committee for th" competitlor.flfteen of th"m have t"en found worthy to he sentto the judgea or these two wlll be choaen forprlzes. and wlll be produced at the festt\..

BICJCLE RIDER YAEEB a "BEADEBTTrederlek Snyder. tn-enty y"ars old. of No 5T,7

Metropolltan-ave whlle rldlc.g a bleycle on theCycl" Path y"st"rday afterntvan took a "header"from hle wh"el at Avenue P He received woundson htB head and right Bhoulder After belng at-tended by Ambu'.ance Surgeon Plerco he was aentboma






RESUL/T OF THF. AOCrDBKTOne of the mn*t wonderful examples nf oouraau

and n»rvf" whlnh the doctora and nurse* In th«

Brooklyn Hoepltal have *een In many yeara hasbeen ezhlMted hy K*llx Bannert, the young Oer¬

man who. on Aprll 24. whlle rldlng BCTOaa the

Bridge .n hl* way to hi* home. in Lafayette-aveBrooklyn^wa* thrown off hl* wheel hy a trolley-ear. wliloh --tit off both hl* lega.Bannert. who was s elerk In a wholeaale WOOUen

ho-,i«e |n Manhattan. had beCD in ihe hatdt of

rldlng to and from hls place of huslne** on h *

hleycle. Ah.cit three weeks ago he had reachedthe Rrooklyn approach on the Rrldge i.n hls wayhome. On aorount of the many frnck* he wa*

ohllged to rldc on the trolley traok*. A oar of theThlrd-ave. llne ran him down, smaehed hl« wheeland ran over one of til* leg,,. The nwtorman re-vr-r«od hls current, and then In hls eacltitiirne.l It on agaln. and the car ran on andOver the other k-g ,,f th,. Iielpl"** man. Hatiiiorrwa* ftiken at nn,* to the Brooklvn Hospltal. wherelt waa belleved thal he had not tlie *llghfe*t ehnine'<". llfe It was decide.1. however, to amp'itflte themangled onds of the legs. All thls tlme Bannerthad retalned his oonacfou*ne**. and Inalsted thathe should not h^ piaced under the Influence of an

¦na*sthetl( for the operatlon Hls proteata wereso -itrenuoi]* that th' surgeons ylelded, and theoperatlon wns sueceaafully perfnrmed. whlle thepnietn etocd It without an exclamatlonWhen It wa* all over. end the patlenl had been

btindled up tn her). he ast'.rlsh'd hl* nurse- Ivsa y ->g"Well. there I* one good feature of thl*. after all

I have at laat gnt rld of rm mme."At another tlme, when adm* of hls many frlends

among tlie wheelmen came to see him Bannertlaurrhinglv remarked:

"I cannot rld* wliii vou. boy*. any more bul wewill have a race. anyway You ran rlde your bikc'and 1 will hop along on the grass."Bannert ls the onlv «iipport of a wldowed mother.

-.'¦¦. - ln Oermany, and he worriea n great dealaboill her. bul he dnes not often show It to thoseabotil hlm. He was a member nf the Aasoclate-fyellng '"luhs of whl.-h MU-hael Furst ls presldent.and the organlzatlon hs« taken n great Interest 'n

eerful young crlppla A sult will lw Inatltutedagainst the Brooklvn Helghts Rallroad. and It lsbelleved that large damage. can be recovered.Thls aorident is to h<- made the haals of a *trnng

effnrl on the part of the Aasoolated . 'vcllng lUBSof Island to pecure a eycla path acroaa theBridge , .

The offlclala nf the Aa«oclated Cycltng Club* are

Investlaatlng the caae to see if there ls not some

ground upon whlch Bannert ran baaa a Bult fordamages against the city





Ry the rleath of Anson M. Strattnn. wnlo-h oo-

curred oti Saturday nlght. at hls home, Xo. 21!

Oarflc-ld Place Coney Island residents lose a man

who wa.s mninly responelble for the bulldlnc of the

"Bowery," and maklng the pla--e o:.e of the most

popular and frequented summer reaorta In the

eountry. Mr Btratton'a death was nnaxpactadHe died at IIJO o'clock from hearl trauble. Pre-

vloua to hls death Mr. Btratton wa* talking wlthhi* wlfe and thelr son Qllbert When he oom-

plaln, d of f.-ellng weak m hurrled .-all wa* sent to

the home of I»r. Cornell, who iive« close by. Al-II soon a* the doctor arrlvd Mr Btratton

explred.Mr Btratton wa* bom ln New-York ataty-two

years ago U'licti ¦ young man he Inveated monayii real eatate In Manhattan, and later pnt hls Bav-Ings Into land at Coney laland. Th>- latter at thetime waa nothlng more than ¦ swiimp and a ?an,lhfKp Every d.dlar that Mr. Stratton could securewas Invested by him ln ground near the seashore.With the growth of Brooklyn ar.d the lowns ad-i.>inii-,K t'oney island. the ik.w famou* summer re.

sori became a tidd for real .state dealers. AsMr Btratton had eecured moal of the land it wns

arj to buy from h.m His proflt* on fhe,re sald to have been enormous The prop¬

erty now In hls name at the Island la evtlmated tobe worth $..».("*>.Mr Btratton was looked upon as th» plom

thi place an.l e/a* « close friend of John Y. Mc-kane and Esra Merrlll, known as the "tobogganman." Mr. Merrlll died on Mav 7 lastMr Btratton'a widow and one so:. survlve him.

The funeral whlch win be prlvate, wlll b<nt 8 o'clock thla evenlng. a.t his h«>nie. Burlalwlll he in Oreenwood Cemetery to-morrow.





The SoAjety for the Preventlon of Cruelty to Anl-

mals arlll be asked to look into the death of a

NewfoundUnd dog owne.i by Loula Smlth, of No.r>4 Erasmus-s1 Flatbuar.. lt ls alleaed that thadog waa strangled to death hy the pollce of theQrant-at. station. The latter refuse to dlBOUBB th*matti r.

r.,.\er. a* the dog was called, w.-,s the pei of th..Smlth hounehold. < m pleasanl days the owner usedto harnees him to a small dog cart, ln whmh sat

Mi Bmlth'a younaeal chlld. The antmal was ,.f aami-ihie disposltlon.

