doomsday- revue celtique

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  • 8/7/2019 Doomsday- Revue celtique




    H. GAIDOZDirecteur-Adjoint Vcole des Hautes tudes, Professeur l'cole des Sciences Politiques,

    Secrtaire correspondant de la Cambrian Arch^ological Association, yitmhre ehRoyal Archological Association of Ireland, etc.

    Tome IV

    a : ^q44

    F. VIEWEG, LIBRAIRE-DITEUR67, rue de Richelieu, PARIS


  • 8/7/2019 Doomsday- Revue celtique


  • 8/7/2019 Doomsday- Revue celtique


    246 Tidings of Doomsday.

    scla Idi brtha inso sis.,.^

    1 . Dia dohennachad nansidi uli.2. Tabrad cach en dib fleith amenmain 7 ainnithim codichra frisc-

    laib lai brdtha . i . amalferfas incomdlu fdeli frisnanemaib j frisnafirnaibdoaittreb nafiatha nenida. ama.\ ferfas /mmurro anfdeli frisnapechachaib 7frisnahanfirenaib ocaninnarba iniffernd.

    ^. ISu crist mac de bi slanicid indule domain intresperxo na deachta uasliaschomsathain 7 ascomfolbhaide dondathair 7 donspirutu ndem. isse rordidnascelasa gair bic rianachsad dofolsigud natuaru&cbdla bias do fin illbrdtha conanemaib 7 conaflrnaib. 7 donertad aapsal 7 adescipul [32^].nachasragbad torsi diachessadsom. arrofitirsium corochomacsig amserachesta.

    4. Matha mac alph'in si ebraidi indara fer dc roihog isu namuintemsincethramad fer roscrib insoscela comdeta iss roscrib 7 rolesaig nasclasolatin bralha. mar rochala ablaib amdgistrech . i . isu cofarcaib hicumnecondeclais conebairt fnninnasa.

    ^. INtan doraga mac de 7 duini inenpersaind. cononir 7 comiadamla.7 aule aingil malle fris, suidftd intansin forachathair rigda 7 forsossadamiadamla. 7 tinolfer andsin nahuli duine na fiadnaisi 7 dogna andeli-gud 7 aterbod iartain. Ordaigfid m anemu 7 firnu diadeis. Ordaigfid//murro napecdachu 7 nahanfirenu di[a]cl. ISandsin atbra inri dond-fairind beti diadeis. Ticid abennachtnachu selbaid flaith mathar rofiiireddib othosuch domain, air roba ingorta 7 dortsaid biad dam. Robd ini-taid 7 doratsaid dig dam. Robd irrichtain aies tigi diged 7 doratsai. aigi-dech dam. Robd cenetach 7 ioratsaid etach dam. Robd ingalur 7 tancabairdomtorroma. Roba icumriuch 7 tancaibair domthaslugud 7 domfortacht.

    6. ISandsin doberat nafiroin infrecrasa forincomdid. Athigerna for iatcuin atchoncammdrni th ingorta no in itaid 7 doratsam biad 7 dig dait.

  • 8/7/2019 Doomsday- Revue celtique


    Tidings of Doomsday 247TIDINGS OF DOOMSDAY, THIS BELOW.

    1 . God to bless the hearers ail !2. Let every one of them severally give his mind and his attention

    earnestiy unto tidings of Doomsday, to wit, how the Lord will welcomethe Saints and the Righteous to inhabit the heavenly kingdom, but howhe will show sternness ' to the Sinful and to the Unrighteous in banishingthem into hell.

    3. Jsus Christ, son of David, Saviour of ail the world, the thirdPerson of the high Godhead, who is co-eternal and equally to be praisedwith the Father and with the Holy Ghost, he it is that told thse tidingsa little while before his Passion, to set forth the appearance that he him-self will hve on Doomsday, with his Saints and with his Righteousones, and to strengthen his apostles and his disciples, so that sadnessfor his sutfering might not take hold of them, for he knew that the timeof his Passion was at hand.

    4. Matthew son of Alpheus, an Hebrew sage, the twelfth man whomJsus chose into his household, the fourth man who wrote the Gospel ofthe Lord, he it is that wrote and revised ^ thse tidings of Doomsday,as he heard (them) from the lips of his Master, namely, Jsus, and leftthem in remembrance with the Church, and spake in this wise.

