dolmen grove issue 7


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Pagan Magazine









THE DOLMEN GROVE “ Respect and care for the elders

for they have aged with the wisdom of time “


The Dolmen Grove is a non political organisation; preferring to concentrate upon

the quest for spiritual enlightenment and the manifestation of peace within a power

hungry world of chaos.

The Dolmen Grove was originally formed in Dorset England where it still has its

main H.Q. existing as a Spiritual meeting place for people of all nationalities, and

over the years has grown steadily with membership now spanning several continents.

At the centre of The Dolmen Grove is the round table. This is made up of a

group of people from all walks of life, following a variety of spiritual paths. These

individuals get together once a month to plan and organize events, and gatherings.

Because these people give both their time and energy voluntarily the hopes and

dreams of The Dolmen Grove continue to be recognized.

The Dolmen Grove do not have a hierarchy because we do not believe people need

titles or labels in order to practice a spiritual path. However we do believe in

spirituality based upon love, kindness and an open heart. We are fully aware that

this policy which is upheld by the Roundtable of The Grove has upset people in the

past and will no doubt continue to do so.

It is NOT our intention to offend anyone and we do not condemn those who wish

to use such titles, and we shall continue to welcome all spiritually minded people

seeking to enjoy good friendship with good souls who share a common interest.

The Dolmen Grove Banner - A Symbol of Unity




1…The Magic of Avebury…Denny Bottley (Ravenswing)

2…Shadows of the Past…Diane Narraway

Man’s Best Friend…Diane Narraway

The smugglers Cottage… written and illustrated by Gera Lambert

Ghosts of the 70’s…Louise Lisse

3…Yule ball information

4…Charlotte Rodgers

Review of ‘The Bloody sacrifice’ by Diane Narraway

(All photos used are with the permission of Charlotte Rodgers)

5…A day in the life of …by Mark Vine

6…The Dying Time…Peter Tyldesley

7…Death of the Goddess…Scott Irvine

8…Music …Wytchlord review by Diane Narraway plus gig guides from the Dolmen and Spriggan Mist plus

cd information from Husbands and Knives and Mike Porter Collective.

(Dolmen artwork by Sem Vine)

9…The Black Wreck Project by Diane Narraway and The Black Wreck Project

(All photos used are with the permission of The Black Wreck Project)

10…The Dolmen Grove Samhain Psychic Fayre and Wytches Ball…Diane Narraway

11…Samhain from around the Grove

12…Sacred Scents…Lynda Meyer

13…Poetry from within the Grove

15…Dates to Remember

14…Properties of Crystals…Calcite…Cheryl Waldron

16…The Art of the Magic Mirror…written and illustrated by Gera Lambert


18…Diary of the Hedgewitch…Rachael Moss

19…The Witches Cauldron

Witches Water…Cheryl Waldron

Bonfire Scrying…Lynda Meyer

Fire of Azrael…Diane Narraway

Photos in this issue…Duncan Wild, Mark Vine, Mick Paul, Chrissey Luna La Fey, Ian Weltch, Rachael

Moss, Scott Irvine

Cover photo by Chrissey Luna Le Fey

Further information can be found at:

All information is accurate at the time of publication and all articles are assumed to be the work of those

being credited


The Magic of


Some 4,000 to 4,500 years ago the magnificent

stone circles of Stonehenge and Avebury

experienced the ultimate adoration. They were

indeed two of the most exceptional stone temples

in the world, built by nearby tribes upon the

striking chalk plains of the Wiltshire landscape.

Both of these circles resonate bot only the sheer

devotion of the people who constructed these

spiritual structures, but also their dedication in

erecting such a prime focal stone temple to

celebrate their religious culture is truly wondrous.

Amazingly, Avebury circle was built by using

colossal Sarsen stones, which were hauled

tirelessly from the Welsh hills with many a

tedious journey. The Swindon Diamond stone,

(was an indication to the road to the city of

Swindon) situated at the North entrance is said to

weigh a phenomenal 60 tons. Incredibly it's the

largest stone at Avebury which formed part of a

study by the antiquarian William Stukely way

back in 1723.

Before it's deterioration, this stone weighed a

remarkable 80 tons, and this tall obelisk-type

stone stood in the centre of the Southern inner


One can see as a first impression, that like the

stones of Stenness and Brodgar, Avebury too

appears to have formations deep within the stone

that resemble human facial forms.

Each and every stone yields a different facial

entity, many of which are conducive with Goddess

deities. Ultimately, these striking observances

clearly magnify the spiritual significance and

symbolism of the circle.

Initially, the chronology of Avebury has become

indistinguishable due to the fact that insufficient

radio carbon data exists from this megalithic

period. However, Avebury's estimated age of

construction is most defiantly no later than


Incredibly a large proportion of Avebury village

sits within the outer circle, which initially consists

of a couple of private dwellings, a post office,

some shops and the Red Lion public house, so the

scale of Avebury is vast.

Moreover, Avebury circle encompasses a

symbolic affinity towards the sacred sexual act

(The Great Rite) and ultimately conception -

certainly within our ancient Celtic culture, the

supreme sexual act, which takes place between the

Goddess and her consort is interpreted as having a


much more powerful influence than the act itself -

it shows an exalted reverence towards the

Goddess and God for their union, which it is

believed will benefit the land and it's people - thus

yielding an abundant, and fruitful harvest.

Fundamentally, Avebury is a 'Great Sacred Site'

our Celtic ancestors deeply considered, union,

birth, death and the constant re-generation of life,

as the pinnacle of human celebration which

connected, supported and indeed enabled

perpetual harmony amongst the pagan people.

Implicitly, every sacred rite was a form of joyous

celebration - even in death; our ancestors took

comfort in the journey of the deceased to the

Summerland viewing it as a time to honour those

individuals passing from this life on their journey

to be re-born.

As I have mentioned before Avebury embellished

the intensive 'Sacredness' of its people together

with their ancient rites.

Originally, people were brought together in a

communal force, namely within the processional

routes to Avebury stones, these routes coupled

with the shape of the stones very much resembled

the shape of the 'Womb' or the 'Cauldron' where

all creation is born.

There is also another relative ancestral element

which is of course the 'Snake' as it reflects lust and

the ever turning wheel of creation.

Similarly, with both Avebury and the standing

stones of Stenness, the processional routes weave

through the central circle, just as the snake weaves

its way through the spiral of life.

The religious indications are profound, within the

realms of the astronomical connotations which

contribute further to the sacred significance of

Avebury, for example: various constellations of

stars are united with the elemental momentum and

our Celtic ancestors were aware of these forces,

working alongside them in a spiritual cosmic


Pagan Britain found great comfort and a unique

solidarity in worshipping at these great hallowed

monuments at significant times of the year, as

well as various sacred rites including their own

rites of passage.

To this day, pagans from all paths still flock to

Avebury to stand together in wonder, harmony,

spiritual respect and reverence to our Celtic

ancestors, who left us this 'Gift' of human

gratification in 'All' aspects - and supremely our

place in the cosmos.

Denny Bottley ( RavensWing)


Shadows of the Past

For me there is a distinction to be made between ‘Spirits’ and ‘Ghosts’.

A spirit is the essence of someone or for that matter something. For example we often hear the phrase ‘the

spirit of Christmas’. Whether we believe as pagans that it should be the spirit of Yule or just winter is

irrelevant, we understand what is meant.

It is the essence of the winter holiday which for most of us is characterized by a desire to give or a sense of

love and happiness. For others it comes with a sense of fear or sadness.

The spirit is the very essence which is instinctively felt.

Whether you like someone/something or not is denoted by ‘the feeling’ you get from how their

spirit affects you.

This is true of people, pets, the beach, fact anywhere a spirit can be felt. The animistic religions

of many indigenous people including some Native American tribes and the Inuit are founded upon the idea

of a unique spirit in everything including the elements.

If everything and certainly everyonet has a spirit then it will be constant. That which has always existed and

will continue to exist far beyond death, is not going to suddenly alter into something evil.

The kind old lady next door is not going to become an evil spirit desperate to haunt you just because the

physical body died.

Ghosts are different they are the shadows of past actions or events. The woman dressed in white that paces

the corridors of a hotel every night is merely a playback of something that happened once.

Basic psychometry is centred on that which we refer to as ghosts. When I wrote about my psychometric trip

around Portland in Dolmen Grove issue 3 it is ghosts that I am seeing. I am watching as the shadows of the

past continuously acting out events.

It is easy to touch something and see an image or sense something that is directly associated with it...pick up

any object and something from the past will come to mind. It is as simple as picking up your coffee mug

and recalling the last time you drank coffee with a friend, the row with the husband or kids at breakfast, how

rude the checkout girl was etc. etc. I’m sure you get the picture no pun intended.

The difference between this form of psychometry and being able to paint a picture of past events is how

focused you are on what you wish to see.

For example I went to Portland with the intention of looking into those periods of history therefore that’s

what I saw...The ghosts of those specific timelines I was looking into.

There is of course the category of what may be considered ‘Interactive ghosts’ or as I prefer ‘Things that go

bump in the night’. All theses on ghosts, spirits and paranormal events will vary according to the individual,

but for me these Ghosts are not so much interactive.

If the ghosts we see are shadows of the past, then it is reasonable to assume that the ones we hear are also

shadows. It is simply that some ghosts are visual and some are audial… ‘Shadow sounds of the past’.


There is also a category of paranormal activity often referred to as ‘crises apparitions’. These include

visions or audial/sensory experiences that occur around the time of crisis. The ‘ghost’ who appears at the

point of someone’s death or accident is not in all cases reported the person who is recently deceased, plus at

times it is a vision of someone who is still living. Because the crisis experience may also include

clairaudience or a ‘sense of foreboding’, along with a whole range of crises other than death, it makes this a

far more complex event which cannot comfortably come under the heading of either ghost or spirit.

Anyway I decided to share the earliest clear encounter I can recall with one of these shadows of the past.

Chances are I saw many before this but for several reasons this one seems to have stayed freshest in my


Man’s Best Friend

During my teenage years I behaved much like any other badly behaved, extremely rebellious teenage witch.

The only difference between myself and my peers was that I questioned ‘everything’ and ruled out

‘nothing’. That and a bit of clairaudience....and despite the fact that I lived opposite a graveyard I had

definitely not seen any ghosts!! At least none that I was aware of.

Anyway on this particular night I had been sat in bed reading, when I decided to

go and get a drink from the kitchen. I can’t even set a spooky scene as

everything seemed pretty thunder storms, flashes of lightning just a

boringly average night, and a thirsty sixteen year old.

Taking the only logical course of action I headed for the kitchen. Our house

was designed so that we had to walk through the lounge in order to reach the

kitchen. So I did.

I walked through the lounge door stepping over Pip the family dog that was fast

asleep in the lounge doorway. I reached the kitchen got my drink and headed

back to my room through the lounge and back over the dog.

It wasn’t until I reached the bedroom and sat down on the bed that I realised I had just stepped over a dog

which had been dead for the last five years.

If I had been asleep or had Pip died more recently chances are I wouldn’t remember this. When I look back

at this incident there was nothing unfamiliar to make me question it. A familiar dog sleeping in a familiar

place...a shadow of the past!!

Diane Narraway


Ghost Story –

The Smugglers Cottage.

