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The Word Cannabis Conferences were born to fulfill the necessity to materialize all theadvancements and efforts made in regards to cannabis over the last few years.

We will be able to go deep into the different dimensions of cannabis and its evolution throughlectures and open forums organized in themes.

Since we are living in such important times in Spain, we think it’s essential to approach cannabispolicy from a national and international standpoint, understand the issues through a legal andscientific view to achieve better understanding of the potential and viability of regulation, understandthe medical needs of patients and analyze the huge progress done despite prohibition.

In this event of worldwide exposure, attendees will be able to be a part of debate, interact withspeakers and express their insights and concerns.


World Cannabis ConferencesMarch 13th and 14th

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L´Auditori de CornellàBarcelona, Spain

The conferences will be held at L'AUDITORIDE CORNELLÀ which will be directly accessiblefor all Spannabis attendees.

Spannabis has 30,000 visitors each yearand is in the forefront of international trades-hows related to cannabis.

This large attendance offers the perfect framefor the celebration of an event like the WorldCannabis Conferences.

The Auditorium of Cornellà is equipped withthe most advanced audio visual technology andwill be able to offer live wireless translation.

The auditorium holds 800 seats to guaran-tee that nobody will miss out on the opportunityto enjoy of this event.

Albert Einstein, 5108940 Cornellà de Llobregat - Barcelona


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15:15 - 16:30 Cannabis in the United States: Dream or American nightmare?

13:30 - 14:15 Puff Puff Pass! Stoned Cartoons

12:30 - 13:15 DNA Genetics: Genetics and their role in the legal cannabis markets





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Ana Rodríguez. With a degree in Art History, Ana Rodríguez is manager of the Hash Marihuana &Hemp Museum of Barcelona, a modernist palace that houses the world's largest collection dedicatedto the cannabis plant.

The Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum of Barcelona has invited comic specialist and artist Toni Bena-ges i Guallard to look back on creators of cartoon characters such as the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers,who are an essential part of our cannabis imaginary.

The legalization of recreational cannabis in Washington and Colorado, in 2012, was the kick off whatfor many people linked to the cannabis world it was the American dream. Eight years later, Spannabiswill talk with some of its protagonists about the lights and shadows of a process that, for someone, it isturning into a nightmare.

Virginia Montañés (moderator). Virginia is a journalist, social anthropologist and naturopath. Formore than two decades she has worked as a researcher in the field of drug policy. She has coordinatedThe Commission of Study for the Regulation of Cannabis in Andalusia (CERCA) and the ENCOD sectionin Spain. She currently directs the Karissa Center and is a regular contributor to several specializedmagazines.

Alex Pasternack. Alex is the EVP at Binske, a multi-state cannabis brand originating from Colorado.Today, Binske has 13 licensing deals in place and Alex has focused primarily on brand growth, strategy,and overall licensing. A recent article came out noting Binske as the 'largest brand in the world' andthat is based on overall states signed and population of those states as an actual brand, not an MSO.

Adam Jacques. Adam Jacques is a Cannabis and Hemp geneticist from Eugene, Oregon U.S.A. Hehas founded cannabis clubs, dispensaries, recreational stores, medical grows, recreational grows andresearch projects. He is a feature writer for GROW Magazine. Awarded 2016's most inspirational personin the industry for his work with seizure disorders and helping direct changes in cannabis based laws.

Kyle Kushman. Kyle Kushman, former Cultivation Editor of High Times Magazine, World renownedcultivator, 13 times Cannabis Cup Award Winner, Educator, and Creator of Vegamatrix, a veganic nutrientline for growing Cannabis. Kyle has been featured in the New York Times Magazine, Netflix, Los AngelesTimes, San Francisco Chronicle, Rolling Stone and Playboy to name a few.

DNA Genetics would like to share our unique experience in building a global cannabis brand and de-veloping strategic partnerships and the next steps in our continued role in helping shape a multi-billion-dollar global industry.

Rezwan Khan. Rezwan Khan is the VP of Global Corporate Development for DNA Genetics, co-Founder of seedleSs, and the President of the Global Alliance for Cannabis Commerce (GACC)."Rez"is one of the most widely-respected voices within the world-wide cannabis community with decadesof hands-on experience in the issues facing international and emerging cannabis marketplaces.

