doctor who technical manual


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One of the most interesting parts of myjob as Producer of 'Doctor Who' is theliaison with Design Group personnel -those responsible for the set, costumes,make-up and visual effects. The highlytalented individuals who work on 'DoctorWho' transform the writer's "a hugespaceship looms in space" and "theroom looks like the inside of a lady'shandbag" into reality. This manual is atribute to their expertise.

Mark Harris's attention to detail isastounding and his introductory articlesrecord part of the 'Doctor Who' legend.

This fitting tribute to a programmewhich started twenty years ago is some-thing that all those who read it willtreasure. If anything happens to theBBC's Police Box, rest assured I nowknow how to make one!



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and the Great Key which are used inharnessing the energies of the blackhole.

The early Time Lords used theirpowers to try to help the people of theplanet Minyos develop their civilisation;despite these efforts, though, theMinyans destroyed each other in nuclear

In the constellation of Kasterborus, at wars. Only then did the Time Lordsgalactic co-ordinates ten zero eleven realise the potential harm of their dis-zero zero by zero two from galactic zero coveries. They instituted laws governingcentre lies Gallifrey - the planet of the time travel, limiting themselves to theTime Lords. role of observers. They vowed only to

On Gallifrey lives an immensely intelli- interfere in the affairs of other culturesgent and highly civilised race. Gallifrey- in the most extreme cases of injustice,ans have a unique endowment - the Throughout Time Lord history thereability to regenerate their bodies, to have been those who have left Gallifreyprevent premature death. At such times to pursue their own ideals and ambitions,they take on a completely new physical Among these 'renegade' Time Lords areappearance. Gallifreyans may regener- names such as K'Anpo, who lived onate as many as twelve times in one Earth as a Tibetan monk, and Drax, thelifetime. builder of Mentalis, a giant computer on

Even more important than this ability, the planet Zeos. By far the most danger-however, are the Gallifreyans' many ous is the Master, an evil and avariciousextraordinary discoveries. They have Time Lord whose lust for power hasopened the doors to the time barrier and allied him to some of the most ruthlessunlocked the secret of travel through elements in the Universe. A deadlythe Fifth Dimension. It is upon that hypnotist, his trademark is murder -secret that the tradition of the Time and his favourite weapon a gun whichLords has been founded. compresses his victims' atoms, leaving

The Time Lords monitor all the doll-sized corpses.happenings and events that occur in Most extraordinary of all thetime and space. They train at their 'renegade' Time Lords is the Doctor,respective Academies depending on Bored with the laws of non-intervention,their chapters of which there are three: he rejected the teachings and principlesthe Arcalians, the Patrexes and the of his tutor, Cardinal Borusa and thosePrydonians. of the Prydonian Academy, and left

Legends speak of Omega, a great and Gallifrey with his grand-daughter in agifted time engineer, who created the stolen TARDIS to explore the Universesuper-nova explosion which in time for himself.became the Crab Nebulae. This gave the An idealist, the Doctor disagreed withGallifreyans the power they needed to the policies of his former masters,develop the time travel capsules called believing that they should use theirTARDIS(Time and Relative Dimensions In powers to right the injustices in theSpace). Rassilon, the original leader of Universe. Together with variousthe Time Lords, captured a black hole companions that he met on his travelswhich provided the Time Lords with a the Doctor fought evil and oppressionconstant, stable power source to wherever he found it.perfect their researches. It was Rassilon On one occasion, though, he waswho created the symbols of power held faced with the problem of returningby the President of the High Council - thousands of soldiers back to Earth andThe Matrix, a link to the Amplified Pana- their proper time periods. With no othertropic Complex (APC Net), the computer choice open to him, the Doctor sent awhich contains the memories of all the telepathic message back to GallifreyTime Lords who have ever lived - the requesting help. In doing so he had atSash which protects the wearer from the last revealed his location; although heenergies of the black hole - the Rod tried to escape in the TARDIS, the Time

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Lords captured him and he was put on ded on Earth, the Doctor summoned thetrial. Time Lords: a black hole created by a