In the summer of 1983 I visited a friend at his family home, mainly to provide some company as he had

been left in charge of his younger brother whilst his parents were away for the weekend. The house, situated

remotely at the end of a long winding lane in Hayling Island was in two parts: an old cottage, said to have

been the haunt of smugglers (and the scene of a murder), and a more extensive modern addition. These

were linked by an open plan living room, from which separate flights of stairs led to the respective upper


I stayed over for the night, sleeping in the old section of the house, and feeling comfortable and happy

having watched videos of ‘Not the Nine O Clock News’ – (recording things on video was a new invention in

those days.) At around 3 am I woke in need of a drink of water but felt I couldn’t descend the stairs because

a gathering or party of people seemed to be in progress down below in the living room. There were lots of

low toned mumbling voices with the occasional louder pitched yell, together with clattering and bumping

sounds which I assumed were chairs being moved and glasses or cups being handled.

The likely explanation seemed to be that my friend’s very gregarious father had returned earlier than

expected, with a group of friends and should my sudden appearance cause embarrassment; I decided to wait

until the guests had left before visiting the loo and going for my drink. But the wait was lengthy and after

trying to get to sleep, followed by a period of pacing the room, I finally opened the bedroom door, ready to

confront the parents and their companions.


But, as I did so, the sounds of all the people stopped abruptly, as if a tape recording had been switched off.

The house was completely dark and still, so, seeking an explanation, I turned to the bedroom window which

overlooks the front garden and drive, expecting to see guests leaving in their cars. I couldn’t otherwise

understand where they and their noise had gone. But they weren’t there, and assuming they must therefore

be in the back garden, I went down and switched on the lights, only to find an immaculately tidy living

room, with no sign or any recent activity. No cups or bottles of beer were on the tables, all the furniture was

the same as we had left it!

So where had the party of people gone? It seemed impossible for a large group to have left that room so

suddenly without final farewells, cars starting, doors slamming etc, yet, I remained convinced that a group of

people had been there, and went back to bed feeling very baffled. The following morning my friend greeted

me with a cup of tea and I remarked on what I had heard, that his parents had returned in the night. He

finally persuaded me that on no account had his parents returned nor had any gathering of any sorts taken


However, he did admit, with some trepidation, that two other friends and guests of his parents had also

reported similar experiences. He then told me that the old part of the house was used by smugglers up to

and until the 19th

Century to handle alcohol and that one evening a man of authority (similar to a customs

official) had interrupted a smuggling operation in progress. The official raised a sword in action to strike,

but it got stuck in the wooden beam above. He was then killed by one of the smugglers in an act of self-


I have since found out through our local paper that the skeleton of a man was found close to the shore edged

back garden of this house dating from around the early 1800s. It is thought that this was the body of the

‘official’ who was murdered. I think it is possible that the walls of the cottage in some way recorded the

emotions of the smugglers during a time of high emotional tension, (stone tape theory), possibly before or

following the murder, and that this can be heard occasionally by those attuned to ‘bumps’ in the night!

Gerry Gera Lambert


Ghosts of the 70’s The story I am about to tell you today, my friends, is so

outlandish that I would happily forgive you for thinking I was

trying to pull your leg. We’ve all met those annoying people

who claim to have seen the ghost of Marie Antoinette or Adolf

Hitler, and we’ve all shaken our heads in polite disbelief as

they ranted and ranted between swigs of lager. I am happy to

say I am not one of them, and frankly, I am myself perplexed to

have had such a curious (and, as I will not stress it enough,

totally-bloody-unbelievable) experience.

Years ago, when I was new to the punk scene, I met a sweet

scarecrow of a boy who had an obsession with the Sex Pistols.

He was a Sid Vicious lookalike with a hint of that skanky,

battered puppy-dog Pete Doherty, I’m sure you can picture the

kind. I couldn’t help but feel the urge to mother him a bit, and

immediately thought he would make a half decent band mate

(those were the pre-Husbands N Knives days). We eventually

started hanging out and jamming.

We shared an interest in the old Alex Cox movie classic; Sid

and Nancy, and we often used to pretend to argue in character, throwing lines from the film at each other

like“SIIIIIIIIIID ! I look like Stevie Nicks in f***ing hippie clothes!!!! HELP MEEEEEE!”

That year, one night around Samhain, we decided it would be hilarious to dress as Sid and Nancy, hit the

karaoke bar with our friends and sing a lot of Pistols tunes in character. We spent ages getting ready, but

when the taxi stopped in front of my house, the driver hollered “Sid Vicious! ...Are you going to the

Chelsea?” to which we roared in approval.

The evening was great, we had a few drinks, sang a few songs, fussed around our friends and then, after last

orders, decided to go back to “Sid’s” flat for a night cap before heading home.

The second I passed the door, my jaw hit the floor.

The whole place was a messy Pistols shrine, the walls covered in original vinyls, posters, vintage concert

tickets and art pieces. In the flickering candlelight, it looked a bit like a 70s themed antique shop for old

punks. We sat in the sofa, opened a bottle and started watching the videos our friends had taken of our antics

earlier that evening.

It was then that it happened...

To this day, I am at loss to explain why I saw what I saw. Yes, I had had a few drinks, but was not so

intoxicated that I was dozing off or anything. Maybe my mind was playing a trick on me. Or maybe, in a

kind of spontaneous Chaos-magick manifestation, the spirit contained in the thousands of Pistols’ relics

piled up around us somehow contributed to summon the astonishing apparition.

They were only there for a few seconds, but I can still picture them clearly in my head as they were standing

only a few feet away from us. Sid was wearing the swastika T-shirt he was wearing during the filming of

the Great Rock N Roll Swindle in 1978 and Nancy... well, I remember thinking she was really beautiful,

something that had never struck me either in photographs or in movies. They were looking at us, REALLY

looking at us, Sid’s head slightly tilted to the left, as if touched by the two disheveled 21st century devotees

who were sprawled on the sofa in front of him.


My heart jumped in my throat, my eyes widened, my breath stopped, my mouth gaped in astonishment...

Then softly, very softly, the candlelight swallowed them both back into the shadows of my friend’s

bedroom. The apparition was gone. I glanced at my mate, who was still avidly watching his computer

screen, oblivious to the enormity of what had just happened.

As I sat there speechless, it dawned on me that no matter how much I wanted to share the experience with

my friend, there was no way, NO WAY on earth he was going to believe me.

Helloooooo! Hellooooooo! ...Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen popping up out of nowhere in the middle of a

shabby Newton Abbot flat? How exactly was I supposed to break the news to him? He would have thought

I was taking the mickey at his expense. Or that I had cooked up a really lame story just to chat him up. I

vaguely remembered he had said he was an atheist. What chance did I have in the world to convince him

that his idol had just payed us an impromptu visit?

So I kept quiet.

Months passed. Sid and his sweetheart never materialised again, and I kept my little secret. My friend and I

started a band, Rehabs 4 Quitters. Sometimes on post-gig nights I’d sit on my own with a drink in my hand,

grinning to myself, and pondering on what had happened that night.

Unsurprisingly, our band died the Sid Vicious way; alcohol and sustained self-abuse got in the way of my

mate’s genuine desire to play music, and I resented his carelessness and general lack of professionalism.

Internal tensions began to appear and in the end he, and the other band members ended up booting me out,

only to find none of them could sing in my key, subsequently the band split up after one last shambolic gig.

To this day I wonder whether there is an afterlife for punks, and if so what it looks like... Does it smell of

vomit, BO, or stale beer? Or is it a haven of Beauty, Light and pure Music, more importantly does it fill you

with the kind of bliss our two punk lovebirds never managed to find in that disgusting substitute for Heaven

- Heroin?

I know what you’re thinking. “She’s just making it up.” Well. I warned you this would be unbelievable, and

I’m not asking you to believe me. . But you wanted a ghost story... right? Well, I told you mine... and, hand

on heart... I told it MYYYYYY WAAAAYYYYYY !!

Louise Lisse


The Dolmen Grove Yule Ball

Evening Ball and Buffet

Featuring Music from

The Dolmen

Spriggan mist &

Caru Can


The John Gregory

113 Radipole Lane


Dorset DT4 9SS 01305767233

This year’s theme is the elements.

Members: £15.00 / Non-members: £20.00

Become a Dolmen Grove member

Full membership is £20 per annum


Charlotte Rodgers

Charlotte Rodgers is an artist and writer who lives in quiet

eccentricity in Somerset.

Her work is primarily focused on the concept of the fetish

and the power it contains. She works with bones and road kill

which she prepares and integrates into her art to convey the

essence of time, place and species.

As well as working with three dimensional sculptures she

writes, and has been involved in performance and event

organisation, and public speaking.

Charlotte's book The Bloody Sacrifice on the contemporary

application of spiritually directed blood sacrifice was

released in 2011 by Mandrake of Oxford. She also recently

released "A Contemporary Western Book of the Dead"

which she conceived, compiled and co-edited with Lydia


The website records Charlotte's explorations in creative and transformational spirituality.

The Dolmen Grove first met Charlotte Rodgers when she came to do a talk at our Tribal Dream Festival at

the end of August titled ‘Blood, bone, fur and feather’.

This was an insightful talk into the magical use of the remains of dead animals. This included her reasons

for use and the methods and techniques employed by her. Her talk was well attended and captured the

imagination of many present.

Further information on Charlotte Rodgers, her books and talks/ workshops can be found on her website.


The Bloody Sacrifice

Although it is a fundamental part our past, and something that is inherent

within us...there are many in these ‘enlightened’ times who suppress this by a

refusal to accept there was ever a need for a blood sacrifice, considering it

barbaric, antiquated or simply pointless.

This book is for all those aforementioned with tattoos, piercings, and


It is an honest if not at times disconcerting look at what initially led and

continues to drive the author Charlotte Rodgers to work both magically and

artistically with road kill and blood, often combining these basic symbols of

life and death for a variety of ritualistic purposes.

Because Charlottes own life has been impacted by a blood disorder she uses this experience to provide a

unique perspective on the concept of the blood sacrifice. She not only delves deeper into other religious and

ritual forms of blood sacrifice to understand the syncretic nature of life and death that is symbolised by the

shedding of blood, but also its use in art since the advent of HIV, HCV, AIDS and Hepatitis C.

She achieves this by interviewing various priests and practitioners including Louis Martinie who has merged

two conflicting belief systems to practice his own form of voodoo mixed with Tibetan Buddhism ...and

where blood sacrifice fits in to this intriguing mixture.

Whether we like it or not since man first walked upon the Earth the blood sacrifice has been practiced as the

highest and most effective offering there is. There is after all no greater power than life itself!

Many people will never have given any thought as to why they got this pierced or that tattoo done other than

perhaps it looked nice. This book brings into focus the idea that something as simple as a couple of tattoos

and a nose ring are in fact a living map of a person’s journey through life which is characterized by a more

civilised and socially acceptable blood ritual.

Diane Narraway

Plus there is currently a new book out by Charlotte Rogers

A Contemporary Western Book of the Dead

This anthology was put together in Asia, during the Asian festival of the Hungry Ghosts at the

same time as her mother who lived there, was dying. She became very aware of how this

progressive culture found remembering, and honouring their ancestors so important, and how

much of the Western civilisation have lost touch with their own dead.

She also came to realise that despite many years of working with the dead, she was at a loss as

how to deal with the death of someone she loved so much.