    5. When the Son of God and Man in one Person shall come withhonour and with glory, and ail his angels along with him, then will hesit on his throne and on the station of his glory, and ail the human beingswill be collected there in his prsence, and he will make their division andtheir sparation thereafter. He will set in order, forsooth, his Saints andhis Righteous ones on hisright hand ; but the sinful and the unrighteoushe will set in order on his left. It is then that the King will say to thosethat are on his right, Come ye, oh blessed ones, possess my Father'skingdom that hath been prepared for you from the beginning of theworld ! For I was in hunger and ye gave me food : I was in thirst and yegave me drink : I was in need of a guesthouse and ye gave me hospita-lity: I was without raiment and ye gave me raiment : I was in sicknessand ye came to watch me : I was in captivity and ye came to loose meand to help me.

    6. It is then that the Righteous will give this answer to the Lord :a Oh Lord, say they, when saw we thee in hunger or in thirst and

    1. Lit. make unwelcome.2. Lit. bettered.

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    248 Tidings of DoomsdayCuin atchonnarcmr irrichtain aies tigi diged no cenetach tu 7 doratsamardigidech 7 tach duit. no cuin atconcamar ingalur no icumriuch th 7tdncamdr dotjis scl 7 dotfuaslucud.

    7. IS seo immurro frecra dobra incomdiu forsnafirnaib. Cachtan arsedornsaith maith arnabochtaih imanmumsa isforomsa dornsaid.

    8. ISiat sin tra se hernaili natrcairi ocennaigther indflaith nemda.ISiat nas dorsi glainidi riasatic solsi inbethad suthain isindedais. ISiasinnas cmend iarsafrescabat na ndlm 7 najiroin dochom nimi.

    9. Atbra incomdiu dana cid dondfairind beti diachll innathesc nacarbnadathmarsa .1. donlucht ndrochomaill athoil 7 ahimna. 7 ised atbrafriu ocacur iniffern. Scuchaid dim amallachtnachu 7 ercid isin tenid suthainrofdired dodiabul 7 diadrochmuintir . air robd ingorta 7 initaid 7 nithdrd-said biad no dig dam. Robd irrichtain aies tigi diged 7 taig 7 ni thard-said digidecht no tach dam. Robd ingalur 7 icumriuch 7 ni hancabairdomfisscl no domthaslucud.

    10. ISandsin doberat nahecraibdig infrecrasa forincomdid. Athigernaforsiat cuin atconnarcmdrni ingorta. no initaid. no irrichtain aies tigidiged. no cen tach. no ingalur no icumriuch. 7 nadersamar timthirecht 7umallit duit.

    1 1 ISandsin dobra incomdiu frecra forrosom. Cachtan forse nadersaidmaith arnabochtaib immanmaimsea ' isforomsa nader[n]said.

    12. ISiatsin tra se nechi airegda triasa ninsaigther iffernd. Srdinft'w traiarsin na hanfiroin hipin iffirn 7 isintodernam suthain ragait /mmurronandim 7 nafireoin isinmbethaidh suthain doaittreb nime malle fridia conaainglib triabithu sir.

    13. [326] Cesnaigther isinscriptir ndim can asatarga incomdiu dofugiull brdtha. Ocus cinnas doraga ocus cia aratarga.

    14. Denim tra codemin^ doraga incomdiu do fugiull brdtha mardemnigesinrlgfaith dah'ui mac iese. Innas /mmurro doraga demnigid infith ctna 7issQd atber. Bid follns arse doraga incomdiu dondfugiull 7 nibdtithenach.

    1. Facs. immanmainse2. Facs. codenim

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    Tidings of Doomsday. 249gave thee food and drink ? when saw we thee in need of a guesthouse orwithout raiment, and gave thee hospitality and raiment? or when sawwe thee in sickness or captivity and came to get tidings of thee and toloose thee ?

    7. This then is the answer that the Lord wiil give to the Righteous : Every time, saith he, that ye hve done good for the poor in myname, it is for me ye hve done it.

    8. Those then are the six kinds of mercy by which the heavenlykingdom is bought. They are the six glassen doors through the whichcornes the light of eternal life into the Church. Those are the six stepswhereby the Saints and the Righteous ascend to Heaven.

