double page spread powerpoint

Charlie Vanhoa HW-5 Double Page Spread Analysis

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Page 1: Double page spread PowerPoint

Charlie Vanhoa

HW-5Double Page Spread


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Introduction• Throughout this Powerpoint presentation I plan to from my analysis of a

double page article from the music magazine Mojo, depict certain areas such as conventions (Certain styles and techniques presented to seek a certain response or send a certain message).

• Secondly once I’ve had a closer look at the key features I will evaluate the ones I deem most effective and highlight those for ideas when creating my own double page article.

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Target Audience• Identifying the target audience of a magazine assists the producer/author in his or her goals

and aims of reaching certain standards and popularity. For instance if a target audience is absent when creating a magazine or writing a double page spread not only is it much harder to write one. But the actual written – final published content could include unwanted and unwarranted mistakes which could be rude, offensive, explicit, let alone un relevant to the initial aims.

• The target audience of this article seems to be aimed at first and foremost people who are interested in the highlighted world renowned female artist ‘Lady Gaga’, but also as the textual article includes information on performing at the Royal Albert Hall and all that goes into such a high level performance. Another key area of the article is the description – lady Gaga’s account on her upbringing generally and with music. I’ve found that a very wide variety of readers and music enthusiasts skim through magazines solely to find these articles which act as almost shortened biographies as these parts and the transition from before to during their- her career can sometimes be the most entertaining, interesting area.

• Therefore in my opinion this magazine – magazine article caters, targets a very wide range of music enthusiasts and readers interested in biographical accounts, however stereotypically I’d say due to the fairly advanced language used unless the ages below the ones stated can understand and appreciate the articles language used. I’d say that the target audience ranges from age 16 and above. That being the only restricting factor of targeting a larger audience.

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Headline• The headline of this magazine consists of ‘lady GAGA’ which

doesn’t appear to jump out of the page like some others, however it’s presence on the page feels secondary to the large close up image of Lady Gaga. Making it in essence more like a clarifier – secondary feature from the image situated on the left of the headline and columned text.

• Again in my second magazine analysis the headline is small, brief and not to bold and eye catching which shows the importance of a good quality main image. However with a lower quality main image the headline may need to take on a bigger role of attracting the audience for instance the one labelled ‘ THE TIMES THEY ARE CHANGIN’ included below the text.

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Graphics• In reference to graphics throughout the double page spread

article Lady Gaga’s image is the one graphical feature in terms of an image. And the remaining graphics included highlighting areas of the text or sending messages across to the audience. For instance the large bright red ‘L’ situated over the text and the ‘Q’ logo at the bottom of the page.

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Images• Main image• As explained above in the slide explaining the importance and use of

‘headlines along with main images’, in more generalist terms any image included should suit the target audience the age range (for example some images would be too explicit for some audiences). The main image in the magazine I chose to analyse is large scale close up image – screening Lady Gaga’s face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and her chest filling one whole side of the double page spread.

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Gutter • Throughout many magazine and music magazine double page

spread articles it’s required that there is some sort of reserved area for the page to be divided – separated, this magazine simply leaves an area not much larger than half a cm to simply separate the columned text from the larger image. In the below article examples the gutter is shown with two red areas.

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Pull Quote • An actual pull quote in this article is non-existent

however there are certain pull features which I have identified as relevant and effective. Such as the large ‘L’ and the slightly less bold yet still eye catching ‘S’ and ‘I’ which are used to start the more important – possibly more favourable paragraphs and topics. Drawing attention to these rather than the others if the reader is ‘skimming’ through the text. Primarily techniques implemented to gain the readers attention.

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General Comment - MOJO • This article starts initially with the announcement of Lady Gaga’s latest

performance, achievement – Royal Variety Performance in December 2009 with a brief but attention gaining description on the audience, the atmosphere, the magical musical instruments and more.

• The article progresses on and reveals Lady Gaga’s character, her slightly peculiar humour, and how her fans have brought her up to a position where by she is classed as the biggest and the most extreme pop star in the world – labelled most extreme for numerous reasons including her sense of dress and fashion!

• Later in the article Lady Gaga talks about the younger her, the years – period of time before fame within her upbringing. She said in this article that she I was a little bit of a freak, a little bit insecure and that her personality just didn’t fit in.

• Her mentality and how it’s changed from the

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Comparison Ending Note• With the comparison of my two analysis on each magazine, I’ve

identified the areas which I have found to be most effective and others which are not.

• In example I believe one main feature of both articles is the convention of a or multiple large main images which illustrate popular and well known artists/ celebrities. Which proves to be a big attention focal point from the first glance. Another advantage of choosing a main image or images that follow on from the text is that more often than not the image can display features of the artists character which may not be illustrated or described in the text instead visually presented.

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Conclusion • In my own magazine I plan to include a cover image that

follows on from the written article/ interview which will hopefully provide a visual insight into the artist. For example clothing choices, body expressions, facial expressions.

• Another factor I have found to be effective is the clear target audience, establishing this means that the content, language, images, and other conventions are all suited more accurately than if not identified. Which usually means that the audience is catered to a more precise but varied state.