dolmen grove chronicles


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Online Pagan/Heathen/Spiritual Magazine


Page 1: Dolmen grove chronicles

Dolmen Grove

Chronicles IN THIS ISSUE…

The Magick of Poppets - A LOOK





The Arte of Sigil Magick – MAKING AND CHARGING A SIGIL


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The Dolmen Grove is a pagan organisation of mixed spiritual paths established in the early 90s by

Taloch Jameson, which over the years has grown from one small circle in Weymouth Dorset, to several

clans not only across the UK but worldwide.

The Spiritual ethos of the Dolmen Grove has remained the same throughout and is based purely upon the

Freedom of the Individual.

It is the collective belief that in an age where technology can often dwarf our humanity, it is important that

we take control as individuals and embrace our own spirituality in order to maintain the equilibrium within

an ever changing world.

Although the Grove is not a political organisation preferring instead to focus upon the spiritual, this does not

prevent either individual members or the Grove as a collective from playing an active part in humanitarian

and environmental issues.

There are no hierarchy or titles within the Dolmen Grove as it is our aim to encourage each man and woman

to discover their own unique and authentic journey so that their spiritual connection is founded upon that

which works for them as an individual rather than a spiritual rule book set for the masses.

The key to our success is the Round Table which is made up of around twenty people from a variety of

spiritual paths who uphold the spiritual ethos of the Grove. They not only organise their respective moots

but also the festivals and events hosted by the Dolmen Grove.

Our Moots are regular meeting places which are held once a month in several areas. Although these are

organised by and largely attended by Grove members, non-members are always welcome to find out more

about the Grove and enjoy the company of other free thinking people as well as the activities organised by

the Moot.

There is a membership in place that enables those who wish to be part of this ever growing Clan to enjoy

reduced ticket prices for Dolmen Grove Events, festivals and where stated ‘member only’ Ceremonies and

Courses. Although we host many Ceremonies which are open to the general public, to avoid crowding and

to allow our members to celebrate free from pressure we also hold members only ceremonies.‘


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1…Diary of the Hedgewitch – Rachael Moss

2…The Arte of Sigils – Linda Cunningham

3…The Dolmen Grove Presents the Enchanted Market – Maxine Cilia

4…From Ordinary Pub to Town Hub – Mark Vine on the Belvedere Inn Weymouth

5…Aromatherapy – Sandra Wiseman

6…Totem Animals…The Stag – Cheryl Waldron

7…The Magick of Poppets…A feature on Poppet magick: - Poppets for Protection –

Bryant Pinnix,

Poppets ‘Using the Darkness to Bring Forth the Light’ – Helen Bull, Poppets from a

Wiccan Perspective - Peggy Kee,

Poppets for Love’s Sake – Lou Hotchkiss Knives, Making Poppets for Healing –

Sprigganwitch, Poppets and the Importance of Teachers – Dr Louis Martinie.

8…Book Review of The Cross Tarot by Owen Knight – Black Moon Publications

9…A Spring Clean With Sticky Willie – Andrew Cowling

10…Tribal Crow Dancers – Taloch Jameson

11…Voices of the Future…Kids Pages featuring Little Lizzy Witch - Arietta and Eloise


The Eternal Heartbeat – Connach Jameson, Natural Magick – Naomi Syme

Photographs and artwork in this issue by Joanna Caswell,

Rachael Moss, Maria Light, Aaron Cilia, William Shambrook, Andrew Cowling

Dolmen and Dolmen Grove artwork by Sem Vine with photography by Joanna Caswell.

Spriggan Mist artwork by Aaron Cilia and Kate Sawyer

Cover photo by DK Photography Isle of Wight

Unless otherwise stated all other images are from the public domain.

Further information on the Dolmen Grove can be found at:

All information is accurate at the time of publication and all articles and

images are assumed to be the work of those being credited

Editor… Diane Narraway email

[email protected]

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Diary of the Hedgewitch

Spring wandered into the mush and gush of a

sodden winter, bewildered, bringing welcome

nourishing sunshine and raising the spirits with

its otherworldly beauty in the quality of light,

expanding the world with hope, piercing the

dreary, soggy, limp winter that, here in Dorset,

held little wonderment of intricate glistening

ice-crystals and frost, gentle winter Sun, or the

glorious blankets of fresh white snow, but

instead bought rain, more rain, dark clouds,

and sploshy wet mud.

The mild winter bought showy daffodils into

blossom as early as December, a strange Yule

tide happening. Wild daffodils sprinkled the

woodland floor from February, their nectar a

welcome feast for any emerging bees on

warmer days; with an odd dash of blue from a

few very early bluebells, and primroses began

their climax in the same

month. At the time of writing

creamy yellow primroses lay

splashed all along the banks,

thriving in the wetness, an

invitation to any passing

butterflies, whilst golden

celandines gleam from shady

places, feeding drowsy flies

under pale dangling catkins.

The spring awakening began

with sun yellow/gold blossoms, which, this year,

emerged before the nodding white snowdrop

that usually flowers before all the others, and is

rarely pollinated by passing insects due to the

harsh cold. The March blooms of white

blackthorn and those of wild plum with a

heady scent, and delicate pink cherry, have

followed the yellow theme, which is followed, in

April by the rich blue carpet of bluebells that

are an icon of British woodlands. The trees still

stand bare and beautiful with their twisting

branches, some like writhing serpents uncoiling

into the sky, though with buds of closely

packed leaves that laid dormant over the

winter, swelling, almost at bursting point,

teetering on the edge of unfurling.

The insipid winter made the amazement of

spring all that greater, as it came with a gasp, a

sharp intake of breath that marks the

beginning of birth, as the last breath of the

dying ends with an outtake; spring breathes the

vivid tunes, the warbling and resonance of the

birdsong, and the quick drum beats of

woodpeckers that build up the drum roll.

Suddenly, everything is permeated with

possibility, and the positivity of renewed

creation is birthed from the experiences of the

previous year and the bleakness of winter.

Unsteadily, the first germinations of the season

begin to unfurl, manifesting one potential

probability of an infinite number, as each

emerge as individuals. It always continues to

amaze me how life unceasingly, unrestrictingly,

expresses itself in so many differing variations

as it thrusts ever onwards in all

realms, and at these moments at the

beginnings of bewildering unfurling,

free of intention. An innocence

unbound by expectation.

The Spring Equinox pivots between

the break down and dissolution of

the darkness and the rampant

expressions of creation in the myriad

forms of manifestation and light, the

breath is held in this potent moment

before the release of light and dazzling coming

into being of colour, scent, sound, motion and

form as new creations, new evolutions spill into

the world, weaving ever new

experience and expression,

pumping with vibrancy,

throbbing with life force, ever

ready to create and re-create,

in a frenzied dance of

crescendo after crescendo,

peaking its frolicking in the

fertile brazen wantonness

under the hot Beltane Sun that

heralds the uninhibited

recklessness of summer.

Rachael Moss With photography by Rachael Moss

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May Sowing Chart

Mon Tue Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

after 5pm

1am 7pm P 4am

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

10pm 5pm 9pm

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

from 2pm

A 10pm 9pm

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

from 12pm from 3pm

11am 12pm

30 31


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The Dolmen Grove offers a lifetime membership, which simply means a one-off payment of £20 for

those who wish to embrace and enjoy the freedom, Clanship and the right to practice their own

spiritual path within the Grove family.

Full Members of the Grove will enjoy reduced rates for events such as Gatherings like the Beltane

Spirit of Rebirth and Tribal Dreams, and to many other events when stated.

A Full member will receive a Membership Card and a unique Membership Number that identifies

who they are when wishing to attend Member only Ceremonies and other Dolmen Grove Events.

The Dolmen Grove does not have a hierarchy, as we do not believe that people need titles or labels to

follow a spiritual path; instead the spiritual ethos of the Grove is facilitated by a Round Table, a circle

of people from all walks of life.

For further information on the Dolmen Grove and becoming a member please send an email to

[email protected].

Also find us on faceboook - thedolmengrove and thedolmengrovemagazine

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February 13th and 14th ...Enchanted Market Garth Hill College, Bull

Lane, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 2LN.

March 26th…Ostara Psychic Fayre and Spring Ball.

April 22nd – April 24th inclusive…Beltane Spirit of Rebirth Camp, Dorset.

July 29th - August 1st inclusive…Tribal Dreams Camp, Dorset.

August 19th – August 21st inclusive Crow Dancers Camp Dorset

September (Mabon) – Local Ceremonies.

October 31st (Samhain) – Local ceremonies and Events.

December – Yule Winter Wonderland Market and Ball.

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The Arte of SIGILSA sigil is a symbol. The word sigil comes from the

Latin sigillum meaning ‘seal’ although it may also be

related to the Hebrew segula meaning ‘word, action or

item of spiritual effect - a talisman’.