This book is a collection of experiences from various spiritual and traditions whose approach to working

with death and the dying, with the intention of helping the living come to terms with the death of those close

to them.

It isvailable from Amazon


Mandrake of Oxford


A Day in the Life of...

Q ) Name and Religious title/path if applicable...(i.e. Witch, Druid,

Pagan etc )?

A) Mark Vine.

Witch/Ooser Devotee

Q) How did you become involved with The Dolmen Grove?

A) I was asked by a mutual acquaintance that did not have a

computer to email Taloch Jameson, whom I did not know at the

time, about using his land for ritual/ceremonial purposes following

a Dorset Echo magazine article about the Dolmen Grove. Taloch invited me to come to a moot to discuss it

and it all stemmed from there really. I found a common ground and interest with Taloch and was then

invited to a Yule ritual at Maumbury Rings. This being December 2006. It was quite a spectacular and

moving event and when, a few days later, the Dorset Echo reported that “Pagans had slaughtered a deer and

were seen carrying it around the top of the monument in the dark”, I knew I’d found an individual in Taloch,

who would enhance my life no end !

The truth of course was that Taloch had merely led the procession wearing his trademark stag horn head

dress, but a member of the public had reported it as the aftermath of a ritual slaughter and the rumour-mill

did the rest.

From there, I was invited to a Boxing Day Dolmen gig at Finns which just happened to be the night that

Taloch’s wife, Jo, went into labour with their son, Connach. The gig was quickly concluded and, as Taloch

sped off to the hospital, I lent the band a hand in packing up their gear and loading it. ….. I’ve been doing

that ever since!

Q) What is your job title or brief description of job?

A) I work in the press hall of the local newspaper in what is a totally soul-destroying, dirty, noisy, low paid

living hell of a job. But at least it is Monday to Friday and allows me to do my ‘real work’ with The


This includes being a roadie, manning their merchandise stall and, the thing I love most, writing lyrics and

press releases etc for the band. I am also now writing the Dolmen Songbook which will include a biography

of the band and, specifically, of Taloch Jameson.

I'm also working on a new album with ex-Dolmen Guitarist Chris Pinney of Caru Can which will be about

2000 years of Dorset history, with a song for each period and many of the key events.

I strongly believe that much of the ills in this country of ours can be cured if our kids learn about where they

come from instead of being subjected to this constant Americanisation of our culture that keeps occurring.

As the great Steve Knightley of Show of Hands wrote in his classic lyric Roots ...

"And everyone stares at a great big screen

Overpaid soccer stars, prancing teens

Australian soaps, American rap

Estuary English, baseball caps

And we learn to be ashamed before we walk

Of the way we look, at the way we talk

Without our stories or our songs

How will we know where we come from?

I've lost St. George in the Union Jack

It's my flag too and I want it back


If through my own lyrics, a few kids in the future decide to connect with their own past and want to learn

about it, then it's job done!

Q) Can you describe a typical work day?

A) I already have. A living hell! But a work day for the band is just bliss by comparison. The Dolmen and

their crew are a great bunch of people and every gig is like a new adventure.

Q) How do you feel your Pagan Beliefs fit into your everyday life?

A) To me being Pagan means honouring my past, which, to be fair, I always did. But through ritual, both in

a group and those of a more private nature and also through meeting folk with different paths and different

points of view, has enabled me to explore new ways of looking at the world. Also, through my work with

the Dolmen, I like to think I am providing songs/words that will hopefully be listened to, performed and

appreciated by Dorset people and others long after I am dust. Which is quite a nice thought really.

Q) How do you feel your life has changed since becoming a member of the Dolmen Grove?

A) It has opened up new opportunities to meet people whom I would not have otherwise met and to partake

in written work that I would not have otherwise written, such as the album of my book, the Crabchurch

Conspiracy which I wrote with Taloch Jameson and Dolmen guitarist/vocalist Josh Elliot.

Being a member of the Dolmen Grove and part of The Dolmen’s road crew has enhanced my social life to

new levels. I have made friendships here that I think will stand the test of time.


The Dying Time

I am not in the habit of quoting from the Bible but, just to

demonstrate that Wisdom is not the sole preserve of any one

tradition, here is a piece from Ecclesiastes 3 (King James version):

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under

the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to

pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time

to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

Those of a certain age may be more familiar with the Byrds' song "Turn, Turn, Turn", which is based on this


As the wheel of the year continues to turn, we are now well and truly into Autumn and Winter is all but

upon us. The leaves are nearly all off the trees, the wild bounty of the hedgerows has been eaten or stored

for the lean, cold months ahead and most of our feathered summer visitors have departed for warmer climes.

As the trees and other perennial plants withdraw into themselves in order to wait out the cold time, we too

feel the urge to do likewise.

This is very much a time of dying. But, as the verses from Ecclesiastes tell us, that is all part of the nature of

existence. If there is no death in the Autumn, there can be no rebirth and no hope for the future. The nature

of our existence is circular and birth and death, Summer and Winter, night and day are all points on the same

circular path.

Death is the final frontier of human exploration and one that we approach with fear and trepidation. To

know and to transcend death has been the objective of mystics and seekers throughout the ages. Whilst we

may not be able to do this, to contemplate and to meditate upon death at this time of year is a worthwhile

spiritual exercise. To descend in our mind's eye into the darkness - to be plunged into the cauldron of the

Goddess and emerge reborn with the understanding how the sheer potential of the darkness enables us to

fully appreciate the light of inspiration. The Awen of the Celtic tradition that is often obscured by the

brightness of the summer sun is our means of transcending the living death to which the modern world can

so easily condemn us.

Peter Tyldesley


Death of the GoddessDuring the Golden Age a state of paradise

existed when life was harmonious and

simple. Sustenance and shelter were

bestowed by the Mother Goddess giving

humanity the time to experience and enjoy

the beauty of the world around them.

The Goddess was the life of the Universe; she

gave life to the energy that God provided to

mould creation into order and form. She saw

the growth of the world as a cyclical nature of

reality, the yearly cycle of the seasons that

represented the interaction between the God

and the Goddess within the realm of the land.

The belief in the Mother Goddess covered the

whole of the ancient world. The people were

aware of the workings of the Goddess in

nature and symbolically bought her into their

world as a link between the Tribe and the

Land, where the tribe personified God and

the Goddess was the land.

Goddess worship has a history/herstory that

stretches into the mists of time and can be

traced back to at least 35,000 BC. In fact as far

back as the first recognizable human, the Cro-

Magnon people created imagery that

represented the Goddess figure.

The original Great Mother Goddess was

called Tiamat. She was a self-existing

boundless watery mass who gave birth to

space and time, the early gods and

goddesses, earth, air, fire and water, life and


Her world was an eternal

cycle of creation,

duration and destruction,

a living entity with a

primary function to

manifest potential.

The first civilisation of

Sumer was named

after the ancient

Mother Goddess of Air

called Ur. As she

migrated west she

gave her name to Ur-opa (Europe). She

controlled the world with her sisters, Bree

(Bridget), a Fire Goddess, Coure an Earth

Goddess of agriculture giving her name to

corn and the mighty Quercus (Oak) and the

Goddess of Water Ver from where we get the

words verve, fervour and virgin.

The Mother worshipping Minoan people of their peak 4500 years ago lived in a

society where men and women were equals,

and the responsibility of Motherhood was the

order of the day. True democracy ruled the

civilisation, the arts flourished, the economy

prospered and peace prevailed. The culture

exhibited a love for life and nature. The more

aggressive tendencies of the males were

directed towards sports, dancing, music and

sex rather than warfare.

It was about this time that man became aware

of his purpose in the celebration of birth and

decided it was time to readdress the balance

of the sexes. With the rise of the more

belligerent Gods and the discovery of metals

the Great Mother Goddess came to be seen as

the Great Grandmother Goddess. Time was

ripe for the Gods to take over.


The original Goddess Tiamat was forced to

give up the Tablets of Destiny to her

conqueror, the Chief God of Babylon,

Marduck. The belief being that whoever held

these tablets held power and control over the

order of the universe.

Herstory became

history and the

cyclical nature of the

goddess reality

became the linear

nature of the god

reality. In the world of the God there was a

past and future implying a beginning and an

end. Time was broken up into years, months,

weeks, days and hours. Mankind was made

to worship the Great God and obey his laws

through the newly formed priesthood; a new

world order was born on earth as well as


With the new god on the throne of heaven

and the rule of priests on Earth the yearning

for better things arose. With it came the gods

of pride, guilt, jealousy, greed, fear and hate;

and the lust for power and control over

humanity. The killing time began as new

lands were acquired in the name of the God.

Those tribes that refused to progress met a

violent bloody end. It was the rise of

patriarchy, the age of Kings and Chieftains

and the construction of phallic symbols in

the landscape in the form of single

standing stones replacing the stone circles

that had represented the womb.

Despite all the chaos the Goddess lived on in

the fruitfulness of Nature. People still

worshipped the Great Mother through the

spirit of the land and the passing of the

seasons. The Goddess was perceived in the

stages of the moon; the new or waxing moon

is the White Goddess of birth and growth

representing the Maiden or Virgin that

symbolises youth, sexuality and vigour. The

full moon is the Red Goddess of Love, the

Mother or Bride, the embodiment of female

power and fertility and the waxing moon is

the Black Goddess of Death representing the

Hag or Crone who reflects experience,

compassion and wisdom.

Druidism in Britain was closely connected to

the ways of the goddess. The most ancient of

British Goddesses was Bridget, the

archetypical bride of the eternal groom. She is

the Fire Goddess, Keeper of the Flame that

heralds the beginning of spring.

Locally in Dorset she had the rivers Brit and

Bride near Bridport named after her. The

river was seen as vital to life and was revered

as sources of fertility

and bestower of life

and health.

The worship of the

Goddess in Britain

continued up to the 1st Century AD, up until

the last Queen of the Great Mother tribes was

killed as the Romans hammered the final

nails into the coffin of the Goddess.

The Roman army worshipped

Mithras, an early version of Jesus

up until the 4th Century when

Christianity became the major

religion of Rome retaining the

concept of the Goddess in the form

of the Virgin Mary, the mother of

the god-like Christ. Paganism was

outlawed; conquest and oppression became

the new reality for humanity!

When our minds are quiet for long enough

the Goddess can still be experienced today.

She resides within us all; in our hearts.

Scott Irvine.



Monday 5th - The Boot Inn High West St Weymouth, Dorset DT4 8JH

07809 440772

Friday 9th - The Ropemakers 36 West Street Bridport, Dorset DT6 3QP

01308 421 255

Saturday 17-11-2012 Witchfest International Festival, London-Uk


Saturday 1st - Faery Ball, Yorkshire

Sunday 2nd - Nelson evening

Monday 3rd - The Boot Inn

High West St Weymouth, Dorset DT4 8JH 07809 440772

Saturday 8th - The Cornwall Hotel Alexandra Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2LZ

01305 268141

Saturday 15th - The Dolmen Grove Yule Ball The John Gregory 113 Radipole Lane

Weymouth Dorset DT4 9SS 01305767233

(see full page advert for details)

31st - John Gregory New Years.



