
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Introduction The main objective of the system is to provide a user friendly interface for maintaining the bookshop. It mainly deals with import of books from different publication houses, their sales and customer relations. The importance of our system lies within its simplicity and interactability. Each function of the system is seems to be so simple but it has a complex code within itself. Bookshop Management System is a database program that is especially tailored for book sellers. It has many features that book sellers will find very useful. The seller can manage the stock, list the customers and create catalogues. Our System has mainly divided into four modules.Those are of import of books, maintenance of books, customer relations and transaction of books. Each module has its own functionality. 1.2 Current Scenario The software for the existing system 1

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1.1 Project Introduction

The main objective of the system is to provide a user friendly interface for

maintaining the bookshop. It mainly deals with import of books from different

publication houses, their sales and customer relations.

The importance of our system lies within its simplicity and interactability.

Each function of the system is seems to be so simple but it has a complex code within

itself. Bookshop Management System is a database program that is especially tailored

for book sellers. It has many features that book sellers will find very useful. The seller

can manage the stock, list the customers and create catalogues.

Our System has mainly divided into four modules.Those are of import

of books, maintenance of books, customer relations and transaction of books. Each

module has its own functionality.

1.2 Current Scenario

The software for the existing system is stand alone application. It is non

web based and non portable. The software should be purchased and installed.

Installation of software is a difficult process and cannot be performed by the end users

who maintains the bookshop and have no computer knowledge.

1.3 Problem Definition

The normal bookshop owners commonly follow manual process of storing

information. This includes lot of physical work. It is very difficult to maintain several

bundles of records. Software also exists for the bookshop management system. But the

installation of software is more difficult process and it is more economical to purchase

for normal bookshop owners. These are the main problems in the current scenario.


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2.1 HTML

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a language used to create hyper

text documents that have hyper links embedded in them. It consists of tags embedded

in the text of a document with HTML. We can build web pages or web documents. it is

basically a formatting language and not a programming language. The browser reading

the document interprets mark up tags to help format the document for subsequent

display to a reader. HTML is a language for describing structured documents. HTML is

a platform independent. WWW (World Wide Web) pages are written using HTML.

HTML tags control in part the representation of the WWW page when view with web

browser. The browser interprets HTML tags in the web document and displays it.

Different browsers show data differently. Examples of browsers used to be web pages



Internet Explorer

2.2 JAVA

Java was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth,

Ed Frank, and Mike Sherdian at Sun Microsystems in 1991.

History of java

Java language was developed by James Gosling and his team at sun micro

systems and released formally in 1995. Its former name is oak. Java Development Kit

1.0 was released in 1996. To popularize java and is freely available on Internet.

Overview of java

Java is loosely based on C++ syntax, and is meant to be Object-

Oriented Structure of java is midway between an interpreted and a compiled language.

Java programs are compiled by the java compiler into Byte Codes which are secure and

portable across different platforms. These byte codes are essentially instructions


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encapsulated in single type, to what is known as java virtual machine (JVM) which

resides in standard browser.

Jvm verifies these byte codes when downloaded by the browser for integrity. Jvm is

available for almost all OS. JVM converts these byte codes into machine specific

instructions at runtime.

Features of java

Java is object-oriented language and supports encapsulation, inheritance,

polymorphism and dynamic binding, but does not support multiple

inheritance. Everything in java is an object except some primitive data types.

Java is portable architecture neutral that is java programs once compiled can

be executed on any machine that is enabled.

Java is distributed in its approach and used for internet programming.

Java is robust, secured, high performing and dynamic in nature.

Java supports multithreading. There for different parts of the program can be

executed at the same time

2.3 Java Script

JavaScript processes on the client side that can perform many form tasks without connecting to a web server.


JavaScript provides interactivity for your web pages without relying on server-

side programming, which means your pages can be interactive even when you are not

connected to the Internet. Since the code is typed directly into your HTML files, you

can create JavaScript with software as simple as a plain text editor. You can quickly

test and modify JavaScript code.


Long, complicated Java Scripts can add quite a bit of download time to your

HTML page.



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2.4.1 Features of oracle

Oracle provides efficient and effective solution with the following features:

Client/Server (distributed Processing) environment: To take full advantage

of a given network, oracle allows processing the database server and the client


Large Databases and space Management: Oracle supports the large of data of

terabytes in size. To make efficient hardware devices, t allows full uses.

Many concurrent database users: Oracle supports large numbers executing a

variety of database on the same data.

Controlled Availability: Oracle can selectively control database level of sub data.

Portability: Oracle software is ported to work with operating systems. Applications

can be ported to any operating systems modifications.

Compatibility: Oracle software is compatible with standards, including most

industrial operating systems. Applications can be used on virtually any systems


Connect ability: Oracle software allows different environment and operating

systems to share the network.

2.4.2 Oracle security:

Manageable Security: To Protect against unauthorized use, oracle provides fail-

safe security and monitor data access. These are used to manage the data and for

providing security.

2.4.3 SQL – The Structured Query Language


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SQL is a simple, powerful database access language that is the standard language

for relational database management system. The SQL implemented by Oracle


SQL statements

All operations on the information in an oracle database are performed using SQL

statements. A SQL statement is a string of SQL text that is given to oracle to execute.

SQL statements are divided into the following categories:

Data Definition Language(DDL) statements

Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements.

Transaction Control statements.

Session Control statements.

Embedded SQL statements.

Data Definition Language (DDL): DDL statements define maintain, and drop

objects when they are no longer needed. DDL statements also include statements that

permit a user to gaint other users the privileges, or rights, to access the database and

specific object within the database.

Data Manipulation Language (DML): DML statements manipulate the

databases. data for example querying, inserting, updating, and deleting rows of a table

are all DML operations; locking a table or view and examining the execution plan of an

SQL statements are also DML operations.

Transaction Control statement: Transaction Control statements manage the

changes make by DML statements. They allow the user or application developer to

group changes into logical transactions.


2.5 JDBC

The JDBS API provides universal data access from the Java programming


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language. Using the JDBC 3.0 API, we can access virtually any data source, from

relational databases to spreadsheets and flat files. JDBC technology also provides a

common base on which tools and alternate interfaces can be built.

