dog vaccines - pdsa

Dog Vaccines Overview Vaccination is an important way of protecting your dog against some serious (sometimes deadly) diseases. All dog’s living in the UK should be vaccinated for: o Parvovirus o Distemper o Leptospirosis o Infectious hepatitis Kennel cough vaccination may also be necessary, depending on your dog’s lifestyle. Rabies vaccination is only necessary for dog’s that travel in and out of the UK. For full protection, your dog will need a primary course of two- three vaccinations (usually at 8-10 weeks old), followed by a yearly booster to keep them up to date. Contact your vet to discuss what vaccinations your dog needs. What vaccinations do dogs need? All dogs living in the UK should have their ‘core vaccinations, which include: Parvovirus Distemper Infectious Hepatitis Leptospirosis 1/6 © The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals 12/18 Registered charity nos. 208217 & SC037585 PetWise Pet Health Hub - brought to you thanks to support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery

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Dog Vaccines


Vaccination is an important way of protecting your dog against

some serious (sometimes deadly) diseases.

All dog’s living in the UK should be vaccinated for:

o Parvovirus

o Distemper

o Leptospirosis

o Infectious hepatitis

Kennel cough vaccination may also be necessary, depending

on your dog’s lifestyle.

Rabies vaccination is only necessary for dog’s that travel in

and out of the UK.

For full protection, your dog will need a primary course of two-

three vaccinations (usually at 8-10 weeks old), followed by a

yearly booster to keep them up to date.

Contact your vet to discuss what vaccinations your dog needs.

What vaccinations do dogs need?

All dogs living in the UK should have their ‘core vaccinations’, which




Infectious Hepatitis


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Page 2: Dog Vaccines - PDSA

In addition to the non-core vaccinations, depending on their lifestyle,

some dogs require other vaccinations such as:

Kennel cough is not a ‘core vaccination’ (isn’t necessary for

all dogs), but your vet may recommend it if your dog mixes

with lots of other dogs, or has health conditions that could

make a kennel cough infection more serious. Kennel cough

vaccination is usually a requirement if your dog spends time in

kennels, doggy day care, has a dog walker or attends dog

events and shows.

Rabies vaccination is only necessary for dogs that travel in

and out of the UK.

How do dog vaccines work?

When your dog is vaccinated, a small amount of the disease (which

is changed so it can’t cause illness) is injected into your dog. This

allows the body to learn how to defend itself against the disease, so if

they then come into contact with the real disease, they can fight it

instead of becoming very ill.

Vaccination Schedule

To be fully protected, your dog will need a primary course of

vaccinations, followed by yearly boosters throughout their life.

What is a primary course? A primary course of vaccines involves

two or three injections, 2-4 weeks apart. Most dogs start their

primary course of vaccinations as a puppy at around 8-10 weeks

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Page 3: Dog Vaccines - PDSA

old. Any adult dog that hasn’t ever been vaccinated, or hasn’t

been kept up to date with their yearly boosters, will also need a

primary course. Your puppy/dog will usually have full protection

seven to ten days after the final injection of their primary course,

until then, you will need to keep them protected.

Annual vaccination boosters After their primary course, your dog

will need a booster vaccination one year later, and every year

thereafter to keep them protected. Some components of their

vaccines will be included every year (for example leptospirosis),

but others are only necessary every few years. Your vet will tell

you which vaccines your dog needs each year.

If your dog misses a booster, it’s likely that their protection will

run out and they will need another primary course.

What to expect at a vaccine appointment

It’s important that your dog is healthy when they have their

vaccination, so they will be given a full health check, and you can

discuss anything you are worried about.

If you have any questions or concerns about your dog, it’s a good

opportunity to discuss them with your vet, for example if you think

your dog might be gaining weight, need a worming tablet, or you’re

having trouble with dental care.

Your dog’s vaccine will be given as an injection under the skin on the

back of their neck (except kennel cough, which is a squirt up the

nose). You’ll be asked to hold your dog still while the vaccine is

given, but if you don’t feel comfortable doing so tell your vet so that

they can take steps to help keep everyone stay safe. Vaccinations

aren’t usually painful, but they can feel cold or sometimes sting a

little, and every dog reacts slightly differently.