The latest album from rebel folk band The Dolmen is nothing

short of breath-taking. Wytchlord features a beautifully crafted

blend of haunting melodies and soulful lyrics, which capture the

very essence of Paganism. Wytchlord is not only a celebration

of the elemental forces of nature it is also a testimony as to how

much inspiration the Great Lord of Witchdom is to The Dolmen. All the songs on the album are original having been written by

The Dolmen and Talochs native heritage is present throughout

the album, as it effortlessly mingles with both the modern Celtic

beliefs, and the traditional tribal witchcraft of the British Isles.

Whilst this album is most definitely pagan, it is a far cry from the Pagan albums we have become used to.

Although this album encapsulates all the familiar elements from the natural, supernatural and ethereal realms, it

does so with a raw tribalism.

Wytchlord speaks the language of witches and mystics since the dawn of time, as ritual chants are adeptly

woven in amongst the polished music and lyrics.

The spellbinding allure of Kayleigh Marchant whose rare vocal style conjures up feminine images of moonlit

rituals, alongside the deep distinctive melodic voice of Josh Elliot and the unique vocal style of Taloch Jameson

make this album a masterpiece of musical genius.

Track Listing and Credits

Midwinter Dances - Kayleigh Marchant/ Taloch


Piper of Souls – Taloch Jameson Eye of the Morrigan - Kayleigh Marchant

Ou na na – Taloch Jameson

Voice on the Wind - Josh Elliot/Taloch Jameson Wytchlord my Lover – Kayleigh Marchant

Wheres the Sun Gone - Josh Elliot

Witchblessing – Kayleigh Marchant Circle of the Stag – Kayleigh Marchant

The Calling – Taloch Jameson

Music - The Dolmen

Lyrics – Taloch Jameson/Josh Elliot/Mark Vine

The Drummers –Chris Jones/ Taloch Jameson/ Josh


Bass Guitar – Kayleigh Marchant

Electric/Acoustic Guitar – Josh Elliot/Taloch


Bouzouki- Taloch Jameson/Josh Elliot

Flute – Keri Pinney

Whistles – Taloch Jameson/Josh Elliot

Qurango – Josh Elliot

Keyboards – Taloch Jameson/Josh Elliot

Chants – Taloch Jameson/Diane Narraway

Additional vocals - Joanna and Connach Caswell-Jameson/Diane Narraway

CD Cover is the original artwork of Sem Vine


Saturday 24th November 2012

Brighton and Hove Faery and Fantasy ball Hove Town Hall

Norton Road, Hove,East Sussex. BN3 4AH


Saturday 15th December 2012 Dolmen Grove Yule Ball

The John Gregory 113 Radipole Lane

Weymouth Dorset DT4 9SS


for further information!/spriggan.mist




New CD

Virosa Ebriosa


The Black

Wreck Project

The beginning The Black Wreck Music Project was formed as a recording duo back in April 2009. Then slowly and steadily

Matt Black and Robinson Wreck wrote and recorded four albums over 3 years before they decided to form a

live performing band.

Friends…Brethren Robinson has been a friend of Matt Black’s for many years, who lives near

Tourniquet Tom and the Squid… The squid has known Matt and Psycum

Navigator for a while, and in the past they have played in a few bands

together in some formula or another. Robinson Wreck has known

Tourniquet Tom since Tom was a young ankle biter. The Squid has known

Robinson for around 25 years, way back in the days when trench coats with status quo back patches, ghetto

blasters and doss rags were cool.

Recently, our paths have crossed and we have found that we all actually share a love of all things piratical and

Dorset! (It’s in us…our hearts and souls, and that is pretty much the main criteria for all of us getting our

positions within the band; if that makes sense)

Work We all have full time jobs apart from The Squid, who used to be a screen printer and a tattoo artist. A while

ago the Squid underwent a back operation which didn’t go too well, and as a result he now has limited


These days when he is able to the Squid spends most of his time

making stringed instruments of various descriptions, and is

currently teaming up with Robinson to create, and produce two

marketable types of instruments which could then be sold at Black

Wreck gigs, as well as on their separate branded website.

Matt also has a patch of land across the border that at times

requires a high level of attention…during these times communications are limited but nonetheless do-able.

Robinson part owns Dagger Hats Designs with his sister which requires a lot of leather stitching and prototype

designs (which he thinks about at work rest and play) as well as a pirate hat or two when time permits.


Despite work and family commitments rarely a day goes by without Matt Black and Robinson sending

messages back and forth regarding song ideas, or track listings for the new albums, or gig info/offers and

logistics regarding the above.

While the rest of the crew also have families, work and other projects it is Matt Black and Robinson Wreck

who write all the songs and play most of the instruments on the studio recorded albums. With this in mind I

think it is fair to say that Matt and Robinson are pretty much overrun

with ideas of pirate stories and strange tunes to accompany.

Strange instruments

In this time they experimented with many different types of musical pots

and pans, as well as a few bottles here and there before Robinson started

to produce other musical instruments out of scrap metal that he had

lying about that were going to waste. A few examples would be the original peg leg slide guitar (which

features in rough notes for rough seas) and the cross between a guitar and a harp; ‘The Guitarp’…a ten string

mystical amazement that vaguely looks like a huge cowbell with strings on the side of it.


The Black Wreck Vol.1

The Black Wreck volume 1 is the latest album from The

Black Wreck Music Project featuring a compilation of songs

from their four previous albums, Rough Notes from Rough

Seas...Hells bells and buckets of blood...Ye gods and little

fishes and Load another cannon... Because the line-up of The

Black Music Wreck Project has increased so too have the

songs, giving this album a totally different feel to those


This album consists of five mates, a variety of stringed

instruments plus percussion. It is a beautifully simplistic

arrangement which when combined with their obvious passion

for Pirate lore and music produces one of the most original and inspired albums available from the local music


Although this album is undoubtedly influenced by the Golden Age of Piracy, it is a far cry from the romantic

concepts portrayed in ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’. Their songs are not focused around wenches, rum and

booty but provide us instead with a more ‘real’ sense of those men who having been dealt a rough hand in life

and as a result took to the high seas. The album itself focuses on superstitious nature of pirates, the hard times

they face, hard fought battles and bloody skirmishes.

This Black Wreck Vol.1 conjures up images of men lost to their mistress; the sea. Men who for one reason or

another have been cast adrift from society. These images are further enhanced by the ‘rough n ready’

storytelling of Defoe Smith as he growls his way through tales of the pirate’s life, coupled with the unrefined

musical style of the band, and swarthy vocals of Matt Black which are guaranteed to send a shiver down the

spines of many a wench.

The Black Project crew are:

Matt Black: Main vocals, mianderlin, guitar and bouzouki.

Robinson Wreck: Story teller vocals, bass guitar and Appalachian dulcimer.

The Squid: Lead guitar, bouzouki, slide guitar madness, and backing harmony vocals.

Tourniquet tom: Guitar, bongos, added percussion and thunder machine plus backing vocals.

Psycum Navigator (Si): Cajun Drums and backing vocals.

Music and lyrics by M Black and R Wreck.

For further information on the Black Wreck Project volume 1!/theblackwreckpirates


The Black Wreck

Project Experience Although I had listened to and enjoyed the unique sound of the

Black Wreck Project on their albums, coming across the Boarding

Crew; (They are only the Black Wreck Music Project when Matt

Black is with them) live at the Dolmen Grove Samhain Psychic

Fayre was an unexpected pleasure. Listening to them live there is something totally believable about them

which can only be felt during a live performance.

Apart from the fact that they all very much look the part of men who have been at sea for most of their adult

life, they have a very raw sound which enhances their authenticity. Each one of them seems to instinctively fall

into the role of their alter egos, and maintains that role until the end of the performance. There is a tone of

melancholy that adds to the overall believability of the performance. As musicians each and every one of them

comes across as effortless and adept.

One tends to get the feeling that if they were ever stranded at sea, they would find a way to turn the life raft into

a musical instrument. Not only that it would sound as if it was always intended to be an instrument, that could

at a push be used as a life raft.

The overall raw sound of the Boarding Crew was accompanied by Robinson Wreck – the alter ego of Defoe

Smith. As Robinson he is a natural storyteller whose deep sexy growl captures the hearts, and weakens the

knees of many a pirate wench as he recounts tales of a life lost to Piracy.

From the moment the Boarding Crew began to play, the audience gathered around to watch and they remained

captivated throughout what can only be considered more of an experience than a performance.

Because the swarthy vocal style of Matt Black was absent on this particular occasion, I could only imagine what

a great experience they must be with all hands on deck…maybe next time I’ll be lucky enough to find out!


The Dolmen Grove Samhain Psychic Fayre …

On Saturday 3rd

November the Dolmen grove hosted a psychic fayre during the day.


The John Gregory

113 Radipole Lane,


Dorset DT4 9SS

01305 767 233

The day’s events included talks on Modern Shamanism Divination

and Remote Viewing

plus there were tarot readings available throughout the day.

During the afternoon musical entertainment was provided by the popular and original storytelling talents of

‘The Black Wreck Project’.

The entertainment continued on the green outside where there was a living history camp, and

pirate re-enactments from Poole Buccaneers led by our very own Pirates Keep Captain Steve



Plus a big hit with everyone, and definitely contributing to a stress free day was

local children’s entertainer Balloonatic Kevin.

Money was raised for the Dolmen Grove land fund throughout the day by way of donations from the Tarot and

Native American Card readers.

…And Wytches Ball

In the evening it was the Dolmen grove Samhain Wytches Ball, with premier

entertainment from highly accomplished rebel folk band ‘The Dolmen’ who never fail to deliver a

thoroughly entertaining and polished performance, and this Samhain was no exception, as the audience were

treated to a couple of previously unheard tracks from their new album, which is due to

be released

Saturday 17th



Witchfest International,

London .!/thedolmen?fref=ts


Plus supporting The Dolmen were the very talented Caru Can

fronted by Chris and Keri Pinney who are both

accomplished musicians/songwriters and vocalists. Joining them for his debut performance was

new bassist Adam Holmes, with Taloch making a special one-off appearance on

'The Bells of Rhymney'. They played a selection of their standards, with a few

new songs thrown in, many of which will be featuring on their forthcoming first


There was a raffle in aid of the Dolmen Grove land fund.

Off course on standby to take over as children’s entertainer from

Balloonatic Kevin was Complete Lunatic Mark Vine. Is there no end to this

man’s talents??


Samhain from around the Grove

Southend Essex Moot

Denny and Steve Bottley

The Essex Dolmen Grove moot had its Samhain ritual last Saturday at our

place (Denny and Steve's). We had a great turn out, and everyone really had a

wonderful night; myself and Chrissey Luna did the ritual, which was so

emotional for many, it's been such a traumatic year for

most. We have all lost many loved ones this year, and

we all really connected with our loved ones that have

passed, which was of immense comfort.

The ritual was also a wonderful celebration. Everyone wrote their new year’s wishes and

aspirations on paper and sent them into the flaming cauldron of beyond; to the stars. Our

circle was so full of love and honour for both our Crone and Hunter, and also for one another. In addition to our

celebrations, I conducted my youngest daughter's Magickal naming Rite of passage, which again was truly a

moving experience for all. She is now Rowan Mia Fae.

We partied long into the night, sitting around the fire pit, connecting with our precious spirits passed and

reflecting on the year gone by. We spoke about the weather at Beltane, lost ones, emotions,

and indeed the future hopes and ambitions for the year to come for ourselves as part of the

Dolmen Grove Clan ... and of course we really felt the presence of other DG members from

all over the country in our midst. It was as though we all connected at the same was

really comforting... Our DG Clan means everything to us all.

