dog tumors ontario

Are Lipomas A Variety Of Dog Tumors? As a dog lover, and most importantly, as the master of a delightful pet; you ought to be aware of a few of the following medical terms and terminologies. Dog Tumors are pretty common, and it is not something that you are not aware of. However, the term lipoma and the concept related to the same may not be known to you. What are lipomas? What is the point of origin? Is it a form of canine cancer? It is important that you get a hang of the facts and answers. As you all know, that information helps draw the line of difference, and you can solve much of your problem with the backup support of information. A Particular Type In this context, it is worth noting that Dog Tumors are of several kinds. Lipoma is one of the varieties of tumor. The subcutaneous layers of the skin are supposed to be the point of origin. In general, the lipomas show up as lumpy masses that are soft and partially mobile. The covering skin stands unaffected by the lipomas. That’s because the subcutaneous layer happens to be the point of origin. There are certain generic standpoints to consider. One such aspect relates to the possibilities regarding the development of multiple tumors. The Characteristic Features There are instances that are the exception, but, in general, one case of lipoma gives rise and incidence to multiple Dog Tumors. The developments may not be malignant in their nature, but you should be particular about ruling out the possibilities of malignancy. It is here that the expert intervention of a vet oncologist becomes mandatory. What does an oncologist do? Under such an event, the oncologist examines and evaluates each and every mass that has come to affect your dog. He makes it a point to undertake separate evaluation, for each and every development. Importance Of Assessment There are cutaneous, as well as, subcutaneous masses that resemble lipomas. Here again, it is the vet who is supposed to determine the nature and type of the mass like development. There are plenty of cases of benign Dog Tumors, and so you have precious little to worry about each and every development that takes place. Infiltrative lipomas in dogs are mostly benign, and you can easily have these surgically removed. Points Of Differences It is important that you distinguish the lipomas from the liposarcomas. While the former is benign, the latter happens to be malignant in their nature. Incidentally, both include the terminological fold of the Dog Tumors. However, what distinguishes the latter from the former is the rate of growth and metastasizing. Lipomas remain localized, but liposarcomas spread fast, harming and affecting the surrounding body parts including the respiratory system, bone, and the overlying skin. Talk to your vet about the symptoms that signify cancer. He or she will be able to assist you better.

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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CVS: Ontario Location 2409 S. Vineyard Ave, Suite O Ontario, CA 91761 Phone: (909) 947-3600 California Veterinary Specialists is a 24-hour specialty and emergency facility committed to excellence in internal medicine, surgery and critical patient care. Our family of specialists, dedicated emergency clinicians, and experienced staff, provide a unique team approach to referral medicine. We work closely with your primary care doctor to provide the very best in continued care of your pet.


Page 1: Dog Tumors Ontario

Are Lipomas A Variety Of Dog Tumors?

As a dog lover, and most importantly, as the master of a delightful pet; you ought to be

aware of a few of the following medical terms and terminologies. Dog Tumors are pretty

common, and it is not something that you are not aware of. However, the term lipoma and

the concept related to the same may not be known to you. What are lipomas? What is the

point of origin? Is it a form of canine cancer? It is important that you get a hang of the facts

and answers. As you all know, that information helps draw the line of difference, and you

can solve much of your problem with the backup support of information.

A Particular Type

In this context, it is worth noting that Dog Tumors are of several kinds. Lipoma is one of the

varieties of tumor. The subcutaneous layers of the skin are supposed to be the point of

origin. In general, the lipomas show up as lumpy masses that are soft and partially mobile.

The covering skin stands unaffected by the lipomas. That’s because the subcutaneous layer

happens to be the point of origin. There are certain generic standpoints to consider. One

such aspect relates to the possibilities regarding the development of multiple tumors.

The Characteristic Features

There are instances that are the exception, but, in general, one case of lipoma gives rise

and incidence to multiple Dog Tumors. The developments may not be malignant in their

nature, but you should be particular about ruling out the possibilities of malignancy. It is

here that the expert intervention of a vet oncologist becomes mandatory. What does an

oncologist do? Under such an event, the oncologist examines and evaluates each and every

mass that has come to affect your dog. He makes it a point to undertake separate

evaluation, for each and every development.

