don stanton, maranatha revival crusade midnight.doc · web viewunshackled baptist who knocks at my...

THE TIME TO WIN SOULS IS RUNNING OUT! IT’S TIME TO FULFIL OUR MASTER’S GREAT COMMISSION “Y'shua spoke to them saying: ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. And remember! I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 MARANATHA REVIVAL CRUSADE PERTH 1

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MASTER’S GREAT COMMISSION “Y'shua spoke to them saying:

‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,

baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. And remember! I am with you always,

even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20




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CONTENTS Preface 3

The Great Commission 5

By All Means, Save Some 7

Nearing Midnight 10

The Question We Couldn't Answer 14

He Who Wins Souls is Wise 15

Suppose 17

It’s Now or Never 19

Is it Nothing to You, All You Who Pass By ? 21

It is Time to Wake Up ! 27

We Need to Stop Playing Church 31 Can You Trust God to Win Souls

Through You ? 35

To be Prayerless is to be Powerless 38

Soul Winning Takes Sweat 39

Each One Reach One 40

How I Learned to Pray for the Lost 43

Loving Souls to Christ 47

How to Lead a Soul to Christ 55


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PREFACE - By Don E Stanton Recently I was reading a word about “getting old.” The article remarked that Noah was 500 years old when he began building the ark, and 100 years later he helped to start the world again. And to me, it said, “Don’t look at age and wrinkles. As long a God chooses to leave you on this earth – live!” And then it quoted a Bible verse that I could not remember ever reading:

“You will come to the grave in full vigour.” (Job 5:26). Then the article said: “Accept new challenges! And don’t even think about taking it easy.” These words began a train of thought in my mind – about serving the Lord – and not thinking of giving up. I began thinking more of the present “lost” world, and the Lord brought to my mind, a booklet that we had published while I was serving in India, in 1977. I remembered the title “By All Means Save Some.” I searched all my shelves and drawers I but could not find a copy; so I thought, “Well that’s that! I can’t reprint it!” But a day later I was prompted to look once more on a shelf, just an arm’s distance from my desk. I pulled out a handful of the old issues, and, there was this old book. How could I have missed it? I was convinced in my mind that I should re-issue this message. But after preparing it for the new printing, I discovered that I had already reproduced the book some time back, under the title of “Rescue the Perishing.” Oh!! Why should I print it again? But then the Lord impressed on my mind … “The people need to read it again!” I have made some changes - deletions and additions. And here it is. The articles in the book are a collection of soul- searching messages from mostly old time evangelists. The purpose in reprinting these messages is, not to


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create discouragement, but to create an awareness of the spiritual need all around us, to shake us out of our comfort zone, to encourage readers to pray, and also, to inspire them to seek the Lord as to what our response should be to the tremendous need out there. The book emphasizes - “Go into all the world and preach the GOSPEL.” This does not mean that you personally must go to the roof of the world, or to a very remote island. The world is all around you – it’s the people in your street, your suburb, your work place, wherever you are. “Therefore GO!” (Matt 28:18-19) You may not be counted responsible for 5 million people; but maybe you might be, for 10, 50, 100. But please never say of anyone, I’m not bothered about

“these hard-hearted people!”

EMPTY-HANDED Shall I empty-handed be, when beside the crystal sea, I stand before the everlasting throne? Must I have a heart of shame, as I answer to my name, With no works that my Redeemer can own? What regret must be mine when I meet my Lord, If I’ve wasted all the talents He has loaned; If no soul to me can say, “I am glad you passed my way. It was you who told me of the sinner’s Friend.” Must I go, and empty-handed? Must I meet my Saviour so? Not one soul with which to greet Him?

Must I empty-handed go? -- Geo Stebbins May the Lord make these messages a blessing to you, as they have been to me and many others. Listen to the Master’s voice, and let Him lead you in these crucial days. With prayers for you. - Your brother, Don S


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TO ALL HIS DISCIPLES. The Great Commission is the supreme command given by the Messiah Y’shua, to His disciples, and that was intended to be relayed to all true believers/disciples.

“He said, ‘Go into all the world and preach the

Gospel to all Creation – all mankind’.” (Mark 16:15)

MESSIAH’S COMMISSION: “Y'shua came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. And lo! remember! I am with you always, even to the end of the age’.”

(Matthew 28:18-20)

AND HIS AUTHORITY: Paul says: “I do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Master, Y'shua the Messiah, the Father of Glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in coming to a full knowledge of Him; “that the eyes of your under-standing may be enlight- ened, so that you know what is the hope of His calling, and what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (the set-apart people of God); “These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength which He exerted in the Messiah, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come.


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“And He put all things under His feet, and made Him the Head over all things to the Ekklesia - the universal

assembly of believers who are in Y'shua.” (Ephesians 1:16-22)

Y’SHUA EXALTED TO THE HIGHEST PLACE “Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself (still further) by becoming obedient to the extreme of death; death on a stauros - an execution stake - a cross. Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place, and gave Him the Name that is above every name, that at the Name of Y'shua every knee will bow - in heaven and on earth and under the earth - and every tongue confess that Y'shua the Messiah is Lord (the Heavenly Master), to the glory of YHWH, God the Father.” (Phil 2:8-11) Y’shua said: “If you love Me, you will obey what I

command.” (John 14:15) If Y’shua/Jesus is truly our Saviour and Master, we will

give His will and commands the first place in our lives.


“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judah and Samaria, and to the remotest

part of the earth.”

(Acts 1:8)


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BY ALL MEANS, SAVE SOME ! “He who is wise wins souls.” (Proverbs 11:30)

We don’t seem to hear much about “soul-winning” these days. But just look at the sta- tistics – the numbers of peo- ple perishing because no-one shared the Gospel with them. 105 each minute; 9060 each hour; 151,600 each day. Somewhere in the world, this many people are dying – the majority - without the Saviour. 105 each minute; 9060 each hour; 151, 620 each day. souls are going out of this world to meet their Maker – the majority without hope. Some of those going to meet Christ, have been told the way of salvation but have rejected it. Many others are going on, without Christ, who have never heard of Him. No Christian has ever taken the time or trouble to tell them of this wonderful Saviour. Some people say that those who have never heard of Christ will somehow be saved because they have never had a chance to know Him, but God's Word says::

"He who believes on the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe in the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him." (John 3:16) “But the Lord is not willing that any should perish, but

rather for all to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

And in Acts 4: 12, the apostle Peter says: 7

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“Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”

Also John 3:18 says: “He who believes in Him is not condemned but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.”

Jesus Himself said, as He left this world: "Go therefore and teach all nations." He meant just what He said, and yet, after 1900 years, we find thousands of lost souls leav- ing this world to stand before Him for judgment every hour, and about 4 with every breath we draw. May these numbers be burned on the hearts of all who read this message, and may we each one ask ourselves, “Is the blood of any of those thousands of souls on my

hands?” Oh! the millions without Christ, without God, without hope !! Do you care, dear friend? Is your heart bleeding for those who have never had a chance to hear the blessed Gospel message? Have you heard the Master's call, and have you replied, “Here am I, Lord, send me”? If you cannot go overseas, you can pray and you can give so that others may go. And you can also do much, right where you are! So many souls are lost each minute! No wonder the an- gels rejoice over every single soul that repents. As I write this tract I wonder if I can even go to sleep tonight

thinking about the 151,600 who died today. O Christian friend, let's pray, let's give, let's strive as we never have striven before. Our Lord is coming soon; maybe much sooner than we think! And when He comes, will we hear His words spoken to us, “Well done, faithful servant.” ? — Edmund Nelson


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A PRECIOUS SOUL A living soul, how priceless! Its value is untold.

Invisible, immortal, worth more than purest gold.

And oh, the souls are countless upon life's busy way

who know not Christ, our Saviour;

who never stop to pray.

They rush toward sin’s gay glitter, its glaring light.

These souls are marching to everlasting night.

“Go into all the world,” is His divine command.

I hear His voice so tender,

I see His loving hand,

Outstretched in power and blessing,

the fallen ones to raise.

Then may we do His bidding,

through all our early days;

And when the sheaves are gathered,

before His throne that day,

May there be precious souls included,

whom we have shown the way.

The Apostle Paul said:

“I have become all things to all men,

that by all means, I may save some.”

(1 Corinthians 9:22) 9

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The term “midnight” is used in His discourse on end- times events, Y’shua used the term midnight to indicate

the figurative time of His return in Matthew 25:6 : “At midnight there was a cry, 'Look! The bridegroom is

coming! Come out to meet him’.” The coming of the bridegroom is indicative of the Messi- ah’s return. In Matthew 24 and 25, the Master emphasiz-

es the need to “Be on the alert!” “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Master is coming.” (Matt.24:42). “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour

when the Son of Man will come.” (Matt. 25:13) In Luke 21;34 He says: “Be on guard that your hearts may not be weighed down with dissipation, excessive- ness, drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day

come on you unawares - suddenly like a trap.” In Luke 21:28, He reiterates: “But when these things begin to take place, straighten yourselves and lift up your

heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

What does He means by, “when these things begin”? Throughout His discourse in Luke 21, the Master warns of many signs of pointers: * Many imposters claiming to be the Messiah. * Wars, nation against nation.” * Great earthquakes, plagues and famines, * Terrors and great signs in the sun, moon and stars. * Persecution, and betrayal by relatives and friends.