Ai ording to the owner. <>n Wedneedaj Ig t laatman Owena appeared ln ETaamua-al awlng-

tn_ hl* club. Bover aprana at him. burylng hi*teeth In the pollceraan'a lefl hand, laceratlng itThe WOUnda were cauterl7.ed at the Klngs I'ountyrloapltgl l.ater the pollcemati oalled at >fr Smlth*

and. after securlng the dog. took hlm to theatatlon, leadtng him with a rope. At thalt |S v;,i,i th.-it Bover waa piaced In » cell andstrunp up to a steam plpe. wheiv he wns nllowed

for I re than an hour beforeAfter his death he was out down and Ihrown IntoI \ .. ni ],.t oppoolte the station.





Deputy-Hlghway <'ommissioner Farrell yesterdaysald that when the contra.-tor has fitv.shed repaiHngK ng'a Hifhway, whlch runa from 1 wentj -flrat-ave.Hensonhurst. to .Inmalca. the wheelmen Will haveno cause to complaln. ¦¦King* lllahway la not inI mdltton nt inesfht." sald Mr. Farreii, "forthe reaaon that the contractor has nc Onlahiwork ln ma.'.-idamlzing It W'hrn finishe.i. I an

lobody will have cause to complaln, as the.road arlll be one of the finest In Brooklyn" Theroad, wh:-1, i* a favorlte one for bicycle rldera, run*

ii Oraveaend, Klatlands and New I.ots. Re-centh a number of report* haw heen reeelved bythe Commlaeloner regardlng th.ndttlon of theroad iwtw.-en Ba\ Parkwi and the old C'ulverRallroad tracka, ln Qraveaenu-ave. Wheelmen wrot»t. \i, aaylng thm lt waa aible torlde a bicy.-lo between the points mentloned



Al.i.FDF.n ATTBMP1 \" BVICTOlMamle !>.-¦ Wltt, nln< teen vear* olfl, of Xo ft

Macka Place, e/hen arralgned In the Adam*-*t.pollce <(,'.rt yesterday rrmrnlng pteaded not gulltyto a charge of attempted BUldde, and was held forexamlnatlon on W'ednesdsv next. policemanMarley, "I tne Adam*-*t pollce station toM Mag-

Brenner that on May the young womanirled io end her life by takt'iit carboHc a> ldThe piisoner, ln explaining t>. Maglatrata Bren- said "1 took the polaon ln mlstake for me.ll-Ain- For aevaral days prevlous to my belngpolsoned i wa« sufferina from a cold andtake ¦¦ i-'1 me.lidne. In my room* I had a h..ttl-

-:..>ll.- a.-ld. whlch l u*ed for dlalnfectlng pur-1 t-.ok the p..l*'>n In mlstake f.r the cough

mlxture. I had no Intentlon of kllllng myself."Vaglstrate Brenner told the prlsoner thal *he

s hav to g" to tba Baymond Street Jall untilher story < ould he Inveetlgated. and *et the hearingdown for Wedne*dav .

PFATH OF J08BPB M. OREEYWOOD..loeeph M Oreenwood dhd at his home, No l'l

jt^rnsen-st at noon yesterlsy. after an HlneM oftwo .eeka r»eath wa* d :e to ,-ongestloti of fhebraln.Mr Oreenwood. who wa* *eventy-flv* years old,

waa horn In Tarrytown, X Y Far the last ftfty-f .- ^-ars h* practlaed law ln Brooklyn. where h*

uder.iJ ..m-.ngvera ln the horough. when a young man he rtuitedu i- .i.-ider.-d the l>e*t real ea-ate law-

ie horough. When a VOUBg trnn he rfudled?fflof. of lxjtt, Murphy A- X'.inderbllt, ln

Kront-atHls wldow one *on and three daughter* survlve

hlm The funeral wlil r>e he.d at I o'eloi k to-morrow afternoon at the Rem**n-*t runi** Thehurlal wlll be in Oreenwood Cemetery


BECEPTIOJi FoR OAVID A. CAR80S.David A I'arson who 1* soon to go a* a m'»

elonarv to W, st Afrlra reeelved a farew»ll la»lt.ight at a speclal meetlng held at the Bapti*-Temple. Thlrd-a-.e i(nd Sohermerhorn-sf MCaraon prepared him*"if for w,.rk at Mr* Oaborn'fl1'nlcei Sfls*lonar% Tralnlng Instltute. and goes toUenox MUelon Station. in West Afrlca.





Fourfeen horses were burned to d"ath at 3 o'clock

.day morntnK ln a flre whbh brok" out in the

llvery stabl" of Mlehael Kelly. at No M2 Henry-st.Most of the nnlmals were owned by phvsh'ians.Th- ;o«s an tbe bulldlng. whleh was of brlek an.l

two storl"s hlgh. Is estlmated at $2,000. wlth no in-

surance Robetl P Lee ls th" owner. The owners

of th" horses place thelr loss at IM*.The pollee of tbe Rutler-et. statlon. wlth the

owner of the stable. belleve that the flre was started

by nn Ineendlary. Mr Kelly yesterday snld: "Theflre started tn the rear of the hnlldlng. where a

ouantlty of h_) and feed was stored The flam. s

sprea.l wlth sneh rapldlty that It was Imposslble to

sa\" any of th" horaea Tb" flamps pr"V"nted th»

flrem"n or my h"lp from gpttlng n"ar them. All of

the carrlages and road wagons. with the BSOof thre" of th" lattpr. were BBVedThe flrst alarm was sent Into Toltce Headiuar-

ters at a f"w mlnutea h"fore 3 o'clock By th"

tlm" th" flr"m"ii arrlved the entire rear of the

stable was In flsmes I-earlna that tb" adjolnlnghmi«"s would beeonir tpnlt-d. a s"cond alarm was

fent In. While waltlng for th" addltlonal help to

arrlve th" flre-fighters got *o work wlth t\ will. as-

ststed by th" stahl" "mploy"s. They made every

effort to rescu" the horses. wlth no suecess. The

cri"s of the anltnais could be plainly heard forblOckB. Several of the men attempted to rea. h

them wlth thelr heads covered wlth feedbags. hut

could *re> no n";irer than twenu feet from the flrst

stali. Th" lie.a- was Intense When lt was se.-n

'hnt the horaea COUld not be snvrd ihe men turnedthelr attentlon to th" carrl.air"s and road wagona,and Rot them to th" «ir.-et. with the eseeptiofl ofthree wasrons that were Btandlng near the front

stali. Nothing remalned of the vehic!"s aft"r th"

flre hut th« IronworkTh" flre lasted for nenrly two hoii«-s Wh"n It

was over nothlng remalned of be bulldlng bul thflfour walls. A number of the dend horaea w'"re

found together in ihe centre of .he buii.lii.g arterthe flre was extlnguished. shovinc thal after tb"trhalter slraps had lw«:i hnrned away they left thelrstali- and trle.l to escape from ibe flanies.One of Mie horses that waa burned waa own"d by