Sigils have been in use for as long as humans have

been able to create images and sigil magick likewise.

However, the term Sigil Magick when used in

contemporary magick, refers to a particular usage that

has become central to the workings of Chaos Magick.

Chaos Magick entered the occult scene with the

publication of Peter Carroll`s Liber Null in 1978. This

seminal work revitalised and revolutionised magickal

practice. Carroll makes clear in the introduction, that

‘Independantly of dusty books and mystification the

vital elements of many traditions conspire here to

create a living art’. Ray Sherwin`s The Book of

Results appeared in the same year. Carroll and

Sherwin had created the magickal order the IOT -

‘Illuminates of Thanateros’ some time before their

publications with Liber Null originally being written as

the source book for the IOT. Carroll claimed the IOT

as the magickal heirs to the Zos Kia Cultus and the

A.A. (Zos Kia Cultus was Osman Spare`s magickal

philosophy with A.A. being Aleister Crowley`s

magickal order).

Spare is recognised as the Godfather of Chaos magick

and it was Spare who developed what is now referred

to as sigil magik however, it was Carroll who made

sigil magick accessible and it was the occultists of the

late 70`s and the 80`s that defined Chaos Magick.

The young gun slingers of Chaos Magick emerged in

a post punk era to rip up and challenge the old

hierarchies of a scene that they found jaded and

overburdened with over complex symbolism, out dated

morality and theorising armchair occultists. Chaos

Magicians got back to basics and put personal

experience at the core of practice with the emphasis on

practice. Sigil Magick was their 3 chord wonder and it

worked, it was a hit…This was results magick.

Chaos magick says you don’t have to learn loads of

difficult stuff before you can experience magick. Sigils

are easy, sigils are beginner’s magic and you can do it

straight away and it works. Don`t believe me? Go and

try for yourself. Magick is about experience.

Just as you can never explain to someone who has

never had sex what the experience is. In the same way

one has to experience magick for oneself, no amount

of reading or listening to talks and lectures will hit the


Based on instructions in Liber Null, is how to make a

sigil. I will expand on this basic method later.

1 - Intent, write down a desire.

2 - Create a sigil of your desire.

3 - Charge your sigil.

Part 1. As in all magick intent is mega - important so

don`t skimp on this part! First of all whatever it is that

you desire, must have a means of manifestation and a

means of manifestation in the physical realm or it will

manifest in another realm such as in a dream. Magick

works! There are lots of myths and fairy tales warning

you to be ‘Oh so careful what you wish for’. Think of

king Midas. It’s very important how you state your

desire. If you state your desire as "I want to win some

money" then your magick will work immediately and

you will want to win some money. If you write "I

want", you will work immediate magick (against

yourself) in that you will want!

Part 2. Write out your sentence of desire scoring out all

vowels and repeated letters.

I am confident becomes mcnfdt.

Next rearrange these letters to make a glyph.

Here are a few examples:

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Part 3. Charging the sigil

To charge your sigil you need to enter an altered state

of consciousness. I will come back to the theories

behind this in a bit but for now just roll with it. There

are many ways to achieve this, some take years of

perfecting, others come to us naturally and easily while

yet others can be bought, swallowed or inhaled and

some are definitely acquired tastes. Anything that

induces great calm or great excitation including

meditation, ethneogenics, pain, dancing, laughter but

by far the easiest and most popular is sex either

solitary or in company. At the peak of your altered

state which in the case of sex is, obviously orgasm,

look at your sigil which can, if needed be drawn on

yourself or another person.

There are 2 schools of thought on what you do with

your sigil after you have charged it. The original

thought was that you forget about it, so you burn it,

bury it, wash it off or whatever. Originally it was

encouraged to get rid of them so they would not

remind one of the desire and there are still many

Chaotes who hold this belief. However, it is my

experience that the making of the sigil can eliminate

the consciousness of the desire. The sigil is an image

that pictures the desire in an unrecognisable way. So,

as with in advertising, where it works extremely well,

one can look at the sigil till one is so over familiar with

it one almost doesn`t see it anymore. As to which

method to use? As with so much of chaos magick the

choice is yours, try both methods and use whichever

works best for you. You might find one method works

best for particular workings and the other is preferable

for others. Most importantly forget your desire!

Forgetting your desire is probably the hardest part and

the reasoning behind forgetting is that if you don`t,

you will, especially as a beginner, work magick

unknowingly against yourself. You will do this by

doubting and wondering if it will work and wanting

rather than willing. If you focus on your desire then

your lust of result will work in opposition to your will.

There is a story of a man who goes to his guru and

asks "What can I do to attain enlightenment?" his guru


"Do everything that you do now only don`t think of

monkey" the man walks away thinking ‘that’s easy I

never think about monkey and I won`t think about

monkey again’ and then he was caught in a loop

thinking about monkey! The theory behind using an

altered state to charge your sigil is that it needs to be

cast into your unconscious where your conscious mind

cannot, once again, work magick against itself.

However, as things have progressed it is no longer

believed by all chaos occultists that one has to forget

the desire but it is agreed that remembering the desire

can only work when one has enough control of the

conscious mind to have no lust of result.

Once you have grasped the experience of sigils you

will realise that you can play about creatively with step

2. Magick is after all an art. There is no panel in some

far off realm checking if you have scored out all the

vowels or 2nd letters; it really doesn`t matter how you

make a symbol of your desire. It’s limited only by your

imagination. It can be a mantra (Carroll did include

these in his original instructions), a dance, an event,

anything, just don’t let it get boring! Explore, as sigils

have moved on loads since those early days. Grant

Morrison has developed hyper-sigils using the format

of his occult comics.

He recreated himself as a character in his comic and

found himself having the experiences he drew into his

comics. I have had similar experiences of

synchronicity with my own drawings.

I was prompted to write this short introduction to sigils

after mentioning them on various occasions to other

pagans, who, to my surprise, knew nothing of sigil

magick which can be such a handy addition to every

witch’s tool kit!

Linda Cunningham



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The Dolmen Grove Presents

The Enchanted Market

started 5 years ago in

sleepy Bracknell. Baz

and Max Cilia from

Spriggan Mist and Moot

hosts for Dolmen Grove

East Berkshire decided

that they needed a

‘Pagan’ event in

Bracknell and wanted to

get a venue where

Spriggan Mist could

play alongside The

Dolmen who come all the way from Weymouth.

After speaking with Taloch Jameson founder

member of the Dolmen Grove and lead singer of

The Dolmen, they managed to get a venue at

Bracknell Football Club which could hold 150

people and during the day would house just 14

stalls and healers to make the event more fun and

value for money. Amazingly the evening was sold

out. With standing room only everyone danced the

night away to the two bands who were supported

by Mad Magdalen. There was no question that this

event needed to happen again!

The following year the venue was changed to

Pinewood Café and bar in Wokingham This was

because the Football club could not commit to

dates, however this venue was bigger had a bar

and food and a second hall was hired to house the

healers and tarot readers. The owners were great

and loved every minute. Once again the evening

entertainment was by Spriggan Mist and The

Dolmen and also the great Love Revolution.

All the stall holders loved the new venue and

despite the snow, the event was a massive success

The feedback was,“Can we make it two days?

And bigger”

So, after the success at Pinewood Café and Bar

and The Pinewood Theatre, the following year yet

another space for stalls was hired at the scouts

hall. A third hall had even more stalls and live

music all day as well as live music in the

Pinewood café all day. A bonus to this venue was

‘glamping’ in the Scout hall at a reduced price.

Once again Spriggan Mist and The Dolmen

accompanied by Cephalodidge played and rocked

the stage.

The feedback was more cosmetic now i.e. we all

want to be in the same place, we would like more

space for the evening performances and a stage

and a better area for speakers and workshops!

The hunt for a new venue was on. After much

careful exploration a new venue was found. It had

a staged area for the evening bands that could hold

up to 350 people. It also had a massive main hall

where all the stalls could be plus room for a café

and other areas which could be hired for stalls

along with a theatre for speakers. The Enchanted

Market 2015 was the biggest so far, held at Garth

Hill College With over 90 stalls, running over two

days , plus an evening event on the Saturday and

speakers and workshops both days with catering

and a bar. There was also the first after party as

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the venue had to shut by 10pm, so Cephalodidge

entertained everyone over at the local pub which

was packed.

It was overwhelming how many people came

along to the event. The speakers, musicians and

entertainers were amazing. There was endless

energy and the volunteers helping to set up the

venue were also outstanding and even those who

stay at the end to clear up. Of course now was

born the Quercus Magical

Emporium hypermarket!

What could beat The Enchanted

Market 2015? Only The Enchanted

Market 2016 which was the busiest

so far! Who would have thought

that Bracknell could be a Pagan

capital for two days of the year?

