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College Guide 17/18

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“Pre-course information, advice and guidance… ensure students are placed on the courses to which they are most suited.” Ofsted 2014

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Need more information?T: 01708 514400 E: [email protected] W:

Your future starts hereWe • offer over 90 different courses• are the largest provider of A Levels in East

London• offer over 40 clubs and societies to join to

enhance your time with us • pride ourselves on progressing our

students to excellent destinations• have strong links with most of the top

universities in the country including Oxford and Cambridge and with advanced apprenticeship providers and excellent employers.

This is a big step for you, you need to choose the right College and the Study Programme that is best for you.This guide will help you, we also have more comprehensive College and course information online and we strongly advise that you visit our website regularly as updates are published there.

In addition, we offer Open Days, Open Evenings, Taster Days, a thorough IAG (information, advice and guidance) process at interview, and Freshers’ Days when you can come to College to find out what it is like being a student here and sample lessons in your chosen subjects.

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I am delighted that you are considering studying with us at Havering Sixth Form College. If you are aiming for the best and want to achieve as much as you possibly can, then I believe this is the College for you. We will work hard to ensure that you have both a happy and a successful time with us.


Paul Wakeling Principal



“Teachers have a good rapport with students and expect them to work hard in lessons. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively and this develops wider work skills, such as team working and problem solving, which enhance their chances for future employment.” Ofsted 2014

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We know that we can offer you an effective and aspirational experience and we would like you to be part of that experience.

Havering Sixth Form College acts as a ‘half way house’ between school and university, or between school and the world of work. Within two years you should become an independent, critical thinker and a confident learner who has accepted responsibility for your own learning.At the College you will be assigned a coach who you will meet with weekly. One of the main ways of making a success of your time at College is to form a strong relationship with your coach and all your teachers, this, however, calls for commitment from you to attend and engage with all timetabled sessions as well as developing mutual trust and respect between you and us.

To get the qualifications you want, to get into the university or job of your choice, you will need to be actively involved in your learning. We’d like you to start thinking about how you learn, what you find difficult to learn, and what helps you to learn. We pride ourselves

on providing very good information, advice and guidance (IAG) and high levels of care and support before and during your time with us and with facilitating progression to high quality destinations.

You bring to College not only all your previous experiences of learning, but also certain attitudes to learning; some of these may have to change, if they are not helpful to you. We want you to understand the subjects you are studying, and perhaps even come to love them, as we do. Success depends on you being interested in your subjects and being prepared to put some serious effort into studying them. Expect new experiences, new responsibilities and new methods of teaching and learning.

We hope that you will take time to explore this Guide and visit our website to learn more about the College and that you will take one of the many opportunities to visit us to find out more about us for yourself.

Paul Wakeling, Principal

@havering6thform haveringsixthformcollege

“Students have a very positive attitude to learning, work well together and independently and produce work of a high standard.” Ofsted 2014

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usCollege Vision and EthosHavering Sixth Form College aims to be outstanding. Outstanding means the highest possible levels of achievement and progression of all kinds (academic, vocational, sporting, artistic, musical) by the highest possible number.

In College, the emphasis is placed on supported self-discipline. Students are expected to have a mature and responsible attitude and refrain from any conduct which would harm others or be detrimental to the College.

The ethos of the College serves as a suitable bridge between school and higher education or a career. The College is a very friendly place in which to work and study.

“The College has a well-developed culture of respect and dignity… a culture of respect and tolerance is obvious throughout the College.” Ofsted 2013

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Our MissionThe College aims to be the first choice outstanding provider of full-time education for 16-19 year olds in the area embracing diversity and creating excellent opportunities for all. Staff and students will participate fully in the process of education to reach our collective potential and promote individual achievement at the highest level.

The Mission Statement reflects the commitment of students, staff and Governors to becoming an outstanding provider and it is underpinned by the College Strategic Objectives.

Strategic ObjectivesThe core business of Havering Sixth Form College is teaching and learning. This is reflected in the Strategic Objectives which focus on improving teaching and learning:

1. Leadership – To ensure the delivery of an outstanding experience for staff and students with outstanding College finances and facilities.

2. Progression and Inclusion – To establish safe and inclusive practices for all, with students well-prepared for the future.

3. Quality and Innovation – To drive continuous improvement in all aspects of the college.

4. Teaching, Learning and Assessment – To develop a learning culture in which staff and students make maximum progress.

The College believes that by consistently working towards these objectives it will become outstanding.