Dr P J Prenderaast, of So. MI Henry-at. MrPrendergast boughl the animal about three weeka

jr.. aa ;. runnitig mate to ¦ rnare whl-h he ownedBoth were k.-pt ln ihe stable On Saturday lathe doctor sent the niare to ¦ farm ln I^.ng Islnndfor fl few weeka1 re-'. Intendlng to use the otheranimal In n slngla wagon.The other phyBlclans who lost thelr hor«"s are

Pr John Harrlgan. of Cllnton-at.; Pr. A. \\ Pord.of fnlon-ct |>r Thomas l. Pogarty, of I nlon-st.;Dr James M. Doarney. of Backett and fllnton sts

nn.i Pr John T. Brosnan. of Henry nnd t nlon sts.

None of the owners had thelr anlmnls insuredTh" poii.-e and the Plre Marahal are invastlgatlngthe ratise of the flre.





Flshermen in Jamalca Bay and a number of <'a-

narsle hoatmen yeaterday afternoon save.l seventeen

members of the John C. Jessen Flshlns: Club. of

So. 121 F.ast Bevent) -sixth-st.. Manhattan. from

drownmg. After belng taken from the water and

rowed io Ihe shore the men startpd for thelr

homesThe flshing- slnop Bonlta. whleh Is owned by John

Kiein. of No. is Ellery-at-, and aalled by CaptalnMartln drew out from one of ihe piers at Canarflles.>on after 12 o'.-io.-k. with the membera pf the Jea-K,.. club oi board After reachlng a good tlshlngBpol ;. th" bay the men got oul thelr Unea all¦jixlous f.,r ¦ day'a Bport.At n few mlnutea before 2 o'elock a boatman

who was lylng off the flahlng s|.>.>ii saw lt turn

suddenly ard take water. In the exeit.ment thatfoiiowed" the club membera P"t on the »t"h«

¦loop, causlng ber to turn over. throw Bthe men into the water Beveral boattnen *.,w

Ihe mlshap, a- dld a number of the men or

ahO**e. and a numlvr of reseners went to the aidof the Bonlta's paaaengera. As the men were ..llahie to awlm. they kept nfloat umtl help arrlvedAll the m^n wr re reacll"d and broiishl imo I'|p in rowboata, ;u;d ihe yachl was towed to theshore




Th* season of 'he Brooklyn InatltUtO of Arts and

sj, lencea la drawing rapldly to a eloae. Two or

three more areeka wlll end It. Thp last ln the aerleaof choral concerta for the sprinn w-ii! he glven lnAaaoclatlon Hall. ai Bond and Pulton sts, next

Wedneaday evenlng. The Brooklyn Bangerbund, of

elght) male volcea under the dlrectloa of Louia.wlll offer .in eventng'a entertslnmenl

comprialng largely muslc of the modern compoaera.Th. EWngerl ind wlll I* BBSlsted ln the proRi.immeby Mra Alexander Rlhm, aoprano; Henry Bari la,barytone and M..x Karger, liollnlat. AlexRlhm wlll ba the accompanlat. The announcedrogramme la a^ follows:

Ple Allmacht (Tha Omnlpotencei gcbubertBrooklyn H&ngprbund.

. Mra Rlhm, and plano.Faust Phantaela. .WlealawaW

Mm K,:kta l>er I.amlfkn'cht .Th" Oallanl Knlgbt), thtr

t«enth eenturj Ot l.a IfRl" Zand'rh Mlnnelled ..Instrel Bona). flft-enth eenturj

I,. Us llal" Zanderc Braun MeJdeleln (Brown Hatden), alateenth

iry . iOngal- tngerbund.

a Helmllcha L U>vei .Hutterh Wanderlled iWanderer's Bongi . BaBumann

M-rr. Bartelsriudolph von Werdenberp;. ballad .H^«;ar

Bi klvi BSngeis Ks hal d:<- T: a. Why Sn snnn

... mpla .............. Krnnjb BUttcT und i.!",i»r (Lea\ea ;.n,i Bongs).UnfT

Mra. Ullim.. .1.,.., Rlume der Au ijeaate, th" Plowei "f

'.,..., .Von nth"«rBv"nt. Al,»ndfei«-i- ,K"nln(5 Wm Altenbofere !'.' KBfer und dle Hhin.» (The l'""M" and th"

Flo»»r. .V'Up- oklm SEns;"rbund.

ji Remanae; h Moto perpetoo, frorn Suite .Ri"s

\\>in» ,t». Medei (ronserratlon ¦' w"'ijr) .Raldsmusklyn Si.nserhiinrt

Barylen* aale Mr H«rt-ls >,nt plano. Mr. Rlhm.?




A* s reaull of a quarrel b"»w""n board"r sndlandlady James Farrell. thlrty-fivp years old. ofNn KI raelflc-st.. Is ln the Homeropathi" Hospltalsufferlng from a fiaetured skull Mrs. Newman, of

the same addreaa, Farrell's assallant. Is loeked upIn the Orand-ave. poiiep Btatlon on ¦ charge of

ass'inlt tn the flrst degiee. She wlll he arralicnednornlng in tha llyrtla-ava poHca court before

Maglatrate Teale.\ ..pilng to Mrs. Newman. Farrell Q,'.iarr»ll"d

wlth her reaterdaj mnrnlnjr about som» clothlnitwhlch he aecueed ber of taklng from hls room.The argi-.mert lasied for nearly thlrty minutes.when, lt ts allaced by ti.e woman. the hoarder at-tempted lo strlke h.r To protect her^elf. Mrs.Sewmai laya ahe | ked up a hearj Kiass -

hol ler and threw It at Farrell's head Her almivaa -r I- When the class eame in eontacl wlth

irder'a head Parrell fell to the floor MeedlngMrs Newman, becomlna alarmed, bad an

lan aummoned from ihe Hom.eopathlc Hoapltal.Burceon C*hamberl«ln. »h,i ,lww,l Farrell's sround1-1 i-i m« skull was frectured, ..nd removed hlm tothe hoapltal Mra. Newman waa then tak.n ln. harge By the pollee.At th" hospltal lt was sald that th" cndltlon of

the lnjnre.1 man ls aerlous?-



TBAKSrERBBDSeveral changes have heen made recently among

the oftVers In the Mh Artlllery statloried ¦) PortHamllton. < >n orderfl recelved n f"w days agofr.»m th" War Department al Wa«hin»rtnn cHartrej Carbaugk wa- transferre.i from the 5thArtlllerv to the Ith, and Captaln Mervvn C. Huckevfrom the .ith lo the :id Artlllery.