Held over Valentines weekend 13th

and 14th Feb 2016 people came

from far and wide. Some even from

Europe. A friend of Baz and Max Cilia, Jody

Stillone Rule acquired The Acoustic Couch a local

venue to run charitable events and evening music

events and he was quickly roped in. He offered a

Friday night pre-party at the Acoustic Couch for

ticket holders. A few locals and visitors who had

arrived on Friday began to fill the couch that

night, whilst Cliff Carr, the Dolmen Grove Bard

entertained us all on the stage with his Bardic

tunes. It was a great way to start the weekend.

The start of the Enchanted Market 2016 was with

Bang to Rites a great pagan drumming group.

They drummed up the energy wearing their bright

colours eventually being joined by the Dolmen

Grove Drummers and an opening ritual with

Taloch. With over 120 stalls and workshops and

speakers all day it was going to be busy. The

market started at 10am and very quickly familiar

faces arrived! The great Children’s entertainer

“Chris Moor “entertained the kids

on Saturday afternoon (plus a few

adults) with his fun filled party

entertainment and balloons on

whilst brilliant performers and

musicians took the stage in the

main hall all day Saturday and


Folk tales rung out across the floor

whilst harps and saxophones played

in the healing area in between

singing bowls and chants. Laughter yoga sung out

from the other corridor. Speakers attended such as

David Wells, Rachel Patterson, and Kevin Groves

alongside many other amazing speakers and

workshops including some Dark Faerie tale

origins from Diane Narraway (Chairman of

Dolmen Grove). Two traders in particular took the

market by storm with MoreMead and

Kayleighbird Cake’s being sold out by Saturday


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Thanks to the catering lead by Polly who stood in

at the last minute to provide food for the event

there was a range of food including vegan and

vegetarian options.

And then the evening performances were just as

impressive. Tribal belly dancing with the amazing

Jadoo Tribal followed by Spriggan Mist and then

the Dolmen. Both bands played the house down to

cheers from the Pagan Crowds.

Then it was over to The Acoustic Couch with a

walking bus to see the charismatic Damh the Bard

at the after party. What a great combination!

Everyone was able to sit, chat and drink whilst

listening to the pagan folk tunes we all know and

love well. Although many tired people arrived

they were soon up dancing again!

Sunday, Valentine’s Day was another Enchanted

Market Day and a chance to experience a talk by

Taloch Jameson on the unique spiritual path of the

Crow Dancers. There was a special treat later with

a Tribal tea dance. Belly dancers from all over the

country attended and danced together. Watched,

enjoyed and cheered by many spectators. A vivid

sight of beautiful colours and dance and a great

way to bring the event to a close. Then the

Dolmen Grove ‘Land Fund’raffle which this year

had even more donated prizes from the stall


A massive thank you to

each and every one of

them. There was then an

impromptu auction of a

special piece of artwork

donated by Katie Saunders,

Spriggan Mist’s very own

artist. The artwork was of

Taloch holding up his

hands in front of sacred

stones. This again raised

some laughs and more


And then as the day ended Taloch kindly brought

the event to a close with some special words.

The most enlightening part of The Enchanted

Market 2016 was the love. This event was brought

to you with an open heart, love kindness and

generosity, and special people. Special people

who helped, volunteers who gave their skills and

talents, those that just come along and spent

money and as always with the kindness and

clanship of The Dolmen Grove!

So what next? You tell us! email

[email protected].

If you would like to be part of next year please

email the above also!

Maxine Cilia




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The Dolmen

FRIDAY, APRIL 8TH & 9th 2016 – The Dolmen

Presents …’The Pirates Parlay

8th - Pirate Quiz, Come Test Your Savvy!!

9th - Pirate Show with events all day

The Belvedere Inn, Weymouth, UK

SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd 2016 - Beltane


Dorset UK


Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum


SUNDAY, MAY 1ST 2016 - Mittelalterlich

Phantasie Spectaculum

Wassenburg Germany

THURSDAY, MAY 5TH 2016 - Mittelalterlich

Phantasie Spectaculum

Rastede, Germany

FRIDAY, MAY 6TH 2016 - Mittelalterlich

Phantasie Spectaculum

Rastede Germany

SATURDAY, MAY 14TH 2016 - Mittelalterlich

Phantasie Spectaculum

Hohenwestedt Germany

SUNDAY, MAY 15TH 2016 - Mittelalterlich

Phantasie Spectaculum

Hohenwestedt, Germany

SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH 2016 - Rapalje

Zomerfolk Festival

Groningen,The Netherlands

SATURDAY, JUNE 18TH 2016 - 3 Wishes

Faery Festival

Cornwall, UK

SATURDAY, JUNE 25TH 2016 - Mittelalterlich

Phantasie Spectaculum

Basthorst, Germany

SUNDAY, JUNE 26TH 2016 - Mittelalterlich

Phantasie Spectaculum

Basthorst, Germany

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FRom Ordinary Pub,

To Town Hub

The Belvedere pub in High West Street,

Weymouth, was always, it has to be said, a fairly

average and unremarkable hostelry. Usually

hidden in the shadow of its more famous and more

patronised neighbour, The Boot, just along the

road, it was a watering hole that never quite

seemed to make the grade with most local

imbibers. But recently all that has changed


Two young people with a vision have now

transformed this once stagnant watering hole,

breathing exhilarating new life into the Victorian

building with a mixture of new ideas and very

hard work.

Thomas de Brincat and Vicki Lindley have

combined their considerable drive and talents to

turn the business from ordinary pub to vibrant old

town Hub, with a scintillating mixture of great

live music, attracting such big stage luminaries as

the internationally renowned Dolmen,

performance poetry and even by being a gallery

for budding artists to display and sell their work.

Vicki says “We are getting Local artists from

schools, colleges, the street, even retired people

exhibiting here”. We put their art on our walls and

there is great art to be found in this small town.”

She added “When we have our website up and

running it will have all the musicians, artists,

writers, poets, anyone that has helped or is skilled

in any way on there. Links to their websites. A

community website, where we all help each

other”. “We are also looking for singer song

writers to come down and record themselves for

free too. All we ask is for a cd to put in our

jukebox which will be full of local talent”.

On the subject of food and drink Vicki said “We

now serve 'Traditional Dorset Tapas' because …

why not?!! All our food is made fresh, locally

sourced and yummy! We are catering for the

drinkers too though. We are still a pub not a

restaurant. Our aim is to get as many proper ciders

and rums and as much locally made alcohol as

possible on sale.”

Vicki then went on to explain about the

accommodation available. “We have five

bedrooms with bunk beds and can house about

thirty people. We are an Extreme Sports Hostel.

Surfing’, Para Gliding, and even Fishing.

“We have storage for their equipment, parking is

to be discussed! They'll have a large living area

and kitchen and they also have the choice of

B&B. There are separate Ladies and Gents

washrooms that both have 3 toilets, 3 sinks and 3

showers each.”

To sum up, Vicki said, “The aim is for us to be

known as the Hub of Weymouth. Somewhere that

everyone can come to and feel relaxed, safe and

accepted. To give everyone a chance, we’re not

going to be greedy it’s a 'you scratch our backs

we’ll scratch yours' type of arrangement. We want

to invest in the people who love this Town”.

The Belvedere Hub is also the haunt of pirates and

English Civil War soldiers, reenactors who,

several times a year, commemorate Weymouth's

rich history and use the pub as their base. Not to

mention being the only pub in town with live

Burlesque evenings! So … as you can see, the

Belvedere Hub is truly a place for all tastes!

All this combined with a complete interior

makeover with a very attractive new ‘driftwood’

effect bar has given the old place the shot in the

arm that it so badly craved and, with all of these

great innovative uses and ideas, I think it can be

said that it has given the town of Weymouth itself

a big boost also.

Long may it continue to thrive.

Mark Vine.

photography by Mark Vine

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Aromatherapy If you are new to Aromatherapy or have not read previous articles on this then an insight to it is: -

The oils work by entering the blood stream via the skin, smells evoke memories and the brain registers the

scent via the neurological and the endocrine system.

The therapeutic potential of essential oils, like other plant derived remedies, has yet to be fully realized.

Although numerous medical herbs have been utilized since a Aromatherapy is the use of organic essences

extracted from aromatic plants for healing and maintenance of vitality.

It may help minor ailments, keep us fit whilst still enabling us to be relaxed and at ease with ourselves.

ntiquity, many of which have become of modern drugs (such as Quinine and cocaine)

In order to use an essential oil apart from Lavender and Tea Tree

they MUST be blended with carrier oil.

