dog hair loss information causes and symptoms

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Dog hair loss information. A look at some of the causes and symptoms of hair loss in dogs and how it can be treated.


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Dog Hair Loss - information,

causes, symptoms and treatment


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Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs

The Allergic Dog and Hair Loss

When the Genes Have it: Hereditary Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs

The Mite and the Mange: Hair Loss in Dogs

Avoid the Fleabag: Hair Loss in Dogs and Flea Prevention

Treating Hair Loss in Dogs

Hair Loss in Dogs and Food Allergy Treatment

Homemade Solutions to Prevent and Remedy Hair Loss in Dogs

Hair Loss in Your Dog: No Itching?

Hair Loss in Dogs: Is it Normal or Atypical?


Page 3: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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Some breeds of dogs are prone to hair loss. Greyhounds for example. See "Daz" above

on the front page. Can you see how bald he is going on the top and the inside of his

back legs and his belly? He might look a bit odd but he is a happy chap and perfectly


Whilst greyhounds are subject to hair loss, and dog can lose hair for any number of

reasons. It's not uncommon, has many causes and can generally be treated. What we

will take a look at on this web site are some of the causes, symptoms and treatment of

dog hair loss. Please remember that this web site is for informational purposes and to

ALWAYS consult a vet if you are concerned about your dog's health

A note of thanks to "Daz" for his inspiration.

Hair loss in humans is seen by some as devastating from a vanity point of view. Others,

however, do not have a problem with it. For humans, hair loss is often associated with

genetics and is not linked to illness – although, of course, sometimes it is. In dogs, hair

loss can, indeed, be a result of poor health and can signal illness. Usually, it offers a red

flag to dog owners, warning them that there is an underlying condition and that

veterinary intervention is probably required.

On the following pages we will take a look at hair loss in dogs, some of the possible

causes and some prevention/treatment tips.

Be advised that this ebook is not intended as any form of substitution for

professional veterinary advice. It is for informational purposes only. If you are

in any way concerned about the health of your dog it is suggested you consult

with your vet.

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Page 4: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs:


These are similar to human allergy sufferers. Food, pollen and dust produce allergies

that can lead to hair loss in dogs. Flea bite is another common allergy in dogs. Rather

than the dog being allergic to the actual flea, it is the saliva that the dog reacts to. Food

allergies are often indicated by itching, hair loss and the licking of their feet. The itching

can also result in infection as a result of relentless scratching. Other allergies arise from

substances in the atmosphere (such as pollen) and environment (such as household

cleaning products or rubber).

Hereditary Causes.

Genetic inheritance to specific conditions can also be a cause of hair loss in dogs. Some

of these conditions include Black Hair Follicular where puppies lose their dark hair.

Another inherited condition that causes hair loss is Color Dilution/Mutant Alopecia. This

occurs at about six months of age, and the blue and fawn colored hair is lost. Pituitary

Dwarfism, a condition that interferes with the normal development of the dog, also causes hair loss.


Another nasty cause of hair loss in dogs is that of parasites, such as fleas or mites. Fleas

enjoy moist and warm conditions and, with the use of indoor heating, the perfect

environmental conditions exist for infestation. If your dog has an allergy to fleas, the

symptoms can be far more problematic. There are many products on the market that

interfere with the lifecycle of the flea. All bedding, floors and yards should also be treated to eradicate infestations. Mite is another parasite that causes hair loss in dogs.

Mite produces mange and three types include: Sarcoptic, Demodectic, and

Cheyletiellosis. The mites responsible for Sarcoptic mange do not bury themselves as

deeply under the dog’s skin as the Demodex mite, so treatment is easier. Demodectic

mange is most likely in those dogs that have a low immune system. It is more difficult to

rid as the mites bury themselves deeper under the skin. Hair loss, redness, scales,

pustules and legions are common signs that your dog might have mange. It is

necessary, however, to see a veterinarian who will use skin scrapings to confirm if it is mites.

Stress and Poor Diet.

Psychological abuse and stress can also cause hair loss in a dog, as well as poor

nutrition. There are many causes of hair loss in dogs. Often the symptoms provide a way

of determining what the cause might be. In some cases, it is possible to remedy the

situation yourself with just diet or eradication of causation factors, such as not using household chemicals.

In other cases, it is necessary to visit your local veterinarian who can determine what the actual problem is.

Page 5: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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The Allergic Dog and Hair Loss.

Allergies not only afflict humans; they also affect our four-legged furry friends.

