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.. . . Pu\Jli~li~ We0kl1 in tho lutereat o'f. Clu'nzo.zo, lllldJ .• mc:oln Coulltr· • ' ' ' - ' -· . • - . ' - ' ' ' ' t- .~

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, . . . , . War-&.vin8s . · .... Mothe~~Daughter . Alto. and. Her Meyer Bar~ett F<>rt. Stanton . t· ' -. • Stcnnp (~i~ls. :· .. -Congre~s-a-.S~ccess ·,. . . Patriotic ·Citizens·_··., Entertains \~.:Has~ .Picnic __ · ' .. ' - ' - 'I~, ' " r,. ..

. ..

I .

. . . , - ·We-~ish, it were- wf;aible tQ ; AlpuquetquEt,~ ~:·M. -~pAe ·29. ·. T~e .. people of ~Ito reaponded Tuesd~;- night Meyer Ba~nett The Fort. Stan~n pichi~ wM, ma:ke m:ention.individuall)o~ the -w~~h. clgse to __ the 500 del~~ .. tqthe call of Un~le_Sam· an the kavea soeialdan~e· at Lutz Hall attended by peapl~ from ~11 over· good Work done by our C;irrlzozo ates :Present, apd intenaeintereat· 28th of June. Mr. Catlston an .. in honor of his brotherr Mike, :the country·a;nd it was. a decided · girla during · the reeen.t War on 'the part· of the New: Mexico pounced the· 'amount of· stamps whods home ·on . a furlough. A success. · · . · · ' · . · . Savings Stamp Drive. Up to the· w~nnen pres~nt, and an h:n:riiense r.old to be approximately $1,100. · crmy.d was in attendance Many so 't ·drink stand~ cater­preaent_time t~e ,sale of ~tamps lain.ount of' •practical and useful The box supper given Satu and'th~ event will .be _long re .. ed to the thirsty -crowd with the a~QUnts to o-ver $15~000. As an instruction given daily byexpe~ts day night for the benefit·:of _ membe1.·ed as one o£ a novel ana usual ice cream and pop •..

~ jample of what our girls . ha.v~ in cannin~, drying; chi!d welfare Red Cross nette~ ~76.;75. . Th~ e~traordinary nature;· · After The eli~ bing of a greased· pole~ : .J>?e so far. w~ .would- menttQn work. ana. -other thmg~r- . . . . · . . . . -a.uettened----ott--by . . . . . . _ . . . ~nd_a_wlljstrel .show were-the

,,~( • MJss H~r.ndon Rei~y who sold Mot~er .. Daughter Congress . Judge. Striclen of Roswell~ nn to. the' "Anderson Oasis11. where of the early after~

\tl' $~7.55 wort-h o~ stamps in thr~e the Food Administration,· Cou~ .. en~rgetic Red Cross wqrker.· ·.. refreshmell:ts·~ were sQrvedpla:e.. and la~er on. Mr. Rolland h?urs. _ The balance of the girls cil of Stat~ Defense, State CoJ... · Th .. . b . d · t d f th ing a coolipg .and delightful fin.. raffled off the 'Seq:.m, the lucky ~1d remarkabhr well, and we lege . Extension Diviaion and . e. Prtz~ ox · ona e · 0~... ,

6 ish ·on the pleasant affair. .. ~ · n~mber· faUing: to Mr. Hagan ot takQ Pleasure in nfaking mention Wom·en's Committee, has proved most pop~lar . Y~~J:lg,~ lady.~ was · Mike Barnett. in, whose honor Ft. Stanton,

. of Miss Reily's. record a~ ag?od to b~ a most g:atifying su~ccas .. w~~ by 1MJ~~ Ro~t,!~1~-arl.tonb the d(lnce wa~ given, will ·leave .. There ~was a movie_ 11t 7:1'1>, example pf how weUt~e gtrls Every cou~ty m the state has •th ~h a le\? ·· ~ 0d ~re 'tt~sy shortly for ~ts post of d~ty o~ a1fter winch .a d;mce was given have done, and are domg for beet• represented, · eloquent wz dl e ~cbmes ant·. c~ ~~g the good shtp U. S. S. M1ssoun that was enJoyed by all. · their coun,try's cause. speeches made,iby .the promin· bee . as. Ch 0~ wef ~n · 1 t~ at Fortress Monroe,_ Va.. He The' picnicer~ returned home

. _ · ~ ene people of New :Mexico and . arrlz?zo · ap er as. mon will take with h~m the- kindest with their best wishe$ for Fort ChangeJ Name outside the state and all the ~e- and wtll hav~ another thls month. and be:.\t wishes of the Carrizozo Stanton 3ndllope to enjoy many

arid Location liberations of the first state people fn.,general and -the OutM like the , one just given in the , -- . wide · convention· of. this kind · .The gOod people of Alto are of look wishes to be ... included, near future. · . . . . ·The Oasis Confectionery~ lias ev:e:r held !n New ~exico ~ave the true blue Atneri"can type that and wishes _to assure Mike that

c'banged it& location, having been tnarked by ·an inte.11se pat- seek to avoid ·-publicity concern· there will . b.e no doubt .about ~ _ po~ion o~ the build· riotism and earnestness.· The ing the ·work they ~r~ doing 7 f9r th.e outcome of thi~, . a.s all

Hondo Hot·StuU·

ltlg _ formerly· oocupted. by tQe presence of the 138rd Infantry the benefit of the _ country in of our boys are, hke hunself, A l f · . . t ·r CartizozoTtadingCo. The name band from Camp C!Ody put "pep" general in the time' when it is true .blue which will make the . coupe 0 prommen Cl tzens o.t tAil P®blu resort' has also into the gathering from the start; most needed , The Outlook has ·Kaiser's pets march to the tune of_ Hondo.went to San Patricio been e~a12Q'Cd and it will here .. thism,ag~iftc~~tm?sicat~mili&lrY tried time ~nd again tO get a of ·:Yankee Doodle" for we are and while passing- a a{te_r ~known aatbe uAndereon orga~tzatlon. Pf4Ymg at every line on the work so as to publish thetr natural masters. nattve s.garde~ one.of them..pol .. Oaau." On Tuead~ last the meeting and dally on the streets. the same but the Alto folka -rrused h1a hat-••That· a ~ rec:eived its "friends at the The oo.o~ration _ ~tween the have avoided the- limelight and . At Sh ood C irie~d . cf yours?'' querjed his QP$mng 1n the new quarters, the fuut: . \eading war .. work or- went ahead with tlteir patriotic .. erw · ·· oma compamon. I thought 10, . but f•ture of the_ event being *he ctzationa of · tTi~ .atace. hu folio win~ but in thil lAUe we _ . .. · _ . I ~eu I 'm miataken-it'a a ~~f>f~tifull*l rot.ta addVti~le:it. i:.fJ ~~~ ll'e .P,.~ ,an''autUM ot the , A deli(h~~.:a ~~ ,,_ . . .-_ "~ ~ " .• '' . to.~ who 1flslted the1"el0tf; bU. -t&lltved the -tt)<n· -~ ~bol'l performed by our »ttno-· eiven -~ •"""'ay n Fllt at. tbe Itt ·stilt nfee &lid dq_ in the in _ 1ta new bome. Tlie manap. -.cUvitiea of th~ d.eleKttes. . tic nefahbort. ueumina- a ft1ll borne of S~emood COm. _ Tie Jtond·o· vane;r . but rain in the ~t retl*tful!Y aolidu a J/?1"'" . , . • t . . re;eponalbiUty in prlntln' gueata beai~et ~n~yJnsr the~- mountain~ hu put the water in tiOn of_ tbe public patronaa'e With Boya and Girls · . _ _ la1Jlle and with to add a word ·of lelvea to thetr h .. t s content m the Bon"to ~ . _-_ ·m ti a .!~tee of -.uaraetory ¥ Induam..t Clu.,_ prat~ to tti&it fltlorts. · danc_fng, ~ere trGated to an old PGI&S ~. ero; ~':en; pur-

.. I$Gl"Vtce. _ · . • . _ _ ._ It ia r&_s'l"$table to say that fuh1oned W.becue, attended • . _ • L A. M Call H .. . At Lincoln, MondAY. the lead- after ·all rtich noble work as with everythin« that could be The btggeat flood m the Bonito · ·- c _ ~- Home era o.f ~he 'Lincol,n" C~uniy Jn.. these people are doing, that they th?ught of ._ i~ . the line .of g~ ¥onda.y since. July 19161 several

L. A McCall · • 6d ord du~tnal Club~ met_ :VJtb )lrs. are not without 10me oppoaftfon. t~tn'a to ~at. The.dancmg con- care~ of d"&d hortSes were the i part . f 7-'v . k . . . Ebzabeth Koger. Aalt$tant State eom~ pttOpl• are fO 'Very Vf!'tY tmUed untll a late hour, after earned alpng by the .· torrent the ~~ lll o: f 1~t''i th of .Club ~de~. • _ . lfOOd that anythin; don·e in a which the Carrizozo portion _of also a few ~ttle at1d _a couple of

. c;t . ~ 0 . 1 a er, _ • Mra. Koger braefly tol:d the community on the Sabbath <lay the ~ta headed by Yr .. and hogs wer~ ~mel to have been

-~hi~~~~ ~f.T;b~· anns and al(tent of indtustrial except it~ ol a •trfetl:r re .. Mra. H1ram. ~arrant returned seen floatin;fn the.~water. .. _ • •. · c e or a . e. • clubs: what h• been ~eomplilh- · _ nature. leada -them to wel~ pleased w1th the pleasant .. • ... · _. . . · bedside -~ soon after tbe notice ed and what the the mm·on. ._11 ._ • d . cri • i _ . j 1 . afrmr __ -_-· _ 'rbe wm~ storm of last Sat-as h·e conveniently .cottld. boy and girl metnl>Grs are . 1 coh,t\lemthn &n1 . ,... tictseh. · tuntb ~~.y, · · • ·.--L- .. . utday nf~ht unroofed at least -

• _ _ .. _ . · . _ _ . · !'- . en e ac...- ate a - e wl• . . . ... _ . one homesteaders shack in the Jumor this Yell'·: the how. whe~, and tness of Uncle Sam must go 011 Cryttal Proaram · .. _ hills east of Hondo carrybig the

why the ddterent members pro- the same one day aa another If for Next Week tru tu - 100 rd · be" · Sonz_ ., .Sen_· 'nture teadinll, ·by · _ and the plans for futi.Ue it_ is a dance to taiBe money· · · · ~t . tc rek 0

t-hver thy a 8 d.~ore 1--.2- o- · n--·+..~:... ·H.. 1 k . · . . . .. - 1 s rue e ear ; soma am· ~~.: ouur. ~~~ .. wvn, e • wo.~ • · . . the Red CroM; there abould be · ~- . · . · to f • . · rted

en JofultottL . Piano Solo, Clarite Next a round table ot eonfer .. no u•tio about what da the Mond~y, Metl'O, The Only age... rut~ trees 1s repo and KcQuilleU. Talk _by ~ ence was held . w dil!(nlu 1~ _ · q is·~ be given. · . 1~ it ill . _ y1ola Dana. • . _ mueh fru1t was blown· f~m lAcay. Sana'. Roll all of'f.-.. proWem~ and plan for an acbiev• . tY: .. • . . to . . . .. .. - tb$. Tu.eflday. 'fl orld, Fr1day, the others. inz. Antiouncetnontl. • &De- .ment; day iQ the fall f01!. all tbt a~ wenZ:~~ it ·&bert Warwick. Sisto SediJio a~d H. W. War-

/' '


. .