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* Followers of Jesus hated because of His name. * Israel and Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies. * The seas roaring – caused by cyclones, earthquakes and tsunamis. All these were signs that the people of the 1st century AD could well understand. For our 21st century, Y’shua could add a lot more, including … * Nuclear Weapons, Bio-chemical weapons, Cruise missiles, threats of EMP (electronic magnetic pulse) disasters. * Microchips are being implanted in hands, and declarations that ultimately, everyone will be chipped. The Universal Surveillance of population. * A global war of oil and gas; supersonic missiles and fighter jet planes. * Satellites orbiting the earth. Instant worldwide com- munications. * Spacecraft from Earth visiting the moon, Mars and Jupiter. * On earth “civilized” governments are in disarray, hostility and uproar. * The Collapse of Societies. The illicit drug trade, break- down of law and order. Violence and murder within families. The “putting down” of the aged and disabled. The elimination of millions of babies. * Just about every form of sexual practice legalized. And terrorism rampaging through our cities.

“Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight; the earth was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become; for all humanity on the earth had corrupted its ways. Then God said to Noah, ‘The end of all people has now come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them.


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“Watch! I am about to destroy them along with the earth’. Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood!” …

(Genesis 6:11-14) Y’shua, of course, knew the details of the end-time wars - He knew from the beginning: and they are also spelled out in the prophets. So He did not elaborate in the Gospels, as those prophecies are mainly to be fulfilled in the end times – our times! In 2019, thy nations are all lining up – Russia, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Europe, India, China, Korea, Japan, and the Isles of the Seas including Australia, New Zealand, PNG, Fiji and Madagascar and the rest.

“Then there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty. “The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. And God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of His furious wrath and indignation. And every island fled away, and the mountains could not be found. And huge hailstones from heaven, each weighing about a talent (about 40 to 50 kilograms), fell upon men.” (Revelation 16:18-21).

This will be in the second half of the Great Tribulation. And what about America? The US is sinking badly in social, moral and spiritual ways, in spite of its building up its military capacity. America is not clearly marked in the Scriptures. Many speculate that the US may disintegrate, even before the above prophecy is fulfilled. The whole world is in decline with massive corruption, financial distress, super disasters, and uproars, protests and revolutions – some nations less than the majority. We are now witnessing many happenings that we would never have imagined would happen.


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“Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against YHWH and against His Anointed - His Messiah. ‘Let us break Their chains,’ they say, ‘'and throw off Their cords from us!' “He who is seated in the heavens laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Then He rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in His fury, saying, ‘I, yes, I have installed My King on Zion, My holy hill’.”

(Psalm 2:1-6) “While they are saying, ‘Peace and safety!’ destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not

escape.” (1 Thess. 5:1)


1. WE ARE NEARING MIDNIGHT. “You yourselves know very well that the Day of the LORD (the Day of YHWH) will come just like a thief

in the night.” (1 Thess. 5:2) 2. THE WORLD IS RACING TOWARDS

JUDGMENT DAY. Every day dozens of hopeless people suicide, and hundreds of babies are slaughtered. Terrorism is hitting city after city, nation after nation, while politicians squabble and abuse each other, and millions of precious

souls lie in the gutters of starvation. 3. DAILY, 150,000 SOULS PERISH – so many of them knowing nothing about the provision God has made for their salvation. Oh! It’s time we Christians woke up to the realities, and to our responsibilities and the Great Commission!


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A true story from Ethiopia,

by George Middleton Ed and I climbed painfully from our mules. It had been a long ride to these huts away up in the hills, and we were pretty soft.

“Oh, Brother,” Ed groaned, “Give me the New York subway any day!” I patted my mule and gave a sigh of relief. The feeling must have been mutual — the mule sighed too. We were the first white people to visit this village. Women watched us cautiously from dark doorways. Little faces peered at us around corners and through legs. Even the chickens paused to look us over. An old man came to greet us. He was as pleased as a schoolboy on the first day of vacation. His greetings were extremely long and polite. Finally he asked us, “Why have you come, sirs? Why do you visit us?” We replied: ‘We have come with God's Book, to tell you that there is a Saviour for you and your family. Have you heard this news before?” “Never, sirs, Come in! Do you have the book?” Soon we were reading the gospel story and telling them of Christ. Eyes glued upon us, they listened to every word. But as we talked we could tell that something was bothering the old man. At last he spoke, “This is good news sirs. It is medicine to my heart. Are you sure it is true?” “Yes,” we told him. “Absolutely!” His wrinkled face was deep in thought. “I have a


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question,” he continued, “I am an old man. I have seen many of my people die. They never heard this news. I have not heard it until this day. Tell me, sirs, if this is true, why didn’t somebody tell us before?” We fumbled around, but we couldn't answer his question. How could we tell him that Christ cared enough to die for him, but Christ's followers did not care enough to come and tell him about it? We had to ride home with his question hanging in the air. “You know,” said Ed, as we jogged along; “Some day we'll all stand before God, and people from all over the world will ask that same question — ‘Why didn’t somebody tell me?’” Then he added, “I wonder how God's people will answer that question, George? Don't you?” “Yes, I do,” I replied. And I wonder, my Christian friend, - when God asks for your answer, what will you tell Him? — Africa Now.


ANYTHING less than an all-out effort to reach “every creature,” every living being that we can get to, with the gospel, is less than the obedience which Christ requires. Jesus gave the parable of the man who made a great supper and sent his servant first to those who had al- ready been bidden and then he said, “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring hither the poor, and the maimed, the lame, and the bind.” Then when the servant reported there was more room, he said, “Go out into the highways and lanes and compel them to come in that my house may be filled.” (Luke 14:21, 23). And in the similar parable of a king who made a marriage supper for his son, the whole, all-inclusive


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nature of God's requirement of us as soul winners, is illustrated by the King's command. After some had treated his servants spitefully, and destroyed them, He said to his servant:

“The wedding is ready, but those who were invited are not worthy. Go therefore into the highways, and as many you find, invite them to the marriage.” (Matthew 22:8, 9)

No church is meeting the New Testament standard unless it goes after “as many as you find” for Christ. We know that the New Testament churches; for example, the church at Jerusalem, followed the Master’s command so literally, that we read: “Daily in the tem- ple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” (Acts 5:42). And at Pentecost there were three thousand souls added. A few days later, “the number of the men was about five thousand.” (Acts 4:4). A few days later there were “multitudes both of men and women brought to the Saviour.” (Acts 5:14) There is, in our poor carnal natures, a tendency to drift from all-out obedience to nominal obedience, from red- hot enthusiasm and zeal, to a lukewarm, half-hearted way of doing God's business. As a great old song says:

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love."

Now there is need, again and again in the churches, for a revival of zeal, a revival of soul-winning compassion, a revival of the power of God upon us. There is no way for the Church to win souls after the New Testament pattern and measure, except by an all-out effort. A Church that wins souls after the New Testament pattern is to seek to get the Gospel to "every creature" and is to carry the Gospel as they did in Acts 5:42, "daily in the temple, and in every house they did not cease to teach and preach Jesus Christ." — John R. Rice


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SUPPOSE SUPPOSE someone were to offer me $1000 for every soul that I might earnestly try to lead to Christ. Would I endeavour to lead any more souls to Him than I am en- deavouring to do now? Is it possible that I would attempt to do for money, even at the risk of blunders or ridicule, what I hesitate or shrink from doing now, in obedience to God’s command? Is my love of money stronger than my love of God or of souls? How feeble then, my love of God! Perhaps this explains why I am not a soul-winner.

“Do you love me more than these?” (John 21:15) Suppose I were to see a blind man unknowingly approaching the brink of a high precipice, and that I were to sit by without concern or any effort to warn or save him from certain death, would I not be as guilty of his death in God's sight, as though I had murdered him outright?

“If you do not give him warning, his blood I will require at your hand.” (Ezekiel 3:17-21)

Suppose that “when the roll is called up yonder,” I am there myself, but all through the eternal ages I am unable to find a single person who is there because of my having led him to Christ — how much will heaven mean to me ?

(Please read carefully, Daniel 12: 2, 3) Suppose that as an employee I were spasmodic in the kind of service I rendered — zealous one week, luke- warm the second, and utterly indifferent the third; then zealous, and lukewarm, and indifferent again, and so on. How long would my employer stand service like that? But is not this the kind of soul-winning service I

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am giving God? What if God's love for me was as spasmodically manifested as my love for Him, how would I face Him?