Importance Of Assessment

There are cutaneous, as well as, subcutaneous masses that resemble lipomas. Here again, it

is the vet who is supposed to determine the nature and type of the mass like development.

There are plenty of cases of benign Dog Tumors, and so you have precious little to worry

about each and every development that takes place. Infiltrative lipomas in dogs are mostly

benign, and you can easily have these surgically removed.

Points Of Differences

It is important that you distinguish the lipomas from the liposarcomas. While the former is

benign, the latter happens to be malignant in their nature. Incidentally, both include the

terminological fold of the Dog Tumors. However, what distinguishes the latter from the

former is the rate of growth and metastasizing. Lipomas remain localized, but liposarcomas

spread fast, harming and affecting the surrounding body parts including the respiratory

system, bone, and the overlying skin. Talk to your vet about the symptoms that signify

cancer. He or she will be able to assist you better.

Page 2: Dog Tumors Ontario

Know The Realities About The Canine Tumor Triggers

It is fine that you have gotten yourself a golden retriever and are having a whale of a time

with it. Now it is time to come to terms with ground reality. What merits your attention is

that this particular breed has strong incidence of malignant canine tumors. It is always

preferable that you have the relevant facts and figures ready at your fingertips. That way,

you can brace yourself into adopting the gears of protection. It is all about approaching

things with a pragmatic focus so that you know what to do and what not to do.

The Ground Realities

Some of the cases of cancerous canine tumors have a genetic aspect. As per the

observations of a leading veterinary oncologist, some of the breeds, or for that matter,

some of the genetic strains are more vulnerable to malignancy than others. The genre

consisting of Burmese Mountain species is cancer prone. Similar is true of retrievers, boxers

and the awesome-looking golden retrievers. There are dog lovers who prefer mixed breed

species. It is not a bad option as the latter happens to be less susceptible towards

genetically oriented cancerous tendencies.

Get The Reasons

The question is why are the mixed breed species less than likely to develop canine tumors

of the malignant type? The reason is not too difficult to comprehend. That is because mixed

breeds uphold and include a divergent genetic variety. The genetic pool is larger in the

cases of mixed breeders than that of pure-bred species. As a result, you can expect the

cancer-causing trait to get suppressed.

A Possible Alternative

So, even if you are particularly fond of retrievers, the best line of option will be to choose a

miscellaneous type that includes partial traits of a retriever. That way, you can minimize the

genetic components of canine tumors. All said and done, you cannot afford to overlook the

environmental factors. Well, these factors have parts to play in causing canine cancer.

There are cases where the genetic aspects have little or no part to play and the cancer may

be a sheer case of spontaneous development.

The Preventive Measures

When it comes to dealing with the female species, you can embark on the option of spaying.

The prospect goes a long way towards reducing the incidences of mammary gland-located

canine tumors. Secondly, oral hygiene of pets and dogs is a must. It is something that you

need to be particularly attentive to as the practice decreases the chances of oral tumors

that give rise to abnormal bleeding. Oncologists are undertaking extensive studies to

ascertain the exact lay of factors, those that are responsible for causing cancer. That is

because it is still difficult to ascertain the environment-related factors that assist the

development of cancer. It is best to discuss in detail with your vet about the symptoms of

your pet.

Page 3: Dog Tumors Ontario

A Word Or Two About A Particular Kind Of Dog Cancer

Breast cancer is all too common amongst humans. Nowadays, the survival rate is

impressive, and fatality rate has decreased substantially. Over the last two decades or so,

the mortality factor on account of cancer has fallen by forty percent or more. Early detection

has come a long way in improvising the perspective. Advancement in therapeutic process is

another factor that accounts for improvised perspective. Though facts and figures about

human cancer are pretty well known and common, people are yet to get a crystal clear

insight into the causes and incidences of dog cancer.