.,,·· ' ·• ..

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.. ,:<' ........ - _.J - .. ,_,,l· ~- • - 'II:.' '\ ~ ' j~ .... ' .

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. ~ ' '\ . f :· ' . , ; : '. , , e ' , . ,' :

: ... · S~debakef, ·Wagons· , ... . G~dyear· :Gcisings .and:]pner ......... . ~.\ .. ·.· ··.~ ". ·.· T·· ·· ·., · ··

. ~~J " [) . ~

Portl~nd C::elnent · ' ·. . · bynatnite~ ·Fuse and. Caps ·• ·· ·• · ·. •

· Kansas Blackleg. Seruni ,· · , · ~ ; ~[ubi{Catirig O.ils , · · ·

· St~el Roofing . . Rtibberoid ROofing Building:PaPer · Sash and ~oors ·

· . · Drill . Steel · · · 1 • . .

Dry Batteries, -Etc~, Etc., ' . .. .

.. ·-.

·. The. ·TitsWOrth.' ·Comp.any,-- ' !') - "

• I \ ~ • '9> ' • ~

·'Capitan,.· New Mexico .. '.

· H~rbert'lfo(,-q-er, Put omr over, When- he said, "Let'.s live on

·SJnl~'' ~ And · tiakl~ our throatss with com

and o.ttJ, ' · And wear our last years duds. · -=Farm like thunder, H~Jp -work a wonder, · ,

. '· ~ . \;•


.., ~d te~ch your youngaters to save. Tbcy'U . thc.nk _you many times bt yean to eorne. Open a small nvings ae<!ount o in their namea with tllit btnk and. alww thom how saving counts .up by Mtting an dxamplc yourself. Tho child who itt taught to suvc

. :- And save ~very grain of wheat Eat butter and beans,

will never dio poor. : .

· . And hy all rneana, · Send the boys in France the

meat. Nor has he forgotten, That we need cotton, · For explosiv~s, attd the Khaki • coat, · · \Vc'll obey and ~have~ . · And make the effort to save, Until we can _get the Kaiser's! li · • goat. . · ·· • -And you lovers, cute. Must substitute, Dear, or sotnething else for hun, Cut out the sweets, , And lovers feats ~ Until .. we get tne Germans on

the tun, . · . I would make this longer, "'· ,

And l:l. whole lohtronirer. · And take the ·time to ,.~mtJha·

tize~ ,.,, B t • _.. •tk Lj• u JUo" 1, · · 1 ant an American true. . -.And must .stov and Hooveri~e ..

· Compoeed and .admitted by H. Doy1e.Mtl1"t&Y. Tin'Qle. ~ .. ilex.

. 4'~

THE LINCOLN STATE BANK nANK wrm us .· -:· . · GRow wr.m. us ,

·~~ -------..-~-..,...._ -- --~-IJ~~..o... ~ ______ .,._.... ----:- ----;~~ _.__ --- -·- ~-- - --~-- -------~-- -~-- - ·--~--------

S8Polio doin,g·its work.Scou_ring for US.Manne Corps recru1ts. ·



'·CRYSTAL THEATRE ·• a J•fi• a~ ot Qood t?ktuttl!J"

Complete Change of. Program . · , . E~eh_. Night · . · , ·

.... ·-


••• ••

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. . ' ' ··y ... · ... :ou ... PAY ·~oR .. ·~ ..•... WAS ... ·.Th ... . .. . . · · of &ariel-~· lbetli.~d·. · ··

. - 1 " - ~

., '

· ·· the nnc.~ty._ A s~'worlapan-; · muet fiaute tde w&Au, he ·figu.-eJ

._................ f!

,.Q.on mbing b.i• paint. ~ · , <CJ. '/

lllllliliii·... • SpecifY: perfect ~ehino--mixocl ' . ,: B: P. S. PAINT,.:;._

' .

· · then hia estimate will be. on actuM wor~

· ~k your p~er~ho will ted YQU ~ P. S. Paint .. · lives ~tisfaction.

• •

K ... e· ·II .. e.y ~ .··So·n· :·ouas is the TRADE·th~~ . . . 'K .. · ... • SERVICE made/ ' - • • • - - - Jl •

. "'"'-- -·-- ---~-~- .. --~----- ~,.--.~.- -- ~-- - ~- --~-------t--..

Willys .. Overland · · . Automobiles ·

l>repn.l'eil~ess is our wnt<!hWord-tltAref?rtr"We nre <',Onstantly pre· · pared to serve · the publio with the best cnrs

obtainable-the name is n guurnntee. · •

. • I'

Samuel Fambrough .Agen~ for Lincoln Countx

---;,.·~----.~--·--~-----~-----.-_:; --~-------,--~--------:-:-~~~-. )lllliQICIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIfiiiiQfri~·~DIIIMfliiiiiDI.III.II!tllllllllllltllill~.llllltiiiiiiiiiiiiiD!IiiiiiiHIIQIIIIIIIIIII(


lqe Cream· , Bon Bons " ·Fine Chocolates Choco.Jate l~es

Fancy Creams, all flavors

1.. · . Phon,e No. 82 · . . •

For H.efreshments for Pnrties and Entertainments


Rolland's · .. Drug ·Store

. · Fuli.Line of Nyal's- Remedies . ' . .

Constantly. on :tland · ..



•· I




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.I ill&

Farm Labor Shortage Such That Herolo Meaaurea Are Necea·

. aary to Save Crops.

Opportunity for City Mtn to Repay to Nation a Part of Debt They Owt

the Far~What Clarence Oualey Haa to ~ay.

____ ., ~· ... i


' ' '

I 1., l. L, 1.1 I .

. ~·

'_1,: --- .. ~- ........... -... _, ----- .... _______ ..... _..__ ...... -- ,._...__ .. ,.,. __ ..... ""--~- .. - .... ~-·-- -- ~----· ..... ~

·' ., i

GUdfd Chfeken Feet. It mny bo bcca\11o ot war ~nonUM

nnd lt mil)' be "10methln1 e)¥ apln." na Abe enid to MnWl'tlS, but It 111 a f&c:t ne\'crtbclcss that new ·and unUIUII 1lelds are bctDg lnvttdcd to tur-- . nl!b mllad;)''a bca~. At the lltl)e tltM "l)lendll'l opvortunttle. aro oftt!l'tti to earneat natnre Btut'fenbf. Ono of the molt· no'fel IQpleee omamenta !cen bcre 111 &114Ctt chiCken t~ One woman appeared on Broadwa;- th• other day 1n n. bonnet trlmm~ · mtb Engll8h walnuts craCk~ ollen to 8how tho kernel!!, whUe another woman wore a merry widow of lltlJ}e allfptor !kin tnrnlshed with a Bingle· 8'nlT sqnlrrcL New l:ork women &'!etll to have lots of new mllllnet)" thoupbl thee day&

Barrel Gardena. Th~ New York Stnto College of AC"

rlculturo at Cornell university 'i'ce(!nt• · Jy fti1'111s1lcd dlrt'!ctloll!l tor " b1U"l"cl ~rden for ctcy dwellers whOse Yl\rdl' are paved or nntlllable. encumbers. radt8he!, pen!1 nnd beans ~n be taletd " In tbf!w~.



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. . ··. ~ ~- :~ ... THE CAlUtlZOZO OU~LOOlt ,. . . · .· . .. · . . ·· . . ·. · . · . .. . .· . . .. ,.

.·. . · .. •.· . . . . . . . . . ·. ··. ' . ·• .· . . . .· ..•.. ·' .· ··.· .. · ·.··· ··· ... , .· .. ·· .. ··. . . .··. -· • . . . ....... ···-:7.'''•;c-~~~~!==---~..--':~,..~~~~~=;:,;;;;.::;.= J'l,J£ ~ OtJTLOOK ~ ,!_Ml>QRT ~N'l' NOTlC::E . R~eOII?i~ f QQd ilfalues. · . · . . . , ·. N. . f . :. ' .:.9• " ' . .; . .·=---~-·. - .rn ·. ·.·· .· . · .. · .... ·.··· .. · .·. . ,. . :: R!lcogmz~ the ,food .:v~lue}ll . I_ B.\1. y._ .. Y_ .. ~ o_· _ur .. Ford .Ca. r_s •. ·._ ... 0_ ·. w •. ~~~blhll._· eci w~_ ··~ t~ t'h11 r~~.ter~t ili -~•nb,oliQ . .;~,o_ .. all Resi<l.~nts Q.f the St_ ate of milk a_ nd __ · QU_._ y . Y_our_ nul~ £_ r __ _ om . . ~- . · •!!n<l:tltJ~Il"lu·o<~uPtr,New.lle .. ~tl)Q~ New Mexico:-' •... · ·· · ·, PU~~-b:red tested Jersey cows.• Oars are hnl'd toobtafn at px-eaent, ao come rn •nd tigtire with t;llf .

A.·t.l3URI<Er EditQt-and :PubJiijber' .•.• Local and Distdct Boar4s of Also. whipping and coffee cream . whll~ we ~ave them. on hand. Bring your l'epuir work to us. We lit~' . _· .. ~,., .· .· :: . . .. . ··. · ', , . , . .,· ~:· . · thi$ State hAve practi~ally com.. fresh daily. , Carrizo2:o Dairy, · better,,equipped than ever to do yi)UJ' work. .No' deT~ye.,.._prftropt;. a~rvi<:~·

. ple·t,i.,d ·th'n. nJassi'ti.l""ti'on ·of . ""eO' . • ~ ·H Dl'X""" . . A_ ll_work._a_bso_ tu_telv_ ~narp_. ntecd 6_nd_' our' ndccs:. aN stanaard-.Allthor_ ized Menillct •£ .AP!cri~~ Prc~s Auociation' . · · .. ,;; · · "" 1>', - . .~ · · . "' ~" . · • · • · · · v·~ • o~ · o::r t· d . "' . . . · . · ....... · .. · · · ... . istrnnts. . und~r . the· Sel~ctive . . · . _.· · · ·. · ·. · · . · -· .. by the . F<>:r:d Motor Co. WQ carry · nt all tunes .a. complete I me or :ror -~

. l.ARGf:ST C!tl'Cli~A.rHtN tN. THE CQIJNn' Servi.ce :Law, who.· r~gistered ''"tla.tlt•••--tllll~l .. M.-..- , :parts and aeeessories, .MJlilordera:prohtptly .tllled. . . · .


. ..

• I '!!:ne_ered_ n_ s_ .•. fleco_·. nd-_;~,_·lf matt(~! Janu~r_Y pr~-~etom!:;e;~ ~:;~es_e. Bom·ds. R' ·, 'ea'l.; \E' . c'.o' no·my'_ : ·t.··o· w G' ?I '19ll,a.t lhepostofth:&atC'arrJzo~:~,,New h. 1 ·b d"':f. • hi. 11· d" · ' · · .· · · · · · · · . . . t. . . . · . . . ~[~:tit:Q Qnder the· .Mtof Ml\l'Cb 3, 1879 · ~Ve. a o:re {:Ut .U Y -an con~ . ~ . . . · · . . . es· . er·. n . ar·a· g·e

. . ' . · ~ .. · .. . . · .. ·· .. scientiously to complete. thia Bulld The GILLETT Way-. . . . " . ·. .· .. · ... · .~.. . . · .. . · .. · · ..... _· 1 ..

