don’t look but— battalion att ali 7 torials...

tjyLi •• Yi:i)r: . ! ,H'T-V ' i S'lT ; * Tage 2 ■; I - ".i ; i j i; I ,■ Politic Vs , ; : ' With the Pc&sidantp , European aid mes;a je t gress now several Rapidly taken!place, the opposition seeiat* to , rather thah.state$riainli The program ear dent catls 'Ten dra^ti wiatlThe Presii " Whatever portipii of the plan event§ally resConcerning reaches the statutes, there is one facet of the consdnher rations phifee tfeilingt on scarce turqr which Veserveti attention. The rapidity -arent and export with which the two factions took up their of speculative . cudgels bespeaks far more of politics than nsioni) comnioidities, an ^l(e controls^- and a r 1 trading on coin mad the drastic class, he reijupi; cation of traii.spcriatipji ^ duceraent of livestoc c a|4(t p to obtain more eft ci ant usp Agriculture Department e for encouraging i;o isar^j home and food prod jct'ipn 1 The rapidjy .for npil: io by Ohios Seiiathr Taft, chiefly to the; poh ic nof tl price! ceilings find co isumer as Mr. Trumans ifferii rrud servation measure - tm rr ji:ti-inf ation and,, pathetic C^. ^eightieth Con- to halt iil}^ not oidy •' dppdaition the bi t ' J hatel, \ some of $ched hised <p, political pro^rams. u istioii! Questions, f I half billion dollar ^ opj-gait>|propc|sai to fur- iush food and fuel ofEuiSjflte, bjit deplores att ali statesman, Knightly Gi n Ross, Founder of Aggie Ti n l smanship.. f ft *! ^ . ! !, ; 1 I !> y k A^TT: A !; 1: \AX . ' , . j i ,1 I 1 ( Battalion 7 tORIALS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER (; Uatesman, Krtightly Gentleman^ n ft Ross, Founder of Aggie Trad tions ,| h t I" ' I -------------- s- *••• ■m WEDMESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1947 •A- !■■ I A F I -l; Vi m (\[; DONT LOOK N \- 4'!. -ti i ■i F BUT" tii IIP 4 ri l; ! •: i - ' .......... : Letters to the i________________ RPS TRIP1 l; }* FISH CO Editor, The Battulion: It is the opinion of this unwor- thy soul that, according to deep- rooted tradition 'at A. & M., the week preceding the annual Tea- hound versus Aggie game was set aside for the purpose of building the bonfire. Correct? It was also t from tending s been known caufee of the tone of * ,': LL'1al\of .at h major my understanding that freshmen were allowed" to participate in this spirit-raising operation! jiangejs. Also in of genuine concern <Fer a rather serious sit- B continued alio- nation. While the approaching national elec- iciliths, iin in- tion ia a dim, djstahf thing to the average tiltrv marketing / voter, lit ik a matter of present day concern of grain, and an * to the population oif Capitol Hill, and any lansidii programr legislation to:aid k starving Europe and bn jiractices at nione>>foundered America mufit 'be gafnish- broa<j. "• i ed W Attract the taxpayers vote.! \ [ 'ir - On The Screen j . L ;~~r. -i^----- 1lositifn, headed kpL mvofving ! Landscape Highlight . . . rationing as well | j r j ^ TlT: igned [grain con- Ouir Washington man reports the latest Stop me if Im wrong, but ac- cording to reliable information, the Bryan Field ,Fishermen' are being awarded this year a {nigh honor which is not to be offered to Any- one on the campusthat of a corps trip (I use the term loosely) to Austin for the purpose of cement- ing relations" between the two greatTexas schools. I dont blame those fish for grabbing the opportunity to take advantage of an “openSaturday ,and hiking to Tealand or (???), but I wonder what will become of the bonpre.