The Doctor defended himself well. He now-deranged Omega was draining theaccused his own people of neglecting Time Lords' energy source, and thethe care of lesser species endangered Doctor's brilliant mind was needed toby universal evil. He told the court of the help divert impending tragedy,horrors of the Universe - the cold, With the mission successfullyuncaring Ice Warriors, the half-machine achieved, thanks to the help of his twoCybermen and, most terrible of all, the former selves (in itself a contraventiondreaded Daleks. of the First Law of Time), a new demat-

The prosecution moved that the erialisation circuit appeared on top ofDoctor be subjected to total disintegra- the control console and suddenly all thetion and that all record that he had ever dematerialisation codes and secrets ofexisted be erased from Gallifreyan the TARDIS came back to him. The Timehistory. The court, however, decided to Lords had forgiven him, they had givenshow leniency. After all, the Doctor had him back his freedom and he wasrisked his own life on many occasions in allowed to resume his travels throughorder to help others. The Time Lords time and space.sentenced him to exile on twentieth He does occasionally return to Galli-century Earth for an indefinite period. frey, and indeed was once electedThe dematerialisation circuit was sabo- president of the High , Council, buttaged in his TARDIS and the secrets of resigned shortly afterwards. His inquis-its operation were erased from his mind. itive and enquiring mind would not allowThe Time Lords agreed that his appear- him to remain in the same place for tooance be changed as he was so well- long. The Doctor now travels the Uni-known on Earth. verse as a free agent representing the

The Doctor's rebellion brought about a forces of good,gradual shift in Time Lord policies andled to the formation of the CelestialIntervention Agency, a secret organisa-tion which intervenes in the affairs ofthe Universe when necessary - oftenusing the Doctor as its reluctant agent.

On Earth, the newly regeneratedDoctor encountered Brigadier AlistairLethbridge-Stewart, with whom he hadworked twice before against the Yetiand the Cybermen. He agreed to workwith the Brigadier again as scientificadvisor to the British division of theUnited Nations Intelligence Taskforce(UNIT). In return the Doctor was given aworkshop, a car, and the full technicalresources of UNIT with which he couldtry to rediscover the secrets of theTARDIS. Moreover, working within theconfines of a top security organisation,the Doctor was saved from being askedtoo many awkward questions. He wasgiven a bogus identity, that of DoctorJohn Smith.

During his term of exile, the Doctorwas engaged on a number of missionsfor the Time Lords and although he wasalways willing to help others, he resen-ted being manipulated and longed forhis freedom. After years of being stran-

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The Doctor roams the Universe in avehicle known to its inventors, the TimeLords, as a TARDIS. The letters stand forTime And Relative Dimensions In Spaceand, as this title suggests, it is far morethan just a time machine. It is capable oft ransport ing its operator andpassengers through time and space toany planet in the Universe and to anypoint in that planet's history.

The Doctor's is an old 'type 40'TARDIS, also known as a Mark I, built asa mobile research laboratory whichwould carry its crew of scientists tosurvey distant galaxies, explore fabu-lous new worlds and observe astronom-ical events. The type 40 TARDIS hassince been superseded by more efficientand better equipped models.

From the outside, the Doctor's TARDISresembles a Metropolitan Police Tele-phone Box*. This is due to the chameleoncircuit, a device incorporated into theship's circuitry, which scans the landingsite and then alters the exterior justprior to materialisation. Under normalcircumstances, the TARDIS would looklike a tree, a rock or anything else whichwould blend with the surroundings of theplanet on which it has landed. Unfortun-ately, after the Doctor's visit to Earth inthe early 1960's (Earth time), this mech-anism failed to function and ever since,the TARDIS has remained locked in theform of a Police Box.