“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” (1 Cor. 4:2)

Suppose I should be asked how many persons I had tried to win to Christ during the past month, or even during the past year, what would my answer be? How many have I even spoken to? How many have I on my prayer list now? If I am not interested enough in the salvation of others even to have a daily prayer list, is it any wonder that I am not a soul-winner? Regarding his prayer list, Paul said: “Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers.” (Rom. 1:9) Suppose that every member of the church to which I be- long, were to dedicate himself or herself today to a life of full surrender to the will of God according to His Word, (Rom 12:1, 2), and were to become henceforth a soul- winner as exemplified in the life of Paul (1 Cor. 9:20-22), would not such a revival follow as this church and com- munity have never seen? And am I not willing to say that by His grace I will give myself from this day forward to the definite business of saving the lost, that I will have a daily prayer list and will do what I can under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help accomplish the supreme work for which my Lord and Master came into the world? “Yes, Lord, I gladly respond to Your call; and I will seek to do what I can from this day forward to help win the unsaved to You.”

“Go out into the highways and lanes, and compel them to come in,

that my house may be filled.” (Luke 14:23.) “Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner who repents,

more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” (Luke 15:7)


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IT’S NOW OR NEVER! THE MEDIAEVAL CRUSADERS went, gambling with their lives for Christ's sake, to capture the Holy Land and the tomb of Christ from the hands of the infidel. Every step threatened hardship, sacrifices and danger. We must now crusade for Christ! We pray and preach. We bow the knee. We are optimists. We shout, “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war” —

and then we whisper, “I pray thee, have me excused!” The trumpet of God is sounding, and this is what it says: “Go! Be witnesses for Me, unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” Christ left heaven for our sakes. Though rich, He became poor; having a Name above every name, He made Himself of no reputation, but was despised and rejected of men. He willingly laid down His life for us on the Cross, after suffering every torture that men could think of. He endured the cross and despised the shame, that He might redeem us with His blood. There is no danger that any sacrifice we may make, will be as great as His. The hour has struck for us to engage whole-heartedly in our Master’s command. The coming of the Saviour is drawing near! The times of the Gentiles are drawing to a close. So there should be no further excuse for delay. Let us fight the good fight, and cease our sentimental singing about doing it. God said, “Speak unto My people to go forward.” (Exodus 14:15)


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But how can this be accomplished? It’s “not by might, nor by wisdom, nor by power,

but by My Spirit, says the LORD of Hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)

And it requires sacrifice on our part; and faith in our Heavenly Master. Jesus sacrificed His all, and Himself, for our salvation. And we must be willing to sacrifice our time and talents for the salvation of others.

"You are the light of the world." So we must let our lights shine. His work should be done and it can be done, but only by God working through men and women who love Him, and who have surrendered their lives to Him; those who are trusting Him enthusiastically,

and are willing to run in spite of risks; and stop at no costs, to fight against all odds. There is no middle course. You must be on one side or the other; either for Christ, or against Him.

"He that is not with Me is against Me," said Jesus. (Matthew 12:30)

"He who loves his life shall lose it." (Luke 9:24). Do not seek a long-life; Christ had a short one. Do not live in luxury; Christ lived and died “poor.” Do not live in pleasure; Christ pleased not Himself. Do not live for fame! Christ made Himself of no reputation. Do not live in ease; Christ suffered for you the shame, the scourge

and the Cross. — C. T. STUDD In Florida, USA, there is a church called,


All churches be like that— Shining Lights! 20

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Lamentations 1:12

By E. Christian Weiss IF the Lord Jesus were to appear in person among His churches today, I feel sure this is a question He would ask, with reference to the unevangelized areas of the world. Therefore we must face this question as coming to us from the Master. “Is it nothing to you,” the Lord Jesus asks, “that I suffered and died for the sins of the whole world? That My atonement was a propitiation, not for your sins only but also for the sins of the whole wide world, for all mankind? Did I not plainly state this through My serv-

ant John?” (I John 2:2)

VAST MASSES ARE YET UNREACHED “Have you not understood that on My cross, I paid the penalty for the transgressions of all mankind — not for you alone? You who have received the benefits of My atoning death and sacrifice, is it nothing to you that there are still vast masses of Adam's children who are chained helplessly to their sins, in misery, dread, and despair? Is it nothing to you that these multitudes continue to live and die in the bonds of iniquity and in bitterness and in despair, as though God had never sent Me into the world? “Is it nothing to you that I should have endured all the agonies of sin and judgment in vain, so far as these multitudes are concerned? That My finished work on


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the cross should be without fruit in these vast, dark, distant lands where men and women still live in total darkness? That the countless masses of people have not so much as one ray of light from My gospel? “Is it nothing to you that I should have been led as a Lamb to the slaughter for nought with regard to these millions, for whom I did it as much as I did it for you? “Is it nothing to you that My Father laid upon Me the iniquity of all mankind, and yet more than half of them still have not been told? Is it nothing to you that I was wounded for their transgressions and bruised for their iniquities, and that the chastisement of their peace fell upon Me — yet still they have not been

healed ?” (see Isaiah 53:5).

SINGING, BUT NOT DOING ! “Oh Christians! You sing, ‘Oh Happy Day When Jesus Washed My Sins Away,’ but is it nothing to you that vast areas of the earth have never been told of the fountain open for sin and uncleanness here at My cross? You also sing, ‘'Jesus, I, my cross have taken, all to leave and follow You,” but you lie to Me when you sing it, or else, you do not think of what you are singing, for you have not taken My cross to these benighted millions who are the helpless victims of sin and fear. Have you taken My cross at all? Have you taken it anywhere? Where have you taken it?” “Is it nothing to you that I bore in My own body on the accursed tree, the guilt of all of Adam’s race? Is it nothing to you, you whose skin is white, that I died for those whose skin is black and yellow and brown and red? Why have they not the same knowledge that you have? 'For some have not the knowledge of God, I speak this to your shame’.”


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THE AGONIES OF CHRIST “Is it nothing to you that I stood forsaken before Pontius Pilate in judgment and opened not My mouth when hellish men cried out ‘Crucify Him’? And when Pilate delivered Me into their hands, I remained silent because I wanted to be ‘lifted up that I might draw all men to Me,’ and to My Father?” (John 12:32) “Is it nothing to you that there in the garden of the Olive Press, I took upon Myself the sins of the whole world, which almost crushed Me down into the very jaws of death then and there, and that I sweat My body’s blood to carry the load, and cried out to the Father to spare Me from the awful cup, if there could be any other way of saving the world? But because there was no other way, ‘I suffered the just for unjust’ that I might bring men to God.” (I Peter 3:18) “Is it nothing to you that I bore My cross to Golgotha, and gave My feet to the spikes, and My back to the smiters, to bear away the sins of the whole world? Is it nothing to you that this is all in vain with regard to the many millions, past and present, who have never heard the good news? “Are you unconcerned - indifferent? Do you not care that I did all this because I knew it would mean salvation for men, women, boys and girls — does it mean nothing to you? Nothing save your own personal salvation? Is it nothing to you that I could at last declare with satisfaction, ‘It is finished?’ (John 19:30), that I had done all I could, all that was required of Me, in order that souls might be saved? And you — what have you done to save them? I finished My part,


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but My redeemed ones, My Bride, My Church, you have not finished your part! Why?”

THE UNFULFILLED TASK “Is it nothing to you that Almighty God bared His arm and ripped asunder the veil in the temple of Jerusalem from the top to the bottom to show the world that the way was now open for all mankind? Therefore, should they not all be told? Why have they not been told? “Why must so many grasp and grope in the dark, trying to find their way to God, despite the fact that I suffered so much to provide a way, a way broad enough and plain enough for them all? What have you to say in answer to this? “Is it nothing to you that I gave a plain command to My church: ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’? (Mark 16:15). I repeated this command- ment many times to My followers after I came out of the tomb. It was the very last word I left with them before I went back to heaven as the King of Glory, to be received at the Father's right hand. Why has it not been fulfilled?” “I only gave two commands to My Church, and they are both plain and positive. No one could misunderstand them: no word in human language could have been plainer: ‘Love one another’ (John 13:34), and, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every one of the whole human race.’ (Mark 16:15). “The second one was the very last I spoke to My people on earth as the clouds received Me out of their sight — I thought surely it would not be forgotten or omitted. “But, alas, that seems to be what has happened. My people have done and are still doing many fine things which I did not command them to do, and I am not unmindful of these things, but the two things I straitly commanded them to do, is where they have failed Me most. Why is this?”