Educational ObjectivesOur students and staff will participate in an education that helps them to:

1. Become better learners with a commitment to lifelong learning;

2. Enter and enjoy the world of ideas and communities of practice and to take responsibility for their own involvement in their education;

3. Grow and adapt including the development of moral seriousness with which to shape future choices and relationships;

4. Become independent, critical thinkers with the competence to make decisions about the future and a sense of responsibility for the community;

5. Achieve and progress, including the development of practical capability as well as acquiring the knowledge and understanding necessary for the intelligent management of life.

Code of RespectThis College values the diversity and variety of its students and staff. The College expects all students, staff and visitors to treat one another with equal respect and dignity. The College regards abusive or aggressive behaviour as unacceptable.

QualityOur most recent OFSTED Inspection in 2014 identified key strengths: we have good progression to Higher Education and employment, we provide good guidance, we help students to develop confidence, we take care of our students, they feel safe, we work well with our partners and within College there is a strong culture of respect and dignity. We are aware of what we need to do to improve and to continue our mission to be an outstanding College providing outstanding outcomes for all of our students.

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• Our students are happy, safe and successful and are supported all the way through their programme of study. This starts during the Admissions process when you will be given IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) in an interview by a teacher to ensure that you are on the right course for your future aims and ambitions

• We have an extremely wide range of subject choice – more than 90 different courses – many of which cannot be found at other local school sixth forms or colleges

• Subjects such as Archaeology, Russian, Geology, Travel & Tourism and Interior

& Architectural Design, are just some of the diverse range of courses on offer. We have a very broad curriculum and we welcome students of all abilities, yet our success rates remain high

• We have very strong links with Oxford and Cambridge Universities, King’s College London, Queen Mary University, University of East Anglia and Anglia Ruskin University and they regularly contribute to our Higher Education coaching programme

• Visiting speakers from universities, apprenticeship providers and employers inspire and motivate students to maximise their potential

Why choose Havering Sixth Form College?



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• Support from the start - we will give you excellent Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to ensure you choose the right course at the right level so that you will succeed

• Specialist teachers - our staff are experts in their subjects, are highly qualified and only teach 16-19 year-old students

• An individual programme of study - your course will be tailored to suit you and your future aims and we will monitor your progress

• Support throughout your programme - in addition to your subject tutors you will be assigned a personal coach who will meet with you regularly to help you to monitor and track your progress on our tracking software, Promonitor, and to give you personalised advice throughout your time at College

• Support for progression - we give you excellent guidance to help you move on to the next step after your time with us, be that university, training and apprenticeships or employment

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Supporting Your Studies

When you choose to study at Havering Sixth Form College you can expect to be given opportunities to maximise your potential.Excellent students are:

Independent - you can expect us to encourage this from your first day in College; we will teach you in ways that enable you to take charge of your own learning

Confident - this comes from knowing what needs doing, and how to do it through practice; we will work with you to help you understand what it takes to succeed at your chosen subjects so you can gain the confidence needed to fulfill your potential

Committed - you have chosen to study here; we will encourage you to persevere even if things get tough

Enquiring - you need to develop a questioning mind; we will encourage you to ask questions of us but to expect that we may respond by teaching you to find answers for yourself

Responsible - as a young adult you are responsible for your actions; we will treat you like young adults by expecting that you will demonstrate responsibility

Organised - you need to attend all lessons, on time and with the right equipment; we will help you to organise your time, your work and your equipment

Being An Excellent Learner

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Choosing the right Study Programme for youWe are an inclusive College that embraces diversity and affords excellent opportunities to all students. We aim to challenge, support and encourage all students to achieve as highly as they can.




Your Study Programme will be made up

• of a timetabled session of one hour per week in a small group with a coach whose role is to support you throughout your time with us, to review and monitor progress, to help you with target-setting and ultimately to help you succeed and to progress to a high quality destination when you leave us

• 15 hours of core studies

• additional qualifications where appropriate – all students with mainly A/A* GCSEs will study the equivalent of 4 full A Levels per week

• other activities that enrich and enhance your experience: this we call Learning Plus

Choosing the level and type of studyIn the UK there is a National Qualifications Framework. GCSEs are Level 2 courses and most students will therefore progress from this and begin College on a Level 3 programme. Level 3 qualifications are A Level courses, Applied A Level courses, AS Level courses and BTEC Level 3 courses.

To take a Level 3 course you will usually need to have a minimum of one Grade B and four grade Cs at GCSE, typically including Maths and English at Grade 5 or above. Some subjects require a specific GCSE grade and/or an average GCSE point score; in some cases a more holistic view of your previous experience or creative talent is taken. Some subjects require that a diagnostic test or audition must be passed.