Buriti Fruit Carrier Oil The Buriti Tree, (Mauritia

flexuosa.) Also known as

the Moriche a large

palm tree that grows in

swamp regions of South

America. Natives refer to it

as the ‘Life Tree’. The tree

bears a sweet fruit from

December to April which

has a brown, scaly exterior

and yellow pulp. Image - P.S.Senna

The oil is Cold Pressed from the Fruit and is

Reddish orange in colour. The pulp is extremely

rich in essential fatty acids and carotenoids,

including beta-carotene.

Buriti Fruit Oil is considered to be one of the

richest sources of beta-carotene, with levels

exceeding that of carrot seed oil. Brazilian natives

treat the Buriti tree as sacred because it contains

the nutrients and support needed to sustain life.

Natives use the oil to protect the skin as well as to

treat a variety of skin conditions including burns

and sunburn as it reduces the redness and offers

protection from harmful U.V. rays. It is also

beneficial in the treatment of dry brittle and

damaged hair.

This oil possesses the remarkable ability to

nourish, moisturise, repair the epidermis and

improve the elasticity of maturing skin. It also

helps with skin conditions such as Eczema,

Psoriasis as well as helping to replenish mature

aging skin. Its shelf life is 12- 14 months

It naturally contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B1,

Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D and is a

potent Antioxidant.

Reflexology (including Maternity Reflexology)

Indian Head Massage


Seated Acupressure Therapy


Thermo Auricular Therapy

Sound Healing / Sonar Expansion Healing

Magnified Healing

Rahanni Celestial Healing

Psychic Healing

Metamorphic Technique

Also Pamper and Tarot Parties-for further information


Email:[email protected]

Tel:01702 523951

Mob:07804 13858

Page 20: Dolmen grove chronicles

Helichrysum Essential oil

Helichrysum (Helichrysum Angustifolium) is

made by steam distillation of the flowers of the

plant. It's pricy which is probably why it's not one

of the more common essential oils. image -Julio Reis

It’s a strong aromatic herb and grows up to

0.6metres with a lot of stems. Woody at the base,

it has brightly coloured flowers that look like

daisies which become dry as the plant matures. It

is Native to the Mediterranean and is cultivated in

France, Spain, Italy and Yugoslavia.

There are lots of Clinical studies about this oil as

it has special compounds called acetophenones,

phloroglucinols and terpenoids and appear to

demonstrate antifungal actions against Candida

growth. Also helps soothe the digestive tract,

battle inflammation within the gut lining, boost

immunity, and speed up the process of recovering

from the Candida. It is a natural cancer protector

as it contains special flavonoid antioxidant

compounds that inhibit oxidative stress and cancer


In addition, studies found the extract to be

effective at protecting against radiation-induced

DNA damage, cell mutation and death, and

cancerous tumour growths.

(Dr Axe food and medicine)

Usually this oil is used to support the

cardiovascular system, and is good to treat

respiratory conditions easing phlegm and

whooping cough, blocked sinuses. It is a good

idea to have a massage when blended with a

carrier oil for aching muscles, ligaments, bones,

and joints, and most especially, the skin. It also

assists with colds fevers and bacterial infections.

For the Nervous system it helps with depression

and stress related conditions even feelings of

hopelessness. This oil can assist a person to

address inner strength that might be buried. It is

said to have anti-aging properties and helps scars.

For people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis it

can be beneficial to blend this oil with a Carrier

oil and frankincense essential oil as it supports the

neurological system and can help ward off or

alleviate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Rub

two drops of each oil on the body three times a

day for three weeks, then take one week off and

repeat that cycle

It blends well with so many oils such as citrus,

chamomile, Clary sage, Rose, Lavender or


(Julia Lawless The Encyclopaedia of essential


Sandra Wiseman

Safety Precautions

Not to be taken orally and must be blended with a carrier oil but it is one of the more gentle

oils, making it a safer oil for most people to use.

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Totem Animals The Deer

Stag ~ Buck ~ Doe ~ Hind ~ Hart

Animal totems are guides or souls that walk through life with

us; guiding, teaching and protecting us. They show to us and

share with us their qualities so that we may learn from them

and work alongside them; and in doing so we may use their

qualities as spiritual tools along our own personal path. For

some of us, one or more animal totems will remain with us

throughout our lives. For others the animal totems will

frequently change, depending on the challenges we face through life.

Totems usually appear to us during a meditative state or in the form of a dream. Some people find that they

frequently see their animal totem, perhaps a certain bird that visits your garden daily. The deer that crosses

your path whilst walking through woodland. The butterflies that seem attracted to you or spiders in your


Deer are noble and proud creatures, often appropriately associated with royalty and leaders. The Anglo

Saxons held the stag in reverence, a creature who to them symbolically was the personification of fertility

and strength; this traditional belief is thought to have stemmed from the ancient Germanic cultures. In

classical times the stag was of great importance to a group of peoples living on the north-eastern hemisphere

of Europe known as the Scythians. In England the stag is associated with the legend of Herne the Hunter; an

antlered man who resides in Windsor Great Park and has and will appear at times of nationwide crisis. There

is world-wide recognition of the stag having associations with the European and Celtic God, Cernunnos and

the female hind being connected with the Roman Diana and the Greek Artemis. According to Cornish and

Welsh legends, the stag or deer is a magickal creature who walks through all realms and in old Irish tales

there are many stories of humans transforming into deer.

Culhwch at Ysbadadden’s Court – E. Wallcousins

As a totem animal, the stag can teach us to be gentle, kind and patient. They are the sacred carriers of peace

and do so with grace and integrity showing us how to stay in tune with nature. The stag is swift and attentive

with a keen sense of observation; these well-developed wits including their heightened hearing often reflect

In the tale of Culhwch and Olwen from the

Mabinogion, it names the stag as being one

of the oldest creatures to walk the earth,

along with the salmon, the eagle, the

blackbird and the owl; the five animals that

are dominant to British folklore tradition.

Throughout history, folklore and legend

there are images and depictions of shamans

dressed in antlers and deer skins, this is

believed symbolically to represent wild and

majestic power, high status, fertility, the

protection of tribes and in the Celtic

tradition it is symbolic in the pursuit of

chthonic wisdom.

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in us, clairaudient capabilities permitting those who can relate to the stag the ability to hear unspoken things

and to see through hectic and confused situations and illusions with absolute clarity. A devoted father, the

stag’s number one priority is to create his young and protect his herd. Those who have a stag as a totem

animal are often seen as nurturing and loving fatherly figures; proud leaders with a strong intuition, a great

sense of honour and an abundance of wisdom.

When we look at the antlers of a stag we can easily see why they are comparable to the branches of trees and

as they are annually shed we can appreciate the symbolism that connects them to rebirth and fertility. This

especially true of the Celtic God Cernunnos, the god of fertility and plenty, the Lord of the beasts, who is

almost always depicted with the antlers of a stag. There are known images that have been used to symbolize

Cernunnos in a non-human form, as a stag itself and for time immemorial, people have worn the skin and

antlers of the stag to ceremonially identify with it.

In some Native American tribes, it is said that

deer, because of the forks in their antlers signify a

forked or dual nature and that a white-tailed deer

will be a helper to you, whilst a dark-tailed deer is

a sign of danger. The Pawnee believe that the deer

is a guide that leads to the light of the Sun and the

Panche insist that human souls pass into the

bodies of deer after death and in doing so the deer

becomes so highly revered that the consumption

of its flesh is strictly forbidden

Deer painted drum from AAA Native Art Gallery

In the ‘Druid Animal Oracle’ Phillip & Stepanie Carr-Gomm the stag is described as “beautiful, graceful

creatures, but stags are also majestic, by virtue of their magnificent antlers” this portrayal of them being

‘majestic’ is one that repeats itself throughout history. We see Richard II having a stag as his heraldic

symbol, and in the story of Gawain and the White Hart, Gawain freely and eagerly trailed a Hart into the

forest. The chase ended with the realisation of Gawain’s own unpleasant short comings. But by following

the hart, willingly and facing his darker nature, he was able to confront his anger and learn to control it; thus

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making him one of the best and most esteemed Knights of the Round table. A white hart is seen as a

messenger from the Otherworld and often is associated with the Wild Hunt and Samhain when the veil

between our world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest. Alban Elfed, the Autumn Equinox coincides with

the stag rutting season in September.

The Norse god Yngvi was thought to be a stag

god who taught to his worshipper’s high ideas and

aspirations along with the confidence to embark

on new beginnings.

Totem animals can appear to us whilst we dream

and when they do we need to take note of the

symbolism they show to us. When a deer or stag

appears in our dreams it represents great

gentleness and quite often a connection to the

outside, especially woodlands, forests and

chthonic energies (earth energies). A walking stag

stands at the gateway between imaginings and

awakening and symbolises a journey, a luring or

calling to new explorations.