F.r-t Ueutenanl Ft-ankdn M Ken.p asststantBurgeon, now doing duty ln th* Phlllpplnea h tat..,.. ordered lo r.j,oi- at Fon Hamllton, while.'nptaln Albert <'. Hlunt has l.een ordered to reporlto the como .fflcer "f the 6th Artllbn- forfnptnin Carba .. Is w,-li known ln Brooklyn so-

elety, and haa e\-era tlmea glven talka on modernefore tl . lo.-sl cluba

FELL ASB HRohF. Hls \ i;< f,Darid Crowley, forty years o!d. met denth st an

early yeaterday mornlng whll" att"rnptlns; toget a glass of water Crowley, who wns a ston»-mason. llv"d at No "t77 WBrr"n-st. o<apartm"nts on the e"eond floor.

. m Batarday niuht ba retir"d at n o'elock At12 .v> he aroa. and wenl into the haOway to »i>.a drlnk of water Whlle groplng ln th- darknesjalown a tlighi of .¦

lng on hla head The nolae of his f.,;.th- o 4 Ihe Brai Boor who went t,. his¦¦.latance Crowley waa ttnconacloua Thenfonn. I ¦¦( th" caae. Ambulance Surre'n.!-, quea waa aummoned from the I ong Island Coll"g" Hospita! The man »a« dead on hls a^r|lurgeon Jaoqoea «aid that .'rowlpys r- k »*broken hj tbe fall Alongstd* th" body waa('.¦'¦ - from whlch Crowley tntended todrlnk i.'oronvr Buretr waB stnt for.

N._-?crj?yAaron P. Baldwln la the man to whom the

BepUbltcana of Hudaon County and of the whole

State of Kew-Jeraey look for the rooraranlzatlonOf the Repuhlican party In Hudson O.unty. Hls

peraonal Intefrlty and party loyalty fit him for

thi* dlfflcult task The County Commlttee has

roncerled th- justncss of The Trlbune1* rle-

manda; the leadcrs have aubmltted to partyoplnlon. and the work has been intruatad to

Mr Baldwln and the Commlttee on organlza¬

tlon. of whlch h* is chalrman.It will he inevltably ne.essary for thls com¬

mlttee t.> remove the BOUrcaa of trouble. even ff

it he found that men hltch In power in the

county organlzatlon are responslble for the de-

morallaatlofl of th- party. This the commltteeWlll rertalnly flnd tn be true. and It Is confident-

ly expected that the commlttee will be hrave

enough and true enough to apply the ramedy,ruthleaaly, by ramatrlng from the orcanl-ationall who have l.etr.iye.l the party Into the hands

,,f the Democrats for personal gain. Tn thls

course the party has a rlght to expecl that Mr.

Baldwln wlll have the stipport of hls commlt¬tee and of the County Commlttee. lf hls work

ls impeded In any way there wlll he a day of

re.konlng for those who stand ln the way of

the party's Interest*.

When Democratlc newepapera flv 'n ih« d,_?I!r?n..f Republlcan leaden ia thej ara dplna ;» ""¦"

Countj II ls reasonahle to suspect tha there ls

n ore or leas chl.-anery going on Every nrne

n County Democral makes a bargam wiin ¦

Republlcan he expects lo get two fnr one An

:s seldom dtsappolnted. (Trenton Btate Oaaette.

It would be interest ing to know what certain

ao-called Repnbltcana have g.»t hy such bar-

galna Certain appoititments of Republloans by

Democrats partlally answer the QUeatlon, but

there have been other conslderatl-.ns not made


In mak-ng "The Hackensack Record" one of

ihe flve oiriciai papera m Bergen County, the

of Freeholdera has shown proper appre-

clatlon of an ezcellent newapapar.

The Btate Board or Taxatlon ord*rs aBaeeaoraof.. the taalng dhrtricta of f^kCourUy to aaaeaapropertj .,! its 'true value. Ihls ls all t m 11.

i-l-'.e law demands It and the ro"r\ "Y-enn m.-But the queatlon remalna. who la to dewm'"$what I* the "true value" of a plece of operThls is a matter on whlch -vrn^ ^*Idel f

f.r and wlure aseeeeora will ..ontlmie to appi.

m ,: h e isnclty of judgment. The nroblemot hom"get a just nnd equal taaatloa]a aa far from

being eolved aa ever fPateraon Dallj Preaa.

PuWlcatton of the valuatlona wlll tend to

brttlf them up to the true value.

The largval demands for Improved roads come

from Somerset and BnrlinKton countles. Ihe

farmera have iearned that Bnorl roads mean

leaa wear und tear on horaea and wagons and

reduced coat of transt.ortatlon.

in solte ot the dedslon of the Chanceiior thatah m Increaac lt* sewag- Into a

..snnri'. nrnirh of the ocean or other watera

-.rVo^'r-Ve-y^^^iroltwCV^^;;".Onaj \-?'fr,he,^ooe',ouKh'a, ude ».«%. ^ .¦MgrnC_f'the decfaTon of the.-,'1 mean- anythln_to the clty of Pateraon

C illIt Is the ,1-itv nf the State gewera*e Commls¬

slon to look after this trunk aewer, and see to it

that it doea not asaravatc the mvik nuleanca

ln Baal Jeraey. Thelr pnwera nre ample ln thls

_..,en .f they are, not Bafflclent to stop

Pateraons befoulrtrfnj of the Passaic River.




Kn-, Orange, Maj II (Bpaclal). The Rev nr.