Please carefully check the subject information on the course pages on our website which will act as a guide to the level of entry required, but please be mindful that the final choice of Study Programme will be arrived at in consultation with a teacher who will help you to determine what is best for you as an individual.

Helping you choose We strongly recommend that all students who wish to apply to the College attend one of our Open Days or Open Evenings with parents, carers or a suitable adult. Even if you have already visited us for a Taster Day, an Open Event provides you with the opportunity to really explore the subjects that will be your core studies at College as well as learning about all of the enrichment opportunities that we have on offer. Dates are published on our website.

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Progression YearStudents who join the College with predominantly C or D grades at GCSE and with below Grade 5 in English Language and Mathematics, will follow a Progression Year Study Programme. This will be tailored to the individual needs of the student.

If you do not have a Grade 4 in English Language and/or Mathematics you will need to continue with your study of these subjects. Depending upon your level of ability you will either resit your GCSE or be offered an alternative Level 2 qualification.We offer a range of GCSE courses and other Level 2 courses that can be studied during your Progression Year.

Aiming High ProgrammeOur Aiming High programme is part of our commitment to challenge, support and encourage all students to achieve as highly as they can at College. A significant proportion of our students continue their education at university after they have left us and we encourage this for all students who would benefit from this progression route. Competition for the very best universities is fierce, and therefore the aim of our Aiming High programme is to ensure that those students who could benefit from attending these universities are afforded every opportunity to do so.

The Aiming High programme has two key aspects:

• Stretching and challenging our students during their time in College by encouraging them to engage with their subjects beyond the classroom.

Students are set demanding reading, are challenged to give presentations, participate in debate and discussion, and attend presentations from prestigious guests. Much of this work takes place within the Aiming High coaching groups. High expectations are set for all participants in these groups. In the Upper Sixth alongside the students’ core programme, most will take the Extended Project Qualification, a demanding qualification that places a premium on independent study and aids the development of the key skills of research, analysis and evaluation that are necessary to complete extended pieces of writing.

• Providing the necessary preparation, information, advice and guidance to help our students apply and be successful in their applications to Oxford, Cambridge and other Russell Group universities. All students are offered support with writing their personal statements, utilising the expertise of our highly experienced careers team. These students are also offered mock interviews, the opportunity to work with most able students within the borough to develop their communication skills and the chance to practise timed entrance examinations in order to be sure that they are as prepared as possible for the rigour of the application process to these prestigious universities.

MedicsStudents achieving all A/A* grades at GCSE and who wish to pursue a medical–related career (Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry or Pharmacy) have the opportunity to become part of the Medics.

The Medics are timetabled into the same groups for their Biology and Chemistry classes so that their lessons are taught from a medical-related perspective with an emphasis upon stretch and challenge. Extra lessons each week support broader development to provide the skills needed to excel during the university entrance process.

The Medics also follow the Aiming High programme.

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At Havering Sixth Form College we create a multi-faceted bespoke StudyProgramme for every student that includes the support of a coach, the corestudies, additional qualifications, where appropriate, and other activities that enrich and enhance your experience: this we refer to as Learning Plus.


2017-2018 Study


Coaching Group1 Hr/week

Core studies15 Hrs/week


Learning Plus1-3Hrs/Week

Progression Year 3X GCSE 1X GCSE Support

2X GCSE + 1X L2 BTEC First Award Sports Leadership Enrichment

1X GCSE + 1X L2 BTEC First Certificate Work experience

Team Sport

Lower Sixth 3X A Level 1X GCSE Support

2X A Level & 1X L3 BTEC Certifcate Core Maths Team Sport

Duke of Edinburgh Enrichment

Work Related Study

Lower Sixth Aiming High

4X A Level Support

3X A Level & 1X BTEC Certificate Team Sport


Lower Sixth Medical Careers

3X A Level Incl. Biology & Chemistry 1X A Level Support

Core Maths Team Sport


Lower Sixth Vocational

2X A Level & 1X L3 BTEC Extended Certificate

Duke of Edinburgh Work Experience

Sports Leadership Support

1X L3 BTEC Extended Diploma Team Sport


• All students must have a coaching group and a main learning aim of 15 hrs/week.• Please ask if you would like to be considered for an Aiming High group – minimum 5 As at GCSE.• All students who do not achieve a Grade 4 or better in English or Maths, must study towards

achieving GCSE English or Maths.• All students must also have additional enrolments to make up their study programme of at least

1 extra hr and maximum of 8 hrs. This can be an additional qualification or from the learning plus category or something from both.

