don't devalue your values v2

Hilaire Henthorne, J.D., M.Div. Hilaire has lived and worked in the Washington, D.C. area for 25 years, first as an attorney, then as a solo pastor and church planter, and currently as a business consultant and executive coach. She received her law degree from Catholic University, and practiced law for 12 years, both in private practice and with the federal government. She served on the staff of the Chief Counsel for the U.S. Secret Service and as Counsel to the Inspector General of the U.S. International Trade Commission. She then attended Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia, from which she received her Masters in Divinity. Hilaire is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA). She planted a non-denominational Protestant church in a community in Springfield, Virginia which grew to 250 members. She served as the solo pastor of that congregation for 9 years. Most recently, Hilaire launched a professional consultant and coaching business: Passionate Purpose Coaching ( ). She partners with highly motivated individuals and businesses to forge a link between what they do best (their purpose) and what they love to do (their passion). She also leads seminars, speaks before Chambers of Commerce and civic organizations, and publishes articles.

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  • 1. HilaireHenthorne, J.D., M.Div.
    Hilaire has lived and worked in the Washington, D.C. area for 25 years, first as an attorney, then as a solo pastor and church planter, and currently as a business consultant and executive coach.She received her law degree from Catholic University, and practiced law for 12 years, both in private practice and with the federal government.She served on the staff of the Chief Counsel for the U.S. Secret Service and as Counsel to the Inspector General of the U.S. International Trade Commission.
    She then attended Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia, from which she received her Masters in Divinity.Hilaire is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA).She planted a non-denominational Protestant church in a community in Springfield, Virginia which grew to 250 members.She served as the solo pastor of that congregation for 9 years.
    Most recently, Hilaire launched a professional consultant and coaching business:Passionate Purpose Coaching ( partners with highly motivated individuals and businesses to forge a link between what they do best (their purpose) and what they love to do (their passion).She also leads seminars,speaks before Chambers of Commerce and civic organizations, and publishes articles.
    On December 14, 2010, the Enterprise Center published an article that she wrote entitled:The Fake Choice Life Coaching vs. Career Coaching.Her article is posted at, on the In the Know page.The article examines how to align our work and personal priorities with our values, so we can design a life worth living.

2. Dont Devalue Your Values
Why Purpose, Values And Culture Are Critical To Your Business
Copyright 2011.Hilaire R. Henthorne, Passionate Purpose Coaching.All rights reserved. Nopart of this presentation can be reproduced in oral or written form without the written permission of the author and without proper attribution in a footnote or endnote.