For a male to dream of a stag would signify a

connection to his masculinity; to dream of a hind

would suggest a journey into the unknown, a

prospect to gain new understanding. For a female

to dream of either a stag or hind would signify a

connection to their femininity and their primal


The stag as a totem animal shows us a spiritual

awakening within ourselves, it teaches us to love

ourselves and others completely and

unconditionally and to deal with challenges with

vitality and with a different perspective. The spirit

of the stag provides us with protection as cleverly

illustrated to us by J.K. Rowling in her magickal

fantasy world of Harry Potter, she uses a stag or

doe to provide protection in the form of a

patronus; and why this may be fantasy written

fiction, the stag being a protective spirit is an age

old tradition. Those with a stag or deer as a totem

animal tend to be overly cautious, alert and in

addition they take their time to trust new

individuals, situations and surroundings so we can

understand the stag’s symbolism in the use of

protection and defence. Those people understand

gratitude, they are the romantic and positive

givers in life, they have physical and mental grace

and vast imaginations.

If we give time to notice our totem animals then we

will discover them, for they speak to us in ways that

we wouldn’t normally notice in our hectic

everyday lives. Unless we look for them, unless we

listen for them, their subtle messages and

communications will go unnoticed. So make time

to discover your totem animal. Take the time to

connect and commune with them, and when you do

embrace their teachings and knowledge.

Cheryl Waldron

Name Meaning Origin

Arasse Stag Elven

Ajalan Stag/Strength Biblical

Damh Stag Irish

Dain, Dvalin, Duneyr, Durathor Stag Norse

Dyani Deer Irish/Gaelic

Hart/Heort Stag Old English

Hartley From the deer pasture English

Hirsh/Hiruz Stag Old High German

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The Magick of Poppets Poppet Magick is a form of fetishism where a man-made-article is used

to represent someone or something physical that is to be used magically.

The word poppet is and older word for puppet and are made from a

variety of different materials. Ranging from the very simplistic to the

beautifully crafted, Poppets are a form of sympathetic or folk magick.

They are used in many cultures and like so many things are often feared

through lack of understanding.

The most common of the myths surrounding poppets come from the

Hollywood portrayal of Voodoo dolls, used to kill or maim another

person symbolised by the doll.

It is the intention of the following feature that some of these myths are laid to rest and to provide an overview of

Poppets and their uses in magick today. As always we seek to both entertain and enlighten through the knowledge and

experiences of those who have or still do practice this type magick.

Poppets for protectionA poppet is something we make magickly to assist us in our everyday lives. It is a symbol better known as a

talisman. Poppets are so very powerful because there has been so much energy and personal DNA added to

the magick. It’s more or less like signing a contract or adding your personal approval to the magick that is

taking place. Because so many people have been given the wrong information about poppets, largely from

Hollywood and and other media sensationalism, many believe they are only used for Hexing purposes.

Poppets are in fact used for many, many different magickal purposes. Healing, Protection, Binding, Love,

Banishing and yes Hexing.

This article focuses on making a poppet for self-protection, for which you will need…

Two pieces of cloth cut out into the shape of a person which usually looks like a ginger bread man when it’s

done and is ideally around 5 inches tall and about 3 inches wide.

Needle and thread.

Red candle and holder

Candle snuffer

Matches or lighter

Sage, frankincense, myrh or holy water for creating sacred space

Olive oil (for anointing red candle)

Rosemary fresh or dried for protection and purification

Basil fresh or dried for protection

Cinnamon for protection

Sea salt for protection

A small binding or lock of your hair. This only needs to be a few strands.

A slither of your nail clippings. Again this only requires a small amount

A small amount of your spit or a small drop of your blood either on a small piece

of paper or it can just be added to the poppet later.

Lots of fresh pine needles. Get plenty because this will be used as stuffing to fill

out your poppet

And a quiet place that has a table where you can work.

I always create sacred space before we perform any magickal workings this will be no exception. To make

your workplace sacred. Either by burning the sage or myrrh or sprinkling the holy water begin at the North

and work clockwise around the room while chanting the following incantation:

“Out with the negative never to return, in with the positive with no concerns SO MOTE IT BE!”

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Make sure you complete a full circle so that you

end up in the place in which you started.

We also cast protection with any magickal


For this you will need the following items; the red

candle, candle holder, olive oil and sea salt. Begin

by taking a small amount of sea salt and

sprinkling it clockwise around the room starting at

the northern point. Save some sea salt for your

poppet as this will only take a small amount.

Next take your red candle and hold it in your left

hand. With your right thumb nail scratch a

lightning bolt in the top of the candle. Visualize a

white light coming from above and into the top of

your head and out your thumb nail.

You will feel a spark of energy a bit like static

electricity. This blesses your candle and makes it

ready for use.

Take out your olive oil and starting from the top

anoint the candle top to bottom all the way around

the candle. It only takes a small amount of oil. I

would like you to think and feel protected as you

anoint the candle. This is part of the

empowerment stage and it’s important to

concentrate on protection at this point.

Once you have your candle anointed the next step

is to empower your candle through visualization.

Hold your candle in both hands and visualize

yourself feeling safe and secure. Feel yourself

becoming one with the candle. Go even deeper

into thought as though you can see yourself

entering the candle as if there is a land within it.

Place the candle in its candle holder and light it.

Gaze into the flame as you once again focus your

thoughts on being inside the mysterious land that

lies within the candle. You can feel the heat at this

point so you look around and see you are

surrounded by fire. You can hear drumming in the

distance and see fire spirits dancing around the

fire to the beat of the drums until you too are

joining in with the dance and you feel secure and

protected. Maintain your focus on the dance until

you become the poppet. At this point you are begin constructing the poppet.

Place your candle in the center of the table!

Take out the two pieces of cloth you have brought

with you. For the ones of you that have not

already sewed your cloth to the top of the head

feel free to do so now. Leave a hole large enough

in the top so that you can add all of your


Add about a teaspoon of rosemary as you chant

the following:

“As I add rosemary for purification may I be

blessed from this incantation” SO MOTE IT BE!

Then add about a teaspoon of Basil as you chant

the following:

“As I add Basil to this poppet spell, it becomes my

protection in this cloth shell” SO MOTE IT BE!

Add about two tablespoons of cinnamon as you

chant the following:

“In with the cinnamon all spicy and hot, the best

herb for protection by a long shot” SO MOTE IT


Add about a tea spoon of sea salt as you chant the

following: “As I add sea salt that comes from the

earth, the protector of all in which the ocean gave

birth” SO MOTE IT BE!

At this point DNA needs to be added this provides

the poppet with your ‘intent.’ The nail clippings

and hair are added as you chant the following:

“As I add my DNA, My intent will never go

astray” SO MOTE IT BE!

Then the signature, this is the drop of blood or

spit. This action signs the contract. As you add the

blood or spit chant the following:

“Now it’s time to give consent as I sign this

contract with my intent” SO MOTE IT BE!

Add the pine needles. They represent eternal life

and in this instance will represent eternal

protection. Stuff the rest of the poppet full with

pine needles as you chant the following:

“Now it’s time to add the pine which represents

eternal life, I have made this poppet to protect me,

thank you salamanders SO MOTE IT BE”

Sew the rest of the poppet together and breathe

into the mouth of the poppet so as to give it life.

You can place it on your altar, above your bed or

even carry it around with you. I always keep mine

on my altar.

Bryant Pinnix

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‘Poppets - Using the darkness to bring forth the light’ Poppet magick has been used for several millennia and involves the creation of a ‘doll’ or ‘poppet’ to

represent the person for which the magick is intended. Often thought of in a negative light due to media

portrayal of the use of Voodoo dolls, this form of sympathetic magick can be a powerful way in which

energies can be directed and is especially potent when used for healing purposes.

I first used poppet magick in conjunction with a

binding spell. It was essential that the binding was

successful so I felt that the use of a poppet would

aid this. People I cared about were getting hurt and

I had to do something to try and stop this person

from causing any more harm. As binding spells

generally affect the freewill of the intended, they

should only ever be used as a last resort, and with

the right intentions. Some would say that a binding

is use of dark magick but I prefer to see it as using

the darkness to bring forth the light. For this reason

I had to make sure that my intentions and energies

were focussed 100% on this person.

I made my doll over a period of a few weeks.

Whenever I came into contact with the person I

would take careful note of what he most often

would wear, and if at all possible obtain something

from his person. I successfully managed to collect

some of his hair and by shear fluke I got hold of a

small piece if his shirt after he caught it on an old

nail in the pub garden! Using these I created a little

image of him. I made him out of similar cloth to

what he would normally wear and I stitched the

small amount of his hair onto the doll’s head.