    9. Then shall the Lord give also unto them that are on his left handthis bitter, awful answer, to wit, to the folk that hve not fulfiUed hiswiil and his command, and it is this that he shall say to them, casting theminto hell : Dpart from me, oh cursed ones, and go ye into the ever-lasting fire that hath been prepared for the Devil and his evil household.For I was in hunger and in thirst and ye gave me not food or drink :I was in need of a guest-house and raiment and ye gave me nothospitalityor raiment : 1 was in sickness and captivity and ye came not to get ti-dings of me or to loose me.

    I o. It is then that the impious ones shall give this answer to the Lord :a Oh Lord, say they, when saw we (thee) in hunger, or in thirst,or in need of a guest-house, or wthout raiment, or in sickness, or incaptivity, and rendered not attendance nor lowly service unto thee ?

    11. It is then the Lord wiil give an answer to them : Every time ,saith he, that ye hve not done good for the poor in my name, it isfor me ye hve not done it.

    12. Those then are the six chief things through the which hell isattained. Thereafter then the unjust shall be hurled headlong into hell'spain and into the everlasting punishment, but the Saints and the Righteousshall go into the life everlasting to inhabit heaven along with God andhis angels for ever and ever.

    13. It is asked in the holy scripture whence it is that the Lord wiilcorne to the judgment of Doom, and how he wiil come, and whereforehe wiil come.

    14. From Heaven, then, certainly the Lord wiil come to the judg-ment of Doom, as certifieth the royal prophet David the son of Jesse ;but how he wiil come certifieth the same prophet, and it is this that hesaith : It is manifest, saith he, that the Lord wiil come to thejudgment, and he wiil not be not silent. There wiil be a great fire

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    2 jo Tidings of Doomsday.Biaid dana tene mr arlassad nafiadnaisi 7 ainbthini dcrmdr imme dicachleith. ISaire immuvro doraga incomdiu donduugiull dmesforinciniud ndoennaeter biu 7 marbu. mar atbeir inrigfaith cetna. Tinolfaiter arse muinternime 7 talman hifiadnaisi inchomded ill brtha.

    15. ISdemin dana condingniter cethri budni don chin[i]ud denda illbratha. Buden m dib dogentar dmes 7 ragait aithle ammessa dochom pn7 bdtT[na\ma. Isfriuside atbra incomdiu innaithesc naduathmarso ocanin-narha nad. Scuchaid dim amallachtnachu isintenid suthain rofaired dodia-bul 7 diadrochmuinT . isiatsede nacomallat ognim inmaith gellait oblaib.Ise ainm nafairnisin isinscriptir. mali non ualde . i . uilc nach adbiilolc.

    16. Buden aile dib nadingentar dmes acht ragait fchetir cenmesruguder forro dochom niffrind. 7 pianfaitiv iarsin triabithu nambetha centro-caire d diafortacht drnihabratsom smacht no reckt noriagail ardenam apec-caid 7 andualach hifus. acht cach olc as ma roftat dosdrugud d 7 daineisst. dogniat. Is ainm na budnisin. mali ualde . i . anasmesu don chin[i]uddenda.

    17. Buden aile dib dogentar dmes 7 ragait a aithle ammessa dochumfocraice. ISiatsede dogniat. //us aithrige ndichra tria chongain cride. 7lesaigit anulcu remtechtacha triasualchib 7 cdingnimaib. 7 dana doberatalmsana bid 7 etaig donabochtaib inonoir inchomded. condichletsede napecdadornsat riam. connachcumnig incomdiu dib thall nahulcu dornsat //us.Isfrisidi atbra incomdiu ill bratha icangairm chuce dochum nime. Taitinnossa abennachtnachu doaitreib naflatha nemda. Ise dana ainm nabudnisinisinscriptir ndim. boni non ualde .1. mathi nach adbolmaih.

    18. Buden aie immuvro dib nadingentar dmes, acht ragait fchetir cen-mesrugud etir dochum nimi. -j focraici fororda. ISleosede nach leor di maithcomallud nac\ nerailend inscriptur diada forro dodenamcotuillet trianasual-chib 7 trianacaindu... fin sin .7 condnat ni asmo demaith andas an [er]ailter forro isnatimnaib diadaib. ISdibsidc d... gellas 7 tairngires isu inmormaith seo n... nister isintsoscla conebre friu ocanascin... chuce immr-chomddil li brtha air foracsabar si... sa ar isu cach maith robi ocaibisintsdegul. {tan]cabair immuinteru&{s]a 7 imchomaitecht[s]a. Tditsi innossa.... combcthi malle frim fordibrigsudib dc cen m ... gud foraib. issibsiocmes inchiniuda denna

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    Tidings of Doomsday. 2 5flaming before him and a mighty storm around him on every side. It isfor this that the Lord will corne to the judgment, to dcide on thehumanrace both living and dead, as saith the same royal prophet, there shallbe gathered together, saith he, the household of heaven and earth inthe prsence of the Lord on the Day of Doom.