2.5.1 JDBC Overview

Java database Connectivity is a java API for executing SQL statements. It

consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in java programming language that

makes it easy to send SQL statements to virtually any relational database, in other

words, with the JDBC API. It is not necessary to access an Oracle database, another

program to access an Informix database, and so on. One can write a single program

using the JDBC API, and the program will be able to send SQL statements to

appropriate database. With a program written in java, one also doesn’t have to worry

about writing different programs to run on different platform. The combination of Java

and JDBC lets a programmer to write it once and run it anywhere.

2.5.2 ODBC

ODBC (Open Database Connection) is a way to connect any front-end tool to any

back-end database engine .A front –end tool is one which is used to provide a user

interface using which the user will be able to manipulate the data. Aback-end is

responsible for the actual manipulation of the database on the request of the front –end,

as well as for the storage and retrieval of information. Often a back-end is also called as

a server and front –end as a client. Every database software provides an ODBC driver

which follows all the specifications to the ODBC compliant, it is this ODBC driver

converts the request to match the implementation specified at the server side. Another

important feature of the ODBC is that it provides a client an opportunity to connect

multiple databases simultaneously, which could be residing at different physical


What does JDBC do?

Especially JDBC does three things:


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Establishing the connection to database.

Send SQL statements.

Process the results.

2.5.3 The JDBC API

The JDBC API is designed to allow developers to create database front-ends

without needing to continually rewrite their code. The ability to create robust, platform

independent applications and web-based applets prompted developers to consider using

java to develop front-end connectivity solutions.

How JDBC Works

JDBC provides application developers with a singular API that is uniform and

database independent. The API provides a standard to write to, and a standard that

takes all of various application designs into account. The solution is a set of java

interfaces that are implemented by the driver. The driver translates the standard JDBC

calls into a specific call required by the database it supports. The application can be

written once and moved to the various drivers. The application multi-tier database

design is also known as Middleware. In addition to providing developers with a

uniform and DBMS independent framework, JDBC also provides a means of allowing

developers to return the specific functionality that their database vendor offers. JDBC

and ODBC are based on “X/ Open SQL 0Command Level Interface “. Having the same

conceptual base allows work on the API to proceed quickly and makes acceptance of

the API easier.

2.5.4 JDBC-ODBC bridge driver (Type-1)


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A bridge driver provided with JDBC can convert the JDBC calls into any

type of database simultaneously. This approach is a recommended one since ODBC

drivers, which are industry standard as of now, would make an application truly

portable access database.

Implementation of JDBC-ODBC Bridge

Java application submits an SQL statement through the JDBC driver. The

JDBC driver translates the request to an ODBC call. The ODBC driver then converts

the request again and presents it to the database interface. The results of the request are

then fed back through the same channels but in reverse.

2.5.5 JDBC-ODBC Connectivity

Seven basic steps to JDBC:

There are seven basic steps to use JDBC to accessing a database.

1. Importing the java.sql package.

2. Load and register the driver.

3. Establish a connection to the database server.

4. Create a statement.

5. Execute the statement.

6. Retrieve the results.

7. Close the statement and connection.

1. Importing the java.sql package:

The JDBC API is a set of classes and interfaces. The package name for

these classes and interfaces to be imported is java.sql.

Import java.sql.*;

2. Load and register the driver:

It includes two steps:


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Loading the driver:

To load the driver class.forName () method is used.

Class.forName (“weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver”);

The class.forName () method takes the complete package name of the driver as

its argument.

Registering the driver:

all drivers are required to register themselves at load time. The driver itself

calls the DriverManager.registerDriver () method at load time to ensure that the driver

is properly registered. This method is never have to be called explicitly by an


3. Establishing a connection to the database server:

The standard method of establishing a connection to the database to call

DriverManager.getConnection () method. It takes at least two arguments.

The first is a string representing the URL of the database followed by a set of login

properties, such as the user name and password.

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (jdbc: web logic: Oracle: fool:”,”

username”,” password”);

4. Create a statement:

A statement object is to created from which to execute the query.

There are three types of statement classes

1. Statement

2. Prepared statement

1. Statement

Statement stmt=conn.createstatement ();

2. Prepared statement

Prepared Statement stmt=conn.preparedStatement (SQLquery);


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5. Execute the statement:

The method used to execute a simple query is a Statement.executeQuery ().

ResultSet rs=stmt1.executequery (“select * from proxymapping”);

The executeQuery() method takes an SQL query string as an argument and returns the

results of the query as a ResultSet object. The executeUpdate method is used to update

the database results.

6. Retrieve the results:

Results are stored in a ResultSet object. The “get” method retrieves the

data from the ResultSet and converts it to Java type. Each “get” method is used to

retrieve a different Java type.

7. Close the statement and connection:

The final steps in any database application should be to close the

connection and any open statements. While it is not absolutely that we close every

connection and its statement object, it is highly recommended.

Stmt.close ();

Conn.close ();

2.5.6 The JDBC 3.0 API is comprised of two packages:

1. The java.sql package

2. The javax.sql package, which adds server-side capabilities

2.5.7 JDBC Technology Drivers

To use the JDBC API with a particular database management system, we need a

JDBC technology-based driver to mediate between JDBC technology and the database.

Depending on various factors, a driver might be written purely in the Java

programming language or in a mixture of the Java programming language and Java


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Native Interface (JNI) native methods.

The latest SDK includes a JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver that makes most

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers available to programmers using the


JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver describes the current status of this software.

JDBC URL Syntax and Structure

JDBC follows the bellow syntax:

JDBC :< subprotocol>:<subname>

Where <subprotocol> defines the types of driver, and <subname> provides the

network-encoded name

For example:

JDBC: oracle: products

Here the database called the products.

The driver connect () the method is the most important method and it is

called by the driver manager to obtain a connection object. The connection object is

the string point of the JDBC application layer. The connection object used to create

statement object that perform object queries. The driver connect () method typically

performs the following steps:

Check to see if the given URL String is valid.

Opens the TCP connection to the host and port number specified.

Attempts to access the named database table (if any) returns an instance of a

connection object.