•·. ~ayilfti .. I!I_J .(()~IJ)~ lliO~~Wtdlllll!~~y. at; ~0911 ?ig~nt~e t~sk and ·~ave, in eae~· Style Comfort. Beauty and' y

NII\YI QQ!U'l.lll• lliOJI,T!IIJtJd .... "l' 111(14t. ~.X .. f Y __ on_ mstance, rn_ ade the prope:r .. claS$ .. p . , .. . ·t . PRIC' E . o· 'u" 'R•" 'T' 'ERM's.;, . c· . ASH • ·:Ill, n<lt r~c,tye•YO.tArJ>!IPe~ ngularJy,ptii!I•Ul.lltifr .fi t' th " .· 'd · · · . . Ol'ID~Den~e, a; a . ·. . i .. • . . , '' ·• . :.1. · • . . • . . .. . . · ..

11 . . 1'1ra t>ul;lltl!lm ~Mvertt~liur r.atee .1)11 appli!!Atlo11 l 1ca. l(~n . on . · e ey1 en~e pr~~ To suit your· JlURSE-See -__ ._ .......... ,.,..,........,.,_,.__ ___ ..,........._ sented by the questJonnmre. · . ·.

. . -$1.1ascroPriON RATES . The~e. ar~,- n~·- dou~t,· .c~ses · 0! ·T. ·Gillett· ,N& YEA~. J11 Advai!pc• $~.00 Wher.e the queStiOnnarws faded llX".MONTHS Ill Advance • ~ • · $1.0() to. present the true StPte of facts . ..... ~.-~7-:--··.,.,;.--,..-~~·-~-·< and in th~s9 cases the Boards Architect, Contractor ~nd Duildcr

OFfiCI.'; PHONE NUMBI::R 24 ,1

have:~·of necessity, been unable ...... _ ...... , .... , .. _.. __ "._ ••• ~- ... ,-.... , ~'"- ·-· ~7'' ·- --~ -- -·-·-·· "-~-., · to do 'justice. . 1

- ' · . · •

FRIDAY/JULY 5, 19~8 It' now becomes .the patriotic.=====~=:::;.:==,::::;_ .• :==::.-=.::;::,.==.=-=·::::: .. · !ICE;:=::;:::::;;::::;:;:::;::::;==~::;::;:;:= 9uty of every resident of this· W .. W o S'tadtmati

state having knowledge .. of· any NOTARY PUBLIC .


unjust or i_mproper classifi?atio.n Agent for Royal Tipewriten to repott to Capt. R c• He1d, ~· FIRE INSURANCE . S. R.1 at Santa Fe, the facts m the case, giving_ the Tttm.1e and .,..~-=-----~-~----=~-.-. --~=--·--~--------.. _-,,-, ----postofficc address of such regis- Look !Look t Loo~ ! Loe;k! trnnt, that ·.the. case maY · be Bedsteads, :Matb•('sscs, Go-thoroughl~ investi~~ted .. Such Carts, Combination Chair· Jand ·· re~ort wdl be treated m the :)top Laader~, Furniture. --N.B, atr1c.test confi9ence. The Selecl Taylor & Sons · · ·

. tivc Servit:e Law will Qnly be ---·-----· ------YOUR FLAG AND MY FLA~ succ~ssfu~ in the s~nte d~grce as I Why docs . a man • keep a cuff ~ . · . . o · cJass;fi~at1~ns are. properly rr.ade link wbcn the mate to it has hccn

. . . und 1t.1s w1th a vtcw of co1·rcct- 1- t f tl ? ·

... u

B~rnett FEED StOre ...

Wholesale and. Retail

··Hay, Grain and Feed •

Stock Salt, Oil Cake Wood·, and Coal


Prices Lowest and Service Besf · •t - • . .

Carrizozo · t .

• . .. .New Mexico ........ , ... , ... ,._1111111!1•1~ ing any' errone()us classifica- QS, or mon lS~

· · i Motto ·ot. Thia ~~per i tions that tliis appeal is made. · ·1:=:S=::=:=:=:E::==:=:;::::::::2:::1~=~~~~~=~~~~~~~ ! ,..J d ct t th u d i ! By order of . , " .. . li : '"'"' e re 0 c n Y ng g · W. 'E. LINDSEY ... Governor. I Suppi);rt. of lt• c!untey•• I R. c.· REID, Captnin u. s. R. 4 Cause. . 0

•l•tltlt•-•M"l"IIMMltWit New Mexico's Warriora . Power·. Behind The Nation

. The announcement by the state · ·

Eaela t .... will laCned ,..... v ... laue aner 1:••• a .,.,t.. fu•t like If. ler It Ill tile ealy _.. .. , ,. .... U•Ja•• •evotee'l eatlrel:r. ~· 71Ulr lktereat11 Allll ruur· aeJ~rltltol"• .lafer .. t..


· In an address. before tl1e ed., board of historical research that itorial convention held in· the there arc mor~ than . twelve was shown that sixty per thousand young men from this cent of the American ,people are state now serving in tho army or served by the country papers navy, will strike a note of pride and smaller dailies. in every citizen of New MexiCo.

1 The sma11er nt;wspapers con- The ·proportion is above the sfitute the real driving force and average ratio of enlistment from police power of sixty million of · other st~tes, and leaves no room tlte American people-more than for th'e (.>barge that New Mexico l1alf the people -in the United hns beep. backward in doing its States rea~ the_ smaller. news- purt·in the war.

EDIT E D lJ ·y H • B • HE N IN G

papers. . .. ll't a state which so lru.·ge a per The farmers, the men and centn"c of the popula.tion is of

'vomen who feed . the pation, Spani;h and Mexit>an origin, and a great part of the rest of many of whom do not \\'rite .. the wor1d-the thinidng, infiuen- EngUsb there wac:t a pos~dbility ~ial ~tne~i:ans wh~ do not. live that t·os~onse to the country's m brg c1bes retld th?. countty eaU for its young men to go and:. weekl_Y and sm~Uer dmhen. • . flg}At might hnvo nmt "t•;ith Uttie I

\Vlnlo the <:Ity dwoUers lwe ontbusiamn. · · in fhts and apa~tmentg spend ':J.lho report of'the iitute histur ... ;. their !noney on canned gooda iciiT baarcl'tirovcs tbe contrary to ~md ·prcture shm.·m, tho readers have been the e:tse. The num-~ 0!' the COUntry !lo\•:spa}JC1'.9 fll"O ber of v~Juntar.v <utlistment!i' in ·_. tne gr~at buyJhg ~lar:s· from the tJavy is nn additimmt indi­farni tr!lctors !~ j.ewelry. . . . . cation o£ tlm readiness with ,. The .n~ver:n~mmg vatl!e and which the ~ew Mexican youth

. the pohtwal pow~r ~f t~e srrml· took up the fight for the nation. ler newspapers 1s. not yet fully ~Albuquerque Moruing Journal. ·understood by the gl'eat bus .ness interests and statesmanship of Severaldarkies wet·tJ · discuss­the nation, and g~UJ less apprec• ing tho best branch of the serv .. iated.-Exchange. . . ice'to enlistin. an!} one darkey

. . . . . . · · · ·. ·. . · · ... ··_· .. · . .-_ ' suggested the aviation brittlcp, Tb.el;'e was a ~oungfsllow named This eonversation ensued: First . · lbd~ . · .. ·._ · . .. . . . . · darky: How come you d<m't jine

. Who once ~~ a funeral was dis ~ere flying squad? Aiil~t-.. . Wlt:t:t as)ted who was ~eadt much chance to git kilt after you

He JUSt nodded and SEnd, le· ar··n· . t··, ""I.d"" on"" '<,. . ur d •t k · · I • t · · - {I · . ..., "' .... c. .1.0U go so . on~d -~~w, · JUS . came or high · 4at -~dr, .guns cain't reuth

a ri e. . . .. . . . . .... · 4

• you. . Second darky: Hold on The matf who drives a rivet there b~udder! . You ... a:in"t takin' .

these day$ is worth more t·) his .. t.o me:_ I k~ows . .,.actly "how ct)un\ry than· . the fellow who dat !lungs gwme t~ be.. You go

·· wallops a baseball all over the up ,bout thre,.a mdes, and the . . lot ,_. · doggone contrapahun .. -hit stops.


· • .. . An' d,e white man what you js An e.xeha~go ~aY& that the ridin" wit',"hq says: "Hey,. nig .. •

.A_m~ri. ean.$lte. ··. fi~~~n-g!ol" })ea_.ce {g. t)r!. Git·. o_ u_ t a __ · nd cr_ anl< uv!_'_~ Not for the whole c~v~hzed world- suh, I don't need no fl;ving in and Germnny, . . · mine.-Ex~ ·

... • .. .. '

• A Livestock Paper-A Ranch Paper_.:_A Farm Paper

· An uAt-Home" Paper-A Newspaper

n .AST week 10,000 ranclimen, cattle men1 !bee-p men1 W(}Ol meti" aitd fa.nner11 sat down in tbe}r- "eqs~ eltail·:' a.ud read and re-read tlH:Ir New !texico Ruralist. .. ps tlt& ,, mo~Jt 111tcrestmg at•hele tlH'Y reml was about you: you had done on youtt ranC!lt tltat WM done dificrently and better than t1u:y land been doin~it, It it wero ·

·not about you it pertained to your everyday husiticss. Every line· in last week's paper wag of intere:tt to tlaC'm for eael1 line wo.s devoted to rural New .:Aredco.

. And Then There Is a lV/tole Page for Jfofher and lite Girls ~ .. Tiie latest styi~•, ilhtsh•ated, but be:;t of all, nt'tiC'les of wJtat other wouten nro doiug in dif .. ferent part!l of ~;ew· 1-fexico. You Wfllil!'U ·wili m~e thb pnge •. It 1ft l'llitcd by .Anna 'Vilas Strumquist, of ..:\Umquerque. l'erltnllS you Imo\•: her, at1d we are cl.'rtoin she lmo'vs you. .And lfrl.W •. StrUlllfluist told us to ask you if you _:·ould ll?t 11"11, edit this pag~:. If you ha:ve an ~ceptionally good rcripe ru::nfl it to J\Ir£J. StJ.'tu21ItlUist. 1£ you nrc .getting· mol'O eggs than any one else ln yo'ttr nt~igl1borltood, if you ~re 1utving 1Jetter succcsa wit11 your clticlc!ms, · ·write and tcU ncr how fOU do it. l•~cei free to use tlfls page, for you are wt·lting to friends ttnd for friends to rca<l. · ·


7 Big Lblumns of Stat~ ·Nafionaland International Netos .A good Sho),'t .Story e~ch week. Timely topics of stato' neW$ written by num who hav4 had a cl<me, pertJonal knowledge of state affairs !or twenty. years. It is a vnpcr :lor tlt~ en tiro ~ate-hi no tense local, but st-nte-wide. · · . · ·

" First of All· a Livestock. and Ranch Paper· . ' . .


'ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY . . $2.00 ~er Year in Advance···Subscribe Now

I •

' .. .Add1MI all ~utliOf.tiollj to the .


lfew- Ktxioo lt~ it pubU.he4 by The Otllt:ral hlnt!ttf Oompanr, pttbu..hett ol Th•\t .. ~~ . · qu.tque 1-v.-nbig Herald · . .

.. . . . '


. '" - ....... ~_



. r·




,• .,

., . . f. ' . ~ .•

.. 1~~ •. ~ ...... · .. ··.·. s•.·.··9.1ia•·.•:n ..... · ••.·~. ···-. ·' . 11 .~erv. i ... c. e ... · ... · ... -....... ·.F. : la. g .· · .. I· I· .. · . · Galley ·, .. 'i:ID~CJD-41:l'QD~GD .. Q~·

I ' I

Flag No. t. Bearing three star.e, in honor of Eb, R,qlph and ·~ewf.s .Jones, "at the restdcncc of R. R. Sale brothers of Mrs. R. R. Sale and Mhut Gra<:o Jones.