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Information, Advice & GuidanceWe aim to provide every student with the right IAG to choose a Study Programme to suit your individual needs. Your interviewer will spend time talking with you to create a programme that is tailored to you.

Study Programme 2017-2018

Coaching Group - Each student is allocated to a coaching group. Students meet weekly with their coach and the rest of the group, typically 8-10 students, for support with your studies and with your personal development throughout the year. Students also have access to their coach for one to one appointments.

Core Studies - All students engage in a main programme of 15 hours’ contact time with teachers.

Additional Qualifications - Some students take additional qualifications. Those who join our Aiming High Programme – students with mainly As or A* at GCSE – will study an additional A Level or equivalent. Some students may need to re-sit Maths or English GCSE alongside a Level 3 programme and some will opt for Core Maths (AS Level) to support their studies or participate in an externally accredited programme such as Sports Leadership or Duke of Edinburgh.

Learning Plus - All students will be offered the opportunity to enhance and enrich their Study Programme with additional activities. Some students benefit from the support offered by Learning Mentors, some engage in work experience, team sports or join other clubs and societies.

Study Support - Learning Mentors are able to provide advice on managing workload, assisting with coursework, helping with numeracy, literacy, note-taking and revision tips. We also have specialist support for a variety of learning needs, including Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome.

Team Sport - We offer a range of sporting opportunities for men and women. We have teams in netball, football, basketball, cricket, rugby, tennis and volleyball. See page 19.

Enrichments - We have over 40 clubs and societies that meet on a regular basis. See page 21.

Work Experience and Work Related Study - Staff work with local businesses to locate work experience opportunities for students across the College. Students can also access apprenticeships, school leaver programmes and voluntary work opportunities. A World of Work Officer is available to provide guidance and support.

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The College day generally runs from 8.30am to 4.30pm. Some students may have later starts, staggered lunch times or earlier finishes. It is your responsibility to ensure that you attend all your lessons, coaching sessions and enrichment periods on your personal timetable.

Unlike at school, you will not spend all your time in classroom lessons. Any ‘free’ periods on your timetable are for you to use as additional study time either making use of the facilities in College or working at home.

You will be allocated a personal coach who you will meet with regularly for support sessions. If you have enrolled for Competitive Sport, this will be built into your timetable.




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Applicants from Havering:Priority will be given to all students who attend Havering schools or live in Havering. These students are guaranteed a place at the College if their GCSE grades meet our entry criteria. Applicants from Havering 11-16 schools (partner schools) will be given information on the application process, with guidance on course combinations, during the ‘Transfer to College’ presentation evenings which will be held at partner schools between September and November 2016.

Non-Havering applicants:Havering Sixth Form College has a commitment to offer places to students from Havering. This means that the places we can offer to students from schools outside of the borough are restricted and competition is high. In order to be considered for a place, students must be predicted at least one grade B and four grade Cs (or typically at least Level 5 in the new numerical grading system) in their GCSE exams. Applications should also be made by our deadline of January 31st 2017. Those received after this date are much less likely to be successful.

Completing your application:Applications can only be made via our online applications system. This is accessed from the College website at

Applications for September 2017 entry may be made from November 2016 and should be completed by our deadline of 31st January 2017.

Full and up-to-date course information is available online for you to research courses before applying.

If you have any concerns about the application process, or if you are having difficulty accessing the online system, please contact the College Admissions Team on 01708 514400.


to college

On the following 2 pages you will find more than 90 courses to choose from. You will need to use our website to fully research entry requirements, course content and general information about each subject.

Some courses carry compulsory costs for specialist materials and this can be discussed at interview.

New courses are sometimes added after the College Guide has gone to print, so we suggest that you view the website regularly to access the latest information.

Researching Your Courses

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Course Subject Qualification Level Equivalent ToAccounting 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelArchaeology 1 Year AS only 3 1 AS LevelArt & Design – Architecture & Interior Design 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelArt & Design – Art and Photography 1 Year GCSE 2 1 GCSEArt & Design – Fine Art 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelArt & Design – Graphics 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelArt & Design – Graphics 1 Year GCSE 2 1 GCSEArt & Design – Graphics/Photography 1 Year AS only 3 1 AS LevelArt & Design – Photography 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelArt & Design – Studio Art 1 Year AS only 3 1 AS LevelArt & Design – Textiles 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelBiology 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelBusiness 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelBusiness Studies 2 Year BTEC Extended Diploma 3 3 A LevelsBusiness Studies 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelBusiness – Understanding Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A Levels