The Driver Manager Class

The driver manager class is actually a utility class used to manage JDBC


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drivers. The class provides methods to obtain connection through a driver register and

deregister drivers, setup login and set login timeout for database access. Drivers are

registered with the driver manager class, either at initialization of the Driver Manager

class, or when an instance of driver is created.

The Application Layer

The application layer encompasses three interfaces that are

implemented at the driver layer but are used by the developer. The three main

interfaces are connection, Statements and Result set. A connection object is obtained

from the driver implementation through the DriverManager.getConnection () method

call. Once a connection manager object is returned, the application developer may

create a statement object to issue against the database. The result of statement id a

result set object, which contains the result of the particular statement (if any).

Connection Basic

The connection interface represents a session with the database

connection provided by the driver. Typically database connections include the ability to

control changes made to the actual data stored through the transaction. The primary use

of the connection interfaces is to create a statement.

Connection con=null;

Statement stmt=null;



This statement may be used to send SQL statement that returns a

single result in a ResultSet object reference. Statements that need to be called a

number of times with slight variations may be executed more efficiently using a

prepared statement. The connection interface is also used to create a callable

statement whose purpose is to execute stored procedures.

Statement Basics

A statement is vehicle of sending SQL queries to the database and


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retrieving a set of results. Statements can be updates, insertion, and deletion of the

queries. Statement may or may not returns a ResultSet object depending on the

statement method used. The executeupdate() method.

Result Set Basics

The Result Set interface defines methods for accessing the table of data

generated as the result of executing a statement Result Set column values may be

accessed any order, they are indexed and may be selected by either the name or the

number of the columns. Result Set maintains the position of the current row, starting

with the first row of the data returned. The next () method moves to the next row of the


Result Set Metadata

Besides being able to read data from a Result Set object, JDBC provides an

interface to allow a developer to determine what type of data is returned. The

ResultSetMetaData interface is similar to database Metadata interface is concept, but it

is specific to the current Result Set.

The ResultSetMetaData is useful in dynamically determining the Metadata

of the Result Set returned from a stored procedure.

2.5.8 JDBC Drivers

Drivers come in different varieties according to their construction and type

of database they are intended to support java soft categorizes database drivers in four


The JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver

The JDBC-ODBC Bridge is a JDBC driver that provides translation of

JDBC called to ODBC operation. The JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver is implemented

with ODBC binary code and, in some cases client library as well. The bridge driver is

made up of three parts:


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A set of C library that connect the JDBC to ODBC driver manager.

The ODBC driver manager.

The ODBC driver.

Using a JDBC-ODBC bridge driver, application will speak directly to the

JDBC interface classes. Because ODBC calls are made using binary C calls, the client

must have a local copy of the ODBC Driver Manager, and the client side libraries.

The Native Library-To Java Driver

This driver uses native C language library calls to translate JDBC to the

native client library. These driver use C language libraries that provide vendor specific

functionality and tie these libraries to the JDBC.

2.6 JSP

Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology for building applications containing

dynamic content such as HTML, DHTML, XML, etc. The JSP technology allows you

to write Web pages that create dynamic content as easily as possible but with

maximum power and flexibility.

JSP offers the following advantages:

Write Once, Run Anywhere™ technology.

JSP is platform independent, both in its dynamic Web pages and its Web

servers. You can author JSP pages on any platform and run them on any Web server

and access them from any Web browser. You can also build the server-side

components on any platform (with a Java Virtual Machine) and run them

Static HTML templates, thus greatly simplifying the creation of Web content.

Support for server-side scripting and tags.




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The normal bookshop owners commonly follow manual process of

storing information. This includes lot of physical work. It is very difficult to maintain

several bundles of records. Software’s also exist for the bookshop management system.

But the installation of software is more difficult process and it is more economical to

purchase for normal bookshop owners. These are the main problems in the current


Limitations in Existing System

The data accessing from the database is very slow

The current system takes time in retrieving a single record from the database


The proposed solution for the current scenario is our system which is a web

based application. It is portable and works on any operating system. There is no

difficulty in installation of the software and can be run on the local server so that even a

common end user who has very less computer knowledge can manage it easily with out

any effort.

Advantages over Existing System

This system provides fast data accessing when compared to the current system.

In the proposed system retrieving a single record from large database is very



3.3.1 Hardware requirements:


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Hard Disk Drive – 40 to 80 GB SATA

Processor:6.4x 25200+2.6GHZ

  Primary Memory (Ram) – 128MB L2 Cache Chipset

  Operating System: Windows NT/2000/XP

  Monitor: Plug and play monitor.

  KeyBoard: HP 101/102

Mouse: ps/2 Compatible Mouse

3.3.2 Software requirements:

Programming Languages : Java

Server : Apache Tomcat 5.0

Data Base : Oracle 8i

Server side programming : Jsp, Java Servlets

Client side Programming : HTML, JavaScript


1) Import of Books

2) Maintenance of Books

3) Customer Relations

4) Transaction of Books

1. Import of Books Module


The shop owner maintains the information of different publishing houses, the

authors they deal with and the subjects they publish. The enormous collection of all

these books is done basing upon subject catalogue, author catalogue or publication

catalogue. The owner requests the publication house the books that he need in his

bookshop. He pays the bill for those books. He stores the information into database.


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Whenever there is import of books he should modify the database.

2. Maintenance of Books Module


The shop owner enters book details and thus places in the order as following


Department-subject-author-edition-publication house

He gives particular code for those books. For the books that are sent as bulk code is

given for whole bulk.

3. Customer Relations Module


Customers are categorized into 4 types.





CATEGORY-A: These are the customers who take the books in bulk on regular basis.

Eg: Organizations, Educational Institutions

CATEGORY-B: These are the customers who take the selected books in regular


Eg: Students, Book lover

CATEGORY-C: These are the customers who take the selected books but they are

visited only once in a while.

CATEGORY-D: This is rare. It may accidentally happen. These customers take a large

number of books. Special offers are given for CATEGORY-A and CATEGORY-B.