~,lug No. 2. . Bearing twc> atar.e, in honot of Ralph R. ~~ Geo. B. Barber Jr •• at the Barber res1donce. ·

"4 .. , .. "

-. · , --~ ~ ... r:·.~:-: ' ' - ! 1 $~ ~ ·

. ~ome' '\.b~n · ··.;·ut · :·;:'• I .-: . .::· •' '; ..... ~- .;;.;.~":-' -:_"' ' ' '

expec~d.; •cime·jll EefJUns ~e~ yo11• awa~e

. that YbU have a H~arl: / ..... ' '. '·

the time to (;()mme~c• · · Jttme.· tr.,atment . ·

·.·· '~~ites D,. ... , ..

Flat No. 3. -Benring the_ alngl9,star, .at the home oC Mr. ~nd M~s. Henry l.ut~, in honor of thoir 11on, Lieut. ChllS. H. Lutz. . Plag "No. 4. DcBrirh~ tho alngle star, recommend~ i~ Function•

in honor of Morgan Reily, . at the reB• d '1 •

idence of Mr. nnd Mro. Wm. Reily. al Heart Disor' era. I•'lar, No. 6. Dearing two otnro, in · SOLD BY AL~ DRUG.GlSTS

h •nur of ThoH. I•'. Wri!fht and Davill ·•~------._-----I 1 Ih•al8, · displayed ut th~ · Ii'irnt Na~wnal Uank

l·'laV, Nl). G. BN~ring the slnr,lc -----------­. '.tr, ir• l:rlflor of UrJy H. Gt-umbles,


f ..

. . ' ' ' . ' . •.. '

Best .. · .Acoonnnodatioll$· For AU 'l,he Peo(>le ... . '

. ' ··All TheTinte ' ' . ' . .


't$ible.SuppJied Wit~ Ba$t.,~The M~~t. Af{otqa . .

Building Me.t~rial· · . .

Wit~ ·tJ.. large stoc~-uf building tnaterit\~ we . ', I

are able to give you good ~rvice .~nd so ... · ''licit the trade of ·the. people of· Lincoln

.....,.. . ' .

. ·county, Carrizozo and ·adjacent towns.

Foxworth-Gaibraith Lumbereo .... ? ~ • '~ ' I

. · . • . I D •. R. Ste~rt, ~anager . ·· ··' · • ... I •.

• p.

' #' . . . . l'l The Bread Queat1on . ·

. ,..


" • > ·- • - - -· -- --·.·- -· •• - • " •• -.

~OA.llltJ~~Q" LonGE. No~ '4i-Oarri®zo~ New M~xieo~ ·- ·

. A. F~, &;A.M. Regular ~ommuni:. . , Q~tions .for1918. ·. Jan .26 Feb 23 Mar. 28, Apr.20~. May 25 J~ne 22, . ,J'u1y:.20,

.Aug. 17, Sep.l4, Oct. 19, No,v. 16, and Dec. 14 and ?/1 • . R; E. Bh\ney, W. ~M. . f,

s. F. Miller, ·Secretary.

Q!RRJZOZO LODGE N~SO l. Q~O.F Carrizozo, New. Mexico~

.S.F.Ml.·ller,N. G

M •. B.~Mont .. . gomery-Sec'y.

·Regular ·meetings ·1918- 'First and third F!'~day each month. . ~ ~ .

,.· . CARRIZOZo LoDGE No.ll. K of P

Car.rizo~o, New Mexico •

... ·

" .•. ui Mrn. M. B. Gt'Umbles, at hor

Jo'iO$~ Nu 7. IJt,nrinr; ono otar, in tj•JWir of Hnmc1ld•J GHrda, at the home r)• hto fatht•r, Jo:l•• Garl'i!'·

Tbe Firing Squad

l}y t•uptnin :George Steuncnl1cr~r, U. s. A., in the Army untl Navy Journnl.

At y~mr houso can bo easily set· tlccl:. Just quit the Jabor nnd uncertainty of p~me baking nnd mnke thie•bakory tbe source of yo'!ir bread supply. Then you will nlwnys be sure of fine tooth• aotne brcnd on your tnble. ThQl'C will bo no unccrtninty, no dis· appointment!;. Our brct~d io perfect ull the time

Meeting evecy Monday evening in the Masonic Hall: All memb­ers are urged to.· be. pre.sent, and · visiting }\nights welcomed. · · ·

l?lat~ ~~"-~· At th"' ~omc <1f Mro. . .

I worfd(lr how long we'll con- · tinue to be.,a health resort for • I·:H• .\ St1•vcrw, bearinr~ tbc oinsrlc

, ·r1r iH lwru.r ••f lwr n•m, Allioun ·"'<•\'<'ll!l. sy;ien "

l•'la~! ~I. u. BPaftl. Oil() otnr, dlil· And Otll~r indus~rious gen-

.G. T. McQuillen, C. 0 • ID. A. 0. JolinfJon, K. of R. and s ..

.. . PROFESSI.ONS JI.Uycd at tho homo of t•1rn. AlicQ tJemen that the papers erit- Goo. Spence . W. 0. M•rcb

4nt ...

n '" •rL'<, in hofliJr of hor oon, [,enter . icisel S" · M P~•lhf>rt,), . . ' Tl 1· fl . t f K ·a ' p·· u· R E F 0 0 D B' A K E' R y . PENCE . & ERCltAN'l'

Fb• ~~r), io. llmra tho tJin~lo otar. . 1~. p f!Ce. or an nrrcn 0 ali:iCr -. I. . . . . A.TTOltNEYS·AT·LNW • . t 1 p:,J:.• 1 at t!w l1.•1•n,, "f r.1r. Geo. ~ htllm mx fc<!t under sod c.~ . . Doering Uldg. E. HANNON, Prop. Carri~ozo, N. M. tn Dank Bui!uing Phon~ No. 4i u Bcu<~.•r, Lyo Mil';) .1\IUltl 1\urby, in I want to hear ~me cortwrn1 . . ~Carrircu:o, New lfexico .. . · h!l •r .,f h••r hrutbt•r, fiuy li:_irhy. . yell, .,Fall in the fh·ing ·~··.~·-.-. _------_ ----·----.. -.. -. -_ .. -.. -_-__ -_ ----------.-.. --.----_-_ -=, · · Fiw~ ~'''· 11 Ucnro Uuo cmr.ll~ otnr, S<tUad!"· . • p. f .. ·I O • R. H . H. · B."'. HAMILTON ·

1 . L•. · ~~ Uit' ra"»cb lwmD of Mro. D. . t ld f · t t tl ro e11sona pporluntty . oominl' ousea For Sale A.tioa:ne.r·at~r..w , J h i ·~····h•tfil, in iwnnr II titer brot!a('r, I . 0 we {~O co eo a l(l . ; • • ft d . . • lli&tri<!t Attorn&" "'b. d Judi-· l n=-•.!:..t J·n' n ('u!lwr. thought of blood? . •. An opportumtY .• l~ o ere to- Gou_d pay1~g, centrally lo~nted · · Givill'r:acli;o ;! all C:urt. .,.o,

Fhl ~~·. u. Ut•nrn. the ninr;~atnr; ~Iavc we lost our ol~ bme day. to the phyfncmns o! the~ l~m:mung House at. ,Albuqum.·q~e, i,hobc 51; O>urt Hou!W) w hu:t!rr 11f f,ll,yu • uibert, at tho grit Pacdl~. Coast to enrolJ m the N. M. Owner-. Wished to l'etlre ll•rrizttxo .. New llexiee~ lil'lffi(t "f liio fnUwr. F. H. Uutbort, nt If we ha\•en't tho guns to Naval nesct•ve of the United from buniuess •. Price $300. Ad- __ _,=---==-=-~~=~~-' ··,n~· .. :;~". 1,, H ,, • , t''" 0- ,..1 !till a·man we'd better lie down States Naval )!eset•ve l•'orce~ 11Roominc- Hous~," in caro SETH F. CREWS

icl '" I ,, ,., ,lrtnr. he; ,an,, 0 .. . Tl . t tl f 1 • m 't La utor. u. liomor Jvon ... Fr('n('h. at the' and (!~it. .. ,. . liS ~nUOUJlCCmen was au 1• n t us 0 iCC. . ) A t~rne]•at- " ' INm•• ,,f iuu m<~ttwr,.Mm.J·:mnu~ A. M Uo you thinlr you can tame those<;_d Morton \V. Balter., One of the best paying O··cur lrtctice 1~'~ all the&~rts t t·ll~w~>r ~ ., animals by tlw method of 'Medtcal Atd~ to tl1e Commm~d- Rooming Houses in town of 4000 _~ ~ . • • ~~~ ~~

Ha:i .J •) 11. Uc>rmn~: ~\·0 .otarn, • "spurc the rod1'-' . ant o£ thG r\vclfth ·Na\'a.l DIS· inN. M. for sale cheap. Thirty. . . . :1 ••

tli<l;alct•;aA nt t1w h •mo of J. h. l·m·ley, F • t •t• C •tl tl . triet from Headquarters nt ~an t·· .· f. fi . f . . . ED\VUJ · MECHEM b.;• hll!J .naticht•·r • .Mro. 1. n. Ilil!tcr, •or{~e 1 • • orne on . Wl 1 • lC . ' • . . . . . "'. l wo rooms . o • me urmslungs. Attornct·•t·Llw in IN1wr uf h<•r hu!lhnruJ. 1. n, Un!tcr COJltJt'al in command of a fi~mg Fra~msco. . Mun:bcrs oi trw Good reason for selling. Price, Gtncral Fraetics on~l lwr hruthr·r, Albert li', I•'nrlcy. C(tUad! mc(hea.T PIN>fess~on are urg(;(,i including buildings, $5.000. Ad- . Otficfl Ovt!r l{Otland's Drug Stot.e

l·'lnrJ N '· J;,, Plyine at tlm home of If •'ddl d f .. • ' . d . • to respond to thm call for. pat· dress "Rooming House , in care Alatnogor(ldo .-New Kexieo Mr. on 1 Mrn. T. J. Strnt~y, bcnrin~r we l! c n _ew mc~dn a1:1e~ riotie service that they owe Uu~h· of this office. · . " two 1hW,J, ~n b<mor .of thNr two nono, . tbo tnduotry WOUld ec me, country and thus I place them· _ ... ~ _ ~, = o~- _ ~ W.t:LLlAll s. DRADY . T11o~. m1t1 t:lm~. s,n.arrrcon, nt Anel,o. l f we plugged a couple. of selves on record nif'offerinr~< their A L. · N . M . • . Nolll,ry P:.:b1J«:!1 Interprctf!r and Attorney

l·:iu ~ N·• lfi A~ tho holl!c of Mro. profiteera tlw rest would stand piofessional ··services iri. this lVe ew · ext· · . Dcloro Justice and ProLate Cou.-c H. r. 1.-Jeag, b:.>t:lrmg .th(l mncrio ntnr in line· . . .. ~ . l . •t Th h"· can School Carrito.zo New lfezito in hofl'Jr of hor ltusb11mJ, Lieut. n. T, · • . . . · • • cause 1.0r mmttnt y. . oug c.- . · • .,. ~~~<·o'l . And n lot of tlteso dev1hsh ful and frank consideration We have just received thQ ------------