^ Will the minority of students (pertaining to dewdrops, serge- heads, and seniors) be able to gath- er enough material for a bonfire which can be used to produce spirit in us, our team, and our AWOL A . , 4,:;L 111 •us Voice Bringing nv- Jolson Story fish? T' Sincerely yours, BOB BRIDGESi 49. By DAVE SEUGMAN bit of goofing out of radio row. It seems The Republic#!) Sepatpil insists there is that Ray Hehie, Ned Brooks and Felix More- no serious congresnioti^l objection to the ly, the commentators who recently took over Lowell Thorneschores for the Sun Oil | Co., are spending liberally to furnish their office suite in the Commonwealth Building. For in- stance, $75 iftahogjjiny waste paper baskets. weljas heavily (riiittzlitgf-wllftt he calls he Police State! Me inMc |f.the contrbl and 0) tfte Teirnnission of 'eieijem as we|,as heavily (|fifij; the rationing measures.) 1 Frpm tHe color |o| ments, it seems-likely iltft some forms .of rent infl r increase iir powe*. lor 01 Went pf Agrieulft uv, Tji pamlnessT stepjs hrw^ver more rugged reqeotioh, from to aid for China, par ;iesstate- e w 11 soon see rt curbs tlnd an fvfabihg Depart- i^esic ents pre- may be in for a a' none too sym- | Butj tfte drowning touch is the lobby mural. An artist Wai| comnissioned to) paint a beau- tiful landscape, with a winding road and fields and treesi; and everything else that is appropriate to fund scenes, but he was. in- structed, firsjt and foremost, to p#int prom- inent y in thp fOn grounda Sunoco gas station. ! 4 r-Tide f - Jolson Story IF ; I Several murders take place in THE JOLSON STORYl (Campus, ilhe cour8e of the moVie< whkh c<>rv' ThFS), the heart-warmiifg story of i centrates on thrills : instead of ■the life of A1 Jolson. While the wasting footage on jlrortiantic ang- ' audience - sees Larry PaNts 'as the U Ther<} is SOme cpmedy relief a :E s.teFrtot of the master himself. I': - ! climax. Clara Blandick gives an Taking up Al as ]a Ismail boy,! excellent portrayal nf a vengeful, the movie carries him through his oWiU(iy who calls in Philo;to solve | gam^ TheTemplefeit! that Ag- struggle to fame and oi to his re- tjje mysterious deaUjs of her play- gieparticipants would addcolor tirement, The/roles of 4 J4 mother , and his various lix-wives. and hiMist attendance for the (Ed. Note: The fresjhmen at Little Aggieland are lining per- mitted to attend the Shfine foot- ball game at Austin on Novem- ber 22 upon the request of the Ben Hur Shrine Temple. Pro- ceeds from the game will be do- nated for the benefit of cripp|ed children.; kV According to information re- ceived from Assistant Dean of Men Bennie A. Zinn. the Shrine Templeasked that the Fresh- man Band and units of the An- nex regiment participate in a pre-game parade and at the and father and his lovin r childhood sweetheart are outstandingly por- trayed. Of course the high points of the show are those times when Jolson sings such old favorites as Mummy, Affril Showers. SfWanef and Cali forniu. Here 1 Come. 1 Filmed in Tcchiticoh tufe got top ratings Heres a dhfilnctf I tbj play ejditbr: : n s I s - a- -'. ' When The Bt pt ReadersOpinions '■ r leading film publicatiors anil praise from all over the cointryits highly recommended to you. PHILO VANCE RETURNS r, this pic- from seven boy son and his various dx-wives. Criminal court, (duimr; f- S, double feature). Tins will round out a complete mystery program at this theater. Tom donwjiy is the cOp\ in this one with Martha 0- Driscoll (of We'veNever Been Licked fame) added for romance ahd interference. Strictly second- rate us a movie just tiuckeil on f(i» quantity.; f ------- ------ il'F* 1 To Speak In Chicago i 5! 