Business - Understanding Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

1 Year BTEC Diploma 2 4 GCSEs

Business 1 Year BTEC First Certificate 2 2 GCSEsChemistry 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelComputer Science 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelComputing 2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A LevelsDance 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelDesign and Technology (3D Product Design) 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelDrama (Performing Arts Acting) 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelEconomics 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelEngineering 2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A LevelsEnglish 1 Year GCSE 2 1 GCSEEnglish (Functional Skills) 1 Year Level 2 2 1 GCSEEnglish Language 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelEnglish Language & Literature 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelEnglish Literature 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelExtended Project 2 Year AS Level 3 1 AS LevelFilm Studies 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelFilm Studies 1 Year GCSE 2 1 GCSEFrench 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelGeography 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelGeology 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelGerman 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelGovernment & Politics 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelHealth & Social Care 1 Year BTEC First Certificate 2 2 GCSEsHealth & Social Care 2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A LevelsHealth & Social Care 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelHistory (World) – Pathway 1 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelHistory (European) – Pathway 2 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelICT 2 Year BTEC Extended Diploma 3 3 A LevelsICT 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A Level


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Subject Qualification Level Equivalent ToICT – IT & Creative Technology 1 Year BTEC First Certificate 2 2 GCSEsLaw 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelLaw 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelLaw & Legal Work 1 Year BTEC Certificate 2 1 GCSE

Legal Secretaries 2 Year CILEX Diploma 3City & Guilds – Level 3

Legal Studies 2 Year CILEX Cert/Dip 2/3City & Guilds – Level 2/3

Mathematics Core 2 Year AS Level 3 1 AS LevelMathematics 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelMathematics (Double) Maths & Further Maths

2 Year A Level 3 2 A Levels

Mathematics 1 Year GCSE 2 1 GCSEMathematics (Functional Skills) 1 Year Level 2 2 1 GCSEMedia – Creative Digital Media 1 Year BTEC First Award 2 1 GCSEMedia – Creative Media Production (Digital Publishing)

2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A Levels

Media – Creative Media Production (Gaming) 2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A LevelsMedia – Creative Media Production (TV & Film) 2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A LevelsMedia Studies 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelMusic 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelMusic (Performing) 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelMusic Technology 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelPerforming Arts 2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A LevelsPerforming Arts 1 Year BTEC First Award 2 1 GCSEPhilosophy 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelPhysics 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelPlan & Participate in Work Experience 1 Year BTEC Award 2 Half GCSEPsychology 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelPsychology 1 Year AS only 3 1 AS LevelReligious Studies (Ethical Philosophy) 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelRussian 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelRussian 1 Year AS only 3 1 AS LevelScience - Applied 2 Year BTEC Extended Diploma 3 3 A LevelsScience 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelScience 1 Year BTEC First Award (Double) 1/2 2 GCSEsScience 1 Year GCSE 2 1 GCSESociology 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelSociology 1 Year AS only 3 1 AS LevelSociology 1 Year GCSE 2 1 GCSESpanish 2 Year A Level 3 1 A LevelSport Development and Coaching 2 Year BTEC Extended Diploma 3 3 A LevelsSport and Exercise Science 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelSport 2 Year BTEC Extended Certificate 3 1 A LevelSport 1 Year BTEC First Award 2 1 GCSETravel & Tourism 2 Year BTEC Extended Diploma 3 3 A LevelsTravel & Tourism 2 Year BTEC Diploma 3 2 A LevelsTravel Services 1 Year BTEC Specialist Certificate 2 1 GCSE

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College UnionWe are officially affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS) and our College Union is very pro-active in organising events and attending meetings with the Senior College Exec Team in order to improve the College experience for all students.

The College Union consists of: College Council - there are four paid elected representatives, a President, Vice-President, and 2 Union Officers; Learning Representatives – these are chosen by their coaching groups to represent the group and report back; Leaders of Clubs and Societies, known as Club Reps - students who run clubs or societies within College. All of these students wear different coloured lanyards.

Charitable FundraisingStudents and staff organise various events throughout the year to raise funds for a variety of charities. A local charity and a national charity are chosen, through democratic selection by the College community, we also support the international charity – EducAid. This is a charitable trust that offers free education to underprivileged and war-affected young people in Sierra Leone, Africa. Events have included sports tournaments, Black History month, cake sales, book sales and a music recital. Many students donate £5 from their College deposit and any unused print credit to charity.




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Competitive SportStudents have the opportunity to compete for the College in a wide range of sports – both individual and team. Most competitive sport takes place on Wednesday afternoons from 12.15pm. In order to compete and train, students must ensure they tell their enrolment tutor to put Competitive Sport onto their timetable to ensure there is no clash with lessons.

The following teams will have fixtures/training every week during their competitive season: Basketball, Football (Men’s and Women’s), Netball, Rugby and Volleyball (Men’s, Women’s and mixed).

The following sports train on a weekly basis, but competitions and fixtures are less frequent: Trampolining, Badminton, Cricket, Tennis, Cross Country and Table Tennis.

We also enter regional and national competitions in the following sports, but do not have weekly training sessions: Swimming, Cross Country, Golf, Squash and Athletics.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s AwardThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is very popular with our students. Along the way you’ll pick up experiences, friends and talents that will stay with you for the rest of your life. You can participate at three levels which, when you’ve successfully completed them, lead to the Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. You can either start from scratch, or carry on if you’ve already gained an award at your school or youth organisation. The Award enhances your UCAS application and personal CV and can give you a real advantage in life.

Lanyards and ID CardsStudents and staff at the College are provided with a photo ID card on a lanyard to help provide a safe and secure environment for all. It is your responsibility as a student to wear visible ID at all times on the College premises. If you forget your ID, you will not be allowed on site.

No Smoking PolicyWe are a non-smoking College for the health and safety of both our staff and our students. Students are accepted into the College on the understanding that they will not smoke on the site, including e-cigarettes.

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Providing individual support for students is one of the College’s top priorities because we know that quality support can make a huge difference to a student’s performance.


CoachingEvery student in College is part of a small coaching group that meets weekly for mutual support, advice and guidance. The coach establishes a close working relationship with their small group of students through weekly meetings and one to one appointments. Progress is reviewed, success is celebrated and targets for improvement are agreed. Your coach will also help you to access any support that you need.

Academic SupportSubject teachers will help you to access the support you need in individual subjects in a variety of ways including our online Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle).

Learning FacilitatorsBased in the Learning Zone, our Learning Facilitators can help you to improve literacy, numeracy and assist with managing workload, note-taking, study skills and revision techniques. Sessions can be timetabled or accessed on a drop-in basis.

College CounsellorsThe College provides trained counsellors on site for students. This is a free, confidential service aimed at helping students if they are facing difficulties which they feel uncomfortable talking to their parents/guardians or coach about. Appointments can be made on 01708 514476 or by emailing directly at [email protected]

The Care TeamMembers of the College Care Team work alongside students with specific requirements in the following ways:

• Supporting smooth transitions, including work around EHCPs

• Specialist interviews (with a senior member of staff and the Care Team)

• Assistance with movement within the College

• Classroom support, e.g. note taking • The purchase and maintenance of

specialist equipment• Assistance with personal needs if required• Accompanying students on trips• Special arrangements for examinations• Liaison between academic, pastoral

staff, parents and external agencies



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There are over 40 clubs and societies that meet on a regular basis. The clubs currently running include:

Anime and Manga AstronomyBadmintonBasketballCollege BandCollege MagazineChessChristian UnionContemporary MusicCricket

CriminologyCritical ThinkingDance SocietyDebate SocietyDocumentariesDungeons and DragonsDuke of Edinburgh AwardEducAidEngineering SocietyEnterprise SocietyFootballFunk/Jazz World EnsembleGaming ClubGospel ChoirHistory Society

Honours ScienceInto FilmIslamic SocietyJazz BandJumma/JammatLGBTA (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual & Transgender)Life DrawingNetball

RugbyRussell Group HumanitiesStreet DanceTennisVegan SocietyVocal WorkshopVolleyball Warhammer

Clubs, Societies and ActivitiesEnrichment at Havering Sixth Form College is accessible to all students. Some activities are timetabled and others occur throughout the year. Your coach will assist you in finding out more about these during your time at College. Enrichment is a key part of your experience here. We have a huge range of opportunities available to you. All you need to do is choose what you want to take part in.

One of the brilliant things about our enrichment programme is that you can try something completely different, or you can join a society linked to your academic studies – it’s entirely your decision.

As well as clubs and societies, sports and fitness, you can also get involved in the College Union, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and playing in our competitive sports teams against other colleges.

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“Students benefit from an extensive range of enrichment and wider learning activities.” Ofsted 2014

“A genuine culture of care and support emanates from leaders and managers.” Ofsted 2014

Learning Plus includes: Clubs and societies, events, taster sessions at universities and places of work, talks by visiting speakers, team sports and a range of other activities that will help to develop skills for the future.