    15. It is certain, then, that there will be made four troops of thehuman race on the Day of Doom. Now a troop of them shall be broughtto judgment and shall go after their doom to pain and punishment. It isto them the Lord shall make the awful answer in banishing them fromhim : Dpart from me, oh cursed, into the everlasting fire that has beenprepared for the Devil and for hisevil household. Itis thse that do notfulfil by deed the good which they promise by lips. This is the nameof that folk in the scripture, mali non valde^ that is, bad, not greatly bad.

    16. Another troop of then will not be brought to judgment, but toHell they will go at once, without adjudication at ail then, and theywill be tortured thereafter through ges of ges without God's mercy tohelp them, for they do not put term, or law, or rule on committing theirsins and the vices hre, but every evil which is greatest they could tooutrage God and men, it is this that they do. This is the name of thattroop, mali valde, that is, what is worst of the human race.

    17. Another troop of them will be brought to judgment^ and theywill go after their judgment unto reward. Thse are they that hre makeearnest repentance through grief of heart, and amend their former evilsthrough virtues and fair deeds, and then they give alms of food and ofraiment to the poor in honour of the Lord, and thse hide the sins theyhve before committed, and the Lord remembers not for them there theevils they did hre. It is to thse that the Lord will say on Doomsday,calling them to Him unto heaven. Come now, Blessed, to inhabit theheavenly kingdom ! . This, then, is the name of that troop in the holyscripture boni non valde, that is, 'good who are not greatly good'.

    18. Another troop ofthem, however, will not be brought to judgment,but unto heaven and ail golden rewards they will go at once withoutadjudication at ail. With them it is not enough of good to fulfil everythingthat the divine scripture enjoins on them to do, so that they aboundthrough their own virtues and through their fair... and they do more ofgood than what is enjoined on them in the divine commands. It is tothem ... that Jsus pledges and prophecies this great good ... in thegospel, that he will say to them, seeing them .... to him in the greatconvention of Doomsday. Since ye hve left for me , saith Jsus,M every good thing that ye had in the world, ye hve come into my

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    2 5 2 Tidings of Doomsday

    19. [p. 3 3 c2] do aitreib iffirnd triabith sir. Ocus it bei iscoraib 7 illong-phortaib diabnU. Ocus scrait frlairfitiud indomainseo rocharsat. Ocus fri-gnsib muintire nime .1. nanaingel 7 nanem 7 nafiren. armbith dib milebliadna itenid bratha. arissin r lathi braha mar innisit trachtairedanacanoni nLiriL

    20. Nibd soinmech tra ast napectachsin. nifalgbet dig no.biad. acht sir-gorta 7 roitii 7 rouacht. ISedbertair iarsin do aig diabuW cofognr derchintecotromosnadaib sirrechtaidib . Bid trag gdir 7 nall golfadach 7 igmech.bran 7 basgaire. natath pecdach andsin icaarroing dochumpene iffirnd. achtbidhisin inmall aithrige cm greimfurri. arnichluinfider angudisium andsin.air narofoichlitar arthus cin robdtdr hifus hicomaitreib acorp 7 ananmand.ladfair andsin triglais napecthach . i . iadad iffirn tria bith sir forru. 7iadad asul frisindomun diotartsat grdd 7 iadad naflatha nemda friu. Suid-fit iarsin sudi nemthrcar forrichessaib rothened arblaib rig na cldiniinglind napian airm imbiat dib todernama tromma . i . bas cenbetaid. enedorcha. bethu brnach toirsech salach inglan. airm imbiat ilchoin gra cica-ra[cha] cresmra clvaslethna ingnecha crobgra attebaib. Ocus loscindgra garba ocimesorcain. Ocus nathracha nemnecha imlatha inchuairdcathrach diabail. Ocus lomain lonna letarthacha. Ocus ilar nandubdlm7 nandublachat . airm imbiat oin etecha ingnecha dgmara iarnaide. Ocusbrenlocha ainbthencha ara iffernaide. Tenti dorcha oc sirloscud. Lecca dercafochossaib. Claidib iccirriud. Cait icscripad 7 icdercad. Demna icpianad.Crchta cenleges. Lassar cendibdud. Gabailfortengthaib. Tachtudarbrdgtib.Badred arcennaib. lachtad 7 gabail argothaib. Glassad arbonnaib. Airmimbia fritdib cachuilc inpheist irdairc athmar ilchennach corubnib richesrad. Ni diataarascbdil .1. cet muinel furri 7 cet cend forcach muineol. 7coic .c. fiacal cachen chind. cet lam furri. 7 cet mbas forcach laim. 7 cetningen forcach bais, airm imbethir cenchoemu cencardiu initaid inacorusirrouacht irrothes. inesbaid cachmathiusa 7 hicomlaintius cachuilc. inentaidesentad demna 7 muintiri iffirn. Biaid dana andsin mairg 7 iachtad. gol7 egmech. cnet 7 grechach. cachuenbeoil. 7 mallacht cen chumsanad onapecthachaib fovanapaid . i . fovdiabul. arisst dos[\). 5 3 b'ibtirsium icjulangphne cac\\ olc doronsat triana aslachsom. Ocus mallacht ciana adsom fora-manchaib imme. i . forsnapecdachaib arismoti apiansom fein cach olc doronsatsum triana aslom forro ocaslach cach uilc.

