dolce words

Dolce Words

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Dolce Words. Motion: hold up four fingers. Language: FOUR. I have four. Motion: circle open palm in front of you vertically as though a white out. Language: WHITE. It snowed so much the air is white. Motion: grip a pretend saw and make sawing motions. Language: SAW. I saw dad saw the wood. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Dolce Words

Dolce Words

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Motion: hold up four fingers

Language: FOUR. I have four.

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Motion: circle open palm in front of you vertically as though a white out

Language: WHITE. It snowed so much the air is white.

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Motion: grip a pretend saw and make sawing motions

Language: SAW. I saw dad saw the wood.

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Motion: make a big circle in front of you with your arms

Language: OUR. These are OUR gumballs.

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Motion: hold up a pretend object and admire it

Language: NEW. This is brand NEW!

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Motion: point with finger, as though a teacher giving specific direction emphatically.Language: MUST. You MUST turn in all your work.

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Motion: make a hollow with your left hand. Point inside with your index finger.Language: INTO. It went INTO the box.

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Motion: lick lips and smile

Language: GOOD. This is very GOOD.

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Motion: mimic taking a bite out of an apple

Language: EAT. I will EAT this apple.

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Motion: look slightly upwards as though thinking, and place your right palm on your chest.

Language: BE. What shall I BE when I grow up?

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Motion: bring hand to your mouth to signify bringing food up to eat

Language: ATE. He ATE eight hamburgers.

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Motion: place open palm on your chest to show you are talking about yourself.

Language: AM. I AM happy!

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Motion: move hands around as though containing a round jar

Language: ALL. I got them ALL.

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Motion: nod head

Language: WILL. I WILL.

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Motion: stick both hands out as though asking for candy.

Language: WANT. I WANT some.

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Motion: make fist with left hand, point to fist with index finger of right hand.

Language: THIS. THIS is it!

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Motion: move hand in a rolling motion.

Language: SO. SO, then what happened?

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Motion: pump arms as though running.

Language: RAN. I RAN fast!

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Motion: make a box or cave with left hand. Move right hand out and away.

Language: OUT. He’s Out.

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Motion: make a table out of your left palm, put your right fist on it.

Language: ON. It is ON the table.

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Motion: Stamp on floor, clench fists

Language: NOW. I want it NOW!

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Motion: point to the large R in the middle of the word.

Language: ARE. We ARE in the middle.

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Motion: settle yourself in your spot.

Language: AT. I am AT home.

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Motion: turn and look over your shoulder.

Language: BACK. I see the BACK of them.

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Motion: cock head to side, raise right index finger.

Language: BUT. You can go, BUT be home on time.

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Motion: point from one side of yourself to the other

Language: DID. I DID this and I DID that.

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Motion: pretend to eat a picnic( or act out an activity chosen by children)

Language: DO. Let’s DO something.

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Motion: grab something in left hand, then in right hand.

Language: GET. I’ll GET these.

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Motion: point to imaginary boy, make slingshot motion.

Language: HE. HE has a slingshot.

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Motion: lean to side with happy look on face.

Language: LIKE. I LIKE them!

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Motion: stamp foot and speak emphatically.

Language: NO. I said NO!

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Motion: mimic stuffing things into a bagLanguage: HAVE. I HAVE toys.