Every week the bulletin of all of the activities taking place in College is emailed to all staff and students by the Learning Plus team.

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College facilities and

servicesLibraryThe Library offers an open access but supervised area for students to study quietly and individually. The library team will support you in your research and help you to access learning resources. We have a wide range of books, DVDs, periodicals, newspapers and on-line journals available for loan or reference. There are networked PCs and in addition students are able to borrow laptops on a short loan basis for use within the College grounds.

Staff based in The Learning Zone, at the back of the Library, can help you to improve literacy, numeracy and assist with revision techniques.

IT Study Centre and HelpdeskThe IT Study Centre is an area where students can work independently in a quiet supervised space using PCs to support their work. The Helpdesk will assist with any technical computer enquiries or problems. There is Wi-Fi access across all areas of the College.

Moodle - The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)Moodle is the College’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The VLE provides resources and activities to support students’ learning for a wide range of subjects coupled with an opportunity to discuss their subjects through moderated discussion rooms. Moodle can be accessed both from within College and from outside, allowing students full access and connectivity to learning materials and discussion groups from home.

Lockers Lockers are available at College for the storage of inexpensive personal property. Students wishing to take advantage of this facility should enquire at the IT Helpdesk located in the IT Study Centre.

ResourcesStudents can purchase stationery and can also access a photocopying service together with laminating and binding from our Resources staff. Scanning, laser jet printing and colour printing services are also available.

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Careers and World of Work: The CUBE The Careers team has recently moved into a newly designed modern office and has been rebranded as The CUBE (Careers, University, Business links and Employment).

A significant number of students progress onto a university education and receive specialist support from the Careers Team on choosing their university courses, applying through the UCAS application process and support with university interviews. Our staff work with a number of organisations to locate work experience opportunities for students across the College. In addition, an independent Careers Adviser from the national education, employment and training company, Prospects, is attached to the College two days a week. Students are also supported in accessing apprenticeships, school leaver programmes and voluntary work opportunities throughout the year. A specialist World of Work officer is available to provide one-to-one guidance and support for those looking for employment directly after they leave College.

Student FinanceCurrently the additional finance support for eligible students is through the Government’s Bursary scheme. Details can be found on our website and once students are enrolled, application forms can be submitted in September. For all students the College requires a returnable deposit of approximately £60 to cover possible failure to return books or attend exams. Other charges relating to specific courses may also be made – please ask at your interview for details.

The Care SuiteThe Care Suite is a very popular facility for students with a disability, serious illness or injury. Students returning to College following surgery or serious illness find it useful as a place to rest and study during their free periods, alongside students who are stressed or just need time to relax. It offers showering

and toilet facilities and is managed by a fully qualified team of experts who have considerable experience in dealing with students with particular physical, medical or emotional needs.

The Room for ReflectionThe College has a multi-faith Room for Reflection that is available for students and staff who wish to pray, meditate or take a quiet break during the College day.

Sports Hall, Gym and Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA)The full-size sports hall and the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) are in use throughout the week for various Sport lessons, as well as training sessions for many of the College sports teams. The recently extended gym and fitness suite in Olympia House is equipped with free weights, machine weights and cardio-vascular equipment. We currently employ two fully qualified fitness instructors who can offer tailor-made training plans along with advice on nutrition, lifestyle and health.

An outdoor table tennis table and equipment is available for student use during break times as well as an outdoor gym, and students are also able to use the MUGA for sports activities at lunchtimes and after College.

The College RestaurantThe College Restaurant incorporates a Starbucks Coffee bar. The restaurant offers a selection of hot and cold food, salads, pastas and sandwiches with an emphasis on healthy eating. Drinks and snacks are also available from vending machines and water stations are placed at various points around the College.

The QuadThe Quad is a large covered space with soft seating areas which incorporates a Starbucks Coffee and Snack bar. The Quad is used as a meeting point and as a social study space by students.

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The College operates a Green Transport policy to ensure a move towards modes of transport which are environmentally acceptable. We seek to encourage students to walk, cycle or use public transport for their journey to College. The College has no on-site car parking for students, except those with disabilities.


How to get to

havering sixth form college

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Travel by bike:The College encourages staff and students to cycle to College. Cycle racks have been installed and there are storage, showering and changing facilities.

Tube and bus travel:The College is well served by public transport, with both bus stops and underground stations situated within five minutes’ walking distance. If you live within a London Borough and are under 18 please remember to apply for your Transport for London Oyster Card which allows free travel on buses within the London area and reduced costs on the underground.