Each time I added something to the doll I would

focus my intentions into the doll. Each time I would

have a new reason for wanting to perform such a

powerful spell, more and more people were getting

hurt each and every week. Once the doll was made

I took it out to the woodland at the back of my

home, and by the light of the full moon I bound him

in heavy black cord. I bound him to a branch of the

biggest tree in the copse. By the new moon he was

gone… I don’t know where and I don’t know what

made him leave town but still to this day no one

knows. Helen Bull

Image Malcom Lidbury

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Poppets from a Wiccan Perspective Poppets are have been used throughout history and in all cultures as an aid to good and evil spell craft. They

have been produced in many different ways but are similar in their representation as a symbolic copy of a

certain person or entity. They can be made in many different ways from a variety of materials but

traditionally Wiccan Poppets are sown from fabric or knitted, however I have seen Poppets made from many

materials including flowers, twigs clay and even carved from a candle.

It is possible to buy simple manufactured Poppets

which are usually made from cotton, stuffed with

barley straw. They will have a small opening,

usually in the armpit area, that enables you to

insert items to individualise the Poppet and assist

your spell. I personally prefer to make my own

which enables me to begin the spell from the

moment I start to cut the fabric. I am then able to

cast my spell into every stitch and knot involved.

For every one of us the journey is different,

therefore, every Poppet will be as individual as the

person who made it. If you are using a

manufactured Poppet make sure that you pay

close attention to the details that you add. Small

coins, beads, crystals or herbs are just a few of the

items that can be inserted to strengthen the power

of your Poppet. Hair and nail clippings can attach

it to an individual, which I find particularly useful

when using the Poppet for healing. Embroidered

or drawn features, hair and clothing all add to the

power and individual nature of the Poppet. Again

this is entirely up to you and will depend on your

own personal taste and desires.

.There are so many ways that Poppets can be used

and again it will always depend on your individual

need. Attracting love, healing, protection, fertility

and simply to bring comfort are but a few. A

green Poppet containing a coin and basil leaves

concealed over a front porch is believed to attract

wealth and keep poverty away from a home.

While you are making or personalising a Poppet

concentrate on your aim and push all other

thought from your mind. Gradually the Poppet

will become infused with its intended purpose and

you will instinctively know when it is complete.

What you do with your finished Poppet is again an

individual choice. I personality like to put mine in

a place where it is unlikely to be disturbed and

have, on occasions, buried them.

As with all things Wiccan the intention is what

really matters and it can’t be stressed enough that

following the Wiccan Rede is essential. Know

that any harm that is caused by your spell will be

returned to you threefold. However, all the love,

blessings and healing that you send will also be


And ye harm none do what you will

Blessed Be

Peggy Kee

Image by Victorrrmz

Page 30: Dolmen grove chronicles

Poppets for Love’s Sake

So …you are a scrawny, socially awkward, geeky teenager, the kind who never gets

noticed at parties. But you are in Love. So in love, in fact, that you can't sleep, can't eat, and that you talk to

yourself all day long like you've gone slightly batty. All you seem to do is pull the petals off daisies whilst

day-dreaming about the object of your infatuation. You know that there are plenty of sassier and sexier girls

out there, girls way more likely to attract the eye of an eligible young man than you are. But you have one

secret weapon, in your dereliction: whilst your friends were busy doing each other's hair and socialising, you

were keeping busy in the library, honing your budding occultist skills.

You know about spell craft. You've read about poppets, how they can be made and baptised so as to serve an

intent. You know they've been used to create sexual attraction between people for centuries. You think you

have found the solution to all your troubles. Well, think again. Poppet magic totally works. Trouble is, when

it comes to love spells, you are not just influencing one person but two. You are manipulating someone

without their consent (roll eyes) and (warning! WARNING! WARNING!) Even with a very clear statement of

intent, you may find out that you will be getting much more than you had bargained for

I'll tell you the story of a girl who used poppets in

a love spell once. Please note that any

resemblance with persons living or dead is, by the

way, purely coincidental.

The girl was 14 and love-sick to the point of

devastation. She'd never been in love before.

Desperate to alleviate her longing, she feverishly

crafted two poppets as part of a three-hour long

ritual, tied them together with red ribbon in a

moment of effused ecstasy, and waited.

Barely a month later, she got her Lothario. Theirs

was an intoxicating puppy-love affair which lasted

about three years, after which she left home, went

to University, met other Lotharios and decided

she'd had enough of her first love. He didn't take it

too well. In fact, he totally collapsed. He lost a lot

of weight. For months after that he wandered like

a forlorn dog, not knowing what to do with

himself anymore.

Our wannabe witch, in her youthful selfishness,

couldn't care less of course. She brushed away all

nagging feelings of guilt and continued partying

as if nothing had happened. It was only twenty

years later, when they met for a chance dinner,

that he showed her pictures of all the ladies he'd

been involved with since and her jaw dropped.

The women were all blonde, petite and criminally

naive, just like she had been at 14. They shared

her interests in animation, video games and exotic


Every single one of girls bore an uncanny

resemblance with her, down to the trademark look

of miniskirts and knee-high socks. The boy wasn't

cured. All he wanted was a one-night reunion with

his lost teenage love. It was at if the clocks of his

life had stopped when she had dumped him all

these years ago. Although the poppets had been

ritually buried for a long time in an attempt to

break the enchantment, the girl realised that,

whilst the burial she'd enacted had freed her from

the grip of her own spell, it had not worked so

well with him. All this, after all, had happened

behind his back, without his knowledge or

consent. She quietly cursed at her retrospective,

shocking carelessness. The girl left that night

feeling disturbed, remorseful and sheepish. She

swore she would not use poppets for selfish

reasons ever again.

It would be a few more years before she finally

correctly identified the mystery caller who would

leave heavy-breathing, silent messages on her

answer phone at two in the morning.

I am sure I don't need to give you a lecture

. Lou Hotchkiss Knives

Page 31: Dolmen grove chronicles

Making Poppets for HealingThis is a method of making

Poppets/dolls for healing. But, the same

process could be used for making

poppets for any purpose. A word of

warning with making poppets, it

combines so many types of magic which

therefore makes its strength very strong!

There is always a duty of care to ensure

that the poppet is looked after and

disposed of properly.

The first thing to know is why you are making a

poppet. It is essential that your intent is set from the

start. Some traditionalists would say that all magic has

to be completed in a circle cast for the purpose,

however I work in my own space and therefore it is

magic to me.

However the intent is essential from the start for

a number of reasons. Whilst making your

poppet you will choose appropriate materials

and colours and crystals and herbs that will aid

and assist in your intention. A secondly your

thoughts need to be maintained and focused

whilst making the poppet.

There are so many different books and internet

sites to read about relevant colours for specific

intents as well as crystals and symbols. I could

never cover that is this short article. However I have

choosen a pink bag for healing matter of the heart and

some simply healing herbs, such as basil, caraway

seeds, lavender and camomile.

If your thoughts wander and you are not focused not

only will your magic be weaker but you may

inadvertently put some intention into the poppet that

you did not wish. It is sometime good to focus with a

meditation prior to commence of making a poppet.

I have taken a number of photographs of the poppet I

have demonstrated for this article to show you a basic

way to make a poppet.

I start with a number pipe cleaners as they

are easy and safe to use. But you can

interchange this with florist wire if you


The pipe cleaners form the basis of the

shape of the poppet and will assist when

binding the poppet to its human shape.

It is best to start binding the poppet with

thick wool or twine as takes shapes

quicker and needs less wool initially.

Twine is a really good substance to use

as it is bio degradable and also neutral

in colour. I have used a fairly thick

grade wool.

As I began to build up the shape I knew that this was

healing of the heart so I decided that in the stomach

and chest cavity of the doll I would place a healing

pouch full of the relevant herbs to help in this. Of

course if you needed to help any other part of the body

your focus can be to put crystals herbs or items in the

relevant part of the doll to aid your magic.

Once I have put the herbs in the belly I then continue

to bind the poppet until a basic body shape is

formed. It is the intention that is most important,

so in fact the doll can be left in this state and does

not really need much more work. However I like

to make the doll resemble the person in some way

by adding clothing or hair or items that belong to

the person to assist in the magical process. This

also helps with essential mind focusing of the

intent for that particular person.

On this doll I have added a bag that can be filled

with symbols, crystals or any other items to assist with

the healing process, but quite simply the dolls can be

added to until the magic is complete or they can be

completed at once and placed on a healing altar.

The chi energy of the maker should of course be used

to charge the doll and the energy of a Reiki practioner

is very strong and a further enhancement to the magic.

The only way to get rid of a poppet once it is used is to

bury it and thank the universe, the god and goddess. At

this time you should also ask for all ties and binds to

the poppet to be released as you would not

want someone finding it and then damaging

it etc.