Charle. Hall Evreat, P-.r of tha Flrat Confra-wtlonal Church of Eaal "r«rge. preaented hla

,tlon ai themomlng aervlca In the church,.,, u e/a. accepted al a meetlng of the

eonVregatlon. The actlon was no, wholly^unea-. r,.- m an addreaa made on Aprl ». Kial.wowaaluTaS*. Dr ¦>«¦¦« Intlmated thal be con-

^To^TrilranWSner Dr. Bvereat atatedthat h«

,, .,..,,.* for hla ^';i;'; of lne church ...

aeV.nS^JSdlssatlsfa tlon for over a year l"-"' *' "h ,,,..

^OW .'Wi'-rhl at'.'Za\*<\ hl-cllned to aii..w ine , d r..,,r |*rgely ai

|here*««no, en,_

»,na, ,

rbeaMntereVta of the church 'hat a changeln thepaato. J Je «¦ade.Dr Bvereat la a eou »

preacher.BTcSim Eas't* mdhaabeenpromlnenl lo the Orangea,

fUMBLlXG M\rilJ\i:s CAPTUBEDThr. n|ehelMn-the.alotVmWtn« ma.-hlnes were

PP)7,d by the Jeraey Clty poliee late Saturday nlght

m Mloona Ona was taken from the aaloon of

,,..r A. .,. Clem.ntS. In Ornv*-st. and New-

ark fvi- another from the aal->on of William Kelly.H-rdewon-al and Newark-ave anl he thlrd from

s.i,on'.f r Farrell. So WJ Waahlnaton-at,Tbe Orand Jury, thrnugh aome potent Influence.ha* refuaed lo flnd Indlctmenta against liquor deal-

'v have 'hese gambling machlties and the

poiil wnflacate nnd Seatroy the .BMeMnaa. Corn-nTanta ar* made aimost dally by faralliea of labor-uw men «h< squander their waeh'a araaaa la tbeaagarn'olln- devlceB.

CIT BY A ¥AA WHOM HB HELPED.Bamuel Holland. a .-ontractor who I* engaged In

fllllng ln the meadow landl ln Mohoken. and who

ilve* at Xo MN Alam*-st In that clty. was cut

wlth a razor and prohahly fatally Injured yeater-da) mornlna by on* of hl* w»tchmrn. a l'olenamed Joaeph Preaao, of No, 508 Madlson-at.

\ rear ago Praaao appiied to Holland for work,and out of -harltv he gave h'm a place aa Wati :i

niin although he really dld r.ot requlre one Vee-lerda) mo-nlng Holland took a walk over thameadovf landa, an.l Praaao. on s.-i-lng hlm, hecam«enraged and isked him what he meant by apylngon Aim on a Bundaj Holland re*ented mch lan-ktiaire ind PTseao dr. » a rnzor. made n rusri atil.,; .md and aui hlm twlce on the hea.l. lnnirtlngtwo 'ia'v wounda. Holland was r*move-l to Bt.Ilary's Hospltal ln an amhu anre. and !t la IjflH. , njurles wlll prubably cauae hls death.

prf.«s.. wa* arres'el Uter In the dav and held on

ge ol atrocloua aaaault

8HOT Bl HER PL IYMATE.Treaton May it rBpectal). At flt Francta'a H>>*-

pltal to-day an operatlon waa performed uponeth Cannon, a tliree-y<-ar-old glrl. who was

go Identallj ahot ln the left eye to-day hy hernlne-year-old playmate. Wllllam Robhln* ln Kast

n The eve was removed, but the huiietm .r it the injur\ belna auch aa to makeproi-ing decldedly dangeroua. The phyatclana ¦"¦¦¦

uimhle to tell wheth.-r the hulh-t has hecomc lm-In the bone, a* the doctor* suspect, or

whether b haa penetrated the hraln. If th<- latterls the ,a.«e the result wlll be fatal. hut otherwl*«

f,,r ihe chlld's racovery are favorableThe llttla aiifferer ls lylng ln * aaml-uaconactouacondltl


RRIEF ITFMS.The eprlng Interelaaa games of the Montnlalr

H .-' BchOOl are -o he held thl* afternoon on thegrounds of the Montrlalr Athletic < 'luh

Plalnfleld wlll have a pald flr* department afterto-morrow nl-ht. lt I* organlxed under the "eall"syst^m

\\ inier* A Xles. manufneturer* of fine horse-collars ln Lawrence-al Xewark. have Increaaedthelr wrrrkltig for'* and Increaaed wage*. on an av-eraae of ¦ per oenl The Aon-ern i* working nlght

The Newark Techalcal School wtll hold gradua-tlon e_er,-t*e* to-nlght I>lploma« wil l<- awardedt,. the followlng pupll* Oeorge Flanagan, Jr..Krnest Flagg. Wlllam 1. fjeddea. f'harles MalerI_| 1 Hugh Pateraon An addreas wlll he made byHamllton W Mable Bdltor of "Tha Outloek," on"Bducatlon a Naceaatty of SuAcess "

aFanA> penmanahtp never made a man wealthy.A warnlng paraeraph often sav*« a chapter of

explanatlonThe *ea alr I* dellghtful. but th» aeaahore helress

ao aa, ¦____._.|, |s ouv tn se» through per,pi» who make spec-

tacles of themselves..(Chlcago Xews.






Th" leadera of th" Republtcaa party in HudaonCounty have acknowl"dged thelr Influen.'"

waned, and thal a reorganlzation ls neeessary to

restore eonfldenee and win ba'k the diagOStedvoters. The deplorable condltlon of the party andthe CSUeea have been deacrlbed ln The Trlbune andhave aroused BUCh a strong sentlment. even in theCounty fommiltee. thnt the le.ider* were for. e to

confesa that thelr management Is not satlsfjrtoryan.l to consent to an Investlgatton by the Organtzu-tlon < 'ommlttee.The leaders reallz"d that the oppositlon was

growing. and that some a.'tlon bad lo he volun-

larlly i.iken toward effectlng unlty, or reorganlsa-tion would he necnmplish.d ln splte of them. Th.lrI.., k of COntrol waa pamful.y evident ln theMouncey caee, The Nlnth Ward dlqu". whi-h isin touch with the leadera, bad decided to "xpeiMouncey, hm were ..stonisiied to flnd thal so manyptomiti-nt men ln the Countj Committee who weieregarded aa rhornua-h machine men damurred lhata ompromlse had to he made, an.l it wna agreedto impose a mlld reneure, and many reluctantlyeonsenle.l to tnflt. MnK that punlshment.The notable treachery m Hoboken was menlloned

ns a matter thal could nol be overlooked If theCounty .'ommlttee, decided to coneldar the Mounceycase.