Toni Benages. With a degree in Fine Arts, comic artist and illustrator Toni Benages is a comic pro-fessor at the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny Pau Gargallo and director of the fantastic and horrorfilm festival Cryptshow Festival.

16:45 - 17:45 Medicinal Cannabis: an unstoppable regulation

Salvador García. Aurora Medicine Spain, subsidiary of the Canadian company Aurora Cannabis, mainproducer and worldwide distributor of medical cannabis, has started its activities in Spain during theyear 2019. Salvador Garcia-Ruiz is its general director.

Medicinal cannabis in Europe: the objetive of the conferences is to give vision of how medical cannabisis being regulated in different countries, with a special focus on the European Union, and reflect on theprospects of its regulation in Spain.

Jorge Soto (moderator). Jorge is the CEO of Ananda Lab and a regular contributor to specializedpublications. Since the first seed germinated, back in the late 90s, he has dedicated most of his timeto the study of cannabis and its derivatives, and has become a key player in the evolution of cannabisanalysis in our country.


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With this space in Spannabis we want to pay our personal tribute to some of the most prominent per-sonalities of cannabis activism and those who more have fought for the plant in our recent history, suchas the historic breeder Mario Bellandi, the indefatigable Fernanda de la Figuera or the dutch activist andbusinessman Nol Van Schaik.

We will talk about some of the rituals with Holy Mary (Cannabis sativa L.) in different cultures andtraditions. What energy bring to us? The feminine? Mother? How the plant helps a deep connectionwith the inner being, to inspire us. It is a tool of consciousness and spiritual healing. Conscious andrespectful use.







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18:00 - 19:15 Spanish regulation: current situation and future prospects

12:30 - 13:15 The Cannabis Collector: tribute to cannabis activism

19:30 - 20:00 Spannabis Champions Cup awards ceremony

At this table an X-ray of the Spanish cannabis movement will be made, the most representative pro-posals of the sector at the national level will be presented and a review of the current situation and futureperspectives will be made.

Héctor Brotons, OECCC. Principal of Brotsanbert Legal Study. Law Degree from the Alicante Uni-versity and graduate in the Legal Practice School of the Alicante’s Bar Association. Criminal Law andPublic Health specialist. He advises Cannabis Social Clubs all over Spain. Law advisor at FAC (Fede-ration of Cannabis Associations) and other platforms. He has advocated more than a thousand of can-nabis-related cases, also counseling foreign lawyers.

Miguel Gimeno, Marihuana Televisión. Marihuana Televisión is a counter-information media, bornas audiovisual response to the indifference of the mainstream media and institutions to cover in a dig-nified and plural way the different aspects of the culture of cannabis.

Bernardo Soriano, Responsible Regulation. CEO of S&F abogados and spokesperson for Respon-sible Regulation, an entity that is committed to the political incidence and technical work to implementa regulation that includes self-cultivation, Cannabis Social Clubs, commercial circuit access and me-dical cannabis access.

Patty Amiguet, ConFAC. ConFAC spokesperson, president of CatFAC and cannabis activist. Gra-duated in Administration and Finance, she changed the numbers for the cannabis fight. Advocatesfor a comprehensive regulation of the cannabis and for a change in all current drug policies. The Con-FAC is the cannabis organization that brings together the largest number of groups that defend thepersonal and collective self-cultivation of cannabis in the State.

Gabriel Miró, GEPCA (Speaker and moderator). Lawyer specialized in criminal law, professor in theMaster of Criminology of the University of Barcelona. Member of the Cannabis Policy Studies Group(GEPCA), formed by specialists in the field of cannabis and public health, who have worked for twoyears in the elaboration of a model of regulation outside political and corporate interests.

13:30 - 14:30 Ritual uses: cannabis and spirit

Clara Sativa (moderator). Licentiate degree in journalism from the UCM and graduated from theNarco News School of Authentic Journalism of Mexico. Co-founder of Marihuana Television, CannabisWomen and REMA (State Network Anti-Prohibitionist Women), she has been reporting and raisingawareness about the cannabis world and the war on drugs for 8 years. She has coordinated the firstdocumentary about Cannabis Women of the World and is a collaborator in different media.


Mireia Berdún. Co-founder of La Encantada, a healing and spiritual retreat house in Castellterçol.She has been, since 2002, immersed in the knowledge of the spiritual and rituals uses of the masterplants, especially with Holy Mary (Cannabis sativa L.). Mireia works with the Holy Mary in ceremoniesof deep spiritual character, in order to maintain the state of attention and expansion of the heart, forreconnection with our higher purposes. Promotes careful, meditative and self-knowledge use of thissacred and healing plant.