The nearest tube station to the College is Upminster Bridge on the District Line. On exiting the station, turn left and the College is about a five minute walk from the station. Upminster main line station is within two kilometres of the College.

A number of buses stop very close to Havering Sixth Form College. These include:

193 (Wingletye Lane)

248, 370, 373 (Upminster Bridge)

256, 372 (Hornchurch)

For further details visit: and

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Student success

2016A total of 22 of our courses achieved 100% pass rate and over 80% of courses achieved pass rates in excess of 90%.

This is a fantastic achievement for both our students and staff and we are proud of this contribution towards our mission of becoming the first choice outstanding provider of full-time education for 16-19 year-olds.

AS Level results are also very good this year with 28% of our students achieving high grades.

Our students will be progressing to good universities and first rate careers. We have almost 700 students progressing to university and many students are embarking on superb employment opportunities.

Havering Sixth Form College welcomes students of all abilities and offers a very broad curriculum - 49 A Levels, over 80 courses in total, a wide and growing range of enrichments and work-related opportunities - and we are pleased that we enjoy success across that broad offer, including maintaining strong performance in the Arts, Sciences and other facilitating subjects.

To see so many students achieving such good results on a variety of learning programmes is truly inspiring.

Paul WakelingPrincipal

Individual Student AchievementDavid Guo was the top performing

student in the College with 3 A*s in Computing, Maths and Further Maths and 1 A grade in Physics. His achievement is incredible because he arrived in the UK five years ago, unable to speak English. The former Royal Liberty School

student said he was amazed at his results. “It’s unbelievable. I am really surprised. I am so happy about the Physics grade because I got an E in my first paper and I was going to give up. But the teachers were very encouraging and I decided to carry on and now I have ended up with an A!

“I could only speak little English when I started College and my GCSE grades were not that great, so I was unsure about whether I should even be here, but then I settled in and made friends and decided to stay.”

A very humble David added: “I don’t really feel I deserve to be the top student – I never would have thought I would end up with these grades. I was very nervous when I was opening my envelope.”

David, from Romford, is off to Warwick University to study Mathematics.

Once again I am delighted with the excellent outcomes achieved by our students in 2016. Our overall A Level pass rate is 95% with 10% of passes at A*-A and almost one third at high grades (A*-B).

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Rebecca Wiggins is off to the USA to study at the outstanding Pomona College, just outside of Los Angeles. Rebecca, who lives in Hornchurch and attended Frances Bardsley School, achieved 2 A*s in Computing and Maths, an A grade in Physics and a B in German.

Lewis Reed, formerly of Hall Mead School and who lives in Upminster, achieved an incredible 3 A*s in Physics, Maths and Further Maths and will be studying for a degree in Mathematics at Newcastle University.

He said: “I am so chuffed. Before I joined College I was unsure whether it would be the right place for me, but since I have been here there have been loads of opportunities to develop my skills. It has been brilliant and I’m so glad I decided to come here.”

Nusaybah Khalisadar far exceeded her target grades of Bs and Cs by achieving an incredible three A*s in Government & Politics,

History and Law and a B grade in Extended Project. She will be studying for a degree in Law at the London School of Economics and hopes to become a Lawyer.

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Havering Sixth Form CollegeWingletye Lane, Hornchurch RM11 3TB

T: 01708 514400E: [email protected]

@havering6thform haveringsixthformcollege

This College Guide is the first stage in helping you to make the right decision. To help you further, Havering Sixth Form College has Open Days and Evenings, an Information, Advice and Guidance process and Freshers’ Week – a chance for you to try the courses you have chosen before you enrol.

Evening ‘Transfer to College’ Presentations to Year 11:

Partner schools – Havering schools only

From September – November 2016

Ask your school for details.

Open Days:

Saturday 19th November 2016, 10am-4pm

Saturday 14th January 2017, 10am-4pm

Open Evenings:

Tuesday 7th March 2017, 4.30pm-7.30pm

Wednesday 21st June 2017, 4.30pm-7.30pm

Deadline for Applications:

Tuesday 31st January 2017

Exam Results:

GCSE results available Thursday 24th August 2017.


Interviews will be conducted during the week commencing Monday 13th March 2017. These interviews will be held at College and will provide students with comprehensive IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance). Students will be given an appointment time and the interview will last approximately 40 minutes.

Freshers’ Days:

Students will attend a Freshers’ Day during the week beginning Monday 26th June 2017.

Admission to College:

Admission for new students commences late August with teaching and learning starting at the beginning of September.



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