FJna No. 18. nenro two otarn, dis· anuchiots would get in and sltould be given by every llllys• latest catalog issued by the State FRANK J. SAGll.:R L " 'ftt v.t• h J• I 1 d ln!Ur;.fice, NotAry Publill tlla~d ot the nome OA .. ro. -~It - . ~. . carry t 1(1 JO . idan and surgeon to tlH~ question, Agricultural School, which. is A&enry :&lll.blieMd 1892

StmJh. in hmlOr ~r ncr tt.o C.iJJlB,! If a. few of leaders went over ''Wl•u do I not nut mu services complete in eve~ detai' The Offi"" io 'lf'-.. ba· n'g· .... B .•.• ~ Orvall0 Vcrmm, m tho otmy, arnl 1


1 l .. . · ""' th··· t . f tl PJ • • .· •• • . "' . . . . . . . ..., . '~' "" .ca;., " 5

ec(:n nummo~Jd, ln tho ~mvy. t I? range w e · une 0 10 nnd abllttY at the dtsposal of my catalog £L_hould 1M: read by every Uarrizoao New lfl'!Xi• Fior, No. 17. At the homo of \Vm. nnng squad. "' country?" • young man and Woman in the ""'"':"----------------

Dnrn('tt. in honor of Sam. ~d Mike . HA~rcated. Jl "interned, 1J • ())." . • . . . state,·~ the dcm~nd for those n~. n.. g, BLA!(EY, "P~T1Sl' ' broU~ero oi'. Wm. Dal'J1Cttj nml,Roy uout on bailu.._its ever tho . w· . h' •Jte· o. •ks is F. ortuna.te.' well tramed along these lin~ is .. ' Exe"b.&n,ke Bank l!udding. . #

llumalton. n ln·otbcr of Mrs. Unruet.t . . . •td . "" naw greater than ever beforo Cart1JOtO • New Hexu~o Flog No. 10. At tho residence of same D sons:c. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . _ . T . •. . ,.,.

w. c. Morchnnt~ ln. honor of ·his And we lay the pnper aside · ·On· Monday, June 2oth, a new . he college thuJ year be· two conn,· ternurd n.. nnd UalJlh W. and 11emark. soldier made his U}1pearance at eomcs a fully recognized milifary 2\tc~rc_llunt. . • . . ••How long, Oh God; how the.home. of Dt, Pine at \Vh~te sc~?<>l. ~ boy. <:an get full

'I'. E. KELLEX Jl'unua.l Direetot and Licelllte Etnbaltnet

• Pht)ne·9B 1; lug ~o, 20. At tl10 bomG at Mrs. long?, .. Oaks. Uts age. however, Wtll mthtaey tnstruct1on. at the low• Cattisom

Phtl S. 0 ConnoU, \>CnrJJ tltQ stnglostar ur t . · . h d- .. ·if nrevent him from enlisting and est, possible east and at the ..,...... ____ ......... ........,_....::............,~ in honor of bcr btothcr J tulle$ Cal'p(ln· "e ¥~ seen enoug . ov ~ • • . . .· ·· . . . . .. • • . .· . ,. . . . . ~ . • .. . t()r. ment this past year to aroqse he ts a tr1tle under. th~ w~nght same tune carry on studtes tJrep.. " W. !!• EDWARDS, M~ D.

Flag No. 21. At the Jtofno Qf E. w, the wrath of Godl ~ · tegulation~. . . Mother · and so? J) him for a libe~ arts Ey11•. Ea~, ~~ dc1 'l'h'l'OU · .. ilarri,. in ho!lor ot hi~ aon·in-law Ira Then what G is it ·we ate waiting are doing nicely and Dr. Pine .·1s de1.ree a~d for OO}ile prqfess~op . ~f:;talwt •111 v•t ~~~at~ Johnson • .a~1d be~r• tho aiQgl6 itar._ . . fO"t? . . ... tickled to death. ~ whxch wdl msure· temunerati~e ~ · • · ox •

Jt;Jag N~.-~~. < A .. · .tth~l'ancb.home of 11"'n'l~ on with the flrinoo ... . . . . . . . . .·· . .employm~nt .on. the .. completion a·· · P.. •• Jobn80n. lH~ltlng two tttra itt . vvdl ~ F ollawed tho K.hl~ts • ·uf hie course Board. and room .. ow's This r ... honor of son.J1 Pe~r t.nd lra Johnton. ts~ua . . _ . It •. . · . . . .. . . . . • . ... · · rna be b d [I . •t)l\ . · · We. ofter ·'One Hundred IJollntlf'

FIJtNo. !!3. At tbeltotM ot,Mt.arul . Every ltlafilhould do his plain . J. P. Fqster and famlly ac.. . :Y h a or w;.v to ~ a llewatd for any case of 'Catarih Mrr. Denj•mfn StitlUlt~l bndng . twa. duty, but · ao~ men ate such coll\panted the John . Kabler mont • ·.that cattnot ·be' curf!d ·by Ball's ttM tn.:hono.r otl\iJ two~~·. :BtbJamtn :uathetic u to dislike anything !amlly by motor );'()Ute to LQng . .. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cl!tai{~. ~~Nmr • C9., 'to~ b. P. and \Jhlrttt Mf. Sthnmtl. that i• ~la··1·u ,._o .. n· .,._ tL.• N- Beach. Cal., where bke Mr, Kah ... · 'Why tltd you name i your boy , ,. wh '· ttlt untttrlll¥n.~. hi.u kuewn F. 3,

F"t·· N n..1 "• tM ..... ..,. • .; u · · · · · l:' · • ~ w J;'.t:t ''"'Y 1·· .. h · . •11 ,... th·· h. rd. n- • . ·ld C'.. ·. . .. "l't " tn•:r tot the lUI: l5 yean, t1t1d ~He\'/) .• , .. ~. .... .,." .· . •tVm. (h; ~r-. Hexie.n . . •r~ ·• Wl en~r e •. lp ya s •.. .~.~gtna ... ranee. hlm J;Hti'fectlJ' MnorabJ• In all bU.lnea

M. F. Well•, ~•rlurtneatnr1••t.r·tn . · .• ' Thia induatry. is otrering areat ••aecause l wan~ him w be '~i1~Im.A~og.Nt~J!'}:_~r.t~~rr hoMr~f ~er~n Gordon ~ell•~ . . ~War it a araat ltavtr. ),&,y induoemetlt& to CJ\rP(lnttra @d a figbteri< !figure that in .. our lfATIOM:'!I, BA~_K o:r ~~.· · t.!'~~'e~:;,1~~. ~~~:«~;; !k~'!~ :.tello'r£~kho. haa ba$,nh·for~,,. t()i .· :ki mechdanica in thfat 2tn4 .are neJgh~Cl. t-hood .a bo~~~ Regi· £E~:_;~~it *or othtr h .. ••baAd, t. n. Crjwtottl , . • 'hr ':~*" aeat .all · it l ~.e • . •ttl a van tare: o .· tp,elf op.. nald.. . . ar.ence. w.uwd .... uave to . :"..u~ ... --" ..,..,. 'botu-. ~14 . Jwn! brothtr, If, G. LtiM~. .. , · uow at the front. · . pWt.unitfAI.. ff&ht. "-WMhm~n Stat, "TQ-A~c • ·. · 'IIIII Itt ~..,l'

..;J "'· ..


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ll·•····a··········;·······;· ••••······;·········n• ... ,. •....•..... ....... .. . ............... . ~ Ttrn•• ·Had Chattaod.

Kr,. Bency Peck-''!'ou Uaed to 07 tb•t I Joolc .rood. enough to eat.•• Peek -''l J:aaTen't Ill sood an ·appetite aa I ucMben." . . Not. heart nenr · i'lU mixed .up lf:l

a breach of 'p.tOmlte IUlt.

- - --

w .. N. U., DINVIR, NO. ~1018.

s•n•lblt Vlow. There 1J another thins :rou J:Dllht

keep In mJnd. 'tho country woUldn't be any worse otr Jt about twent:J·ft:rt IQIIUon dollars worth ot nonsebiJo and cheap honseplay were omitted from the 1918 crop of June weddlnp a'nct tbt moue.) foveated ln tbl'Jtt atam.PL­HOUiton Po1t..

· Ta I!JliJel fOJ' a Diehl • .Alwa:rtlraJ :Rea Oro. &1 Blue; hut bMutifuJ, clq}. •hltt cloth... MY. . ..

Told by a Soldier. A retnmed solcller tell• thla atoey 1

HJ wa• ln .. France and wantd a lllbt tor mr clprette. l spent ten'mJnutel matlnr ~101 to a Frenchman and when I cot Uu'ou&h with m7 wlcwar· tfnr he nlcl In pertectly rood EnJ­Uih: "lt'IJ a match .:rou want. bn't 1t7'' -Waahtngton lie~alcL

A Difference. "I th1IJ the train 1 take to NtW

rork,.. "'No, sir; it's the train tlmt take.



..... {lnl' 1\Q. ft(:tQti''· mttd .· tltQo ·~ wboa.~ nmn~ wa!!l Gr~ell•e. ~·x Jtm on . tll.e.rcnlrttalte and metl'lnd Wolh~n Bll<l . bq~s Pnlt .gtrl$ ptly mon~)'. real mQney, to .~~nne ~nd ~~ me 1· .. T.llnt'l'l an, hoQor

· for yoy, a SJ"~at niid.Slorlona honor.~' · "Oh. · well/' SA}ld Greexu~·a) compnQ~ ton, whose name, as }'OU mn~ lmll.:lxu.•, · WtJs Mrs, Greente, 41you nre. verY glad to be .an actor1 but would }'OU U~e to act an the time? No. lou WQPld ~· coma ttrcd t>f lt." ·

"My dear Mrs, Greenle, ~ou: Ute shn~ ply trying to corofort rQUJ.'1ielt bec·nuae rou're· not an ctt:tress. ~ou; are sa~lng< that ,1( one acted all ·~hd thne one woul(} becomEftlred of lt.'' · • ''Ar)d wouldn't.· you1" asked Greenl~:.

"To be sure," snld Greenle. "iJ.'ben f WliS right," ' 11' es, you were right." 1

~~urrnb," snld Mrs,. Qreente, "Ah. but-but," enid Greente, "you

are right, and yet you do not un{,ler­!itand."

"Pray explain;•• flll.ld .Mrs. Grecnle. .. How cnn I be right and stlU not un· dcrstand ~"

11Qulto enslly. Listen to me.11

"I'm listening," f:mld Mrs. Green! e •. "I'm all nttentton. My every scrap ot hearing Is directed toward you, I!O n1 to heed Wbat you hove to Bay." For Mrs. Greento tried to bo very polltc to Greente. She admired him trc-. mendously because be WWJ nn actor. And she tb6ught It wna a great bonor for her to bt:! hla c;omvnnloo and wife. Sbe coul4n't net: there couldn't be two fnmona actors ID tho fnmlly, but

'You're a Nice, Bl'tght Mre. Parrot."

t was mighty llno thnt Utere was one. lo she" tried to talk her very beat· tnllc o Oreenle, though onco In nwbUo sbo i'lt n Uttlo jcnlon& "l'ou n~:o right. Mre. Greenleo" he

' Jmmcnced, "when you IllY that I 1 ontd be Ured of acUng If I acted all 4..e ttme. Bot that Is true ot more than nct1n1. _\Ve would be Urea of eat· lng 1t we ate all tho tJme. Snvp<~so we had to cat 1eed every mlnnto of every hour of cv~ dtlY r It WOUld be slm· ply awful I Wo coutdn•t stand lt. And yet we llk€1 to ent-tn moderatton­wh!ch mean8 not too much, but just tho rlgbt IUDount."