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    Tidings of Doomsday . 255household and into ray fellowship. Corne ye now ihat ye may bealong with me on twelve thrones, without adjudication on you. Ye arejudging the human race ...

    (Hre a leaf seems lost.)19. ... to inhabit Hell for ever. And it is they who shall be in (the)

    Devil's tents and camps. And they shall separate from the delight of thisworid which they loved, and from the faces of Heaven's household, thatis, of the Angels and of the Saints and of the Righteous, after they hvebeen a thousand years in the fire of Doom. For that is the length ofDoomsday as the commentators on the holy canon dclare.

    20. Not happy then will be the road of those sinners : they get notdrink nor food, but constant hunger, and great thirst, and great cold.It is they that will be brought thereafter to the Devil's house, with

    noise of despair, with heavy yearning sighs. Sad are the cry and shout,wailingand screaming, woe and handbeating, of those sinfulpeoplethere,at the dragging of them to Hell's torture. But that will be sadness ofrepentance without profit thereon, for there their prayer will not be heard.For they prepared not at first while they were hre in possession both oftheir bodies and their sols. Then will be shut the sinners' three locks,to wit, shutting of Hell for ever on them, and shutting of their eyes onthe world to which they gave love, and shutting of the heavenly king-dom on them. Thereafter they will sit a merciless seat on glowing coalsof great fire before the king of evil in the Glen of tortures, wherein theyshall hve heavy punishments, to wit, death without life : dark fire :life woeful, sad, foui, unclean : a place wherein shall be many dogs keen,greedy, gluttonous, broad-eared, longclawed, sharppawed, besidethem. And toads, keen, rough, destroying one another. And adders poiso-nous, very swift, around the Devil's city. And lions fierce, rending.And many in their dark mass and in their dark light. A place whereinshall be birds hideous !? , taloned, fearful, made of iron. And stinkinglochs, stormy, cold, hellish. Fires dark, ever burning. Red flags underfeet. Swords maiming. Cats scratching and furrowing. Fiends torturing.W'ounds without healing. Flame without quenching. Gag on tongues.Strangling on throats, Vexing on heads. Yelling and gagging on voices.Fettering on soles, A place wherein beside every evil shall be the Mons-ter, conspicuous, awful, manyheaded, with crowds of red glowing coals.Somewhat of his description, to wit : a hundred necks upon him and ahundred heads on each neck, andfive hundred teeth in each head. A hun-dred hands upon him, and a hundred palms on each hand, and a hundrednails on every palm. A place wherein existence is without lovingness,

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    2 5 4 Tidings of Doomsday

    2 1 . ISadathmar immurro 7 isgranna incarcarsin dorigni incomdiu dodiabul conademnaib . i . iffern. ISisel ira 7 isdomain asudigud. ar ciano-licthe cloch mulin imbelaib iffirn. nim indd hicind mili bliadna rose-sed aichtur. Ude anma dar\di iartech acurp frire tricht bliadna oachturcoaichtur. mar as chetfaid diarailib ISdaingen ahimtimchell nacarcrachsin.ISaigthech uamnach. gaibthech golfartach. Isdorcha dubgranna achres.ISall dothimarcain cach anma phiantair . Isbro doloscud. Is{s]raigell do esor-gain. Isfdebur do athchumma. isadaig doerdallud. Is dethach domuchad.Iscroch dophianad. ISclaideb do digail. h arm uathmar doguin 7 doletrad.Isburiud pian. Isrubne todernam. Isbadud isplagud. Is{s)rainiud. isbrd.islinud. istragud. isdd. islod. isloscud. is{s)lucud. isard, isisel. rothe. iscumung isfarsiug. ismr brni abrothgaile.