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“I knew it was a heavy burden and a severe task I placed upon your shoulders, and that it demanded more than what human power could supply; that it would mean sacrifice and suffering; but I promised that I would be

with you to the end. Have you not read My promise? “Did I not give My word that I would never leave you nor forsake you? Did I not promise that I would send you My Spirit and He would bring all My power, supreme in both heaven and earth, into your beings, and that THIS POWER would enable you to accom- plish the task? Is it nothing to you that I gave such

a commandment and made such a promise?” THE WORK OF THE SPIRIT

“Is it nothing to you that the Holy Spirit came? That He came to earth to take up His abode in the Church which is My Body — that He has

made your spirit, His very own temple? That He did this to empower you to fulfil My command to bear My witness throughout the length and breadth of the earth? That this was His chief reason for coming? “I told My disciples:

‘You shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto Me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth’." (Acts 1:8)

“Do you think the Holy Spirit came just to bring you more joy, and help, and happiness? Just to serve you? Just to make the Christian life more satisfactory and easy for you yourselves? Is that all His coming means to you? Is it nothing to you that the Holy Spirit wants to possess your lives, consecrate you to God and to My service, and to direct your life into Our holy will, and to thrust you forth into the great harvest fields of the earth

that are ripened grain, ready for reaping? 25

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“Have you not been told to pray the Lord of the Harvest to do this? And if you prayed that He will do this, can you hold back yourselves and refuse to let Him thrust you forth also?” (Matthew 9:37-38) “Is it nothing to you that the Spirit longs to ‘shed the love of God abroad in your heart,’ (Rom. 4:4), so that your soul will be moved with compassion over the lost and dying multitude of mankind, as Mine is? I wept over them when I saw their plight, that they were sheep not having a shepherd, and I poured out My life for them. What about you? Have you ever wept over any of them? Are you pouring out your life, or any part of it for them? Have you any concern for them, or are they nothing to you? Have you closed your heart to the Spirit's work, so that you do not share My concern for lost souls? “These songs that you sing about God having His own way in your life, and containing pleas to the Holy Spirit to fill your souls, are they really nothing to you? “Is My command to preach the gospel to the whole world, and My promise to be with you to the end of the age, and My Spirit’s Heavenly power to enable you to witness to all the world - all of these, are they nothing to you? “Is it nothing to you that I gave My all for you? Are you not willing in return to give your all back to Me?” Friends, these are not fictitious attempts at rhetoric. These statements are all based on indisputable facts which face us both in the Word of God and in the world of our day. We cannot be indifferent. To be indifferent and irresponsive is the equivalent of high treason in Christ's kingdom!

From the booklet under the same title, “Is it Nothing to All You who Pass by?” published by

Back to the Bible Broadcast. Used by permission. 26

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UP ! WE ARE LIVING in troublesome times in a very confused world. The powers of darkness are closing in. The tightening fingers of a new dawn are upon us. Every look at the headlines confirms the confusion and chaos of these terrifying days. Demonic powers are doing their best to pit nation against nation and ideology against ideology. Our convulsing civilization is headed for a crashing climax — unless God inter- venes! Diplomacy has failed. Peace talks seem futile. Millions of men are on the march. Untold billions of are being

spent on mass means of extermination. How soon the cold war will turn to a hot war and lead to the annihilation of millions no one knows, but most

men fear a global holocaust is an imminent threat. How soon will our churches be closed, our Bibles burned, our opportunities gone? Only the Lord knows. What has happened in Russia, China, Hungary, France, Yemen, Syria, the UK, US, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia — in many other countries, could easily cause an impact on all of us. Before the daybreak of an uncertain dawn breaks upon us, may God help us to awaken out of our slumber. “He that sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame.” (Proverbs 10:5). These are not days for sluggishness, stagnation and apathy.


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Too long we’ve been dragging our feet. Too long we have been muffled and muted. May God show us the offensiveness of our selfishness, wastefulness, half- heartedness, and unfruitfulness. In these dark, desperate days, may God teach us to buy up every opportunity, to jealously guard every hour and refuse to foolishly fritter away one moment. This is a time to pitch, not to poke; a time to thrust, not to trifle, a time to push, not to play. May God forgive our dwarfish, pygmy lives and midget vision. In anguish, a weary, waiting world is ringing its hands in anxiety and need. Away with loafing, lagging, and lingering. It is time to rise out of generations of neglect and realize that we are bound by moral obligation and heavenly- imposed duty, to send the light, to spread the Gospel, to share the truth. It is only right that the perishing should hear the Gospel at least once. It is wrong to withhold the light from men in darkness. ''Christ for every creature" is our clear commission. To share His Gospel is our most important task. This is no time to slow down, but to move forward. May God help us to invade every hitherto neglected and forgotten part of this sin-benighted globe! We must hear the anguished cry of a heathen world, and forge for- ward in Jesus’ Name — to rescue the perishing! The Great Commission is our most sacred mission. (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20). We must be faithful to it or forfeit God's blessing. May God help us to sweep away all that would sully, or stain, smudge or soil our souls. May we clear the cobwebs from our hearts, and enter into a whole-hearted crusade — to rescue the lost and dying from the clutches of Satan.


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THE TASK IS GREAT The field is vast, much is undone. Millions still wait. The accomplishments of the past are insignificant in compari- son with the gigantic opportunities of the present. The zero hour has struck. May we hear the battle cry, alert- ing us to Christian conquest! The forces of hell are arrayed against us. They are armed to the teeth for bitter conflict. May God give us noble soldiers of the cross, with a martyr spirit, whose service and sacrifice will put to shame the luxury-loving crowd of ordinary men. With the fiery crimson cross before us, let us storm the walls of the enemy, challenge every stronghold and citadel of Satan, and rescue millions that are still held in his sway. In Jesus’ strength and Name, let us lift up a standard, flex our spiritual muscles, and enter the fire and fury of battle. We must break through all the defences of hell, and fight this battle for a lost world. While the world indulges in frolic and festivity, we must fight with holy fire. Too long we have been restricted and restrained. The world has gone on a spree. It is no time for us to take a holiday. Now is the time for us to win a decisive battle for Jesus. Let us not listen to the voices and vetoes of men of little faith. Now is the time for us to boldly encounter the enemy with a barrage of irresistible heavenly fire. May God re- inforce us with a mighty new sense of our indebtedness to the hosts of helpless, hopeless heathen that are waiting to be rescued. Forward ever, backward never, must be our motto.

Christ for every creature must be our goal. May we 29

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whole-heartedly align our lives to the divine design of world evangelism. May we quit pampering and stuffing ourselves at home with the sweetmeats of the Gospel — and start publish- ing the good news for the famishing millions abroad! For us to be more interested in materialism than in evan- gelism is stark evil. I believe that the first thing neces- sary in order to bring an awakening in the Church — is humble obedience to the Great Commission. (Matt.

28:18-20; Mark 16 :15-16) To ask for revival while neglecting this basic duty is an insult to God. To postpone our obedience is to dethrone our Christ. It is a basic duty for us to make this wonderful Gospel available to all. Christ did not tell us to put churches on every corner, but He does want us to preach the Gospel to every creature. Why we should squander the benefits of His bounty by multiplying luxurious houses of worship — instead of seeking the lost — is hard for me to understand. No wonder Hosea complained,

“For Israel has forgotten his Maker, and builds temples.” (Hosea 8:14)

May God show us the wisdom of putting our money in the message and putting the emphasis where the Bible does. It is inconceivable that people who call themselves Christians should be so heartlessly insensible to a lost world's need. Will we go on another 2000 years before we take the Great Commission seriously? Failure to tell, sends millions to hell! Our greatest fault is, default. It is time that the uttermost parts of the earth should be the uppermost thought of our lives.


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May God stir us to a new, desperate sense of urgency. May He give us new vision and venture and help us to make the Lord’s work our major subject. May He instil in our hearts a new desire to fulfil His Commission. Like the early church, may we give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. May God give us greater outreach, and a new fire and favour to win this sin-sick world to Christ, and to challenge a sleeping church to new depths of devotion!

— from Herald of His Coming


PAUL was angered at the sight of the Main Street in Athens that was walled in with temples to false gods. In the King James Bible, we have Paul's reaction to this sight: his spirit was “stirred within him.” (Acts 17:16) The Amplified Version says, “Now while Paul was awaiting them at Athens, his spirit was grieved and roused to anger as he saw that the city was full of idols.” Ancient Athens, though given to class and culture, was still peddling soul-dope. The average believer’s complacency towards the lost-ness of men is also appalling. We believers today need a baptism of Paul's holy anger. It is not a zealous Pentecostal or holiness brother or an unshackled Baptist who knocks at my door to witness. It is a deluded Jehovah's Witness or a message-less


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Mormon. We have in the false cults, a horrible picture of lost men seeking lost men to lead them to a lost eternity. Ask yourself these soul-searching questions, about the unsaved millions in your country:

* Why don't we attack the satanic strongholds? * Why do we fear? * Why do we hesitate? * What chills our urgency? * Have we nothing to communicate? * Are we unsure of our own Biblical knowledge? * Do we lack personal assurance of Salvation? * Are we unconvinced that the sinners stand

in jeopardy of an eternal hell? * Have we forgotten that even as believers we shall, at the judgment seat of Christ be evaluated, not only for what we have done, but for what we could have done? In this judgment, we receive rewards, but may also suffer loss of rewards.