Breast Cancer Overview

As a pet lover, it is important that you acquaint yourself with the deals and details of canine

cancer. It is a fact that breast malignancy affects too many dogs; however, as far as

treatment option of this specific dog cancer is concerned, there are fewer options to

consider than those available to humans. That is because dogs diagnosed with breast cancer

hardly respond to chemotherapy or any other treatment option. So, surgical intervention

remains as the one and only line of treatment. Hormonal therapy does not work out in

curing cases of breast cancer. It is an affliction that affects some dog breeds more than


A Scientific Insight

Quite a lot of research-based investigation is being carried out, and the driving objective is

to ascertain the relevant biomarkers of animal cancer. Since breast cancer is quite a

common issue amongst canines, the measures are on to establish some of the best

therapeutic measures. As a pet owner, you need not delve too deep into the scientific nitty-

gritty of treatment measures. Instead, the focus has to be on getting a hang of the

treatment options that are convenient to follow. For instance, there are therapeutic choices

of animal cancer that are essentially unconventional in their feel and focus. After all, your

objective will be to alleviate the painful after effects of other allopathic interventions

including surgery.

Alternatives And Prevention

The question is what are the so-called non-conventional options of treating animal cancer?

There are botanical nutraceuticals, food supplements, and nutritional additives to bank on;

and similarly, you can make use of medications that help alleviate psychological and bodily

discomfort. The end purpose has to be about prolonging the quality of life and living so that

it does not reel under the burden of painfulness. Besides, there is a vital point to take note

of, something that you cannot afford to ignore. You must think of spaying the dog before its

initial heat cycle begins. That way, you can eliminate the occurrence of breast cancer.

Spaying happens to be an effective measure of prevention, and you can strengthen the

shield of defense by spaying her after every second heat cycle. Talk with your vet about the

symptoms, and the condition of your pet.

Page 4: Dog Tumors Ontario

New Insights And Orientation To Pet Cancer Therapy

Radiation therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy are some of the most commonly relevant

therapeutic tools. It could be the case of pet cancer or that affecting humans. As a rule, you

will have these treatment measures stepping in with their respective roles and relevance.

The extensive study and research-based orientation have given a new dimension to the

scope of cancer diagnosis and therapy. As a result, it has been possible to devise quite a

few novel treatment orientations. One such line of option relates to the use and application

of immunotherapy.

The Concept Of Immuno Therapy

There are pet cancer vaccines available. The objective of vaccination is to serve as a

counteractive measure. Now, how will it do the needful? It will counteract the malignancy

causing cell by providing stimulation to the immunological system. The system in turn will

aid and abet the destruction of cancerous cells and tissues. Immunotherapy vaccines are

still in the process of growth and development. Nevertheless, this particular treatment

module has interesting light to shed on the realm of cancer therapy.

The Present Scenario

In the current scheme of things, radiation therapy in addition to surgery happens to be the

most common treatment option. As far as radiation therapy goes, one gets to see an

advanced line of orientation. Technology has brought things to such a pass that it is possible

to treat pet cancer of different kinds, including brain malignancy, with the help of radiation.

Previously it was not possible to treat nasal and brain tumors with the help of chemotherapy

and radiation.

Then And Now

The perspective of radiation technology has come a long way in giving a new impetus to pet

cancer treatment. There are brain and nasal tumors that may lie deep inside. Getting

surgical access to these may be difficult, but this is exactly where the new and advanced

radiation machines have chipped in with their role of difference. Maybe fifteen or twenty

years back, people were hardly acquainted with the ins and outs of canine malignancy.

Things Are Different Now

You would need to give due credit to research-based investigation that has continued with a

consistent focus on means and method. People are learning how to overcome the woes and

anxieties of pet cancer. Satisfactory therapeutic measures are easy to find. As a result, it is

not uncommon to find pet lovers and owners who have successfully managed to save their

beloved pets from the throes of cancer. There are specialized cancer treatment facilities to

come by, and you will come across expert oncologist surgeons who have their commitments

directed towards treating cancer. Only in the recent past, in 2009, the US-based FDA took a

monumental stand in approving the very first cancer-treating medication for pets. Now you

know that there is a possibility that your pet can be back to health even after a bout of
