dollar shava club - for women

Gabriel Dillon Lisandra Maioli Pamela Tanzillo Sutheerawan (TJ) UC Berkeley Extention – Consumer Behavior Professor Kathy Klotz-Guest March 25, 2013

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Project for UC Berkeley Consumer Behavior class.


Page 1: Dollar Shava Club - for women

Gabriel Dillon Lisandra Maioli Pamela Tanzillo Sutheerawan (TJ)

UC Berkeley Extention – Consumer Behavior Professor Kathy Klotz-Guest

March 25, 2013

Page 2: Dollar Shava Club - for women
Page 3: Dollar Shava Club - for women

§  Subscrip)on  razor  blade  delivery  service  

(launched  in  July,    2011)  

§  12  K  subscrip9ons  in  2  days  

§  Social  Media  (Facebook,  Twi?er,  Google+)  

§  DSC  characteris9cs:    ü  Irreverence    ü  Prac)cally    ü  thri:    ü  simplicity  

§  Targe)ng  its  product  primarily  at  men  

“Men,  at  first,  offer  a  bigger  target  to  tell  our  ini3al  story.”  

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Page 5: Dollar Shava Club - for women

Dollar  Shave  Club  offers  3  types  of  razors,  the  cheapest  being  the  most  adver9sed:  

“for  a  dollar  a  month  we  send  high  quality  razors  

right  to  your  door”  

“Stop  paying  for  shaved  tech  you  don’t  need.  And  stop  forgeDng  to  buy  your  blades  every  


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Page 11: Dollar Shava Club - for women

But DSC already has woman as

consumers, they already like DSC…

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Oh,  I  forgot  to  men3on  that  the  actual  shaving  experience  was  a  delight  as  well.    

Women,  be  warned  though.    My  wife  tried  out  one  of  the  4X  blades  and  did  not  enjoy  the  experience...if  only  Dollar  Shave  Club  

offered  a  female  version!  

Blog  Illusions  of  Grandeur  

Let’s  just  sit  back  and  wait  for  the  inevitable  lady  version  of  this  adorable  marke3ng  gimmick  to  come  out.  Or  maybe  women  will  just  con@nue  

stealing  the  menfolk’s  razors  in  the  shower  anyway.  

The  key  to  a  good  shave,  he  pitches,  is  a  clean,  fresh  blade.  And  lowering  the  price  is  the  key  way  to  get  men  

(and,  eventually,  women),  to  change  out  their  blades  more  

frequently.  C|net  


Sites and weblogs also see

women as a target:

Page 20: Dollar Shava Club - for women

“While  the  Dollar  Shave  Club  now    only  caters  to  men,  there  has  been  talk  about  the  possibility  of  expanding  their  business  model  for  a  

women’s  line  of  razors.    In  fact,  the  razors  that  they  currently  offer  have  suited  some  women  just  fine,  as  there  have  been  numerous  

reports  of  female  Dollar  Shave  Club  subscribers.  Expanding  the  Dollar  Shave  Club  to  cater  specifically  to  

women  seems  like  the  logical  next  step.”  

Get  Your  Financial  Solu)ons  

“They  don't  have  female  specific  ones,  but  my  girlfriend  uses  the  6  blade  ones  and  she  says  they're  beTer  then  the  girl  

razors  out  there...”  

My  Own  Private  Idaho  

It’s  simply  a  business  where  the  founder  Michael  Dubin  looked  at  an  industry  and  said  he  wanted  to  help  men  have  fun  with  shopping  online,  because,  “Women  have  all  the  fun  

[shopping  online]  with  fashion,  shoes,  and  accessories.”  


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Dollar Shave Club Review - FROM FEMALE CUSTOMER

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Page 23: Dollar Shava Club - for women

Women represent the majority of the

online market

Digital  Divas  By  The  Numbers  

•  22%  shop  online  at  least  once  a  day  

•  92%  pass  along  informa9on  about  deals  or  finds  to  


•  171:  average  number  of  contacts  in  their  e-­‐mail  or  

mobile  lists  

•  76%  want  to  be  part  of  a  special  or  select  panel  

•  58%  would  toss  a  TV  if  they  had  to  get  rid  of  one  

digital  device  (only  11%  would  ditch  their  laptops)  