'Tm not so suro that I Jlko to cat 1n modcrntJon,•• Mid Mrs. Greenle.

".Ab, perhnvs tbat word doesn't mean all It sbonid. It should mean, as I use tt, that you enjoy elltlng all you ~ without bavtng lt make you 111."

0 Ab, thllt's very different," Bnld Mrs.


· · Artificial G•m1. Nearl1 all arWlctal rema-that 11 to·

..,, stones that are really made by artiftclal meana-81'6 compounds of alum cryatalllzCI! uncler special condl~ tlolll. Tho mctalllc slllbt 'thnt arc ndd· e<l tlarlnJ tuJlon determine whether the atonea produced Bball be sapphires, Tbe . PlaUo River CaCCie Co. :f:i~rJeoul topazea, amcthyatll or • 7l51. 1 C. ...., ....,, 61.

ftJU BRED H!R!FORD Dudruff and Itching. BULLS FOR W.&

~ l'tltore dr)', tal11nc hllr and 1et rfd , .,.. 0::,.~ ~~:::-. ol du.4ruif, rub OuUcura Olutment Into -.calp. Nut mornln& lhampoo wtth O.Ucura Soap and bot water. For tree ample• atldreu, "OuUcura, Dept. X. Dolton!' .. lt.drugglJta and by man. lotp ~ Ointment ~ and CSO.-A4Yo

lmprtatlve. .,1 wl!h thlJ unlon of OUI'I wu llJcc

a dock.'' ''Wh7 aor• ''DecaUJe then u couta ntwaya strike MACHINISTS WANTED

to an alarmtnr extent." P'JrWJ!.rl(C. ~·17 .,..a ......... , ... .. ..... •• ftJalt .... ~ J\141 .. , Cl!!t ,. ..... . \Htroo\t ... ~auua\=-,~•u"t='fia ....... ~,. ... lllo • ,.

Even the mouth ot tho brammrt Ia t'/~ l:a ••r•. m~~· ,ur.\nr••• -~ m·•I'GCI4w .. 't!-re.U41ntlll .... not bli Clnonch to IWnllow tho. =:•• f\1!!.~/..J' 6"1::' • .:~.-.: world. :.uul'c<t:Y.Uoll..,.. .-~-.~

You Can Now Eat Your Favorite Food

Without Any Fear .

Kramer Says: ''Eatonic'• Rids Weak Stomachs Of Aclds, Gas,. Heartburn, Food Repeating

and Stomach Miseriea Gref!nle •. "I think moderntJcln Is n nice wotd/• . . ~t ml!erabte fetllnp are eaued ''EA'rONIO n~utrall%ca th8 addl,

"Glad you do, my denr," Mld fl7 an Ups~t awmncb t 'rbat dtlll, thnt form the painful pact, "tweet-Gi'eente. hea't'1, CIJ>Uinted" 1enaat1on tb&t tonowa ~M" tho momnch. and rtTes the cuttlc

"Yes, I s~e. of course, you would get • tall meel, rob *ood 11vl~ ot half juice a dlanc& tu do Jta wort u it tired ot acting nU the time," continued ita llltuUreL Is tber~ 07 Wll)' out lhoulct. ~~r8, Greenle. to~ )'ou 1111ffrm Wltb stomaCh wt&k· "To·l)romote appetite and aleS dftM-

"l nm n bird nbove money," Orcente neat t1on, take EA~ONIO table~n• r1l ~atd attC!t n moment. Yet: lt .In Kramer, the man who two atter each meat. The)' are pttw

••ls thnt nnother word tor a low orl&tnated CUcaretl, bU found a IJtll'e, fecrtly huml~ Eat them jut Jlll:t pcrch?1' i18kM Mrs. Greenle. qUick; relfef f()r tndfge.tlon', dy.spepsla, candr. ..

''Ah, no/' sntd Greenlo; "mon~y 111 "tour. ltom,cll/.' heatt·btlt'n, formauon "For dtstteM att~r ~attng: tour, l!l'omethtbg they pay actors. It gtvcs of painful ca~N, •'btoJ;lUng~· etc,, ete. 118t1Q1," acid atomacb, \tetUgo, ~UIH!& the.m tho power to buy fooa . nnd .. H6 catlt .. htf : ltotnach reUet EA.• and belching, nnd that wretclled, ~othe~ nnu houses nnd nutomobtles;- TONIC; enll it eertalnl1 ll making a purte<J.up, 'IJUtnllJtf feeling, after o'f.r­tbnt t§, u they get enough tor fltlcb . wonaer:tnl . rccOt~. . CounUw. thou8o enttns: th~rtl 11 nothlns to com~ tblngs. But nnywuy they ~an buy n11 llldt of people who tormertr Ill• wlth EA~ONIO Tablets." ~orts of. thlng8 Jn tho ebop~ with proaehed thetr meal« 'Wltb dread, now AU d.ruriliJtl ICll :EA.'.OONXO ..... ts'Oc:t n~oney; frotn crackers to seC4-'nnd •t their ft11 ot . their ta>Vorlto foodt~ for a largo box. Watch out tor imtta• mnnr useless tbltig~t as well; such .ns 'trlthout. tear ot tho llfter-~1tMt!. . . tfon& 'Xhe «cnutno bear. the ·lWDI etocklngs and shoes. · • . l!r. Kremer M11 f ''ll1· EATONIO EA.'l'ONIO on each tnbtet-glulrantftl

"llut t lUll above .money. l georn ttl :~bletl are the tolutlon ot the,are•oll1 to do aU tbnt 1l da!me!l: or' tt tottr I ncttMr nsk for lft not do I get ftl problem bf lnt'Uiett!Otl and all tottnJ dtuggl~tl' cXontt C!4n'1 EA~ma-:...eJMJ

ur re·celve n ~ttlary ttnd lt's thn low.. of lf9lllich m11tl7. . . to leidonlc nctnedt co.. Obf<! •• o. m e!t one patd to an)' actor. and )'et t am npplnultcd.'t (!Jnppud. al).ll th~.r all 11k6 hifl-l\11.11 l'm OM Of the COtUJ)Ilny. l tttlk cleverly nnd I wlltetto through

. OM wllolo net ot the pltt)'-•tbo lA8t •nd most intl)O):tant ttct. . l t'i!eclv~ crnc1ter11. wnter, ~Jced, and' a little cnke to.r tott. aM tot me u tnt eataey. Noth~ lng an4 C()lil•Mlllltnic~ moner. l'm ttboYe ltl" · ·

1•011, 1 ~.n ~ttl4lt~. <::rct!nleo ·~But sttll mone;r hu ftlf n8ts, tm.• ~1• bv. to t1lt nt011~7 hi ()tdei' to tte JOU. X'()u wouldn't. bt lJ)Plii.Med aM ctapvett titcl considerea ao •m•rt Jt 1t

. weren't !or tlllt, tlti" · "Y()U'r6 I Ill~. brfllit ltrt. l'ari'Qt,.

a!ld a. .rooa wJte tor • etever lCtOr/' . ilfd Kt. ·arttsat• li4afdl)Jl,. .


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Special Offer··· ;!

To tnttodu<'c tim Jlftl!CI' ue wl11 ::tvc StlJ.CO wortb of E1 !L: Paso 1\Iornlng TJme!i i'Ol" a Sltott tJma onl7 tor $8.00. l\1 14 moittllii' sub.'l:r-;dpttou ............................. $S.OO ~

~- .e months• 8llbs<'rlptfon ........... • •• • • • •• •. • •. • • • • •• $!.~0. ii . 3 months' tiUb!ift'lpUon •••• - ........ ., ••••• " •••• ,., •••• $2.!!0 I;


•' • , 1 _rnont.b's su_ bsrrlp.· Uno •••• _ •• • .......... •. ~ .......... ~ .. :. ..'tG _ : . Mall four su~veriptton · ta or glv~ It to tho 'l'hncs autMrlted ~'Dr. __

. ... . . . . . . .. . . ' ~

. Tlzi• !xceptio'tm:£!:1:: open a.ho~f ..•

1•• I II lllllllllii!M U.~.lfti-1 r lillllllilllilre~IRill! ... UJIJ ltilu .·


The First National' Bank Cattir£oxo, .N. M.. p-

. WeleontM and ap~reclatea the,. aeeeunu ot ;·the Mereltantl, Stoekrnen •nd all · other aceounts, luge ot.Jltlail.. the extebsive ~nneetion ·of thil hilnk develt_»ped-by y~ of experience· on the· part ol the men who ·eontrot it, ia a aplendld · -eruionement ot the aareea~Jie and utiaraeiorr relationa ·maintained with out ~era.


. . ,

~: .. · . .. a.uuu~ozo OU'J',Loolt It .I . J I .. l I , .. L J .. I . R. ;' . 1: Pi f I J. .i It'. . bi . 0 . l I II.

·. PlevenJF*~ · ~~ff~t!€1~JJ~* l""' .. ":n~:=~~r~~~~~, .A • .~ . ·.· ~·. WESJERR . GANADA~· · · · ~· 1 - " ~· e .• · A ~ei)Mb .. ·.·· JJ~~e,.ntA~f.~t>t<l td~: a ~(. . CROPS' .


' · · An A."'6 r•"'tlv• sa•·d·.· · . 5 ·· ert4\P"1. t. w. w.C"' .,.,,v<N ... ·· . wor .~ a .· · · .. · ... P~b~ c. so.· S.Tcd .,, ' a. pret~ sai'~d~~ntl" C)Jl~ .. Whtch will =· •n ho'll.' can b~. tl'Al'l$ttlltted )lf.\tl 5 . • ·. . . ~H~ · $'llS&:Qat vadous otMr eomblnatll>nl!l l3 5 worked $UCcesafUllT.(Or dl•m~ee# 5 . . . ' ... · · .·. · , .· .· .. ··.···•· .

· • ·· · thla; ... ~nAnlfl. two, tltre~ ()\" ~our· t(!n~ a up tO: 900 tnlle•. ln tb~t eount~t· a . ·'· . . de~ lenV~l'i, ()f head lettuee ()n tM $ala<l = . C!lntll~ver 1$'U),lpo~ts under ~ ! . . 'ot an E . .,, ···t St L 81 ~1 ~t,;V~t!Kl ~~te~~·~~CI~t ot ...... plate II.J:l(i on eG~b J,lUt ·fli 1slo19oJ1tl)l.(lt ~. ! QQW lllC?lO.J:Cfele ~d4'~ etlntl :! . 111.. . . . ·. XQe en ar . Q ' • . J'll:lultl,lr,.) • ~•tterent ltlnl'l of ve~etable.' A.sp('l.t11gus a. nf:lt(} ~u mQvelMn~a otbel.' tban 5 Yields Now Assured.