The TARDIS is totally indestructibleand if its exterior is attacked it willdematerialise instantly rematerialisingclose by, but out of danger, providingthat the Doctor has set the H.A.D.S.(Hostile Action Displacement System).Amazingly, the TARDIS is infinitelybigger on the inside than the outside.This is due to one of the key discoveriesmade by the Time Lords, that oftemporal physics. On entering theTARDIS through the outer door, oneactually crosses a bridge into anotherdimension. The exterior of the TARDIS

'exists' in the real world, but the interioris within a different but relative dimen-sion. The gleaming white interior of thecontrol room contains the very nervecentre of the craft, the main controlconsole, which has many different flightfunctions. The main ones are:-

NAVIGATION - from which the Doctorplots his course.GUIDANCE SYSTEMS COMPUTER -ensuring that the TARDIS remains oncourse.ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS - tomaintain such things as temperature,gravity, atmosphere, etc, within theTARDIS.DRIVE SYSTEMS - The master demat-erialisation switch is mounted on thispanel; when activated it engages theship's power source, thus causing theexterior atoms to dissolve from thereal Universe and reassemble in thetime vortex.

Located at the centre of the controlconsole is the time rotor. This is a trans-parent cylindrical column containingvarious instruments. It rises and fallsduring flight, each time providing theDoctor with a complete status report onthe ship's power source. On the wallbehind the control console is a scanner,a viewing screen which offers a viewoutside the ship.

The TARDIS is completely self-contained. Its labyrinth of halls,passages, dormitories, storage areasand laboratories contains a vast ward-robe of clothes and costumes frommany planets and cultures. This canenable the TARDIS crew to visit otherworlds and periods without drawingattention to themselves.

So advanced is Time Lord technologythat the TARDIS may be said to be semi-sentient - that is to say, it is almost aliving, thinking entity, it is attuned tothe Doctor's thought patterns and istelepathically linked to him.

* A 'lock-up' where apprehended criminals may betemporarily detained by law enforcement officers. Italso houses a communications device from whichmembers of the public and officers of the law maycall for assistance.

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This is one of the more useful itemsfrom the TARDIS Tool Kit. It is a multi-functional tool which generates andgives out ultra-sonic impulses.

These pulses cause vibrations in any-thing to which the tool is applied. Thekinetic energy of these vibrations canactivate any simple mechanical appar-atus. This device is particularly usefulfor taking out screws and opening locks.

The Doctor usually kept this toolabout his person, until it was unfor-tunately destroyed during his battle withthe Terileptils on seventeenth centuryEarth.

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The history of the Daleks as presented Holding on to life by the merestin the DOCTOR WHO series has two thread, he had designed for himself aconflicting origins. In the first Dalek mobile life-support chair to aid hisstory the Daleks were originally called failing internal organs. His sight, hisDals and both they and their enemies hearing and his speech were mechanic-the Thals were humanoid. After a ally and electronically assisted. A pitifulnuclear war, the Dals mutated into and horrifying sight, Davros dependedmonstrosities while the Thals mutated entirely upon the chair for his survival,full circle into a race of physically Without it his twisted and deformedperfect beings. Such was the Dals' husk of a body would not have livedhatred of these beings that they more than thirty seconds. However,retreated into shells, became Daleks, despite his physical abnormalities, hisand determined to destroy any life form phenomenal intellect was unimpaired,unlike themselves. Conducting experiments on the new

This second version of their history, mutants, Davros became aware that theinvolving Davros, contradicts these genetic changes were irreversible. Heprevious facts. decided to accelerate the mutation

Skaro - a barren, war-torn planet - process in an effort to discover thewas ravaged by generations of neutron creature into which the Kaleds wouldwarfare between its two humanoid ultimately evolve. This he achieved, onlynations, the Dals (later known as Kaleds) to find that they were to become small,and the Thals. Unable to live with their crab-like beings, incapable of survivingdifferences they had launched into a for any great length of time,bitter war. Davros decided to design life-survival

In an effort to bring the war to a swift units for the Kaled mutants. Based onconclusion, the Kaled government his own life-support chair, he developedformed a Scientific Elite Corps. All of self-contained, mobile survival vehiclestheir most eminent scientists were which would provide the feeble mutantsassembled in a fortified, underground with a stable and controlled environ-bunker, a few miles from the main Kaled ment. At the same time, an array ofdome. With all the Kaleds' scientific and sensory apparatus would supply audiotechnical resources at their disposal, and visual data on the vehicles' externaltheir task was to develop new weapons surroundings,to enable them to win the war. The Kaled people praised Davros for