•  51%  are  moms  Source:  Mindshare/Ogilvy  &  Mather  


Page 24: Dollar Shava Club - for women

“Women  tend  to  do  a  great  deal  of  preliminary  research  online  before  stepping  into  a  store,  and  if  a  retailer’s  Web  site  provides  helpful  informa@on  geared  to  problem  solving,  it  will  help  that  retailer  become  part  of  her  trusted  circle  as  well  as  

guide  her  to  that  store’s  front  door”  

“Women  do  more  peer  and  expert  recommenda3ons  than  men  when  narrowing  down  the  field  ques3ons.  She’s  going  to  get  into  the  fine  details,  may  ask  addi@onal  

ques@ons  and  will  do  more  face-­‐to-­‐face  interac@on  than  men”  

The Women’s MarketReaching and Retainingthe Female ConsumerThe Right Approach to Women Customers Can Reap

Benefits Across the BoardBy Laura Oles

M en and women are different in more

ways than can be counted, including

how they shop and why. The good news

is that effectively marketing to and serving women

does not mean a company must do so at the exclu-

sion of men. In fact, a marketing and service strate-

gy that is designed to properly serve the female con-

sumer is one that will raise the bar in satisfaction for

both genders.There are some misconceptions about women

and technology, and buying into these antiquated

beliefs can cost a retailer substantial revenues and

dissolve their repeat customer base faster than an

Enron retirement account. For example, while men are most often the audi-

ence targeted in marketing for consumer electronics

purchases, women now account for over 50 percent

of the $55 billion spent last year on CE products,

according to the CEA (Consumer Electronics

Association). A third of women consider themselves

“early adopters.” Those who have been “in photo”

for a period of time understand that the female con-

sumer—often referred to as the “memory ambas-

sador” or “primary picture-printer”—is a coveted

client with film photography and this is also the

case now that digital cameras outsell their film pre-

decessors.In building a marketing strategy designed to effec-

tively reach women, it is important to understand

what she values and speak to the issue without

speaking down to her. In a Marie Claire survey pub-

lished earlier this year, 78 percent of women

responding felt intimidated or confused when shop-

ping for consumer electronics. This issue may have

less to do with the fact that women are less techni-

cal but that the information they seek to make an

informed decision is often not provided in a way

that speaks to “solution-providing”. Lisa Hinson of Sante Fe, N.M., can relate to expe-

riencing a bit of confusion when searching for the

right CE products. As a past technical product man-

ager and a woman with an affinity for technology,

she still finds herself uneasy at times when search-

ing for information to make the best decision. “I had

a little trouble locating the right routers and hubs

because I wasn’t exactly sure which questions to

ask,” says Hinson of a recent shopping experience.

“I find myself put off at times by salespeople. I end

up doing much of the research myself.”It’s the classic “features-to-benefits” lesson in basic

sales and marketing training. When selling a digital

camera, for example, don’t get mired down in the

details of different megapixel explanations—frame


Editor’s Note: This is our second installment in an

occasional series examining the emerging women’s

market in digital imaging.

56 • December 2004


Page 25: Dollar Shava Club - for women

“Social  retail,  especially  since  it  combines  two  ac3vi3es  that  are  already  firmly  in  the  mainstream  of  women’s  Web  ac3vity,  may  be  the  next  fron3er  in  this  evolu3on.  Social  networking  is  also  emerging  as  a  key  driver  for  women  in  the  mobile  sphere”  

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“Women  drive  a  dispropor@onate  amount  of  on  line  spending.  In  the  U.S.  market,  women  make  up  just  under  half  of  the  Internet  popula3on  but  generate  58  percent  of  e-­‐commerce  dollars.”  

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 “  I  like  to  be  connected  with  others”    (73%)  ”  I  have  my  Facebook  profile”  (78%)  


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•  Most  of  the  adver9sements  show  summer  scenario.  It  is  true  that  women  shave  more  frequently  during  the  summer,  but  they  also  shave  during  the  rest  of  the  year  

•  46%  of  women  used  male-­‐centric  products  for  their  shaving  needs  with  the  expecta9on  that  they  are  more  effec9ve  than  female-­‐dedicated  razors  

•  Women  have  18  )mes  more  surface  area  to  shave  than  men  has  

•  Grooming  products  targe)ng  women  are  o:en  more  expensive  than  the  comparable  product  targe9ng  men  

•  Women  also  want  to  save  money  with  razors  

•  80%  of  women  s)ll  prefer  razors  for  hair  removal  over  other  techniques  and  technologies  

General information about Woman Shaving

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For the past five years, interest in "women shave" has been increasing.  And there are two interesting observations:

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1- Women search for razors, but also search for information about razors. Brands sell the blades, but don't provide information about the "myth."