Humankind’s best friend – the dog – also succumbs to the dreaded allergy. In dogs,

these allergies can be associated with hair loss, whilst the causes can be vast and many. From household chemicals to certain foods, allergies in dogs can cause havoc.

Sometimes, eradication of these allergies is completely beyond the control of the owner;

in other cases, it is not. Whatever the reason, it is firstly necessary to pinpoint the cause

of the allergy and devise a solution. Allergies in Dogs Can Be Vast and Many Some of the

following types of allergies exist in dogs and can result in hair loss.

Flea Allergies.

Many dog owners are familiar with flea bite allergies. This type of allergy occurs as a

result of hypersensitivity to flea saliva. Itching and hair loss are often a consequence of

this allergy. Even if your own residence is not contaminated, it takes one flea bite and

the dog’s heightened sensitivity swings into motion. Another reason your dog might

experience flea allergies despite coming from a pest-free residence is due to the cat.

Cats often do the rounds and, in their travels, bring home all sorts of visitors, including


Food Allergies.

Often identified as a human condition, food allergies also afflict our beloved pets. Some

common signs your dog has a food allergy are: itching and hair loss; feet licking; swollen

ears; and, infection. As with humans, food allergies in dogs are very individualized and

could be unique to your pet. It is especially difficult to pinpoint the foods that cause

these reactions as we often feed them little tidbits from our own meals. Some common

types of foods that cause allergies in dogs include: lamb, beef, chicken, soy products,

wheat, milk, and preservatives and additives. Much like the human hunt for allergies,

elimination of suspected foods is a helpful way of sourcing the culprit.

Allergies from Inhaling.

Similar to humans and hayfever, dogs can negatively react to pollens or dust mites. Also

known as Atopy, the symptoms of this type of allergy are similar to that presented

above, such as itching, hair loss, licking of feet and swollen ears.

Irritant Allergies.

These are caused when your dog comes into contact with a range of environmental

substances. They can include such materials as metals, plastics, rubber and chemicals.

Allergy symptoms in the dog can include inflamed skin, blisters/bumps on the skin and

itching. Hair loss can also result from exposure to these irritants.

Whatever the allergy and severity of hair loss, there are solutions out there to help your

family pet. There are many products on the market to reduce your dog’s suffering. If the

hair loss is associated with a type of food allergy, it is important that you act on your pet’s behalf. Allergies do have the potential to make your pet’s life miserable.

Remember, dogs are unable to eradicate the food themselves or visit the local

veterinarian for diagnosis. Although it might take time and patience, it is possible for you to locate the source of the hair loss and, in most cases, provide a solution.

Page 6: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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When the Genes Have it: Hereditary Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs.

When hair loss occurs in dogs, it can be a time of worry and apprehension for the pet

owner. The reasons for hair loss can be unclear, creating further concern for the owner.

Associated symptoms can also be painful and distressing for the dog. If owners are

concerned about irregular amounts of hair loss or notice unusual patterns of loss, it is important diagnosis be conducted as soon as possible.

One cause of hair loss in dogs is due to hereditary reasons. Hereditary conditions are

those genetic situations that are passed down from parent to offspring. If you notice hair

loss in your dog and any of the following symptoms, an inherited condition might be responsible:

Your puppy begins to lose black/dark hair between the ages of three to six weeks.

This is a hereditary condition in dogs with multi-colored coats. The condition is

associated with such breeds as Bearded Collies, Basset Hounds, Beagles and

Dachshunds. This condition is known as Black hair follicular dysplasia/alopecia/dystrophy.

Your dog loses blue and fawn colored hair. This happens at approximately six

months of age and is linked to such breeds as Great Danes, Greyhounds,

Whippets, Doberman and Dachshunds. The cause of this is known as Color dilution/mutant alopecia.

Your puppy experiences delays in development and does not lose its puppy coat

as it matures. Eventually, a large part of the dog’s surface area will lose its hair.

This condition can be a result of an ineffective pituitary gland and a lack of certain

hormones. This condition is known as Pituitary Dwarfism.

Another condition in which some hair loss may be experienced, and can be an inherited

condition, also produces scaling, an odor and scratching results. It occurs where the hair

follicles, sebaceous glands, and external skin layer are hyperproductive. It is seen in

such breeds as: the American cocker spaniel; West Highland white terrier; English

springer spaniel; and, Basset hound.

Dogs with this condition can display such signs as oiliness, scales and a nasty odour.