Discount rates may vary basing upon count of books they take. CATEGORY-C would

have the cost as usual. If ever any discount is announced they would be benefited with


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those. CATEGORY-D may accidentally happen basing upon the count of books they

take. For each regular customer a credit level is given; that means customer can credit

in the bookshop until he reaches the peak. If the customer crosses his credit level then

he is intimated to pay the amount and his further transactions are blocked. After the

payment, his credit level is modified. The regular customers are provided with

membership cards which act as their identity. The irregular customers are given a form

to fill in their details so that they can be turned into regular customers.

4. Transaction of Books Module


When a customer gives his order, the system should first ask his code. If

customer is regular he gives the code he is allotted with. Then the system would show

all his details like name, contact number, address, credit level and his previous

purchase details. The present purchase details are then entered and bill is generated by

allotting the discount basing upon the category he belongs to. After this, the

maintenance of book database as well as customer details database is modified. For all

the customers who have credit availability i.e. paying amount later, system would be

verifying whether they have paid the bill within a certain time limit or not.

Features of the system:

The database of system maintains the details of many publishing houses and


The system creates alerts

Whenever there is shortage of books that are graded with a

higher degree.

Whenever there is abundance of books which are graded with a

lower degree.

If the customer has a long pay back delay.

When it identifies stolen books.

To notify important dates like book fairs, exhibitions, important

delivery dates.


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To show customers who have higher credit levels.

For allotment of discount while billing.

Each book is given with security tag that has a bar code.

The system grades the customer basing upon their purchases and bill payments

and automatically notifies the special offers.


Publication details and books purchased there

Books in shop

Customer details along with the books they purchased

Bill Reports

Outstanding Reports

Ageing Analysis




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4.1.1 3-Tier Architecture:

The three-tier software architecture (a.k.a. three layer architectures) emerged in

the 1990s to overcome the limitations of the two-tier architecture. The third tier

(middle tier server) is between the user interface (client) and the data management

(server) components. This middle tier provides process management where business

logic and rules are executed and can accommodate hundreds of users (as compared to

only 100 users with the two tier architecture) by providing functions such as queuing,

application execution, and database staging

Fig 4.1.1(a): 3-Tier Architecture

The three tier architecture is used when an effective distributed client/server

design is needed that provides (when compared to the two tier) increased performance,

flexibility, maintainability, reusability, and scalability, while hiding the complexity of

distributed processing from the user. These characteristics have made three layer

architectures a popular choice for Internet applications and net-centric information


Technical Details:

A three tier distributed client/server architecture includes a user system


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interface top tier where user services (such as session, text input, dialog, and display

management) reside.

Fig 4.1.1(b): Three tier distributed client/server architecture depiction

Advantages of Three-Tier:

Separates functionality from presentation.

Clear separation - better understanding.

Changes limited to well define components.

Can be running on WWW.

Effective network performance.


1. Functional view of import of books:

When the owner requests for Import of books module, a request will be given to

the web server.

The web server uses database to fetch the data and update the data.


Maintains details

Of publication houses

Store details

Into database

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Fig 4.1.2(1): Functional architecture of Import of Books

2. Functional view of maintenance of books:

When the owner requests for Maintainance of books, a request will be given to

the web server for entering book details.

The web server uses database to fetch the data and update the data.

Fig 4.1.2(2): Functional architecture of Maintenance of Books

3. Functional view of customer relations:

When the owner requests for maintaining customer relations, a request will be

given to the web server for entering customer information and give customer

membership ids and credit levels.

The web server uses database to fetch the data and update the data.


Owner Server

Owner Server

Maintains Details of books

And their Arrangements

Store details

Into database


Book Database

Maintains details about


Store details

Into database

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Fig 4.1.2(3): Functional architecture of customer Relations

4. Functional view of transaction of books module:

When the owner requests for Transaction of books, a request will be given to

the web server when the customer purchases the books.

The web server uses database to fetch the data and update the data.

Fig 4.1.2(4): Functional architecture of Transaction of Books


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Http Client 1


Creates bills for each customer’s order

Owner Server Book Database

Owner Customer DatabaseServer

Store details

Into database

Web Server

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Queries Http Client 2 Results

Http Client N

Fig 4.1.3(a): Technical Architecture

Technical view of the Application:

Fig 4.1.3(b): Technical view of the Application

4.1.4 Database Design

The database design is the backbone of work done on the development of

application. In Database environment common data are available and used by

several users. Instead of each user managing its own data across application is shared

by authorized users with database software managing the data as an entity. The

database consists of set of well-defined tables and queries created using SQL server. A

table is set rows and columns, which hold valuable information. A query is statement

given by user and executes by computer to access specific information from tables.

4.1.5 Relational Database Management System (RDBMS):

Relational database management system stores data in the form of


Browser (1)

Http Request (2)


Http Response (7)Web

Server (3)

SQL Query (4)

Result (6)

Database (5)

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related tables. Relational databases are powerful because they require few assumptions

about how data is related or how it will be extracted from the database. As a result, the

same database can be viewed in many different ways.

An important feature of relational systems is that a single database can

be spread across several tables. This differs from flat-file databases, in which each

database is self-contained in a single table. Almost all full-scale database systems are


Relational databases are optimized for storing transactional data, and the

majority of modern business software applications therefore use an RDBMS as their

data store. The leading RDBMS vendors are Oracle, IBM and Microsoft.

Objectives of Database:

Reduced Redundancy

Redundant data occupies space and therefore is wasteful.

More information at low cost

Using storing and modifying at low cost are important. Although hardware

prices are falling, software programming is on the rise.

Accuracy and Integrity

The accuracy of Database ensures that data quality remain constant. Integrity

Controls and detects data in accuracy where they occur.

4.2 ER Diagram


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Fig 4.2: E R Diagram for the System



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Process Model

To solve actual problems in an industry setting, a software engineer or a

team of engineers must incorporate a development strategy that encompasses that

process, methods, and tools. This strategy is often referred to as process model or a

software engineering paradigm.

A process model for software engineering is chosen based on the nature of the

project and application, the methods and tools to be used and the controls and the

deliverables that are required.

So, our application is based on the Object Oriented Approach.

In this model we design the UML diagrams like Usecase, Activity, Sequence,

Collaboration and Class diagrams.

4.3.1 Global USECASE diagrams:

Identification of actors:

Actor: Actor represents the role a user plays with respect to the system. An actor

interacts with, but has no control over the use cases.