1 : - .tialioH wentl ph a daily [bisip jthe first of this school year, man; irew-features :4d(k*|tj suaJ be staff wajirs tb know what readers think of thorn. lailejd in. an unstamped envelope if iaddr in the rotunda of and biHist attendance for |the Little Thanksgiving Day game. Zinn also stated that during the past month freshmen at Bryan Field have been gathering mntgriuU [or the bonfire, and t tspi Not all freshmen from Bryan that U&CU trucks had already begun to transport the firewood. COLLEGE REQUI Editor, The Battalion: Mid-term grades havinf posted seem to have made r our boys moat unhappy. To an example, out of thirty vet students in one class, 3 made 3 made Ds, and 24 made Fs. 1 will give the respective percentage of 10%, 10%, and 80%. Baste principles of educating us that one may expect td find random sampling of studifmt5 7 ls, 18% Bs, 50% Cs, 18% D U .. . 1 and 7% failures. ['.College students usually co' from the u.pper 25% in mtelligeni of our population. This would ii if dicate that even a greater percen tr age should make C" and above. LAST TIM V|l Tht theatr guild prestnts .4i A Laurence in HE ting *n educa- ; aside a sufficient to l»e devoted s we will fault for e student mi?"* ti A . i ; f ntatter T(See r dga r 50% of For. It teach- i subject we will I 1. subject we will i 1 l! ER 13 Shows ifiMr pBICE - -l (.. /I /m rlki 1 | :15.8:3(F t'M. rfi IP . $• »« 41., $1.20 7 NOTE: This ad and 74c vt teacher to any pc ifbr: specisd discount pr Ic 5 t (tfie A. & M. itudient or apee pt “HENRY Vfor the Field will he going1 (0 A'ustin, Zinn felt. Since only Several heNt drilled unitM will participate in the parade at Austin, uiuin rrvMhmen will remain at the An- nex during this coming week-end. Zinn believcK with close coordi- nation and cooperation between uppcreulKsnten and the freshimen jtalion, Camiiu^j, the Academic (Please submit llhitiXoFipletet Torm to The liattalion before Friday, November.21.) a ml i-.; ■1 ! U- Fte (Front Page) *• Campus Ne^'s . i f Campus Fealtui Campus Pgicjuivs News in Bmbfji?F! '. J NF (Editorial Pagje) Editorials I'fl 1 . Editorial •Cartoon iji'' \ Letters to Edit)r Hollywood flews | Movie Reviews! v if- I -F Book Reviev's ] p News Commentate (Sports Page) , Sports ReFults J . fi : Sports Pred ctiims; Sports CoUnini This coupto cifij mailed in. an unstamped envelope if add reset! to The Bat- <| mailed at the Faculty Exchange, campus slot, ii A ii . L. 11. Tash of tlfe Texas Agri- (Cjuion, FS), is an inti'rest-holding cultural [ Experiment Station will programmer for action fails. Ex- j present apaper, Mjbtlpods of Feed- -rr------------r.----------------- T- ccpt for the famous (h .toctive title, ing Phosphorus to bofofe j Who will remain here over the the film, has no name value. Mhile j the American Society of Animal Week-ead that progress on the ; WHliam Tfright lacks some of the j Production at its unnuai meeting : 19,47 bonfire will not be hinder- punch needed for the rale of Vance, j in Chicago, November 8-9.ii edl) NO D18SAI ISFlEl) CUSTOMERS 1 utlg .? rj , r, A Intramural! ppqrts) (Back Page)' . VVhats Cc|4 _ blub News Radio Prog- Official No M Cbmmeiits: a; I ! I : L i: b, r ■r il-v- j Read Regularly -..... --ff -T-.......... | Leon Bclasco gets It ughs in the stock part of the detectives blun- dering assistant. .4. ..■j. 'T 1 \ hA !