Blessed Be. Xx


Hampshire Moot

Ian and Julie Weltch

Blessings of the Samhain season to


In Hampshire we sure had a ball

In Mike and Gera’s home

We made it our own

And allowed in sundry an all

For this is the true Pagan way

We never turn anyone away

We welcome and smile

Whilst all of the while

Wishing some had not made it that day

But hey I do jest, that evening was best

Made better with Gera’s fine cooking

Chilli and spice and everything nice

And mulled wine that

would take no


We called to the gods

like good Dolmen


We welcomed them

with beer and with


We drummed to them

and summoned them

And in response felt our ancestors near

So never do say, The dolmen isn’t our way

Just because we are from another shire

Because though you are dark

You cannot near hark

The passion that shines from our fire!

Blessings from the Hampshire Dolmen



Baz and Max Cilia

Dolmen Grove Berkshire is growing

from strength to strength with each moot. We

have now had a workshop, a social event and our first ritual at Samhain.

It was fantastic to celebrate Samhain with such a lovely group of like-minded

people, and great cooks, as the food after the ritual was fantastic.

We would like to wish our Dolmen Grove family blessings for Samhain, and

look forward to catching up at the Yule ball. I think after seeing the standard of the food cooked by Dolmen

Grove Berkshire we might be in for a bit of Dolmen Grove Celebrity Chef…


Samhain Blessings from

All at the Dolmen Grove Ivy Moon Moot Cornwall

Sending Love and Blessings to all our Dolmen Family For a Magical New

Year )0(

Hosts: Karen Cooper and Lucy Miles

Polgooth Inn,



Cornwall1st Wednesday of every month


Teach and Beth

We hope you all had a great Samhain, us Portland witches spend the day in pirates

graveyard where we scattered the ashes of our cat, where we had previously scattered the

ashes of our baby daughter.

We wished both of them happiness in the summerlands, and we reflected

on everybody's loved ones which have been lost this past year. We find the

Pirates graveyard a very special place - Aplace where we can find a perfect

connection between the realms.



“I bring you the gift of calm, and a sunny disposition”

Latin....Anthemis nobilis Note....Middle Planet....Sun Gender...Male Element....Water Chakra....Throat. There is a distinctive aroma to chamomile that is similar to that of newly mown hay, which even in the middle of winter can remind us of long relaxing summer days. There is no other flower that soothes the psyche quite like Chamomile. To the Druids it brought the power of the sun to their potions, workings and spells. Shakespeare said of chamomile, “The more it is trodden, the faster it grows” showing its power to cope with adversity. The ancient Egyptians offered Chamomile to Ra the sun god both to honour him and to appease him. During the Middle Ages Europeans would scatter chamomile flowers on the floors as stepping on them would release a sweet fragrance into the air. Those who have trouble slipping into a meditative state should try placing a few drops of chamomile and water into an oil burner as

this will reduce tension and facilitate mediation. Chamomile has the power to replenish a person’s energy when he or she is faced with adversity. Use chamomile when there is the need for the truth to be spoken without anger and bitterness. When applied to the throat Chamomile can help a person express his or her true feelings. It can also silence self-criticism as well as softening harsh criticism from others. Chamomile will help to relieve depression, migraine, insomnia, anger, fear, weepiness and excessive worry. Can be used for massage or in an oil burner or simply add a few drops to a warm bath. For massage dilute 3 drops of Chamomile essential oil in 10ml of grape seed oil and use up to 3 times per day


Never use undiluted

Do not use if pregnant Only use in low concentrations as it may cause skin irritation.



Latin....Vanilla aromatica

Gender....Feminine Planet....Venus Element....Water Powers....Love, Lust, Mental Powers. There is an old Totonac story from Mexico that tells of a Princess,Tzacopontiziza and a Prince Zkatan-Oxga who although deeply in love were forbidden to marry. The lovers eloped and hid in the forest, but were found and beheaded. Where the blood touched the ground a beautiful vine sprang up and became the Vanilla Orchid and has ever since been considered the treasure of lovers. Its powers lie within its ability to fill the senses with its wonderful evocative smell. A vanilla bean placed in a bowl of sugar will infuse it with loving vibrations; the sugar can then be used to sweeten any love or lust infusion. Truly a strong ingredient for any love spell. Sadly there is as yet no essential oil of Vanilla, but it is very easy to make your own Vanilla massage oil, which can be use on its own, or with other essential oils added. It is wonderfully sensual in a warm bath. To Make Vanilla Oil. 40ml Jojoba oil 1 Vanilla pod. Place the Jojoba oil in a clear glass bottle or jar with a lid. Cut the Vanilla pod into small pieces and place in oil. Place the jar on a sunny windowsill and gently shake every day. Do this for about 5/6 weeks. Then strain the oil and place into a dark bottle. Store in a cool dark place. Lynda Meyer


Poetry From Within the GroveOctober Evening Dusk holds a certain smokiness.


Dissolves into the mist,

Where only nowhere can be seen.

The western sunken sun,

Shrouded in a dream of cloud,

Shines like a sliver of memory

From behind the hill.


Floating in the shadow stream,

Swirl up the silent slope

To where the trees stand.

Silhouetted; Sentinel.

Gaunt the ground is,

Woven in a web of frost fret,

Grass blades glimmer,

Shimmer in a sheath of rime.

Hunching, ancient hedgerows,

Like hoary old retainers,

Wander white-haired

On the field rim.

Water wears a shard-shield,

A crystal scintillation

Caught in creaking clamp of cold.

While in the east,

The iron-black crackling sky

Softens to a sable phosphorescence,

As the shimmering samite moon

And her sisterhood of stars,

Wake to watchfulness,

Above the autumnal Earth.

Martin Pallot

Ancestor I stand in silence among the stones,

Headlining all these names,

On polished marble and plain granite,

Etched your lifetimes walk.

Your birth and life of moments seen,

Those treasures you held dear.

To late am I to mourn your passing,

You died then I was born,

But not so different you and I,

Our hearts beat and blood is pushed.

Of bone and sinew and cells of you,

No longer standing toe to toe,

But your legacy of spirit and bearing,

Bears out among the ones that followed,

Those present and the ones before,

Would have loved you so,

I wonder how you lived and loved,

In time who knows you may tell me.

But did you know on one day

I would find this spot,

And come to speak to you?

Paul Walker

Autumn Colours Nights draw in, as summer ends,

And natures bounty upon the land,

Acorn and nut, seed and berry,

Autumn's gift's are all around.

Days grow cold, as Autumn calls,

And creation gives it's final show.

Dazzling reds, and brilliant yellows,

Autumn paints this once green land.

A seasonal cycle, draws to a close,

And prepares for death that is at hand,

Autumn and winter, spring and summer,

The season's show their changing face.

Denny Bottley


Sheela - Na - Gig

Oh Sheela, you are a naughty girl!

Exposing yourself to the world!

We all know what’s there,

So why should we care,

That your mighty parts are unfurled?

Oh Sheela, you are a naughty girl!

Some say you’re all about lust,

Others say fertility, protection, the crone,

And that your origins are pagan and just.

With wanton abandon you’re seen to look down,

From churches; now that would seem odd!

As if you would say, “This is me, who I am,

Here long before Christ and your God.

Oh Sheela, you are a naughty girl!

Going by so many names,

Julia the giddy,

The nun on the potty,

Playing your sexual games.

From castles and keeps,

Your image still peeps,

Amid gargoyles and foliate Green Men,

On places so tall,

The witch on the wall,

Seems shameless, rude and graven.

Oh Sheela, you ARE a naughty girl!!

You do not spare our blushes!

You are very canny,

And the sight of your fanny,

Gives most that see you, hot flushes!!

But Sheela, you are a wise old girl!

Whose image one cannot ignore,

So dance a jig,

With Sheela-Na-Gig,

And find her shameful no more!!

Chrissey –Luna – le – Fay



A witch’s broomstick,

And a mystical unicorn,

Dancing and playing,

Under the wispy clouds

Of tonight’s full moon.

Soaring high, flying low,

Mountains and bridges

Escape our touches,

The energy we feel

From the magicians senses.

Witches dance,

The priestess chants

As the dreams of the universe

Call us back

To the place of make believe.

Sarah Penfold

City of Lights

Glimpse an Ancient Electri-City

A realm of dreaming sparks of fire,

Bright their beacon radiancy,

Flush flames crave that borne of air.

These iridescent diamond gleams,

Reflective micro-cosmic dew,

All a promised scarcity of dreams,

There to combine, sweet souls renew.

Each transient surge from 'may' to 'being',

Currents flood, becoming to become,

The pulse unearths its strength between

And lightning flares bond form and form.

The phosphorous waves, a heaven’s breadth,

Swim through the elemental flow,

From pearl to pearl, from birth to death,

Nature gives a mortal hand its seeds to sow.

Sem Vine


I am ….

The Giver, the Lover, the Mother

The one that is like no other

The one who always makes your day

And the one who walks away

The cause of your sleepless night

The only one for whom you’d fight

The sparkling treasure that you seek

And the love you dare not speak

The one who makes you stop and think

The crystal well at which you drink

The medicine that soothes your pain

The twitching worm inside your brain

The one who answers your desperate call

And the one to make you fall

The one who always pays the toll

The fevered drumbeat of your soul

I am the one you call a fool

The one who taught you to be cruel

The one whose hopes you finally killed

The blight and pestilence in your field

The soil where you plant your seed

The very fear on which you feed

The screaming spectre at your feast

And the whore that rides the beast

The ruthless wolf amongst your flock

That special tingling in your cock

The nagging question in your head

The wanton temptress in your bed

The one with the cauldron deep

And the punishment you reap

I am your willing secret sin

I am


Mark Vine


Properties of Crystal; Calcite Calcite is a powerful amplifier and an excellent cleanser of energy, just simply having a piece of calcite in a

room will clear and cleanse any negative energy from the environment while heightening your own energy. It

is found all over the world in many forms and colours. Calcite will also remove any stagnant energy from the


It is a spiritual stone, closely linked to the higher

consciousness (one of the reasons I use it for divination)

it facilitates the opening of a higher awareness and

enhances psychic abilities. It’s very good for channelling

and for use in psychic development.

Calcite has a very positive effect, especially for those

who have lost their direction or motivation or may be

suffering from depression. It can combat laziness by

aiding you to become more energetic on all levels. It is a

protecting, grounding and centering stone. Calcite is also

a calming crystal, it calms the mind allowing for analysis

and memory boosting while alleviating stress and

replacing it with serenity. It gives the ability to change

ideas into actions.

Calcite is also a stabilising stone, enhancing trust in oneself and the ability to overcome setbacks. Using all of

the appropriate colours of calcite in a layout will cleanse, balance and energise all of the chakras.


It cleanses the organs of elimination; dissolves calcification (making it good for gout) strengthens the tissues,

bones and joints.

It is an excellent stone for physical strength and back pain.

It stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing.

It is very good for intestinal conditions, skin conditions and fortifies the immune system.

It is perfectly safe to use as an *elixir, which can then be applied to ulcers, warts and the skin.

*An elixir is a preparation of mineral water, infused with the energies of the crystal with which it is fortified.

Never make an elixir unless you know the crystal is non toxic, if in doubt consult a crystal therapist.