Graphical representation:


An actor is someone or something that:

Interacts with or uses the system.

Provides input to and receives information from the system.

Is external to the system and has no control over the use cases

Actors are discovered by examining:


<<Actor name>>

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Who directly uses the system?

Who is responsible for maintaining the system?

External hardware used by the system.

Other systems that need to interact with the system.

The actors identified in this system are:

1. Owner

2. Customer

3. publisher

Identification of usecases:

Usecase: A use case can be described as a specific way of using the system from a

user’s (actor’s) perspective.

Graphical representation:

A more detailed description might characterize a use case as:

Pattern of behavior the system exhibits

A sequence of related transactions performed by an actor and the system

Delivering something of value to the actor

Use cases provide a means to:

capture system requirements

communicate with the end users and domain experts

test the system

Use cases are best discovered by examining the actors and defining what the actor


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will be able to do with the system.

Guide lines for identifying use cases:

For each actor, find the tasks and functions that the actor should be able to

perform or that the system needs the actor to perform. The use case should

represent a course of events that leads to clear goal.

Name the use cases.

Describe the use cases briefly by applying terms with which the user is familiar.

This makes the description less ambiguous

The use cases that are identified in this system are:

Import books

Database of imported books

Bookshop database

Search and purchase books


Customer Information

Flow of events:

A flow of events is a sequence of transactions (or events) performed by the

system. They typically contain very detailed information, written in terms of what the

system should do, not how the system accomplishes the task. Flow of events are

created as separate files or documents in your favorite text editor and then attached or

linked to a use case using the Files tab of a model element. A flow of events should


When and how the use case starts and ends

Use case/actor interactions

Data needed by the use case

Normal sequence of events for the use case

Alternate or exceptional flows

Construction of use case diagrams:


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These diagrams present a high level view of how the system is used as viewed

from an outsider’s (actor’s) perspective. A use-case diagram may depict all or some of

the use cases of a system.

A use-case diagram can contain:

actors ("things" outside the system)

use cases (system boundaries identifying what the system should do)

Interactions or relationships between actors and use cases in the system

including the associations, dependencies, and generalizations.

Use case diagram for our system:

database of imported bookspublisher import books

maintainance database



customer information

search and purchase books customer



Fig 4.3.1: Overall Use case Diagram



Page 31: Documentation

Activity diagrams provide a way to model the workflow of a business

process, code-specific information such as a class operation. The transitions are

implicitly triggered by completion of the actions in the source activities. The main

difference between activity diagrams and statecharts is activity diagrams are activity

centric, while statecharts are state centric. An activity diagram is typically used for

modeling the sequence of activities in a process, whereas a statechart is better suited to

model the discrete stages of an object’s lifetime.

Actions on activities can occur at one of four times:

On entry ---- The "task" must be performed when the object enters the state

or activity.

On exit ---- The "task" must be performed when the object exits the state

or activity.

do ---- The "task" must be performed while in the state or activity and

must continue until exiting the state.

On event ---- The "task" triggers an action only if a specific event is


An end state represents a final or terminal state on an activity diagram or state

chart diagram.

A start state (also called an "initial state") explicitly shows the beginning of a

workflow on an activity diagram.

Swim lanes can represent organizational units or roles within a business model.

They are very similar to an object. They are used to determine which unit is

responsible for carrying out the specific activity. They show ownership or

responsibility. Transitions cross swim lanes

Synchronizations enable you to see a simultaneous workflow in an activity

diagram Synchronizations visually define forks and joins representing parallel


A fork construct is used to model a single flow of control that divides into

two or more separate, but simultaneous flows. A corresponding join should

ideally accompany every fork that appears on an activity diagram. A join

consists of two of more flows of control that unite into a single flow of control.


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All model elements (such as activities and states) that appear between a fork

and join must complete before the flow of controls can unite into one.

An object flow on an activity diagram represents the relationship between an

activity and the object that creates it (as an output) or uses it (as an input).

[ no ]

arrange books in order

enter information into database of imported books

search for the order

if books are in shop

does customer have membership?

[ yes ]

check credit level

[ yes ]

if credit available

bill the order

[ yes ]

check customer type

request for publication house details

importing books

allotting bar-code for each book and bulk

enter information into maintaince database

take order from customer

does customer want to become member

[ no ]

enter customer details into database

category a (bulk order)

give more discount

[ yes ]

generate bill

modify customer database

modify maintainance database

enter customer details

[ yes ]

fill membership card

intimate customer to pay the credits

[ no ]

if order is bulk[ no ]

sell books in normal price

[ no ]

give appropriate discount

[ yes ]

[ no ] / customer belongs to category b

if credit paid

listing out publication houses

order publishing house for those books

[ yes ]

[ no ]


Fig 4.3.2: Overall Activity Diagram



Page 33: Documentation

A sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object

interaction in a time-based sequence what happens first, what happens next. Sequence

diagrams establish the roles of objects and help provide essential information to

determine class responsibilities and interfaces.

There are two main differences between sequence and collaboration

diagrams: sequence diagrams show time-based object interaction while collaboration

diagrams show how objects associate with each other.

A sequence diagram has two dimensions: typically, vertical placement represents time

and horizontal placement represents different objects.

Object: An object has state, behavior, and identity. The structure and behavior of

similar objects are defined in their common class. Each object in a diagram indicates

some instance of a class. An object that is not named is referred to as a class instance.

The object icon is similar to a class icon except that the name is underlined:

An object's concurrency is defined by the concurrency of its class.

Message: A message is the communication carried between two objects that trigger

an event. A message carries information from the source focus of control to the

destination focus of control.

The synchronization of a message can be modified through the message specification.

Synchronization means a message where the sending object pauses to wait for results.

Link: A link should exist between two objects, including class utilities, only if there

is a relationship between their corresponding classes. The existence of a relationship

between two classes symbolizes a path of communication between instances of the

classes: one object may send messages to another. The link is depicted as a straight line

between objects or objects and class instances in a collaboration diagram. If an object

links to itself, use the loop version of the icon.