/■' U.'i / The Battalion, of licial np of College Statiioir, Toxap, isijiL afternoonr, except au; ing py| .dished semi-weckjy. $u' , . .rr / News-contributio; is mr" win Hall. Classified hd$ may rFf 209, Goodwin Ha ^ -fentei )ftlpe i> . \ 'jJ . red aa .eccofutolasa mutter •Hi Read1 Occasionally Read I / ; v [t; Seldom t /f: jj •' VYWt EACH ITEM SOLD | \ \ " "l 100% (ipAJ CORKY »'EE | BD LABEL 8 -4- *1Jrfr I -r TODAY &TH1 nesday m ~r~ ..u -by treacherous white hunters!.J CAFETERIA 3S OF I . FEATURING DIS; INTERNATIONAL FAME ' 1 ! / X 4 and the best ins SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOKERY K l| - 4^ .4 ■4 -fT-f- -U- 4r __ 4!-- -Hr r-'-r*-*! --- *1 t / 41: ^Ltt us serve jjou ft an Aggie Way a 'The Store of jPeraonal Attention5 ' ':! i : ii -i I ;; . ij1 . r . j. CORRT Hni» 4,. I ^ i .l'._ X "if- --f -4* |r--- -;t-*--- r •" 'T' FRIDAY & SATURDAY Big Double Feature— -.!.. ^ ^ | * 4*— ■! i TUESDAY THU SATURDAY She's out of this world!, s*™KAYWORTH- ? * 1 Z)ovm to Eo/U h 1 | fA si X .x, 1 ' 4%!! ■m all l 4 /! /' ' U .1/ i ' 4 lr-*r* I II I.- .L m mm Dnected by AtEXANKR HSU A DON HARTMAN PRODUCTION (' 4i1 AW yi i - I 'I r ■(.. rmemr. rtWMU' and A: j l : j-rAddress: -44 -i. e Battalion PHILO m VANCE f X&fxwA * ^■e-.enled >. I'ROiK/t l nS RttLAS Ni C0RP 4-E- sphpei of the Agridultural and Mechanical College of Texas and theCity bliaheJ five times ai we^jc and circulated every Monday through Friday id examihatiojn periods. During the summer The Bhttaliota is putf s-$4 per school year. Advertising rates furnished oa! request. C O M I pj G : SUNDAY MONDAY 4- mad i by telephone (4-5440 or at the editorial office, Room 201, Good- e placed by telephone (44324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room v 44 ^ 4 i. j iI : 1 1 Meinber of the Associated Press 44 Titled 1 ixciusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credi- 3 the. paper and loca|; n«w9 of iftatter;. herein arc also reserved, ; v The'Associated, pfeisTi ___ __ -__ _ _ . __ . ted to,it or not otherwise cr*|llted in the paper and local'! n*ws of spontaneous origin published herein Rights of republicatii n of alf1* i ' ! ►ther ■-1 SOfflce at cdllege jutioii. Texas,flii^der the Act of Cbnttre of| Id trch S, CHARLIE MUftt 41: LY JIM1 -Vick Undley , Farri* Block, Duke Hobbs, J. David Seliirniaj 1:.. Mack T. Noiea. 4..J„4.,i..... Louis Morann, Ke£iii$^l obd IA. n Hnir* Mr. 1 triward Boa '■ A : -' \ > . IS- 1 ' il- •/. '4 I A ' I* ' nelAonL Associated Collegiate Press Member 4f' - 1 - J 1 /* - Represented nationally by National Ad- vertising Service, Inc., a,t New York City, Chicago, lot Angeles, and San Francisco. ----- -Wire «ini -Feature Paul Martiq .'................ Don pitrellina. Arthui Matula, Z< ro Hami Sant Lanf, -Feature W: ... rnlumet. Ai f f'! a; HoMirde Coodwyn, Andy r Advertwig Manager ft E, I 1 Mai niKiiiyll aV.VV*v*>. mm Ll"/ QUEEN STABTS TUESDAtRUNS THU SATCBDAY p4.4:' b\mi :■ zanuck pr'isonls tr TECHNICOLOR ] JfH /•! ^ jk ' . iigr irv~s*v. *4 4- 4 4 ' ft/ m /i ft i Ay ■I ______ h___ »!c rii'g LINDIDIRNELL CORNEL 1N1L0E R1CHHRD OREENE GEORGE SUNDERS ER-WILLIAM PE ii Kolhlwi. Wii ADMISSION I j 80oM Night $1.30 ! r i |;l ft I .44 / V / i '■ A Ml. &;!■ ■i1 i Vi 1 : I K, rf A 1 > [. WHITE CHRISTMAS JINGLE BELLS ... uENT NIGHT, Il6 4 ilGHT ita claus isdonntGr) THE NIGHT )|l^0' IWAS If -'4, i! !• : ; 1 iiiLiJi iuf ! l We have A1 Ibuinj v both young md old :: time * ; . . so c(me. over our vile Better Homes 1 ' f 4 n.¥L 4K "i W ^ \1 Bing Crosby , . Frank Sinatra :h, ii r L Perry Como Hint . . . ISP r. \ t4.d»y. ice > \ y ML J i -I