Let us remember that witnessing is not optional, it is obligatory. We Christians are debtors. “I am under obligation both to the Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of the Messiah, for it is the power of God for salvation to every one who believes. ” (Romans 1:14-17) It is a shocking commentary on Christian feebleness that, while in the first century 120 men could move from an upper-room closet and shake Jerusalem, now-a- days, 120 churches claiming a like experience of the Ho- ly Spirit, can be in one of our cities and yet that city at large hardly knows they are there. In our spiritual warfare we churches must be guilty of shooting with dummy bullets. To change the figure we must spiritually be running with empty freight trains.


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It is my deep conviction that the end of the age is upon us. Things are going to develop more rapidly than any of us anticipate. This is no hour for crocodile tears, for half-baked commitments, or emotion packed vows. These should never be permitted to clutter our “altars.” Most likely if we walked down Main Street today and saw stately edifices dedicated to strange gods (false cults), we would shrug the thing off with the cold- hearted, nonchalant comment: “It's a pity that people have no more sense than to fall for that kind of thing .” Let me repeat: I believe the hour has come when we, God's people, need the baptism of anger. There is a command, “Be angry, and sin not.” (Eph. 4:26). Too often if the believer does know anger, he knows anger at the wrong time, about the wrong thing, to the wrong people, in the wrong place. His anger is so often self-generated because his pride has been hurt. The faultless image which he carries of his own person- al holiness has been smeared. Or he is annoyed at a comment of some who have dared suggest that his idol of gold has clay feet. We need to remind ourselves again that the Holy Son of God, our Saviour, was angry with the pigeon sellers and the polluters of His Father’s House. (John 2:13-16) It is not difficult for me to conceive that with millions of heathen perishing, our hard-luck suppers, our shabby gospel films, our bloodless church membership, and our nervous witnessing (plus our self-contentment and self-indulgence) would all come in for a scathing denunciation from the white-heat heart of the righteous Son of God! We might remember, too, that in the Bible story, Jesus was angry at the hardness of the hearts of those who meticulously followed the synagogue's law and system. (Mark 2:23-28; Mark 3:1-5)


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Ours is now the most chronically unhappy world in history. It would be folly to give an aspirin to a cancer patient, assuring him with lying words that this would cure his malady. Equally criminal, in my judgment, is our attempt to appease the soul-hunger of the millions around us by sermons that are not Christ-centered, not born in the burning heart of a yearning preacher, and not wet with the tears of his own travail and

anxiety for fallen men. Our situation is not like walking down Main Street in Athens, where ignorance, superstition, and strange gods held sway, to enlighten people. Ours is a far worse and

more terrible situation. We have pulled down the old altars to the LORD-GOD, Yahweh, and built new chrome- plated altars to Ashtaroth and Baal. To stir us sickly saints to rescue the perishing, we need the “smell of hell.”

To be like You, blessed Redeemer — angry at sin! More than ever we need to cry: “O Breath of Life, come sweeping through us; Revive Your Church with life and power. O Breath of Life, come cleanse, renew us, And fit Your Church to meet this hour.”

— Bessie P. Heed


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ON the platform of Meadows Baptist Church in Chicago stands a large semi-circular dial — its needle pointing to a figure in excess of 300 and still climbing. The dial reflects the number of people the congregation expects to win to Jesus Christ in the coming year. Earlier, more than one hundred had turned in pledge cards saying that by faith they would trust God to use them to reach one or more persons for the Lord in the year to come. By midsummer these individual “faith- promise” pledges totalled 308. It all started early when I was speaking in a conference on evangelism, at one of Chicago's southern suburban churches. Suddenly it struck me — why not ask for a faith promise for soul-winning? I challenged the congregation with the idea — then later issued the same challenge at Meadows Baptist. In April I asked students in my practical Christian work class at Moody Bible Institute, to try it. One girl prayed about her faith-promise and was almost stunned as the Lord laid it upon her heart to ask for one hundred souls! One weekend alone she led seven people to Christ and was over-whelmed at how easily each one responded - simply because they were prepared of the Lord. Her studies, her whole life, suddenly took on new meaning and purpose. At a pastors’ conference in California, a number made faith promises. One pastor, really “turned on” for the Lord, and began claiming by faith souls for Jesus Christ.


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In less than a month he had led six people to a salva-

tio decision. He had seen no fruit for months before. Christian students from Western Michigan University took me up on the faith promise challenge at a weekend retreat. Many went back to the campus with new vision. One fellow felt impressed immediately, to witness to a particular friend. He entered the fellow's dormitory room scared and uncertain about his approach, only to have the friend mention what a hypocrite he had felt like while in church the previous Sunday. Within fifteen minutes the two were down on their knees in prayer as the friend received Christ into his life. The next day he won the second convert of his career —the friend's 17-year-old brother. Every Christian ought to be able to win one person to Christ in a year's time. Surely each Christian could trust God for at least one soul a year — then pray him to Christ! If every Christian did that, think what would hap-

pen. A church would double in a year! The genius of the faith-promise concept is that it casts one’s dependence upon God. One does not confine himself to what he “feels” he is able to win, for a Christian has no ability in himself to win souls. All of one's genius, personality, zeal or sincerity will not persuade one person to receive Christ. It is not matching wits with a person nor talking him into receiving Christ — God does it all. When this is realized, it takes the

strain from one’s self and puts dependence on God. Too many don’t expect to see results and souls saved because they have the erroneous idea that it takes a certain type of personality, or that soul winning is a gift to a very few. They feel inadequate, or say they have no gift of evangelism. But soul winning depends upon God. He wants to use everyone!


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A young preacher once asked Charles Spurgeon why it was that every time he preached, people were saved, but when he, (the young preacher), preached nothing happened. Spurgeon asked, “You don't expect someone to be saved every time you preach, do you?” The young preacher said, “No!” “Well,” answered the wise preacher, “that's just why you don't see them.” Christians need to be awakened to the sin of unbelief and to be exhorted to ask of God in faith. “You have not because you do not ask,” (James 4:2), applies to soul winning as well as to material matters. The church that tries faith-promise evangelism should ask its people to report conversions through the offering. These can be recorded and announced to the church, along with the number who have made public profession in the service itself. Such reports serve as encouragement. God recorded the 3,000 at Pentecost, and then 5,000 later, (Acts 4:4) for our encouragement. Why not today? Giving an opportunity for new Christians to confess Christ at the end of a service during the invitation, obeys the command of Matthew 10:32, strengthens the congre- gation, and challenges believers to witness. Testimonies from time to time during a Sunday evening service or a Wednesday evening prayer service also will do much to keep the fires of evangelism burning. Your church might want to combine a missionary and an evangelism conference. The faith promise plan for both can be presented at the same time. There is the tragic danger that Christians will try to “buy off their responsibilities of witnessing,” by sending missionaries to witness instead of them. To wed the two is both scriptural and essential for a


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healthy, balanced church. No church can really be missionary-minded, no matter how much the missionary offerings, if its members are not witnessing themselves in their own “Jerusalem.” (Acts 1:8) We are having a population explosion in every kingdom under heaven except the Kingdom of Heaven – in Western Nations. One reason is because we build our big beautiful churches, have our robed choirs, cush- ioned pews and air conditioned auditoriums, and then announce, “Come and hear.” But God is saying, “Go and tell.” The West needs s renewal of soul-winning! The faith promise concept could have the same effect on evangelism that it has had in missions — and the impact could be felt around the world. Why not ask God how many He expects you to win in these months to come — and then by faith trust God and expect Him to use you in this greatest task of all. — Moody Monthly

TO BE PRAYERLESS IS TO BE POWERLESS Prayer is the pulse of life. By the pulse we can tell what is the condition of the heart. The sin of prayerlessness is a proof for the ordinary Christian or minister, that the life of God in the soul is in deadly sickness and weakness. What is the reason that many thousands of Christian workers in the world do not have a greater influence? Nothing save this — the prayerlessness of their service. In the midst of all their zeal in the study and in the work of the church, of all their faithfulness in preaching and conversation with the people, they lack that ceaseless prayer which has attached to it, the sure promise of the Holy Spirit, and the power from on high. (Acts 1:8; Luke 24:49; Luke 11:1-13; Acts 1:14). It is nothing but the sin of prayerlessness which is the cause of the lack of a powerful spiritual life! — Andrew Murray


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PRAYER is an ordinance of God … a sincere, con- scious, affectionate pouring out of the soul to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, in the grace and help of the Holy Spirit, for such things as God has promised, or according to His Word, for the good of the Church, with submission, in faith, to the Will of God.