Sequence diagrams for our system:


Page 34: Documentation

: owner : customer : customer information

: customer database

1: give membership form

2: fill form if interested

3: submit form

5: categorize customer

9: enter purchase information of all customers

8: give membership card

4: feed form into database

7: update details

6: allot id

Fig 4.3.3(a): Sequence Diagram for customer Information


Page 35: Documentation

: publisher : owner : import books

6: pay bill

2: send details

3: request order

4: send order

1: request publication details

5: generate bill for imported books

Fig 4.3.3(b): Sequence Diagram for Import Books


Page 36: Documentation

: owner : customer : search and purchase books

1: give order

2: forward order

: database

3: search for a book

4: enter the code for searching book

5: check whether the book is present or not

6: show book details

7: forward book details

8: generate bill if book is present

9: forward bill details

10: according to the customer category give discounts

11: forward total amount

12: request for bill payment

Fig 4.3.3(c): Sequence Diagram for Search and Purchase Books


Page 37: Documentation


Collaboration diagrams and sequence diagrams are alternate

representations of an interaction. A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that

shows the order of messages that implement an operation or a transaction. A sequence

diagram shows object interaction in a time-based sequence.

Collaboration diagrams show objects, their links, and their messages. They

can also contain simple class instances and class utility instances. Each collaboration

diagram provides a view of the interactions or structural relationships that occur

between objects and object-like entities in the current model.

These diagrams are used to indicate the semantics of the primary and

secondary interactions. They also show the semantics of mechanisms in the logical

design of the system

Message icons: A message icon represents the communication between objects

indicating that an action will follow. The message icon is a horizontal, solid arrow

connecting two lifelines together. A message icon can appear in 3 ways: message icon

only, message icon with sequence number, and message icon with sequence number

and message label.

There are two types of numbering schemes.

1. Flat numbered sequence

In this messages are numbered as 1, 2, 3…..

2. Decimal numbered sequence:

In this the messages are given numbers as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3……It makes clear which

operation is calling which other operation.

Differences between sequence and Collaboration diagrams are:

1. Sequence diagram is easy to read.

2. Collaboration diagram can be used to indicate how objects are statically connected.

3. There is no numbering in sequence diagram.

4. Sequence diagram shows the links between objects in a time based sequence.

5. Collaboration diagram shows how the objects associate with each other


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Collaboration Diagrams for our system:

: owner : customer

: customer information

: customer database

2: fill form if interested

5: categorize customer

6: allot id

9: enter purchase information of all customers

4: feed form into database

1: give membership form8: give membership card

3: submit form

7: update details

Fig 4.3.4(a): Collaboration Diagram for Customer Information


Page 39: Documentation

: publisher : owner

: import books

1: request publication details

2: send details4: send order

3: request order6: pay bill

5: generate bill for imported books

Fig 4.3.4(b): Collaboration Diagram for Import Books

: owner

: customer

: search and purchase books

: database

8: generate bill if book is present

10: allot discount according to customer category

2: forward order9: forward bill details

7: forward book details11: forward total amount

4: enter code to search

1: give order

12: request for payment

3: search order5: check the book

6: show book details

Fig 4.3.4(c): Collaboration Diagram for Search and Purchase Books


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Identification of analysis classes:

A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and common

behavior (the same attributes, operations, relationships and semantics). A class is an

abstraction of real-world items.

There are 4 approaches for identifying classes:

1. Noun phrase approach:

2. Common class pattern approach.

3. Use case Driven Sequence or Collaboration approach.

4. Classes , Responsibilities and collaborators Approach

1. Noun Phrase Approach:

The guidelines for identifying the classes:

a. Look for nouns and noun phrases in the use cases.

b. Some classes are implicit or taken from general knowledge.

c. All classes must make sense in the application domain; Avoid

computer implementation classes – defer them to the design stage.

d. Carefully choose and define the class names.

After identifying the classes we have to eliminate the following types of


a. Redundant classes.

b. Adjective classes.

2. Common class pattern approach:

The following are the patterns for finding the candidate classes:

a. Concept class.

b. Events class.

c. Organization class


Page 41: Documentation

d. Peoples class

e. Places class

f. Tangible things and devices class.

3. Usecase driven approach:

We have to draw the sequence diagram or collaboration diagram. If there is

need for some classes to represent some functionality then add new classes which

perform those functionalities.

4. CRC approach:

The process consists of the following steps:

a. Identify classes’ responsibilities ( and identify the classes )

b. Assign the responsibilities

c. Identify the collaborators.

Identification of responsibilities of each class:

The questions that should be answered to identify the attributes and methods of a

class respectively are:

1. What information about an object should we keep track of?

2. What services must a class provide?

Identification of relationships among the classes:

Three types of relationships among the objects are:

Association: How objects are associated?

Super-sub structure: How are objects organized into super classes and sub classes?

Aggregation: What is the composition of the complex classes?


The questions that will help us to identify the associations are:


Page 42: Documentation

1. Is the class capable of fulfilling the required task by itself?

2. If not, what does it need?

3. From what other classes can it acquire what it needs?

Guidelines for identifying the tentative associations:

-- A dependency between two or more classes may be an association.

Association often corresponds to a verb or prepositional phrase.

-- A reference from one class to another is an association. Some associations are

implicit or taken from general knowledge.

Some common association patterns are:

Location association like part of, next to, contained in…..

Communication association like talk to, order to ……

We have to eliminate the unnecessary association like implementation associations,

ternary or n-ary associations and derived associations.

Super-sub class relationships:

Super-sub class hierarchy is a relationship between classes where one class is

the parent class of another class (derived class).This is based on inheritance.

Guidelines for identifying the super-sub relationship, a generalization are

1. Top-down: Look for noun phrases composed of various adjectives in a class

name. Avoid excessive refinement. Specialize only when the sub classes have

significant behavior.

2. Bottom-up: Look for classes with similar attributes or methods. Group them by

moving the common attributes and methods to an abstract class. You may have to alter

the definitions a bit.

3. Reusability: Move the attributes and methods as high as possible in the hierarchy.

4. Multiple inheritances: Avoid excessive use of multiple inheritances. One way

of getting benefits of multiple inheritances is to inherit from the most appropriate class

and add an object of another class as an attribute.