    22. Cid tra acht diacmXa nech isecht naesaib. 7 combeth mile bliadnaincach dis dib nim anda enmad rand fichet olc niffirnd noinnisfed. Achtitiat sin chena primthesmalta iffirn conaphianaib. Ni ma chin /or/a/maincid drdrigi indomain oturcbil cofuniud nobeth acci. diambd hadba indadbasin 7 diambia icciniud aittreib nacarcrachsin.

    23. Gairmebtair immnrro cosomiad. cononir. conairmitin. nanim 7 na-firoin rochomailset timna ' inchomdcd 7 aforcetul. isinbcthaid suthain for-deis d triabith sir . i . lucht na ccnsa 7 nahalgini. nadcirci 7 natrocairi 7cachcdingnima archena. lucht gi 7 athrigi 7 fedba irescha ardia. Isand-

    I. Facs. tiinma

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    Tidings of Doomsday 2^5without friendship, in thirst, in hunger, in great cold, in great beat, inwant of every good thing and in fulness of every evil thing, in union withthe disunion of the fiends and the household of Hell. Then will be therewoe and lamentation, waii and crying, groan and scream of every mouth,and a curse without resting from the sinners on their Abbot, to wit, onthe Devil, for he it is that puts them in endurance of punishment for everyevil they did through his temptation, and a curse, too, from him onmonks about him, to wit, on the sinners, since the greater is his ownpunishment for every evil they did through his sduction of them, incitingevery evil.

    21. Awful, in sooth^ and hideous is that prison vvhich the Lord hasmade for the Devil with his fiends, to wit, Hell. Low, now, and deep isits place. For though a millstone were cast into Hell's mouth, notsoonerthan at the end of a thousand years would it reach the bottom, Thesoul's journey, now, after coming from the body, (is) for a space of thirtyyears from top to bottom thereof, as is the opinion of certain persons.Strong is that prison's surrounding : it is fuU of fear, dread, danger, lamen-tation < h, . Dark, black, hideous is its open mouth. It is a rock for chasteningevery sol that is tortured. It is a flame for burning. It is a scourge forsmiting. It is an edge for maiming. It is a night for blinding. It is a fog forsmothering. It is a cross for torturing. It is a sword for vengeance. It isan awful weapon for slaying and for cutting. It is a roaring (?i of tortu-res. It is a crovvd of punishments. It is a drowning, it is a plaguing. Itis a breaking : it is a bruising, it is a pollution, it is an exhaustion, it is aconsuming, it is a hacking, it is a burning, it is a swallowing: itis higb,it is low, it is very cold : it is very hot, it is narrow, it is wide : greatis the stench of the steam of its (burning) flesh.

    22. Now though one should be put in seven ges and though thereshould be a thousand years in each ge of them, not more than the oneand twentieth part of Hell's evils would he relate. Butthose are the chiefdtails of Hell with its tortures. Beside it even the high kingdoms of the\\orld, from sunrise to sunset, were not greater than a drop on (the)earth if thy dwelling were that dwelling and if thou wert appointingthe habitation of that prison.

    25. But the Saints and the Righteous, who hve fulfilled the commandsof the Lord and histeaching, will be called to glory, to honour,to vn-ration, into the eternal Life on God's right hand, for ever and ever, to\it. the folk of gentleness and tenderness, of charity and of mercy, andof every fair deed besides, a folk of virginity and pnitence, and widowsfaiihful for God's sake. Then shall there be a great noise and mighty