WOOLLET'I RKTIRKMF.NT M00TED.Refore the meetlng !ast Frlday nl«cht ;h" leaders.

reallslng th" extrnt of the diasenslon, had a CO0-fereace and de.lde.l that nn aet that would tendto hriiiR ahout nn early re onclllatlon would be iheretirement of Woolley as ehalrman. and irged himto reslgn. He wns obdurate and refused, but heagreed to make cencesalona H" named an Kx-eeiitive Committee waa more aatlsfactorj t<.ih- oppoeltlon t'lat. ih» last ..ommlttee. an.l he Biaodeclined the nomination as ehairman of th.> Executlve .'ommlttee is tbe most Important

of the siih-,ommlt tees. It has ,'harge of the e|e,--tions. and tbe ehalrman practlcaliy controla thecommittee. Kx-Aldetman Bdward Fry araa electedehairman. The other members ,,f th> committeeare John j Erwln, Fourth Ward, Jersey dt]retary; Mlchaei Bchultx, jr.. Beventh Ward, JeraeyK Clty, treaaurer: Wllllam H. Eaton. Plrst w.r.iJeraey Clty; John Rotherham, Becond Ward J.Clty: Bamuel D. Dtcklnson, Thiri Ward J.Clty: P, P. Wanaer, Fourth Ward, Jeraey Clty;M. M. Pagan, Fiftn Ward, Jeraey Clty; John C.Kalser, Blxth Ward. Jeree) Clty; T, M. Coughlln,Tenth Ward, Jeraey Clty; John E. M,-Arthur. Elev-enth Ward. Jersei Clty; F, J Btuhr, Twelfth Ward.Jeraey Clty: J.-lm J Bechtold, Bayonne; J. J.Gulsto and l.eonard Bchroeder, Hoboken ''harlesRlchhorn, West Mohoken. Q. w Pearaall, Kearny.Membera ex-ofgclo: E W, Woolley, Kighth WardJersey Clty; Flavel McQee, Nlnth Ward, JeraeyC4D E. w. nemarest. Bayonne; M. Bchulta |r.Beventh War.l. Jeraey Clty: John J. Erwln, Pourthward, .ler«e\ city; Jacob BtraflUM, Hoboken Pra; kJ. Iliggitis, Nlnth Ward. Jeraey Clty; Martln FlnckThlrd Ward, Jersey Clty; John Rrenn.n FourthWard, Jeraey Clty; Aaron s Baldefin Hoboken:

a Dear, tr.. Elghth Ward. Jersev city andW O. Ambruster, North HudaonA number of members of tb" Executlve I'nmmlt-

tee have frankly declared In favor of reorganlza¬tion. anl the committee has decided to render allposffble aid to th^ Organlaatlon Committee In ltsInqulry and effort to effect harmonv, nnd hasagreed to defray all expenses Inmirred ln the ln-veatlgatlon.

THK OROAN1ZATION COMMITTEE.The Orgnnlz/.tlon Committee ,.f ti,,. Hudaon

County Republlcan Committee wlll be called -o-Kether some day thls w.-ek to t ike deflnlte hold ofthe work of reorgsnlatng the party in HudaonCounty. The committee conalata of Aaron s Bald-win, ehalrman; R D Crquhart, aecretary; w. H.Hooker, c \v Hardinn A. J Daab, W. Mann, C.Kenderly, w. !.:. Reed, <;. W. Decker, E. T Mltch-ell. Joaeph Locke, W. Bellfleld, A. Bhaw, M. Thom-aa, J. J Kennedv. R. Orrok, W, Wtlkee, EugeneRnem. Claua Basae and B. W. Demareet, Tha workof the committee wlll be thorough, lt ls expected,and wholly f.,r the t.eneflt of the [>artv. and notfor the emolument or advantage of any indlvldualor cllque The efforta of Tho Trlbune to securereform will not be frultlesa.I' ls Intereatlng to note how lt hnppens that aman of §uch aterllng Integrtty ns Mr. R.ildwiustaiids at the head of the committee. It was TheTrlbune. demand for partv reorganlzation thatplaced him ther.- When The Trlbune had ihown

larly the neceaalty for reorganlsatton the lead¬ers thoujrht that they could Btop the aRltation bvputtins Mr. Baldwln al e head of such an im¬portant ,¦ommlttee. Wlth thls In vlew. Bdward T.Mitchell, a Dlcklnaon follower, reaigned aa ehalr¬man and the leadera put Mr BaldwTn ln bis placeTbe appolntmenl *..s halled wlth dellghl by thoaewbe had the interevts of th.- party Bl heart Mr.Baldwln la well known bv .-. 11 Republlcana ln tiuJ-son County as a atruightforwird man. who hasnever been Identlfled wlth an> scheme whleh hasbrought ihe party Into dlarepute In Hudaon County.Hls loyalty to tbe party has never been qjuestloned,and he poaaeaaea tne confldence of all Republlcana,a fact whlch .annot be iKtiored by the present le.t.j-ers. When he aelected as ehairman of tbeOrganlzatlon Committee many Republlcana whohave been flghtinir for a reorganlzation of the partyregarded lt as only a step toward reorganlsatton,bul not as completely sattsfyint? the demand.

THK LEADERg PORCED T<> ACT.The Trlbune kept up lta demard for reorganlza¬

tion. volclng the sentimetits of the bone nnd alnewof the party. an.l showlng the neceaalty for a thor¬ough overhaullng of the party machlnery, For.-edto aet. Colonel Dickinson look the only course

open to him. and foreBtalled the demand whlehwould have come oul ln the committee meetlng on

Frlday evenlng by offering tbe reaolutlona Instruct-itiR the Organlaatlon Committee to "proceed withdue dlllgenee to the organlaatlon, purlflcatioa andaolldlflcatlon of the party throughoul the county:;o BBcertaln where ioeal or genersJ dlfferencea «.f

n oi questlona of party pollcy may be or havebeen Inatrumental In redueing the volume of voteafoi tlie candldatea of the party. w! at cavec existsin any locallty for factlonal dlfferencea, nnd tore.-ommend to thls eommittee what remedlea can orshould be applled lo remove rhe cauae and unitethe party for a solid front In the comlng eleetion."