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Aggregation or a-part-of relationship:

It represents the situation where a class consists of several component

classes. A class that is composed of other classes behaves very difficultly. The major

properties of this relationship are transitivity and anti symmetry.

Class diagram for our System:



publish()generate bill()

<<entity class>>


book detailspublishing houses details


<<boundary class>>

search and purchase books


take order()search books()generate bill()pay bill()

<<entity class>>

Import books



<<entity class>>

customer information

customer details


<<entity class>>


customer details

check type()allot discount()generate bill()

<<entity class>>


membership formmembership cardbooksbill

give order()fill form()submit form()pay bill()

<<entity class>>

maintainance database

sold book detailsquantity


<<boundary class>>


booksbarcodeformmembership cardidbill

send order()import()allot barcode()feed into database()allot id()categorize()take order()search()generate bill()

<<control class>>

11..n 11..n






Page 44: Documentation

Fig 4.3.5: Class Diagram for Overall System


These are the tables that shave been used in this project development.

Attributes Data type Constraint Mandatory

Phname Varchar2(50) Not Null Primary key

Phaddress Varchar2(100) Not Null --

Phoffno Varchar2(15) Not Null --

Phmno Varchar2(15) Not Null --

Phfaxno Varchar2(15) Not Null --

Phemail Varchar2(40) Not Null --

Table 5.1: Publication House Details Table

Attributes Data type Constraint Mandatory

Bid Varchar2(20) Not Null Primary key

Bdep Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Bsub Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Btitle Varchar2(50) Not Null --

Bauthor Varchar2(40) Not Null --

Bedition Varchar2(15) Not Null --

Bpub Number(50) Not Null --

Bprice Number(6) Not Null --

Bvolume Number(5) Not Null --

Bpurchase Date -- --

Table 5.2: Publication House Title Details Table


Page 45: Documentation

Attributes Data type Constraint Mandatory

Cid Varchar2(10) Not Null Primary key

Cname Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Caddress Varchar2(50) Not Null --

Cno Varchar2(15) Not Null --

Cemail Varchar2(40) Not Null --

Category Varchar2(5) Not Null --

Creditlevel Number(10) Not Null --

Creditbal Number(12,2) Not Null --

Table 5.3: Customer Details Table

Attributes Data type Constraint Mandatory

Billno Varchar2(10) Not Null Primary key

Billdate Varchar2(20) Not Null --

Cid Varchar2(10) Not Null --

Cname Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Bid Varchar2(10) Not Null --

Billprice Varchar2(12,2) Not Null --

Billcredit Number(12,2) Not Null --

Table 5.4: Member purchase Details Table

Attributes Data type Constraint Mandatory

Billno Varchar2(10) Not Null Primary key


Page 46: Documentation

Billdate Varchar2(20) Not Null --

Cname Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Cadd Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Ccontact Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Bid Varchar2(10) Not Null --

Billprice Number(12,2) Not Null --

Table 5.5: Non Member Purchase Details

Attributes Data type Constraint Mandatory

Bid Varchar2(20) Not Null Primary key

Bdep Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Bsub Varchar2(25) Not Null --

Btitle Varchar2(50) Not Null --

Bauthor Varchar2(40) Not Null --

Bedition Varchar2(15) Not Null --

Bpub Number(50) Not Null --

Bprice Number(6) Not Null --

Bvolume Number(5) Not Null --

Bpurchase Date -- --

Table 5.6: Publisher Purchase Details Table

Attributes Data Type Constraint Mandatory

Note Varchar2(50) Not Null Primary key

Note Description Varchar2(200) Not Null --

Ndate Varchar2(20) Not Null --

Nable Varchar2(5) Not Null --

Table 5.7: Notifications Table



Page 47: Documentation

The use of this project is to maintain books, to provide the details of the books

to the users and allowing the user to login and to purchase the books. i.,e online library.

First the user will login by the username and password then the server checks whether

the given password is valid or not. If it is a valid password then it opens the home page

of the book management system. The home page contains all the book details like

publishers list, search for the book, bill payment and updations, to update the book

details. Now the user after login can search for a book, author and edition.Then the

customer will request for his required book then the server checks the availability of

the book. If that book is available then the server will transacts the book after the

payment of bill. while the bill payment or the transaction the server will check the

customer datails and delivers the book. Then the librarian will update the book details

after the transaction. This is how the customer will login to the server sand purchases

the book and etc. Thus the book management system works.



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Testing is the process of detecting errors. Testing performs a very critical

role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of software. The results of

testing are used later on during maintenance also.

6.1 Psychology of Testing

The aim of testing is often to demonstrate that a program works by showing

that it has no errors. The basic purpose of testing phase is to detect the errors that may

be present in the program. Hence one should not start testing with the intent of showing

that a program works, but the intent should be to show that a program doesn’t work.

Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors.

6.2 Testing Objectives

The main objective of testing is to uncover a host of errors, systematically and

with minimum effort and time. Stating formally, we can say,

Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an


A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding error, if it


The tests are inadequate to detect possibly present errors.

The software more or less confirms to the quality and reliable standards.

6.3 Levels of Testing


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In order to uncover the errors present in different phases we have the

concept of levels of testing. The basic levels of testing are as shown below…

Client Needs




System Testing

The philosophy behind testing is to find errors. Test cases are devised with

this in mind. A strategy employed for system testing is code testing.

Code Testing

This strategy examines the logic of the program. To follow this method we

developed some test data that resulted in executing every instruction in the program

and module i.e. every path is tested. Systems are not designed as entire nor are they

tested as single systems. To ensure that the coding is perfect two types of testing is

performed or for that matter is performed or that matter is performed or for that matter

is performed on all systems.

6.4 Types of Testing


Acceptance Testing

System Testing

Integration Testing

Unit Testing

Page 50: Documentation

Unit testing

Link testing

Integration testing

System testing

Acceptance testing

White box testing

Black box testing

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software i.e. the

module. Using the detailed design and the process specifications testing is done to

uncover errors within the boundary of the module. All modules must be successful in

the unit test before the start of the integration testing begins.

In this project each service can be thought of a module. There are so many

modules like Import of Books, Maintainance of Books, Customer Relations and

Transaction of Books. Giving different sets of inputs has tested each module. When

developing the module as well as finishing the development so that each module works

without any error. The inputs are validated when accepting from the user.