2- There is no universally acclaimed "best" brand. Women are still searching for a brand to call their own

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 Money-­‐saving  womens  razors  

 When  the  weather  is  hot  and  clothes  are  skimpier,  having  a  

razor  that  does  a  great  job  shaving  legs  is  a  priority…  


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Women beyond pink

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Women beyond pink

“Gender-­‐neutral  ads  generate  

double  the  results  of  women-­‐target”  

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Women also like humor

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Women also have to save time

Women also want to keep in touch

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Women also want to share their experiences

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Women care about online relationship

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Women don’t want to fit a girly pink stereotype just because they are women

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The “big mama” The Workaholic

§  She’s  the  woman  who  lives  for  her  family,  she  always  worried  about  her  house  and  her  family,  and  she’s  the  bo?om  of  the  list.  

§  Happiness  for  her  is  guarantee  that  everybody  in  her  house  is  happy.  Her  personal  realiza9on  its  not  part  of  her  reality  

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§  She’s  completely  independent,  she’s  aggressive  and  for  her  success  is  related  with  her  professional  life.      

§  She  believes  if  she  puts  her  profession  on  top  she  will  be  powerful,  but  at  the  same  9me  she’s  frustrated  with  her  personal  life  because  she  does  not  have9me  to  take  care  of  herself  or  keep  a  rela9onship    

The “big mama” The Workaholic

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For this woman balance is the word, she has her job, is independent, but always her self esteem is on top

The “big mama” The Workaholic

Page 52: Dollar Shava Club - for women

“  I  prefer  having  a  balance  life  than  a  perfect  life”  

“  Feeling  happy  and  good  with  myself  it’s  the  best  way  to  make  people  around  me  

fell  happy”  

“    The  world  needs  more  femininity  woman  and  not  woman  who  wants  to  be  

compared  with  men  all  the  3me”  

Page 53: Dollar Shava Club - for women

Analyzing  our  target  audience  we  realized  that  most  of  our  real  users  are  between  18  and  34  years  and  the  searches  were  

made  from  work.    

Page 54: Dollar Shava Club - for women

They  view  razors  as  a  commodity  necessary  to  their  lifestyle,  but  believe  the  marke9ng  messages  that  advocate  for  unnecessary  features  on  their  razors  inflate  their  cost.    

Between  24  and  39  years  old,  are  white  collar  knowledge  workers,  and  have  individual  incomes  above  $50k  /  year.    

Largely,  though  not  universally,  single  and  have  filled  their  life  with  ac9vity.    As  such,  they  value  the  prac)cality  and  convenience  of  having  razors  delivered  to  their  homes.  

Addi9onally,  they  are  highly  value  conscious;  they  are  willing  to  spend  money  on  things  they  perceive  as  high  quality,  but  very  reluctant  to  spend  above  a  product’s  perceived  value.    

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Their  web  page  is  obvious  women  centric  with  light  and  candy  colours  like  pink  and  light  blue.  This  is  also  applicable  to  their  products.  

forget about buying razors, FOREVER

Page 57: Dollar Shava Club - for women

Product  Descrip9on  wordings  are  more  descrip9ve  than  those  of  DSC,  for  example:  

forget about buying razors, FOREVER

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Facebook  =  464  Likes  and  37  talking  about  it.  Most  of  their  posts  are  tweets  that  are  retweeted  from  Twi?er      TwiXer  =  404  followers  with  only  47  tweets  since  in  business/  they  omen  use  hashtags  like  #Luxury  and  #Convenience  

§  The  Blade  Award  for  “New  ecommerce  website  of  2012”  

§  Offering  premium  shaving  soaps  as  an  addi9onal  to  razor  packages  

§  Promoted  by  having  free-­‐giveaway  in  February  

forget about buying razors, FOREVER

Page 59: Dollar Shava Club - for women

“With  so  many  subscrip@ons  available,  I’ve  been  surprised  that  I’ve  yet  to  find  a  monthly  

razor  service  geared  towards  women.    Thankfully  ChicShave  has  come  to  the  rescue!  (…)  I  mean,  when  you  think  about  it  razors  are  such  an  integral  part  of  our  daily  lives  from  a  fairly  young  age.    Men  and  women  have  been  

shaving  since  ancient  @mes  …”  