There could be scratching, and hair loss may occur. These signs can indicate a condition

known as Seborrhea. Hair loss in dogs can be due to hereditary conditions. The causes of

hair loss can be passed down in a dog’s genes, similar to humans inheriting diseases and

illnesses. In such cases, the disease is not a consequence of the owner’s actions.

However, getting to the source of the problem and locating treatments is certainly the pet owner’s responsibility.

Upon identifying unusual hair loss in your dog, professional help should be sought. It

could very well end up to be a harmless condition that might require an easy solution.

On the other hand, it might indicate a more serious illness, one that if noticed and attended to early, could save the dog pain and suffering.

Page 7: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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The Mite and the Mange: Hair Loss in Dogs.

No matter where we live or what we do, we’ve all heard the word ‘mange’. Even if we

don’t completely understand what it is, just its spoken word is enough to make us

cringe. In this respect we are not far off. Mange is a terrible condition that can cause hair loss in dogs. It is a result of the mighty mite.

The mite is such a small creature but responsible for so much. Mites burrow below the

dog’s skin and can create all sorts of problems. Mange is the “various persistent

contagious skin diseases marked especially by eczematous inflammation and loss of hair,

affecting domestic animals or sometimes humans, and caused by a minute parasitic mite” (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2009).

There are various types of mange that can cause hair loss in dogs. Types of Mange:

1. Sarcoptic Mange. The signs are severe itching, hair loss and scaling. This type of

mange is caused by the Sarcoptes mite and spreads like wild fire. But because it does

not bury itself as deep as other types of mites, it is not the most feared. Dogs can be

infected easily by Sarcoptes mite and successful treatment is quite straightforward.

Treatment involves isolating the dog, cleaning bedding and the surrounding environment, and various other treatments for parasites.

2. Demodectic Mange. Is a result of infection by the Demodex mite — a naturally

occurring mite in dogs. This type of mange is more difficult to deal with, as these types

of mites bury themselves quite a way under the skin. These mites attack hair follicles

and can cause hair loss, redness and scaliness. Pustules and legions can occur. The

lower the immune system of the dog, the more likely it is to be impacted by this type of

mange. It is also known as red mange or puppy mange. Depending upon the infection

and the symptoms, treatment can range from a medicated shampoo to antibiotics to anti-parasitic drugs.

3. Cheyletiellosis Mange. This type of mange is commonly referred to as “walking

dandruff” because the mites carry the skin scales of their host, such as the dog. As with

the other mite infections, symptoms can include severe itching, scaliness and hair loss. Generally, the treatment is a pesticide applied to the affected area.

If you notice hair loss in your dog, there is a possibility that it could be caused from

mange. The problem with diagnosing this condition, however, is actually discovering whether it is mange or another type of problem with similar symptoms.

There are also a number of other conditions that mimic the signs of mange, such as flea

or food allergies. Skin scrapings and examination under a microscope by a veterinarian

often determine whether the culprit is mite and what type of mite it is. Mites can

produce harmful effects on dogs. They create mange, and the impacts that they have

upon the skin and hair loss can be unsightly and cause discomfort for the dog. If left

unattended, the consequences can be quite severe.

It is necessary that pet owners, who fear that their dog may have mite, see a professional.

Page 8: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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Avoid the Fleabag: Hair Loss in Dogs and Flea Prevention.

We are all familiar with the term ‘fleabag’. It is not used in a positive light. If referring to

a human as a fleabag, it is more likely connected with negative connotations. Following

on from this, it is no surprise that fleas are highly despised and are parasitic. Whilst we

might think that a few fleas on a dog are harmless, this could not be furtherer from the truth.

Fleas and Allergy Dermatitis

Fleas are parasites. As such, they require a host to live and, in return, cause harm to

their host. To lay eggs and survive, female fleas need fresh blood. In regards to allergy

dermatitis as a result of a flea bite, it is not the flea itself that creates the reaction; it is

the flea’s saliva. Once bitten, dogs with flea allergies relentlessly scratch, bite and gnaw

at the flea bitten area. This reaction can last many days, and the itching can result in infections.

Prevention and Lifecycle of a Flea

To prevent flea infestation and potential hair loss in your dog, it is necessary to possess

knowledge of the lifecycle of a flea. Breaking the flea’s lifecycle assists in winning the

fight against flea infestation, and it also leads to a more relaxed, happier, and less itchy

pet. Half of the flea’s lifecycle is spent in the egg stage. Only five percent is spent as an

adult; thirty-five percent as larva; and, ten percent as pupa (cocoon). As such, just

eradicating the adult is probably not going to make a dent in the infestation.

The dog owner must find methods of eradicating as many parts of the lifecycle as

possible. Because the adult fleas are present on the dog and ninety-five percent of the

flea’s lifecycle is not as an adult, prevention must include treating the environment in

which the dog and flea live. That is, if just the animal in question is treated (e.g. flea

shampoo), the dog owner will see no change in flea numbers and irritation. It is

important that bedding and the floor is treated. Vacuuming and washing is vital. There

are a myriad of products on the market that assist the dog owner in getting rid of fleas,

such as: destroying adult fleas; preventing the flea from developing into adulthood (only works if the flea is out of its cocoon); and, treatments that prevent eggs from hatching.

Once the flea problem is under control, dog owners can only then really being to address

the issue of hair loss. The cause of the allergy should be eradicated. The good news is

that there are many treatments on the market. Finding the one that is right for you and

your dog is the responsible thing to do.

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Treating Hair Loss in Dogs.

At the very least, hair loss in dogs can be unsightly. At its worst, it can signal a severe

underlying and life-threatening illness. Diagnosis by a veterinarian is required and

treatments can range from straightforward to complex. Whatever the condition and its

solution, it is the pet owner’s responsibility to do right by the dog. Your pet depends on you to ease any pain and suffering it might be experiencing.

Treatment Types

Mange in dogs is a result of mite infestation and leads to hair loss. There are various

types of mange and there are a variety of treatments. Topical lotions, oral pills,

medicated shampoos and injections are some forms of treatment for mange that can be recommended by your local veterinarian.

Allergies are another cause of hair loss in dogs. Like humans, antihistamines are used to

alleviate allergies in dogs. Unlike humans, however, antihistamines are not as successful

in combating allergies in dogs. Shampoos and lotions can be used to sooth the skin,

whilst anti-inflammatory treatments and tranquilizers are also employed. Sometimes,

Elizabethan collars can be used to prevent scratching already irritated areas. Cortisone

sprays or creams can also be used. Although, this is a last resort as the side effects are

quite significant.

The actual diet that is fed or not fed to a dog can also affect its health and cause it to

lose hair. As mentioned above, food allergies are one such reason dogs constantly itch

and lose hair. A poor diet can be just as harmful as an excessive diet. Poor nutrition –

either by underfeeding or inadequate nutrients – can cause hair loss and flaking skin.

Essential fatty acids and protein can remediate these problems.

Fleas are also a common problem many pet owners suffer through. The life cycle of a

flea means that the most effective treatment needs to target every stage of a flea’s life.

There are powders and shampoos available. The most effective treatment is that of the

flea-control medicines that pet owners apply at a point or couple of points on the

animal’s skin. The application moves throughout the body oils of the dog and once the

flea comes into contact with the hair follicle, death occurs within 24 hours. The best part

about this type of medication is fleas do not need to bite the host to be affected. As such, allergies, which are caused from flea saliva, do not occur.

Once again, like humans, dogs also suffer from stress and anxiety. Sometimes this

stress manifests itself in biting and chewing. It can be a result of boredom or perhaps

situations, such as separation anxiety. Whatever the reason, hair loss can result and

infection can follow. There are many avenues pet owners have to remedy this situation.

Prevent boredom with toys or additional playmates. You could try exercising or feeding your pet prior to leaving it for the day.

As are there many reasons for hair loss in dogs, there are many treatments. The cause

of hair loss in dogs may be easily remedied or require more time and patience. In many cases, however, it is wise to consult a veterinarian as soon as hair loss is identified.

Page 10: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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Hair Loss in Dogs and Food Allergy Treatment.

Human sufferers of food allergies are not ignorant to the considerable damage that this

condition inflicts. In dogs, however, food allergies can be difficult to imagine and hard to

diagnose. One sign of food allergy in dogs is that of hair loss. Food allergies in dogs are

responsible for about one tenth of all dog allergies. This can result in constant scratching and lead to infections.

Food allergies are different to food intolerance. That is, allergies cause itching and skin

problems, whilst intolerance refers to the dog’s inability to handle certain food types and

the body expels it.

Dog Allergies and Hair Loss: Culprit Foods; the Elimination Test; and Identifiers

In the case of food allergies in dogs, it essentially comes down to removing foods and

working out the offender. Beef, chicken and dairy are often amongst the top foods that

produce allergy in dogs. Wheat, corn and soy are also responsible for food allergies that

lead to hair loss in dogs. Prior to conducting such tests, it is necessary to work out if the

hair loss and other symptoms are actually a result of food allergies or not.

There are a myriad of conditions that exist that have similar symptoms to that of the

food allergy in a dog and aren’t easily identified (such as parasites and inherited conditions). Some indications that your dog may be suffering a food allergy include:

Persistent problems with the dog’s ears. Puppies that have well developed skin problems. Experiencing allergies non-stop throughout the year. Relentless scratching.

A suggested technique of sourcing the food that is causing food allergy and hair loss in

your dog is that of using homemade diets. This is because store bought foods contain

hidden constituents and specific preservatives and chemicals. If, as the pet owner, you

are lucky enough to notice immediate results, then the culprit is an ingredient in the store food and you have already solved the problem.

It is often recommended that the elimination test to ascertain food allergies in dogs

involve one part protein, two parts carbohydrate and the rest water. You can start with

this recipe and work your way through the various proteins. The biggest issue with

conducting this elimination technique at home is preventing the dog from acquiring food from other sources.

It is also recommended that after you believe you have sourced the cause of the allergy,

give your dog its original food and note deterioration. This is necessary as it may not

have been the culprit food and relief could have just been coincidence. Food allergies in

dogs can be confused for other conditions that show the same symptoms, such as

itching and hair loss. They can also be difficult to pinpoint via the elimination technique. This, however, is exactly what the pet owner must do.

The good news is that finding the food source that causes allergies is doable, and

remedying the itching and hair loss in your dog is achievable. It just requires patience. Doesn’t your dog deserve that?

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Homemade Solutions to Prevent and Remedy Hair Loss in Dogs.

Hair loss in dogs can be just as stressful for the owner as the affected dog. Often the

visual reminder is enough to create stress in the pet owner. There are, however, flow-on

effects of hair loss that also lead to pain and discomfort in the dog. Hair loss in dogs is

often associated with itching as a result of a number of situations (such as fleas, mange, allergies). It is the relentless itching that not only causes hair loss but also infection.

There are many solutions on the market for hair loss in dogs. It is advisable to see a

veterinarian as soon as possible to gain diagnosis and treatment. There are also a

number of homemade remedies that are reported to be effective when treating hair loss.

Proceed with caution whenever using natural remedies. Consult a veterinarian if you

have any concerns or find them ineffective. Also, sometimes homemade solutions can

actually add to, or worsen, the situation.

Homemade Remedies and Solutions

The following provides some homemade remedies and solutions. Many are not

scientifically proven.

Fresh garlic and brewer’s yeast in your dog’s diet wards off fleas and ticks. Supplement your dog’s food with Flaxseed Oil. It is full of Omega 3 which

decreases dry skin, itching and hair loss. Baking soda and water will soothe itchy skin. Goldenseal – a perennial herb – is used as an anti-inflammatory and to heal

infections. The use of oatmeal shampoo soothes skin and alleviates itching. Homemade diets, as opposed to commercially bought dog food, can eliminate

foods that cause allergies and hair loss, such as beef, chicken, dairy, wheat, corn

and soy. Petroleum Jelly soothes itchy and dry skin. Epsom salts soothes itchy skin. Thiamine, citronella and rosemary are said to control fleas. Borax spread on carpet is also a suggested cure as a natural flea bomb. Be

careful, borax is also very poisonous. Natural flea sprays can be made out of chamomile, licorice and witch hazel. Use Aloe Vera to soothe skin and prevent further itching and hair loss.

There are many natural remedies recommended for dealing with conditions associated

with hair loss in dogs. These solutions can: prevent the cause of the problem (such as

fleas or food); soothe the skin and prevent further irritation; and/or prevent infection.

It isparticularly important to note that many of these remedies, although sworn by, have

not been tested for effectiveness. If you have concern over your dog’s hair loss, it is

better to keep on the side of caution and visit your local veterinarian. Natural remedies should be approached carefully as sometimes they can aggravate the condition further.

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Hair Loss in Your Dog: No Itching?

Hair loss in dogs is not an unusual occurrence. It is only natural. However, when the

pattern of hair loss in your dog becomes abnormal, it is time to take action. We are

instantly alerted to the constant scratching. It is a sign telling us something is wrong.

For our dog, incessant itching can signify a number of serious and not so serious

conditions. In contrast to abnormal levels of itching, the dog may experience hair loss

without scratching. We might just one day notice unusual patterns of hair loss. Unlike

the relentless itching, which is like a flashing red light to warn the pet owner, hair loss

without the scratching can be unexpected and come as quite a shock.

There are a number of conditions where dogs may experience hair loss without scratching.

Localized Demodectic Mange.

In this condition, hair loss is not associated with itching. It mostly occurs in puppies; is

often seen around the face and front leg area; and often rights itself within the first eight

weeks. Sometimes, however, it does not rectify itself, and the localized type turns into

the generalized type of demodectic manage. It can spread over the body and, in such instances; there is a propensity towards bacterial infection.

Fungal Infection.

Ringworm, a type of fungus, does not make the dog itch, but it does cause hair loss in

the affected area. The fungus deteriorates the hair shaft and consequently the hair

snaps. Ringworm is spread through contract with another animal or object that has also

been in contact with an infected animal.

Alopecia Areata.

There is no itching associated with this condition. The patterns of hair loss occur mostly

around the head, neck and body. There is a single patch of hair loss. It can be reversible or permanent. Parts of the hair follicle are attacked and the dog’s hair shaft is destroyed.

Rabies Vaccine Hair Loss.

This condition is occasionally experienced in small breeds of dogs (mostly). Changes in

pigmentation, as well as hair loss, can also occur. The symptoms often appear within six

months of vaccination. It can right itself or can spread throughout the body.

Excessive scratching in dogs can tell us that something is wrong. Often this scratching

leads to hair loss and possible secondary infection. Sometimes, however, the dog does

not experience itching and hair loss can occur anyway. At times owners can diagnose by

sight (e.g. ringworm) or by having background knowledge of the dog (e.g. recently

vaccinated). Other times, however, it remains a mystery.

It is necessary to consult your local veterinarian as soon as possible in all cases. Hair loss in dogs can signal serious illness or can spread to create further conditions.

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Hair Loss in Dogs: Is it Normal or Atypical?

You notice hair loss in your dog. You wonder whether it is normal or is there something

more sinister at work. Different dogs have different types of coats and experience

different patterns of hair growth and loss. Some dogs lose more hair than others, but you are still left wondering if what you pet is experiencing is normal.

Hair growth and loss in dogs is cyclical. There are three stages in the hair growth cycle:

Anagen stage. This is where the hair goes through a period of growth. There is

growth in the hair roots which increases hair shaft. Catagen stage. This is a temporary phase prior to the next stage beginning. Telogen stage. This refers to the phase where the hair cycle is resting. In more

cases than not, Telogen is the main phase.

Shedding or hair loss in dogs is not predicable. The patterns are a result of a number of

different influences, such as the environmental surrounds, genetics and diet. Some reasons for hair loss in dogs are:

Hormones. These can either encourage or retard the growth of hair in dogs. Androgens. Are responsible for a longer resting stage in the hair growth cycle and

create courser hair. Progesterone. Similar to Androgens but reduce hair growth. Estrogen. Produces a longer resting stage and the consequence is fine, sparse

follicles. Insulin. Diabetes can cause hair loss. Thyroid Hormone. A lack of thyroxin often causes hair loss.

Hair loss in dogs is also affected by diet-related issues, such as:

Lack of protein. The hair becomes dry, and is fragile and sparse. B Vitamins. Required for healthy hair growth. Copper. Also necessary for proper hair growth.

The patterns of hair loss in a dog can also assist identification as to what the actual

reason for hair loss is and the most effective treatment. That is, the three patterns that help to identify conditions associated with hair loss include:

Localized hair loss. This is when there is just a single patch of hair loss. This can

be due to injections, post-clipping and fungal infections. Multifocal hair loss. This particular pattern looks like a moth has eaten through

cloth. It is patchy and can appear all over the skin. Symmetrical or diffuse. There is either a symmetrical pattern to the hair loss or it

is scattered over the entire body.

A certain amount of hair loss in dogs is quite normal. Sometimes, large quantities of hair

loss in dogs can be common. Depending upon the breed, environmental conditions and

diet, dogs vary significantly with the amount of hair they lose. If concerned about your

pet’s hair loss and unsure as to whether it is abnormal, it is important to have

knowledge of the three main stages of the hair growth cycle; some of the reasons hair growth can be affected; and, the different patterns of hair loss in dogs to look out for.

If at all concerned that it is not normal or usual, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. The hair loss could signal something more grave than just seasonal hair loss.

Page 14: Dog Hair Loss Information Causes and Symptoms

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