THF. WORK IN BAPE HANDfl.Thus It eame to pass that the work of reorganlza¬

tion fa ls lnto the of a committee whleh. whllelta membershlp Is under the control of the pre>.>n:leaders |a hea le hy a in whose Integrlty andcourage the entire party has tne fullest confldence.It can be safely stated that lf th" party la not thor¬oughly reorganlreo and unlted It wlll not be thefaull of Mr Baldwln He ls wlillng to lend his aido tne movement, nnd wlll have the courage to offerSUeh BiiKRcstb'tis to the county organizatlon as hemay deem neceaaari to the party'a future weifare.He wlll tolerate no ciodglng of the condltlons whbhnow confront the party Every issue whi.-h haacause.J a spllt anmug Repuhllcans wlll be cloaely In-vestigated. and suggeetlona arlll be offered to rem¬edy the dlssatlsfaetion wherever !; may exlst.

PARTV MKN HOPEPL'LSlnc" Polonel Dlekinson and the leaders of th" Re¬

publlcan maehine ln Hudson County have decreedthat the Organlaatlon Committee of ihe county or¬

ganlzatlon shail undertake the nf< of reorgaalslngthe party In that county many Republlcana wbohave been nutapoken In favor ..f the movementlook forward to the tlme when the party wlll he

¦hly uni'ed and all faetionul dlfferencea wlllhe b,.ri»'i ln tlie Intere-tn nf th»- part Hesponsl-blllty for any fallure, to unite and atrengthen theparty will be placed where tt belonifs The rom-mlttea wlll perforra lta rjutj and ¦< r.-port wlll be¦ ubnjltted to the county organlzatlon.

WILL HAVE T<) A<T AT ONCE.The OrK.tnlzatlon Committee wlll flnd eonsidera-

bje work on hand The County .'ommlttee wlllprobably hold one more meetlng before it wlll ,..!-journ for the summer months. Therefore, the eom-mi'tee wlll he compelled to make an Inveatlgatlonat on,-.. if lt Intenda to mak- a report to th-county .'ommlttee before ib" summer adjournment.

MR BALDWIN'fl VIEWflrhalrman Baldwln of thi Organlsatlon <"om-

mlttee, when aeen by a Trlbune reporter at hlshome. ln Hoboken, yeaterday, aald that tha com¬

mittee would prooeed t.> aci under the resolutlonadopted by tha County Committee.

i cannot say when the committee arlll meet,"Ba'.d Mr Hallwin. "but I wlll probably issu.- |for a meeting som. day thla w..-k I annot saywhat matters wlll be undertaken, bul l wlll do mydutv to my party and offer au. h sikk.-ii.iib as ithlnk wlll reatore harmony ln the ranks andBtrengthen tha yarty i .:.. not know- all ..r ih-members of the committee and cannot aurmlae howthe) feel about thls ma'ter. 1 fe,.| confldent, how.ever. tbat they wili nol plaee any obotaclea ln thew.l f a thorough reorgar.lxatlon of the party lcannol tell at present whether lt wlll he bv a callfor a con\entlon or by maklng suggestlnns to thet'ounty .'ommlttee. I would llke to conaull wlthmy eolleagues on th" eommittee tn regard to thatmatter"I have formed no deftnh" plans for a.-tlon l

f.rofoe" to b" gulded by the evlden,-". and lf an>oval party man should pr.-sent a grlevance I willglve hlm an opportunlty tr be hear.l. I Jon't be¬lleve In Star-chamber methrwlB or ln gagglnK tatlcfl. lf party men have grlevances they should beaib wed to ventllate th< m"When tha committee has thoroughly laveetl-Uat"d th" causen whleh ha-e |, ,| to a falllna off ln

tbe Republlean vote ln thls count] .. !>¦;..r; wlllbe aubmltted to 'he County 'ommlttee i beit"\^that "verythlng should be oona to further and ad¬vance the inferests of the partv ragardlesB ofwho i. B.feetad iherehy If s«m» of th" pr"S"ntleaders are unaatlsfactorv. 1 belleve that In thaIntereat of harmony they ahould voluntarlly retlre."




Trenton, May 14 (8pecla!).-Twen;y.flve »|ri,ployed ln the wlre-wea\lng d"pntirr.»nt of Rllngs mlll hav" struck ag.lnst worklnn 99*99]Th"y have been requlrel to w..rk seyeral hv,^.,.BStra every day for months past In order tiiat thademand for wlre nettlng mlgh. ba rnet Th" gtrla?fn' a committee to the superlntendent of their a>.partment to make overtur»s looklng ta n redaeBaaln thelr hours of tabor, hut h" had Btready filleathelr placcs, and the^l manager of th» mlllsustalned hlm In hls McMoa that th» gu . -H^forfelted th"lr piaees anl m ist therefore remainaway from the works n

The girls h.ld an mllgnatlon meet'ns. na<\ .1.clded to lay the mattter ,>efore th" r ,- tTapector, witli a .omplamt that It ls |llega| ,n ^


Jersey to requlre emptoyea tO work mor" than t»nhours a day. Th"y ass"rt that Ihe) .'ave b"Znlaboring from fourteen to slxteen houra "a.-h <i»vand that tb" straln has Injure.l the health o' toinaof the jtlrls. *""

Nearnr a hundred boya In th" ..rdlna-ronrna ntthe Wilson WooUen Mllls are on atrlka for an increase of in per cent In their wa,<.s L'nlaaa thidlflVillty ls s"ttl"d the mills wlll .. '"Tseveral hundred oth"r "mployes will he throwii outof work. "**

Th" ticis WooHan Mlll »n« rloeed reat_r_ae .fteatlsfy th" atiachment of John H. Hihn of S*a»Tork, for P.6M, ' ,w"



Newark COmmUtera on th" DellWar". ma and Western Railroad wlll a^k the r».mamg-em-Mit to rearrang" th" achedule of ra-"« nothal Newark will ,i,.t b" dlacrlmlnated »BBin»t inIhe eommutaiion rates from placei on tha r^B^west nf New.irk From Bummll '.ve-'w;,id thaeommufatlon rates to New-York are actiia ly the rates 10 New.irk »« the followlng' arlll '.how.i-'ioni t* N»» irh TB v T

"rtnn* . $.190 |,U4So.ltll Disik". 4 .V. S »jMa plewood . .1 in 13W) >mir,« I )., r, ,;

Millburn . IgB t-ir- ..¦¦.. miBummll a...t. (1

.'hntham . 7 V» a tnm.i km i afl

I'l.ln*. (. i*.7BRorkaway . || TOo^Dover. jsae a :s.rtaslflrar RM«f. 10M|BH".-nBrdBvlll". ; -.*BThese rates are also injurlous to New.irk shon-

keepers, aa they amiunl practlcall) to ai offer ofapremlum lo paseengera t>, ps«« Newark and ao toNew-York to make their purchaeee lt i- rield thatns the traffle between N-wark and New-York lsrongeeted at certaln hours. a falr arrangemcnt ofcommutatlon ratea would rvlleve thls cong"stlonand beneflt the company.

FATHER BTAFFOBD'B FABEWBLL BERM09.The Rev Father BtaflTord, of St Augustlrte'i

Roman Cathollc church. 1'nlon Hlll, prea -h"d hlafar. well sermon at that church at the lt o'clockmass yeaterday, prevloua to his departure to SetoijHall College, of whbh be ha- tntedprealdent, here was har.lly a drj eye in thahiir.-b when the priest hade hls congregatlon fare-

well, and he w..s deepJy affected hlmaa IAt the I o'clock maea whlch the sehool chlidren

attended, Father Btsfford was also present, andbade the chlidren farewell.

BOSBBT RBCAPTl REDHenry BOBBCt, recently fl Juatlce of the peace IB

Newark. who rcafgned when Indi. re.l for ex- rtton,was eonvtcted and aenteneed to the penitentiary forthlrtj daya, and who eacaped fr,,m the cuatod) ofn conatable on l'riday after the Bupreme Court hadafflrmefi his senten "¦. waa returned to the jaii lnNewark .arly yeaterday mnrnine II,' was foundwlth relatlvea ln Johnaon-ave., Rrooklyn. H» re¬turned without a requls|t|on


BECEPTtOS F<>R ADMIRAL 8AMP80N.West Orang". Msy 14 (Bpoc ¦ The R->ard of

Qovernora of the Ksscx County Couatry <'iub. mHutton Tark. West oranee. has Invtted Rear-Admlral Bampeon and bis ofii ..¦ "ptionto be held next Baturdai ifternoon at the club-houae from :i lo ,; o'i I". k Admlral Sampson haiaccepted the Invltation for himself and th" oftleeraDf the fleet. n la expected thal the comman.U:.:i'( the Brooklyn Navy Ifard an.l his staff wlll a!*obe preaent. The affalr win iak« th" form "f afS'e hamp*tre, tea heini aerved on tb" lawna, andn number o( promln. f the 8

Invlted lo meel ih. Admiral. lt is ex;to secure tb" Marine Band from th" Rrookiyr, Navy.i ,,rd to play In tha afternoon.


yl F.ER C0STEST8 OF A YAL18E.Tollceman Flizpatrirk was on duty at 2 o'elock

yeaterday mornlng In Ocean. near Orant-sve ,ler-

s,y Clty, when an Hallan earrylnc n valts" ap-

proache.l iin seeing the ofneer th" man tarn"dinto Orant-ave. and began to aralk brlakly H^w..s commanded to itop bul dropged tha «g andtaii The oftl. er tlr.d four shots in the alr, butthe It.ilian dld not atop, nnd eseaped The bagrontalned nlne amall chlckena, two hens and aomele-et.ibl.s. prooably »he fruitf >.f a \ls!t to some

truck farm.

DIBTBIBl r/.Vfl TBE PLCM8.The Repubilcan membera of the Kewarii Roard of

Works held a meetlng on Baturda] nlghl to eon-

sider the appolntmenta an*1 agreemente were

reached as to flllltig some of the piaees under thaBoard If is expected that the tlate wi.l lw com-

pleted bv next Thuraday, when th- reguiar meet-

ing ..f ihe Board wlll be held Ther. ib mu"hjtriimbllng among aopllcanta for ptacea at the de¬lay ln maklng the changes.

A SILK FIRM DI880LTED.Pateraon, May 14 iSpeelal). -The ellk fl.-m of

Doherty & Wadsworth, one of the larges- concerna

in Pateraon, has dlaaolved partnerahlp Mr Wads¬

worth retlrlng. owlng to III health The eonoerswlll be reorganlaed as a atock company, to be eom-

of Mr Doherty and his BonaM^ssrs Dohert) and Wadsworth ha\» been oom-

pa'nlons fllnce boyhood. and have worked sho«i.derto should.t t.. amass a forturi" and build UP on» orth" most proaperoua silk concerns ln the country.


TBOLLBY LINE8 To BF. COSBOLIDATBD.Faterson. May 14 (Spe^lal).-There ls a movement

on foot for the eonsolldatlon of the tro lay Unea

Ogerattng tn and about Faterson. It Is qoltfl eer'aJathat the Central. whlch wlll be sold a: receiver'Bsal" on Frlday, and the White lln". whlch wil! ba

dlaposed of ln llke mann"r on June B), wlll > pur-ehased by th" comblnatlon.Another comblnatlon of local Intereal wnlcn

promisps to b" "ffp.'ted soon Is the conso IdatlOS olthe Hlnchliffe Rrewlng Comrany wlth the ' *-.aolldated. Thls has t>een pendlng for some t:ma

ATTACKBD BY TWO 000B.John Green. thlrty-flve years old. ilvlng lr Thlrty*

flrst-st., Woodcliffe, North Rergen, was Btta-kedbv two snvage dogs ln Hudaon Helghts >est"rday.Both anlmais setzed blm b> th" l"gs. tor* hls_trou-sers in snreds and badlv lacerated the d'^ __2

aeded ln killlng one dog with a club ard drora

TEACHERS TO 9JBET THF ADMIBALMontelatr. Mav 14 (BfMClal). Rear-Admiral and

Mrs. Wllllam T Sampson wlll be tbe «uests nf Mr.and Mrs. John R Anderson. In Montelnlr-av" to-morrow nlght. when the sehool teaehen ot ""J2!clalr wlll be presented to the Admlral and hls wtra.

8EKIOU8LT Hl BT nv 4 BKADBM.C.eorge falumbo. of No 7 Faterson-av" Weat

Hoboken. took a header from bis Mevele whllefrlding along Rergenllne-av".. I'tlon Hlll. Ir*1,.,_-iand landp.l in a d:t,-h. The fl» sh on the ief Bia*of hls face w;.s tom o(T. and his left ,ura ara»



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