Parsimonious  Parcels  

“Now  there  is  a  monthly  subscrip3on  service  for  razors,  thanks  to  ChicShave.  I  think  this  is  a  great  idea,  because  razors  are  something  that  just  about  all  women  need.  It's  also  good  because  with  razors  coming  to  your  door  every  month,  you  will  no  longer  have  to  remember  to  buy  

them  at  the  store.”  

Glamour  Girls  Reviews  

forget about buying razors, FOREVER

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They  come  in  both  refillable  and  disposable  versions  with  5  blades  and  interchangeable  handle    

Venus' Closest Shave.  Dramatically Smooth Skin

5  Blades  with  Ribbon  of  Moisture  

Rated  on  most  beauty  blogs  and  websites  to  be  the  number  one  choice  for  refillable  category.    

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 “Get  closer  to  the  ones  you  love  with  unsurpassed  smoothness.  Our  first  five-­‐blade  razor  for  women,  Venus  Embrace®  hugs  every  curve  and  even  lets  you  shave  bikini  hair  for  a  close  shave  and  drama9cally  smooth,  begs-­‐to-­‐be-­‐close  skin.    

•  5  blades  for  a  drama9cally  smooth  shave  •  Ribbon  of  moisture  for  a  smooth  glide  •  Interchangeable  Blade  Refill  Cartridges  •  ShowerPod®  convenient  in-­‐shower  storage  •  Som  Grip  handle  for  no-­‐slip  control  

 Venus®  products  are  designed  to  fit  all  lifestyles,  whether  you  seek  the  perfect  shave  or  an  indulging  and  pampering  experience.    Venus®  encourages  all  women  to  reveal  their  inner  Goddess  making  them  feel  sexy,  confident  and  care-­‐free  

Venus' Closest Shave.  Dramatically Smooth Skin

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 Facebook  =  1,083,344  Likes  and  15,410  talking  about  it.  (Higher  rate  of  engagement  on  the  plauorm  than  Chicshave)    TwiXer  =    17,641  followers  with  4,048  tweets/  use  different  hashtags  for  each  products,  for  example,  #VenusEmbrace,  #VenusOlay,#VenusRazor    

§  Both  the  FB  and  Twi?er  pages  include  en9re  products  under  the  Venus  product  line.    

§  Generally  sold  at  $12  (interchangeable  handle  +  2  cartridges)  in  general  stores  like  Walmart/  Walgreen/  CVS  –  The  refill  cartridges  are  sold  at  around  $15  

Venus' Closest Shave.  Dramatically Smooth Skin

Page 63: Dollar Shava Club - for women

“The  high  performance  Schick®  Qua?ro  for  Women®Razor  has  enhanced  condi9oning  strips  with  Acai  Berry  and  Jojoba  Complex.    A  shave  so  smooth  you  can  even  skip  a  day  or  two!  

Free your skin

Page 64: Dollar Shava Club - for women

Facebook  =  290,251  likes  with  809  talking  about  it  (lesser  interac9on  than  Gille?e)  their  page  is  quite  ac9ve  with  posts  and  pictures  related  to  their  products  or,  at  least,  feminism.    TwiXer  =  1,442  followers  with  1,572  tweets  

Free your skin

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Daily      "In  fact,  studies  show  that  adding  more  blades  doesn't  add  any  extra  closeness  to  your  shave,  and  gels  rub  off  quickly.  So,  the  best  way  to  save  on  

the  product  is  by  making  them  last  longer.  (…)  So,  the  next  @me  you  get  tempted  to  buy  that  preOy  pearlized  pink  op@on,  think  again.  When  it  comes  to  smooth  results,  a  regular  razor  is  really  all  you  need.  Make  it  last  with  proper  care  and  you'll  be  

saving  on  your  shave  in  no  3me."  

Daily  Finance  

Page 69: Dollar Shava Club - for women

Technically,  not  all  ladies  razors  are  pink/purple/yellow,  leaving  all  men's  razors  with  

blue  and  grey.  I  know  that  the  GileTe  Venus  is  turquoise  for  example.  However,  it  

s@ll  just  seems  a  liOle  boring  that  marke@ng  departments  make  female  and  

male  razors  so  differently.  