. lP.l,l.)Ortant • .n~~untfl . ot l;,ertsbat»le tlp, on QJ)Q 'Jeaf, l'Je(ltlC)Q$$ a thQ$1,\ tn~ a ~~nc:ll~ular;· 4lree-. ! , . .;.._. . . . :'~• .. nre lJ:lb. .. cle ~ .... l'l~~.f()U' .. or J.n~.· ... bl····~ ~n nnotbe,r wlth ~elet1 an<l ~t Gpple:. ·! tlon ~P.~ thus abso~b Ule mo..-e ! Never ln th\!1 ~atorr ot We•tera .. ·~ bou~el\old~ li~Me tbey. are. ex.. on a tblrd.. 21.11 w~n m(trlna.tet;l wltb. '§ l!erioqs liboekl!!~ . . ·~ . ·. '§ ~lladA dt<l the rree4 eatM" tb~·Cl'Q\Ul4 . lW'etl: unneqel!f~~~1 to.beat. Jl)olilture, Fr'!qcb (lresstng ntid serve w~th ma:ton .. ~ = · · ~erlmentat nre.-uncler w-.~ tn = . '\J.D~eJ;" more favorable condltJon~ ··~ .. cermli!, dU!!t. dirt, or. ~o tUeJJ t\ll!l other . nlllse. . . . . . . . . . . ; . 5 Jlln.slang. wltb· a nt:tw ~el to: au-. 5 WeJ.ther 1lurlnc the month ot .,A.~ . Jn~<;P,. . . · . . , I . . l?lnenpple wttb · pecmn meatll 'It~ (I,Q". 5 tOil1t;»bll~s th~t . •• · ron<le . trom 5 was ~l'teet fOr $~l~J Q~J:'atlOUt Mnc~ mtlk C~p,Qlls qulc~ly becll.'l,l~ It .other gO<!Il comblnntt:on Wltb. whl!;!h to a . sugar ~efqae ~QQ ls ISillll = .IU\d trom ~l\fl1 'lUOtallll Until J.•t• ·~·

111 lt~pt uneovt'ired ln wal,'lll kttchtms. ~Wtt little· rlpe- r.ed tolllatoe$, Ga.r- 5 to gre~ter power Uu\Q «a!lcr : ~Jbt .~e seeders were l\t wort. m:acl nt ntsh tbt> tQp With. CUbC$ ot tbe t®lat4 5 llne, . . · . . · . . $ ~Vert llCre tbat . C:QU\Cl btt. ptoftttl,bl'i

.• ~ ~ .observanqa ot tlle <loctrlne, which was re~ovea: $erve wJtb. rnny~ a A.1ltoJn,obtl(! ~llla Q.ow epl).vem· '!. sown was placecl un.cler J;'equtsltlon. ug~f> perlt~bJJ»le . f9Qd, . esp~JaUx onnaX3a dret~~lng. . . --=. ently put up tn cone.-shapell cQhne· 5_ Fanner•· entered heart find •lioul lnto mllk; .eool, clean an!:} c:q:vere<l ~ontJn• Cooked $tfl,lluJ ot aapa.ragus th\'ee or .. tatners, ana to. eil1Pt.r Qlle t. . _ tbe C(lnlp(llgn of ·pat~ JlrQductloll.o '

.nonaly,!' may ~ake a. IIU'lklng d.Ufel."-o tour tbnt have~been.mJtrlnat~ Jn welt 5 point ~· <;ut ott wltb. a pocket 5 ~ere wa11 tb~ «me apJl tbe OPPQrtu ... ~::. ~~ tlle foOd. blHs of many ~am· l!leaspnecJ. dre.lqg;-tMn thl'\i!lt tbl"O\l~h : !n!!e tlnd tt>;thhl"!"~!~~~~·e : . , A. MI$CU~. . Jllt7 :to.: ·earetul prepa:ratlon. ~d u •

· n . rlng of r~d · ~f ·JP'~n p~pJ,ier, (>, a § .. n6·~~ por ' · " ... · c~· ~~ ~ .... · · ... 5 ,..._,.. eoQ~tequence wtth ~~vorabl~ w•~ Irresll v(!geta))lea not needed ·tmme-. rlnr'Ot-ortmge or lemon, alllald on let· · ;tUIIIIIIIUUUUIUUIUIIUIIUIUIIIIIUUIUl? Sir F. llk SmUll told a queue storr .trom.~ow on there wlll b• a 'Yilltlt In" .

tllately for other ptlrpose~J l!lbOiJl<l not tuce and ·sen-~ wit!\ a $l>OC:mful of ~·--~___..,.., at « Washlngtou. luncheon. . Cl.'eaa~ Jleld._ ,'rh~y l."eaU:e4 •t,wu • be tbrown out <~r Qllowed to spoil, but may~nnalse mrsl«l.a Pl1ltti aata(l. ' B ... rown Sugar, Othe. r 1'TJtere nN $Q JDany queuea h~ Xti."· dutr they owed to bUil1anttJ to produce ahOUld b!:l USed ln mllktng 'SOUp!!, ~l· White grnpes · "rane .-rult. .. t"W land now," .be "'a'd, ''that. on· e. iiJ .. apt·. all th•t th"'... could "o · tbo l'"nd· no' t

· adl, or combtnattori dlehee; · Fl'tllts are nutll and ma:ro~naiae"' ae:Vea '0; h~d Old. Time Necessltle~ Now · to ret mi~e(l. u;.. ~ opty thl1 ·:r":ar but .l'l.,ext a• .;~ In JOJ)lettme•. allowed to so to· w"te .lettuce 18 tt. sat~d ~Omblnatton of whlcb Found Best For Many Uses ••A. young American ·11oldler pzva.sed dattton til the patrlotlo a11~ tbot whlcb. m}ght be atewed and kept. a <18T one nev.,r- ttres. _,_ rour · houl:s In a v~tf tong 1:1ueue the arQ awa~ that the rnoro the1 protluee or two until needed. · · ..... · ••we m~l!lt set out oqr old cook boo~• other day, ma . sptrits · were auper~. tbe · greater will be their own retJim

Vegetables and tn»tts ~Qul<l n~t be Berkahlro Salad, and revive some ot the thlnP' om- He ~muse~ ·everyb()(Jy with bla ·qulpa .Ill dQllart and centa. •tored In qunntl~les ~n hot, damp, and Mlx two cupf~ls of cold rlced 'J>(>ta~ gran~Clthera uBed · to makel' lliY• 11nd sa~lt~. But he uttered a lQW cry · In many district• wheat eeedlDC wa• PQQrlJ venttloted blns.. Su'Cb eon&; toes ~ltlt a cupful of pecan meate; 11rcr .f!rot. MarJ Rausch ot the department• of dlsmar, when blQ turn •t last came.. completed bJ the 1at of May, atter tlou ba!lten w1lt1Jlr, fermentatton and ken 1n ~lta; . tnarlnate wltb French pf home econom\ca, U~;~.lver~ltY of W•sb-' ~nd a girl thrust a .s.mal~ ifeasy :Jlaeket ~lllcb date oats ·and barley on larpr . decay. . dresrslng, arrang~ on l\ mound ot wa.. lngton, 1n commenting ln · th-.t unlv.el.. I~ hls hatld, aa:v.tng: -. ac~:eaget than UBUal ,ere lllante¢.

Sntjlln• f~ta, beans, tom.~ttom~ anc:t ter cre!!S an!l serve, garnlsbell wtth eltY'Il newetetter. on th<! necessity that "•No tea to<hly, but here't ·a ntce As hae been uld, tayora,blt w-.,th&r other vesetablea J)roduced ln hODle b,alvea of pecan meats. faces housekeeper$ ot learntng hJlW to bal!~unce ot·mf\rgnrlne.' . eon<lltton• made PQ~blo excell~t p.rden• should not be allowed to IPQll Po~to, almonds, a few euCttmber ·d~ without aranulated •usllr tor cook· _.,'Won, ·rn be Jiggered l' sald the aeod·bed preparation, and the aeed w on the vJn~ or rot on the around. A. C'llbel!l, a blt ()f oolon and a good boiled log. . . · ·American. 'Is tllls or nhl't tt the gal~ cone tnto. tbo rroun<Un unuuall:rc004 morning'• work• would can and pr~ dreestnr make a most <lalnt,- ealad• When the cook books that wero lery entrance to tbo Jhtvollty th~ •bape. 'rhe •vaUable mol1tlU'e 1n the eerve such surplusage tor- ue wb~n ~ ·~ . · · prl. nt.ed In . our ifan. dmot. he. rs··. daT aterl'" · 1011 hu boen adde<l to bJ ralrw. which frtllts and vegetables are aearce an<l · "· .• _--...n. I.P,eAk ot tugar they do not mean thQ han not been •o beA'V)', however, u to high In prlce. 1, . • ~ gt'anu)ated aur:ar to wlllch we are ac- Not Quito. Interfere lonr wl'tb the worJc tn tllt M~eh !ood, ruined by beln& stored . . · · · c~to~ed, but the! heavler, <lark. molat 1'1t :was the sure wny the caveman ft.eldt. 'lhe Jr(lln· 111 r:e-rmlnt~tlnc reaa.

where .111~ or other tnsectJ, or rats HIS MOTHER 11ugar that ha.l a jlavor r~mbllns mo- took to ~cicure hla huly luve by pur• IIJ, ana on manrtlelde the JoUnc &THn llJld mice .. can get at lt, .can be .und If x· mlsht only thlnk..;.b., bear• lasaea or nun.. .:For many purpb* euJng her nnd knocklnA: her down." ' blad" ot tlro cereal are alrjHldJihow• If It 1, .given proper care. llueh ce- A. ahlnlnl' annor of my prayen tbla Ia reall1 better tbun the sranu• ,.Qll, I don't know. Even tbcn It tng. . '"' • real tOOd 1.1 . ruined becaUIO tt t• not ~:~~1-. t~~~:!3°:re!it~ alsen lated wblte eur:ar. One of the l~rseat was a cau~ ot hlt nnd mlsa." · • ·An optlmlsttc feeling prentl£ amon1 kept ln caDB or other suitable con- And llke the wtnc• ot an:~rell Jteep baken In Seattle . uses nothing el~. · farml!l'l that We• tern OalUI,da wlllreep talnen an<l protected agalnJt WeeTll.. Away .the .namil$ ·tbtnn that creep and he aaya the flavor of .all aw~tened. HI• Sort.· a recqrd harve•t.. If tho ft~IOD trom

. PJ...Ure·rna•kect vldett~NJ · ot hell, · breadt 11 much Improved by lt. · •- ~ bl · 1t .............. .. or other lueets. Prevent auch I.oues. To prey on hll rar• hour• dt r~tl . Brown ~'upr or sirup ahould be used "Molly's busbnnd ls a fine, mnnl1 now on.~ u .r.~Yora e •• u ... ..-.-

bJ caretul handline. . ~g\:f!t:'~~':lo-: .. ·~~;l~p· .. ,~r.~ vat~ lb .all blacult•, mum~ cakea, pud<llDJ• young tellow, lsn•t ho?". ;b• ·~~~r'e!obrQuolf.d tbh~ ~!_!l:eraec!.l 'WL.~

Slabman Jack Coombs, After . Amassing Big Money, Declares

He Will Retire This Season

Jack C9Qmba, who lett. Colb;r col· ltJ6 ln 1900 to become a major lusuo pitcher wltb the l!aqlnnen, and made ,;00<1 rl&ht ott the reel, t• attU rated u au ettecUn alabil1an.