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Post on 13-Jul-2020




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Page 1: DON’T LOOK BUT— Battalion att ali 7 tORIALS mi?* · wiatlThe Presii " Whatever portipii of the plan event§ally res” Concerning

■tjyLi •• Yi:i)r: .

! ,H'‘‘


• ' i


; *Tage 2 ■;

I ’- ".i;

i j i;



Politic Vs, ; : '

With the Pc&sidantp , European aid mes;a je t gress now several

Rapidly taken!place, the opposition seeiat* to

, rather thah.state$riainli The program ear

dent catls 'Ten dra^tiwiatlThe Presii " Whatever portipii of the plan event§ally res” Concerning reaches the statutes, there is one facet of the

consdnher rations phifee tfeilingt on scarce turqr which Veserveti attention. The rapidity -a—rent and export with which the two factions took up their

of speculative . cudgels bespeaks far more of politics thannsioni)comnioidities, an ^l(e

controls^- and a r 1trading on coin mad the drastic class, he reijupi; cation of traii.spcriatipji ^ duceraent of livestoc c a|4(t p to obtain more eft ci ant usp Agriculture Department e for encouraging i;o isar^j home and food prod jct'ipn 1 The rapidjy .for npil: io

by Ohio’s Seiiathr Taft, chiefly to the; poh ic n” of tl price! ceilings find co isumer as Mr. Truman’s ifferii rrud servation measure



ji:ti-inf ation and,, pathetic C^.^eightieth Con- to halt iil}^ not oidy

•' dppdaition the bi t ’ ' ‘ Jhatel, \ some of $ched

hised <p, political pro^rams. u istioii! Questions, f


half billion dollar ^ opj-gait>|propc|sai to fur- iush food and fuel ofEuiSjflte, bjit deplores

att ali

statesman, Knightly Gi

n Ross, Founder of Aggie Tinl

smanship.. f

ft *“! ^ . ! !, • ; 1 I !> y k

A^TT: A ’ !; 1:‘\AX . ' , . j i ,1 I 1 (Battalion 7


(; Uatesman, Krtightly Gentleman^

n ft Ross, Founder of Aggie Trad tions ,|

h t I" ' I --------------






!■■ I A F I -l; Vi

m ■ (\[;




4'!.-ti i


• F

BUT—" tii


■ 4


l; !•: i

- '..........

: Letters to thei________________


l; }*

FISH “COEditor, The Battulion:

It is the opinion of this unwor­thy soul that, according to deep- rooted tradition 'at A. & M., the week preceding the annual Tea- hound versus Aggie game was set aside for the purpose of building the bonfire. Correct? It was also

t from tending

s been known caufee of the tone of* ,': ‘LL“‘'1al\of .at

h major

my understanding that freshmen were “allowed" to participate in this spirit-raising operation!

jiangejs. Also in of genuine concern <Fer a rather serious sit- B continued alio- nation. While the approaching national elec- iciliths, iin in- tion ia a dim, djstahf thing to the average tiltrv marketing / voter, lit ik a matter of present day concern of grain, and an * to the population oif Capitol Hill, and any lansidii programr legislation to:aid k starving Europe and bn jiractices at nione>>foundered America mufit 'be gafnish- broa<j. "• i ed W Attract the taxpayer’s vote.! \

[ 'ir -

On The Screen j . L—;~~r. -—i—^----- 1—

lositifn, headed

kpL mvofving ! Landscape Highlight . . .rationing as well | j r j ^ TlT:igned [grain con- Ouir Washington man reports the latest