Sexism  in  razors  -­‐  feminism  in  the  hair  removal  department  

Rockalily  Cuts  

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Marketers  are  s@ll  using  the  pink  sledgehammer  because  it's  probably  the  

easiest  route  to  go.  Pink  has  been  designated  the  universal  color  for  all  females.  If  you  want  to  try  to  find  a  

present  for  a  liTle  girl,  I  defy  you  to  find  something  that  isn't  pink.  Pink  is  not  a  strategy.  But  when  it's  the  only  color  

offered,  it  makes  it  seem  like  you  haven't  put  any  thought  into  this  at  all.  

Just  using  pink  is  too  heavy-­‐handed.  If  it's  not  raising  money  for  breast  cancer,  it  just  seems  like  someone  somewhere  in  the  company  thinks  

pink  is  catnip  for  women.  And  in  some  cases  that's  true.  But  it's  just  geRng  a  liOle  old,  and  women  expect  a  bit  

more  than  that.  

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Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

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Tier  one:  a  sleek  basic  an9-­‐drag  2-­‐blade  shaver  glides  across  your  silky  skin  with  moisturizing  aloe  vera  strip  for  ultra  som  amer-­‐shave  skin.  With  5  cartridges  per  month  to  help  your  skin  stay  silky  smooth.    Tier  two:  The  last  razor  you  will  ever  need;  a  gentle  shave  in  a  single  stoke.  You  will  love  this  razor  more  than  your  boyfriend’s.  A  4-­‐blade  razor  with  full  90-­‐degree  pivot  head  for  those  hard  to  reach  areas.  Delivers  with  4  cartridges  a  month  and  each  comes  with  Aloe  Vera  strip  to  leave  that  som  and  silky  feeling.    Tier  three:  The  final  fron9er.  Stop  being  that  bad  girl  and  step  up  with  your  very  own.    The  6-­‐blade  razor  “to  call  your  own”  with  the  caring  of  aloe,  vitamin  E  and  lavender  moisturizer  and  lubrica9ng  strip  for  maximum  skin  protec9on.  The  ul9mate  personal  groomer  every  woman  needs.  

Women will have 3 options, like men

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While  the  bravado  of  “s9cking  it  to  the  man”  will  remain  a  key  element  of  the  marke9ng  messages,  introducing  the  blades  as  a  male-­‐only  product  will  change  and  women  will  be  portrayed  as  similarly  savvy,  prac)cal,  and  aggressively  sharp.        The  most  important  messaging  element  to  avoid  will  be  anything  that  suggests  women  have  unique  shaving  requirements.        Instead,  the  primary  message  will  be  that  shaving  is  a  prac)cal  necessity  for  women  just  as  much  as  men,  that  a  product  designed  for  a  woman  has  desirable  quali9es  for  their  shaving  habits,  and  that  the  unnecessary  fluff,  hype,  and  female-­‐centric  marke9ng  are  pandering,  demeaning,  and  wasteful.  

Messaging Guideline, including the tone and voice will be the same

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Competitor Slogans

forget about buying razors, FOREVER

Free your skin

Venus' Closest Shave.  Dramatically Smooth Skin

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“Shave time, shave money. Shave more than your face”

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Changing the over Male-centric communication

Current:  Many  posts  from  its  Facebook  page  are  9ps  and  survey  about  man-­‐woman  rela9onship  and  female  behavior.    Changing:  Also  include  informa9on  about  male  behavior  and  9ps  about  rela9onship  for  women.  Ask  their  opinion  as  well.  

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Changing the over Male-centric communication

Current:  Other  posts  starts  by  “man”  and  some  comments  exclude  women  from  the  conversa9on.  Women  are  like  “stalkers”  and  are  not  part  of  the  “club”.    Changing:  Don’t  use  just  “men”,  also  use  “women”,  talking  with  women  as  well  including  them  into  the  conversa9on,  answering  them  as  a  part  of  the  club.  

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Changing the over Male-centric communication

Current:  Automa9c  e-­‐mail  and  posts  are  generated  talking  to  men.    Changing:  Those  texts  must  be  general  gender  and  not  male  or  female  gender-­‐centric.  