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15:30 - 16:45 ICEERS: From the border to the trench, paths to regulation

Genís Oña. Genís is a psychologist and specialist in pharmacological research. He has a Master inSciences of the Central Nervous System and a Master in Pharmacology. He made his Master thesis atthe Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital, where he worked in phase “I” clinical trials of acute drug adminis-tration psychoactive and experimental drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. He iscurrently developing scientific research at ICEERS and in the Medical Anthropology Research Center,focusing on the relationship between psychedelic drugs and health.

In this table we will present the results of the latest studies published in the medical cannabis field andassociations of consumers of cannabis. It will also tell how the incubation process of a new voice has beenin the scene of cannabis regulation in Spain.

Cristina Sánchez. Cristina has a degree in Psychology from the UCM and a postgraduate degreein International Cooperation. She has developed his career in the third sector, managing projectsmainly in the social, educational and health fields. She is currently part of the ICEERS Foundationteam as coordinator of educational and outreach projects on therapeutic cannabis.

18:15 - 19:30 How to deal with government inaction to regulate medical cannabis?

José Carlos Bouso. José Carlos is a clinical psychologist and PhD in pharmacology. He has studiedthe long-term effects of substances such as cannabis, cocaine and ayahuasca, as well as studies of acuteeffects of different drugs of natural and synthetic origin. He has also done research on the therapeuticuses of MDMA (ecstasy). He is currently Director of Scientific Projects at the ICEERS Foundation wherehe conducts studies on long-term effects of ayahuasca, medical cannabis properties and anti-addictivepotential benefits of ibogaine.

Sandra Moñino. Sandra has a Diploma in Social Work from the University of Barcelona, and she worksprofessionally as a social worker in different entities both in the public and private sector for 11 years. She iscurrently coordinator in the UPRC, where it is responsible for internal planning and management, as well asfor the integral care to the partner.

Mario Land. Mario is a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the Latin American School of Medicine,Cuba. His international career took him to Spain, where he lives currently, combining his work activity inthe field of Public Health, Medicine Primary Care, Hospital Emergencies and Drug Addictions. He is in-volved as a doctor in national and international Cannabis Societies and Associations, where he investigatesthe potential of Therapeutic Cannabis.

To deconstruct and knock down the wall of prohibition, it is necessary to attack by land, sea and air tothe enemy. At this table, we will discuss how feedback between knowledge, science and social develop-ment allow us to continue feeding resistance for the change of laws in a country where 84% of citizenssupport their regulation.


20:00 Closing of World Cannabis Conferences 2020

Òscar Parés. Òscar has a degree in Philosophy and Anthropology from the University of Barcelona,and he has completed a master's degree in drug addiction at the same university. Currently, he is de-puty director of the ICEERS foundation, where he promotes social, educational and research projectsin the field of cannabis social clubs, as well as drug policy reform. Since the organization of the CAN-NABMED 2016 congress, ICEERS promotes a process of sociopolitical transformation in the field ofmedicinal cannabis.

17:00 - 18:00 E-cig: science and manipulation. Is electronic cigarette harmful to health?

Fernando Caudevilla. Family doctor. Medicine Specialist. University expert in drug addiction. Medicaladvisor of the NGO Energy Control. He combines his assistance activity as a family doctor in the PublicHealth Service, with different research, dissemination, training and direct patient care activities in fieldssuch as chemsex, new drugs, crypto markets and therapeutic cannabis, among other fields.

Raúl del Pino (moderator). He studied Psychology at the UNED in the mid 90s since his great passionwas the modified states of consciousness and psychedelics as tools of personal growth and transcen-dence. In 1996 he created the first website in Spanish dedicated to drugs. Since then he has been com-mitted to informing, in a realistic and objective way, about the topic of psychoactive substances. He iscurrently responsible for the digital área of Feria del Cáñamo.

During the last months we have attended a media campaign, promoted by the Government andsupported by several scientific societies, aimed at raising public awareness about the risks of electroniccigarettes. While in other countries around us, e-cig is considered a risk reduction tool in smokers, in ourcountry this instrument has been demonized. In the conference we will discuss and debate the causes ofthis phenomenon and offer objective and realistic information about the risks and benefits of using e-cig.

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