However, they were soon to turn their his efforts but were unaware of theattention to the survival of their own plans which he had for his creation. Notrace. Sporadic fighting had once again content with assuring the survival of hisbroken out on the surface and, as a race, Davros had become obsessed withresult of their exposure to the atmos- producing the ultimate survivors, a racephere, genetic mutations were becoming who would conquer the Thals and go onincreasingly common among their new- to reign supreme in the Universe,born. Making additions to the survival-unit

The Supreme Commander of the design, he equipped them with weaponsSpecial Scientific Division was Davros, a of enormous destructive capabilities,brilliantly gifted scientist. A mutant Then, most terrifyingly, he performedhimself, Davros had only barely survived micro-surgical operations on the embryothe blast of an atomic shell which had mutants themselves. By introducingdestroyed his laboratory during one of chromosomal variations into theirthe Thai bombardments. genetic structure, he removed all traces

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of emotions such as love, pity, fear and his work, he passed on to the Thals thecompassion, and replaced them with his formula for the solvent of the Kaledown ideals, desires and motives. No dome's indestructible coating,longer were they mere survival-units but An offensive was launched on thefully self-contained war machines. Kaled city and, having wiped out all but aDavros had created a race of creatures handful of Kaleds, the Thals were them-motivated by hatred and totally devoid selves almost totally destroyed by aof conscience. Their inbred arrogance taskforce of twenty prototype Daleks.led them to believe they were superior When the Daleks returned from theirto all other living creatures. mass extermination of the Thals, Davros

With the completion of the first proto- found that he could no longer controltypes, the Universe saw the birth of a them. He himself had geneticallynew race of beings whose name was engineered them to believe unquestion-destined to strike fear into the hearts of ingly in Dalek supremacy, they could notcountless millions. Davros named them possibly take orders from him, as theyhimself - the DALEKS - an anagram of considered him to be an inferior life-Kaleds. form. Davros tried in vain to regain

The Doctor, meanwhile, had been sent control but learned to his cost that theyto Skaro by the Time Lords. Their could not be reasoned with. TheyTemporal Projections had discovered a opened fire on him and Davros appearedtime stream in which the Daleks had to be exterminated by his own creation,destroyed all other intelligent life forms The Doctor, meanwhile, had managedand had become the dominant species to blow up the Incubator Room. Althoughin the Universe. he had not been entirely successful in

He arrived on the planet just prior to his mission to destroy the Daleks, hethe Daleks' creation. His mission - to had brought about a major setback inprevent their creation or to alter their their development. On leaving Skaro allgenetic development, allowing them to he could hope for was that he hadevolve into much less aggressive altered the course of Dalek history andcreatures. averted ultimate disaster.

The Doctor tried to convince the Kaled Before long, however, the assemblygovernment that they should put an end lines were started up and the manufac-to Davros' work on the Daleks and close ture of the most evil and malevolentdown the bunker, telling them of the force in the cosmos began,carnage, pain and cruelty which theywould bring.

The High Council agreed that Davros'experiments should be suspended,pending an investigation. However, bythis time Davros had installed fully auto-mated assembly lines in the workshopson the lower levels. The Incubator Roomcontained row upon row of glass tanksof embryo mutants, later to be implantedinto the Dalek machines. Davros waspoised to begin production on hiscreation and would not tolerate suchinterference from the government. In an

attempt to prevent the termination of

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stronger than steel, yet it is only aquarter of the weight of aluminium.

8. THE MANIPULATOR ARM - Thisprovides the Dalek with consider-able manual dexterity. The suctioncup produces a tremendouslypowerful vacuum. This, togetherwith the hydraulic strength of thetelescopic arm enables the Dalek tolift enormously heavy weights. Itcan be replaced by various otherattachments.

9. BLAST-GUN - The Dalek is armedwith a blast-gun, located at thefront of the mid-section to the leftof the manipulator. The blast-gunmoves on a ball and socketarrangement and is connect-ed to a dynamic unit withinthe casing, which provides itwith its power. The gun pro-duces electrical discharges whichare similar in intensity to a bolt oflightning.

10. THE CONTROL CHAMBER - This isthe very 'heart' of the machine.From here all screens, controls andinstruments are operated by theKaled mutant.

11. SENSE GLOBES - Fifty-two ofthese are positioned around theDalek's lower casing. These globesreact to changes in external condi-tions and relay data on temperature,humidity, movement and thepresence of animal life to thecontrol chamber for analysis.

12. THE GRAVITY COMPENSATOR -This compensates for relativechanges in external G-forces, ensur-ing that the gravitational forcesacting on the Kaled mutant are keptconstant.

13. THE ATTRACTAVON - This cancompensate for any angle of move-ment.

14. MOTIVE POWER SOURCE - Thislarge metal bearing rotates theDalek and can change directioneasily at any speed. On the planetSkaro, all floors are metal andcharged with electricity. The motivebearing picks up current, transmitsit to the energy cells at its centreand converts it into motive power.

KEY TO ILLUSTRATION1. THE EYE - This incorporates a

wide-angle lens which transmitsimages to a screen within the con-trol chamber. It is mounted on apivoting arm which protrudes fromthe Dalek's head section. The headis capable of turning a full 360°providing the Kaled with completeall-round vision.

2. INSULATORS - These discs, behindthe eye lens, protect the delicate'eye nerve' mechanism from theharmful effects of cosmic rays.These are essential when the Dalekis in space flight.

3. ENERGY DISPENSERS - Housed inthe head section, these dissipateany excess energy which oftenbuilds up in Dalek cells. Acting likesafety valves, they release theenergy in the form of red heat andsupersonic squeals, beyond therange of human hearing.

4. TRANSLATOR UNIT - Daleks haveno vocal chords so this unit ampli-fies the Kaled's thoughts intospeech patterns acceptable to thelistener's brain. This process isreversed when the Dalek is spokento.

5. SUPER-SENSITIVE RECORDINGSCREENS - All light and soundwaves are picked up by these photo-sonic screens and transmittedthrough a computer to a network ofrecording cells.

6. THE WAR COMPUTER - A memorybank in which the Dalek stores itswar knowledge, containing everyfighting manoeuvre, or dangeroussituation, known to Daleks. It canselect a course of action in micro-seconds.

7. THE OUTER CASING - This is madeof Dalekenium, a metal alloy devel-oped by Davros, which is ten times

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ever, K-9 was very keen to remain withher. How could he resist the vast know-ledge stored by the Time Lords onGallifrey?

The Doctor then built his own compu-ter dog, K-9 Mk 2. Externally an exactreplica of the first, he had several inter-nal modifications - a more durablepower-source, improved trackingcircuits and a new multi-phase blasterbuilt into his nose.

K-9 remained with the Doctor until thetime that the TARDIS was hijacked byBiroc, a time-sensitive Tharil. TheTARDIS had passed through a charged-vacuum emboitment into E space*, andit was there that it found the Tharils.

Once the rulers of a vast empire, theyhad now become the slaves of theGundans who had captured them. Theywere being held in the hold of anenormous Gundan ship which was deter-mined to blast its way out of E-space.

K-9, together with the Time LadyRomanadvoratrelundar (Romana), wascaptured, but later freed by the Tharilnamed Lazlo. The spaceship attemptedto escape from E-space, but the back-blast shattered its hull, releasing theimprisoned Tharils and catapulting theTARDIS together with the Doctor intoN-space (normal). Although partiallydestroyed in the blast K-9 was repairedand elected to remain in E-space withRomana, there to help the Tharils fightslavery.

The Doctor also built a K-9 Mk 3which he left on earth as a present forhis former companion Sarah Jane Smith.This version of K-9 was instrumental inthe rounding-up of a witches' coven atMoreton-Harwood.

* E-space or Exo-space. A small universe beyond thecharged-vacuum emboitment.


The man responsible for the design andconstruction of K-9 was ProfessorMarius of the New Heidelberg University.