— John Bunyan

SOUL WINNING TAKES SWEAT ! In soul winning, the Christian preacher, Sunday School teacher, or writer, addresses himself to the most serious of all tasks, yet so often his preparation is desultory and half- hearted. A few hurried minutes with the Bible and the lesson, and away we rush to the platform. Again, how inadequate are our efforts to make our churches and our personal witnessing effective! The salesman who pounds the side walk and rings doorbells puts most of us to shame. There is absolutely no substitute for thorough preparation and sweat if the work of God is to prosper in our hand. “Every man shall receive his own reward ac- cording to his own labour.” (1 Cor. 3:8). Paul stated that he laboured night and day on behalf of his converts. (1 Thess. 2:9; 2 Thess. 3:8). Not only did he labour, he also suffered reproach (1 Tim 4:10), and he ascribes double honour to the elder who labours in the Word and its teachings. I am persuaded that one of the chief reasons for barrenness and ineffectiveness in much of our Christian work lies in our failure to really work. Success in Christian work, as in all else, is the fruit of serious pains- taking and concentrated effort. Beware of twentieth century sirens that encourage short cuts and substitute human mechanics for spiritual dy- namics. Supplements are not substitutes. The Lord's


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work requires inspiration and a whole lot of

perspiration. - C. Ernest Tatham

IT TAKES TEARS ALSO “Those that sow in tears will reap in joy. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves

with him.” (Psalms 126: 5, 6)

CALVARY LOVE Lord Crucified, give me a love like Yours,

Help me to win the dying souls of men. Lord, keep my heart in closest touch with Yours,

And give me love, pure Calvary love

To bring the lost to You.

(1 + 1 = 2) EACH ONE, REACH ONE

“Therefore they that were scattered abroad went

everywhere preaching the Word.” (Acts 8:4) You may have heard of the slogan, “Each one reach one.” It works like this. All the born again believers in the world are encouraged to lead at least one soul to the Lord each year, and to teach that person to do the same. Out of the millions of “Christians” in the world, say there are 1 million born again believers who would participate in this outreach — “each one reach one.” The increase of believers over the next ten years could see a multiplication like this:


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2019 -- 1 million believers 2020 -- 2 million believers 2021 -- 4 million believers 2022 -- 8 million believers 2023 -- 16 million believers 2024 -- 32 million believers 2025 -- 64 million believers 2026 -- 128 million believers 2027 -- 256 million believers 2028 -- 512 million believers

By the end of 2028, there would be more than 500 million new and active believers in the world And in another ten years the whole world could be evangelised, if each believer would reach at least one new person every year. There may be many reasons why this goal will never happen. But here is something, on a smaller scale, that could happen. Here is a small church that has reduced to 20 members. But the pastor and elders come alive and embrace the 1 + 1 principle, and then challenge the whole congregation to come on board. They are filled with expectation of a spiritual revival, and motivated to begin soul-winning. After one year, 20 new members have been added, so there’s now 40 new members. After two years there will be 80; after three years 160; four years 320; five years 640; 6 years 1280; 7 years 2500; 8 years 5120; 9 years 10,240; 1o years - 20,480. It’s unrealistic! you may say Well say even half the plan worked, you would have a great increase. You may say, “Our church will be happy if we just get 10 additions each year. We would then be on a steady


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100 in ten years. (And besides we don’t have a Big enough building for many more.) But wait a minute! The purpose of winning souls is not merely for the sake of the size of your church. It’s for the salvation of many needy and precious souls, and the fulfilling of the Lord’s command to “bring in as many as you find.” (Heaven has room for millions more!!!) According to Acts 8, the early believers went everywhere preaching the Gospel. Literally “gossiping” the Gospel. Talking is the easiest thing in the world. Everyone does it to a greater or lesser degree. You can talk about cars, football, work, fashions, parties, food, health — then why not about the Saviour. But . .. (a) You need to know what you are talking about. A first hand knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour is essential. You must know Him, believe in Him, trust in Him and rely on Him. You will speak of how you came to know Him, what He means to you, what He has done, and is doing, in your life. This is personal witnessing and a witness speaks of what he knows is true. You need to know what the Bible says about Him, what the Bible promises you, what the Bible offers others. You will need to know what the Bible says about the past, what it foretells of the future, and what it offers in the present. But all this is well within your grasp, for woven into the fabric of every believer's life is this knowledge of the LORD and His Word, for you read it and study it every day. (b) You need to know who you are talking to. It is a matter of common courtesy in conversation that you find out the other person's interests and talk about them. Dale Carnegie has written a very interesting book on


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“How to Win Friends and Influence People.” He uses in one place, the maxim — “If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive.” These rules apply in personal soul winning. You won't necessarily rush, (in first contact), with what you want to say, or to keep on with your angle. People who do this are called “bores.” But you seek opportunity to turn the conversation the way you want it. This

requires tact and grace. — Les A. Marsh


WE KNOW that believers everywhere are burdened for unsaved or backsliding loved ones. However, many are praying in the spirit of fear and worry, instead of in faith.

This has caused the writer to seek for definite light on how to pray, feeling the need of praying the right prayer, also the need for a definite promise or word from God upon which to base our faith when praying for the unsaved. Praise God He never fails to give such needed help. Perhaps, because the salvation of some individuals looked to us as impossibilities, the first Scripture that was given us was Mark 10:27: "With God all things are possible." The next Scripture had occupied our attention some time before, but with new emphasis now:

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ." (2 Cor. 10:4,5)


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This shows the mighty power of our spiritual weapons. And we must pray that all this will be accomplished in the ones for whom we pray; that is, that the works of the enemy be torn down. Finally we were given the solid basis for our prayers — the ground of redemption. In reality, redemption purchased all mankind, so that we may say that each one is, actually, God's purchased possession - although still held by the enemy. We must through the prayer of faith, claim and take for God, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that which is rightfully His. This can be done only on the ground of redemption. We do not mean to imply that because all persons have been purchased by God through redemption they are thus automatically saved. No! They must believe the gospel and receive the Saviour for themselves. Our

intercession will help them to do this. To pray in the Name of the Lord Jesus, is to ask for, or to claim, the things which the blood of Christ has secured. Therefore each individual for whom prayer is made, should be CLAIMED BY NAME, as God's purchased possession, in the Name of the Lord Jesus

on the ground of His shed blood. We should claim the tearing down of all the works of Satan, such as false doctrine, unbelief, atheistic teaching, and hatred, which the enemy may have built up in their thinking; and that their very thoughts shall be

brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. In the authority of the Name of the Lord Jesus, claim their deliverance from the power and persuasion of the evil one, and from the love of the world, and the lusts

of the flesh. 44

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We should pray also for the quickening of their conscience, and that God might grant them repentance and hearing ears and believing hearts as they hear or read the Word of God. Pray that God's will and

purposes be accomplished in and through them. Intercession must be persistent, not to persuade God, for redemption is of God, but because of the enemy. Our prayer and resistance are against the enemy, the

awful powers and rulers of darkness.

THE FIGHT FOR SOULS It is our duty before God to fight for the souls for whom Christ died. Just as some must preach to them the good news of their redemption, just so others must fight back

the powers of darkness on their behalf. Satan yields only what, and when he must, and he renews his attacks in subtle ways, therefore prayer must be definite and must be persistent, even long after definite results are seen. And we must hold what is taken for God against the enemy, until such time as that

soul is firmly established in the faith. We will find that as we pray, the Holy Spirit will give new leads. Always follow His leads. We were interceding for a soul recently and felt that our prayers were not making contact. It seemed that there was

nothing there. Then the Holy Spirit inspired us to begin to draw them up to God in the Name of the Lord Jesus. As we obeyed this leading, repeating, "I draw unto God in the Name of the Lord Jesus," we felt our prayers gradually take hold. It seemed that we were drawing that dear soul from deep within the very camp of the enemy. Then we were able to proceed as usual, claiming every detail of that


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life for God, holding the blood against the enemy.

This is true warfare in the spiritual realm. Thank God that our spiritual weapons are mighty and that our authority in Christ is far above all the authority of the rulers, the principalities and powers of darkness, so that the enemy is obliged to yield. But it takes faith

and patience and persistence. Missionaries on foreign and home fields can resist the enemy in their districts, communities and schools, by holding up the Blood of Jesus against the powers of darkness, sin and unbelief, in the Authority of the Name of Jesus. In the Name of the Lord Jesus they can

demand that the enemy retreat. We would like to point out that “it is the Holy Spirit that quickens,” and the flesh “profits nothing.” The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." Therefore, we must constantly seek the quickening of the Holy Spirit in our

own hearts, in our faith, in our prayer and testimony. It is most important also that we keep ourselves, and all that we have, under the protection of the Blood. The enemy will use every possible means to silence our intercession and block our advancement

against him. We must not only understand our enemy, our Authority in Christ, and how to use our Spiritual Weapons, but also we must know how to wear the Armour that God has provided for our protection. Thus equipped and protected, we need have no fear. But let us always remember that we, of ourselves, have no power and

no authority outside of Christ. "Now thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph in Christ." "Greater is He that is in you,

than he that is in the world." 46

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THIS article concerns our relationship with others — both Christians, and non-Christians. Our relationship must again be based on LOVE. John's letter has a lot to say on the subject of the Christians' love — please look up 1 John 2: 9-11; 3:10-11, 14, 16-18; 22-23; 4:7-8, 11, 12, 16, 19-21. “The Christian has to practice both God's holiness and God's love. Anything that an individual Christian or Christian group does, that fails to show the balance of the holiness and love of God, is a caricature (a distortion) of the God who exists.”