When hls arm 11 rlrht h• ta one o! t1t• bardest pltchen In tbe Natioual leepe to beat, and he has lone been a ltoodoo to the Giant!, who have


·I '

.. IJ / '

• 11\Vell, !rQm .)Vbnt X have .seen of tl .1\1\,-u • u .~~~ •J.An& one ctn t.1 mine to slvo, ana ono atono, and plea.. For 'Yell* the beat Blnaer- hlm when wlth her; I aboultl sny he Board. who 11 also an old and au~ ~o m:,..:wn n..Jl which •!• no more mY breada and splc:e cakes have been, mado 111 somfJthlng ot a Molly coddler." tul farmer in We•tern Canada, aatrt-Hia Partin,. look lnto hi• motber'a eyea wlth nothlne else. And there are.m•nY ed a few da;re aro at Ctllp~ that ttPnln

Shalt #!nd ~ calm and a~lut• a truat candles '!or which it t. bettlll' tbtlll · · dltl th h -.:iY6f In the hlch cau .. that claim• tbe II&Crl· wblte. .J( dell<:loua cake lclns 11 m•de Th~t State • ot tho Caao. con. . ona roue out tbe ·..,-a...,.rle

11~ · · d 14\Vhllo mnklog theao nll<'Jtations the Province• were excellent. "Spealdnl That when. tbe moment comu-u .come by bolllng broWn lUgar to a ISlrtlp an !WltnCIII llhCd crocl)dlle tenrs,t• ceneraltJ,tt be aid, ''tbe cront haTe .

· tt mutt- pourln; Jt over tht ettm:r beateJl . .,. When he uka hi~Uetr: .. 1• u worth wblte.s ot e;p. "How could that be when 11e wni never cone Into t~ ground In bette

whlle an allega.tor?" thap& . than thlt "year, ana 'frlth u Thll 4r•rn X 'ftlbt torr• then M ct.n HouH Many Conturlee Of d. even break ot luck aa fllr u tilt weath• · m. :oC:!r'a t&lth, who nva that 4tum What 11 belleved to be tho oldest ln· Oppoelng Attacka. er St conccmecJ, thel;'e abould bt an

• hfr: all , hnblted reeldence tn "the world l• a ••so SUtlth'e friends squnrelJ at· enormout crov." llla preJent dutlu In * And nv• it with a. imtte. ""'' 1 G th t built 1 tacked him tor hie 11tnnll on that 1lleal• connection wlth the Food Control -A=~ .J.-.phlne nurr or tlWI VIet· ;:;,~on .1\ ennanr n was n are." Boara. taldnK hlm ln all IJartt of the

. . • . ure11, and roundly denounce!l him." We•t, Yr.' :McGregor hat exetptfonal --~ ..... ~..__.._._~-~-~- opiJ()rtunltl~a of ob&er)flnc condition•

Value of Farm Products Nearly Doubled in the Put Two Y em

VERY SAR'CAI!lTIC. lll OYer the countrr.-AdTertlaemtnt.

Sunny ltlke-I. don•t,blame dat dog crt yours for teytn• to blte me.

IA.IiY-WhJ not? "Because lt ehow.s btl lnteltlgence.

De· Jut Utne I came dt.. way I banded blot a plece ot pte )'OU gave me.''

Works Both Waya. '"The mor• w• •et, •• you•v• hurd ~tor.,

''The :mora we · want."-and Y•t • tt often work:a thll!l ,.-ay: 'l'he more ·

W• want tb• le!ltl "'' ~t.

· .

Totally Exhauatod. \ F'trst Tramp-Arc you TCrJ tired, nun · · · Seeontl Trnmp-'l'lred I Gee whls.

pard, rm .a tired ·that 1 could lleeP penectully In a batl~tub.



Just .drop a little Frcezone on that toucbJ corn, inJtantl1 lt 1top1 aeb.lnc tht>n you lift that eorn rl1ht ott. No pain at all I cytu on1T a few ctGtl.

:.~ --- I ';

~ I ., \l '

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' .

. Ju:~~~:~~~e in G:: :::s~ fea::r:e:~r: ·©;sifled A~ last w~ek. variety. of high . and low· cut . . . . . . · · . . • styles. in Iea~her~ and fabrics. . E:OR .. SALE--The Sandoval

. *"+ '~·


Saftgttard Your f!o111e. ,.

OPEN an accou~nt with this Bank and . " throw around ,your hom~, as well ~s your money, the strongest p0.ssible safe-guard1 . · · · .

Self-intuen aliould induce you to employ . the convenienct _and .accur~cy tQ bO' found in tbO Utb of • checking lC<;ottnt. Jt helpJ to kcc1, c~pen$<1/f down and eupplie$ a permanent r«ord of your living cost~.

You will .find thi~ Rank interested in your progres' and able tO help )'OQ in many Way~. W(; ~liev& that We carried J>H80nal •ervke in banking to the- utmost d~ee of utefulnet•~ CenainJy we try •t ~ll timer to mak~ 1wcry depositor, Jar2e or amall, feel he is a friend •• well a! • -customer. ,. ·

· Yoti cannot nuake a 'Wiset move- tbun to COIIJI'a in at )'our earli.:;;;t convicncc and open· ~n ;u:count.

IA 1'~i'!ft AWttlfffir )'3111" Jact!i;J.f!.l rams~ (fJflii/!)NI!Id1' ~ 111/IJ'rJ/; mallnai!J tzd;lmg ll,fbllr J'llt11!1t. • ·

Exdtatsa'e Bank ot ~

. Best eqmpp~d Ford shop m for women. nnd growing girls. restdence op. Ancbo avenue on the stntc . .-..,.. \Vcstern Garage. z· 1 "n tl SUlt purchaser ... A real .. ' '

teg er ro ters. bargam for anyone looklllg for • _ • . , ·H. Baca of Estnneia was .. n Herndon Reily h~s been sell- a nice home. InflUire at Outlook --- _·_!.,._' ___ ._,, ··-- ··- -~ _,._ -~----~ _ _:r_..,_--' --·-- - - --· .--~----

Cnt·tizozo visitor lnst week. ing Thritt s~mps at tho Tradin~ office. -: Our Mens' Furnishing Section Company for the past ~eek .and Government idvise~ JJtoring

has amply provided for the sum- one forenoon the sa.lea amounted coal. Get at()rage prJces trom mer deinand of light weight to $~. 75. Humphrey Bros. Athl~tic Underwear, a~ prices Spedal· Sale' on n~l our Silk, Jlor Sale:-Yearling and two· rangmg from 7G ·cents to $1.~0 ~ Georgette Crepe, and Crepe de year-old . Hereiotd Bulls. -The suit. ZieJdcr Brothers. Chine Dtebses for Jlte next t~n Titsworth Company. Capitan.

J4 H. 1\turid tllld family of Wn- days at ~igler Brothers. .For Sale-.-Parke Da.vis ·Com-co Tel\ns visited Mrs. 'Viii Nom·se Mrs. Beardon will join her pan~e BJacklegoids.-Tbe Tits-for a sbart time this week. husband, who ia at Oscurn the 6th worth Co."

Bring your Fords t<'t us-we and from there thoy 'will ~0 to WANTED~ Girl between the will repair them dght · and ut Ot•grande, Texa.s. Mr. an~ Mrs. agetJ ~f 12 and 15 years to take Ford prices. Tt-y ua-Westem 0 • T. &ardon are gomg to care o! baby Call phone No 22 , . . work wh~rever the Company . . • · . • ·

(tnrage. .. . needs them mont 80 they will FOR SALE-ChaiMt Saddless Mra. ·w .. 11. Osborn an~ ~nugp-- be moving about frorn place to Carpenter tO?Is, Pipe fittings

ter Sara leave Saturday ,wra vts ... pla~c in their ttew ford (to be.) ax:d two buggies, it with reJtniV~d fn Indiana: · Don't fail to attend Ziegler Inquire of Ed Lontt.

We are ahowJng a a_plendid l}ne, nrother$ ~eial Silk s.te this ~ -~---~,---~ -- .·--·----:---·-. ----·Of 'those ~elebrnt~d Stgn~l · Shn·ta week. · • .Ben West C.tch" "Triplett'~ thib ·:aeuon with or without collar; •t vet¥ Uttl~ advance New M 1 Li Laat week officer Ben West · ov~r Jiat ~.u~on-, andtit will do ai · ·ne ' apprend~d thtee men .. whorn he )'()ll good toinv~tiaate our arock· _ On and ·after July . bt, tha auspieioned $8 ~In~ dE$0rters~ of mena'. and boye' ahirf!S befo~ no.weU & Carrl~zo PWGllaer ~d began with h1a Wsual m~thod buying f)ltewhex-e, Ziealekl llroa. & Mall Lin&.. wUl be in ope~tfon of rounding · .. up the. partiO&,

. . . ., . . . ·· . ·. . ... . . .. · . · . under new ltW1q6nlen~ Th& wberet;tpcm they became aw~ ~~_,. ~11&. and A.n~a P•tEJt• nWbi~ Line Sta#e't .. 'J.'hf.t Cc»m.- of ·the. tact tbe1 w-. ~ttl

son ot El fqoJ are Yiuting MrL pany 'frill bve Ut~ mott up to watched and atatted fn tlte du:ec .. Ctlbbtb(s •. · date equipment obtaina~!t. ~d .tf<t·not Ancho •.. .Hr. W~ttollow ..

ltliu Ula Edmlntton hu · tt- ·. itlt O&niao headquarters wm . 6d themmin &n auto, ov~g turned lr4m Del ·ruo, T~xu She ba at tht W•tern Gatare. ·. tor them at Co10-te.

. wu accomp•nted · by _her ··alater .. information, Phone 'N<>-. SO~ . · on ~U8' ami~ed ~t jatt . tM · ln.•kw M.ra. Mottll · Ednlln•ton. . J2.Stf. men.·_ rave-the lllnlM nl.Jam.- B.

,_ ,, ·r ... ""''' ~-- "i\.,1.!.-.- 1::lf d ft. n.;t.._..._•...:f a a. B&ea of &Wieia wu •· ··Mo. Shulda loturu .Q.,. v~, .~:•0'$ . K-. QnWVOn ~" Cirri~ vjjjtor Jut week,. · . · . · . . . · · . Howard Cuwtth~r• 111 of. Fi&fd · · · ··· · . · · .·· · .. . . . · · . . . . X~ & J. Shuld.a; . w~, hu Hoe))itN No. 89, cat® BUot\ ·

Just put· a couple of th¢m in your grip,!

Suits of Featherweight to make your vacation more enjoyable. No warmth, no weight, no worry. Just cool comfort from suit-up to- &un~down.

These smatt SUmmetweigbt gar ... ments ·carry the hallmark of gOO<} tailor-­ing and ooar out our promise of Perfect fit and sati8iaction ..

All aboard nowl · Come ill ttnd make ydur st!l~tions while the . new atrh·als are bere in full !orce.

$8.50 to. · $21.00 . :



COMPANY Jln. J .. D. Hanna •pent 't~>ttn vlaftmc at Gal•bura'.·Gd ftt lM<Jil att tonfitl«t in thtLbrl• · 1ho~ timtln our town. . .. . 1oth.r pltce_ fn lUin·oit 11M t$<t· oo!tt ~ty ; awatt4nt ad~ Q---1!ty ... F:·.·· :..-._ t: =-· .. : ;· Th• . ·. · .e· · n·. .. b-!_ .. c •,.-·. ··-. ·• R. L Hittand I.WJy _of Wilot,tnnllcl __ afttt. a P~t .. *Y ·ttomthtti'&mp.. . .UWI . . &&CJ .£0£e

. .... .. .N •.. ·)f., w.-. itt Cmi10il 'tf_ th • .... na ___ 8. tiv• Cd trt.a. iu. Su ............ n.~. -L,,.,. •'I. . /\.. ........... . 'Wt fr-~ .. •' tuat ~ 1;1. . - Mltlf.l'aJJa' .LVJ; VlAwvvkr

( , .. ~_.{;~~~... .• ...-.,


. .. ·,.:

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