In the year 5000 AD Marius accepteda position at the Bi-AI Foundation, aresearch establishment based on thevery edge of the Solar System. Bi-AIwas looking into the new dangers anddiseases which might threaten thehuman race in deep space.

While preparing to embark on hisjourney, the professor discovered thatweight restrictions would prevent himtaking his pet dog with him. Upset atthis, Marius requested permission toconstruct a mobile computer to assistwith his experiments, which he designedin the form of a dog. Thus K-9 was born- a fully self-contained, mobilecomputer unit with defensivecapabilities and built-in speechcircuitry.

The Doctor, meanwhile, had beenbrought to the foundation by his thencompanion, Leela. He had contracted anintelligent virus, one that took over theminds and bodies of its hosts in order touse them for its own ends. Marius,together with K-9, developed anantidote to the virus and the Doctor wassaved. Before the Doctor and Leela leftin the TARDIS, Marius offered K-9 tothem. Although he had become veryattached to his computerised pet, hewas about to return to Earth and due, ofcourse, to the same weight restrictions,was unable to take K-9 back with him.

Before the Doctor could give hisanswer the computerised dog wasalready inside the TARDIS: his enquiringcomputer brain had got the better ofhim. After a number of adventures,Leela decided to stay on Gallifrey withthe commander Andred, with whom she had fallen in love. K-9 offered to staywith her, but although Leela wasenthralled at the idea of K-9 as a pet,the Doctor was dubious at first. How-

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evil, they would become ruthless in theirattempts to achieve their aims.

Having attained physical perfection,they began to look for new goals. Theyturned their attention to the pursuit ofpower and the conquest of the Universe.

The scientists of Mondas thereforebegan to look into the possibilities ofspace travel and before long had devel-oped short range space vehicles. WhenMondas strayed into the Telos systemthe Cybermen invaded that planet. Teloswas taken and many of its inhabitantswere converted into Cybermen, and anarmy of Cybermen was stored on Telos.

It was centuries later, in 1986, thatMondas finally wandered back into thissolar system. It was now in truth a dyingworld. The planet's life force, uponwhich the Cybermen's existencedepended, was diminishing rapidly andin order to save themselves theydecided to drain the Earth of its energy.

A fleet of Cyber-ships was to remain inorbit around the Earth to deal with anyresistance. Meanwhile, one of the land-ing parties would organise the gatheringof the terrestrial energies from theEarth's northern polar ice cap.

The scheme, however, could not suc-ceed. The Cybermen had seriouslyunderestimated the Earth's vast store ofenergy. The phenomenal influx of powerwas too much for their planet - Mondaswas destroyed, exploding into billions offragments. Isolated from the energieswhich maintained their life support sys-tems, until that moment beamed tothem from Mondas, the invading Cyber-men weakened and died.

By this time, however, the Cybermenof Telos had perfected the techniques ofhyperspace travel. This meant thatcountless galaxies and star systemswere now within their grasp. Despite thedestruction of Mondas, the Cybermen'sreign of terror was only just beginning.

The Telosian Cybermen have attemp-ted to conquer the Earth on a number ofoccasions. Because they cannot repro-duce themselves naturally, they favourplanets dominated by humanoid types.There, they can increase their numbersin the only way possible for them - byconverting humans into Cybermen.

The typical Cyberman stands about 7

The story of the Cybermen goes backmany aeons, to a time when the solarsystem had only just been created. Inthose days Earth had a sister planet -Mondas. But soon the great intergalacticforces of that period broke Mondas freeof its orbit and it drifted away from thesolar system into deep space.

Organic life on both worlds developedin much the same way, but on Mondascircumstances made survival for thepeople of the rogue planet much moredifficult. After many centuries, theybegan to realise that their life-spanswere shortening and their bodiesbecoming weaker. It was clear thatunless they could do something toreverse this, their entire race facedextinction.

In their efforts to preserve thespecies, the doctors and scientists ofMondas made many experiments in thefields of bionic and cybernetic engineer-ing. They learned how to replacediseased organs with synthetic appara-tus, capable of performing the functionsof the original perfectly. As theirreplacement technology advanced, theywere able to exchange entire limbs forprosthetic devices which performedbetter than the original flesh and blood.

