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  • 8/12/2019 Document indiana


    This story is close a family of f on the whole guys. In which the psychological science

    and comprehension of these birds have been described. The source negotiation about a

    childly sucker that was panic-struck of fly. subsequently going by dint of the firm story

    maven shadower easily discontinue that the author has slurredly observed and study the

    behavior of these birds. This story is in a in truth transparent and convincing manner. on

    that pip was family of seagulls that was consisted of six members. Among them therewere parents leash chum and one sister. in all the unexampledster of the family had

    started flying withdraw one seagull. He was unnerved of flying because he impression

    that his fly would never hold him. His parents tried their best to crook him to fly hardly all

    in all in vain. ven there threats were not more than bootless attempt. At last he was

    remaining alone! hungry and unattended. His parents thought! that! one twenty-four hour

    period by the hands of suffer he forget definitely bond them. The younker seagull was

    alone on his shelf. He found some pennings of tip to eat only when subsequently that he

    was left with "ero point. He became impatient with hunger and research every inch of his

    ledge for fare. He ran to the doorstep of the ledge and attempted to fly only when sue to

    inadequacy of fortitude he could not succeed. He had been all-alone for the last xxiv

    hours and no#prenominal$ of his family members came to see him. He had been

    watching his parents teaching his brother and sister the art of flying the twenty-four

    hours before. They were taught to skim the waves and engross for the slant. The

    asolelyting morning the whole family self-collected on a tableland %ut opposite to him and

    taunted him for his cowardice. He essentialed to %oin his family unless there was a deep

    b orbit surrounded by his family and the place where he was sitting. The young seagull

    was experiencing a leery situation as he had nothing to eat and he could not seek forage

    for himself. &ean magic spell! he saw his roll off tearing and alimentation a fish. He

    begged his cause to act upon some food while calling her mourn honesty. At this she

    took leniency on him and started flying towards him. 'he was carrying a piece of fish in

    her beak. As she came tightly fitting to his ledge! she became motionless in the air. Theyoung seagull was surprised because of that unpredicted situation. He was maddened

    with hunger. The piece standoffish within the reach of the seagull and without even idea

    he dived at the fish. He made his way in lacuna without opening his wing.

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    He heard the swish of his stupefy*s wings as she swooped upwards. This situation

    lasted for a while but t soon his wings opened and he started flying easily. He flapped his

    wings and started curveting! soaring! banking and diving without any fear. His familymembers were very intellectual and they were all rank to express their %oy on his triple-

    crown line of achievement. They were offering him the pieces of fish as a relic of their

    pleasure. After flying for old he became tired. He wanted to discern down on the place of

    green sea. As he touched the surface of the sea! his legs sank into the water. He cried

    with fear but when his tumefy touched the water! he felt that he was floating. He was no

    longer afraid. He maid his maiden flight successfully. in that respect is nothing to say that

    through birds! the writer wants to convey the moralistic of assumption along with self-

  • 8/12/2019 Document indiana


    reliance to all of us. The parents can substantiate the loading of their descendant to

    some cessation and not forever. 'o everyone should play the effort to become self-

    sufficing while availing the for sale guidance