(Francis Schaeffer, The Mark of a Christian}.

MOTIVE FOR EVANGELISM — LOVE (a) FOR FELLOW-CHRISTIANS John's letter is blunt and explicit. No love for my brother (or sister) in Christ? Then I am a liar and a murderer. (1 John 3:15). If only we Christians, could grasp the practical implications of these verses, and go in repentance to our God and in humble confession to those we have wronged, we would begin to see some practical out- working of Christ's love, instead of the many manifest- tations of the lack of it in so many groups of believers. “Without love,” writes Theodore Epp, “all our profession and talents will lead only to pride, conceit, self-praise, which in turn can lead to slandering of others and telling lies about them.” Such is the deceit of the human heart. It is inconceivable that we can profess


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to be Christians verbally without exercising love in our relationships with other Christians. Love is not some- thing passive — it is active and positive. Jesus commanded us to “love one another as I have loved you.” God's visual aid on love was the Cross — it has a horizontal, as well as a vertical span, which is nothing less than the basis of Christ's love for my brethren in Christ. Despite my personal sin and imperfections, He has loved me “unto death.” Despite the sin and im- perfections of others (in the guise of denominational or doctrinal differences, personality clashes, verbal criticisms, character deficiencies and the like), I am to love them for Christ's sake — as He has loved me. That doesn't mean a kind of silent, condemning tolerance, but a practical outworking of costly love. “Love finds a way of expressing itself, if it is truly divine love in us. Each local church as a fellowship of God's own people, is a supernatural community. It reveals its true nature as a divine society only when it is character- ised by divine love.” (J Stott / Our Guilty Silence). Before we can begin to think of showing Christ's love to the world, His agape love needs to be visible in His people. (John 13:34-35). “We cannot expect the world to believe that the Father sent the Son, that Jesus' claims are true, and that Christianity is true, unless the world sees some reality of the oneness of true Christians.” When this observable love is seen, then “by this shall all men know that you are my disciples.” -- F. Schaeffer (b) FOR NON-CHRISTIANS

The second greatest commandment is . . . “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF.” (Mark 12:31)


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Again our relationship and attitude must be based on love. This is where “loving to Christ” becomes operative — loving other people so that they come to Christ. There is a tendency to look on “outsiders,” as they are termed, as “Gospel material” and potential evangelistic “heads.” Some who say folk are ‘ripe for the Gospel,’ are determined to get the message to them. But despite all this evangelistic zeal, too often there is lacking the basic element of love. And in this the zealous are as

guilty as those who have no concern. A lack of effort or concern for others suggests a complete lack of love for them, and a lack of love for God. John Stott has said: “If we do not see, or feel, or seek to relieve the great spiritual need of our fellow men, there is only one conclusion to be reached. Not only are we disobedient to the command of Christ, but God's love and the

Word does not dwell richly in you. (Colossians 3:16) Again love for “our neighbour” isn't a passive matter — it is time-consuming and costly (as love always is), and is compared with love for our own selves. Its origin is also divine, so the expression of it must be for divine motives and glory. This involves both prayer and practice. Jesus had compassion for the multitudes, but also met the material, physical and spiritual needs of individuals. We think more often of the spiritual needs of the multitudes, and too little of the physical and material needs of the individual. We send our missionaries overseas to engage in a variety of socially helpful activities, but at home we shy away from involvement, saying the ‘social gospel’ is

unspiritual. More could be said about the need to show 49

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Christ’s love to the socially deprived, the sick, elderly, lonely and unhappy people all around us. The Christian’s family and the Christian’s home are God-given instruments for showing practical love to our immediate neighbours and other individuals. Once I heard of a Christian family that became concerned for their non-Christian neighbours, with whom they had little real contact. As a family they discovered their neighbours’ common, outside interest or hobby, studied the subject, then invited them around for an evening, just to share what had become a common interest. Eventually this new friendship created a bridge for sharing Christ, and the neighbours were converted. Love found a way. Unfortunately many Christians have been so afraid of being ‘contaminated’ by worldliness that they have avoided any social contacts with the unconverted. What witnessing they do is usually artificial and forced, rather than the spontaneous outgrowth of genuine friendship or concern.

METHODS OF EVANGELISM We shall look at some practical ways in which personal contact can be made with non-Christians, as a means of witness or what is termed, ‘sharing Christ.’ (a) POTENTIAL Kenneth Strachan, founder of Evangelism in Depth, discovered that “the growth of any church is in direct proportion to its ability to mobilize its membership for continuous evangelism.” If each born-again believer were to pray for, and set out to win one person each year for Christ, each year, it would be mathematically possible to win the whole world to Christ within 10 years by means of person -to-person contact.


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The unfinished task is not an impossible one. In some parts of the world the new birth rate is already out- stripping the natural birth rate. If each Christian were to take seriously his relationship with God, and with other Christians and non-Christians, then there would be no gap between the ‘man in the street,’ and the 'man in the pew.’ “Evangelism puts sparkle into the Christian life,” says Paul Little. “We pray specifically, we ask God to illumine someone in order to introduce them to the Saviour. We watch God answer prayer. The Bible becomes increasingly alive and relevant as we see others responding to its truth. “And when we’re concentrating on evangelism, we don't have time to pick at other Christians and their faults. We forget minor irritations and weaknesses, and the sins that worry us are mostly our own.” Witnessing isn’t the prerogative of the ‘professional evangelist’ — it is the high calling of every child of God. If evangelism is the responsibility of every believer, then the first essential is contact — personal contact. The following principles are equally applicable in regular or occasional witness — whether evangelising strangers or people we know. In group study it is suggested that practical demonstrations, followed by a critical discussion of the group's observations, would be helpful for all concerned. (b) PRACTICAL As has been mentioned, there is a great need for Christians to make personal friends with those who are not Christ's. We cannot win people at the end of a barge-pole — we need to get alongside others and get involved with their needs. And we do not need to wait for a catastrophe in someone's life before starting.


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Many folk are just longing for someone to take an interest in them as individuals. Practical opportunities of showing ourselves friendly, helpful and loving are limitless, but it may take time to remove barriers that have stood for years. Paul said, “I have made myself the slave to all, that I might win the more.” (1 Cor. 9:19) When Christ came to this earth, He didn't come on a flying visit and then hurry home again. He stayed in the world that He had made. The word was not spoken from the sky — the Word became flesh, and then “He dwelt among us." He gave men a chance to behold His glory — not from a distance, but at close quarters. He touched untouchable lepers, dined with sinners and publicans, helped the physically helpless. He did not recoil from the touch of a prostitute. As He came into the world so He sends us into the world — the secular godless society all around us. And He wants to show His glory through us. Have you built a ‘bridge’ with any ‘neighbour’ which can be used as a communication channel of God’s love in you? ( c ) DIRECT Some may have the ability to start a conversation on spiritual matters with a point-blank question or an incisive statement — a kind of shock tactic. This ‘bold, brave and brassy’ approach has dangers — it can repel people rather than attract, particularly if done by a nervous, well-meaning Christian whose whole aim, it seems, is to ask the question, hand over a leaflet (usually unsuitable), and then beat a hasty retreat! But if done in a loving gracious, cheerful way by someone who knows what he or she is doing, it may well be God’s way of speaking to the person concerned. What is always important is to find a point of contact to which the person will relate.


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(d) INDIRECT The basic example is Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well in John 4. He made comment which led to a conversation. The aim is to start with the natural, slide

into the spiritual, and settle on Christ. On one occasion, for example, I was visiting a home with a counties evangelist. Whilst he was talking to the woman, I started weeding her garden, and used the op- portunity to speak about the activity of weeds com-

paring them with the problems of sin. The transition was not forced, but natural and fruitful. A simple question, perhaps of a personal nature will often start, a conversation that leads naturally on to spiritual matters. In fact, people are more often ready to listen than we are to speak. We cannot create conviction, but as guided by God's Spirit, we can communicate truth. However, we do not have to communicate the

whole counsel of God in one conversation. Congregational evangelism in an area should be continual, not sporadic and rare. Because of our natural group instinct, personal witness is usually more effective when done by a group. Christ had twelve with Him in His group; Paul had Silas, Luke and others accompanying him on his missionary journeys. Those keen on doing something

regularly could form themselves into a “Witness Cell.” With no more than ten in the group, they could meet once a fortnight, say, to compare notes, introduce contacts who are interested, help each other, pray and discuss difficulties, and plan their tactics. Once the group gets to twelve or fourteen it should divide off into two. This may be the first step towards the multiplication

of a local congregation. 53

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Be Prayerful; Be Friendly; Be Watchful; Be Natural and Sincere; Be Persistent; Be loving (but not a nuisance).