Generations later, it had become quitenormal for people to have cyberneticlimbs. Cyber-technology provided themwith legs which were faster, arms whichwere stronger and hands which weremuch more dexterous.

The people of Mondas were no longerconcerned merely with surviving - theywere striving to achieve physical perfec-tion. In their attempts to free them-selves of all weakness, they decided toerase emotion from their brains, theironly remaining organ made of flesh andblood. Emptied of love, hate, anger, fearor compassion, a new race of beingsemerged from Mondas - THE CYBER-MEN. Totally logical, even if not actually


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why Cybermen regard gold as a majorproblem, and why they made such adetermined attempt to destroy Voga,the legendary 'Planet of Gold'. Fortun-ately their plan was frustrated by theDoctor.

Great advances in Cyber-technologyare however being made all the time. Itcannot be long before the Cybermen arean invincible force. Humanity's onlyhope then will be inter-planetary unity, agalactic alliance to combat the Cyber-netic invaders from Mondas.

feet tall and has the strength of tenhumans. He is immune to the mostintense heat and can survive in thevacuum of space. The Cybermen'sweapon systems are highly sophisti-cated. They have also been known touse Cybermats - small metallic 'rodent-like' creatures - for attack and sabot-age.

Although almost invulnerable, Cyber-men do have weaknesses. For instance,their chest units can easily be 'choked'with gold dust, terminating their life-support systems. It is therefore clear


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The Robot was designed and built onEarth by Professor Kettlewell for use inspace research.

However, at a scientific researchestablishment called Thinktank, theprofessor became involved with a groupof dissident scientists, the ScientificReform Society, who wanted to use hisrobot in their attempt to dominate theworld.

They instructed the robot to breakinto a top-secret government buildingand steal the plans to the newlydeveloped Disintegrator Gun. Once theywere armed with their own disintegratorthe scientists sent the robot to steal aset of Destructor Codes. These codeswould enable them to launch nuclearmissiles all over the world.

After retiring to a protective bunker,guarded by the robot, they issued anultimatum to the world's governments.Unless the governments surrendered tothe scientists' demands they wouldlaunch the missiles and start a nuclearwar.

The Brigadier and the men of UNITopened fire on the robot with a disinteg-rator gun. Absorbing the giganticenergies created by the discharge therobot grew to enormous proportions andset off on a killer rampage.

Armed with a solution of 'metal virus'which Professor Kettlewell had formu-lated, the Doctor arrived just in time.The virus reduced the robot to its normalsize - and then dissolved it to rust.

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As part of the Cybermen's third attemp-ted invasion of the Earth, they hid two oftheir number on board a space-freighter,the Silver Carrier. After its human crewwas disposed of, the freighter waspiloted by the Servo Robot and divertedto head for a giant space station calledthe Wheel.

As well as manning the freighter, theServo Robot also acted as its guardian,as the Doctor and Jamie discoveredwhen they made a landing on the ship.With the Doctor knocked unconscious

by a sudden course correction, Jamiemanaged to destroy the Robot but notbefore it had completed its final task,that of releasing several egg-like objectsfrom a pod in the control room to floatacross Space and eventually adhere tothe outer hull of the Wheel.

The Doctor recovered from his fallsoon enough to recognise the contentsof the eggs as Cybermats and, using theTime-Vector generator from the TARDIS,boosted the power of the Wheel's lasersto destroy the Cyber-fleet in space.

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1. SCANNING RETINA DEVICE -Through the prismatic eye lens a laserscans the area in front of the robot 500times per second. The data are relayedto the central control where theinformation is decoded. The deviceallows the robot to detect movementand to distinguish colours and shapes inthree dimensions.2. VOCAL INDICATORS - The lights onthe shoulders show humans which robotis speaking, when more than one ispresent. The lights are sound-to-lightactivated and flash in synchronisationwith the robot's vocal syllables.