Cheryl Wynterkallista Waldron


Table of Basic Correspondences

There are literally thousands of tables of correspondences and each and every one

will be different from the next, with so many differing beliefs there are bound to

be. This table is a very basic table that I have always used.

Quarter Element Symbol Colour Tool Crystal Associated Human



North Earth Pentagram Green Salt Hematite, Obsidian,


Physicality Iron

East Air Wand Yellow Incense or


Amethyst, Rose

Quartz, Calcite

Rational Thought


South Fire Athame Red Candle Carnelian, Garnet,

Fire Agate

Willpower & Courage


West Water Chalice Blue Cup or Bowl of Water

Blue Lace Agate, Jade,


Emotions Silver

Spirit Centre Purple or


Quartz Cluster, Rose


Clear Quartz

Cheryl Wynterkallista Waldron



YULE BALL 15th December 2012

For details

See full page advert

The John Gregory 113 Radipole Lane

Weymouth Dorset DT4 9SS

Open access at Stonehenge

The Portland Witches

will be hosting an open circle on

Portland Bill


Experiences and Reflections

Imagine looking into the dark mirror surface

somewhere outside in the wild during the

small light of the moon. What do you see

and sense? - maybe nothing at first, perhaps

a few glimmers of light in whirling shapes

and coloured flashes, reflections of the wispy

branches from the tree above perhaps…and

then, your mind begins to focus on

something you think you see and the mirrors

glassy face lures you in. Time swims past

and the moon changes position in the

midnight sky as its reflection dances in your

glass. The outside world is no longer around

as this inner gate into another sphere begins

to open......the image you see looks back into

your mind, is it yourself, your spirit? Or the

other? ...

The lure of the magical mirror holds a

fascination for the curious as well as the

magically inclined. Myths and legends from

all over the world tell us tales of how the lure

of various reflected surfaces ensnared those who would be enchanted by its spell. The myth of Narcissus,

usually misinterpreted as a fable of vanity, is really a tale of how the reflected image could not be left separated

in the magical pool belonging to Echo and so Narcissus died pining away for his own reflection and turned into

a flower on the bank of the water. Echo, according to Barbara Walker is … ‘the Goddess of death- by- water,

who lays in wait to seize one’s reflection-soul according to beliefs still current among Africans and


Just as Narcissus was trapped in reflected water, The Titans trapped the soul of Dionysus in a mirror before

tearing him to pieces in a magical rite. Some early Grecian initiation rituals used the mirror surface as a tool to

teach the Delphic oracle ‘Know Thyself’. Mike Howard writes – ‘In some initiation rituals the candidate

travelled through a maze and found themselves facing a mirror reflecting back their own image.’2 Christian

superstitions associate mirrors with death and also the soulless creatures of the night. Werewolves, demons,

vampires and other creatures were believed to show no reflection in the mirror. Mirrors are also believed to

entrap the newly deceased, and to have a mirror on show is to hinder the spirit of the deceased by trapping it on

its way to the otherworld.


Materials and Reflective Surfaces A variety of different materials have been used to make magical mirrors and reflective surfaces. The witches

mirror could be made of polished stone, a sheet of metal, a crystal or a bowl of water and ink. To stare into a

mirror lures one into a different world, an otherworld that displays different depths and spirit of place. Ponds

and polished copper were the early tools of this art. The reflection was considered to be a part of the soul. To

disturb water into which a person was gazing was the equivalent of shattering the soul and heavy taboos were

implied. Today the act of breaking a mirror is threatened with the superstition of seven years bad luck. Images

of water and mermaids holding mirrors and copper as the metal corresponding to Dame Venus holding her

mirror glyph are all connecting symbols relating to the mirrors reflective lure.

Original mirrors were backed with silver and later quick silver. Quick silver is the metal associated with

Mercury/Hermes/Raphael, the messenger spirit of communication. The mirror captures and projects its

information and projects length as depths and vice versa. Its communication is the lure of the magician and

witches art, when that which is captured is altered into something else in the form of magical imagery, spirit

contact, or pictorial symbols for divination. This is perhaps why in folklore the lure of the mirror is said to

capture the soul and even the Devil, just as Cain is represented as the Man in the Moon on the moon’s surface.

In Adam McLean’s book ‘A Treatise on Angel Magic’ there are detailed instructions on what sort of reflective

surface to use for communicating with angelic (higher) spirits. In the chapter entitled – ‘Dr Rudd’s Nine

Hierarchies of Angels with their invocations to visible appearance’ written July 1712 Rudd recommends -’ a

crystal stone of a round globic form, very clear and transparent, or other stone of like diaphaneity or a ball of

clear and solid glass or thick hollow glass with a little hole on the top of like form, of any convenient bigness or

diameter according as can reasonable be obtained or made.’ 3. He called the glass or crystal ball (or globe) a

‘Shew Stone’ and the glass mirror the ‘Glass Receptacle.’

Edward Kelly and Dr Dee The work of Dr John Dee and his scryer, Edward Kelly is also of interest when looking into the history of

Mirror magic. Dee, a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, a mathematician and alchemist, had been

influenced by Agrippas Occult Philosophy, which was a key source book for the contact of Angels through

prayer, ritual and clairvoyance using a mirror or crystal. Dee was not gifted in receiving images through the

glass surface so employed at first a young skryer, Barnabus Saul, to look into the crystal globe Dee provided.

Nothing seems to have been reported on Saul’s seer ship, so Dee replaced him with a new scryer, Edward Kelly.

Kelly soon reported seeing a spirit identified as Uriel, the Archangel who had reported secrets of astrology to

Enoch (as recorded in The Book of Enoch, written some 500 years prior to the book of Genesis). 4. Dee was

startled to have contact with such a mighty spirit and received many messages giving magical instruction. (See

Dee’s manuscripts - De Heptarchia Mystica)

Therefore, just as the mirror reflects that which it captures in the outside material world, its surface can also

reflect images from a different sphere, or plane of existence. I have found that in different stages of trance

when using the mirror, different classifications of reflected imagery can be received depending upon the length

of time, purpose and depth of contact the practitioner wishes to enter.

I currently use different reflective surfaces for different purposes, these being a scrying black mirror for

divination, the old mirror as mentioned for contact with a specific spirit (which is quickly received), and an

ethnic styled mirror from Afghanistan for Ancestral and specific Guardian Spirit contact. In the next section of

this article I have listed a step by step tour of my experience using mirrors for spirit contact.


My own Experiences

Whenever I practise mirror work, I ensure that I am alone in a quiet room where I won’t be disturbed.

Sometimes I use moonlight as a gentle light coming in from a side window, or else a candle lit and placed at the

side of the mirror. This will also give a gentle light which will soften the mirrors surface whilst giving some

light. I commence with deep breathing and eyes focussed upon my reflection. Staring at the left eye is a good

start of focus, although I usually find that I end up staring at the tip of my nose whilst seeing around with my

peripheral vision. Practise breathing from the solar plexus area with your back straight.

At this stage you will see a superficial image of self. As your trance becomes more intense you will begin to

witness shadows or mixed shapes over the face, with time the reflection changes with aspects of the darker self.

Facial features such as eye and face shape will start to flicker and change and develop into different visual

personalities. This is when I usually capture the face of an old woman with gnarled face. I was shocked when I

first saw her in the mirror, but now I expect her visits although she only appears when I use a specific household

mirror placed in the lounge of our home. I

suspect this is the previous owner, a medium

who used two rooms within the house for

séances and contact with spirits.

At this level of the mirror gazing trance you

might see aspects of your subconscious -

ancestral spirits, tribesmen or women, all of

which are aspects of yourself, only normally

hidden. In my bed room mirror where I

practise deep trance mirror gazing, I often see

oriental warrior faces with long plaited messy


These faces zoom in and out at an alarming rate

(every 3 seconds or so), before settling on a

particular face/spirit and at times the face

comes out from the mirror as if lifting from the

glass surface. This is when my breathing

steadies the nerves and helps to keep my eyes

focused upon the glass. This is a deep trance

state and at this point in the mirror gazing

exercise the scryer can be witness to various

spirit contacts which may communicate via

telepathy. This may be auditory or pictorial,

sometimes colours, auras and symbols are

communicated separately or together with or

without a spirit face.

The practitioner may have been in a trance state for some time now, for myself it can be 45 minutes to an hour.

Once communication has been received and you are satisfied, gently recline your gaze to focus elsewhere on the

reflection. I turn my gaze to the side of the mirror and then the frame and so forth. However keep your wits

about you - quite recently I was slowly being lured back into the void and had to pull myself away from the

‘lure of the mirror’ as I didn’t wish to overcome my curiosity on this occasion.


Contacting the Guardian spirits

When wishing to contact a Guardian spirit the process above is a precursor to the initial stages, although some

preparation needs to take place. I recommend preparing the mirror beforehand with a lustration (salt

consecration) on the day of the spirit you wish to contact. Also sigils and seals that correspond to the Watcher

spirit and area of concern are beneficiary to aid concentration. For example – Mercury/Raphael rules over

matters of communication and healing, amongst other things, Samael rules over matters of energy, surgery,

courage etc.

The first Guardian spirit I made contact with through preparation with the mirror outside of dream scape and

unexpected vision was the spirit Lord Anael. ‘The task of making contact with the essence of this spirit was set by a

Hermetical magical group that I belong to and this came with directions to use the mirror as a tool and aid during trance

work.’ I wanted to make contact with this spirit because he has charge over my moon sign and also, amongst

other things, has dominion over the arts. To commence contact I prepared a mirror by consecrating it with rain

water and salt on a Friday, Anael’s personal day. I then wore clothing with colours associated with this angelic

spirit and wore jewelry with semi-precious stones associated with his vibrations. I also prepared a sigil and

wore this around my neck to induce clairvoyance and another with the seal of Anael stuck to the back of the

mirror. Sigils relating to specific spirits and actions can be found in any good magical directory or with an in-

depth magical course.

I have to share with you that my contact with Anael did not happen quickly. It actually took me 3 months to

make contact although I had seen flashes of light and heard some ringing sounds, (which can be precursors to

meeting spirits), it was actually a long drawn out process of constant patience and steady contemplation.

However, when he did appear, it was an incredibly sublime sight to behold. I have to mention that although I

had seen a variety of spirit faces in the mirror as part of the sequence of visual events, when Lord Anael

appeared he was raised outside of the reflection, as if his image was in between the sphere of the mirror and my

conscious mind. His appearance was like that described by other occultists, being a beautiful man of young to

middling years with long dark swaying hair accompanied with a soft floral scent. I was subdued and quite

surprised to see his image before me, and didn’t feel any fear of such in the way that one sometimes senses

shock. It was all in all, an important time in my magical studies to gain visual contact through preparation, and

I have since found that he has been a ‘sensed’ companion at times when I have needed ‘Creative Will’ when

developing my art works.

In the examples given here of working with mirrors for spirit emanation and information, I found that when

messages occur they usually arrive telepathically and in the form of images or word phrases. I use the images

and words as ‘problem solvers’ and in some cases as a ‘mantra’ which I chant for weeks or month as the need

arises. I do find, as other practitioners do, that mirror gazing is very tiring afterwards and sometimes experience

‘crash days’ when my energy levels are totally depleted. For this reason I don’t use mirrors for communication

purposes too often, however, I enjoy mirror scrying and would not give up on this account.

