dolphins social media strategy

1 M I A M I D O L P H I N S Katie Breunlin

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Katie Breunlin

Miami Dolphins Social Media Strategy

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary, September 2016

2. Social Media Audit

a. Social Media Assessment, September 2016

b. Traffic Sources Assessment, June 2016 – September 2016

c. Customer Demographics Assessment

d. Competitor Assessment

3. Social Media Objectives

4. Online Brand Persona and Voice

5. Strategies and Tools

6. Timing and Key Dates

7. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities

8. Social Media Policy

9. Critical Response Plan

10. Measurement and Reporting Results, September 2016 – December 2016


Executive Summary

Our major social media priorities for the last quarter of 2016 are to increase

engagement across all social media platforms.

The primary focus will be to increase support for the team, draw in new

supporters, and increase team apparel and ticket sales by adding a variety of

engaging social media content and encouraging stronger connections

between fans and the team.

Three major social strategies will support this goal:

1. Increase the variety of content across all social media platforms.

2. Increase the interactivity of our social media content.

3. Encourage engagement and conversation with fans on social media.


Social Media Audit The following is an audit of the Miami Dolphins’ social media presence to date.

It includes an assessment of all social media networks, traffic, demographics,

and includes a competitor analysis.

Social Media Assessment Date as of September 20, 2016

Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly

Activity Average Engagement Rate


2,171,826 70 posts per week .25%


660,900 100 posts per week .03%


600,000 60 posts per week 1.6%


10,032 1 post per week .4%

Social Media Assessment: At present time, our interactions are extremely low. The most interactions are on Instagram. The lowest rate is on Twitter but

The high number of posts per week could be a contributing factor. We may want to decrease the number of Twitter and

Facebook posts per week to try to increase engagement. The few posts made on LinkedIn don’t draw much, if any interaction

And it may be time to consider closing that platform.


Website Traffic Sources Assessment Timeframe: Monthly average June 2016 to August 2016

Source Volume Percentage of Overall Traffic

Conversion Rate

Facebook 10,000 unique visits 10% 6.4%

Twitter 6,000 unique visits 6% 1.3%


LinkedIn 150 unique visits .15% .01%

Traffic Summary: At present time, Facebook drives the most traffic to the website and has the best conversion

rate. No data is available for Instagram but interactions are good and it’s safe to assume

some traffic comes from that channel.


Audience Demographics Assessment

Age Distribution

Gender Distribution

Primary Social Network

Secondary Social Network

Primary Need

Secondary Need

15% 18-30 25% 31-40 30% 41-55 30% 56-80

65% Male 35% Female

70% Facebook

10% Instagram

20% Twitter

30% Facebook

20% Twitter 20% Instagram

Keeping up with team news and events.

Checking scores, checking status of players.

Audience Demographics Summary:

Seeing as the primary demographic is males between the ages of 41 and 80,

with Facebook being the overwhelming primary social network, Facebook posts

should remain a primary focus. The female and younger demographics prefer

Instagram and interact well with us on that channel, so content developed for

Instagram should be made with those demographics in mind.


Competitor Assessment

Competitor Name Social Media Profile

Strengths Weaknesses

Jacksonville Jaguars

Instagram: Jacksonville Jaguars

Engagement on Instagram is good. They have a third of the followers we have but get about the same number of likes and comments per post. They know how to appeal to the younger Instagram audience using fun props for pictures.

They could be taking more advantage of branded hashtags to bring excitement and awareness to the brand.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Facebook: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Good use of video posts, especially a regular interview segment with players.

They don’t take advantage of photos. Their candid, natural photos get three to four times the likes their heavily edited photos do but there are much fewer of those.

Competitor Assessment Summary The competitor assessment consists of two competitors in the area. The Jaguars are doing a better job engaging with and

Appealing to the demographic on the channel assessed. Knowing your audience is key to good social media branding. Tampa

Bay needs to use photos that appeal to the fans more. Sometimes simple is better and in this case, it is.


Social Media Objectives

In the last quarter of 2016, our primary focus will be to increase vocal support

for the Miami Dolphins team and increase team apparel and ticket sales by

increasing engagement on our social media platforms. In order to achieve this

goal, we will increase the variety and interactivity of our social media content

and encourage social media relationships with fans through engagement

and conversation.

Some specific objectives include:

1. Increase engagement on Facebook by 30% in 6 months via:

a. Decreasing number of posts per week by 50%

b. Increasing candid-style photo posts/featuring fan submitted photos in one post per week

c. Adding regular “behind the scenes” style interview segments

2. Increase engagement on Instagram by 25% in 6 months via:

a. Appealing to demographic with clever images

b. Reduce similar back-to-back postings

KPIs 1. Number of Facebook and Instagram likes

2. Number of weekly Facebook posts

3. Number of Twitter followers

3. Increase Twitter followers by 40,000 in 3 months

Key Messages • We bring everything to the game

• A team with heart and loyal fans


Online Brand Persona and Voice

Adjectives that describe our brand:

• Competitive

• Driven

• Athletic

• Loyal

• Proud

The voice of our brand:

• Encouraging

• Motivational

• Appreciative


Strategies and Tools Paid Two days before a game, boost most popular weekday posts to build excitement for

game day. Posts should have a minimum of 2500 likes.

Owned Source one piece of user-generated content to feature per week. The featured post must

include a photo or video. Add branded “Phin Fan Feature” as the title of the weekly

feature and as a hashtag. Encourage fans to use hashtag to get their posts featured.

Earned Encourage players to take and post their own appropriate behind the scenes photos

and videos and tag the main social media pages in the post.

Consider a player or cheerleader takeover for Instagram to get a different perspective

at an event or during a practice.