In this application developer tests the programs up as system. Software units

in a system are the modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to form a

specific function. Unit testing is first done on modules, independent of one another to

locate errors. This enables to detect errors. Through these errors resulting from

interaction between modules initially avoided.

Link Testing

Link testing does not test software but rather the integration of each module in

system. The primary concern is the compatibility of each module. The Programmer

tests where modules are designed with different parameters, length, type etc.

Integration Testing


Page 51: Documentation

After the unit testing we have to perform integration testing. The goal here is

to see if modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing interfaces

between modules. This testing activity can be considered as testing the design and

hence the emphasis on testing module interactions.

In this project integrating all the modules forms the main system. When

integrating all the modules we have checked whether the integration effects working of

any of the services by giving different combinations of inputs with which the two

services run perfectly before Integration.

System Testing

Here the entire software system is tested. The reference document for this

process is the requirements document, and the goal as to see if software meets its


Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Test is performed with realistic data of the client to demonstrate

that the software is working satisfactorily. Testing here is focused on external behavior

of the system; the internal logic of program is not emphasized.

Test cases should be selected so that the largest number of attributes of an

equivalence class is exercised at once. The testing phase is an important part of

software development. It is the process of finding errors and missing operations and

also a complete verification to determine whether the objectives are met and the user

requirements are satisfied.

White Box Testing

In this glass box testing method a unit will be taken at a time and tested

thoroughly at a statement level to find the maximum possible errors. We tested step

wise every piece of code, taking care that every statement in the code is executed at

least once. We have generated a list of test cases, sample data. Which is used to check

all possible combinations of execution paths through the code at every module level?

Black Box Testing:


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This testing method considers a module as a single unit and checks the unit at

interface and communication with other modules rather getting into details at statement

level. Here the module will be treated as a block box that will take some input and

generate output. Output for a given set of input combinations are forwarded to other


Criteria Satisfied by Test Cases

1) Test cases that reduced by a count that is greater than one, the number of

additional test cases that must be designed to achieve reasonable testing.

2) Test cases that tell us something about the presence or absence of

classes of errors, rather than an error associated only with the specific

test at hand.


While editing defect details, care is to be taken not to allow the defect number

and status fields to be edited.

Password should not be less than 6 characters.

Phone Number and Experience of tester should be in Numeric

While entering the details all fields are mandatory

Access to certain operations is restricted basing on the user type

6.5 Results of testing for our application


Page 53: Documentation

TITLE Import of Books

ACTION Owner will login into the system by entering id and password .The shop owner requests the publication house the books that he need in his shop and import those books.

USECASE NAME Import books

EVENT 1.Maintain publication house info 2. Request for import 3.Save book details into database

RESULT Details of books are stored in database

EXPECTED RESULT Details of books are stored in database

TITLE Maintainance of Books


Test Case# : 1 Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: To let the administrator login

Test Description: The user name and password should match with those stored in

the database

Requirements Verified: There should exist the administrator user name and

password in the database.

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: User should enter some thing

Actions Expected Results

Invalid user name and/or password

Valid user name and password

Alert message should be displayed

Administrator home page is displayed

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Page 54: Documentation

ACTION Books are stored In database according to the following hierarchy Department – Subject – Author – Edition – Publication House

USECASE NAME Bookshop Database

EVENT 1.Maintain details of books 2.When transactions are done database is also updated

RESULT Details of books are stored in database

EXPECTED RESULT Details of books are stored in database

TITLE Customer Relations

ACTION Customers are categorized into 4 categories and Id is allotted based upon the category

USECASE NAME Customer Information

EVENT 1. Maintain customer Information2. Save customer details into


RESULT Details of customer are stored in database

EXPECTED RESULT Details of customers are stored in database


Page 55: Documentation

TITLE Transaction of Books

ACTION When the customer purchases the books,

bill is generated


EVENT 1. Allot discount based upon the customer


2. When transactions are done database

is also updated

RESULT Details of purchases are stored in


EXPECTED RESULT Details of purchases are stored in




Page 56: Documentation

7.1 Administrator login page

7.2 Home Page of Our System


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7.3 Enter Details of Publication House


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7.4 List of Publication Houses


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7.5 Updating Publication House details


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7.6 Validation for updating


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7.7 Modified details of publication Houses


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7.8 Enter Title of Publication Houses


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7.9 Page for Search the Book


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7.10 Validation for Search by book code


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7.11 Details of book if book code is exist


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7.12 Bill Payment


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7.13 Bill for Member customers


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7.14 Bill for Non Member Customers



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The application Bookshop Management System developed by us has made

the best possible efforts to satisfy the needs of Owner of bookshop. The details of

customers, publication houses and books can be accessed and the transaction of books

is done very easily and with in a very less time with a little effort.

The owner need not have more computer knowledge. He just need to

maintain the details. The entire work will be done by the system only. The bookshop

management is a database program that is especially tailored for the book sellers.

Bookshop management system has proven to be a reliable and user friendly program.

The system has many features that booksellers will find very useful. The seller can

manage the stock, list the customers and create catalogues. The system has built in

update system which allows the user to make additions and customizations to the



Page 72: Documentation


It is not possible to develop a system that makes all the requirements of the

user. Because user requirements keep changing as the system is being used. some of

the future enhancements that can be done to this system are:

As the technology emerges, it is possible to upgrade the system and can be

adaptable to desired features and environment.

This system is based on object-oriented design, any further changes can be


We can provide the security issues, security can be improved using emerging



Page 73: Documentation



1. Ali Bahrami (2003),”Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML”, 2nd

Edition Tata McGraw-Hill.

2. Herbert Scheldt (2002),”Java 2 Programmers Reference”, 1st edition, McGraw -

Hill companies.

3. Roger S.Pressman (2002),”Software Engineering: A Practioners Approach”, 5 th

Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.

4. ORACLE 8I “ The Complete Reference” - Kevin Loncy

5. Professional JSP - Karl Avedal.

6. Java Server Pages - Ovilli.

7. Thinking in Java - Bruce Eckles.

8. JSP in Nutshell - Hans Bergsten.

9. www. w3schools .com







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