I once again stress that this magic is strong

which is why I would only use it for

healing or assisting with fertility.

Blessed Be


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Poppets and the Importance of Teachers

I remember that Patrick, a fellow magician, cried

when he saw the doll. She has been in a small side

Temple situated next to the main Temple area for

about three months now and had grown ever more

hideous with the passing days. Her hair seemed to

weave itself into knots framing her visibly sunken

cheeks. A blackish mold had taken root on her

body and clothing. All this was unpleasant to see

but the shock came with the eyes. They radiated a

malevolence that was active and searching and


I knew that something must be done. My spells

could no longer contain what I had birthed. While

in her presence my carriage was self-assured and

the words I spoke to her had power but I could

sense the metallic taste of fear growing in my

throat. How had it come to this? The doll was to

act as a wrathful guardian of the larger

Temple and, as usual, one step at a time I was led

into excess by a curiosity that could only be sated

by dancing on the edge of disaster.

The doll rested in a child’s coffin. Quite old and

exquisitely made, it had a glass plate through

which the face could viewed. The interior carried

darkish stains deposited by past occupants. It was

a gift from Charlotte, my mother. Charlotte

wanted to be a dancer, her first husband was a

drummer, a junkie on the steam boats that plied

the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. She would sit on

the bank and listen as the boat passed belching hot

smoke and even hotter ragtime music.

It was through Charlotte that as a child I was

introduced to beat culture and a thrown-ness

toward the unusual. The coffin was a beautiful and

apt gift. I have no memory of where the doll came

from, as with most magickal items it seemed to

simply show up when needed. With glee and

ceremony the two were joined and came to abide

in the small Temple.

I was beginning to lose balance in this perilous

dance. A stronger, surer hand was needed. I had a

teacher. By teacher I mean someone I looked up

too. A friend more accomplished in the mystical

arts. Thomas Howerton Owen Knight was, and is,

a force of nature. We played in a band together. I

was one of the drummers and Owen played a

tuned saw and recited his poetry. He would dye

himself blue for performances. The dye was

traditional and took days to weeks to wear off.

We had a gig in a park in the afternoon in the full

light of summer. I took heart from the light of the

day and found the courage to take the coffin with

me to our concert. After our performance I asked

Owen if he would take the large bundle with him.

To my relief, he readily agreed.

At a band practice a few days later I asked him

about my ‘gift.’ He replied, “Oh, It’s in my living

room. Much better to watch than a Television.”

That was about 50 years ago. Today Owen has a

new publication out through Black Moon

Publishing The Cross Tarot and I have, in certain

respects, followed in his footsteps. The

subsequent pictures include a poppet given to me

by a group of voodoos who found her a bit much

to deal with. She was quite happy when I gave her

the snake to hold. She is shy but enjoyed having

the pictures taken. She stands with one of the


I now know that when I create familiars or open

doorways for a spirits passage I have taken on a

responsibility. These beings have a level of

sentience and as such can learn and grow. They

are, in a very true sense, my children. They

deserve honor and respect and most importantly

firm instruction along with caring attention. As we

know, there is much that they can give and much

that they can do for us in return.

Dr. Louie Martinié

Image -

Cheryl Waldron

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The Cross Tarot is truly a compendium of Western

Druidic lore and wisdom. This Tarot is an

encyclopedic rendering of western occult

knowledge rivaling such works as Crowley’s 777.

It is a return to the old ways, a guidepost leading

the reader into the realms of the old knowledge. It

is, in written and picture form, the lore of the story

teller and as such the beating heart of the Western

Traditions. Owen’s practice weaves over fifty years

and as a Tibetan monk can recite volumes of sacred

teachings from memory, so also can Owen.

This tarot is about Balance, not judgement of good

or evil. Judgement against comes when a situation

is out of balance. This tarot can be used to point to

an imbalance and bring the state of affairs into


The Cross Tarot is of necessity polytheistic

(Aquarian). No single monotheistic (Piscean) good

or evil force can provide the dynamism necessary

for balance. The entire field of spiritual forces

(Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Forces, et cetera) are

necessary to maintain the system of balances.

As shown in the wisdom of this Tarot, Learning and

Life are eternal properties of matter.

Quotes from the Cross Tarot:

Along the Path, the questor would find animals,

minerals and plants; along with spiritual forces to

which they relate. Deities are to be met within

animals, minerals and plants. Especially, the Plant

Kingdom gives a way the deities might be

communicated with, as many of the deities, at

times, take plant forms. As Jacob Grimm has said,

the history of European Spirituality would; in many

ways, resemble the history of trees.

Small bits of herb might cause a great event to take

place. A bit of herb might be hidden in the room of

a subject to cause that person to fall in love. Media

used herbs to stop the flow of rivers and to check

the flight of stars…

The wheels of cause and effect tie the trees, even to

the smallest of herbs, with the great turnings of the

starry heavens. Subtle connections between an herb

and a distant star can throw the balance of an event

toward one direction or another. It is said, “Every

herb knows her loving star.”

Accompanying Tarot Deck available from

Page 34: Dolmen grove chronicles

A Spring Clean with Sticky Willie

Cleavers (Galium aparine), sometimes known as

Goosegrass or Sticky Willie is a common plant

with a reputation as a spring tonic.

In days gone by the appearance of fresh green

edible plants such as Cleavers, Dandelion and

Stinging Nettle in early spring was of utmost

importance for people who had survived winter

mainly on preserved foods, often lacking in

nutritional value. As well as offering plentiful

supplies of vitamins and minerals these plants also

have medicinal properties too.

The names Cleavers and Sticky Willie refer to its

ability to stick to things, aparine is from the Greek

aparo meaning to seize. Galium is from the Greek

gale meaning milk as the plant has the ability to

curdle milk. Goosegrass stems from the belief that

the plant is a favourite of geese.

A plant that many regard as a nuisance (weed) or

others pass by without noticing, Cleavers offers us

far more than its appearance would suggest.

It is associated with the process of renewal at

spring time due to its actions as a cleansing tonic,

refreshing and revitalising the body when the

aerial parts are either drunk as an infusion or eaten

as a vegetable. In the 17th Century Nicholas

Culpeper recommended it as a spring tonic ‘…to

cleanse the blood and strengthen the liver, thereby

to keep the body in health, and fitting it for that

change of season that is coming.’

Its cleansing properties reflect its actions as a

lymphatic tonic and a diuretic (promoting the flow

of urine).

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels

throughout the body which conveys fluid (lymph)

which has leaked into the tissues from the blood

capillaries back to the blood circulation.

The system contains collections of nodes (often

referred to as glands) behind the ear, in the armpit

and in the groin which act as filters to prevent

foreign particles entering the bloodstream. They

also produce lymphocytes (white blood cells)

which are part of the immune system that fights


As a lymphatic tonic Cleavers is used by

herbalists for any problem involving the lymph

system. This includes congestion in the system i.e.

fluid build-up (lymphoedema), swollen glands,

dropsy (heart failure) in fact anywhere there is a

build-up of fluid in the tissues, and conditions

which may be associated with stasis or congestion

in the lymphatic system such as psoriasis, eczema

and other skin problems.

Its diuretic action is of course a part of how the

plant cleanses the lymphatic system but is also of

value in its own right, so it can be used to treat

problems in the urinary system such as cystitis

and irritable bladder. It also has a reputation for

dissolving bladder stones.

It is reputed to promote restful sleep (although I

have never used it as such) and an infusion used as

a wash will soothe sunburnt skin; the wash is also

supposed to fade freckles if used regularly.

It is an old remedy for aiding weight loss;

Culpeper wrote that ‘….taken in broth, to keep

them lean and lank that are apt to grow fat.’ I

suspect this action is attributable to its ability as a

diuretic to increase fluid loss from the body; this

is not a healthy or effective way to try to control


Page 35: Dolmen grove chronicles

In days gone by Culpeper and other herbalists

used the juice to stop bleeding, for earache and

mixed with wine as a remedy for adder bites in

order to protect the heart from the venom.

It has a reputation as being anti-tumour. This may

be due to its action on the lymph system as a

clean, well-functioning lymph system is seen as a

crucial part of a strategy for treating someone with


The Methodist preacher John Wesley wrote a

pamphlet containing many folk remedies that

people could use to treat themselves. He

distributed this as a self-help guide for people who

could not afford doctors’ fees when he travelled

the country preaching. Interestingly he

recommended Cleavers as effective for dispersing

hard swellings. Whether he meant tumours or

swollen glands is not clear.

So, as spring and Ostara approach, it is worth

considering a spring cleanse using the gifts

Mother Nature offers us; renewing and refreshing

ourselves. The process of gathering the herbs

helps to connect us with the world around us and

their consumption cleanses our inner selves.