3. INFO-COM - The robot's internalcomputer which processes and storesall data and relays them to the centralcontrol.4. CENTRAL CONTROL UNIT (CCU) -This is the robot's decision-makingmechanism. It gathers information fromthe INFO-COM and determines whataction is to be taken.5. GUN - The ServoRobot is fitted withan offensive/defensive beam weapon.Its power and intensity are controlled bythe CCU.

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In order to escape a lava flow, the Doctormanoeuvred the TARDIS out of Spaceand Time. It materialised in a huge whitevoid known as the Land of Fiction, aplace where fiction appears to bereality.

The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe were pur-sued by White Robots and, during theirflight, also encountered life-size mech-anical soldiers.

They managed to gain entrance to thecitadel of the Mind-Master, an agedgentleman, anxious to retire, who triedto insist that the Doctor take his place.The Doctor refused and his companionswere taken prisoner by the WhiteRobots.

A battle of wits ensued between theDoctor and the Mind-Master in which theDoctor called up famous champions offiction in order to defeat those conjuredup by his adversary.

During the conflict, the Doctor's com-panions escaped and discovered thatthe true master of the Land of Fictionwas a colossal computer. They managedto overload the machine and escape inthe TARDIS.

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From the farthest flung reaches of theUniverse came a people whose reign ofterror in the pursuit of Universal domina-tion would be equalled only by theDaleks.

In fact, so closely is Movellantechnology matched to that of theDaleks that for centuries conflictbetween their armies has resulted inneither victory nor defeat. Any strategyemployed by the Movellans can becountered by the Daleks and vice versa.Both sides are struggling to devise astrategy which will defeat the other.

While their respective batt lecomputers search for the answer, theirbattle fleets remain poised for war.

Little is known of Movellan origins, butwhat is certain is that they are a race ofrobots, designed to resemble humanbeauty. Only under close scrutiny does itbecome apparent that they are not whatthey appear to be. Their physical make-up represents a truly remarkable feat ofbiosynthetronic engineering. Micro-miniature hydraulics, biochem osmoticmicro-pumps and no less than tenthousand million (1010) artificial nervecells ensure that even the smallesthuman bodily function is exactlyduplicated.

However, for all their superiortechnological know-how, the beings whocreated the Movellans were unable to re-produce the emotional and moralqualities which make humans what theyare. Although human in appearance, theMovellans are machines, cold andcalculating. Ruthless and withoutfeelings, they are no better than theDaleks themselves.

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The Movellan side-arm is deceptivelypowerful for its size. This is mainly dueto the fact that it contains no power-pack of its own. Instead, it draws itsenergy directly from the Movellan usingit.

The gun accelerates a stream ofphotons and the crystal emitterconcentrates and focuses them into abeam, the intensity of which can bevaried.

The handle of the gun is shrouded toprotect the Movellan's delicate handmechanism from any momentary resid-ual radiation which may occur duringfiring.

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In 400,000,000 B.C. a Jagaroth space-ship exploded during lift-off from Earth.Scaroth, its pilot, was caught in thewarp-field and was split into twelve seg-ments. These scattered across Time, toreappear during various periods ofEarth's history. Determined to survive,however, Scaroth influenced the wayscience developed on the planet, so thathis 20th century segment, Count Scarlioni,would be able to prevent the disasterand thus save his race from extinction.

Scarlioni was not entirely successfulbut he forced Romana to help him totravel back through Time to before theexplosion, by threatening the city ofParis.

However, the Doctor realised that theexplosion of Scaroth's ship had beenresponsible for creating the first sparkof life on Earth. Swiftly following Scarothback through Time in the TARDIS, hewas able to make sure that Scarothcould do nothing to change the situa-tion.

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During the third Doctor's time on earthhe found it necessary to design a vehiclewhich could provide him with moremobility than any 'man-made' machinecould offer.

This jet-powered car was not likeanything seen on Earth before. Ithovered above the ground on a cushionof air. Increasing the power gives thevehicle the ability to fly. This was ofgreat advantage to the Doctor, as anyplace on the Earth was easily within hisreach within a short space of time.

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To make this model police box you willneed:-

1 sharp craft knife1 sheet of thin card1 metal 'straight edge'paste or gumphotocopies of the drawings

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