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Tier  one:    Sugar  Cane/  Sweet  Grey/  Grey  Sugar  Tier  two:  Tender  Love/  Passion  Grey  /  Delicate  me    Tier  three:  Alpha  Lady/    Famme  Fatale  /  The  ul9matum  

Contest to choose the product names


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Microsite  describing  women’s  shaving  needs,  explaining  the  prac9cality  of  a  razor  subscrip9on  service,  and  will  explain  why  a  women-­‐centric  razor  is  desirable  for  women.        The  microsite  will  link  poten9al  buyers  to  the  primary  DSC  website,  where  the  women’s  razors  will  be  for  sale  directly  alongside  the  other  three  models.    On  the  primary  site,  much  of  the  messaging  will  include  references  to  women’s  shaving  needs  as  well  as  men’s  and  some  of  the  material  that  specifically  targets  men  will  be  excised.    

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§  Collec9ng  women’s  stories  about  their  need  for  prac9cal,  low-­‐cost  razors  has  led  them  to  DCS  

§  Crea9ng  content  to  Facebook  and  Twi?er  (same  Facebook  page  and  Twi?er  account)  with  the  hashtag  #DSCforwomen  

(the  content  will  follow  the  same  editorial  style  as  told  before,  but  including  the  women  on  the  conversa3on  “let’s  talk  about  shaving”)  


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All  current  subscribers  of  the  “4x”  and  “Execu9ve”  DSC  will  receive  in  their  next  razor  shipment  a  single  women’s  razor  handle  and  cartridge.      

This  will  reach  most  of  DSC’s  current  female  subscribers,  and  also  give  male  subscribers  an  opportunity  to  pass  the  blade  off  to  a  female  friend.    

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The  associated  packaging  and  messaging  with  this  free  blade  will  exhort  the  users  to  share  their  experience  with  their  free  blade  on  TwiXer  and  Facebook,  where  the  DSC  brand  will  engage,  aggregate,  and  share  their  stories  with  the  larger  DSC  community.  

Use  Twi?er  and  Facebook  to  compile  a  list  of  female  subscribers  already  advoca)ng  for  DSC.    Send  them  samples  and  encourage  them  to  try  the  woman-­‐centric  razors.  

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A  loyalty  program  designed  to  increase  the  net  promoter  score  by  rewarding  users  who  become  advocates.    Rewards  longevity  with  opportuni9es  to  try  premium  services  for  free.    Loyalty  is  an  opportunity  to  upsell  our  happiest  users  with  high-­‐profit  services  while  recognizing  their  apprecia9on  of  our  service.  

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If  a  boXom  )er  user  refers  one  person  who  subscribes,  they  get  a  free,  one  month  upgrade  to  the  second  9er  product  in  addi9on  to  their  usual  product  the  sixth  month  of  their  subscrip9on.    If  they  refer  two  people,  they  get  their  free  upgrade  amer  four  months  of  subscrip9on.    If  they  refer  three  people,  they  get  their  free  upgrade  amer  three  months  of  subscrip9on.    They  can  refer  more  people,  but  can  only  receive  more  upgrades  every  three  months.    

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If  the  referer  is  a  second  9er  user  already,  their  receive  the  highest  )er  product,  for  free.    If  the  referer  is  a  top  9er  user,  they  receive  a  box  of  premium  trial  size  toiletry  products.    (Poten3ally  partner  with  BirchBox  to  get  access  to  cheap  samples.)  

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§  Recognize  only  users  who  subscribe  for  mul9ple  months  of  service.  §  Recognize  only  users  who  refer  at  least  one  addi9onal  paying  customer.  §  For  users  who  refer  mul9ple  users,  provide  perks  more  rapidly  and  more  

frequently.  §  Provide  users  opportuni9es  to  try  higher  9er  products  with  the  expecta9on  that  

some  will  upgrade.    Net Promoter Score:  §  Encourage  sa9sfied  users  to  refer  their  contacts.  §  Reward  our  most  enthusias9c  users  with  prac9cal  perks  as  omen  as  possible.  

Loyalty goals and objectives

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New video featuring Durbin and Katie

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Adver)sement  for  women's  shaving  razor  


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Gabriel Dillon Lisandra Maioli Pamela Tanzillo Sutheerawan (TJ)

UC Berkeley Extention – Consumer Behavior Professor Kathy Klotz-Guest

March 25, 2013