So how does it work? -

So, I would now like to finish this article with trying to gain a fragment of understanding regarding what

happens when a spirit manifests with in the mirror? There is no doubt in my experience to the reality of these

manifestations – but I am unsure of how they happen. Are the spirits I see reflections channelled through my


unconscious mind together with the help of the mirror? As the psychic medium Eileen Garrett wrote –

‘Although I have seen apparitions of thousands of the alleged dead, and have received what appeared to be

communication from them, I do not yet truly know whence these communications came.’5.

So perhaps the spirits that appear within the reflected mirror or crystal, and even mind alone, is perhaps the

product of our unconscious mind mixed together with a personal magical personality? Eileen Garrett also sums

up her own experiences – ‘There would appear to be intelligences of every grade, all of them possessing some

subtle power as yet little understood by our limited comprehension, for such an understanding needs an

enhanced perception of reality and a clearer conception of the nature of the universal mind and its working - a

problem towards which science is now focussing its attention.’6.

So it would seem that visual emissions from trance working , (as used in mirror work, mediumship,

clairvoyance and the like,) are outside the normal range of senses and that for reasons unknown, some are able

to access information from a cosmic memory or mind. I imagine this to be divided into sections or spaces,

where different energies reside within a variety of spiritual planes. Just as night and day are two sides of the

coin, these planes are many parts of the whole of cosmic creation.

Fortune wrote that each one of us carries a spark of divinity which she called the element of the Nous, or Divine

Mind. Fortune wrote that mystics conceived the hidden space of what lies behind our everyday world as the

‘Great Unmanifest’ and that ‘... in the Pagan pantheons the higher gods are all space gods. We can conceive of

tides stiffing in the stillness of space, described by the unknown author of Genesis as the Spirit of God moving

upon the face of the waters.’ Fortune suggests that this inexhaustible reservoir of power periodically sends out

its energy into manifestation, which changes in nature from ‘a static state to an active one, but remaining

equally capable of changing back into a static state again.’

She continues – ‘Such outpourings of energy are conceived of as ray-like emanations, which do not move in an

absolutely straight line, but in curves vast as the bounds of the universe. This (cosmic) doctrine was conceived

by mystics, centuries before Einstein gave the proofs that confirmed it…….’ 7.

So, it would seem that when the unconscious mind is opened, (through trance whilst scrying the mirror for

example), the practitioner is able to acquire information using extra sensory perception. This is acquired from

planes of existence within the cosmic force and is transformed into recognizable symbols and visions which are

perceived and understood by the conscious mind.

So when someone uses the condescending phrase ‘it’s all in the mind’ in response to psychic work, the answer

should be - ‘from which mind did you mean exactly! ‘

1. Walker, Barbara – Women’s Encyclopaedia of Myths and Secrets 1983

2. Howard. M. – The Mysteries of the Runes, 1994

3. McLean A. – A Treatise on Angelic Magic, 2006

4. Montalban, M. - The Book of Enoch, Order of the Morning Star

5. Garratt E.– Does Man Survive Death? 1957

6. Garrett E. – Does Man Survive Death? 1857

7. Fortune/ Knight - Principles of Hermetic Philosophy 1999

Gerry (Gera) Lambert



Vegan Chocolate, Orange and Ginger Cheesecake

200g Vegan ginger biscuits

75g Vegan margarine

350g Silken Tofu

200g Vegan cream cheese

125g of Orange flavoured non-dairy chocolate

1-2 tbsp of golden syrup

1 tsp Vanilla essence

½ tsp Orange essence

2 tsp arrowroot

Small tin of Mandarin segments for topping.

Preheat oven to 180c/350f/Gas mark 4

Grease and line a loose bottomed baking tin or ideally a springform baking tin.

Grind biscuits until there are no lumps

Melt margarine in pan and then mix in biscuits

Spread the biscuit mix onto a baking tin and pop in the oven for 5 minutes

Meanwhile melt chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water

Blend all other ingredients together (excluding the Mandarins)

Then add melted chocolate and blend until completely mixed

Bake in oven for 20 minutes

Remove and leave to cool

Top with Mandarins and chill before serving.

Lynda Meyer

Lavender Sugar

Caster Sugar is best for this although granulated or brown sugar can be used according to preference

Crushed or small individual Lavender flowers

The ratio of sugar to Lavender is really down to personal choice, but I use roughly 1 cup of sugar to 1tbsp of


You will need a glass jar or kilner type jar

Layer the sugar and the Lavender flowers all the way to the top of the jar, keeping the layers of sugar large and

the layers of Lavender fine, beginning and ending with the sugar.

When the jar is filled, screw a lid tightly.

Cheryl Waldron



1 can of Chick Peas

100ml Olive oil

3 cloves Garlic

100ml lemon juice

150mls tahini

½ Teaspoon of salt

A pinch of paprika

Drain and rinse chick peas

Place all the ingredients except paprika into a blender and blend until smooth

Place Hummus into a serving dish and drizzle a little olive oil over the top and a pinch of paprika to decorate.

Lynda Meyer

Creamed Nettles

Nettles are a stinging plant, which gives them natural protection:

1lb Nettle tops

4 tablespoons butter

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/2 cup cream

1 medium onion, minced

1/4 cup snipped chives

2 cloves garlic, minced


Place nettles in a medium-sized saucepan.

Pour in just enough water to cover.

Add 2 tablespoons of the butter, salt and pepper.

Simmer until tender.

Strain and discard the nettles and return the juice to the pan.

Mix in the cream, onion, chives, garlic, and 2 tablespoons of the butter.

Bring to a simmer over low heat.


Variation: substitute leeks, which have similar energy for the nettles

Magical Attributes: Protection,healing, passion.

Celebrations: Before a Handfasting, Samhain, Beltane, Fire-related Festivals.

Denny Bottley


Diary of the Hedgewitch

“All things pass through the period of action; then they return to repose. They grow, bud,

blossom and fruit; then they return to the root” Aleistair Crowley

The height of the year has been reached as the harvests have been reaped. The wintertime incubates its children as seeds, the precious fruit that bears the future harvests within. The acorn that now falls from the mighty gnarled oak brims with infinite possibilities within the darkness of its shell, within the darkness of the winter months, quietly awaiting the stirrings and chaos of warmth and light when the winter is done. The warm colourful hues of the autumn are soon to lay in contrast to the cold bleak drab greyness of winter; the harsh cries of the crows begin to dominate the cold skies, and the forlorn calls of the owls haunt the silent chill of the night with its blazing stars. On the autumn winds and winter chill sweeps a new Celtic year, beginning as the other gently fades, withering like the frostbitten blooms. Its fruit has been borne from the seeds of the previous harvest, the pregnant swollen buds and the gathering-in to the root of the previous winter and the play of the seasons as they dance in tune, flung into crescendos. The year has fulfilled itself as we feast on the bounty that has come into being, grown, budded, blossomed and fruited, and then retreated to the root as the root stores its energies over the winter when the earth draws in its breath. The trees have dazzled us in displays of gold, bronze, orange, scarlet, and yellow, shimmering in the sunlight; to then discard their colourful cloaks, torn and tattered, a thousand pieces spinning, tossed by the cold bitter winds, to stand there naked, silently, in the chill air. In this whirling of the seasons we see our own lives played out, our own existences that are spun, wavering in the wind, like the spider

webs glistening and glinting on the frosty winter mornings. Birth and death are perhaps only a lesser reflection, an unfathomable, infinitesimally, tiny fragment, of a greater cycle of our existences, as we are eternally coming into being, growing, budding, blossoming, fruiting, and returning and steadying and incubating our energies and experiences to the dark silence of the winter root. As the darkness increases and the sun weakens, the earth inhales deeper, and at the winter solstice, holds its “breath”. All that grew and was formed and yielded itself up in the summer, that expressed and drew itself outwards to the cosmos, is now drawn and absorbed into the earth, its forces to permeate all that surges forth in the spring, as Persephone returns to dwell under the dark

Earth. Dark purple sloes glistening in deep hues, have ripened on the thorny blackthorn, offering positive promises of sloe gin for the cold winter nights. But this shrub, connected with the Crone, has borne much negativity in its association with “black

witchcraft”, and its sharp pointed thorns have been used as weapons. It is a shrub that is connected with the sureness of death, but its explosion of creamy-white blossoms in March herald-in the warmer and brighter life-filled months of spring, of which would not be without the death of winter. Summer still clings, at the time of writing, in the form of bright nasturtiums, a plant of the Tropics where the balance of light and dark is held, and held also within the fire of our hearts; a plant of the Sun, its vivid fiery flowers igniting sparks of warm glow in the deepening autumn/winter light before the sharp white frosts claim a bitter clasp.


Also, shining from the hedgerows, gleam dainty yellow and orange honeysuckle, seductively wafting a delicious scent into the damp greyness, invoking those memories of warmer and brighter days. All that is and has ever been forever caught fast and held, never to disappear into nothingness, but to transform and expand, as the summer past and future is contained within the incubation of the winter, gestating. At this time, in the garden, we cut down the withered stems and remove from the ground those plants that have fulfilled their life cycles, offering themselves up for our nourishment or for the beauty and nectar of their flowers; and we use the physical material of their deaths for transformation within the compost heap. We cover the surface of the soil, or dig into the soil, manure for nutrition and growth of plants in the spring. Cycles are completed, the manure from the animal that was once living plant life, spun into another cycle as it leaves that of the nourishment of the animal to that of nourishment of the soil, as it too, once fed. In December, when the sap has drawn itself down into the roots and the Earth, we take hardwood cuttings from shrubs we wish to propagate, reminding us again of the fertility brimming, awaiting to spring forth, laying in apparent barrenness within the winter months, as all possibilities of new manifestation lie within the dormant seed and bud in the darkness of winter. Over winter we prune trees and shrubs once all the leaves have fallen and the sap again returns to the roots; we lift and divide tuberous plants and store those that need protection from the harsh frosts; and we plant trees, roses and fruit bushes. We collect seed from those we wish to secure the future generations from We plan, waiting in anticipation as our experiences of spring and summer are digested and gestated, reforming within, as within the Earth the experiences of previous seasons, and those of the Cosmos, are transforming anew. On the ivy, a shrub of Yuletide, yellow-green flowers have opened out, providing nectar for

bees and butterflies over the early winter when other sources are scarce. Ivy represents the feminine with its entwining nature, the female that brings matter to birth, matter whose destiny is death/transformation.