Stop me if I’m wrong, but ac­cording to reliable information, the Bryan Field ,Fishermen' are being awarded this year a {nigh honor which is not to be offered to Any­one on the campus—that of a corps trip (I use the term loosely) to Austin for the purpose of “cement­ing relations" between the two “great” Texas schools. I don’t blame those fish for grabbing the opportunity to take advantage of an “open” Saturday ,and hiking to Tealand or (???), but I wonder what will become of the bonpre.^

Will the minority of students(pertaining to dewdrops, serge- heads, and seniors) be able to gath­er enough material for a bonfire which can be used to produce spirit in us, our team, and our AWOL

A ■ . , 4,:;L 111•us Voice Bringing nv’- Jolson Story

fish? T'Sincerely yours,BOB BRIDGESi ’49.

By DAVE SEUGMANbit of goofing out of radio row. It seems

The Republic#!) Sepatpil insists there is that Ray Hehie, Ned Brooks and Felix More­no serious congresnioti^l objection to the ly, the commentators who recently took over

Lowell Thornes’ chores for the Sun Oil | Co., are spending liberally to furnish their office suite in the Commonwealth Building. For in­stance, $75 iftahogjjiny waste paper baskets.weljas heavily (riiittzlitgf-wllftt he calls

he Police State! Me inMc |f.the contrbl and


tfte Teirnnission of 'eieijem as we|,as heavily (|fifij; “therationing measures.) 1

Frpm tHe color |o| ments, it seems-likely iltft some forms .of rent infl

r increase iir powe*. lor 01 Went pf Agrieulft uv, Tji pamlnessT stepjs hrw^ver • more rugged reqeotioh, from

to aid for China,

par ;ies‘ state- e w 11 soon see rt curbs tlnd an

fvfabihg Depart- i^esic ent’s “pre­

may be in for a a' none too sym-

| Butj tfte drowning touch is the lobby mural. An artist Wai| comnissioned to) paint a beau­tiful landscape, with a winding road and fields and treesi; and everything else that is appropriate to fund scenes, but he was. in­structed, firsjt and foremost, to p#int prom­inent y in thp fOn ground— a Sunoco gas station. ! 4


f - Jolson StoryIF ; ISeveral murders take place in

THE JOLSON STORYl (Campus, ilhe cour8e of the moVie< whkh c<>rv'ThFS), the heart-warmiifg story of i centrates on thrills : instead of

■the life of A1 Jolson. While the wasting footage on jlrortiantic ang-' audience - sees Larry PaNts 'as the U Ther<} is SOme cpmedy reliefa :E s.teFrtotof the master himself. I': - • ! climax. Clara Blandick gives an

Taking up Al as ]a Ismail boy,! excellent portrayal nf a vengeful, the movie carries him through his oW iU(iy who calls in Philo;to solve | gam^ The Temple feit! that Ag-struggle to fame and oi to his re- tjje mysterious deaUjs of her play- gie participants would add colortirement, The/roles of 4 J4 mother , and his various lix-wives. and hiMist attendance for the

(Ed. Note: The fresjhmen at Little Aggieland are lining per­mitted to attend the Shfine foot­ball game at Austin on Novem­ber 22 upon the request of the Ben Hur Shrine Temple. Pro­ceeds from the game will be do­nated for the benefit of cripp|ed children.; kV

According to information re­ceived from Assistant Dean of Men Bennie A. Zinn. the Shrine Temple‘asked that the Fresh­man Band and units of the An­nex regiment participate in a pre-game parade and at the

and father and his lovin r childhood sweetheart are outstandingly por­trayed.

Of course the high points of the show are those times when Jolson sings such old favorites as Mummy, Affril Showers. SfWanef and Cali forniu. Here 1 Come.

1 Filmed in Tcchiticoh tufe got top ratings

Here’s a dhfilnctf I tbj play ejditbr:: n s I s - ‘ a’- -'. '

When The Bt ‘

pt Readers’ Opinions'■ r

leading film publicatiors anil praise from all over the cointry— it’s highly recommended to you.


r, this pic- from seven

boy son and his various dx-wives.