Ask yourself: “Am I showing Christ's love? How can I show Christ's love?' Above all L.I.S.T.E.N. It is perhaps not insignificant that …

God gave us two ears and only one mouth!


When faced with an objection in conversation . . . Ask yourself — what's behind the question? Answer the real question from the Scriptures. Use a diagram, an illustration, or a quotation, or suggest a follow-up talk about it. Turn the question back to the questioner personally.

Turn the tables—make a positive witness for Christ. The above guidelines should then be the subject of discussion and practical demonstration, when tackled in a group. In all witness, one needs to remember that “it is not what we say that counts, but what others hear.” We need to remember that our efforts to “reach the unsaved” will mean nothing unless motivated and

carried through in an attitude of love. (1 Cor. 13:4).

LOVE is the answer. LOVE is His way.

— The Harvester.


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HOW to LEAD a SOUL to CHRIST THE EARLY CHURCH prospered and grew rapidly because every Christian was a soul winner. D. L. Moody covenanted not to let a day pass without attempting to win at least one soul, and God used him. Today God is using men who have one object in Christian service — to win lost people to the Saviour.

PREREQUISITES OF A SOUL WINNER A. To be a soul winner a Christian must have … 1. A real heart zeal — a burden for the lost, and a deep desire, a passion, to bring them to Christ. Without a deep love — there will be neither the incentive nor the ability to win lost people to the Saviour. 2. Knowledge of the Scriptures and of how to deal with people. Being an effective soul winner requires study and effort. Knowledge without zeal is valueless. Zeal without knowledge is also valueless, and may even be a hin- drance. The winning of people to Christ requires deep exercise of both heart and mind. Because we are dealing with human beings, we need to study the human approach. Because we are dealing


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with spiritual matters, we need the work of the Spirit of God in our hearts, to fit and equip us. B. How to obtain these two Pre-requisites (essentials): 1. The zeal must be born of the Holy Spirit. We cannot make ourselves love the lost, but “the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, and He makes it possible.” (Romans 5:5). So we ask the Holy Spirit to give us a passion for souls. That is the only way in which the power can and will come. 2. Our head knowledge must be obtained by study.

“Study to show yourself approved by God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

We must study to learn the truths of the Bible and the mind of Christ, and we must study also to understand the minds of men and their reactions to different situations.

SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SOUL WINNER A. THE RIGHT APPROACH How should one approach a person to deal with him about salvation? 1. Hand the person a tract. This is one of the easiest and best methods. 2. Be tactful, but not deceitful. One must always be gracious and kind in approaching anyone about spiritual things. We are persuaded that the direct, frank method is the best in most cases. Instead of trying to be “clever” by slipping up on the person from “the blind side,” we think that it is far better to say frankly and directly, “I want to share something that will be good for your soul,” or some- thing to that effect.


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A salesman who tries to present his line of wares in a round about manner is not likely to make a good impression on anyone. How can we expect any better results with people if we do not seek to present Christ in a definite, straightforward way? B. THE RIGHT PROCEDURE Once the conversation about the person's relationship to God is under way, how can one actually lead him to a definite decision to accept Christ? 1. Show him that he is a sinner by:

(a) appealing to his honesty (b) appealing to his conscience (c) using the Bible. Use Romans 3:10. Romans 3: 23. Isaiah 53:6. Jeremiah 17:9. IMPORTANT. Do not just quote these passages. Read them to the person from the Bible. Let him see the Scriptures with his own eyes.

2. Show him that he cannot go to heaven with these sins.

(a) God is holy, and He cannot tolerate sin. Read 1 Samuel 6 :20; 1 Peter 1:16; Psalm 24: 3, 4; Habakkuk 1:13a: (b) Heaven is holy, and nothing sinful can possibly enter it. Read Revelation 21:27; 1 Cor. 6: 9,10 and Galatians 5 :19-21.

3. Show him that a righteous God must punish sin. (a). Human justice is based on the principle that all wrong doing and law-breaking must be punished. (b). Divine justice is based on the same principle. Show this from Ezekiel 18:4: Romans 6:23; Roman 1:18; John 3: 36; Revelation 21:8; and Hebrews 10 :26-31.


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4. Show him that Christ has already borne the punishment of our sins, and paid the penalty for us in full. Isaiah 53:4-6; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 Peter 2:24; Romans 5:6-8; and 2 Corinthians 5:21.

"Repent … and believe the Gospel." (Mark 1:15) 5. Show him that one is saved only by believing and trusting in Jesus Christ as one’s personal Sin-bearer and Saviour. (Our “good works” and best efforts, can never give us, or contribute to, salvation).

“For by grace you are and have been saved, through faith - and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God—not as a result of works, lest any- one should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

The following Scriptures are among the best to use for this: Romans 6:23; John 1:12; John 3:36;

Romans 10:9-10: Revelation 3:20 ; 1 John 5: 9-13. IMPORTANT: At this point gently press the person for a decision to accept the Saviour, here and now. Ask him point-blank: “Will you take Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?” If the answer is “yes,” say, “Then let’s talk to Him now and tell Him so,” or something to that effect. It is usually best to kneel, as kneeling in itself is an act of submission to the Lord; and it helps to clinch this great- est of all decisions of life. Once on your knees, you pray first. Pray a simple prayer, thanking the Lord Jesus for coming to seek and to save the lost, for dying for our sins, and for His willingness and desire to save all who come, etc. Then ask the Lord to reveal Himself in all His saving grace to this person who is now coming to Him, and who wants to be saved from his sins. Ask the Lord to grant him assurance of full and free salvation.


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After your prayer, ask the person to pray. If he says that he cannot pray, urge him to talk simply to the Lord telling Him that he is a sinner, and that he now believes Jesus died on the cross for him, and that he wants Him to be his Saviour. Urge him to tell the Lord exactly what is in his heart. Suggest that he ask the Lord to forgive his sins, to save his soul, and to send the Holy Spirit to come and live in his heart — his life. If necessary, you may formulate the prayer for the per- son, sentence by sentence, and have him repeat it after you. But do not resort to this method unless there is no other way to get the person to express his own prayer to the Lord. IMPORTANT: After prayer, ask him if he believes that God keeps His promise. Then go back to the same vers- es that you read to him concerning trusting Christ as his

personal Sin-bearer and Saviour. Romans 10:9-10. This will bring him to an assurance of salvation which is based upon God's own Word and promises. It is always good to use the last half of John 6:37.

“Whoever comes to Me I will never cast away.” 6. Then point out that if a Christian sins after he accepts the Saviour, Christ will act as his intercessor.

Read Hebrews 7:25; I John 2:12. 1 John 1:9. 7. Finally, point out that successful Christian living can be maintained only by: Daily Bible Reading. Suggest that he start with the New Testament, preferably the Gospel of John. Daily Prayer. Explain that it is talking to God alone. Suggest that a time be set aside for prayer each

morning and each evening as a minimum. 59

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Bold Witnessing. Urge him to let others know from the beginning that he is a Christian and that he is determined to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. A large number of citations from the Bible have been given in this lesson. Type them, or copy them to a handy notebook, and for constant reference. Memorize them and to get to know them thoroughly. In dealing with and teaching a person, it is best to select only a few verses. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, for it is … for, it is …

"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of Hosts."

(Zechariah 4:6.)

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Follow up your contacts who come to the Lord.

Keep with you, a few copies of

the MRC booklet, “THE WAY —


to give to your new believers.



Page 62: Don Stanton, Maranatha Revival Crusade MIDNIGHT.doc · Web viewunshackled Baptist who knocks at my door to witness. It is a deluded Jehovah's Witness or a message-less 31 Mormon

PROMISES TO TRUST FOR OTHERS It is a mistake to think we must trust the Lord only for ourselves. We can and should trust the Lord for the needs of others. Remember the four men who brought the crippled man on a stretcher, and let the stretcher down from the ceiling into the presence of Jesus? It is recorded: * “And seeing their faith, He said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven you’.” (Luke 5:20) Throughout Scripture we are exhorted to pray for others. And when we pray, we must do so with faith. There are a few specific promises which we may lay hold of, claim, and believe, on behalf of other people. * “Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

* “I will save your sons.” (Isaiah 49:25) * "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy.” (I Cor. 7:14) “And the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” (James 5:15-16) * “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” ( 2 Peter 3:9)

Claim the promises for your loved ones now. TIME IS RUNNING OUT!


Page 63: Don Stanton, Maranatha Revival Crusade MIDNIGHT.doc · Web viewunshackled Baptist who knocks at my door to witness. It is a deluded Jehovah's Witness or a message-less 31 Mormon