Approved Tools: • Hootsuite

• Buffer

Rejected Tools: • N/A

Existing Subscriptions/Licenses

• Phototshop

• Vimeo


Timing and Key Dates Holiday Dates

• New Year

• Memorial Day

• Fourth of July

• Labor Day

• Thanksgiving

Internal Events

• Super Bowl Sunday (February 5th)

Reporting Dates

• Reporting will occur once a quarter in

March, June, September, and December

in the first week of each month.


Social Media Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Marketing Officer –Jeremy Walls

Marketing Director –Patrick Arthur

Senior Director, Digital and Print Media –Scott Stone

Marketing Manager –Brittany Reid

Social Media Manager –Vince Pannozzo

Marketing Coordinator –Jordan Catrair

Account Coordinator –William Anderson

Multimedia Host –John Congemi

Network Support Specialist Anthony Iglesias

Network and System Support Technician –John Pritzker


Social Media Policy

Social Media is vital to our lives and to our brand. We use it to get the word out on brand

information, events, and news as well as for personal use on a day-to-day basis. As a social

media user as well as an employee and representative of the Miami Dolphins, you are

expected to conduct your social media usage with a certain level of respect, etiquette, and

and appropriate decorum outlined in these guidelines:

• Be respectful to everyone you interact with

• Do not instigate arguments or fights

• Be polite

• Be courteous

• Offer help to problems

• Do not speak ill of your coworkers or teammates

• Promote games and events, don’t hesitate to show your excitement!

The Miami Dolphins take this social media policy seriously. Failure to comply with the

guidelines laid out above will result in disciplinary action dependent on the severity of the

action up to and including termination from the company. You may also be subject to

legal action if the company feels the situation calls for it. Any questions and concerns

should be taken to your manager or department head.


Critical Response Plan

Scenario 1 – Inappropriate Tweet Sent from @MiamiDolphins

Action Plan

1. When Tweet is detected:

• Take screenshot of offending Tweet

• Immediately delete the Tweet

• Alert Vince Pannozzo (Social Media Manager) or Scott Stone (Senior Director,

Digital and Print Media)

2. Vince to connect with Scott to assess damage, reach, and plan for further action.

3. Vince to develop appropriate follow up Tweet for Scott to approve

4. When Tweet is picked up by media outlets, Scott will handle all direct media contact

and release a statement on behalf of the company. If Scott is unavailable,

Patrick Arthur (Marketing Director) will handle media contact.

5. Vince and Patrick will contact employee responsible for the Tweet to determine if

disciplinary action is necessary.

Pre-approved messaging:

NO PRE-APPROVED MESSAGING IN THIS SCENARIO Messaging in this scenario is dependent on the nature and severity of the offending Tweet. Messaging to be assessed and approved by Social Media Manager and Senior Director.


Scenario 2 – Inappropriate Tweet Sent from Player’s Personal Account

Action Plan

1. When Tweet is detected:

• Take a screenshot of the offending Tweet

• Alert Vince Pannozzo about the Tweet. If Vince is unavailable, contact Scott Stone

(Senior Director, Digital and Print Media.)

2. Vince to develop Tweet on behalf of the company making it clear that the offending

Tweet does not represent the thoughts or beliefs of the brand. Scott to approve Tweet.

3. Vince and Scott to assess damage and reach done by offending Tweet.

4. Scott to handle all direct media relations and release a statement on behalf of the

company concerning the Tweet. If Scott is unavailable, Patrick Arthur (Marketing Director)

will handle the media.

5. Vince and Scott to contact Ann Hake (Senior Manager of Player Relations)

6. Vince, Scott, and Ann to contact player to delete offending Tweet and meet with player

to develop a statement concerning the Tweet.

7. Scott will set up a press conference for the player to address media and make the

statement apologizing for the Tweet.

Pre-approved messaging

Twitter: We are aware of (player)’s Tweet. The Miami Dolphins don’t share or condone

his thoughts.


Measuring and Reporting

Quantitative KPIs

Reporting Period: 3 months

Data as of December 1st 2016

Website Traffic Sources Assessment

Timeframe: Monthly average, September 2016 to December 2016

Source Volume Percentage of

Overall Traffic Conversion Rate

Facebook 13,000 unique visits

11% 6.9%

Twitter 7,000 unique visits 6% 1.4%

LinkedIn 150 unique visits .12% .01%


Social Network Data

Timeframe as of December 1st 2016

Social Network URL Follower Count

Average Weekly Activity

Engagement Rate


2,210,000 3.4% growth

35 posts per week



700,000 6% growth

70 posts per week



640,000 6.6% growth

60 posts per week



10,100 .7% growth

1 post per week



Social Network Data Report

• We met our goal to increase Twitter followers by 40,000. It’s a steady rate of

that we can hopefully continue to keep up with. Interactions on Twitter have

also increased.

• The decrease in Facebook posts per week has started to boost the interactions

we receive on that channel as has boosting the popular posts before game day.

• We will be keeping LinkedIn open as a channel for hiring and other various

networking purposes. It will not remain a primary account used to drive

business to the website.

#PhinFanFeature Performance

• The feature and hashtag are performing well. Fans are vying to be in the

spotlight which means we receive awesome fan-submitted content to share and

retweet. The fans are loving the interaction the feature is allowing them.


Quantitative KPIs

• The comments and reception of most content is positive and enthusiastic.

Fans like to see the good works the brand participates in and to see fans

highlighted every week.

• Most negative comments are about team performance and lost games. It’s

unavoidable but offset by the positivity on the content being produced.

Proposed Action Items

• Continue Phin Fan Feature.

• Consider more video posts.

• Consider adding GIF posts to Facebook.