Criminal court, (duimr; f-S, double feature). Tins will round out a complete mystery program at this theater. Tom donwjiy is the cOp\ in this one with Martha 0’- Driscoll (of We've’ Never Been Licked fame) added for romance ahd interference. Strictly second- rate us a movie just tiuckeil on f(i» quantity.;

f ------------- il'F* 1 ■To Speak In Chicago

i 5! 1

: -.tialioH wentl ph a daily [bisip jthe first of this school year, man;

—irew-features :4d(k*|tj suaJ be staff wajirs tb know what readers think of thorn.lailejd in. an unstamped envelope if iaddr

in the rotunda of

and biHist attendance for |the Little Thanksgiving Day game.

Zinn also stated that during the past month freshmen at Bryan Field have been gatheringmntgriuU [or the bonfire, and


Not all freshmen from Bryan

that U&CU trucks had already begun to transport the firewood.

COLLEGE REQUI Editor, The Battalion:

Mid-term grades havinf posted seem to have made r our boys moat unhappy. To an example, out of thirty vet students in one class, 3 made 3 made D’s, and 24 made F’s. 1 will give the respective percentage of 10%, 10%, and 80%.

Baste principles of educating us that one may expect td find

random sampling of studifmt5 7 l’s, 18% B’s, 50% C’s, 18% D

U.. . 1

and 7% failures.['.College students usually co' from the u.pper 25% in mtelligeni of our population. This would ii ifdicate that even a greater percen tr age should make “C" and above.









ting *n educa- ; aside a sufficient

to l»e devoted s we will fault for

e studentmi?"*


A .


; fntatterT(See


r 50% of For. It teach- i

subject we will

I 1.

subject we willi


l! ER

13 Shows ifiMrpBICE

- -’l (../I


■ rlki1

| ■




IP ■

. $• »« 41., $1.20


NOTE: This ad and 74c vt teacher to any pc ifbr: specisd discount pr Ic 5

t (tfie A. & M. itudient or apee pt “HENRY V” for the

Field will he going1 (0 A'ustin, Zinn felt. Since only Several heNt drilled unitM will participate in the parade at Austin, uiuin rrvMhmen will remain at the An­nex during this coming week-end. Zinn believcK with close coordi­nation and cooperation between uppcreulKsnten and the freshimen

jtalion, Camiiu^j, the Academic

(Please submit llhitiX’oFipletet Torm to The liattalion before Friday, November.21.)

a ml


■1 !



(Front Page)

*• Campus Ne^'s. i ■

f Campus Fealtui

Campus Pgicjuivs

News in Bmbfji?F! '. J NF■ (Editorial Pagje)

Editorials■ I'fl 1 .

Editorial •Cartooniji'' \

Letters to Edit)r

Hollywood flews |Movie Reviews! v

if- I -FBook Reviev's ] —p

News Commentate(Sports Page)

, Sports ReFultsJ . fi :

Sports Pred ctiims;

Sports CoUnini

This coupto cifij mailed in. an unstamped envelope if add reset! to The Bat- <| mailed at the Faculty Exchange, campus slot, ii

Aii .

L. 11. Tash of tlfe Texas Agri- (Cjuion, FS), is an inti'rest-holding cultural [ Experiment Station willprogrammer for action fails. Ex- j present apaper, “Mjbtlpods of Feed- -rr------------r.----------------- T—-ccpt for the famous (h .toctive title, ing Phosphorus to bofofe j Who will remain here over thethe film, has no name value. M’hile j the American Society of Animal Week-ead that progress on the

; WHliam Tfright lacks some of the j Production at its unnuai meeting : 19,47 bonfire will not be hinder-punch needed for the rale of Vance, j in Chicago, November 8-9.ii edl)



utlg.? rj

, r, A Intramural! ppqrts)

(Back Page)'

. VV’hat’s Cc|4 _ blub News

Radio Prog- Official NoM




! I












| Leon Bclasco gets It ughs in the stock part of the detective’s blun­dering assistant.


..■j.'T 1

\ hA !/■'


/The Battalion, of licial np

of College Statiioir, Toxap, isijiL afternoonr, except au; ing py|

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