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    2 56 Tidings of Doomsday.sin bias tairm adhul 7 jogux dermar nananmand nglan iccimnigud fordeisanrig 7 atigernai issinflahh nemda inggradaib rig nimi 7 talman 7 (/firn.Airm Ifil intsoilsi dorisce cachsoilsi. cach tairthim. ce[n\erbrd. cendor-chataid. Bethu suthain cenbas. nuall faelti cenorsi. Slanti cengalar. etiucen sentataid. sld cendebaid. saime cendinmige. saire cen saetharcen snim.cen ocorus bid no etaig no cotulta. nimi cen ais cen ercra. Oentu solustaaingel. Airera parduis. Fledugud centurbrd eter noingradaib aingel 7noemthuath richid 7 nemairechtaib inrig rouasail. 7 eter ndemtlachtaibspirtdldaib nimi. 7 etrocha grne. hi flaith aird asail adamraigthi. chdimchoir chumthaigthi. mir min milidi. sair sdim sorchaide. imbrugib richid.[34a] isostaib dibnib. hi cathirib rdaib. illepthaib glainidib hisostaibargdidib. isudigfider cachenduine arammiad 7 ardliged 7 arasognimfodein.

    24. ISdiasnedi immurro farsinge 7 lethet naflatha nemda. ar intn aslua-thiu lamain forbith nithairsed d oichell richid oossuch domain coa-dered.

    25. ISadbuldanaasuthaigcj asolsi. achaime 7 achobsaide nacathrachsinAsmi 7 asomilsi. Afosacht alogmaire. arrdi arruthnigthi. aglaine agrdd-maire. agile acelmaire. andimi amamglaine. ahaille a hailgine. a hardi ahetrocta. a hordan ahairmitiu. a Idnsid a Idnentu. nitalaing ira nachndil inchtmad rand do uarascbail mathiusa na cathrachsin dinnisin. achtammdin isferr inbecansa db dinnisin indd beith hitast.

    26. Mogenair immurro bias cor\degarliud. 7 condegnimaih 7 htrthair doaitreib nacathrachsin illo brtha. dr biaid tria bithu cen chrich cenforcendincntaid nahecailsi nemda 7 talman. inentaid asalathrach 7 fddi apstal 7descipul isu crist. nem 7 nemog indomain, aingel 7 archaingel incomded.isinnentaid as uaslia cach nentaid. inndentaid nanem trinoti asli athar7 maie 7 spirta ndim.

  • 8/7/2019 Doomsday- Revue celtique


    Tidings of Doomsday . 257Sound of the pure sols stepping on the right hand of their King andtheir Lord in the heavenly Kingdom, in ranks of the King of heavenand earth and hell. A place wherein is the Light that excels every light,every splendeur, without interruption, v/ithout darkness. Life eternalwithout death : clamour of joy without sorrow : health without sickness:youth without old ge : peace without quarrel : rest without adversity :freedom without labour, without fatigue^ without need of food or rai-roent or sleep : holiness without ge, without decay : radiant unity ofangels : delights of paradise : feasting without interruption among nineranks of angels and of holy folks of heaven and holy assemblies of themost noble King, and among holy, spiritual hues of heaven and bright-ness of sun in a kingdom high, noble, admirable, lovable, just, ador-ned, great, smooth, honeyed, free, restful, radiant : in plains of heaven,in delightful stations, in golden chairs, in glassen beds, in silvern sta-tions wherein every one shall be placed according to his own honourand right and welldoing.

    24. But indescribable are the amplitude and width of the heavenlykingdom. For the bird that is swiftest of flight upon earth, for him thejourney of the kingdom would not end i^though he flew) from the world'sbeginning until the end thereof.

    25. Vast, then, are this fruitfulness and the light, theloveableness andthe stability of that City : its rest and its sweetness, its security, its pre-ciousness, its smoothness, its dazzlingness, its purity, its lovesomeness,its whiteness, its melodiousness_, its holiness, its bright purity, its beauty,its mildness, its height, its splendour, its dignity, its venerableness, itsplenteous peace, its plenteous unity. Yea, not fit is any crature to setforth the hundredth part of the description of the goodness of that City,biit still it is better to relate this little of them than to be in silence.

    26. Happily born, in sooth, was he who shall abide with deservin-gness and with good deeds and who shall be taken to dwell in that Cityat doomsday ! For he shall abide through ges without limit, withoutend, in the unity of the Church of heaven and earth, in the unity of thepatriarchs and prophets, apostles and disciples of Jsus Christ, ofthesaints and holy virgins of the world, of the angels and archangels of theLord, in the unity that is higher than any unity, the unity of the high,holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Ghost.