3. Dont Devalue Your Values
Two purposes for todays talk:
Develop a strong culture, rooted in a clear purpose and enduring values; and
Create the basis for a great business which customers, employees, vendors and the local community will love being associated with
4. Dont Devalue Your Values
Profit alone is NOT a good enough reason for a business to exist
5. Dont Devalue Your Values
An organizations values and culture flow directly from its purpose
6. Dont Devalue Your Values
Businesses follow their values and their cultures reflect those values.
7. Dont Devalue Your Values
Purpose:the reason your company exists.
8. Dont Devalue Your Values
Strong Relationship Between Purpose and Profit
Companies with strong purpose, values and culture outperform general market 15:1
Companies with strong purpose, values and culture outperform comparable companies 6:1
9. Dont Devalue Your Values
Harvard Business School study showed that firms with strong purpose, values and culture outperformed firms with weak purpose/culture.
At firms with strong purpose, values and culture, revenue grew 4x faster; rate of job creation was 7x higher; stock prices grew 12x faster; and profit was significantly higher
You cant afford not to care about purpose!
10. Dont Devalue Your Values
An organization without a clear purpose is like a car without steering.
11. Dont Devalue Your Values
Its a mistake to be guided only or primarily by what people will pay for if a given product or service doesnt fit your purpose.
12. Dont Devalue Your Values
Know what your purpose is, so that if others in your company say Our competition at XYZ is doing such-n-such and so should we, you can assess whether the proposed change(s) fit your purpose.Keeps you from making knee jerk responses to competitors.
13. Dont Devalue Your Values
Pampers Purpose:Dry bottoms vs. Healthy Babies
14. Dont Devalue Your Values
5 Characteristics of A Clear Purpose:
1. It inspires your employees.
2. As valid 100 years from now as today.
3. Helps you think broadly about what you could do, but arent doing.
4. Helps you decide what NOT to do.
5. Its truly authentic to the company.
Jim Collins, Inc., 1997
15. Dont Devalue Your Values
Value:A principle, standard or quality which you consider worthwhile or desirable.
16. Dont Devalue Your Values
3M:Core Value = Stimulate Innovation
17. Dont Devalue Your Values
Umpqua Bank:
Core Value = Community Responsibility
18. Dont Devalue Your Values
You cant get people to adopt or buy into your core values.Employees either share them or they dont.
Jim Collins, Aligning Action and Values, June 2000.
19. Dont Devalue Your Values
Once you identify your core values, your next task as a business owner is to find the people who share your values.So be clear with others about your purpose and values.
20. Dont Devalue Your Values
Alignment with your values is critical for your business to function effectively and credibly.
Owners need to periodically assess whether their business values and practices are misaligned, and to correct misalignments.
21. Dont Devalue Your Values
Core values dont change over time; policies and practices do.
Worry about what you do as a business, not just what you say.
22. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture:The shared attitudes, beliefs and practices that characterize members of an organization.Culture describes the way a companys owner(s) and employees think, feel and act.
It is the set of rules, spoken or unspoken, that you live by.Adrian Gostick & Chester E. Hom, The Carrot Principle, O.C. Tanner Co., 2007, 97.
23. 2 Video Clips on Business Culture:
DontDevalue Your Values
24. DontDevalue Your Values
Cultures That Dont Serve Businesses Well:
Culture of Resistance:Ex. Bear Stearns
25. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Denial: Ex.s BP & Transocean Ltd.
26. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Do As We Say, Not As We Do:Ex. -Raytheon
27. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Silence: Ex.s- NASA Shuttle Disasters & Transocean Ltds Safety Issues
28. Dont Devalue Your Values
Cultures That Serve Companies Well
Innovation Ex.s: John Deere, Umpqua Bank
29. Dont Devalue Your Values
John Deere dealer:Curiosity Bonuses
30. Dont Devalue Your Values
Umpqua Bank:Makes banking a community event and a sensory experience
31. Dont Devalue Your Values: Umpqua Bank
32. Dont Devalue Your Values:Umpqua Bank
33. Dont Devalue Your Values:Umpqua Bank
34. Dont Devalue Your Values:Umpqua Bank
35. Dont Devalue Your Values
DHL:Outstanding Customer Service
36. Dont Devalue Your Values
Transparency & Candor:Whole Foods & SRC Holdings
37. Dont Devalue Your Values
Threat to Inf0rmation Flow:Beware of the Shimmer Effect
38. Dont Devalue Your Values
Kent Thiry, CEO:DaVita:Rewards employees for levelingwith him about bad news
39. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Passion:Southwest Airlines
40. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Employee Recognition/Appreciation:Recent study by the Jackson Organization indicated that 65% of American workers received No recognition from a manager during the previous year.
41. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Employee Recognition/Appreciation 79% of North Americans who quit their jobs cite lack of appreciation as a key reason for leaving
42. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Employee Recognition/Appreciation A Watson/Wyatt survey asked workers to identify very significant motivators of performance.66% said Appreciation.
43. Dont Devalue Your Values
44. Dont Devalue Your Values
Culture of Appreciation/Recognition:
Investing in recognition is good for business.
45. Dont Devalue Your Values
For recognition to be effective, it must be:
Frequent every 7 days
46. Dont Devalue Your Values
Recognition must be specific
47. Dont Devalue Your Values
Recognition Must Be Timely At work as at home
48. Dont Devalue Your Values
Business Trends:
Reduce Corporate Real Estate Footprint
Reconfigure Corporate Office Space
Emphasis on green building or conversion of existing buildings
Labor outsourcing
Reducing turnover costs
49. Dont Devalue Your Values
Paradigm Shift:
1 Office + 1 Employee + 1 Desk model is becoming extinct
50. Dont Devalue Your Values
Business new role:community gathering place Umpqua, Wegmans, Safeway
51. Dont Devalue Your Values
Business Trend:Increasing Shortage of Skilled Workers
52. Dont Devalue Your Values
Every Customer Is a Reporter Now, Jay Baer,