NB If you have any doubts about what you are

treating or how to do it, then I recommend you

ask your local herbalist. .

Andrew Cowling


MH. Herbalist, Craniosacral Therapist, Hypnotherapist,


62 Grove Road


DT5 1DB.

Tel. 01305 860611.

NEW LINES JUST IN.................................

Lisa Parker, Mugs, Selenite Wands, Tarot

Cards, Tarot Bags,

Incense Sticks,

Pendulum Boards,


Quartz, Healing Stones,

Wooden Boxes, Oils

, Smudge Sticks - Crystal Balls


Available at Dolmen Grove Events

Page 36: Dolmen grove chronicles

Its fairly reasonable to say that face & body

painting is considered a personal spiritual tool

within the tribal communities of the world,

within ceremony and ritual tradition

individuals as well as combined gatherings

have used it to express their purpose. Using

simple methodology to tune into subtle

frequencies that may enhance the

consciousness in the same way as something as

common as listening to music can alter ones

perspective, so the little things we do by way of

ritual can alter and enhance the conscious

mind in order to explore inner depths and even

reach out beyond the confines of our everyday


The Sun Ritual

Colour is every bit as important to humans as

sound and by exploring the energies and the

emotions that may be promoted by particular

colours we base our own particular rituals to

that which suits us as individuals.

In celebration of life and to promote a positive

start to the day, a simple ritual to the sun can

be enjoyable as well as invigorating. In my own

personal greeting of the day I tend to go out to

the apple tree in my garden and position myself

to look to the east. I tie a bright yellow band

around my head and allow my breathing to

settle into a calm meditative rhythm. This will

only take a moment or two before reaching a

relaxed mood that allows my consciousness to

embrace the purpose of the ritual.

It’s within the silent moments of this

preparation that what I term as a spiritual key

is used to open the door to the super

consciousness; the realm in which we as

humans experience the most sacred aspects of

our spirituality.

Spirit Song Within ritual

I often use a drum for rhythm and sing what is

usually described as a spirit song or dream

chant, which may differ according to place and

time and of course my emotions. The spirit

song can be a few words repeated or even a

simple hummed melody, there are no rules as

to what it will be or should be other than it is

made personal to you as part of your

communion and relationship with the spirit

realms. Yellow, Red, Orange and White face

paint designed as you desire will represent the

energies that you wish to surf upon when

performing your ritual. The most important

thing to remember is what is written above is

only intended as a guideline, based purely upon

my own ritual procedures and each individual

will have their own unique way.

I would also like to point out that this whole

ritual procedure can be adjusted to suit

varying time scales for instance, if I have the

time to spare I may take anything from 15

minutes to an hour to enjoy and explore this

ritual, which can also be enhanced by elaborate

or simple decoration of the face, or arms and

hands. It is about doing whatever is preferable

to the individual.

The main thing is that you find a way in which

it works for you and by removing the rights or

wrongs from such a ritual you are free to

develop individually and become able to

embrace and explore one’s own authenticity.

When this ritual is enjoyed by the tribe/clan as

a larger ceremony it still maintains the same

individualism but the combined drumming and

rhythmic chants help to generate an

atmosphere that is spiritually uniting. Because

the chants may differ per individual, it is found

that a singular strong chant may take

precedence, one which others will be happy to

join in with. Quite often one person will be

allocated beforehand to lead the chanting and

the rest of the tribe will echo. For a spiritual

gathering to explore itself as a collective there

can be no spiritual hierarchy within such

rituals we are all equal.

Taloch Jameson



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All Dolmen Grove Moots hold regular meetings where people can find out more about

Dolmen Grove membership, ethos and upcoming events including camps, workshops and


Hampshire, Fareham, – The Heathfield Arms 116 Blackbrook Road, Fareham

po15 5bz - First Monday of every month, 7:30pm onwards.

Essex - Scout Hut, Cromwell Road, Grays, RM17 5HT Weekends

Dorset, Weymouth – Old Town Hall High West Street DT4 8JH Weymouth,

Dorset - Second Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm onwards

Dorset, Portland - The George Inn 133 Reforne, Portland, Dorset, DT5 2AP -

Last Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm onwards

Cornwall, St Austell - Polgooth Inn Ricketts Lane, Polgooth, St.Austell, PL26

7DA - First Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm onwards

Berkshire, Bracknell - The Acoustic couch 11 Market St, Bracknell, RG12 1JG

-Third Tuesday of every month, 8:00pm onwards

Dorset, East Dorset Travelling Moot – Various locations in East Dorset - first

Thursday of every month 7:30pm onwards

Berkshire, Newbury - Last Thursday of every month, 7.30pm onwards

See Facebook group for venue details

All Dolmen Grove moots are advertised regularly on

with up-to-date information on individual moot Facebook page

Page 39: Dolmen grove chronicles

This page is where the pagans, heathens, witches, druids, occultists and shamen

of tomorrow can share their experiences and beliefs, as they continue to develop

their own unique spirituality.

LITTLE LIZZIY WITCH This poem is written by Arietta and Eloise Bryant and is inspired by the "rituals" Eloise used to hold

with her toys when she was younger (She is now 13 ).

Little Lizzy Witch

Little Lizzy Witch Is eight years old

She is very, very brave

And very, very bold

She lives in a cottage

By a forest lush and green

With her Mama, and her Papa

And her Spider, Inkie-P

Inkie likes to snooze

In the rafters of the house

Or to ride on Lizzy’s hat

Or to chase the old grey mouse

And Lizzy has adventures

With her friends from near and far

There’s Octopus, and Tiger

There’s Owl and also Hare

And on each and every full moon

When the Witches gather around

Lizzy celebrates the Esbat

With her toys upon the ground

Now, Tiger, he’s the fire

Eyes aglow and stripes like flames

Lizzy sits him in the south

When it’s ritual time again

Octopus is from the ocean

She gets comfy in the West

With her tentacles so long

She likes the Water best

Hare is in the North

Where the Earth is grounding her

Standing firm, she is rooted

Magick crackles in her fur

Owl is in the East

With the wind beneath his wings

He hoots into the night-time Air

Whilst the witches chant and sing

So Lizzy casts a Circle,

She walks Three Times around

And as she does she sprinkles

Salted Water on the Ground

And when the Circle’s cast

She sits with her stuffed friends

And she thinks of all the ones she loves

Bright Blessings to them she sends

So if you see the Full Moon

Lighting up the dark, dark sky

Then why not do what Lizzy does

And have a Magickal Time!

Arietta and Eoise Bryant

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My Name is Connach Evan Artur Caswell Jameson and I am 9 years old.

All of my life I have drummed and it is the one thing I love the most!

I have been going to Stonehenge now every year of my life, {Even in my

Mums tummy lol} I drum alongside my father Taloch and The Dolmen

Drummers. It is exciting inside the stones but sometimes gets a little

claustrophobic lol!!!!

One of my favourite memories was watching the sun rise between the

stones with my Mum and Dad. A pagan life for me has allowed me many

new friends from all over the country and every year we meet up at

camps and have loads of fun. We have all grown up together. Climbing

trees, playing football and drum workshops are cool.

This year I am looking forward to CrowDancers. A new band which I

will be drumming in. Drumming is my world and comes from my heart.

If you get a chance check out my youtube channel Connach Jameson.

Photograph by Joanna Caswell

NATURAL MAGICK My name is Naomi Syme but everyone calls me the ‘Short faerie’.

I love to do rituals I am pagan and believe in the spirit of gods and

goddesses and that their spirit lives in everyone. When I do rituals I feel

calm and relaxed. I feel at home in a circle.

My first ritual was at the Dolmen Grove Tribal Dreams camp based on

the voice of the wind. It celebrated the dance of creation. Since then I’ve

done a few rituals, usually with Connach Jameson playing the drums and

raising energy. I also do rituals at Stonehenge.

I like to dance in rituals for the gods and goddesses.

Photograph by Joanna Caswell

Page 41: Dolmen grove chronicles


Reiki master/teacher, Card readings,Pendulum readings

Craft wares. All available online (except reiki). E-mail: - [email protected]

Phone/What’s App: - 07920196395 Skype: - Kerenza.Jinks

Website: - . Etsy-:

As seen at Ostara Fare (Cornwall) and Beltane Spirit of Rebirth

Page 42: Dolmen grove chronicles


Further information on Dolmen Grove can be found

Dolmen Grove Facebook links

Portland Moot

East Dorset Travelling Moot

Weymouth Moot

Berkshire/Bracknell Moot

Cornwall Moot

Essex Moot

Hampshire Moot

Berkshire/Newbury Moot

Dolmen Grove Chronicles

Dolmen Grove

Email Diane Narraway (chairman Dolmen Grove/Editor Dolmen Grove


[email protected]

Page 43: Dolmen grove chronicles