The receptive and restrictive feminine that encases spirit into form, and thus sentences it to death represented by the ivy, is in contrast to the holly that represents male potent everlasting life force. These

polarities are forever in conflict, and without which perhaps evolution would come to a standstill. The twinning nature of climbing plants like the ivy follow the course of the movement of the Earth and of the planets and stars; its roots are firmly planted in the Earth, with its stem and leaves uncoiling and reaching out to the light, the sky and the cosmos, of which we are all entwined, reflecting our own yearnings. In the crisp clear winter skies, the voluptuous Moon, modifying the glow from the weakened

Sun, bathes us in ethereal silver, teasing the long nights with her subtle light, casting her cold glare upon the land strewn with frost and snow. In the time of the bitter barrenness of winter, the time of repose, the Moon, connected to reproduction and fertility, reminds of us of the gestation period symbolised by her fullness, of the seeds laying in the dark awaiting the light, and of new life to come;

and new realisations, her light a mediator between Earth and Sun, and darkness and light. The winter is an apparent time of rest, of death, and is like the seed bearing all the imprints of all the experiences that ever came into existence, and all the possibilities of all existences to come; like an egg, its embryo as yet unformed but waiting to hatch out into light, to evolve, to fledge again, grow to bud, to blossom, and to fruit, and again approach the inevitability of death, and repose, fulfilling Itself, as we too, at present, follow the same cycles. Rachael Moss


Sowing/planting calendar for November

Date Constellation of Moon Crops to sow/plant Other information



Taurus (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Apogee 15hrs

Venus opposition Uranus 22hrs

Moonset 9.30hrs

Fri 02 Taurus (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moon conjunction Jupiter 1hrs

Moon opposition Mars 9hrs

Highest Moon 9hrs

Moonset 10.20hrs

Sat 03 Gemini (Air) from 6hrs Moon trine Saturn 14.20

Moon opposition Pluto 23hrs

Moonset 11hrs

Sun 04 Gemini (Air) Moon trine Sun 8.30hrs

Moonset 11.40hrs

Mon 05 Gemini (Air) until 14hrs Moonset 12.10hrs

then Cancer (Water) Winter lettuce, winter salad, winter spinach

Tues 06 Cancer (Water) Winter lettuce, winter salad, winter


Moonset 12.40hrs

Wed 07 Leo (Fire) from 7hrs Broad beans, peas 3rd quarter 1hrs

Moonset 13hrs



Leo (Fire) Broad beans, peas Moon opposition Neptune 5hrs

Moonset 13.30hrs

Fri 09 Leo (Fire) Broad beans, peas Venus trine Jupiter 7hrs

Moonset 13.50hrs

Sat 10 Virgo (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moon opposition Uranus 18hrs

Moonset 14.10hrs

Sun 11 Virgo (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moon conjunction Venus 14hrs

Moonset 14.40hrs

Mon 12 Virgo (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moon conjunction Saturn 18hrs

Moonset 15.10

Tues 13 Libra (Air) Dark Moon 22hrs

Moonrise 6.30hrs

Wed 14 Scorpio (Water) North (ascending) node 5hrs

Perigee 10hrs

Moon conjunction Mercury


Moonrise 7.50hrs



Scorpio (Water) Winter lettuce, winter salad, winter


Moon oppostion Jupiter 8hrs

Lowest Moon 17hrs

Moonrise 9.10hrs


Fri 16

Sagittarius (Fire) from


Broad beans, peas

Moon conjunction Mars 10hrs

Moon conjunction Pluto 23hrs

Moonrise 10.10hrs

Sat 17 Sagittaruis (Fire) Broad beans, peas Sun conjunction Mercury 16hrs

Moonrise 11hrs

Sun 18 Capricorn (Earth) from


Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moonrise 11.30hrs

Mon 19 Capricorn (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moonrise 12hrs

Tues 20 Aquarius (Air) ffrom 10hrs 1st quarter 15hrs

Moon conjunction Neptune


Moonrise 12.30hrs

Wed 21 Aquarius (Air) Moon trine Saturn 3hrs

Moonrise 12.50hrs



Pisces (Water) from 8hrs Winter lettuce, winter salad, winter


Venus trine Neptune 9hrs

Moonrise 13.10hrs

Fri 23 Pisces (Water) Winter lettuce, winter salad, winter


Moon conjunction Uranus


Moonrise 13.30hrs

Sat 24 Pisces (Water) Winter lettuce, winter salad, winter


Moonrise 13.50hrs

Sun 25 Aries (Fire) from 11hrs Broad beans, peas Moon opposition Venus 22hrs

Moonrise 14.20hrs

Mon 26 Aries (Fire) Broad beans, peas Moon oppostion Saturn 1hrs

Sun trine Uranus 14hrs

Moonrise 14.50hrs

Tues 27 Taurus (Earth) from


Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moon opposition Mercury 1hrs

Venus conjunction Saturn 1hrs

South (descending) node


Mars conjunction Pluto 20hrs

Moonrise 15.20hrs

Wed 28 Taurus (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Full Moon 15hrs

Apogee 20hrs

Moonrise 16hrs



Taurus (Earth) Garlic, overwintering onion sets Highest Moon 15hrs

Moon conjunction Jupiter 1hrs

Moonset 8.10hrs

Fri 30 Taurus (Earth) until 12hrs Garlic, overwintering onion sets Moonset 9hrs then Gemini (Air)


The Witch’s Cauldron-

Tools of the Trade

Witch’s Water

Witch’s water can be used for a number of reasons, including:

Cleansing and purification of tools and materials

Space cleansing

Altar cleansing and blessing

Healing Spells

Banishing spells

For relieving headaches and tension

Witch’s water is very simple to make, you will need:

Spring water





Glass bottle (preferably amber or blue glass)

Vodka or preserving oil like jojoba @ 5%

Place the herbs, salt and spring water into the bottle and steep for seven days. Shake the bottle

once daily, strain and bottle up with either preserving oil or pure vodka at a 5% dilution.

The effects can be enhanced by each night it is steeping holding your hands or wand over the

top and chanting. Chants should be relevant to the intended use of the witch water.

Cheryl Wynterkallista Waldron


Bonfire Scrying It is the time of year when we find ourselves slowing down and reflecting

on things passed as well as pondering things yet to come. It is a time of

bonfires and scrying.

This is one of the most evocative times of the year, when everything looks

so beautiful; in one last burst before it dies.

For me there is something wonderful about a night time bonfire, with spuds

in tin foil, cooking in the coals.

We can look into the flames and smoke and see the wonders yet to come,

amidst images of friends and family now passed. It can make us feel deeply

connected to all things; a part of everything. In fact there is a strong sense of

losing oneself in all that there is.

When I do this I add some herbs and oil as I find this makes the scrying

very much clearer. The mixture seems to fill the senses stimulating that bit

inside that helps us to understand all things.

I would like to share with you my own recipe for smoke scrying:

10 drops of Grapefruit oil

10 drops of Neroli oil

3 tablespoons of dried Mugwort

3tablespoons of dried Wormwood

3 tablespoons of dried Dandelion

Mix well and keep in a screw top jar.

For scrying throw a hand full onto the bonfire and see what you can see. Enjoy!


Fire of Azrael

A fire built from Sandalwood, Juniper and Cedar wood as the fire of Azrael gained immortality in The Sea

Priestess by Dion Fortune.

“She took the poker in her hand and pushed the flaming driftwood to either side, and in the hollow center thus

left she piled the woods of the Fire of Azrael. Then we sat and watched them take the flame.

And in those hours while the tide rose there was delivered to me things whereof but few have dreamed and

fewer still have known, and I learnt why Troy was burnt for a woman. For this woman was not one woman, but

all women; and I, who mated with her, was not one man, but all men; but these things were part of the lore of

the priesthood, and it is not lawful to speak of them.” Dion Fortune, "The Sea Priestess"

In many religious beliefs Azrael is the angel or archangel of death, who records the births and deaths of all

human souls. In others he is considered a psychopomp who escorts the souls of those recently deceased; much

like Charon or the Grim Reaper.

By burning the right combination of herbs Azrael will show visions within the fire of that which is yet to come.

Fire of Azreal enhances fire scrying making the visions that bit clearer and easier to interpret.

My recipe for fire of Azrael

Equal parts

Juniper berries

Sandalwood chippings


Apple or Cherry*

A few drops of Cedarwood oil

*(Either the bark, dried leaves or dried blossom - dried apple peel can also be used)


Dolmen Grove moots

All Dolmen Grove Moots hold regular meetings, where people can find out more about the Dolmen Grove ethos

and membership. Because the Dolmen Grove host a variety of events their moots provide a perfect opportunity

to find out about up and coming Dolmen Grove workshops, courses, talks, and open circles.

Southend Essex Dolmen Grove Moot

Every month we have a regular drumming session plus healing drumming... and

now folk are bringing didgereedoo's singing bowls and such... Plus Regular

talks and workshops

The Cricketers Inn

Every 2nd monday of the month,

228, London Road, Westcliff-on-sea, Essex SS0 7JG

8pm onwards.

Hosted by Denny and Steve Bottley

Portsmouth Dolmen Grove Moot

Regular talks and workshops

The salisbury hotel,

Every second wednesday of the month

Lonsdale Road, Cosham PortsmouthHampshire PO6 2PX

7:30pm onwards

Hosted by Julie Weltch


This is the groves oldest and most established moot where every month there

is the opportunity to talk to those at the forefront of the pagan world and

learn more about the ceremonies and rituals of the dolmen grove, as well as

the various paths found within paganism.

The marquis of granby

Every second wednesday of the month

Chickerell road, weymouth, dorset, dt4 9tw.

7.30pm onwards

hosted by taloch jameson and/or diane narraway



This moot is hosted by the dolmen grove Portland witches and there are

regular talks as well as regular discussions on witchcraft and earth magick

The george inn

Every fourth wednesday of the month

133 reforne, portland, dorset, dt5 2ap

7.30pm onwards

hosted by teach and beth


This is the groves newest moot that offers talks, workshops and so much more

from those at the heart of Cornish witchcraft.

Polgooth inn

Every first wednesday of the month

Ricketts Lane, Polgooth, st.austell, pl26 7da

hosted by karen cooper and lucy miles


a social moot where all are welcome to join like minded people on various

pagan paths.

The boot public house

Every 3 third Wednesday of the month

park road, bracknell, berkshire , rg12 2lu

hosted by baz and max cilia

Moots are advertised regularly on the dolmen grove facebook page



Rev.Julie Weltch



I am offering year and a day training as part of the

Lyceum of The Circle of spirit, Earth and Elements by correspondence in any area/country or in person should you live in the Portsmouth area.

I am also offering celebrant services such as hand fastings, baby namings, death rites, coming of age rites etc

I also offer reiki healing, house cleansings and blessings and I do not charge for any

of my services, all I ask is travelling expenses if you are out of my area. Blessings, Julie













OPEN ! mon-sat 10am-4pm FIND US UPSTAIRS @






Irvine Photography covers all types of photography but specialises in

photojournalism. I photograph pagan rituals and ceremonies and am the official

photographer for the Cotswold Order of Druids when they perform at Stonehenge. I

am a member of Dolmen Grove and live on the beautiful island of Portland.

I have my own mobile lighting studio so able to come to you for a portrait in your

own home.

Events £25 per hour +expenses

Portraits 1 x 10”x8” photograph + disc £24

3 x 10”x8” photograph + disc £52

Special Pagan rates 20% off

Contact [email protected]


Wynterkallista offers a range of natural,ethically sourced

Aromatherapy health and beauty products created with care.

We also specialise in hand madePagan/Wicca products, such as

Wands and Staffs, Herbs, Dilly and spell bags.

We are fully licensed by Cosmetic Safety Consultants Ltd.

Also a qualified, experienced and fully professional member of the

Guild of Holistic Therapists

Wiccan High Priestess and Celebrant

[email protected]


Further information about regarding membership, courses, up and coming events and ceremonies (including membership enquiries) is available through The Dolmen Grove –

Website: Email:

[email protected]

Or through Facebook Further information about music from The Dolmen including c.d. purchase is available on our


Email UK [email protected]

Email USA [email protected]

Or through Facebook