double page spread analysis

DPS Layout and design In this double page spread of dizzee rascal the layout is mainly picture-led, it has the large main image on one side then the text is surrounded by pictures also. There are 4 columns of writing in the dps and they look short and are next to each other. Images There are many different images on the dps, the main on is of dizzee himself graffiti the wall, there is also around the text more graffiti and empty beer bottles along with an ‘old school’ stereo player. Dizzee is positioned in this photo as if he is watching out for someone so he doesn’t get into trouble. The portrayal of him is blatant, he’s a partying rebel, first of all with the graffiti showing his rebellious side and secondly the stereo and empty beer bottle showing his partying side. I believe it’s the perfect portrayal for dizzee rascal because his music is in a way rebellious and will be played a lot at for instance parties. Headline The headline “from tags to riches” is emphasising how dizzee rascal has come from the bottom to the top and earning a lot of money on the way. It’s not a quote from himself but one from the magazine showing what dizzee has done. The font is big, black and bold, it links well with the black graffiti on the wall behind dizzee himself. The font is still linked in some parts of the headline, I believe this is stating that you can take the boy out of the council estate but you cant take the council estate out of the boy, basically I think it portrays that dizzee hasn’t really changed he’s just got more money. Stand first This is saying how well he done in 2009 and how the last 6 months have been amazing informing the reader that not only dizzee got a top music award but he also got a top model. This is showing that he’s getting it all. Photoshop The Photoshop effects are things such as the graffiti behind the writing and the font of course being unique and different. Copy The copy is mainly about dizzee and his trip, it ‘bigs’ him up a lot saying how he can make an entrance and how he has people queuing up to see him. VALs People that will read this will be people that look up to Dizzee and admire the man, fans that follow him and what he does.

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Post on 13-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Double page spread analysis


Layout and designIn this double page spread of dizzee rascal the layout is mainly picture-led, it has the large main image on one side then the text is surrounded by pictures also. There are 4 columns of writing in the dps and they look short and are next to each other.

ImagesThere are many different images on the dps, the main on is of dizzee himself graffiti the wall, there is also around the text more graffiti and empty beer bottles along with an ‘old school’ stereo player. Dizzee is positioned in this photo as if he is watching out for someone so he doesn’t get into trouble. The portrayal of him is blatant, he’s a partying rebel, first of all with the graffiti showing his rebellious side and secondly the stereo and empty beer bottle showing his partying side. I believe it’s the perfect portrayal for dizzee rascal because his music is in a way rebellious and will be played a lot at for instance parties.

HeadlineThe headline “from tags to riches” is emphasising how dizzee rascal has come from the bottom to the top and earning a lot of money on the way. It’s not a quote from himself but one from the magazine showing what dizzee has done. The font is big, black and bold, it links well with the black graffiti on the wall behind dizzee himself. The font is still linked in some parts of the headline, I believe this is stating that you can take the boy out of the council estate but you cant take the council estate out of the boy, basically I think it portrays that dizzee hasn’t really changed he’s just got more money.

Stand firstThis is saying how well he done in 2009 and how the last 6 months have been amazing informing the reader that not only dizzee got a top music award but he also got a top model. This is showing that he’s getting it all.

PhotoshopThe Photoshop effects are things such as the graffiti behind the writing and the font of course being unique and different.

CopyThe copy is mainly about dizzee and his trip, it ‘bigs’ him up a lot saying how he can make an entrance and how he has people queuing up to see him.

VALsPeople that will read this will be people that look up to Dizzee and admire the man, fans that follow him and what he does.

Page 2: Double page spread analysis

Layout and designThis dps of muse is mainly text-led, this is only 2 images. There's 3 columns of text which are in comparison to dizzee rascal’s are long and is set out like a news article. The layout looks Very serious as in its not covered in pictures and the font is small and normal, a complete contrast to the band in a way.

ImagesThe 2 images used are of the band members, now and then. It has a picture of them when they where younger because in the article they are talking about back in the day. The second picture is of them now, the way they are portrayed in this picture links with the pull quote “It can’t be coincidence we’re a band of misfits” this picture is playing on that with the guitars upside down and the one drum, its showing that they are all different. It also portrays there music to be very different to other music, which it is. The lead singer Matt Bellamy is at the front, in the middle looking at the camera obviously portraying him to be the main man of the band as he is.

HeadlineThis dps doesn’t really have a headline. The closest thing with be M. This is obviously the beginning of their band name and its very big and bold portraying the band to be the same. The font ties in with the rest of the article just black with white back round.

Pull quoteThe pull quote they use “It can’t be coincidence we’re a band of misfits” Is from lead singer Matt Bellamy, It’s again stating that they are all different, but it’s a good thing. It relates to the rest of the article because they talk about the uniqueness of their music and the fact their all different would help it.

PhotoshopI can’t see much effects of Photoshop on this, the back round obviously and perhaps the shine on the guitars are edited.

CopyThis interview is a typical big band interview. One where they don’t have to talk about the music much because people know it too well. Its an interview with Matt Bellamy the front man and its personal, you get to know him and from this you see that he’s just a normal man living and normal life, cooking chicken for his mother and girlfriend on Christmas day, only in the third column do they talk about albums and music.

VALsThe people that read this will be big fans of muse that want to get intimate with them. I believe that the older people will be reading this more so then the younger audience they get.

Page 3: Double page spread analysis

Layout and designThe design of this is very much picture-led, it has the whole back round as a picture and the layout of the text is positioned around that. There is just one short column of text and it is slightly on the wonk, the pull quote is larger then the actual text.

ImageThe one image used is that of the band. The whole article is about them coming to England and the picture is of all them hitchhiking to England. This portrays the band to not be big and glamorous but to be small and would do anything to get to where they want to be. I believe that this image does tie in with the band because I have never heard of them and if the article is about them coming over to try and conquer England, to be known.

Headline and Pull quoteThe pull quote here is used as the headline. “Get ready for penis jokes and sweaty dancing!” this quote is from the band, it portrays them to be funny and they’re music to be funky. It also says that their not scared about what they say, they don’t want to be known as a serious band. The font and colouring is white for the main points, the first thing the audience will read picking this up will be penis jokes sweaty dancing which is quite amusing to some readers. The quote doesn’t really tie in with the rest of the dps but this might be a statement saying that they are different.

Stand firstAll time low prepare for pop-punk mania as they hit the UK. This is basically saying that their on a venture to the UK and it gets you in the mood for the article.

CopyThe journalist has very much left it to the band here. It is nearly all quotes from the front man of the band Alex. He talks a lot about their excitement to be doing so well and their relationship with their support act. Alex give a little back round information saying he is an Essex boy. This is a very brief but sweet interview with very little input from the journalist. I believe this is because they are a little band so they don’t have much supporters yet to run their mouths about their gigs.

VALsThe values attitudes and lifestyles of the readership of this will be the sort of people into new funk music, looking for something else to listen to. I believe they’d be very much like the band themselves.

PhotoshopI can’t see much Photoshop effects added to this apart from obviously the quote being printed on top of the picture and the colour of the font changing.