Protecting an unvaccinated dog

If your puppy/dog is unvaccinated, their vaccines have lapsed, or if

they haven’t quite finished their primary vaccination course, they

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Page 4: Dog Vaccines - PDSA

won’t have protection against parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis (canine

adenovirus) or leptospirosis. Keep them safe by following the

guidance below:

They are safe to go into your garden as long as no other

unvaccinated dogs have visited recently, and it’s secure from


Don’t let your dog on the ground in public spaces until they are

fully vaccinated (carrying them is fine).

Avoid high risk areas where there could have been rats, cows,

foxes or other unvaccinated dogs.

Don’t bring any new dogs into your home until your dog is fully


Vaccine Side Effects

Any drug, including vaccinations, can cause side effects, but

fortunately, they are rare, and most dogs don’t experience any at all.

In the unlikely event that your dog does experience any side effects,

they are likely to be mild and pass within 24-48 hours. Serious side

effects and allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Always speak to your vet if your dog has previously had side effects

after a vaccine, or you are worried about vaccinating them. It’s

important to remember that the risks of side effects are very small

compared to the risk of staying unprotected against potentially deadly


Titre testing

A titre test is a blood test that shows how much protection your dog

has against a disease. Currently, titre tests are available for

infectious hepatitis, parvovirus and distemper. If you chose to titre

test your dog before vaccinating them, and the results show that they

Read more about vaccination side effects

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Page 5: Dog Vaccines - PDSA

still have some remaining protection against any of the diseases

listed above, you may decide to leave those particular vaccines out

of the schedule that year*. Unfortunately, there isn’t a titre test

available for leptospirosis at the moment, so your dog will still need a

booster for leptospirosis even if their results show that they are

protected for other diseases (leptospirosis is a yearly vaccine).

Discuss your options with your vet if you are interested in titre testing.

*A limit of titre tests is that they show you the level of protection your

dog has at the time of their blood test, but they do not guarantee

protection for a full year afterwards (this means that theoretically,

your dog’s protection could run out half way through the following


Cost of dog vaccination

It’s impossible to say exactly how much a vaccination will cost at your

vets because prices vary between each individual practice and from

year to year. If you phone your vets, they will be able to tell you their



Can a vaccinated dog get parvo? Although vaccinations provide

excellent protection, none can guarantee 100% cover. So yes,

theoretically, vaccinated dogs can still catch the diseases that they

have been vaccinated against, but it is significantly less likely. In

addition to this, if a vaccinated dog catches a disease they have

been vaccinated against, they are likely to develop less symptoms

and have a much better chance of recovery.

Can my dog be vaccinated if he/she is poorly? It’s always safest

to give a vaccination when your dog is as fit and healthy as

Am I eligible for PDSA veterinary treatment?

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Page 6: Dog Vaccines - PDSA

possible. Contact your vet for advice if your dog is showing any

signs of illness before their vaccination appointment.

What vaccines are required by law? There's no legal requirement

to give your dog vaccines in the UK. But core vaccines are

recommended for every dog to keep them safe and healthy. The

exception to this is the rabies vaccine, which is a legal requirement

if your dog is travelling in and out of the UK.

How long do dog vaccines last? The length of vaccination

protection depends on the disease, the type of vaccine used and

your dog’s immune system. As a general rule, leptospirosis

vaccines provide protection for about a year, and distemper

parvovirus and hepatitis vaccines last three years. However, this

can last a little longer (often 2-3 months more) if you’ve kept your

dog’s vaccines up to date throughout their lives. If you’re unsure

whether your dog is still protected by their vaccines, speak to your

vet to discuss their specific situation.

Can my dog have vaccinations is they’re on medications? Most

medications won’t affect your dog’s vaccinations. However, some

drugs such as steroids and certain anti-itch drugs can affect

vaccines, so it’s always best to discuss this with your vet.

Are vaccines dangerous? All vaccines used by vets in the UK are

licensed, meaning they have to go through rigorous safety checks

before they are approved for use. These licenses are also

constantly under review by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate to

make sure they stay safe for your dog. As with any medication,

there is always the possibility of side effects, but they are rare, and

the benefits of protection from a vaccine far outweigh the risks.

Are dog vaccinations necessary every year? Leptospirosis

vaccine needs to be given every year, but Distemper, Hepatitis

and Parvovirus are often only needed every 3 years.

Published: July 2020

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PetWise Pet Health Hub - brought to you thanks to support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery