documento de apoyo vane

8/20/2019 Documento de Apoyo Vane 1/6 Support material / Material de apoyo Learning activity 1 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1 You will practice more WH questions, pronouns, possessive adjectives, countries, nationalities, articles, professions and family members. / Usted  practicará más sobre preguntas WH, pronombres, adjetivos posesivos, países, nacionalidades, artículos, profesiones y miembros de la familia. This is a summary of the vocabulary you can use to do the exercises. / Este es un resumen sobre el vocabulario que usted puede usar para realizar los ejercicios. WH Questions What / Qué: t is used to as! for information about somethin".  / Se usa para solicitar informacin sobre algo. Where / Dónde: t is used to as! for information about places.  / Se usa para solicitar informacin sobre lugares. Who / Quién: t is used to as! for information about people.  / Se usa para solicitar informacin sobre las personas. Which / Cúal: t is used to as! about a choice.  / Se usa para  preguntar sobre una eleccin. Why / Por qué: t is used to as! for a reason.  / Se usa para  pregunta por razones. Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives Object pronouns my me You your you He his him #he her her  t its it We our us Presentation / Presentación

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Support material / Material de apoyoLearning activity 1 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1

You will practice more WH questions, pronouns, possessive adjectives,countries, nationalities, articles, professions and family members. / Usted 

 practicará más sobre preguntas WH, pronombres, adjetivos posesivos, países,nacionalidades, artículos, profesiones y miembros de la familia.

This is a summary of the vocabulary you can use to do the exercises. / Este esun resumen sobre el vocabulario que usted puede usar para realizar losejercicios.

WH Questions

What / Qué:t is used to as! for information about somethin".  / Se usa para solicitar informacin sobre algo.

Where / Dónde:t is used to as! for information about places. / Seusa para solicitar informacin sobre lugares.

Who / Quién:

t is used to as! for information about people. / Se

usa para solicitar informacin sobre las personas.

Which / Cúal:t is used to as! about a choice.   / Se usa para

 preguntar sobre una eleccin.

Why / Por qué:t is used to as! for a reason.  / Se usa para

 pregunta por razones.

Subject pronouns Possessive adjectivesObject

pronouns my me

You your youHe his him#he her her  

t its it

We our us

Presentation / Presentación

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Deinite !rticle / Artculode!inido

"ndeinite !rticles / Artculosinde!inidos

Deinite articles the article the is

used or all genders in singular and in plural# / "l artculo the seusa para todos los #éneros ensin#ular y plural$

Deinite articles reer to speciicnouns$ e%ample& the pencil# /%os artculos de!inidos sere!ieren a sustantivosespec!icos: eje&plo' el l(piz$

The indefinite articlea is used beforenouns that be"inwith consonantsounds. / El artículoa  se usa antes desustantivos queinician con unsonido deconsonante.

The indefinite articlean is used beforenouns that be"inwith vowel sounds. /El artículo an  seusa antes desustantivos queinician con unsonido de vocal.

!# $omplete the followin" text with the correct nationality. / !omplete el siguientete"to con la nacionalidad correcta.

%xample / Ejemplo#

&iana is from $olombia. #he is $olombian.

'. Hi( )m #andra and study in an international school. *any of myclassmates come from different countries help me to complete the chartusin" the correct nationality.

'ai(i is rom South !rica# He)s a* ++++++++++++#

!bdul is rom Saudi !rabia# He is b* +++++++++++#

,artha and !ndrea are rom Panama# -hey)re c* ++++++++++#

.lla is rom ermany# She)s d* ++++++++++++#

+aj is from ndia. He)s e --------------.

!basi and Dalila are rom .gypt# -hey)re * ++++++++++++#

0ilipa is rom Poland# She)s g* +++++++++++++#

. *y name is ndreas. )m from 0ermany and wor! in a multinationalcompany. *y partners come from several countries help me to complete theformat accordin" their nationalities.

Practice / Pr(ctica

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e2 employees in ,ar(eting Department

David and ,argaret are rom 3nited States# -hey)re a* ++++++++++#Steve is rom !ustralia& He)s b* ++++++++++#

4e is rom 0rance# He is c* ++++++++++++#

,ary is rom ,orocco& She)s d* +++++++++++#

!nthony is rom Denmar(# He)s e* +++++++++#

Laura is rom Spain# She)s * +++++++++++#

5# 1nscramble the letters to ma!e the names of different professions. / $rganicelas letras para formar nombres de profesiones.

%xample2 .-6!.H'  - teacher-- 

'. S'!"-W.S   ----------- 

. O'S3.  ----------- 3. O-S7PO6"HLS  ----------- 4. L,.'P53  ----------- 5. 3'S.  ----------- 6. "L5!''"!  ----------- 7. S0"H.'!,  ----------- 8. "'...  ----------- 9. '!0,".  ----------- 

':. 7S-"!5-.5'  ----------- 

C$ Write the correct indefinite article ;a or an accordin" to the be"innin" sound of the word. / Escriba el artículo indefinido correcto ;a o an de acuerdo al sonidoinicial de la palabra.

%xample2 a ba!er 

'. ------ desi"ner.. ------ journalist.3. ------ accountant.

4. ------ hairdresser.5. ------ painter.6. ------ technician.7. ------ architect.8. ------ "ardener.

D$ <ill in the "aps with the correct article a, an or the. / !omplete los espacios con

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el artículo correcto a, an o the.

%xample2 have a friend. #he is an actress.

'. *y favorite animal is ------ cat.. The dams are ------ bi" family.3. am ------ student.4. ------ earth rotates around ------ sun.

!# $ircle the correct option to complete the sentence. / Encierre la opcin correcta

 para completar la oracin.

%xample2 *y/ name is $arlos.

have a bi" family. 1* *y/your father is 4: years old and he 8* is a/an lawyer.9* His/her hobby is coo!in". *y mother is 39 and :* she/her   is a teacher. ;*Her/its favorite color is "reen. have six brothers. <* Their/them names are2=uan, *artin, ndres, <elipe, van and >scar. =* They/we are students and love 8* them/their # >scar is : years old and >* he/him is married. 1?* His/her wife is na. #he is 11* a/the nurse. live with 18* them/we.

)$ Write sentences about yourself and your family. nclude your name,relationship with the people you tal! about, a"es and professions. / Escribaoraciones sobre usted y su familia incluyendo% nombre, parentesco con las

 personas mencionadas, edad y profesin.

*y name is ?? am ?? years old am a......*y mother@s name is ??#he is ...... years old

#he is a ??

Production / Producción

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Document control / Control del docu&ento

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+icardo ristiBabal#alinas

 sesor peda"C"ico%n"lish &ot Wor!s

&irecciCn deformaciCnprofesional

&irecciCn 0eneral


=ohana *DndeB#armiento

 sesora peda"C"ica%n"lish &ot Wor!s

&irecciCn deformaciCnprofesional

&irecciCn 0eneral


!daptationAaola ndrea


$opy editor F Gneade producciCn

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+e"ional Iuindo
